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So What's the Difference

1. God is the creator of all things and he has the power to do whatever he wants and he is
so extraordinary that our minds cannot even comprehend it.
2. I am a child of God that should try as hard as I an to follow all of his commands and my
vocation as a Christian.
3. I can tell right from wrong by the conscience that God has given me. God has said that he
has written the law on all of our hearts in Scripture.
4. When it is all over I will go to heaven and reside there for all of time. I will not be of my
physical body and heaven will be perfect. I can not even begin to comprehend how
perfect heaven will be because nothing on earth is comparable to it.
5. I know the truth because of the evidence that has been seen and the reliability of the
Bible and the fact that there simply has to be a creator. It is simply impossible for this
universe to exist without a supreme deity. One quote I like that is kind of related “If there
were no God, there would be no atheists.”
6. My life is very small when looked at in the grand scheme of things, but I still need to live
the best I can. I do not really fit into history, but then again history does not matter much.
God is history and God is eternal.

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