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"Sanctify them through thy truth : thy word is truth."—St. John 17 : 17.


THE PRESENT TRUTH.. pear wrong. And still he made no claim to and Persians is, That no decree nor statute
sanctification ; but he did that which was in- which the king establisheth may be changed.
PUBLISHED MONTHLY finitely better,—he lived a life of faithfulness " Then the king commanded, and they
At 72 Henoage Street, Great Grimsby, England, and consecration. brought Daniel, and cast him into the den
—for— The more blameless the conduct of Daniel, of lions. Now the king spake and said unto
The International Tract & Missionary society. the greater was the hatred excited against Daniel, Thy God, whom thou servest contin-
him by his enemies. They were filled with ually, he will deliver thee." A stone was laid
Terms : 2s. 6d. a year (post free) in advance. madness, because they could find nothing in upon the mouth of the den, and sealed with
his moral character or in the discharge of his the royal seal. " Then the king went to his
Make all Orders and Cheques payable to duties, upon which to base a complaint against palace, and passed the night fasting : neither
him. " Then said these men, We shall not were instruments of music brought before
find any occasion against this Daniel, except him : and his sleep went from him."
we find it against him concerning the law of Early in the morning the monarch hastened
LEARN TO WAIT. his God." Three times a day, Daniel prayed to the den of lions, and cried, " Daniel, 0
to the God of heaven. This was the only Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God,
LEARN to wait—life's hardest lesson, whom thou servest continually, able to de-
Conned, perchance, through blinding tears, accusation that could be brought against him.
While the heart-throbs sadly echo liver thee from the lions ? " The voice of the
To the tread of passing years. A scheme was now devised to accomplish prophet was heard in reply, " 0 king, live for-
his destruction. His enemies assembled at ever. My God hath sent his angel, and hath
Learn to wait—hope's slow fruition; the palace, and besought the king to pass a
Faint not, though the way seem long ; shut the lions' mouths, that they have not
There is joy in each condition—
decree that no person in the whole realm hurt me : forasmuch as before him innocency
Hearts through suffering may grow strong. should ask anything of either God or man, was found in me ; and also before thee, 0
except of Darius the king, for the space of king, have I done no hurt.
Constant sunshine, howe'er welcome, thirty days, and that any violation of this
Ne'er will ripen fruit or flower, " Then was the king exceeding glad for him,
Giant oaks owe half their greatness edict should be punished by casting the of- and commanded that they should take Daniel
To the scathing tempest's power. fender into the den of lions. The king knew up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up
nothing of the hatred of these men toward out of the den, and no manner of hurt was
Thus a soul, untouched by sorrow,
Aims not at a higher state ; Daniel, and did not suspect that the decree found upon him, because he believed in his
Joy seeks not a brighter morrow, would in any way injure him. Through God." Thus was the servant of God deliv-
Only sad hearts learn to wait. flattery they made the monarch believe it ered. And the snare which his enemies had
Human strength and human greatness would be greatly to his honor to pass such an laid for his destruction proved to be their
Spring not from life's sunny side ; edict. With a smile of satanic triumph upon own ruin. At the command of the king they
Heroes must be more than driftwood their faces, they come forth from the presence were cast into the den, and were instantly de-
Floating on a waveless tide. of the king, and rejoice together over the
—Selected. voured by the wild beasts.
snare which they have laid for the servant of
The decree goes forth from the king. BY ELD. T. N. ANDREWS.
Daniel is acquainted with the purpose of his
OENERAL ARTICLES), enemies to ruin him. But he does not change Ix the first article in this series it was
his course in a single particular. With calm- shown that the 2,300 days of Dan. 8: 14
" Hear ; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my ness he performs his accustomed duties, and ended in 1844. This was brought out with
lips shall be right things."—Prov. 8: 8. at the hour of prayer, he goes to his chamber, great clearness in the great Advent movement
and with his windows open toward Jerusalem, prior to 1844. According to Mourant Brock
he offers his petitions to the God of heaven. there were three hundred ministers of the
By his course of action, he fearlessly declares Word in America who were preaching the
BY MRS, E. G. WHITE. that no earthly power has the right to come Lord's speedy advent, while seven hundred
between him and his God, and tell him to ministers of the Church of England were rais-
DANIEL IN THE LIONS' DEN. whom he should or should not pray. Noble ing the same cry in this country. And the
WHEN Darius took possession of the throne man of principle! he stands before the world evidence that this period of time ended in
of Babylon, he at once proceeded to re-organize to-day a praiseworthy example of Christian 1844 remains unshaken. In that great move-
the government. He " set over the kingdom boldness and fidelity. He turns to God with ment, it was believed that the sanctuary to be
a hundred and twenty princes ; " " and over all his heart, although he knows that death cleansed was the earth. While there is no
these three presidents ; of whom Daniel was is the penalty for his devotion. testimony in the Bible that the earth is the
first." And " Daniel was preferred above the His adversaries watch him an entire day. sanctuary, testimony was found that the earth
presidents and princes, because an excellent Three times he has repaired to his chamber, is to be purified by fire. 2 Pet. 3 : 7-13.
spirit was in him ; and the king thought to and three times the voice of earnest interces- From this, it was inferred that the earth was
set him over the whole realm." The honors sion has been heard. The next morning the the sanctuary which Michael said should be
bestowed upon Daniel excited the jealousy of complaint is made to the king that Daniel, cleansed at the end of the moo days. It was
the leading men of the kingdom. The presi- one of the captives of Judah, has set at de- therefore concluded that this period was given
dents and princes sought to find occasion for fiance his decree. When the monarch heard to mark the time of Christ's coming. And
complaint against him. " But they could these words, his eyes were at once opened to as it was sufficiently evident from the several
find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he see the snare that had been set. He was great lines of prophecy in Daniel and Revela-
was faithful, neither was there any error or sorely displeased with himself for having tion, and from the signs of the times, that the
fault found in him." passed such a decree, and labored till the advent of Christ was at the door, the time
What a lesson is here presented for all going down of the sun to devise a plan by was preached in connection with the signs
Christians. The keen eyes of jealousy were which Daniel might be delivered. But the with great solemnity and power.
fixed upon Daniel day after day ; their watch- prophet's enemies had anticipated this, and But though it could be clearly shown that
ings were sharpened by hatred ; yet not a they came before the king with these words : the 2,300 days actually ended in 1844, the
word or act of his life could they make ap- " Know, 0 king, that the law of the Medes advent people were doomed to a great disap-
98 THE PRESENT TRUTH. Vol,. 1, No. 7.
pointment. The ending of the 2,300 days was nacle, but with the same two holy places ; and that " the goat shall bear upon him all their
not the time appointed of God for the coming when the typical sacrifices ended in the death iniquities into a land not inhabited." Verses
of Christ, nor for the burning of the earth. of Christ, who is the true sin-offering, the 20-22.
But the great Advent disappointment made earthly sanctuary, or holy places, ceased to be The work of the high priest on this great
it necessary that two important questions the center of God's worship, and Christ en- day of atonement was for the purpose of com-
should be carefully studied. tered the temple in heaven as a great High pleting the work which had been partially
I. What is the sanctuary of the Bible ? Priest—the minister of the sanctuary and of accomplished in the first apartment. By the
2. What is meant by the cleansing of the the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, work in that apartment, the sins had been
sanctuary ? and not man. The temple of God in heaven transferred to the sanctuary through the
The fact that the cleansing of the sanctuary is the sanctuary from which the Psalmist says blood of the sin-offering. By the work in the
is an event located in prophecy in the very the Lord beheld the earth ( Ps. 102: 19), and second apartment, the sanctuary is cleansed
conclusion of one of Daniel's great prophetic which Jeremiah speaks of as being where the and the sins of the people of God blotted out.
chains, shows that it is an event of deep in- throne of God is found. Jer. 17 : 12 ; Rev. Such was the work in the earthly sanctuary,
terest to mankind. And as we live at a time 16 : 17. and such was the cleansing of the sanctuary
when the 2,300 days are in the past, we are The ministration in the earthly sanctuary as set forth in the example and shadow of
most deeply concerned to understand the could not actually take away sins ; for it had heavenly things.
nature of the work called the cleansing of the only the blood of bulls and goats to offer. (To be continued.)
sanctuary. Heb. 10 : 4. It was ordained for the purpose
The Bible is full of the subject, of the sanct- of instructing men with reference to the work THE GUIDING HAND.
uary, and we shall find it a theme of intense of Christ and of encouraging them to look
forward to his work. It was a shadow or rep- BY ELD. R. F. COTTRELL.
interest if we give it careful study. The Bible
doctrine of the sanctuary is this : That the resentation of the service of Christ in the WHEN the Epistle to the Romans was
sanctuary is the place where the High Priest sanctuary of God in heaven. Heb. 8: 5; written from Corinth, it seems that the apostle
stands to offer blood before God for the sins of 10 : 1; Col. 2 : 17. It took one year to com- had never been in Rome ; but he had heard
those who come to God through him. The plete the round of service in the earthly sanct- that there were some in that place who be-
central object in the sanctuary is the ark uary, at the end of which the cleansing of the lieved, and he was anxious to see and help
which contains the law of God that man has sanctuary took place. The round of service them. He longed to see them, and had often
broken. The cover of this ark was called the was repeated each year, even as a shadow is purposed to go there, but had been hindered.
mercy-seat, because mercy came to those who renewed each day. But the ministration of The Lord's time had not yet come. He wrote :—
had broken the law beneath it, when the high Christ which casts this shadow fills out each " I thank my God through Jesus Christ for
priest sprinkled the blood of sin-offering upon part of the work once for all, and is not re- you all, that your faith is spoken of through-
it, provided they accompanied his work by peated. We shall therefore find the study of out the whole world. For God is my witness,
repentance and faith. Last of all was the the service in the earthly sanctuary full of whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of
work of cleansing the sanctuary when the instruction as to the work of Christ in the his Son, that without ceasing I make mention
high priest by blood removed the sins of the sanctuary above. of you always in my prayers ; making request,
people from the sanctuary into which they The ministration in the first apartment occu- if by any means now at length I might have
had been borne by the ministration of the pied the entire year, with the exception of one a prosperous journey by the will of God to
priest before God. We now invite attention to day, which was devoted to work in the second come unto you. For I long to see you, that I
the testimony of the Bible respecting the apartment, or most holy place, to close up the may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to
sanctuary. work which had been wrought in the first the end ye may be established ; that is, that
1. There are two covenants ; the first, or apartment. The work in the first apartment I may be comforted together with you by the
old covenant, extends from the time of Moses was on this wise : When a man repented of mutual faith both of you and me. Now I
to the death of Christ ; the second, or new his sin, he brought a sin-offering to the priest would not have you ignorant, brethren, that
covenant, begins at the death of Christ and to the door of the sanctuary. Then he con- oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but
extends forward to the consummation. Gal. fessed his sin to the priest, and put his hand upon was let hitherto)." Rom. 1 : 8-13.
4 : 24-26 ; Heb. 8 : 7-13 ; Luke 22 : 20. the head of his offering to indicate the trans- Paul intended to visit the seat of the great
2. The first covenant had a sanctuary, fer of the guilt from himself to his offering. Roman Empire ; and he did not mean that
which was the tabernacle erected by Moses. Then the victim was slain because of that guilt Rome should be the full extent of his journey
Heb. 9 : 1-7. thus transferred to it ; and the blood, repre- in that direction. His mission was to the
3. The new covenant has a sanctuary senting the life of the victim, was taken by world. He intended to go on westward to
which is the temple of God in heaven, into the priest and carried into the sanctuary, and Spain, thus reaching the Atlantic shore, the
which our High Priest entered when he sprinkled there before God. This act was the western boundary of the known world. See.
ascended up on high. Heb. 8 : 1-5. offering of the life of an innocent victim in the Rom. 15 :
4. When Moses erected the tabernacle, he place of the life of him who had broken the But before going to Rome, the apostle had'
was commanded by God to make it according law of God, and it was the transference of that a mission to Jerusalem. We read : " After
to the pattern which he showed to him ; and man's guilt from himself to the sanctuary of these things were ended, Paul purposed in the:
this pattern must have been a representation God. See Lev. 4 and the parallel scriptures. spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia
of the temple of God in heaven ; for the earthly This was the most important feature of the and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, After
sanctuary is declared to be a pattern of the work in the first apartment, and by it the guilt I have been there, I must also see Rome."
heavenly. Ex. 25: 9, 40; Heb. 8: 5; 9: 23. of the penitents was transferred from them- Acts 19 : 21. He still meant to see Rome by
5. The earthly sanctuary consisted of two selves to the tabernacle. some means ; and it is reasonable to suppose
holy places ; the first of which contained the On the tenth of the seventh month, which that he expected to travel as he had here-
table of show-bread, the candlestick with was called the day of atonement, the minis- tofore,—voluntarily, and at his own charges.
seven lamps, and the golden altar of incense ; tration was transferred to the second apart- He did not know that the Roman government
and the second contained the ark of God's ment, or most holy place. Lev. 16. By God's would take him there free of charge.
testament with the tables on which the ten direction, the high priest on this day caused On his way to Jerusalem, he was dissuaded
commandments were written by the finger of two goats to be brought to the door of the by prophets from going there. They told him
God, and over which was the mercy-seat with sanctuary. On these he was to cast lots. very truly that the Jews at Jerusalem would
the cherubim of glory overshadowing it. One was for the Lord, the other was for Azazel. bind him and deliver him into the hands of
Ex. 40 : 18-28 ; Heb. 9 : 1-5. Then he slew the goat upon which the Lord's the Gentiles. His reply was, " I am ready
6. The temple of God in heaven is not only lot fell, and took his blood to present it before not to be bound only, but also to die at Jeru-
spoken of as the original from which the earthly God as a sin-offering in the most holy place, salem for the name of the Lord Jesus." Acts
sanctuary was copied (Heb. 9 : 23, 24 ; 1 sprinkling it upon the mercy-seat. He did 21 : 10-13. If he died at Jerusalem, of course
Chron. 28: 11, 12, 19), but it is also spoken this for two purposes : 1. To make atone- he would be excused from going to Rome. So
of as consisting of holy places, in the plural. ment for the people. 2. To cleanse the sanct- he went bravely on, " not knowing the things,"
See Heb. 8 : 2 ; 9 : 8, 12, 24 ; 10 : 19, in each uary by removing from it the sins of the he says, " that shall befall me there."
of which verses the original is holy places, in people of God. Lev. 16 : 15-19. Bible readers know the sequel. He was
the plural, and they are so rendered in various The sanctuary being cleansed, the high seized by the Jews, who were determined to
translations. priest comes out of the building, and having kill him, was taken out of their hands by the
The word sanctuary in the Bible, except in caused the other goat to be brought, which was Roman authorities, and, to save his life, was
the few cases where it is used figuratively, re- for Azazel, he lays both his hands upon his sent off by night to Ca3sarea. The Jews
fers always to the place where the high priest head, and confesses over him all the trans- wished to get him back to Jerusalem, under
ministers before God for the sins of the people. gressions of the children of Israel in all their pretense of being tried there, but in reality to
It was first the tabernacle erected by Moses ; sins. These he puts upon the head of the give his sworn enemies a chance to murder
then it was the temple built by Solomon, which goat, and sends him away by the hand of a him. And when he was asked by Festus if
was a more glorious structure than the taber- fit man into the wilderness. And it is said he Would go up to Jerusalem to be judged by
him, his answer was, " I stand at Caesar's 4. The Creator blessed the seventh day. 35. Jesus was Lord of the Sabbath (Mark
judgment seat ; " meaning, doubtless, that he Gen. 2 : 3. 2 : 28) ; that is, to love and protect it, as the
was there to be judged by a Roman governor, 5. He sanctified the seventh day. Ex. husband is the lord of the wife, to love and
the proper authority, and that he ought not 20 : 11. cherish her. 1 Pet. 3 : 6.
to be put in the power of his murderous 6. He made it the Sabbath day in the gar- 36. He vindicated the Sabbath as a merci-
enemies. Said he, " I appeal unto Omar." den of Eden. Gen. 2 : 1-3. ful institution designed for man's good. Mark
To his surprise, Festus replied, " Hast thou 7. It was made before the fall ; hence it 2 : 23-28.
appealed unto Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou is not a type ; for types were not introduced 37. Instead of abolishing the Sabbath, he
go. ' till after the fall. carefully taught how it should be observed.
When a boy I used to read the words of 8. Jesus says it was made for man (Mark Matt. 12 : 1-13.
Agrippa, namely, " This man might have been 2 : 27) ; that is, for the race, as the word 38. He taught his disciples that they should
set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto man is here unlimited; hence for the Gentiles do nothing upon the Sabbath day but what
Caesar," and I would feel regret and sorrow as well as for the Jews. was " lawful. Matt. 12 : 12.
for the apostle, because he had made that 9. It is a memorial of creation. Ex. 20: 39. He instructed his apostles that the Sab-
mistake. But the Guiding Hand was there. 11; 31: 17. Every time we rest upon the bath should be prayerfully regarded forty
This was God's way of sending an ambassador seventh day, as God did at creation, we com- years after his resurrection. Matt. 24 : 20.
to Rome-" an ambassador in bonds." It was memorate that grand event. 40. The holy women who had been with
a fearful voyage, one of extreme hardship and 10. It was given to Adam, the head of the Jesus all his life carefully kept the seventh
suffering ; but God caused the Romans to take human race. Mark 2 : 27 ; Gen. 2 : 1-3. day after his death. Luke 23 : 56.
the apostle to Rome, and then grant him 11. Hence through him, as our representa- 41. Thirty years after Christ's resurrec-
liberty to preach to those who would hear in tive, to all nations. Acts 17 : 26. tion, the Holy Spirit expressly calls it " the
" his own hired house." 12. It is not a Jewish institution ; for it Sabbath day. Acts 13 : 14.
The Guiding Hand is with the faithful serv- was made 2,300 years before ever there was 42. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, called
ants of God. They cannot die, until they a Jew. it " the Sabbath day " in A. D. 45. Acts 13 :
have fulfilled their mission. It was so in 13. The Bible never calls it the Jewish 27. Did not Paul know ? or shall we believe
former times; why not so now? God still Sabbath ; but always, " The Sabbath of the modern teachers, who affirm that it ceased to
lives, and has as much interest in his work Lord thy God." Men should be cautious how be the Sabbath at the resurrection of Christ ?
on earth as ever. He chooses his own instru- they stigmatize God's holy rest-day. 43. Luke, the inspired Christian historian,
mentalities as well now as then, and will guide 14. Evident reference is made to the Sab- writing as late as A. D. 62, calls it " the Sabbath
and sustain them, if devoted to his will. Why bath, all through the patriarchal age. Gen. day." Acts 13 : 44.
not, then, fully trust him ? 2 : 1-3 ; 8 : 10, 12; 29 : 27, 28, etc. 44. The Gentile converts called it the Sab-
We cannot choose the way for ourselves. 15. It was a part of God's law before bath. Acts 13 : 42.
Our plans may be thwarted, and our course Sinai. Ex. 16 : 4, 27-29. 45. In the great Christian council, A. D. 52,
directed contrary to our expectations. But if, 16. Then God placed it in the heart of his in the presence of the apostles and thousands
with a true heart, we rely upon the Guiding moral law. Ex. 20 : 1-17. Why did he of disciples, James calls it the " Sabbath
Hand, the will of the Lord will be accom- place it there if it was not like the other nine day." Acts 15 : 21.
plished. Why not, then, pray, " Thy will be precepts, which all admit to be immutable ? 46. It was customary to hold prayer-meet-
done " ? We must meekly accept our situa- 17. The seventh-day Sabbath was com- ings upon that day. Acts 16 : 13.
tion, and submit to the crossing of our pur- manded by the voice of the living God speak- 47. Paul read the Scriptures in public meet-
poses ; for he has said, " The meek will he ing from heaven. Deut. 4 : 12, 13. ings on that day. Acts 17 : 2, 3.
guide in judgment : and the meek will he 18. Then he wrote the commandment with 48. It was his custom to preach upon that
teach finis way." Ps. 25 : 9. his own finger. Ex. 31: 18. day. Acts 17: 2.
We may regret our want of power. Age 19. He engraved it in the enduring stone, 49. The book of Acts alone gives a record
may be approaching, and our bodily and men- indicating its imperishable nature. Deut. of his holding eighty-four meetings upon that
tal powers failing ; but we must remember 5 : 22. day. See Acts 13 : 14, 44 ; 16 : 13 ; 17 : 2 ;
that God is strong, and his strength may be 20. It was sacredly preserved in the ark in 18 : 4, 11.
shown to be perfect by being exhibited through • the holy of holies. Deut. 10 : 1-5. 50. There was never any dispute between
our weakness. See 2 Cor. 12: 9. Let us 21. God forbade work upon the Sabbath, the Christians and the Jews about the Sab-
then cheerfully accept the will of God, and even in the most hurrying times. Ex. 34 : 21. bath day. This is proof that the Christians still
move onward in his service, believing that his 22. God destroyed the Israelites in the observed the same day that the Jews did.
hand will guide us, crown our efforts with wilderness, because they profaned the Sab- 51. In all their accusations against Paul,
success, and finally crown us in his kingdom. bath. Eze. 20: 12, 13. they never charged him with disregarding the
"Forward, then, with courage go." 23. It is the sign of the true God, by which Sabbath day. Why did they not, if he did
we are to know him from false gods. Eze. not keep it ?
ONE HUNDRED BIBLE FACTS. 20 : 20. 52. But Paul himself expressly declared
24. God promised that Jerusalem should that he had kept the law. " Neither against
BY ELD. D. M. DANRIGHT. stand forever if the Jews would keep the the law of the Jews, neither against the tem-
Sabbath. Jer. 17: 24, 25. ple, nor yet against Caesar, have I offended
WHY keep the Sabbath day? What is the 25. He sent them into the Babylonish cap- anything at all." Acts 25: 8. How could
object of the Sabbath? Who made it? When tivity for breaking it. Neh. 13 : 18. this be true if he had not kept the Sabbath ?
was it made, and for whom ? Which day 26. He destroyed Jerusalem for its viola- 53. The Sabbath is mentioned in the New
is the true Sabbath ? Many keep the first tion. Jer. 17: 27. • Testament fifty-nine times, and always with
day of the week, or Sunday. What Bible 27. God haspronounced a special blessing on respect, bearing the same title it had in the
authority have they for this? Some keep all the Gentiles who will keep it. Isa. 56 : 6, 7. Old Testament, "the Sabbath day."
the seventh day, or Saturday. What Script- 28. This is in that prophecy which refers 54. Not a word is said anywhere in the New
ure have they for that ? Here are the facts wholly to the Christian dispensation. See Testament about the Sabbath's being abol-
about both days, as plainly stated in the word Isa. 56. ished, done away, changed, or anything of
of God. 29. God has promised to bless any man the kind.
SIXTY BIBLE FACTS CONCERNING THE SEVENTH who will keep the Sabbath. Isa. 56 : 2. 55. God has never given permission to any
DAY. 30. The Lord requires us to call it " honor- man to work upon it. Reader, by what au-
1. After working the first six days of the able." Isa. 58: 13. Beware, ye who take thority do you use the seventh day for com-
week in creating this earth, the great God delight in calling it the " old Jewish Sab- mon labor ?
rested on the seventh day. Gen. 2 : 1-3. bath," " a yoke of bondage," etc. 56. No Christian of the New Testament,
2. This stamped that day as God's rest- 31. After the holy Sabbath has been trod- either before or after the resurrection, ever
day, or Sabbath day, as Sabbath day means den down " many generations," it is to be did ordinary work upon the seventh day. Find
rest-day. To illustrate : When a person is restored in the last days. Isa. 58 : 12, 13. one case of that kind, and we will yield the
born on a certain day, that day thus becomes 32. All the holy prophets kept the seventh question. Why should modern Christians do
his birthday. So when God rested upon the day. differently from Bible Christians ?
seventh day, that day became his rest, or 33. When the Son of God came, he kept 57. There is no record that God has ever
Sabbath, day. the seventh day all his life. Luke 4 : 16 ; removed his blessing .or sanctification from
3. Therefore the seventh day must always John 15 : 10. Thus he followed his Father's the seventh day.
be God's Sabbath day. Can you change your example at creation. Shall we not be safe 58. As the Sabbath was kept in Eden before
birthday from the day on which you were in following the example of both the Father the fall, so it will be observed eternally in the
born, to one on which you were not born ? and the Son ? new earth after the restitution. Isa. 66:
No. Neither can you change God's rest-day 34. The seventh day is the Lord's day. 22, 23.
to a day on which he did not rest. Hence See Rev. 1 : 10 ; Mark 2 : 28 ; Isa. 68 : 13 ; 69. The seventh-day Sabbath was an im-
the seventh day is still God's Sabbath day. Ex. 20 : 10. portant part of the law of God, as it came
100 THE P RESENT TRUTH. VoL. 1, No. 7.

from his own mouth, and was written by his record of only one religious meeting held upon creeds and traditions are poured into the pure
own finger upon stone at Sinai. See Ex. 20. that day, and even this was a night meeting. truth, it becomes so, fraught with these foreign
When Jesus began his work, he expressly Acts 20 : 5-12. elements, that it no longer appears clear and
declared that he had not come to destroy the 34. There is not an intimation that they consistent. Most men get their faith below
law. " Think not that I am come to destroy ever held a meeting upon it before or after the fountain, where it is more or less impure ;
the law or the prophets." Matt. 5 : 17. that. hence it seems to vary in taste and color, and
60. Jesus pronounces a blessing upon those 35. It was not their custom to meet on that the only way to tell whose bucket has pure
who will keep his Father's commandments. day. water in it, is to go at once and compare it
Rev. 22 : 14. The seventh-day Sabbath is 36. There was no requirement to break with the fountain. And even then men will
enjoined by one of those commandments. bread on that day. sometimes contend that though the water
We have now presented sixty plain Bible 37. We have an account of only one instance looks like that in the fountain, yet it could not
facts concerning the seventh day. What in which it was done. Acts 20 : 7. have come from there, or some one else would
will you do with them? 38. That was done in the night,-after mid- have known it before ; and then the only way
night. Verses 7-11. Jesus celebrated it on to convince them is to go to the fountain head,
FORTY BIBLE FACTS CONCERNING THE FIRST Thursday evening, Luke 22, and the disciples and trace the stream directly down, thereby
DAY OF THE WEEK. sometimes did it every day. Acts 2 : 42-46. showing not only that the Scriptures teach
1. The very first thing recorded in the Bible 39. The Bible nowhere says that the first certain doctrines, but also that the church
is work done on Sunday, the first day of the day of the week commemorates the resurrec- for ages past has believed in them and re-
week. Gen. 1: 1-5. This was done by the• tion of Christ. This is a tradition of men, joiced in them, until it became perverted by
Creator himself. He made the earth on Sun- which makes void the law of God. Matt. 15 : the false doctrines and superstitions of the
day, can it be wicked for us to work it on 1-9. Baptism commemorates the burial and Dark Ages.
Sunday ? resurrection of Jesus. Rom. 6 : 3-5. My friend, how do you look at the Script-
2. God commands men to work upon the 40. Finally, the New Testament is totally ures? Do you let the clear light become dis-
first day of the week. Ex. 20 : 8-11. Is it silent with regard to any change of the Sab- colored to your eye by looking at it through
wrong to obey God ? bath day or any sacredness of the first day. spectacles of denominational creed ? Where
3. None of the patriarchs ever kept it. Here are one hundred plain Bible facts upon did you get your bucket of water ? Did you
4. None of the holy prophets ever kept it. this question, showing conclusively that the get it way, way down the stream ? and if so,
5. By the express command of God, his seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord in are you sure it is like the water at the foun-
holy people used the first day of the week as both the Old and the New Testament. tain head ? Have you compared your belief
a common working day for four thousand with the great fountain of truth,-the Bible ?
years, at least. If not, I pray you remove your spectacles of
6. God himself calls it a "working " day. denominational creed just long enough to be-
Eze. 46 : 1. BY A. SWEDBERG. hold with your natural eyes the beautiful
7. God did not rest upon it. harmony and consistency in divine truth.
8. He never blessed it. TRUTH is conformity to facts. God, the You will then learn to love and adore it and
9. Christ did not rest upon it. Creator of the heavens and the earth, is the to live it out in your daily life. Take, I
10. Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6 : 3), and great originator of all truth. Satan, on the beseech of you, your bucket of water to the
worked at his trade until he was thirty years other hand, in whom was found the first guile, fountain, and make a careful analysis of the
old. He kept the Sabbath and worked six is the originator of all deceit and falsehood. two, and then you may know whether you
days in the week, as all admit. Hence he did Truth is light ; falsehood is darkness. And have the truth or not ; for God's holy word is
many a hard day's work on Sunday. these two powers, if we may so designate truth. John 17 : 17.
11. The apostles worked upon it during the them, have been in constant war against each
same time. other, and will so continue until the final res- INFIDELITY.
12. The apostles never rested upon it. titution, when the former shall get a full vic- BY ELD. A. A. JOHN.
13. Christ never blessed it. tory over the latter, striking it forever out of
14. It has never been blessed by any divine existence in the universe of God. Then shall INFIDELITY audaciously assumes that its
authority. truth reign supreme, shedding its glorious present scientific speculations are absolutely
15. It has never been sanctified. rays all through the immensity of nature. certain ; and from this fallacious standpoint
16. No law was ever given to enforce the The clear and precious light of truth is it wars against the Author of true science and
keeping of it, hence it is no transgression to brought to a focal point in the Holy Bible, his holy word.
work upon it. " For where no law is, there whence it again reflects its diverging rays of It seeks to disrobe Christianity of its
is no transgression." Rom. 4 : 15 ; 1 John pure and undefiled religion. But this light is heavenly mantle without attempting to supply
3 : 4. not always seen in its pureness and brightness, a substitute as a covering for man's depravity,
17. The New Testament nowhere forbids because man is not willing to behold it with or even producing one ray of light and hope
work to be done on it. his natural eyes, but has contrived spectacles to sustain the heart-sick, overburdened fellow-
18. No penalty is provided for its violation. of different colors, and these he puts on when traveler amid the ills of life.
19. No blessing is promised for its observ- he wants to examine the rays of light emerging How conspicuous is the absence of philan-
ance. from the Scriptures. Hence he sees the light thropy in all its boasted fame ! Its utter
20. No regulation is given as to how it ought in a color similar to that of the glasses he darkness only makes the ineffable light, hope
to be observed. Would this be so if the Lord wears. Oh that all men would lay these and glory, which is reflected from Calvary,
wished us to keep it ? spectacles aside; in other words, leave all radiate with ever increasing lustre.
21. It is never called the Christian Sabbath. doctrinal creeds and selfish bias out of ques-
22. It is never called the Sabbath day at all. tion, and look at the truth of God in its
23. It is never called the Lord's day. pure and unperverted light HE who would follow Christ in his glory
24. It is never called even a rest-day. Again, the truth of God is a grand fountain, must also be content to follow him in his
25. No sacred title whatever is applied to sending forth a beautiful stream of crystal humiliation. There never have been lacking
it. Then why should we call it holy ? water, which flows down the even slope of those who would gladly follow the King to
26. It is simply called " first day of the time toward the end. When the water issues his throne of majesty, but who refuse to fol-
week." from the spring, it is clear and pure ; but as low when the steps of Jesus lead to suffering,
27. Jesus never mentioned it in any way, it flows along in its course, the transparent shame and death. Yet the reason that the
never took its name upon his lips, so far as stream mingles here and there with tributaries path of Jesus leads so high is simply because
the record shows. whose waters are discolored by minerals of it descends so low. This thought is well
28. The word Sunday never occurs in the different kinds; and as these side streams phrased in a German hymn two centuries old,
Bible at all. empty their dark and muddy waters into the which even in its English dress has the rare
29. Neither God, Claist, nor inspired men, fountain stream, its water becomes still more power of singing itself into the conscious-
ever said one word in favor of Sunday as a changed in color, until finally it is entirely ness ":-Adown leads Jesus' path ;
holy day. unlike the water at the fountain, where it And wouldst thou, blindly driven,
30. The first day of the week is mentioned bubbles up in its clearness and freshness. By vain, presumptuous pride,
only eight times in all the New Testament. Now notice the comparison. The Bible is Attempt the hights of heaven ?
Matt. 28 : 1; Mark 16 : 2, 9 ; Luke 24 : 1 ; the fountain., the side-streams that flow into Thy Saviour God came down 1
Wouldst higher thou ascend ?
John 20 : 1,19 ; Acts 20 : 7 ; 1 Cor. 16 : 2. and discolor the fountain stream are the differ- Whoe'er with him would rise,
31. Six of these texts refer to the same first ent doctrinal creeds invented by man. As Must first with him descend."
day of the week. these mingle their waters with the pure and -Chris. Commonwealth.
32. Paul directed the saints to look over clear water from the fountain, its stream
their secular affairs on that day. 1 Cor. 16 : 2. gradually becomes discolored, and fraught GOD loves your fault mixed with penitence,
33. In all the Now Testament we have a with foreign elements. So when doctrinal more than your virtue mixed with pride.
ing a dangerous road ? or is it not rather un- not our duty to declare " the whole counsel of
SiLJcTxoNs5 practical and unreasonable to attempt to dis-
pense with it ? And further, a special and
God" ? Those who have carefully looked
into this subject, solemnly and with good
emphatic blessing is attached to this study in ground believe, that the" Word " we are com-
"The law of the wise is a fountain of life."—Prov. 18: 14. the closing book of the Bible : "Blessed is he manded to " preach " is full of evidence that
that readeth, and they that hear the words the long predicted and long delayed judgments
MOTH-EATEN. of this prophecy, and keep the things that are on the Papal and Mohammedan powers, which
written therein, for the time is at hand." are not only already begun, but are fast accom-
I HAD a beautiful garment,
And I laid it by with care ; It is a reflection of the gravest kind on the plishing before our eyes, are to issue, and that
I folded it close with lavender leaves wisdom of God, to suppose that the study of speedily, in such a burning of " Babylon the
In a napkin fine and fair. a branch of truth to which he has in his word Great," as will light up all Christendom with
" Its far too costly a robe accorded singular prominence, should have an its lurid glow,—the immediate precursor, if
For one like me to wear."
injurious tendency, or be devoid of a directly it be not the accompaniment, of the glorious
So never at morn or evening sanctifying effect : and moreover it is a con- advent of the King of kings. With all earnest-
I put my garment on ; clusion completely at variance with all the ness and sobriety of mind they assure their
It lay by itself under clasp and key brethren that it is their deep conviction that
In the perfumed dusk alone, facts of history and experience. Enoch was
Its wonderful broidery hidden, a student of prophecy, and of prophecy that this is the testimony of sacred Scriptures ; yet
Till many a day had gone. is to this day unfulfilled, and Enoch was the multitudes of Christian teachers, without even
There were guests who came to my portal, saintliest of men, an eminently holy and prac- taking the trouble of examining into the sub-
There were friends who sat with me, tical preacher, who walked with God three ject, still preach the contrary, or imply it in
And, clad in soberest raiment, hundred years, and was not, for God took their preaching ; not from well-grounded con-
I bore them company ; him, and before his translation he had this viction of its truth, but from educational prej-
I knew I owned the beautiful robe, testimony, that he pleased God. Noah was udice or mere force of habit. Is this right ?
Though its splendor none might see.
a student of unfulfilled prophecy, and Script- Ought not every minister of the Word to study
There were poor who stood at my portal, ure presents no more practical preacher of for himself the teachings of Scripture, until
There were orphaned sought my care righteousness than he was. All the holy he is satisfied that he has attained the truth on
I gave them tenderest pity,
But I had nothing besides to spare ; prophets were students, and diligent students, this momentous theme 2
I had only the beautiful garment, too, of their own and of each other's predic- For if we are right—if there be unequivocal
And the raiment for daily wear. tions, and especially of their chronological proof in the inspired volume, proof that no
At last, on a feast day's coming, predictions. " The prophets inquired and previous generation of Christians was in a
I thought in my dress to shine ; searched diligently, searching what or what position to appreciate as we are, that the day
I would please myself with the lustre manner of time the Spirit of Chrisfi which of Christ is at hand—that the time for evan-
Of its shifting colors fine, was in them did signify, when it testified gelizing the nations, and gathering in the
I would walk with pride in the marvel church of the first-born is speedily to expire
Of its rarely rich design. beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the
glory that should follow." 1 Pet. 1: 10, 11. —that the long day of grace to the Gentiles
So out of the dusk I bore it— Daniel was a student of unfulfilled prophecy, is all but over, and that apostate Christen-
The lavender fell away— yet he was not only a practical statesman, dom, so long spared by the goodness of God,
And fold on fold I held it up
To the searching light of day, but a man of singular holiness, classed with is soon to be cut off by his righteous
Alas the glory had perished Noah and Job as one of the most righteous of severity—that the great mystery of God is all
While there in its place it lay. men. but finished, and his manifested rule about to
Who seeks for the fadeless beauty, There is everything in the nature of the study be inaugurated—that the great closing Arma-
Must seek for the use that seals to make those who pursue it both practical geddon conflict is at hand, and the complete
To the grace of a constant blessing and holy. It imbues the mind with the coun- overthrow of the confederated hosts of evil—if
The beauty that use reveals, sels and judgment of God about the affairs we be right in believing that scarcely a single
For into the folded robe alone,
The moth with its blighting steals. and events of earth ; it reveals what shall be, prophecy in the whole Bible relating to events
—Margaret E. Sangster. and thereby lessens the inordinate power of prior to the second advent of Christ remains
that which is now, bringing the spirit under unfulfilled—if we be right,—then surely every
PROPHECY, IMPORTANT AND PRACTICAL. the influence of things unseen and eternal, pulpit in England should be ringing with
and thereby weakening that of things seen timely testimony to these truths,—surely these
A WIDE distinction exists and should be and temporal. It affords to hope much solemn and most momentous facts ought not,
recognized between students and expositors of needed food, lacking which we must languish in the preaching of any of God's faithful wit-
the words and works of God, who humbly, and grow feeble; and to faith and love pecul- nesses throughout the world, to be passed by
soberly, and reverently searching into the iar stimulus and enjoyment. Without an in silence. And who that has not studied the
facts of Nature and Scripture, of providence intelligent acquaintance with the teaching of subject can be in a position to say that we are
and of prophecy, reach conclusions which the prophetic word, no man of God is or can not right—that these things are not so ?
sanctified common sense can approve,—and be thoroughly furnished to all good works, May such a spirit as the Bereans had of old,
speculators, who running away with isolated for it is part of the " all Scripture " given by be granted to the Christians of this gener-
and mysterious expressions, indulge in imag- inspiration, and profitable for the purpose of ation, that they may diligently search the
inations of their own, and become prophets, rendering him so. " more sure word of prophecy," and draw
instead of students of divine prophecy. No Perhaps one reason for the prevailing neg- directly from that sacred fountain the truth
employment of human intelligence is nobler, lect of prophetic expositions and preaching as to the fast approaching future, which God
than an adoring investigation of the revealed will be found on reflection, to lie, not in the has graciously revealed.—From Preface to
purposes of God, " which things the angels fact that it is unpractical, but rather in the " The Approaching End of the Age," by H.
desire to look into," while few are so puerile, fact that it is so peculiarly practical, that few Grattan Guinness.
as a presumptuous pretence of predicting the have the boldness and courage to face the
future, apart from such cautious and careful ridicule, opposition, and contempt it is sure THE TRUTH cannot be burned, beheaded,
study of divine revelation. to incur in the world. Jeremiah lived on the or crucified. A lie on a throne is a lie still,
In conclusion, the author would strongly eve and in the crisis of a day of judgment on and truth in a dungeon is truth still ; and the
deprecate the false and foolish popular notion, the apostate professing people of God. He lie on the throne is on the way to defeat, and
that all study of prophecy is unpractical—a was commissioned to deliver prophetic dis- the truth in the dungeon is on the way to
notion too often propagated by passing, but courses full of denunciations of coming judg- victory. No accidents of position can change
mischievously-influential allusions to the sub- ment and of chronological statements of its the essential nature of things, or the eternal
ject, from pulpit, platform, and press, made proximity and duration. We know what Jere- laws which determine their destinies.—Wm.
by those who know little either of it, or of its miah's lot was, and few are prepared to play McKinley.
effects. It ought to be a sufficient rebuke to the his sad and thankless role in society ! THE pupils in a Sunday-school class were
levity that hazards such an assertion, or ad- So far from the study and exposition of the questioned about the man who fell among
mits such an idea, to recall the facts, that one- prophetic word being profitless and vain, we thieves on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho.
third of the Bible' consists of prophecy ; and believe it is impossible to estimate the loss " Now why," said the master, " did the priest
that our Lord and Master said, " Search the sustained by the church, or the injury done and the Levite pass by on the other side ? " A
Scriptures," not a portion of them. The to the world, by the very general and unjusti- scholar held up his hand. " Well, my boy,
apostle Peter expressly tells us that we do fiable neglect of it. Is it not so that where why did the priest pass by on the other side ?"
well to take heed to the " more sure word of one prophetic discourse is delivered, ten " I know," said the lad, " because the man
prophecy," as to a light shining in a dark thousand doctrinal and practical sermons are was already robbed."—Sel.
place until the day dawn and the day star preached ? By what authority do we thus
arise. Is it unpractical to make use of a shelve a line of truth to which divine wisdom IF you would not have affliction visit you
good lantern on a pitch-dark night, in travers- has given such prominence in Scripture. Is it twice, listen at once to what it teaches.
102 THE PRESENT TRUTH. VoL. 1, No. 7.
I bring such accumulated misery upon a com-
17EMPERANCE, paratively happy people, my honest reply is, IRE/SIDE EADINGS,
that I have a license, given under the laws of
the government, and thus I have purchased
"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to " Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, what-
the glory of God."-1 Cor. 10: 81. the right to ruin the character, impair the soever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
health, shorten the lives, and destroy both the are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any
souls and bodies of men. virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."—Phil. 4: 8.
NOT ALCOHOL ALONE. I know it is written, " Thou shalt not
ALCOHOLIC or intoxicating liquors cost the
kill ; " that woe is pronounced upon him that WOMAN'S RICHTS.
people of the United Kingdom the enormous giveth strong drink to his neighbor, and
that no drunkard shall enter the kingdom Tau right to watch while others sleep,
sum of one hundred and thirty-six million The right o'er others' woes to weep,
pounds sterling,—nearly twice as much as is of heaven ; and I do not expect that I, a The right to succor in distress,
paid for bread ; more than is paid for bread, drunkard-maker, will share a better fate. The right when others curse to bless,
butter, cheese, and milk combined ; more than But what can I do? I must have money, The right to love when others scorn,
even at the expense of my soul. Do you not The right to comfort all who mourn,
twelve and one-fourth times as much as for The right to shed new joy on earth,
education ; nearly one hundred and thirty think I offer enough in return for the money ? The right to feel the soul's high worth,
times as much as is paid for Christian Many times it will be more than my custom- The right to lead the soul to God,
missions ! This does not include the cost of ers can conveniently carry. Along the path her Saviour trod ;
Such woman's rights God will bless
crime, police rates, vagrancy, insanity, etc., Particular Notice.—I most affection- And crown her champion with success.
which comes in consequence of drink. But ately warn all my patrons to keep clear of the —Selected.
there is another matter of expense, not less temperance men—such as Sons of Temperance,
useless, and productive of great evils, namely, Good Templars, members of the Temple of BROTHER LUSCOMB.
tobacco. More than fifty-one millions of Honor, and all other teetotalers, by whatever
pounds were used in this kingdom in 1883. THE brethren did not like to have Mr. Lus-
name they are known, as they will persuade comb speak at the prayer-meetings. He was
The expense of this to the consumers you to sign the pledge, save your money, and
together with cigars and snuff consumed slow, ungrammatical, and uninteresting. His
with it support your family in comfort and gestures seemed awkward, his stories without
in the same time, cannot be less than fifteen respectability, thus cheating me out of what
million pounds sterling, more than is paid for point, experiences absurd ; in fact, he was
you would spend at my establishment. I totally unfitted to exhort. Yet no meeting
household coal, or for education. More paid know what they have done and what they
to stupefy and narcotize the mind and moral passed without a word from him. No one
will do. Look out for them.—Sel. liked to tell him that his remarks were not
sensibilities than to educate and train them !
The " counterblaste" of King James was
«. acceptable ; and so things went on. The
MR. B. WHITWORTH, M. P., in the course leader offered long prayers and exhortations
none too strong. Tobacco excites, cre- of his speech as chairman, at the Great Cen-
ates, and feeds the appetite for intoxicating " to take up the time," but Brother Luscomb
tral Hall, Bishopsgate Street, on Sunday was not to be crowded out. The young peo-
liquors. It is the cause of some of the most evening, Sept. 15, said that he was in his 69th
terrible and incurable diseases that are known ple tittered and whispered over his antiquated
year of teetotalism, and he felt stronger that pronunciation, but the old man was not to be
to medical science. It stupefies, narcotizes, _ night than when he commenced to abstain.
and brutalizes all the finer sensibilities of giggled out of countenance.
He could trace 500 persons who had become There was also another provoking thing
manhood. Temperance workers and Chris- abstainers through his influence, and he had
tians, think of these facts. Tobacco users, about him : he seemed always to enjoy every
never yet met an acquaintance who regretted gathering for prayer. When all felt that a
give up the hurtful, filthy habit. taking his advice in that matter. Between
"'T will save you health, meeting had been as dead as it is possible for
'T will save you wealth."
50 and 60 years ago not half-a-dozen abstain- a mid-week prayer-meeting to be, Brother
ing medical men could be found ; now there Luscomb would come out of it as bright and
It came from the savages ; leave it to them. would be no difficulty in finding between 5,000
Until three hundred years ago our ancestors glowing as if just from an intense revival
and 6,000 in this country. When he entered service, and say with all his heart, " Good
did not use it; they lived just as long, and the House in 1865, there was only one tee-
were just as happy as we. The world does meetin', wan't it, brethring."
totaler there besides himself, viz., Sir Edward He was a consistent Christian, nobody dis-
not need it now any more than it did five Baines, who, although now between 80 and
hundred, or one thousand years ago. English puted that, but he was not a consistent gram-
90 years of age, was as hearty as possible. marian. He said " set " instead of sit, and
toilers, go free from this enslaving habit. Mr. Caine was his authority for- saying that
Says Mr. Samuel Morley, M.P., " With when the youngsters laughed, he obligingly
there are now 36 or 37 teetotal M.P.'s. changed it to " sot." Words ending in " ing "
drinking I class smoking, for these two go —Chris. Corm
hand in hand." were always deprived of the g, and those in
MR. JUSTICE ROSE, at the Pembroke assizes,
" in " or " en" as invariably had a g added.
IS NOT THIS AN HONEST RUMSELLER ? Canada, addressing the grand jury, said : " I " Prehaps, presuasion, persentiment," were
was not a very strong Temperance man until favorite words with him.
FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS,—Having recently I assumed my official duties. In considera- There would have been some hope in the
opened a commodious establishment for the tion of the position in which I have been hearts of the brethren and sisters if there
sale of all the choicest liquors, including placed, I feel it is my duty to endeavor to were any signs of his overcoming his faults,
" lager beer," I embrace this opportunity lessen the temptation which is thrown in the but, on the contrary, he became worse as his
of informing you that I have begun the busi- way of our weaker fellow-men. I would be years grew to be more of a burden. It was
ness of making drunkards, paupers, and beg- glad to see all saloons done away with. I see suggested by some that he be kindly requested
gars, for the sober, industrious, and respectable no reason why they should exist. They are not to " take part," when something happened
to support. simply a temptation to drink, without any that opened many eyes.
I shall deal in such spirits as will excite men resulting benefit." A young man of eighteen strayed into one
to riot, robbery, and bloodshed, and by so a . .. of the week-evening meetings. He was well
doing diminish the comforts, increase the ex- SWITZERLAND stands at the head of all the known through the town as a hard case, and
penses, and endanger the welfare of the com- countries in Europe in the average amount of to see him there was a wonder. Brother Lus-
munity. I will undertake, at short notice, liquor consumed per adult male. With the comb sat so far in front that he did not notice
for a small sum, and with considerable expense increased consumption of intoxicating liquors, the new corner.
on my part, to prepare inmates for the work- insanity, want, and misery have also increased. All the brethren tried to make the meeting
house, the prison, and the gallows. I will fur- Many petitions the past summer were sent as interesting as possible. One spoke fluently
nish an article warranted to increase the into the Council appealing for restrictive legis- of a shipwrecked sailor clinging to his
amount of fatal accidents, and multiply the lation, but the Council failed to act in the mother's Testament, even in the pangs of
number of distressing diseases among men. matter. The revenue of the blood of souls death. Another said earnestly and mean-
I will supply a drink calculated to deprive is more precious than their salvation from ingly, " Choose ye this day whom ye will
some of life, many of reason, most of property, this terrible curse. serve," and then when the tone of the meet-
and all of peace ; which will make fathers to ing was deep and reverent, Brother Luscomb
act like madmen ; wives to be made worse THREE earnest and prominent temperance got up and spoke. Just what he said hardly
than widows ; children to become double workers in England have lately died. Mr. anyone seemed to know. He meandered
orphins, to grow up in ignorance, and prove Jos. Livesey, noticed last month, Mr. Edward through some sort of a story about a " boy
a burden and a curse to the nation. I will Barker and Mr. John Wear. The age of the which had stole somethin, and couldn't git
obstruct the progress of religion, defile the latter was 91. He never drank alcoholic no peace till he made restitootion,' " and
purity of the church, and cause temporal, liquors or smoked tobacco during his whole " restitootion " and " prehaps " and " breth-
spiritual, and eternal death. life. What a good world would it be were all ring " with a few other choice words were
And if any are so impertinent as to ask why as temperate ! about all that most of those present remem-
bered of the story after the speaker " sot " " Well, do n't begin to scold me, Kate, for I the letter. She could not find it, but the post-
down. did not begin the quarrel. I asked Clara to man had just brought another for her, full
A few weeks after this, the same young lend me hers, for she was not using it ; and of good news. The money in the bank was
man came before the church to be examined what do you think she said ?" safe, and her father was not, after all, a poor
for admission to membership. In the course " I cannot tell." man, and as for Kate, she might stay at school
of the questions that were put to him it was " She said, No, I will not, for you might as long as she liked.
asked :— be dishonest enough to keep it ' There ! As Gladdened with this good news, Kate made
When did you first decide to serve the if anybody in our school ever did such things I " up her mind that she would forgive Clara.
Lord ? " " That was certainly very unkind in Clara; She went back again into the garden to finish
" At the prayer-meeting three weeks ago." but she must have been very angry at the her quiet walk. There, behind one of the
" What led to that choice ? " asked the time, or she would not have said it. trees, she saw Clara Martin crying bitterly
minister. " Well, all the girls said what a shame it Kate went up to her and called her softly.
" Something that one of the speakers said," was, and that only made Clara worse. She told She started up with flashing eyes and flushed
was the reply. me I was a stupid little thing, and that she cheeks.
" What was it ? " would not like to learn her lessons any better " Go away," she said. " Why do you dis-
The young man hesitated and then quietly than I did mine. And she said something turb me ? I am not going to apologize,.for I
said :— quite as bad to each of the others ; but the am not sorry; go away."
" When I came into that meeting I had in worst things of all, and those which made us But Kate was not to be repulsed like that.
my pocket a sum of money that belonged to the crossest, were said about you." " Clara," she said gently, " let me stay. I
a certain man here in town. I did not delib- " About me ?" said Kate in surprise. am not angry with you, but I want to talk to
erately steal it from him, but as I was sure " Yes, dear Kate. I do n't know how she you, for I know you are not happy."
that he would never know where it went, I found it all out, but she says she knows every- Clara tried to push her away, but Kate was
was going to keep it. The only part of that thing about you. She says your father is taller, and she took the trembling girl in her
service that I remember was where Mr. Lus- poor enough to be her father's servant ; that arms and kissed her, and laid her cold hands
comb spoke about the stealing and restitution. you never have so much as even a shilling a on Clara's hot forehead.
It seemed as if he was talking to me, and Poor Clara could only cry the more, for
week for pocket money ; that all your dresses she had not expected this ; and Kate soothed
what he said so clung to me that before I are quite poor and common, and that you will
went to sleep that night I had resolved to re- soon have to leave school because your friends her and talked to her kindly.
turn the money. That was the first step, and " I do not so much mind the things you
cannot afford to keep you here." said about me, but I should like to have
the second was the giving myself wholly to " Well, supposing it is all true, Nellie ;
Christ." should I be any the worse for being poor ?" my letter back."
At the next week's evening meeting, Mr. " 0 Kate, I am so ashamed " said Clara.
" No, Kate, you would still be the dearest " I found the letter and read it, and I knew it
Luscomb being detained at home by sickness, girl in all the world. But she said something
the minister told the whole story, and ever else about you ; she said we would not make would tease the girls to talk about it. You
after that when Mr. Luscomb spoke or prayed, will never forgive me."
so much fuss about you if we knew that be- Kate kissed her once more.
neither the grammar, the accents, nor the gest- fore you came to this school you were turned
ures were noticed, but rather the hearty love away, expelled, from the last school." " I have quite forgiven you," she said, " be-
for the Master which had been blessed of God cause I am sure you will not do so dishon-
" That is not true," said Kate looking very
to the saving of a soul.—The Baptist. orable a thing again. And you have mis-
white. understood the letter, Clara ; the only reason
" True ! We know that not a word of it is why I left the other school was because I was
KATE'S FORGIVENESS. true. And must not that Clara be a mean and ill, and they thought I might better not re-
wicked girl ? You will not speak to her again main."
" I WILL never speak to Clara Martin." now, will you, Kate ? "
" 0 Nellie, that is a very hard thing for you " I did understand it, Kate, but my wick-
" I think I shall, Nellie, but I will think edness made me say the other. I will tell the
to say." about it first." And Kate walked away for a girls all about it. Come with me, Kate."
" You could not be surprised though, little quiet thought. So they walked up the garden together, to
Kate, if you knew everything." If you had known Kate Davis, you would
" I should be grieved, if not surprised, Nellie ; the great amazement of all the other girls ;
not have been surprised that she was the and Clara confessed her wrong, and begged
and though I do not so much as wish to know greatest favorite in all the school. She was
everything, I am quite sure that you might their pardon, and told them that as Kate had
quite a year older than the other girls, and forgiven her, she hoped they would not be
better think over your words again, and re- she was taller, too. She had soft brown eyes,
solve to forgive Clara, whatever she may have angry long.
and a face that was rather pale. She was " Dear Kate that is the way she is re-
done." a serious girl, and her smiles were so sweet
" No, Kate, it is quite impossible ; and all venged," said one of the girls. " I wish we
and kind that they were valued by all about were all more like her."
the girls say the same. They all know what her. She was a real friend, always rEady to Ah!" said another, " we shall never be
she has done, and they all declare that they help others, and she never got angry, even in
will never speak to her again." that without God's help. Kate Davis is a
play, or said unkind things to the rest. They Christian !"—Young Pilgrim.
" But this is very unkind of them, and all loved her, and were glad to be with her ;
quite too hard for Clara to bear. What has and it seemed as if they could never say
she done ? " enough in her praise. So you may be sure THE TRUE FOUNDATION.
" Oh ! several things. She has been so they were both surprised and indignant at
rude, Kate, that you could never guess the Clara Martin's speech. They each said some- THE present indifference as to the real
things she has done." thing to her about it, and one girl even said, teaching of the word of God lies at the very
" Whatever they are, she will soon be sorry " You ought to be dismissed from the school foundation of most of the apostasy from the
for them, and perhaps she will apologize ; for saying such wicked things." primitive faith. If the people can be made to
and then, of course, all the girls whom she has Kate walked to the bottom of the garden, realize the paramount authority of the Bible
offended will forgive her at once." where the girls could not see her, and she in all matters pertaining to religion, then
" I do n't think they would even then.; but could not keep the tears from coming into her more than half of the work of reform will have
Clara Martin will never apologize, I know ; eyes. It is always hard to have unkind things been accomplished. Hence we must begin at
she is too ill-tempered and proud for that. said about one, and Kate felt it. She won- the beginning. We must try to bring the
Do n't you take her part, will you, Kate ?" dered, too, where Clara had gained so much in- people to heartily accept the word of God as
" I do n't know, Nellie ; if you all turn formation about her. She remembered that an all-sufficient and the only sufficient rule
against her, poor child, she will need some her last letter from home had said something of faith and practice. At present the Divine
one to take her part ; and I do not yet know about her being obliged to leave school if her Word is only partially authoritative, even
whether you or she was the more wrong." father lost some money which was in a bank where it is ostensibly accepted as an infallible
" Then I will tell you all about it, Kate, for I which was said to have failed. She thought guide. Where its teaching comes in conflict
think you ought to know. She has been in a Clara must have seen this letter. She felt in with established forms, customs, or popular
dreadful temper all day, but this is what her pocket, and found it was not there. doctines, there is generally not much difficulty
began our quarrel: I could not find my " I must have drawn it out with my pocket- in setting aside the plain words of the Holy
grammar anywhere, and I could not remember handkerchief," she said to herself ; but it Spirit in order to hold fast the errors of an
where I put it." was dishonorable of Clara to read it, even if apostate Christianity. The first thing to be
"Ah, little Nellie, you were the first to be she found it." done is to deal honestly with the good old
wrong after all, you see. If you remembered And, of course it was, for no girl of honor Book, which, though often slightingly treated,
the motto on the school-room wall, A place would read a letter addressed to another has, nevertheless, given us nearly all that is
for everything, and everything in its place,' without special permission. worth anything in our civilization.—Christian
you would not have lost your grammar." Kate hurried into the house to search for Commonwealth.
104 THE PRESENT TRUTH. VoL. 1, No. 7.
life, with all confidence, " I have glorified thee on the Sabbath removes his blessing and revokes the
THE PRESENT TRUTH. the earth : I have finished the work which thou command given to the human race to observe it.
gayest me to do." John 17 : 4. The examples of Justice demands that the repeal of the Sabbath
"And be Established in the Present Truth." faithful men of God in the past manifest the same law should be as plain, positive and public as its
principles. Love to God manifested itself in obedi- enactment. But no record of such a repeal has
GREAT GRIMSBY, NOVEMBER, 1884. ence to all God's commandments. Says the ever been found in the Book of God.
Psalmist : " 0 how love I thy law lit is my medita- 2. When the Lord commends the character of
M. C. WILCOX, RESIDRAT EDITOR.. tion all the day." Ps. 119: 97. And this love led Abraham, it is not simply because Abraham be-
B. L. WHITNEY, . ARSOOTATI EDITOR. him to obey God. He says " I thought on my ways, lieved God, but because he " obeyed my voice and
Corresponding Editors:— and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes,
J. H. WAGGONER, U. SMITH, GEO. I. BUTLER. haste, and delayed not to keep thy command- and my laws." Gen. 26: 5. The Sabbath law
ments." Verses 59, 60. The apostle Paul, in har- was one of God's laws ; therefore Abraham, the
THE WHOLE HEART. mony with the Psalmist, exclaims, " I delight in " father of the faithful," honored the Sabbath of
the law of God after the inward man." Born. 7 : the Lord, the seventh day.
THE Lord asks of his people the whole heart. 22. In the next chapter, he states that those who 3. When the Lord called his people out of Egypt,
Nothing less will suffice. He freely gave his only walk in the Spirit are fulfilling the righteousness of he tested their allegiance to him by the Sabbath.
begotten Son a ransom to save them from eternal the law. Rom. 8 : 4. Those who do not delight The people were to gather manna " every day," of
death. He did all that he could do ; and in return in the law, or walk in obedience to its just and holy the six working days of the week to " prove them "
he asks those who have been purchased by the claims have not been transformed by the grace of whether they would " walk in my [God's] law or
precious blood of Christ to give him the whole Christ, but are carnally minded. Verse 7. Says no." And when some went out upon the seventh
heart. " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with the beloved apostle, "For this is the love of God, day to gather manna, the Lord rebuked them thus :
all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all that we keep his commandments : and his com- " How long refuse ye to keep my commandments
thy might," is the teaching of the Levitical dispen- mandments are not grievous." and my laws." Ex. 16 : 4, 28. The Sabbath here
sation. Deut. 6 : 5. No less is asked in the Chris- Here are tests, dear reader, which point out in- brought to view was not a new institution. " This
tian dispensation. " Thou shalt love the Lord thy fallibly the true condition of the heart. Are God's is that which the Lord hath said, To-morrow is
God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and commandments grievous, burdensome, irksome ? the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord.',
with all thy mind. This is the first and great Does the cross cause you to murmur ? Is the way Verse 23. The true Sabbath is pointed out in such
commandment," is the teaching of our Saviour. too strait ? Then the heart is carnal ; the love and a way by miraculous manifestations that it cannot
Matt. 22 : 37, 38. God's plan for saving men has sacrifice of Christ are but little appreciated. But be mistaken. Only one day, the seventh day, the
always been the same. if with a heart cleansed by divine grace, you Creator rested upon in the beginning, hence " the
Love to God is not an emotion or feeling; it is a delight to do his will, and are willing to forsake all holy Sabbath unto the Lord" must be the seventh
controlling, molding principle, born of the Spirit of for him, if you follow not in your own ways, but day in the succession of weeks from creation.
God, and acting as the mainspring of all true mo- willingly in his ways, then you can with confidence Men could not plead ignorance or lost time then.
tives. Feelings of joy and peace are realized by in him and faith in his son, "have boldness in the The Lord marked the day by a three-fold miracle.
those who have this love; but they are the results day of judgment." May the grace of our Lord They could not plead one-seventh part of time, and
of the exercise of that love rather than constituent Jesus Christ develop such love in the hearts of keep some other day than the seventh, else they
and ever-present elements. Sometimes feeling de- those who shall peruse these lines. would go hungry. And this miraculous falling of
parts, joy is dead, hope is well-nigh gone ; but love the manna continued to mark and honor the Sab-
shines still, believes God still, trusts him still. It bath of the Lord for forty years.
hates sin, but loves the sinner, and would save him, IS THE DAY OF THE SABBATH UNIMPORTANT? 4. Thirty-three days, or, according to some,
not in sin, in man's way, but from sin, in God's eighteen days, after the manna began to fall, the
way. So SOME of our correspondents believe. So some Lord descended upon Mt. Sinai, and spoke in a
True and whole-hearted love to God floes not religious journals teach. So some ministers preach; voice which shook the earth the ten words of his
rest in word alone, but in deed as well. It does not While it may be true, write some, that the seventh- moral law. He honored the Sabbath by placing in
depend upon a misguided conscience ; it is in ac- day is the Sabbath, why make so much of it 2 Will the bosom of that law a command for its observ-
cordance with truth. 1 John 3: 18. If it is a not the seventh part of time do just as well ? ance, Ex. 20 : 8-11; and that command points to
whole-hearted love, there will result from it a Many more would like your paper if it were not a definite day, the seventh day. It anticipates the
whole-hearted service. It will count God's honor for the fact that the Sabbath was made prominent. work Satan would attempt to do, viz., to change
and the integrity of his righteous law above all We like it all but that, because it keeps close to the the Sabbath. It begins with " Remember." And
things else. All affections and desires will be Bible. it does not tell us to simply remember a seventh
bro'aght into submission to the one great principle, But hold, dear reader, do not lightly turn aside day or the Sabbath institution ; but it recognizes
love to God. It will not question the wisdom of his the question. We have no desire to make promi- the great fact that there is but one Sabbath of the
plans, nor will any of his commands be grievous ; nent what the Lord has not made prominent. But Lord ; consequently the command, " Remember
but it will co-operate with him in the salvation of let us briefly review some of the important events the Sabbath day to keep it holy ; . . . the
souls, and render cheerful obedience to all his re- connected with the day of the Sabbath, and learn seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
quirements. It will not seek excuses from duty in from thence how the Lord regards it. " To the law The reason is given so plainly that it cannot be
dishonest interpretations of Scripture, nor seek and to the testimony." If it be taught in that Word, misunderstood. " For in six days the Lord made
justification of unlawful conduct from unwarrant- though there be but one plain positive precept heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
able inferences drawn from the word of God. It concerning it, if that precept be unrepealed, it en- and rested the seventh day : wherefore the Lord
will not plead, " I pray thee have me excused " joins a duty which men neglect at their peril. blessed the Sabbath [rest] day, and hallowed it."
from any duty, however irksome or humbling it 1. The great God instituted the Sabbath at cre- We know not how language could be more explicit.
may be to the proud heart ; but it will ask the ation by three distinct and successive acts. (a.) He If words mean anything, the language of the fourth
question, with full purpose to obey, " Lord, what rested on the seventh day. This constituted it commandment enjoins the same seventh day in the
wilt thou have me to do ? " It will not only lead God's rest or Sabbath day ; for sabbath means rest. septenary or weekly cycle as that upon which the
to obedience to God, but it will lead to a willing (b.) He blessed the seventh day. It thus became Creator rested. Imperfect chronology, or lost time,
obedience. If we possess this love, we will not be God's blessed Sabbath day. (c.) He sanctified, set it has no place here. The Lord himself marks the
content with doing for God just the duties that are apart, or appointed it to a holy or sacred use. day of the Sabbath, places a command concerning
brought before us; but we will seek to know his Hence he must have given a command to observe the particular day in the moral law,—that law
whole will. In short, it will lead to the devoting it. This command was given to the one for whom which Dr. Adam Clarke truly says, " was not made
of all our powers to God. Our words, our acts, the Sabbath was made. " The Sabbath was made for one people, or for one particular time; it is as
our deeds, our means, our talents will be used to for man." Mark 2 : 27. And observe that the day imperishable as Thy nature, and of endless obliga-
glorify him and advance his cause. Obedience to the Lord blessed and sanctified was not the first tion. It is that law by which all the children of
God and his holy will will be the first object in life seventh day upon which he rested, but the seventh Adam shall be judged." Many regard this as true
to a heart which truly trusts God. Bonds and day in the weekly cycle for all time to come ; for as regards the institution of the Sabbath, but un-
affliction will not move it ; life itself will not be he blessed and sanctified it, "because that in it he important as regards the particular day. But who
counted dear. Instead of shirking the cross to had rested." Gen. 2 : 3. He here founded an in- will give counsel to the Most High ? God, in his
avoid suffering, it will rejoice that it is " accounted stitution as universal as the earth, to continue as wisdom, thought one-seventhA part of time neces-
worthy to suffer shame for his name." Such is the long as his creature, man, should reap the benefits sary ; and that same wisdom dictated which day of
love which the Lord asks of those whom the blood of his creation. the seven. The obligation is just as binding as
of his Son has purchased—a love that " beareth all And the seventh day, in the septenary or weekly regards the particular, definite day, as is the obli-
things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, en- cycle, must ever remain the Sabbath or rest of the gation concerning the amount of time. And we
dureth all things." Lord. It can no more be changed than a man can have before shown that no other day of the seven
This love was perfectly exemplified in the life of change his birthday. It will not cease to become could be called the Sabbath of the Lord, but the
our Saviour. He could say at the close of his earth. holy and obligatory upon man until the Author of day upon which the Lord sabbatized or rested,
namely, the seventh day. That fact can never be requirements of the definition,-" To make safe ; Saved through preaching : "For after that in the
changed; is unchangeable and irrefutable. to procure the safety of ; to preserve from destruc- wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God,
5. The law of God, therefore every command- tion or evil of any kind ; to rescue from danger." it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to
ment in that law, was honored by our Saviour. These are great and far-reaching consequences. save them that believe." 1 Cor. 1: 21.
The prophet Isaiah prophesied that this would be Many are brought into the favor of God, and Husbands and wives may save each other : " For
the case. " He will magnify the law, and make it receive the witness of his Spirit, who lose these what knowest thou, 0 wife, whether thou shalt
honorable." Isa. 42 : 21. How emphatically was important blessings after a short experience. They save thy husband ? or how knowest thou, 0 man,
this fulfilled in the life and teachings of our Saviour. fall into apostasy, and are lost forever, because whether thou shalt save thy wife 2 " 1 Cor. 7 : 16.
" He did no sin," 1 Pet. 2 : 22; he kept his "Father's unfaithful to their vows of obedience. To speak of Saved by conversion : " Let him know, that he
commandments." John 15: 10. His teaching such as being saved while enjoying for a brief time which converteth the sinner from the error of his
was, " Think not that I am come to destroy the evidence of acceptance, would surely be using the way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a
law, or the prophets : I am not come to destroy, term in a very limited sense. multitude of sins." James 5 : 20.
but to fulfill [establish]. For verily I say unto To be sure, it is necessary before any one can be Saved by good works : " What doth it profit,
you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle saved eternally, to have this experience of God's my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and
shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be ful- acceptance in this life. And this is probably why have not works ? can faith save him ? " James
filled." Matt. 5 : 17, 18. We ask if such a change the word is used occasionally in this limited sense. 2 : 14.
could be made in the fourth precept of that law as We would not depreciate this blessed evidence of Saved by walking uprightly : " Whose walketh
would institute a day which was not God's Sabbath God's love given to us in this fallen state. It is uprightly shall be saved." Prov. 28 : 18.
wi1shout changing " one jot or one tittle "-one letter more precious than any worldly good. But how Saved by enduring unto the end: "And ye' shall
rx one tip of a letter ? No ; it could not be done. far short it comes of the glory which shall be re- be hated of all men for my name's sake : but he that
It would not only change the letters and words of vealed when we are not only saved from sin, but endureth to the end shall be saved." Matt. 10 : 22.
the law, but the very principles upon which one of saved forever in the kingdom of our Father ! Saved by taking heed unto the doctrine : " Take
its ten words are based. And this is not a tithe of There is a class who have much to say about heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue
our Savior's teaching showing the immutability of consecration, sanctification, and kindred subjects, in them : for in doing this, thou shalt both save
the law of God. who rarely use the term " salvation " in any other thyself, and them that hear thee." 1 Tim. 4 : 16.
He not only magnified and honored the law by sense than this limited one. We think that such Saved by the name of Christ : " Neither is there
his teaching, but he honored it by his death. He make a great mistake, and that they confuse the salvation in any other : for there is none other name
showed that the moral law, the principles of God's public mind, keeping in the background, as the under heaven given among men, whereby we must
government, was so holy that it required the death object of hope, the glorious reward which the Lord be saved." Acts 4: 12.
of the Son of God to release man from its claims. has set before us. Some may be saved by being delivered over to
Could greater honor be given the law of God than Another mistake in modern theology is concern- Satan (i. e., being dropped from church fellowship) :
that his only beloved Son should die to vindicate its ing the conditions of salvation. Many belonging " To deliver such an one unto Satan for the de-
claims ? When men dishonor God's law, they dis- to the class just spoken of have some favorite texts struction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved
honor the offering of his Son. That offering never on which their belief is mainly founded. They in the day of the Lord Jesus." 1 Cor. 5 : 5.
seams so great as when viewed through the integ- ring the changes on these, and predicate the whole Some may be saved by the prayer of faith : "And
rity of God's government and the justice of his subject upon them : " We are saved by believing; " the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord
moral law. And that law never seems more holy " saved by faith ; " " only believe, and you are shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins,
than when viewed through the humiliation, suffer- saved now." To feel that we are now saved, seems they shall be forgiven him." James 5 : 15.
ing, and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the to be with them the highest point of Christian Saved by washing the heart from wickedness :
honoring of the whole law is the honoring of each attainment. " 0 Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness,
individual precept of that law; and the Sabbath No doubt there is some truth in their views; but that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy
commandment is one of those precepts of that law we are certain they constitute but a one-sided, in- vain thoughts lodge within thee 2 " Jer. 4 : 14.
honored and magnified by the death of Christ. complete view of the conditions of salvation. This Saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ :
Reader, is not the day of the Sabbath important ? is one of the great faults of modern religious " And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
Could the Lord do more to show us how sacredly teaching. One says we are saved by baptism; and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts
he regards it ? Dr. Barnes truly says, "They who another, by faith ; another, by works ; etc. Good 16 : 31.
pretend that there are any laws of God so small sense requires that we should take Bible teaching Saved by the love of the truth : " And with all
deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
that they need not obey them, are unworthy of his as a whole in its bearings upon this important perish; because they received not the love of the
kingdom." Decide these questions not in the light subject, lest we make fatal mistakes which shall truth that they might be saved." 2 Thess. 2 : 10.
of prejudice or early teaching, but in the light involve us in eternal ruin. We cannot afford to Saved by the life of Christ: "For if, when we
of the open Bible and the sacrifice of our Lord try experiments when there is so much at stake. were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the
Jesus Christ. To give a connected view of the conditions of death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we
salvation, we present below a list of texts, each of shall be saved by his life." Rom. 5 : 10.
Saved by confessing Christ and believing he rose
BEING SAVED. which gives one of these conditions; and all who from the dead : " That if thou shalt confess with
consider them will probably be satisfied that " be- thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in
THIS is a subject which should interest us all. ing saved " usually refers to eternal salvation :- thine heart that God hath raised him from the
The primary meaning of the word " save," is, " To Saved by faith : "And he said to the woman, dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10: 9.
make safe ; to procure the safety of ; to preserve Thy faith hath saved thee ; go in peace." Luke Saved by calling on the name of the Lord : " For
from injury, destruction, or evil of any kind; to whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
7 : 50. shall be saved." Rom. 10 : 13.
rescue from danger."-Webster. No doubt the Saved by grace : " For by grace are ye saved The meek shall be saved : " When God arose to
word " save " and its derivatives are used in the through faith ; and that not of yourselves : it is the judgment, to save all the meek of the earth." Ps.
Scriptures in different senses, sometimes referring gift of God." Eph. 2: 8. 76 : 9.
to deliverance from physical danger, sickness, and Saved by hope: " For we are saved by hope: The afflicted people shall be saved : " For thou
other afflictions incident to this mortal state. But but hope that is seen is not hope : for what a man wilt save the afflicted people ; but wilt bring down
we wish to consider the subject only in its relation high looks." Ps. 18 : 27.
seeth, why doth he yet hope for? " Born. 8 : 24. • God will save them which fear him: "He will
to spiritual things. And here we find quite a Saved by baptism : " The like figure whereunto fulfill the desire of them that fear him: he also
diversity of opinion among those who speak of be- even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting will hear their cry, and will save them." Ps.
ing saved, the conditions of salvation, etc. One away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a 145: 19.
class of expositors are very decided in their views good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection He will save those who wait upon him : " Say
and expressions relative to a " present salvation," of Jesus Christ." 1 Pet. 8 : 21. not thou, I will recompense evil ; but wait on the
being "saved now," "saved from sin," etc. Others, Lord, and he shall save thee." Prov. 20 : 22.
Saved by the word : " Wherefore lay apart all He will save those of a broken and contrite
when they speak of being saved, have in view the filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and re- heart : " The Lord is nigh unto them that are of
final change from mortal to immortal, when Christ ceive with meekness the ingrafted word, which is a broken heart ; and saveth such as be of a contrite
our Lord shall appear. They seek for this, pray able to save your souls." James 1: 21. spirit." Ps. 34 : 18.
for it, and live for it, and rarely speak of salvation Saved by Christ : " And she shall bring forth a These scriptures are worthy of careful study, and
in the former sense. son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus : for he cover most of the moral principles underlying the
subject of salvation. If anybody is inclined to
Now we believe the word " saved " is used in shall save his people from their sins." Matt. 1 : 21. ride any special hobby, and predicate salvation
both senses in the Bible, yet in a great majority of Saved by human instrumentality : " If by • any upon a few special points, he can be benefited by a
instances it refers to the final and eternal salvation means I may provoke to emulation them which are candid consideration of these texts. The teachers
of the faithful. The definition of the word would my flesh, and might save some of them." Rom. of modern sanctification will find food for thought
lead to this conclusion. The forgiveness of sin, 11: 14. here. May the Lord give us broad and sensible
views on this most important subject, and help us
and a present reconciliation and union with God, We save ourselves : " And with many other to seek for that great salvation which will be given
liable from man's fallen nature to be interrupted words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save your- to those who intelligently follow the word of God,
more or less frequently, would not fully satisfy the selves from this untoward generation." Acts 2 : 40. when our Lord shall come. G. I. B.
106 THE PRESENT TRUTH. VoL. 1, No. 7.
flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace
1711.6 SERMON% giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered
into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and
that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of
Jesus Christ." 1 Pet. 1: 13.
took them all away; so shall also the coming of the The testimony of the apostle James is equally
"I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of man be. . . . Watch, therefore ; for ye positive. Listen to his admonition : " Be patient
who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his king-
dom; PREACH THE WORD."-2 Tim. 4 : 1, 2. know not what hour your Lord doth come." Chap. therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
24 : 36-39, 42. And we find this warning repeated in Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious
Luke : " Be ye therefore ready also ; for the Son fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it,
of man cometh at an hour when ye think not." until he receive the early and latter rain. Be
TEXT: " Ye men of Galilee. why stand ye gazing up into Luke 12 : 40. This prophecy was ye also patient; stablish your hearts for the
heaven P This same Jesus which is taken up from you into coming of the Lord draweth nigh." James 5 : 7, 8.
heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him
go into heaven." Acts 1 : 11. NOT FULFILLED AT THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. To the same effect the apostle John exhorts us :
THESE men of Galilee were the disciples of our The Son of man did not then appear visibly, " And now, little children, abide in him ; that, when
Lord. They were standing upon the Mount of with his angels, in power and glory. All nations he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not
Olives. Their eyes were turned heavenward to were not gathered before his judgment throne. be ashamed before him at his coming." 1 John
catch the last glimpse of their ascending Master. He has not yet separated the righteous from the 2 : 28. And in the opening of the Revelation we
These words of our text were addressed to them wicked, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the hear him making the announcement to the world,
by the two angels who stood beside them at the goats. These events are still future. They relate on the direct authority of Christ himself : "Be-
moment. Angels had heralded the first advent and to the same time spoken of in the parable of the hold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall
had sung the song of redemption over the cradle tares. " The good seed are the children of the see him, and they also which pierced him ; and all
of the infant Saviour. Angels came and ministered kingdom ; but the tares are the children of the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him."
to him in the wilderness after Satan had exhausted wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the But, my friends, there is no need to multiply quo-
upon him all the resources of his craft in tempting devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the tations to prove that the New Testament contains
him. An angel from heaven strengthened him in reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are the promise of the return of Jesus Christ to this
the garden, when he wrestled alone in bloody gathered and burned in the fire ; so shall it be in earth. You will find this truth stated over and
agony. And now as he ascends into heaven, angels the end of this world. The Son of man shall send over, from the opening of the gospel to the end of
are present to comfort his disciples. forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his Revelation. It is the great focal point of this dis-
Let us get a little view of this scene. Christ had kingdom all things that offend, and them which do pensation. It is the gleam of its coming glory
been crucified, had died, had been buried, and had iniquity ; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire ; which lights up the gospel with the glow of a
risen from the dead. He had shown himself alive there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." heavenly splendor. It is the great event to which
to his disciples, and had convinced them of his Matt. 13 : 38-42. the minds of the apostles and disciples constantly
resurrection by the most infallible and conclusive I would also like to call your attention to another turned when they thought of their heavenly inherit.
proofs. He had freely mingled with them for the passage,—the passage where Christ speaks of being ance. And if you will turn to your Testaments
space of forty days, speaking to them concerning ashamed of those who are ashamed of him: simply with a desire to know the truth, you too
the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. He " Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and will come to know that the greatest fact which is
had taken them a little way outside Jerusalem to my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, taught in that precious word, after the forgiveness
that spot where he had often resorted, and which of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when of sins, is the return of Jesus Christ to earth from
has been made forever sacred on account of having he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy heaven.
witnessed the bloody agony of the Son of God. angels." Mark 8 : 38. You see that it is not here The next thing I wish you to notice about the
He had just given them his last words of instruc- and now that he will be ashamed of such a one; second coming of Christ is that it will be
tion, and had stretched out his hands,—those same it is not at death ; it is not immediately after LITERAL AND PERSONAL.
hands which had been torn on the cross,—to pro- death ; but it is " when he cometh in the glory of As foretold in the New Testament, it is not a
nounce upon them his blessing. And as those his Father with the holy angels." figurative or spiritual coming. It is something
precious words fell from his lips, he was parted Now these teachings of Christ by themselves are very different from a mere flourish of rhetoric to
from them, and ascended into heaven before their sufficiently clear and positive. But it may help us express the spiritual presence of Christ at the hour
eyes. to know how the apostles, who were under his of death. " This same Jesus, which is taken up
The disciples naturally gazed up after their de- immediate instruction, understood them. from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner
parting Master. But their attention was speedily Paul tells us that the Lord Jesus " shall be re- as ye have seen him go into heaven." When Jesus
called back to earth. Two men stood by them, vealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in left his disciples on Olivet gazing up after him. it
clad in white garments, and addressed to them the flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know was the literal, personal, corporeal Jesus who went
words of our text. not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord into heaven.
The first thing you will notice is that these Jesus Christ." 2 Thess, 1: 7, 8. Speaking of the The Jesus who rose from the grave, was the
words contain a promise. It is that the Lord Jesus resurrection of the dead and the change of the same Jesus that hung on the cross and was
Christ will appear again upon this earth. living, he says that " we which are alive and buried by Joseph and Nicodemus in the sepulchre.
We are told that when he left his disciples on remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not pre- He convinced his disciples of this fact by chal-
the Mount of Olives, he did not bid a final adieu to vent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself lenging their bodily senses. He showed his person
this world. He who once became the babe of shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the to them, and they looked upon him with their eyes.
Bethlehem, lived a life of humiliation, died in voice of the archangel and with the trump of God; He spoke to them, and they heard his voice. He
shame upon the cross, and has now ascended to his and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we presented to them his wounded hands, and side,
Father—" this mime Jesus " shall once more re- which are alive and remain shall be caught up and feet, and appealed to their sense of touch:
visit this earthly scene of his sufferings and tri- together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord "Handle me, and see ; for a spirit hath not flesh
umph. in the air." 1 Thess. 4 : 13-17. and bones as ye see me have." For forty days,
But we have not only the word of the angels And again he says : " We shall not all sleep, but between his resurrection and ascension, this same
that he will come again; the Lord Jesus himself we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twink- literal and corporeal Jesus mingled with the dis-
explicitly declares the same thing. Turn to the, ling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet ciples. In that same body which rose from the
24th and 25th chapters of Matthew. There you shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorrupti- grave he ascended into heaven, where he is now
find, in his own words, an account of how this ble, and we shall be changed." 1 Cor. 15 : 51, 52. enthroned, a personal Saviour. And in that same
present gospel age is to close. It is to be brought To all this we may add the express statement of glorified personality, divine and human, literal,
to a close by the return of the Lord in power and the apostle : " Unto them that look for him shall corporeal, visible, he " shall so come, in like man-
glory. He tells us that when the time of the end he appear the second time without sin unto salva- ner," as he went into heaven.
shall have come, " then shall appear the sign of tion " ( Heb. 9 : 28) ; that is, he shall not appear Would you like to catch a glimpse of his glorious
the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the to become a sacrifice for the sins of men ; and he person ? Then with Peter, James, and John go up
tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the shall appear unto salvation,—to bring to his people with him into the mount where he is transfigured.
Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with their final and eternal redemption. See his divine glory as it shines out for a few mo-
power and great glory." Matt. 24: 30. In con- This is the testimony of Paul. Now let us turn ments from his person. Stand in the light of that
tinuation of the same discourse, he says : " When to Peter. We hear him exhorting the Jews after heavenly splendor. It is so overpowering that you
the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the this manner : "Repent ye therefore, and be con- too would fain fall to the ground upon your face.
holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the verted, that your sins may be blotted out, when That glory which dazzles your sight and over-
throne of his glory, and before him shall be gathered the times of refreshing shall come from the pres- masters your human strength, is the divine glory
all nations." Chap. 25 : 31, 32. In the same con- ence of the Lord; and he shall send Jesus Christ, of the Son of God. In that glory you will behold
nection also he tells us that his second coming which before was preached unto you : whom the him when he shall come in the clouds of heaven,
shall be sudden and unexpected : "As the days of heaven must receive until the times of restitution in the power of his Father at the last great day.
Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of of all things." Acts 3 : 19-21. He also exhorts You remember the parable of the talents. The
man be. For as in the days that were before the all Christian people " Gird up the loins of your Lord has now committed to his serwnts their
talents, five, two, one, according to their several in glory. When he comes in glorious majesty to all these things shall have been accomplished,
ability. He has taken his journey into a far assume his kingdom, to take his scepter, and to Christ will come to end this reign of sin, and
country where he has gone to receive a kingdom. reign as King of kings and Lord of lords, we then bring in the everlasting glory.
Some of these servants are now slothful, and have shall enter into all his joys. " For if we be dead Shall we ask, then, " Watchman, what of the
buried their talents. Some have sent after him the with him, we shall also live with him : if we suffer, night ? Are there signs of the coming morning "
message : " We will not have this man to reign we shall also reign with him : if we deny him, he Yes there are signs that the world is moving for-
over us." But at the hour appointed of his Father, also will deny us." 2 Tim. 2 : 11, 12. ward toward the day. The fig-tree is even now
he will return to reokon with his servants, and to But again, the second advent of Christ is almost budding, as the token of the fast-approaching
render to every man according to his deeds. THE TIME OF FINAL RETRIBUTION spring. There is an unwonted ferment among the
While there are some passages which speak of to an ungodly world. When the curtain of death nations. The old narrow boundaries of national
the presence of Christ by his Spirit, there is not one falls upon this earthly scene of our lives, the prejudice and fanaticism are disappearing, and
in the whole New Testament which speaks of boundary line is then crossed which marks the men's hearts and minds are melting and fusing to-
the second coming of Christ at the close of the limits of the pardoning love of God. Beyond that gether all over the world. Men are running" to
gospel dispensation as anything else than as a real, it will not go. and fro, and knowledge " is " increased." Dan.
actual, literal event. There is not one solitary But our effect upon the world and our influence 12 : 4.
passage which teaches that it is to be nothing but upon others, does not stop when we leave this There is an unwonted zeal among the people of
an impersonal and spiritual coming. On the con- earth. Though dead, we live on still. If our lives Christ in spreading the knowledge:of the gospel
trary, they all look to a real and personal appearing, have been wicked and sinful, we live on for evil through the earth. It will soon be proclaimed from
to a day of the Lord, to a certain and definite point till the end of time. The final summing up will every mountain and in every valley. It will soon
of time, when he shall be revealed from heaven with take place when all the actual deeds of this life, triumph over all organized opposition and all
his angels ; and every son of Adam shall behold with all their consequences, can be reckoned up opposing systems of religion. It will soon be true
him and stand before him. together. But when the Son of man shall come that it has been preached to every creature and
We further learn from the New Testament that in his glory with his angels, and shall sit upon his that every soul has had the cup of salvation pressed
the second coming of Christ is intimately related throne of judgment, and all nations shall be to his lips.
to the state in which men are to finally exist in gathered before him, then every man shall receive The man of sin,—the papal power represented
eternity. according to his deeds. " The Lord Jesus Christ in the person of the pope of Rome, is declining
THE GREAT HOPE . . . shall judge the quick and the dead at his ap- and losing his strength. His temporal power is
which the gospel sets before the people of God pearing and his kingdom." 2 Tim. 4 : 1. " For we gone. His anathemas, which once held the world
is the return of the Lord. The hope of the gospel must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ in awe, have lgst their terror. The kings of the
is not a hope for death. We are not taught to look that every one may receive the things done in his earth who formerly bowed their necks to his yoke
to the grave to bring us to everlasting bliss. And body, according to that he hath done, whether it and obeyed his commands, despise his authority
we are not taught to look forward to some ethe- be good or bad." 2 Cor. 5 : 10. See also Rom. 14 : and strip him of his possessions. The great mystery
real, intangible, spiritual, and disembodied state 10. And then the ,'apostle says that "when the of Babylon is fast approaching its solution.
immediately after death as the consummation of Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his And last of all, there have come scoffers. They
our Christian anticipations. This is not the fru- mighty angels," he shall take " vengeance on them are asking, " Where is the promise of his coming?
ition of the saints which the gospel promises. that knowinot God, and that obey not the gospel for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as
No ; the hope of the gospel is " the coming of the of our Lord Jesus Christ ; who shall be punished they were from the beginning of the creation." 2 Pet.
Lord." We are taught to be " looking for that with everlasting destruction from the presence of 3 : 4. Human experience teaches that the laws of na-
blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the the Lord and from the glory of his power." 2 ture are uniform. All things are stable and fixed.
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Tit. 2 : Thess. 1 : 7-9. The promise of his coming is the dream of an igno-
13. My friends, we shall all stand in that awful rant, superstitious, and unscientific age I It is all a
Do you remember what was Paul's hope as he Presence in our own persons. Our own eyes shall delusion I But " the Lord is not slack concerning
was abodt to go out to his bloody death ?—" I have see the King, and our ears shall hear his voice. If his promise, as some men count slackness ; but is
fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I we have believed on him here, we shall then enter long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any
have kept the faith : henceforth there is laid up into life ; if we have not obeyed his gospel, we shall should perish, but that all should come to repent-
for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, depart from his presence into darkness and death. ance. But the day of the Lord will come as a
the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day; "— There is to be " a day of wrath and revelation of thief in the night." We know not the hour. It
not at death, but "at that day : and not to me only, the righteous judgment of God." Rom. 2 : 5, etc. may be
but unto all them also that love his appearing." The great question with every one should be,—
2 Tim. 4 : 8. The hopes and promises of the what am I treasuring up against that day of retri- The slumbering world may very soon be startled
gospel take a definite and tangible shape when bution ? Is it " indignation and wrath, tribulation by the cry, " Behold, the Bridegroom cometh."
Peter tells us that " when the chief Shepherd shall and anguish " ? Or am I now seeking " for glory, Every one who would be considered his servant at
appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory which honor, and immortality," the reward of which is his coming, should be working, waiting, watching,
fadeth not away." 1 Pet. 5 : 4. There is some- eternal life ? You remember what Jude says about for his Lord.
thing certain and real when he assures us that the angels who kept not their first estate,—that And now in respect to the second advent of
there is " an inheritanceLincorruptible, and unde- they are "reserved in everlasting chains, under dark- Christ, let me ask you : Do you love his appearing ?
filed, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven ness, until the judgment of the great day." And Does it send a thrill of satisfaction to your heart
for you, who are kept by the power of God through when we too come down to the hour of death, we shall to think that you shall see the Lord Jesus re-
vealed in glory ? Does it comfort and cheer you
faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the look forward to that great and terrible day of the to remember that Jesus is to come again to take
last time." 1 Pet. 1 : 4, 5. And the apostle com- Lord either with unspeakable terror and dread, or you to himself ?
forts us, that though we may be in affliction now, else we shall fall peacefully asleep in Jesus, in the If Christ is become your Saviour, then your
yet our faith, being tried, and found much more full assurance of a blessediresurrection and "the heart should kindle into a flame of love and long-
precious than gold; that perisheth, " might be life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord." ing when you think that he will soon return ; that
found unto praise and honor and glory at the he shall then fully redeem you from all the con-
It is natural that men should ask when this great sequences of sin ; that he will deliver you from the
appearing of Jesus Christ." 1 Pet. 1 : 7. event is to take place. But that is a matter which power of death ; and that he will bring you into
Listen to the exhortation of the apostle Paul : is still among the secret purposes of God, and full and everlasting salvation. Again, suppose
" If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which he has seen fit to reveal nowhere in his word. Jesus Christ were to be revealed from heaven this
which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right He has reserved this knowledge expressly to him- very day. Would you be prepared to meet him ?
hand of God. Set your affection on things which self, so that the precise hour of our Lord's return Could you abide his presence ? Would the sight
are above, not on things on the earth. For ye no man knoweth. But the warning words of Jesus that of him gladden your heart ? And are you certain
you would receive from him a welcome and a
are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Christ come ringing in our ears : " Behold, I come crown of life ? If any of you are in doubt in this
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then quickly." He is not waiting to give time for some matter, then you had better make your calling sure
shall ye also appear with him in glory." Col. 3 : fancied triumph of human progress. He does not without delay. You may die before he comes ;
1-4. And also to the apostle John : " Beloved delay his coming to enable the race to develop but at the end you shall stand before him in all the
now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet some ideal civilization, and reach some golden era vigor of manhood. You will meet him then in just
appear what we shall be: but we know that when of earthly blessedness. He is now waiting to give lifethat moral state in which you left this life. Your
may end at any moment. You cannot tell
he shall appear, we shall be like him ; for we shall the nations time to repent. This is the day of what instant your heart may cease to throb. Your
see him as he is." 1 John 3 : 2. grace. He is now consummating his purposes of only safety is to lay hold at once of eternal life
We take our stand in the light of God's rev- mercy. He would have his gospel preached in all through Jesus Christ. In him you are safe ; out of
elation, and prolong our vision across the bound- the world to every creature. He would have his him you are in peril every hour.
ary of time to the day of final consummation ; and people publish the glad tidings of salvation in all May "the very God of peace sanctify you
wholly ; and I pray God that your whole spirit
there we see before us a life as real, tangible, and the earth. He is now gathering together to him- and soul and body be preserved blameless unto
personal as the life we are now living. If we are self an innumerable company " out of every kind- the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."—Rev. H.
one ,with Christ here, we shall be one with him red, and tongue, and people, and nation." When W. Congdon.
108 THE PRESENT TRUTH. VoL. 1, No. 7.
KIRWAN'S LETTERS TO ARCHBISHOP HUGHES. ency. What a difference between them ! Com- masses of your people superstitious. They have
pare Ireland and Scotland—and although the land no intelligent views of God. They know nothing
POPERY MAKES THE MASSES SUPERSTITIOUS THE of St. Patrick is far richer than that of St. Andrew about the plan of salvation. Sacraments and cere-
INTELLIGENT INFIDEL. yet how heaven-wide the difference between them monies exert an undefined, mysterious influence.
Compare Spain with England—Italy with Prussia— The priest exerts a ghostly, fearful power, before
MY DEAR SIR,—In my last letter, in which I
Rome with Edinburgh—Belfast with Cork : how which the ignorant believer slavishly crouches, and
stated to you the process of my mind in its transi- wide the difference ! Come across the Atlantic, of which he stands far more in awe than he does of
tion from Popery to infidelity, I asserted that the and continue the comparison on our Western Con- the God who has made him.
effect of your religion is, to make the masses super- tinent. Compare Mexico to New England—Brazil And the very causes which render the masses su-
stitious, and the intelligent infidels, in all the to these United States—the city of Mexico to that perstitious, operate in an opposite direction upon
countries where it predominates. Although the of Boston, or New York, or Cincinnati I How the intelligent, and drive them into infidelity. They
great the contrast I Come yet nearer home : com- reason about your doctrines as the Earl of Mulgrave
truth of this assertion is self-evident to the well- pare the worshipers at St. Peter's in Barclay is said to have done with a priest who was sent to
read mind, the briefest consideration will make its Street with those at St. Paul's in Broadway ;—com- him by James II. of England, to convert him to
truth apparent to all. pare the attendants on your own ministry at St. Popery. " Sir," said he, " I have convinced myself
How stands the matter in our own country ? Patrick's with those who worship God at the Brick by much reflection that God made man ; but I
Who attends your confessional, and your masses Church, or at La Fayette Place, or at University cannot believe that man can make God."
Place. How wide the difference intellectually, My dear sir, the days of Popery are numbered.
in New York ? How many of the educated Irish, socially, morally And why is it that papal coun- The Bible is against it. Civilization is against it.
French, or Germans, ever whisper at your knees tries and communities thus suffer, and so sadly The mind of the world is against it. Good people
their sins, or ever bow at your altars to receive suffer, when contrasted with other communities now pray for its downfall as earnestly as they do
your wafers on their tongues, believing them to where there is an unshackled conscience and an for that of Mohammedanism. It may live through
" be Jesus Christ himself, true God and true man," open Bible ? There must be some general law or centuries yet to come ; but it will be as Judaism
and believing that he is " truly, really and sub- cause in operation to produce results so uniform. now lives ; or as paganism lived in many dark cor-
What is that law or cause ? Sir, it is the influence ners of the Roman world long after its conversion
stantially present " in them ? How many of these of that system of religion which you are seeking to the Christian faith. But my own fear is that
go to your churches ? Let anybody, wishing to with so much zeal and ability to extend. The the papal world, both as to its mind and its masses,
know, stand at the door of St. Peter's or St. Pat- traveler in Europe need not be told when he will become suddenly infidel, as in France, and
rick's, on the Sunday, and examine the multitudes crosses the lines that separate Papal from Protest- then pour down its legions upon the church of God
who attend these places, and they will soon learn. ant states ; the obvious marks of higher civili- to blot it out of existence. The Romish church is
And even when an intelligent person is seen mixing zation declare the transition with almost as much one of the " gates of hell " which has poured forth
plainness as would a broad river or a chain of armies of the aliens in opposition to the church of
with those who attend on your masses, he goes mountains. Popery, with infallible certainty, de- Christ ; but it has never, nor will it ever, prevail
merely through the force of habit, or to wait upon grades man. Do you ask how 2 In this wise. against it.
a female relative. Permit me to say that, with an It takes from him the Bible, the revealed will of With great respect, yours,
acquaintance somewhat extended in our country, God, with all its clear light, with all its high KIRWAN.
I know not a single layman, of any repute for motives to excite the soul to high and holy actions ;
and without which neither civilization nor re-
learning or. science, who believes in your doctrines. ligion can be long maintained. Papal countries I /
There are some, I allow, of high standing and
character who are nominally Catholics, but who
are countries without the Bible.
It withholds from the people all right moral in-
I learn on inquiry, are but nominally so. And the struction. It suppresses the preaching of the
no minally Catholic is really an infidel. gospel, and substitutes for it the dumb show of the "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find It after many
mass. The apostles turned the world upside down days."—Eccl. 11: L
IRELAND, FRANCE, ETC. by preaching : but in papal countries there is gen-
And how stands the case as to Ireland, the land erally no preaching. I venture the assertion that
there are multitudes of Catholic churches in Cath- BESIDE ALL WATERS.
of our birth, where seven of her nine millions of peo-
ple are Roman Catholics ? Whilst its masses are olic countries where a sermon would be as great BY ELIZA H. MORTON.
a rarity as would be the saying of mass in a
with your church, is not its mind in opposition to Scottish kirk 1 And is it not one of the seven Isa. 32 : 20.
it ? And what has kept the mind of Ireland from wonders of the day, that the present pope, the BESIDE all waters sow thy seed,
being infidel, but the fact that the religion of the pretended successor of that warm-hearted preacher, In life's fair morn awake ;
Bible stands out there with a greater or less degree Peter, has preached a sermon, the first preached Go forth and scatter words of truth
of prominence in opposition to the religion of the by a Pope in three hundred years ! I Could By river, sea and lake.
priest ? Thank God the Irish massacre did not Peter return to Rome, unless his long absence
from the body has cooled his generous but impetu- Beside all waters sow thy seed,
exterminate Protestantism in the " fairest isle of ous spirit, I am afraid he would treat his pretended . In foreign lands afar ;
the ocean." Kind words sent o'er the heaving sea
successors as roughly as he once did Makin's. May prove a guiding star.
And how stands the case in France, where your It withholds from the people the benign influences
church, Nero-like, extinguished the lights of truth of Christianity, the great element in the develop- Beside all waters sow thy seed,
and caused the blood of the Huguenots to run ment of civilization. It withholds the Bible and the The day will soon be o'er;
sermon ;—it has instituted a worship which wants And night will come when mortal man
like water ? Popery has managed France in its nothing of heathenism but the name ;—that wor- Can toil and plant no more.
own way, without any let or hindrance, and what ship is performed in a language now unspoken by
has been the result ? It legislated God out of exist- any living people ;—it excludes all reading from Beside all waters sow thy seed,
Though some may never grow ;
ence—decreed religion to be a fable, and death to be the people but such as the priest permits ;—acting Faint not, for harvest rich and sure
an eternal sleep. Knowing nothing of religion but on the principle that ignorance is the mother of Will pay the tears that flow.
what is learned through the unmeaning rites of your devotion, it erects no schools for the instruction of
church, and by the carnal policy of your priests, the common mind ;—it substitutes the feast day for Beside all waters sow thy seed,
it sought to erase every trace of it from existence. the Sabbath,—the saints and the Virgin Mary for the The sheaves you soon will bear,
And although France has recovered from the intoxi- Saviour,—confessions and penances, for faith in And in the " land of Beulah " bright,
cation of the maddening bowl, and has risen to Christ,—and reverence for places, unmeaning A crown of glory wear.
order from the wild chaos into which Popery rites, relics, for the fear of God. Sir, I say it with
plunged it, its mind is yet infidel. Voltaire is the deep sorrow, Popery is not Christianity. It is a
fearful perversion of the religion of God ; and for THE CAUSE IN AMERICA.
pope of the mind of France, and Sue is the high
priest of the people. Your dumb show of imposing the evidence of these assertions I again point' you [Condensed from Review and Herald of September.]
ceremony is there esteemed, not as solemn, but far- to its influence upon the people where there is noth-
cical ; and upon your rites but few attend save the ing to counteract it. It has degraded the once YES; the good cause of truth is going forward.
peasantry and the women. And the world should noble Castilian until there is now none so mean as Little by little it gained ground in years past ; now
hold the papal church accountable for the horrors to do him reverence ;—Italy, once the seat of empire, it moves on with rapid strides. The Lord works
of the French Revolution. it has reduced to feebleness ;—and the once chival- with his people when they have a " mind to work."
What is thus true of France is yet more true of rous Italian, who carried the eagles of his country to The work of sending out publications has increased
the other papal countries of Europe. If the nobil- the extremes of the world, to an ignoble slave. from forty to fifty per cent. over the corresponding
ity of Spain, Portugal, Austria, or Italy, are less And it has rendered our noble-hearted, noble- periods of last year. The city missions are slowly
infidel than in France, it is because they are less minded, impulsive countrymen, the hewers of and surely gaining ground, and many souls have
educated. Their masses are superstitious—their wood and the drawers of water in all the countries been led to rejoice in the truth of God through
educated men, including many of their clergy, are to which they emigrate. The degradation of Ire- these means. The camp-meetings which have been
infidels—and their men of fortune and spirit live land, which has made it a by-word, I charge upon held thus far have been seasons of great spiritual
without any moral restraint. Popery brings no Popery. If the priests of Ireland would give the refreshing and power, and a goodly number are
strong moral influence to bear upon the mind and quarter of what they receive for praying souls out rejoicing in the peace of Christ on account of them.
conscience of any people. In the proportion that of purgatory to the sustaining of common schools Reports from the ministers are more cheering
its influence is strong, do people and nations sink in among the people, there might be three or more than ever. More than six hundred have been con-
the intellectual, social, and moral scale. such schools sustained in each parish in that bleed- verted the past month to the commandments of
ing, famishing, yet noble country ; and its sons God and the faith of Jesus; and three hundred and
would have an opportunity of rising to that position sixty have been baptized during the same time.
That you yourself, dear sir, may see this, sit down to which their native wit, eloquence, and genius en- Thus the truth of the last message, with all its
and candidly compare Connaught and Ulster, in title them. unpopular doctrines, is winning its way to the
Ireland. In the one, Popery almost exclusively These, sir, are, in brief, my reasons for asserting hearts of men, and molding them into the likeness
prevails; in the other Protestantism is in the ascend- that the effect of your religion is to make the of Him who is soon coming to reign.


fruit will appear. We are of good courage in the your leading motto,—" Sanctify them through thy
Lord, and desire the prayers of all who fear God truth : thy word is truth," and in the different
SINCE reporting last, I have spent three weeks in and tremble at his word. The cause is onward. appropriate mottoes seen in the very front of your
Switzerland in laboring for young converts, in October 9. A. A. JOHN. several departments. As it is with your co-laborers
visiting and•preaching to the churches of Bienne, LINCOLNSHIRE AND NORFOLK. the several periodicals which are issued in America
Tramelan and Bale, and in consulting with Eld. B. and in other parts of Europe, some of whom have
L. Whitney on important matters relating to the ANOTHER quarter has closed upon us, and I feel
interests of the cause in Central Europe. been in the broad field for more than a quarter of
justified in offering a few words of encouragement. a century, your supporters, editors, and contribu-
I have also returned to Branges, France, where I have to say that in all my experience during the
I have found the young converts of good courage. quarter, as I visited the different towns and villages, tors, are mostly old workers, and tried friends of
I have baptized fifteen persons, and organized a in Lincolnshire, and the county of Norfolk, I have the cause, who are well calculated to instruct and
church with proper officers. every cause to be of good courage in the cause of interest your friends, and readers. May the God
I have just had a precious season with the church God and his truth. Many of the people were of heaven grant you success. I shall peruse your
in this city. D. T. BOURDEAU. anxious to read our publications, especially the pages with pleasure and deep interest. You are
Valence, France, Oct. 6. PRESENT TRUTH. Let us be joyful in the work, and truly a messenger of truth, and really seem like
try to win souls to be obedient to the require- an old true friend. You shall ever be a welcome
SOUTHERN ENGLAND. ments of God. Although we may not see the fruit and esteemed visitor and friend to me ; and I shall!
of our labors in this life, we have faith that it endeavor to act some part in enlarging your•
PAIGNTON.—I accepted an invitation from a will be revealed in the judgment. Having cast our circulation, and your field of usefulness. And I
society, who hold with us on conditional immor- bread upon the waters, we shall hope to see it after propose to occupy a humble place in some of your
tality and the near coming of the Lord, to hold many days. Satan is doing all that he can to place departments from time to time.
meetings in their house of worship, in Paignton, obstacles in our pathway, while we are seeking for Very truly,
Devonshire. I commenced meetings Sept. 14th, those who may be thirsting for the truth. As we A. C, BOURDEAU.
and continued over two weeks. advance, he will try us at every turn. Let us have Pitesci, Rowm,ania, Sept. 5.
Prejudice prevented many of the people from faith in God. He says : " Fear thou not ; for I am
coming to hear. I thought the interest would not with thee : be not dismayed ; for I am thy God : I
justify me in continuing the meetings longer. will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, THE REFORMATION IN GREAT BRITAIN.
The friends of the " Life and Advent Church," I will uphold thee with the right hand of my
who invited me there, did all they could to make righteousness." Isa. 41 : 10. Oh, let us have faith WICLIFFE AND THE BIBLE.
my visit a pleasant one. I shall never forget their in these precious promises. And as we are about THE historian dates the march of the Reform*.
kindness. Although we differed on the Sabbath entering upon another quarter's labor, let us ask God tion in our kingdom from the reign of King John,
question, they did not forbid my speaking on the to give us strength, and guide our steps, and fill our as enthusiasm for liberty and dread of Popery seem
subject in their house. They showed a disposition hearts with wisdom as we go forth with his truth to have sprung up at this time. The king's grant-
to investigate the Scriptures, and I trust they will to win souls for Christ. H. JUDD.
yet see it duty to accept the Sabbath, in connection ing to the church of Rome all England and Ireland
with the truths they already hold. REPORT OF MISSIONARY SOCIETY. was followed by a national protest, the people
One young man decided to keep the Sabbath, claiming their former liberties. At the demand of
and others were very much interested. I trust the [For Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 1884.] the barons, on the 15th of June, 1215, the king
seed sown there will yet spring up and bear fruit. signed the famous Magna Charta at Runnymead.
May the Lord bless the friends there and lead IN many respects, the quarter just closed has been
them in the way of truth. a very encouraging one in our work. Though it This was the first collision of the papacy with
has been the busy season of the year, when there modern liberty, and the Pope declared it null and
SOUTHAMPTON.—I spoke to the brethren here is but little leisure in the farming districts for read-
Sabbath evening and morning. In the morning void. The barons, at sight of the era of murder
ing, yet our colporteurs have found many in. the and conflagration that marked the enthroning of
meeting, the Spirit of the Lord came near and villages who were interested in THE PRESENT
hearts were made tender, as we were considering TRUTH, and, as will be seen from the report below, Popery, exclaimed, " Wretched England 1 . . .
the solemn times in which we are living. The dis- quite a number of subscribers have been obtained. And thou, 0 pope, a curse light upon thee I " King
course was followed by some good testimonies. At the quarterly meeting, the importance of the John soon after died, it is supposed from drinking
We have recently become acquainted with a work and the best methods of working were con- poisoned wine presented to him by a monk.
brother who has come from Africa. He has been sidered, and various incidents in their experience
observing the Sabbath for seven years in that It was during the reign of Henry III., son of
were related by the colporteurs. All seemed of good John, that the Roman Pontiff declared himself
country. He says there are others there who ob- courage to continue their efforts and renew their
serve the Lord's Sabbath. They received the light diligence in bringing the light of God's truth before vicar of God. At this very time Robert Greathead,
on this subject, by investigating the Scriptures, the world, knowing that his promise is sure, that a pious and energetic man, bishop of the see of
not knowing that there were others who believed his word will not return unto him void, and that Lincolnshire, " studying the Scriptures in their
as they did. This shows that the time has come the faithful laborer will reap a reward in due season.
for the Sabbath reformation to go forward. The original languages, and bowing to their sovereign
The summary of reports is as follows :— authority," undertook the reform of his diocese.
Lord is working in advance of us. This should No. of members, 41
arouse us to greater activity and earnestness. " " reports returned, 26 He boldly declared that "to follow a pope who
October 6. J. H. DURLAND. " missionary visits, 3,893 rebels against the will of Christ, is to separate from
" ships visited, 250 Christ and his body ; and if ever the time should
LINCOLNSHIRE. " letters written, 274
" printed letters sent out, 21,271
come when all men follow an erring pontiff, then
BARROW.—During the past month, the Sabbath " letters received, 220 will be the great apostasy. Then will true Chris-
question has been presented. There has been some " new subscribers obtained for periodicals, 291 tians refuse to obey, and Rome will be the cause of
opposition. Several persons are carefully investi- " periodicals sold, 2,804
" loaned and given, 37,399 an unprecedented schism." Sewal, archbishop of
gating the subject, and we hope that they will obey York, was also opposed to the pope.
the Lord. A large number of Sabbath tracts have Total, 40,203
been sold in the village by one of our missionaries. 44
pages of tracts given away, 44,775
Previous to the fourteenth century, there had
EAST HALTON.—The services held here in the
44 a
" " " loaned, 2,129 been no complete translation of the Scriptures into
Oddfellows' Hall have been well attended. The " sold, 139,198 the English language. The Latin version intro.
interest is good. Eld.' Wilcox spoke on Sunday Total, 186,102 duced by the Romans, had been preserved and
afternoon to an appreciative audience. We are to Cash received on donations, 0 15s. Od. transcribed with care by the Saxon monks. Es-
open the autumn temperance campaign there next " " " membership, 0 12 0 pecially renowned for this invaluable work is
week. " " " periodicals, 27 11 8
ULCEBY.—The work here is still extending. On " " " sales, 21 10 7 Columba of Iona,—" that interesting little isle, so
account of the number who have commenced to Total, £50 9s. 3d. full of beautiful associations,"—but the common
observe the seventh-day Sabbath, it was considered JENNIE THAYER, Secretary. people had little knowledge of the Bible. Now it
advisable to organize a church. Eld. M. C. Wilcox was to be made intelligible to the masses in this
was present and assisted in completing the organi- land that had so long vacillated between gospel
zation. His sermon on God's dealings with his AN INTERESTING LETTER.
liberty and papal thralldom. " God was raising
people, in which our present position was de- DEAR PRESENT TRUTH,—Numbers 1-4 of your first up Wicliffe to commence the great work of refor-
scribed, was well appreciated. The meeting was a
solemn one. One week later the solemn ordinances volume have just come to hand. I am thankful for mation in the church, and to prepare an English
of the Lord's house were celebrated for the first your good and timely visit, and for the happy ac- version of the whole Bible to feed the exhausted
time by this church. It was good to be there. quaintance that I am forming with you. It is not minds of those who had a great while pined under
Several, have been baptized, and others desire to long since you have made your first appearance ; a sense of spiritual hunger."
thus put on Christ. The ordination of elder and but it can be seen already that you have entered a In the middle of this century, Edward III. had
deacon will (D. V.) take place in January. Our
prayer is that this church may be as a " city set vast, an interesting, and important mission. I see for his chaplain Bradwardine, " a man of so humble
on an bill ; " and that many more may be added that you are not to be shut up in a corner ; for every a character, that his meekness was often taken for
to their number. time you make your appearance—each month—it is stupidity." This bishop was one of the " most pious
Yesterday I received the cheering intelligence designed that you shall enter the homes of thou- men of the age," and "occupied the first rank
that a young man who attended the open-air sands of families. Your very name, or title—THE among astronomers, philosophers, and mathema-
meetings at Louth, last summer, was now ob- PRESENT TRUTH—Shows that your mission, or work, ticians." It was with sorrow that he beheld the
serving the Sabbath, and rejoicing in the blessings
of the gospel of Christ. is to present the great truths for our times to the church " pretend not to receive grace freely, but to
Ye who sow beside all waters, take courage. God world. buy it," and very earnestly did• he plead that God.
will care for the seed, and in due time the ripened The character of your work is very manifest in would arise and judge his cause.
110 THE PRESENT TRUTH. Vol,. 1, No. 7.
Among the youth who listened to the doctrines 3. What were their names ? Num. 8 : 2.
of the Word proclaimed by Bradwardine at Merton HESABBATAYISCR'00Li 4. What was the sad fate of Nadab and Abihu ?
College, Oxford, was John Wicliffe, afterward ap- Lev. 10 : 2.
pointed to the rectory of Lutterworth, where " the 5. Why were they thus slain ? Lev. 10: 1.
carved oak pulpit in which the reformer preached, "And thou shalt teach them diligently."-Deut. 6: 7. 6. What did Moses say to Aaron concerning it ?
the table on which he wrote, the chair in which he Verse 3.
died, and the velvet robe, now torn and tattered, 7. What command had Aaron in regard to mourn-
LESSON XXII. ing for his sons ? Verses 6, 7.
which he used to wear, are still preserved." Here 8. What instruction and warning did the Lord give
in the shadow of the walls of the church of St. (For Second Sabbath in November.) Aaron ? Verses 8-11.
Mary, it is thought probable that he " prosecuted 9. How long did the Israelites remain at Sinai ?
his noble task of translating the whole Bible into THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES. Ex. 19 : 1; Num. 10 : 11, 12.
the English tongue." For several years he devoted 1. WHOM did the Lord accept instead of all the 10. How were the holy vessels of the sanctuary
his time and energies to this translation, which first-born of the children of Israel ? Num. 3 : 12, prepared for transportation ? Num. 4: 5-14.
13, 40-43. 11. How were they transported ? Verse 15 ; Chap.
was completed near the year 1880. 2. Into how many families were they divided ? 7: 9.
In his early days, he became an object of enmity Num. 3 : 17. 12. What caution was given to the Kohathites ?
to the church of Rome by opposing the Mendicant 3. What service did they perform ? Num. 1 : 47- Num. 4 : 15, 20.
Friars at Oxford, and afterward contending against 54 ; 3 : 5-10.
4. How were they supported ? Num. 18 : 10-32. 13. How was the tabernacle removed ? Num. 4:
the papal claim of tribute from England. A graphic 24-32 ; 7 : 1-8.
anecdote is told of the reformer during a severe 5. What portion had they in the promised land ? 14. How did the Israelites know when to journey ?
( Forty-eight cities with their suburbs. Num. 35.) Num, 9 : 15-23.
illness at Oxford when a company of friars " came 6. What particular service was assigned to the
to deliver an awful warning to the supposed dying Kohathites ? To the Gershonites ? The Merarites ?
man, on the heretical errors of his life ; and the Num. 4. LESSON XXV.
dignified veteran rising from his pillow, repelled 7. How, and by whom, were the vessels prepared (For Fifth Sabbath in November.)
with scorn their vain denunciations, and drove for transportation ? Num. 4 : 5-14.
them from his presence, exclaiming with character- 8. With what were the Gershonites and the Mera- MURMURINGS.
rites furnished for the transportation of their bur- 1. WHAT remarkable experiences had the Israelites
istic energy, I shall not die but live, and again dens ? Num. 7 : 3-8.
declare the evil deeds of the friars.' " How much in journeying from Sinai to Jordan ? Numbers, chap-
9. How were the holy vessels borne ? Num. 7 : 9. ters 11-17 ; 89-24 ; Deuteronomy, chapters 1-3.
greater must have been the animosity of Rome 10. Who were set apart for the priests' office ? 2. Describe the burning at Taberah. Num. 11:
when he had opened " the gates of Revelation to Ex. 28 : 1. 1-3.
all his countrymen. He wrote for the people. He 11. What garments were made for Aaron the high 3. What did they say when they lusted for flesh ?
intended his work, not for the library of the church priest ? Ex. 28 : 4. Verses 4-6.
and convent, nor for a shelf in the priest's study, 12. Describe the ephod with its settings and fasten- 4. How did the Lord regard their murmuring ?
ings ; the girdle of the ephod ; the robe of the ephod ; Verse 10.
but for the table of every man who had ability to the breastplate with its settings and fastenings ; the
read. He published his translation; sent it abroad coat ; the mitre. 5. What did he promise to do for them ? Verses
throughout the world ; encouraged persons to 13. What did the high priest wear upon his fore- 6. How did Moses express his astonishment at this
transcribe it, and urged men to read in their own head ? promise ? Verses 21, 22.
tongue the wonderful works of God." The persecu- 14. How were his sons dressed ? 7. What did the Lord say to him ? Verse 23.
tion was carried so far that he was banished from 15. How were the priests consecrated ? Ex. 29. 8. Describe the fulfillment of the promise. Verse
16. How were they supported ? Lev. 7 : 6-10, 30- 31.
the University at Oxford, and summoned to appear
before the Pope at Rome. His appearance at Rome 34 ; Num. 18 ; Dent. 18 : 3, 4 ; Josh. 21 : 9-19. 9. What was the consequence of the gluttony of
was prevented by a shock of paralysis and approach- the people ?
ing death. He quietly fell asleep at his Lutterworth LESSON XXIII. 10. Give an account of the sedition of Miriam
rectory-" a greater character than our British and Aaron. Num. 12.
Chaucer, or the Italian Petrarch. The moral ( For Third Sabbath in November.) 11. What tribute is given to the character of
courage of the reformer was beyond all praise," Moses in the third verse of this chapter ?
" while with one hand he opened the book of Revela- 17it. SERVICES OF THE SANCTUARY.
tion before all the people, and with the other hand 1. WHAT was to be offered continually on the altar
laid bare, in the face of the world, and to the appre- of burnt offering ? Ex. 29 : 38-42. LESSON XXVI.
hension of the humblest, the flagrant corruptions 2. What names were given to the different offer- ( For First Sabbath in December.)
of the church of Rome."-Owr English Bible, p. 36. ings ? Lev. 7 : 37.
Hatred to Wicliffe would not permit him to 3. What additional service was required on the THE SPIES.
rest peacefully in the grave. Some forty years Sabbath ? Num. 28 : 9, 10. 1. WHAT command was given Moses in regard to
after his death " his bones were thrown into the 4. Where do we find a description of the services searching the land of Canaan ? Num. 13 : 2.
Swift, and the Swift conveyed them to the Avon, to be performed on the feast-days, new moons, and 2. What instruction did Moses give to the men
the Avon into the Severn, the Severn into the annual sa,bbaths ? ( Lev. 23.) that were sent into Canaan as spies ? Verses 17-20.
narrow seas, and they into the main ocean, and 5. Where do we find a description of the manner in 3. What report did they give when they returned ?
thus the ashes of Wicliffe are the emblem of his which individuals were to make their offerings ? ( In Verses 26-33.
doctrine, which now is dispersed all the world over." the first seven chapters of Leviticus.) 4. How were the people affected by this report ?
It has been truly said : "Wicliffe is the greatest 6. How were the sanctuary and the holy vessels Num. 14 : 1, 2.
English reformer : he was in truth the first reformer sanctified, preparatory to the commencement of the 5. What did they say ? Verses 2, 3.
of Christendom, and to him, under God, Britain is ministration in them ? Lev. 8 : 10, 11.
6. What did they propose to do ? Verse 4.
indebted for the honor of being the foremost in the 7. Where did individuals present their offerings ?
attack upon the theocratic system of Gregory VII. Lev. 1: 3 ; 4 : 4 ; etc. 7. What did Moses and Aaron do?
The work of the Waldenses, excellent as it was, 8. What did the individual do when he had 8. What did Caleb and Joshua say ? Verses 6-9
cannot be compared to his. If Luther and Calvin brought his offering to the door of the sanctuary ? 9. How did the people receive their words ?
are the fathers of the Reformation, Wicliffe is Lev. 1: 4, 5 ; 3 : 2 ; 4 : 4, 24, 29. 10. What did the Lord propose to do ? Verses 11,
its grandfather."-Hirt. Great Ref., Book XVII. 9. What did the sinner show by placing his hand on 12.
JENNIE THAYER. the head of the victim ? ( He made a confession of 11. What plea did Moses make ? Verses 13-19.
his guilt, Lev. 16 : 21; and, in a figure, transferred 12. What did the Lord decide to do ? Verses
IN SEASON. his sin to the victim.) 20-82.
10. What did he show by taking the life of the 13. How long were they doomed to wander in the
A LADY once writing a letter to a young naval victim to whom his sin had been transferred ? ( He wilderness ? Verses 33, 34.
acknowledged himself worthy of death for the sin he 14. What became of the spies that brought an evil
officer who was almost a stranger, thought, had committed.)
" Shall I close this as anybody would ? or shall report concerning the land of Canaan ? Verses 36, 37.
11. What was done with the blood of the sin 15. How were the people affected? Verse 39.
I say a word for my Master " and lifting up her offering ? Lev. 4 : 5-7, 16-18.
12. What did the priest thus figuratively do ? 16. What did they do and say ? Verse 40.
heart for a moment, she wrote, telling him that his 17. What advice did Moses give them ? Verses
constant change of scene and place was an apt il- ( He transferred the guilt to the sanctuary.)
13. How often and when was an atonement made 40-43.
lustration of the words, " Here we have no contin- for the sanctuary, which had thus become defiled with 18. Did they heed this counsel? Verse 44.
uing city," and asked if he could say, " I seek one to sin ? Lev. 16 : 29-34. 19. What was the consequence ? Deut. 1 : 43-46.
come." In trembling she folded it and sent it off. •
Back came the answer : " Thank you so much LESSON XXIV•
for those kind words. My parents are dead. I NOTES ON THE LESSONS.
( For Fourth Sabbath in November.)
am an orphan, and no one has spoken like that to LESSON XXII.
me since my mother died, long years ago." The THE TRANSPORTATION OF THE TABERNACLE. NUM. 35 : 7. Forty and eight cities : them
arrow, shot at a venture, hit home, and the 1. WHO performed the services in the sanotuary ? shall ye give with their subnrbs.-The suburbs
young man shortly after rejoiced in the fulness of 2. How many sons had Aaron ? Ex. 28 : 1. of the cities are expressed in the law to be 3,000
the blessing of the gospel of peace. Christians, NOTE.-It is not expected that all the scriptures to which ref- cubits on every side from the wall of the city and
how often do we close a letter " as anybody would," erence is made after the questions will be committed to memory ; but outwards. The first thousand cubits are the suburbs,
they should be very carefully read, and enough of the text committed to and the 2,000, which they measured without the
when we might say a word for Jesus?-Sal. constitute a full, elear, complete, Scriptural answer. suburbs, were for fields and vineyards.-h1atimonides•
Ex. 28: 30. The trim and the Thummin.-
Publication List.
What these were has never been discovered. The use
that was made of them "was to ask counsel of God
NT E RE STING ;r TEMS THE following PeriodicalET and Publications will be
in difficult and momentous cases relating to the whole sent Post Free, from the Depository at 72 Heneage
state of Israel." The answers given were always Street, Great Grimsby, at the prices given
clear and intelligible, which fact is no doubt indicated - Over 1,300 persons a day on an average have par- Good Health. An American monthly journal of
by the words Urim and Thummin, signifying light and taken of the six-penny dinner of the Vegetarian Hygiene, devoted to Physical, Mental and Moral
perfection. How these answers were given is not Society at the Health Exhibition. Culture, Home Topics, Choice General Literature,
known. Opinions are many and widely different. Science, Practical Suggestions for the Household,
-The Bible was not permitted to be sold at the News and Miscellany. Each number illustrated. 32
LESSON XXIII. Health Exhibition ; but, we venture to say, no better pp. with cover. 4s. per year, or 4d. per number.
work on health was sold there than the Bible.
LEV. 1 : 4. And he shall put his hand upon SABBATH TRACTS.
the head of the burnt offering.-Thereby, as it - The conversions in the Cumberland Presbyterian
church of America, the past year, average about to Assorted Package No. 1. Price, 5d.
were, transferring the punishment, which was due to each minister. The membership now numbers Which Day Do You Keep, and Why-Who Changed
himself, upon the sacrifice that was to be slain and 122,000; churches, 2,462; ministers, 1,503. the Sabbath-The Sabbath in the New Testament-
offered up.-Abp. Tillotson. Thus the victim was ac- Elihu on the Sabbath-Definite Seventh Day-Sunday
cepted to make atonement for the offence, that is, it -Archdeacon Lightfoot, at the parish church of Not the Sabbath-Why Not Found Out Before-One
Wellingford, according to the Wellingborough and Hundred Bible Facts About the Sabbath.
recommended him to the future favor of God on his Kettering News, refused to allow Mr. Perrin, the
sincere prayers accompanying it.-Dr. Outram. By organist, to play in the church, because he had played Assorted Package No. 2. Price, 18.
the imposition of hands the person bringing the victim at the Congregational chapel. This package contains all the tracts in package No. 1,
acknowledged : 1. The sacrifice as his own ; 2. That
-Her Majesty's gunboat, Wasp, was wrecked off and the following in addition
he offered it as an atonement for his sins ; 3. That he
was worthy of death because he had sinned, having Tory Island, North-west of Ireland, Sept. 22. Fifty Seven Reasons for Sunday-keeping Examined-The
forfeited his life by breaking the law ; 4. That he lives were lost, only six escaping. Carelessness in Ten Commandments Not Abolished-The Seventh
entreated God to accept the life of the innocent sailing too near the coast in waters known to be Part of Time-The Lost Time Question-Perfection
animal in place of his own ; 5. And all this, to be done dangerous is said to have been the cause of the disaster. of the Ten Commandments-Address to the Baptists
profitably, must have respect to HIM whose life, in the - The prospect for Hayti is indeed dark. Sir -The Law and the Gospel-The Old Moral Code not
fulness of time, should be made a sacrifice for sin ; Spenser St. John tells us in his work entitled " Hayti, Revised.
6. The blood was to be sprinkled round about upon the or the Black Republic," that in some sections, can- SABBATH PAMPHLETS.
altar, verse 5, ....for the blood was the life of the beast, nibalism is commonly practiced, and human sacrifices
and it was supposed that life went to redeem life.- are offered in the Vaudoux worship. The worst
Eleven Sermons on the Sabbath and Law.
Dr. Adam Clarke. By J. N. Andrews. 226 pp ls.
feature is the authorities are more disposed to ignore
LESSON XXIV. the evil than to suppress it. The Truth Found. The Nature and Obligation
of the Sabbath. By J. H. Waggoner. 64 pp 5d.
NUM. 4: 15. Shall not touch any holy thing - According to the Baptist, " It seems that even
lest they die.-They were to touch the staves, but the school children of Worthing now amuse themselves
not the ark, which is here meant principally by the by playing at Salvation Army riots. Following the
holy thing, the word any not being in the Hebrew.- exciting example of their elders, they range them- Assorted Packdge No. 8. Price, 5d.
Bishop Patrick. For disobeying this command, selves into Salvationists and Skeletonists, and sing
parodies on General Booth's hymns. They have con- The Coming of the Lord-Is the End Near-Can
Uzzah was struck dead. 2 Sam. 6: 7. We Know-The Judgment-Without Excuse-The
flicts in the playgrounds, and are attacked at the
Nun. 9 : 15-23. And on the day that the taber- proper time by special constables, who are sworn in by Second Advent--A Sign of the Day of God.
nacle was reared up the cloud covered the their playmates for the duty." Assorted Package No. 4. Price, 1s.
tabernacle.-This was not the first time the cloud Containing package No. 3, and the following in
- Full reports of the floods in Wisconsin and Minne- addition :-
appeared. It guided them out of Egypt. It was a sota, U. S. A., in September, show that much damage The Millennium-The Present Truth-The Third
shadow from heat by day and a light by night-the was done. Rivers rose 20 feet in two days ; towns Angel's Message-Exposition of Matthew Twenty-four.
Divine Presence, the Angel of the Lord, our Lord were flooded ; five railway and five wagon bridges,
Jesus Christ. Why should they murmur, even though and hundreds of houses were swept away by the SECOND ADVENT PAMPHLETS.
passing through a wilderness in which were numerous terribly destructive floods. The damage to property
dangers, when the Son of God led them? See Ex. 28 : in the towns of Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls, and
Our Faith and Hope. Sermons on the Coming
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many of them as they wished, while flying within single gunboat in 1855, but " if anything of the kind The Nature and Tendency of Modern
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112 THE PRESENT TRUTH. VoL. 1, No. 7.
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THE PRESENT TRUTH. given, the first giving all the texts of Scripture re-
THE publisher will please accept our thanks for ferred to, in consecutive order ; the second, a list
"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give an advance copy of Vol. IV. of the Great Contro- of authors quoted ; the third consisting of a general
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Brother Lnscomb, The Baptist 102 and space," but to that time when the great con- peace and joy. He saves to the uttermost all who
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America, Review and Herald.—Switzerland and IN FOUR VOLUMES.
France, D. r. n.—Southern England, T. H. D.—Lin- MAN'S NATURE AND DESTINY.
colnshire, A. A. s.—Lincolnshire and Norfolk, H. s., 108 BY MRS. E. G. WHITE.
Report of Missionary Society, Jam as THAYER, . . 109
THERE was a time when those who held to the
An Interesting Letter, A. C. BOURDEAU, . . . 108 THESE volumes describe the great conflict between
The Reformation in Great Britain, Janina THAYER, 109 doctrine of " Life only through Christ," or " con- Christ and Satan, as illustrated in the history of man,
In Season, Selected, 110 ditional immortality," were considered but little his temptations, conflicts, victories and defeats, and
The Sabbath School. better than infidels or heathen, and not a few have the final triumph of right and truth with a crowning
Lessons 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, G. H. Bell, 110 been excluded from many churches in the various immortality.
Notes on the Lessons, 110 Volume one treats of the rebellion of Satan, the
denominations because they believed it. But to a fall of man, and the lives of the patriarchs to the time
Interesting Items. 111
certain extent, this feeling has passed away. Many of Solomon.
Editorial Notes. 112 able men have been led to reject the doctrine of Volumes two and three are devoted to tho Life of
man's inherent immortality and the endless tor- Christ and the Ministry of his Apostles.
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1!" We believe that those who are inclined to ment of the incorrigibly sinful as unscriptural, un- Church from the destruction of Jerusalem to the close
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though around it there cluster the great truths of EM. U. Smith.
the Bible. 1. Thorough examination is made of the terms THE PRESENT TRUTH,
"mortal," " immortal," "immortality," together PUBLISHED BY
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indeed felt to be a precious privilege to partake of brought forward to prove the same (such as Luke A Sixteen-page Religious Journal, devoted to an Ex-
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his vineyard, and may he bless with humility, meek- headings of chapters which are of great interest,
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