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It said that in the one time , actually, Java Island floated on the sea and it’s not like
today. Afterwards, Dewa (the god) give a decision to nail this island being fixed in a
place. The god move Mt Meru on the Java Island. The Mt Meru was heavy and high,
so, Java Island fixed in a place like today
Dewa Wisnu (a god of several god from Hindusm’s Mythology) changed himself to
be “a turtle” and carrying of Mt Meru on his back. And, Dewa Brahma (a god)
changed himself to be “a snake” and coiling safety to this mountain and turtle. The
gods put that mountain on the first island place where they found it. This area was in
the west side of Java Island. But, due to the mountain was very heavy made the end of
north side of this island removed on. Then, they take and removed to be in the east
side. The same moment wass happened. Finally, they decide to cut many side of this
mountain and put in the north west of Java Island
The rest of mountain cutting that done by the gods became a mountain, Mt Pawitra
which it was known by Mt Penanggungan, and the main part of Mt Meru, lying place
of Dewa Shiwa (a god) was known by Mt Semeru. When Sang Hyang Siwa (a god)
visit to this island, he found so many “Jawawut Tree” and he gave this island named
by “Java Island”.
The mythology is adopted from ancient book written in the 15th century
Geographically, Java & Bali Island is same in the Hindusm symbols and
development. According to the Hindusm’s mythology about Mt Meru, It’s assumpted
this is a home for gods and being a connecting place between “earth” (human) and
“khayangan” (heaven). If human are willing to hear about the “dewa sound”, he must
meditated at the peak of Mt Meru. Many Javanesse and Balinesse assumpted that Mt
Semeru is the place for their gods or ghost. Finally, many people (Java & Bali) use
this mountain as meditate place to get “the mysterious whispers”
The Balinesse believe that Mt Mahameru (Semeru) is “father of Mt Agung” in Bali
and very appreciated by them. The “Upacara Sesaji” (Presenting Ceremony for the
gods) that presented by their gods is done by Balinesse each in 8 to 12 when
somebody accept “the mysterious sound” from the gods who lives at Mt Mahameru.
Beside of this ceremony, if it’s a urgently condition, The Balinesse visit in “Goa
Widodaren” (Widodaren Cave) to get “Tirta Suci” (sorry, I don’t know what is the
Tirta Suci)
When people want to climb until in this peak, there’s the reasons why they will. May
be, somebody want to acquire of this “mysterious sound”. They wish get the “long
age”, and luck. Before they climb to this peak, they provide his life supplieas as long
as they meditate there, and also his mental. Many meditator is scare with mountain
condition, visible or invisible. Many people believe that mountain is as much ghost
home that placed in around of mountain. That ghost is believed as “Roh Leluhur”
(Dying Soul of Ancestors), live at all forest, hill, tree, lake in every route you through
This dying soul live here have much responsibility such as guiding of many place to
be appreciated. The climbers that overnight their trip at Ranu Kumbolo Lake, oftenly
see the “Ranu Kumbolo” Lake. In the midnight, there’s a orange light in the center of
lake and suddenly, this light is changed into a woman ghost. For a person has
supranatural power, he / she will be happy with this, because he / she will spare of
much time to speak with this ghost
You may believe or not to this ghost existence, but The Javanesse believe that Bromo,
Tengger and Semeru is the ghost’s home and dying soul of ancestors living here
Source : Book of "The Legend of Java Mountainous"

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