SMK BATU LINTANG Term 3 Trial Exam 2019

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STPM 2019


Section A [45 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

1. The masses of 80 durians in an orchard are recorded and summarised in the table below.

Mass (m kg) Number of durians

0.4 < m ≤ 0.8 10

0.8 < m ≤ 1.0 6

1.0 < m ≤ 1.2 18

1.2 < m ≤ 1.4 13

1.4 < m ≤ 1.6 22

1.6 < m ≤ 1.8 9

1.8 < m ≤ 2.0 2

(a) Construct a histogram to illustrate the distribution of the masses of the durians. [3]
(b) The durian is marketed if its mass is more than 0.8 kg. Calculate the mean and mode of
the marketed durians. [4]
Hence, with a reason, state the shape of the distribution of the masses of the marketed
durians. [2]

2. The classification of 30 shirts according to the colour and the size are shown in the table below.
Small Medium Large
Blue 5 6 3
White 4 10 2

Show the probability that at least one small size shirt in five randomly chosen shirts is 0.8572
and hence, find the probability that there are two medium size shirts given that at least one
small size shirt. [6]
3. There are two boxes which contain four marbles each numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. One marble is
drawn from each box. Let X denotes the difference of the numbers on the marbles.
(a) Construct a probability distribution table of X [3]
(b) Show that the expectation of X is 1.25. [2]
(c) Calculate P(| X − E ( X ) |≤ 1) [3]

4. When a machine is used to dig up potatoes there is a probability 0.1 for each individual potato
that it will be damaged in the process. A random sample of n potatoes is selected and the
number of damaged potatoes in the sample is denoted by the random variable X. Write down
expressions, in terms of n, for the mean and the standard deviation of X. [3]
Using a suitable approximation to show that, for P( X ≥ 3) to exceed 0.95, the sample size n
must satisfy the approximate inequality n − 25 > 4.935 n . [5]

5. A nutritionist wishes to determine whether the mean intake of fat by women in a city exceeds
the recommended 25 g per day. A random sample of 60 women from the city gives a mean of
26.2 g and a variance of 11.9 g2 of fat intake per day. Carry out the test at 1% level of
significance. [6]

6. The enrolment of students in form one, form two, form three, form four and form five of a
school are 490, 570, 540, 610 and 550 respectively. A random sample of 200 students who
come to school by school bus is selected. The distribution of students in various forms is
recorded as follows.

Forms One Two Three Four Five

Number of students come by school bus 46 49 44 37 24

Test at 2.5% significance level, whether the number of students who come to school by school
bus for each form fits the distribution of students in various forms of the school. [8]
Section B [15 marks]
Answer any one question in this section.

7. A survey of the 640 properties on an estate was undertaken. Part of the information collected
related to the number of bedrooms and the number of toilets in each property. This information
is shown in the table.

Number of toilets
1 2 3 4 or more Total
Number 1 46 14 0 0 60
of 2 24 67 23 0 114
bedrooms 3 7 72 99 16 194
4 0 19 123 48 190
5 or more 0 0 11 71 82
Total 77 172 256 135 640

(a) A property on the estate is selected at random. Find the probability that the property has:
(i) exactly 3 bedrooms; [1]
(ii) at least 2 toilets; [2]
(iii) exactly 3 bedrooms and at least 2 toilets; [3]
(iv) exactly 3 bedrooms or at least 2 toilets; [3]
(v) at most 3 bedrooms, given that it has exactly 2 toilets. [3]
(b) Three properties are selected at random from those on the estate which have exactly 3
bedrooms. Calculate the probability that one property has 2 toilets, one has 3 toilets and the
other has at least 4 toilets. Give your answer to three decimal places. [3]

8. (a) The lifespan, in years, of a watch is normally distributed with mean 2 and standard deviation
0.4. Show that the probability of a randomly chosen watch has a lifespan less than one year
is 0.00621. [2]
(i) A man buys two randomly chosen watches. Find the probability that each of the watches
has a lifespan more than one year. [3]
(ii) A retailer buys 10 randomly chosen watches. Find the probability that at least 4 watches
have lifespan exceeding 2 years. [5]
(b) Weights of cups have a normal distribution with mean 91 g and standard deviation 3.2 g.
Weights of saucers have an independent normal distribution with mean 72 g and standard
deviation 2.6 g. Cups and saucers are chosen at random to be packed in boxes, with 6 cups
and 6 saucers in each box. Given that each empty box weighs 550 g, find the probability that
the total weight of a box containing 6 cups and 6 saucers exceeds 1550 g. [5]

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