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Special Economic Zones: case studies; and studies analysing the

people’s responses, in p­articular, agita-

Socio-economic Implications tions on the land question with respect

to SEZs. The wider issues r­elating to the
desirability or otherwise of the modern or
western kind of development for India
Naresh Kumar Sharma were also discussed.
In the remaining part of this article, we

This report of a conference held at large number of special economic take a look at the main issues that emerged
the Indian Institute of Advanced zones (SEZs) have come into exist- regarding SEZs. Due to constraints of
ence in the last two-three years. space, this article is not able to discuss all
Study on special economic
Many of them occupy hundreds of acres of the articles presented at the conference.
zones raises doubts about their land each and often the land is acquired by
desirability on different counts. the government from unwilling farmers. Objectives of SEZs
It is centred around three The SEZs are extremely attractive to ex- The kinds of special provisions and con-
porters, industrialists and entrepreneurs cessions now given legal sanction through
themes: (1) SEZs and economic
because of differential application of enactment of the Special Economic Zones
development; (2) SEZs and laws and favourable tax concessions. Act, 2005 (Act 28 of 2005) were earlier
distributive implications; and There is a possibility of an avalanche of justified for export promotion. The pre­
(3) SEZs and the legal issues. SEZs to appear in the country in the future, amble to the SEZ Act, 2005 says that
Consequently, it is important to analyse this is
the economic and social implications of [a]n Act to provide for the establishment, de-
such a large number of SEZs appearing on velopment and management of the Special
the scene. Among these, particularly im- Economic Zones for the promotion of ex-
portant are the implications for food secu- ports and for matters connected therewith
or incidental thereto
rity, political stability of the country and
the functioning of the democratic institu- The objectives of the Act and hence its
tions. In this context, a conference which promise and rationale are captured in
was held in the Indian Institute of the Guidelines provided in Section 5 of
A­dvanced Study, Shimla, with the collabo- the Act:
ration of Indian Academy of Social Sci- 5. (1) The Central Government, while noti-
ences, Allahabad on “Special Economic fying any area as a Special Economic Zone
Zones: Economic and Social Perspective”, or an additional area to be included in the
Special Economic Zone and discharging its
during 18-20 September 2008, conceptu-
functions under this Act, shall be guided by
alised around three main themes: (1) SEZs the following, namely:
and economic development; (2) SEZs and (a) generation of additional economic
distri­butive implications; and (3) SEZs and a­ctivity; (b) promotion of exports of goods
the legal issues. The conference covered and services; (c) promotion of investment
issues such as: land acquisition for SEZs from domestic and foreign sources; (c) crea-
tion of employment o­pportunities; (d) deve­
under eminent domain power; principles
lopment of infrastructure facilities; and
for determining compensation for acquisi- (e) maintenance of sovereignty and integrity
tion of land; rehabilitation policy; compat- of India, the security of the State and friendly
ibility of the policy of land acquisition for r­elations with foreign States.
SEZs with the core values of the Indian It is obvious that the SEZs are being
Constitution; impact of displacement on j­u stified not in terms of exports expansion
the way of life of the displaced people; the alone, but as an engine of growth and
relative sizes of decrease of employment employment generation. Emphasis is laid
because of displacement of the people on infrastructure. Thus, Alok Sheel in his
(and activities) on the one hand, and in- study on some debatable issues of SEZ
crease in employment because of estab- a­sserts that a policy encouraging invest-
lishment of SEZs on the other; the ques- ment in infrastructure and modern
tions of govern­ance posed by SEZs; and m­anufacturing (crucial for economic
I thank Satish Jain for helpful comments.
incompatibility of SEZs with demo­cracy – deve­lopment) needs to be supported, yet,
Naresh Kumar Sharma (na.ku.sharma@gmail. both at the local and at a broader level. he warns that, “use of tax incentives as a
com) is at the Department of Economics, These were based on economic theory; proxy for tweaking the policy environ-
University of Hyderabad.
results of empirical research including ment is fraught with long-term hazards”.
18 may 16, 2009  vol xliv no 20  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

Though the first export processing i­ncreased inequalities across the income (some of the largest SEZs are in Gujarat,
zone (EPZ) was established in India 40 classes, worsening geographical imbal- the state accounting for the largest land
years ago – these were slow to multiply – ances and social security system, and ad- area under SEZs). The image of “peaceful”
the hectic, almost feverish, expansion verse impact on agriculture. Given a very establishment of SEZs has been possible
of SEZs has started taking place only different political system, China was, due to the silence of the political class
after passing of the SEZ Act, 2005 and however, able to isolate its SEZs from the across the board, including the opposition.
framing of the SEZ Rules, 2006. Sheel rest of economy, and could even exercise Some of the adversely affected communi-
points out that 95% of investment, over control over the kind of economic acti­ ties are nomadic tribes without formal
60% of employment and dramatic spurt vities it wished to encourage in the SEZs. ownership of land, though dependent on
in exports in SEZs have taken place only As China is no more regarded as a role land resources for their livelihoods. They
after February 2006. model, penetrating studies of SEZs in are not even aware of the uncertain future
Partha Mukhopadhyay shows that most C­hina and other economies will yield in store for them. In a startling case story,
of SEZs, post-2005, are tiny and are con- v­aluable insights. she reveals that a private company, as if
nected with information technology and exercising the power of eminent d­omain,
information technology-enabled services Land and Natural Resources actually issued a “land acquisition notice”
(IT/ITES). They dominate in numbers, but The most widely discussed issue in the to a panchayat.
occupy a small share in the area under conference was that of land acquisition for The SEZ policy is seen as a part of a larger
SEZs, and yet, provide bulk of employ- SEZs – mostly from farmers. Studies from objective of grabbing control of natural
ment in SEZs. These SEZs are generally the field, where agitations have taken r­esources. The issue of water resources
close to already existing urban centres – place/are going on and studies of so-called was seen to be of particular importance.
the g­reatest concentration of SEZs is “model SEZ policy” in terms of amicable From which sources would huge water
along three to four select corridors near transfer of land were presented in the needs of many SEZs be met? It is feared
Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, etc. Special c­onference (papers by Patankar, Sunil, that water will become more and more a
economic zones have not helped spread Panda and Asher). The setting up of SEZs marketed commodity, with diminishing
industrial or service sector acti­v ities to has often been opposed by the farmers control of ordinary people over it. Water
the remote areas or rural h­interlands. whose land is being acquired as also by being vital for human survival, water wars
Sivaramakrishnan, reflecting on enclave the local people. It was claimed that the are likely to result. Land grab and water
approach inherent in SEZ policy says, “fac- farmers are neither adequately compen- grab could seriously jeopardise food secu-
tories and office buildings can be g­ated with sated nor properly rehabilitated. It was rity. Some representatives of the people
control access and exit but communities a­rgued that the nature of the SEZ model resisting the proposed land acquisition for
cannot be”. India created numerous new of    industrialisation destroys more jobs SEZ in Una district in Himachal Pradesh
(industrial) towns which were beset with than it creates. Similar past projects have came to the conference and presented the
this problem, unresolved to date, yet SEZs been the sagas of unfulfilled promises of relevant facts and their case against the
go back to the same concept of a privately compensation, rehabilitation and jobs proposed SEZ.
built and managed company township! (K­umar). A number of the displaced
p­ersons have been reduced to street Incentives and
Manufacturing, Technology b­egging in cities, and at best, only a few Macroeconomic Implications
and Exports have got low skill, low grade jobs, such as A strange phenomenon is being witnessed
Aradhana Aggarwal finds that the SEZs that of a chowkidar. in India in recent times. Instead of the firms
helped India in exporting certain new Patankar presented his study of strug- competing with each other, as suggested
products. However, these could not induce gle of people in Alibag (Raigad district, in economic theory, the states are compet-
technology-based dynamism. Though Maha­rashtra) over the last two years. He ing with each other in a sort of rush to the
a­ppreciative of possibilities opened up by argues that the scale of planned power bottom by promising cheap land, tax in-
SEZs, she finds that the “overall impact... projects substantially exceeds the energy centives and other facilities to attract
can at best be termed ‘moderate’”. Since, needs of the entire state of Maharashtra in companies to set up SEZs. The prospects of
the concurrent changes in terms of ex- the near future, and further that these revenue loss are alarming. It is going to
ports or technology or employment in the projects will spell an ecological disaster. severely constrain the state governments
rest of economy were not part of the study, The paper p­roposes an alternative energy in their expenditure, especially on public
it is a moot point whether the net effect of strategy, which does not involve the mega programmes, and adversely a­ffect the
SEZs on the economy as a whole would be projects as hitherto planned for the poor in particular (Kumar) – in the light
even moderately positive. Konkan region. of the Fiscal R­esponsibility and Budget
In the light of early fascination with Asher, in her field study from Gujarat, Management (FRBM) Act. The incentives
China’s “success” in this regard, it was narrated four case stories, and examined given to SEZs could adversely impact the
shown that this kind of policy has led to a the so-called successful Gujarat model of rest of the economy, and the net investment
whole host of adverse and unintended SEZ. Problems related to acquisition of land is likely to remain low. Low employment
consequences (Shrivastava) in terms of for SEZs are found to be not very different intensity in the capital-intensive activities
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   may 16, 2009  vol xliv no 20 19

in SEZs implies an adverse impact on the economic theory. It is shown that SEZ can be judged by considering only the
aggregate employment. policy fails to pass the muster in either net effect on production, exports, income
How have the states with or without criterion (Naresh Kumar Sharma). Logi- creation, etc, for the economy as a whole.
SEZs fared? Rohit Prasad provides some cally, we end up in a contradiction: the With differential economic environments
preliminary answers. A statistical com- SEZs either boost economic activity or they inside and outside the SEZs, productions
parison of these two types of states on sev- do not. If they do not, there is no case for inside the SEZs and in the rest of the
eral economic parameters shows that “the SEZs. And even if they do boost economic economy both are affected. Net change
main difference between SEZ states and activity, still there is no case for SEZs – in production for the whole of economy
non-SEZ states is the scale of operation of why a policy beneficial for an enclave is difficult to predict a priori. Theory
SEZ states”. The SEZ states show signi­ would not do greater good when applied suggests that distortionary tax/incentive
ficantly higher total production, state to the entire economy. structures generally reduce overall out-
domestic product (SDP), as well as higher Economic theory does suggest that prof- put. There is yet another issue to be con-
levels of agricultural and industrial pro- itability at every level of production is im- sidered on theoretical grounds alone. With
duction. But these differences disappeared proved, if costs are uniformly reduced. differential economic environment creat-
when it was analysed in per capita terms. A­ssuming there are no drastic changes in ed in the same larger economy, there are
The only variable which distinguishes demand, it can be shown that production obvious gains to be made from moving
them apart is the share of export income would increase. However, this theoretical into the preferred zone, the SEZ. These
as a percentage of respective SDP. He also result applies to an SEZ taken by itself, i  e, gains, theory suggests, will be wiped out
finds that there is no significant impact of under the assumption that nothing else for producers through rent-seeking behav-
SEZs e­ither in boosting infrastructure, changed in the world. However, at least iour of the developers.
manufacturing and agriculture, or, in fos- two qualifications must be considered on
tering balanced regional development or theoretical grounds. One, there are distri- Law and Economics
in g­iving a boost to low skill employment. butional consequences. Even if there is an The issue of acquisition of land by state
increase in the overall production, it does for the purpose of establishing SEZs was
Theoretical Analysis not imply that there is an increase in the the focus of study from a theoretical per-
Theoretically, the problem of SEZs could be production across the board. Everyone spective of law and economics (Hazra,
argued at two levels – one at purely logical may not gain to the same extent, some may Jain, Mahanta and Pal). Pal discussed the
level, and two, at the level of dominant even lose. Two, the overall performance principles of compensation in some detail

Special Issue


July 26, 2008

D D Kosambi: The Scholar and the Man –Meera Kosambi

Early Indian History and the Legacy of D D Kosambi –Romila Thapar
Towards a Political Philology: D D Kosambi and Sanskrit –Sheldon Pollock
The Lily and the Mud: D D Kosambi on Religion –Kunal Chakrabarti
Kosambi’s Archaeology –Shereen Ratnagar
Kosambi and Questions of Caste –Kumkum Roy
Kosambi, Marxism and Indian-History –Irfan Habib
The Kosambi Effect: A Hermeneutic Turn That Shook Indian Historiography –Rajan Gurukkal
D D Kosambi and the Study of Early Indian Coins –B D Chattopadhyaya
Science Is the Cognition of Necessity –Vivek Monteiro

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20 may 16, 2009  vol xliv no 20  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

and explained how the problem of hold- least in terms of the acquisition of land made to the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
out may arise. The problem of acquisition for SEZs. Development Authority.

of land by state for SEZ was put to rigor- That the SEZ developers can acquire Jain pointed to contradictions between
ous theoretical analysis by Jain. He de- land through market process and that it basic tenets of a democratic society and
rives the conditions for avoiding the mis- entails economically superior outcomes SEZs and further suggested that provisions
use of power of eminent domain (ED) and (since based on voluntary trade) was of SEZ Act run counter to the basic charac-
also the conditions conducive for wealth demonstrated in their respective papers ter of Indian Constitution. First, it has
creation. It is shown that the condition by Hazra and Mahanta. The bargaining been alluded earlier that the SEZs are
in both cases turns out to be identical: process will lead to an optimum (and basically instruments of redistribution of
compensation must not be less than the market) outcome, in which the last seller wealth from numerous poor – mostly
subjective valuation of the land by the might demand the whole of rent available marginal and small farmers to the pri-
landholder. Note that if this condition is in the SEZ (Mahanta). But how the rent be- vate entrepreneurs. SEZs are, thus,
satisfied, the land can as well be acquired tween the last seller and the developer is putting thousands and in due course mil-
through market mechanism. Case for divided is immaterial for creation of social lions of livelihoods at peril. This act of
use of power of eminent domain arises wealth and is purely a redistributional depriving them of their means of liveli-
when there is a holdout problem, which problem between two private parties. hood violates the fundamental right to
is unlikely to be the case with SEZs. Hazra, on the other hand, cites the bar- life and liberty granted to every citizen
Further, frequent use of this power is gaining process involved in acquisition of a by the Constitution. Second, by enacting
likely to be social wealth reducing. Thus, company by another company by acquir- different sets of laws for SEZs and the
the use of power of e­minent domain by ing shares from highly dispersed and nu- rest of the country, it could be violative
the state must be subjected to “public merous i­nvestors. The same process can be of the fundamental right of equality.
purpose” as its justification. Public pur- used to resolve the holdout problem in Jain also puts related and disturbing
pose becomes an ineffective criterion, if land a­cquisition. He also draws attention question: what would such a dual system
it is too broadly defined. It is shown that to the distinction between criterion of do to the political stability of India as a
private entity, regardless of its character, “public good” and “public purpose” and democratic society?
can never justifiably claim to be serving a how the latter can be open to abuse
public purpose. Hence, there is no case for through a wide meaning being given to it. Concluding Remarks
acquisition of land by the state for the The presentations at the conference and
purpose of SEZs at a compensation which Democracy and Constitution subsequent discussions raised serious
is below subjective valuation of land by Attention was drawn by several scholars doubts over desirability of SEZs from vari-
their owners. to the undermining of democratic institu- ous aspects. Prima facie, SEZs can lead to
ED power can be useful in the presence tions in creation of SEZs under the SEZ Act some serious consequences. Struggles on
of “transaction costs” and for redistri­ 2005 (particularly, Jain, Kumar and Sivar- the land issue are already surfacing in dif-
butive purpose. Evidently, since farmers amakrishnan). It was demonstrated how ferent parts of the country. These are also
have shown their unwillingness to give setting up of SEZs is contrary to the basic struggles for right to livelihood of one’s
up their land at the compensation of- character of Indian Constitution. There is choice based on one’s values and vidya
fered, the whole exercise entails a redis- a provision for not having any democrati- (knowledge). The local responses to these
tribution from a multitude of marginal cally elected bodies of local governance in may vary from place to place – the process
farmers to the entrepreneurs developing the SEZs. The question was raised: are the of acquisition of land and setting up of
SEZs (also Mahanta). The proponents of SEZs beyond the pale of Constitution? SEZs could, for example, be peaceful in
the SEZs are also great adherents of S­ivaramakrishnan quotes from the Sixth some cases. But more often than not con-
the market mechanism (for its alleged Report of the Second Administrative flicts have emerged. There are theoretical
economic efficiency). They oppose any R­eforms Commission: grounds and empirical evidence to sug-
kind of subsidies even to the poor, instead, islands can exist within the country gest that at the worst the SEZ policy can
favouring direct payments. By the same outside the jurisdiction of constitutionally lead to serious and adverse consequences
token, it will be appropriate that the elected governments. Therefore, a SEZ must including social conflict, civil strife and
be in conformity with the laws and rules re-
government, rather than subsidising breakdown of democratic institutions. It is
lating to local governments. … The Commis-
them through cheaply acquired land, sion is of the view that local bodies should also likely to lead to increased inequali-
executes direct payments to SEZ deve­ have full jurisdiction with regard to enforce- ties, and possibly shrinking of economic
lopers. Besides serving the ends of ment of local civic laws in the SEZs space for the ordinary people by making
achieving economic efficiency, it will And yet, there are illustrations of the their production more unremunerative.
also be a transparent mechanism to show l­ocal municipal bodies being kept out Thus, the least we need is a thorough
the SEZ s for what they really are – a mech- where the SEZs are concerned. For example, study of this phenomena and a vigorous
anism of redistribution from the less in spite of there being over 10 SEZs debate. These tasks are becoming urgent
well-off (landowners) to the far more well- in the vicinity of Greater Mumbai Metropoli- as a large number of SEZs are being
off (e­ntrepreneurs – SEZ deve­lopers), at tan Planning area, ... no reference has been a­pproved, notified and set up.
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   may 16, 2009  vol xliv no 20 21

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