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Hell, Paradise and Ancestors

When Christians or Muslims realize that you are a traditionalist, they use to ask the same
question: “Where would your soul go when you die?” It is a disguised way to tell you that
you are going to hell. The uncertainty of the reality after death combined with the fear of
going to hell make many traditionalists go to Church or convert to Islam. It is then
important to ask this question: where does a traditionalist’s soul go after death?
In one of my previous posts, I have said that traditionalists are not divided since we have
in common one reality: we worship Ancestors. Sure we have different names for shrines
but they are highly similar when we study them closely but when it comes to the worship of
Ancestors, it is the same reality everywhere. Life after death is all about Ancestors for two
main reasons: when you die, you become an Ancestor; divine Justine after death is carried
out by Ancestors. As a traditionalist, you must not have any fear for hell since hell is
creation of religions to control people with fear. Let me tell you where you are going to
after death: You are going to meet your Ancestors. Point blank. ONLY your Ancestors
observe you and take into account any of your wrongdoings here and PUNISH you
accordingly. Oh yes, you read it well, your Ancestors will punish you for your evil acts. If
you have power but, instead of using it to proper financially and make your children
wealthy, you rather use it to destroy people, you will pay. If you are there making a lot of
abortions, you will pay.
You don’t need to die before getting punished by your Ancestors for your evil deeds; you
start paying here. Usually it is a sickness nobody is able to cure. You will be spending a lot
of money in hospitals for no good result. It may be gangrene or a simple wound on your
body that would make your life totally miserable at a point you are obliged to confess your
sins. Confession is powerful since one can recover from such a sickness by saying clearly
what he has done bad to be in such a situation. However, when the punishment is
craziness or running mad, it is difficult to recover completely: Yes, most of crazy people are
just being punished for a terrible fault. The punishment can be sterility: most of those who
are unable to have children are paying for their wickedness. In other cases the wicked
person sees his children dying one by one!
The same way, when you die, your Ancestors will judge and punish for your bad deeds. You
may ask how do we know about that; well, I have told you about XORYORYOR
“mediumship” in many of my previous posts. I said that you can “call” an Ancestor and talk
with him through the XORYORYOR process. Even THOSE WHO ARE DEAD CHRISTIAN CAN
BE CALLED THERE! (I don’t know whether they talk from paradise or hell but given the
details they give about their past life, you will be 100% sure that it is that Christian guy
who is talking.) Sometimes, when you call your dead father and want to hear about your
dead uncle too, your father may tell you “he is here kneeling is hot sand for killing your
aunt” or “he is laying in spines and nails amid his bad deeds”. This can give you a clue
about the kind of punishment one faces after death. You must have your own experience
with the XORYORYOR mediumship to believe what I am saying here.
My point is, there is no fire you will be put in after your death; there is no honey pool or 72
virgins waiting for anybody either! Only your Ancestor will judge and punish you in this life
and the one after to make it clear for everybody that we must behave well and make “the
welfare of society” our priority. It is that “welfare of society” we call VODU in EWE.

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