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Fostering Culture of Reading in

Times of Pandemic
During this time of pandemic, we are trapped inside our homes and most of us
spend our time doing the things we all love with our families. We all know it’s difficult
for us not to do outdoor activities that we used to do every day. Biking, playing with
friends outside and many more fun activities. Because of that, we were forced to find
habits that we can do inside our homes and one of that is reading books. Although we
can't explore the outside world, through words from the books we read, we broaden our
imagination. Who knows where our imagination can go? As the famous scientist,
Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For
knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating
progress, giving birth to evolution."
Through reading, we don't just broaden our imagination, we improve our
vocabulary. When we read, there are some words we don't understand so we look it up
on the dictionary. Reading is fun! We can share each other’s thoughts and ideas from
what we read. So, go ahead, pick up a book and start to explore your imagination!

Written by: Johanisa S. Dandamun 9-13

Fostering Culture of Reading in Times of Pandemic 1

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