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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management

WEEK 11 - 12

Hydro-Meteorological Hazards

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

 Distinguish and differentiate among and between different

hydro meteorological hazards
 Recognize signs of impending hydro meteorological hazards
 Apply appropriate measures/interventions before, during, and
after hydro meteorological hazards
 Interpret different hydro-meteorological hazard maps
 Use available tools for monitoring hydro-meteorological

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 1
HYDROMETEOROLOGY - a process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or
oceanographic nature that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property
damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental

TYPHOON – extremely large powerful, destructive storm that occurs especially in the region
of Philippines and China Sea.

THUNDERSTORM – a violent, short-lived weather disturbance that is almost always

associated with lightning, thunder, dense clouds, heavy rain or hail, and strong, gusty winds.

FLOOD – An overflow of water onto normally dry land in an existing waterway, such as a
river, stream, or drainage ditch.

FLASH FLOOD – A flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time,
generally less than 6 hours.

STORM SURGE – is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the
predicted astronomical tides.

EL NIÑO – refers to the large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a

periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across the central and east-central Equatorial

LA NIÑA – represents periods of below-average sea surface temperatures across the east-
central Equatorial Pacific.


The Philippines is located within a typhoon belt in the Pacific and is vulnerable to
approximately 20 typhoons annually. In addition to typhoons, the country suffers from
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storm surges, flooding, and landslides. The Philippines has
endured disasters that involve national and international assistance. (Philippines Disaster
Management Reference Handbook | March 2018).
According to UNISDR, HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL is a process or phenomenon of
atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature that may cause... Loss of life, injury or
other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage.

Hydrometeorological hazards include

1. Typhoon
2. Thunderstorm
3. Flood
4. Flashflood
5. Storm Surge

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 2
6. El Niño
7. La Niña

Hydrometeorological conditions also can be a factor in other hazards such as landslides,

wildland fires, locust plagues, epidemics, and in the transport and dispersal of toxic
substances and volcanic eruption material.

Hydrometeorology - a process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or

oceanographic nature that may cause...
a. loss of life,
b. injury or other health impacts,
c. property damage,
d. loss of livelihoods and services,
e. social and economic disruption, or
f. environmental damage


A Typhoon is a low-pressure area or a tropical cyclone that is large and violent. It

rotates counterclockwise with warm air raising above the warm water of the Western Pacific
Ocean. On the other side of the world, some call it hurricane or wily-wily. (Department of
Education 2008)
According to Landesa (n.d.) hurricane and typhoon are terms also used for tropical
cyclone. Holland (1993) defined tropical Cyclone as “the typical term for nonfrontal synoptic
scale low pressure system over tropical or subtropical waters with organized convections
such as thunderstorms and wind reaction.”

In addition, Holland (1993) likewise indicates that tropical cyclones are defined in three
1. Tropical Depression- if tropical cyclones has a maximum sustained wind of less
than 17 m/s or 34 kt, 39 mph
2. Tropical Storm - the tropical cyclone has a wind of at least 17 m/s or 34 kt, 39 mph
3. Typhoons or hurricane- if tropical cyclone winds move to 33 m/s or 64 kt, 74 mph.

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 3
The Following section is about the Revised Public Storm Warning System from PAGASA

When any Public Storm Warning Signal Number is hoisted or put in effect for the first
time, the corresponding meteorological conditions are not yet prevailing over the locality.
This is because the purpose of the signal is to warn the impending occurrence of the given
meteorological conditions. It must be noted also that the approximate lead time to expect the
range of the wind speeds given for each signal number is valid only when the signal number
is put in effect for the first time.
Thus, the associated meteorological conditions are still expected in at least 36 hours
when PSWS #1 is put in effect initially; in at least 24 hours with PSWS #2; in at least 18
hours with PSWS #3, in at least 12 hours with PSWS #4; and in at least 12 hours with
PSWS #5. The lead time shortens correspondingly in the subsequent issues of the warning
bulletin when the signal number remains in effect as the tropical cyclone comes closer.
It is also important to remember that tropical cyclones are constantly in motion;
generally, towards the Philippines when PAGASA is issuing the warning. Therefore, the
Public Storm Warning Signal Number over a threatened/ affected locality may be
sequentially upgraded or downgraded.
The delineation of areas for a given signal number is based on the intensity, size of
circulation and the forecast direction and speed of movement of the tropical storm or
typhoon at the time of issue of the warning bulletin. The change in intensity, size of
circulation or movement of the tropical cyclone also determines the change in the PSWS
number over a given locality.
Typhoon signals are raised when wind speed is very strong. Wind strength
determines typhoon signals. Philippines Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration ( PAGASA ) is a government agency that issue warnings to people.
Typhoon signals to warn people of the coming typhoon through their regular weather

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 4
bulletins. Wind speed is expressed in kilometers per hour ( Kph ) and wind speed is
measured by the use of an anemometer.

The following are different typhoon signals and their descriptions.


A thunderstorm is a weather condition generally characterized by heavy rain

characterized by thunder and lightning and possible a tornado. A typical thunderstorm
occurs when the sun heats a large body of moist air near the ground. The moist air rises in
the air and is cooled by expansion; this cooling condenses water vapor and forms a cumulus
cloud. When the process continues, cumulus nimbus clouds are produced; in this case, the
turbulent air inside cloud produced rain drops and strong electrical charge that result in
Thunderstorm at night are due to the cooling of the upper layers of the air messes
that goes like a wedge near the ground that forces warmer air to raise above (DepEd, 2008).
This atmospheric condition can kill if it strikes any living thing. It can also cause damage to
properties when large objects like trees are blown off the ground.
Typical thunderstorms are 15 miles in diameter and lasts an average of 30 minutes.
Despite the short time span, thunderstorms can be extremely dangerous as they are often
strong and fast in their approach and can be accompanied by flash flooding, lightning, hail,
tornadoes, and high winds.
Lightning damage can result in electrocution of humans and animals; vaporization of
materials along the path of the strike; fire caused by the high temperature produced by the

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 5
strike; and sudden power surges that can damage electrical and electronic equipment.
Millions of dollars of direct and indirect damages result from lightning strikes on electric utility
substations and distribution lines.
While property damage is the major hazard associated with lightning, it should be
noted that lightning strikes kill nearly 100 people each year (NATIONAL WEATHER


A flood is generally referred to as the running and overlaying of water on land that
are ordinarily covered by it. The formation of flood is characterized by: “ the rise of water
from stream, water drainage, enclosed bodies of water, and rivers that is overflowing on
adjacent lands; the overflowing is a result of continuous heavy rainfall due to weather
conditions such as monsoons, tropical cyclones, and intertropical convergence zone
(DepEd, 2008, p.26)”
Flood is also defined as superfluous water that swamps land and property that are
ordinarily dry (Haddow, Bullock and Coppala, 2011). In addition, Arsulamy and Jeyadevi
(2011), pointed out that flood hazard is “compounded by the problems of sediments positon,
drainage congestion, synchronization of river floods with sea tides in the coastal plain
(Haddow, Bullock and Coppola, 2011, p.16)”
Moreover, floods are hydrological phenomena and sometimes as result of storm
surges and tsunamis in the coastal areas. It is also attributed as a result of some human
activities like cutting of trees and development of large areas or urbanization. These human
activities change the hydrological regime of the land area and the water flows out into the
rivers and streams rapidly than usual.
There are several factors that contribute to the occurrences of flood. One can be
intensity of the rain and its duration. The rate of rain is the intensity while the span of time
the rain last is the duration. Aside from this, the soil condition and ground cover play
important roles in flooding.
Source: DepEd, 2008
Flood causes damage to properties and lives especially when it flows fast and rises
very rapidly----Flashfloods, “Most Flash flooding is caused by slow moving thunderstorms
repeatedly moving over the same area, or heavy rains from tropical storms (DepEd, 2008).”
Floods due to storm surges and tsunamis are more dangerous than the flood raising
slowly in some areas. Storm surges have a strong impact and are very fast. It can destroy
houses and establishments. It can be sweep people and drown them. It can push large sea
vessels from the sea to land.

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 6
By definition, any land which is usually above water level is said to be flooded if it
goes under water for a period arbitrarily defined as one or two hours. Flooding can be owing
to many reasons. Usually this happens when the river or the stream draining the area is over
balanced by a very large volume of water beyond its capacity. A river channel is formed by
the forces of nature to be able to convey the flow that is found most of the time. When the
volume exceeds this, the water level rises above the banks and spreads in to the adjacent
lands. This area is usually called the flood plain of the river. People resident or working in the
flood plains must be mindful of the fact that there is an ever present threat of floods.

Storm surge is generally described as the ‘’masses of water that are pushed toward
the shore by meteorological forces (Haddow, Bullock, and Coppola, 2011, p. 39).’’ It is
basically described as an escalating seawater to the coast above the normal sea level.
Formation of storm surge includes the following:
‘’Sea level is raised and driven towards the coast. Where the depth is shallow and
the slope of the sea bed is gradual, the natural flow of the water is delayed by the effects of
the friction of the sea bed. As more water moves from the sea to the coast, excess water
piles up on the shore line. This piling up of water makes a large volume of water which might
eventually flow into the hinterland some distance from the coast. Depending upon the shape
of the coastline and the slope of the sea bed, storm surge can be sweep across large
portions of coastal areas (DepEd, 2008).’’
Storm surges may be massively destructive. It may drown people and animal and affect
entire communities. Moreover, it may also result


“La Niña is characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial

Pacific, as compared to El Niño, which is characterized by unusually warm temperatures in
the equatorial pacific. El Niño and La Niña result from interaction between surface of the
ocean and the atmosphere in tropical Pacific. Changes in the ocean impact the atmosphere
and climate patterns around the globe. In turn, changes in the atmosphere impact the ocean
temperatures and currents. The system oscillates between warm (El Niño) to neutral, or
Cold (La Niña) conditions with an averages of every 3-4 years (DepEd, 2008).”
Both hazards affect human lives and communities.
El Niño yields heat can kill, most especially, the elderly and the young children. It can
cause heat strokes and hypertensions. It is also the cause of massive drought around the

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 7
country. On the other hand, La Niña produces too much rain, due to frequent atmospheric
disturbance, which result to flooding.

El Niño and La Niña events are a natural part of the global climate system. They
occur when the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere above it change from their neutral
(‘normal’) state for several seasons. El Niño events are associated with a warming of the
central and eastern tropical Pacific, while La Niña events are the reverse, with a sustained
cooling of these same areas.
These changes in the Pacific Ocean and its overlying atmosphere occur in a cycle
known as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The atmosphere and ocean interact,
reinforcing each other and creating a ‘feedback loop’ which amplifies small changes in the
state of the ocean into an ENSO event. When it is clear that the ocean and atmosphere are
fully coupled an ENSO event is considered established.
Even in a neutral state, temperatures in the Pacific Ocean vary from east to west –
for example, the western Pacific ‘warm pool’ in the tropical Pacific has some of the warmest
large-scale ocean temperatures in the world. During an ENSO event, ocean temperatures
become warmer than usual or cooler than usual at different locations, which are reflected in
ocean temperature gradients.
The most important driver of ENSO is these temperature gradients across the Pacific, both
at the surface and below the surface, particularly at the thermocline.

Week 11-12
Activity Sheet #1

Student’s Name:_____________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade & Track: _____________________ Teacher: ______________

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 8
Activity 1: Jumbled Words
Given the definition of the jumbled words, write the correct term on the blank
_____________________ 1. PHYNOTO - extremely large powerful, destructive storm that occurs
especially in the region of Philippines and China Sea.
_____________________ 2. LFODO - An overflow of water onto normally dry land in an existing
waterway, such as a river, stream, or drainage ditch.
_____________________ 3. AÑNIAL - represents periods of below-average sea surface
temperatures across the east-central Equatorial Pacific.
_____________________ 4. MRSTO GRSUE is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over
and above the predicted astronomical tides.
_____________________ 5. MROTSREDNUHT - a violent, short-lived weather disturbance that is
almost always associated with lightning, thunder, dense clouds, heavy rain or hail, and strong, gusty

Activity 2: Picture Perfect

Identify the Hydrometeorological Hazard in the given picture, write your answer on the
blank provided.

Week 11-12
Activity Sheet #2

Student’s Name:_____________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade & Track: _____________________ Teacher: ______________

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 9
Picture Analysis
Based on the given pictures identify what particular cause and effect of
hydrometeorological hazards.



1. Tune-in to local news for government announcement and warnings.

2. Know when and where is the typhoon is going to hit.

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 10
3. Know the important emergency hotlines in your community like the PDRRMC or
4. Know the credible people and other sources of information you can trust for
important news regarding the typhoon. Never believe in hearsays.
5. Know the characteristics of the typhoon or how strong it is.
6. Keep an emergency kit/go bag that includes first-aid kit, food, water, clothing,
whistle, lighter, and a flashlight
7. Charge your phones and keep these loaded for communication.
8. Know the Early Warning System and Evacuation Plan of your local government in
case of emergency.
9. Make a household evacuation plan and give particular task to each member of
the family (who will ensure the transformation, who will carry the baby, who will
carry the first aid kit, etc.). The family members should be oriented.
10. Check your surroundings if there are things needed to repaired. If there is a
typhoon and if you are in danger zone like riverbanks or sea shore, go to a safe
evacuation center to be safe from any storm surges or river flows the typhoon will
make. Preemptive Evacuation is a must.

Follow the instruction given by the disasters risk reduction committee personnel.
Source: DepEd, 2008


1. Stay tuned in into the radio or television for the latest news and updates.
2. Stay alert.
3. Stay Inside the house.
4. Wear warm clothes.
5. Save your batteries so you can use it for Emergency Situations.
6. If you are already in danger, call for help.

1. Stay tuned-in to the radio and TV for the latest updates.
2. Check your family if they were okay.
3. Observe your surroundings if there are fallen trees, wrecked cars on the road,
fallen electric post, and live wires. Stay away from it.
4. If there is damage in your house hold, do a repair.
5. If there is an injury seek for medical help.



Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 11
1. Create a preparedness plan. Learn about your area’s thunderstorm risk and how
to be warned of an approaching thunderstorm
2. Trim and removed dead and rotting trees and other objects that could fall and
may cause injury.
3. Close the windows and doors to prevent objects from being blown inside and the
4. Stay inside the house or classroom.
5. Remember to ensure a proper drainage for the rain water before the


1. Stay Calm. Wear warm clothes.

2. Stay away from trees, towers, fences, electric and telephone lines if you are in an
open area.
3. Watch out for falling objects and power lines from the post like electricity and
telephone lines.
4. Postpone all outdoor activities.
5. Unplug and turn off all appliances such as television and computer, electric
surges and lightning may cause damage to all these. Use a battery operated
radio for gaining information instead.
6. Move to the lowest floor of the building or house or any safe place within the
building without windows or glass doors.
7. If you are in an open area and can’t find a shelter put your feet together with
heels touching each other (tip toe position) while in squat position. The logic is to
transfer the lightning’s electricity from one foot to other and it goes back to the
If you don’t do this, the lightning might go to your heart and may cause death.
While doing this, make sure that you put your hands over your ears and protect
your ears from thunder.

1. If the weather condition allows, can go outside to check for any damages to your
2. Still practice the safety measures and continue listening to the news for updates
and instruction.
3. Stay away from the damaged areas and watch out for damage power cables.



1. Keep Tuning-in to news on TV and Radio, listen carefully for the latest updates
and instruction about the hazard that may cause flooding such as thunderstorms
and tropical cyclones.
2. Be familiar with the frequency of floods in your area.

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 12
3. Know Where the flood Warning System such as flood markers in your area are.
4. Know the evacuation plan in your area. Be familiar with the pick-up place, the
means of transportation, location of the command center, and the evacuation
5. When there is prolonged heavy rain, it may cause flooding and you must be
prepared for possible flooding. Put your cellphones and gadgets inside a zip lock
plastic bag to prevent them from getting wet.
6. Prepare your survival kit. You can make your own floating device by tying
together empty plastic containers. You can also prepare a go bag consisting a
flashlight, lighter/Matchbox, canned foods, water, extra clothes, and first aid kit in
plastics. You also have to keep extra batteries and transistor Radio for news
7. Fully charge your phone and keep these loaded for communication.
8. Prepare your emergency lights.
9. Go to higher Area or do a preemptive evacuation. When the water is very high
and your location is inaccessible, the rescuer will have a difficult time to rescue
you and the rescuers may also be put in danger.
10. Prepare the family or friends for possible flooding. Assign task: who is incharge in
transportation, Food, First-aid kit and Seeking for help?
11. Keep all important documents inside a safety box or zip lock bags.

1. Keep Calm and be alert and keep away from steep areas prone to landslides.
2. Stay updated on news and public announcements.
3. Don’t attempt to swim across flowing streams and flooded areas.
4. Watch out for snakes and other wild animals in the flood.
5. Drink and eat only clean or at least boiled water and never eat food that were
already contaminated by flood water.
6. Stay away from electric and telephone cables.
7. Listen only to the reliable people when getting information and updates.

1. Report structural damages like cables, water, and gas lines.
2. If appliances were submerged in flood water, don’t plug these at once to prevent
further damage.
3. Avoid affected areas.
4. Stay tuned-in to the news.
5. Return home only if the area is already safe. The authorities will advise you if the
area is already safe or not.



1. Stay tuned-in to local TV and radio for public announcements and updates of a
certain weather condition that may result to occurrence of a storm surge.
2. Know the risk zones in the area. Plan for evacuation and relocation.
3. Stay off the beach area when there is a weather disturbance.

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 13
4. Be familiar with the escape routes going to the evacuation center or higher
5. Participate in flood or storm surge drills.
6. Prepare a survival kit which contains your basic necessities like clean drinking
water, food, first-aid kit, flashlights, and lighters.
7. Prepare a floating device.
8. Put your gadgets in a zip lock bag and secure your documents in a safe place.
9. Do preventive evacuation if you are in a risk area.


1. Keep calm and stay alert.

2. Stay away from coastal areas.
3. Stay away from steep areas prone to landslides.
4. Shutdown the power supply.
5. If caught in a storm surge, hold on to large trees trunks and boulders to protect
you from the force of water and floating debris.


1. Never eat fresh food that came in contact with flood water. Drinking water should
be submitted to authorities for testing.
2. After the storm surge subsided, check the damages to properties and if your
family is complete.
3. Stay away from dangerous power and telephone cables.
4. Stay away from collapsed structures because these might collapse and cause
5. Check if you house is safe before moving back in with your family.
6. Immediately clean all debris and mud.
7. Stay tuned-in local television and radio station for updates and instructions.



Develop preparedness plan for both El Niño and La Niña occurrences.

- Prepare Appropriate clothes

- Prepare medical Kits
- Buy and Store foods
- Repair Houses
- Prepare Relocation Sites
- Prepare Boats

1. For El Niño
- Conserve Water - Store Water - Familiarize yourself with first aid treatments for
heart related illnesses.

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 14
2. For La Niña
- Know first aid for water/rain related illnesses


 For El Niño
- Avoid activities that require strenuous work during the hottest time pf the day.
- Consult a doctor immediately when affected by extreme heat
- Stay indoors as much as possible
- Wear loose and light colored clothing
- Drink plenty water

 For La Niña
- Stay indoors
- Boil water for drinking to prevent diseases due to water contamination
- Prepare Easy to Cook or no-cook food
- Wear boots if necessary
- Consult doctor immediately when affected by water-related illness

 After La Niña
- Bring Victims to the hospital immediately
- Document and report of El Niño and La Niña to your community.

Return period, also referred to as recurrence interval, is the probability of an event such as
heavy rain, intense typhoon of floods to happen. It is a statistical measurement mainly based
on historical data that gives the estimated time interval between similar extreme events.

For example, the return period of a heavy rainfall event is 100 years, this can be
expressed as an event with a probability of happening equivalent to 1/100 or 1%. This does
not mean that the next similar extreme event will happen 100 years after, instead, it means
that in a given year, there is a 1% chance that the event will happen. Consequently, 100-
year floods can happen in 2 consecutive years.

In analysis of extreme hydro meteorological events, “return periods” are usually used to
infer the severity of an event.

Rainfall in the Philippines Rainfall is the most important climatic element in the
Philippines. Rainfall distribution throughout the country varies from one region to another,
depending upon the direction of the moisture-bearing winds and the location of the mountain
systems. The mean annual rainfall of the Philippines varies from 965 to 4,064 millimeters

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 15
Baguio City, eastern Samar, and eastern Surigao receive the greatest amount of rainfall
while the southern portion of Cotabato receives the least amount of rain. At General Santos
City in Cotabato, the average annual rainfall is only 978 millimeters for the whole year.

What is the usual rainfall in your area?

Rainfall Observation

Aside from rain gauge monitoring in different parts of the Philippines, PAGASA
publishes regularly updated color-coded satellite images (Fig. 2) from the Multi-Functional
Transport Satellite or MTSAT (as of Dec 2015, but will soon shift to a newer satellite called
Himawari-8) to visualize rain distribution across the country. Color code is as follows: Red –
heavy rain; Yellow – light to moderate rain; White – clouds; Blue – clear sky.

Radar Image

In addition to the satellite observation, PAGASA operates 10 weather radar stations

(as of 2015) all over the Philippines. Fig. 3 shows the locations of these weather radar
systems. Weather radar can detect hydrometeors (e.g. rain, clouds) by transmitting
electromagnetic radiation to the atmosphere then analyze the returning “echoes” reflected by
weather elements present in the sky. Figure 4 shows a sample radar image over Bataan
also using a color coding scheme to visualize rainfall in the region.

Flood Monitoring System

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 16
Another product of PAGASA is its watershed monitoring network or Flood monitoring
system. Using water level sensors that measure the height of the water level of major river
systems, users can monitor impending flooding in major river systems in the Philippines.
Figure 5 show the major waterways of Metro Manila and their corresponding water levels.

While we are usually concerned with heavy rainfall events, lack of rain is also a
significant condition that we also experience. Weather in different parts of the Philippines
can vary significantly for certain years as a response to changing global climate. One of the
main climate drivers that affect the Philippines is the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or
simply El Niño.

El Niño is a significant increase in ocean temperature over the eastern and central
Pacific Ocean. It occurs at irregular intervals ranging from 2-7 years usually developing in
the early months of the year and decay the following year. In the Philippines, El Niño
conditions are often characterized by dry and warm to hot climate.

Months prior to the onset of El Niño, PAGASA publishes Drought/Dry spell outlook
(Fig.6) that can warn us of impending dry conditions so we can prepare for such extreme
events. Drought/Dry spell assessment (Fig.7) is also regularly published to report unusual
climate conditions in different parts of the Philippines.

Week 11-12
Activity Sheet #3

Student’s Name:_____________________________ Date:_____________________

Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 17
Grade & Track: _____________________ Teacher: ______________

Complete the table with the required things to do before, during, and after Hydro-
Meteorological Hazards.



El Nino/La Nina

Storm Surge




Digital Communication and Technological College Inc.

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management
Prepared by: Ms. Julie May V. Profugo,LPT 18

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