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Module 4: The Backdrop of the Human Condition:
Geography, Demography, and History


MODULE 4| WEEK 5: SEPTEMBER 21 - 25, 2020
Geography, Demography, and History

1. Explain the major events and its contribution that led to the emergence of the social science
 Geography, Demography, and History

1. I can demonstrate understanding of the emergence of the different disciplines of social science
thru the society.

The Backdrop of the Human Condition: Geography, Demography, and History

Device Short bond paper
Schoology Account Writing materials

Dear Partner Guardian,

Good day partner guardian! Thank you for the continuous love and support you are giving to
your child. In the third module of the subject Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, you are
encouraged to help us facilitate learning by doing the following:
Check if your child has started and accomplished studying this module as well as answering
all the activities provided by the teacher.
Join in the learning process if needed and remind them regarding the module’s date of
Communicate with the subject instructor about concerns that might arise.
Thank you so much for your never-ending support in the learning experience of your child!
-The Teacher
1 2 3
#IKNOWIT (30 minutes) Try This
(15 minutes)
4 5 6
Collage (30 minutes) Article Analysis
(60 minutes)

Let us start our journey by asking the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the prayer before class.
Remember that we are in the presence of the Lord Almighty.


() In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Lord, we offer to you our class today.

We pray that through your Divine Guidance,
to help us in our work today give us concentration
so that may we listen, understand, learn how to
listen attentively
to the inputs of our teacher and have a peaceful
May we appreciate his/her effort in imparting
his/her knowledge to us.
May we always remember that Jesus Christ is
always with us. AMEN

Social scientists study individuals and their relationships with social institutions and other
members of society. It is therefore inherent for the social sciences to emphasize the human condition
in both scholarships and in practice.
In this module we will tackle the three branches of social sciences that specialize on the
human condition: geography, which seeks to study the earth and its features, demography, which
examines the various aspects of human population, and history, which records and interprets the
DIRECTION: Answer the following questions below.
1. How many members does your family have? How many members are already moving out?
2. Who are the members of the family who is working? State the work/job that they have.
3. Describe how your family situations change over time.
4. Give one remarkable experience that your family encounter and discuss what the families
learn/realize from that experience.
5. What are the factors around your family that help you develop and adapt in the changes
around us?


Do you what to learn more? Kindly follow the instructions below:

 Log in to your Schoology account.
 Go to the Course Discipline and Ideas in Social sciences.
 Select the folder named Module 4.
 Click #WatchandListen.

I hope you learn a lot from the discussion, now it is time to proceed in the next ACTIVITY.


Answer the following questions concisely.

1. How do the fields of geography, demography, and history tackle the human condition? Cite some
specific examples.
2. How are the fields of geography, demography, and history related to each other? How are they
distinct from each other?

Make a collage based on the following themes. Include captions and explanations for your choices.
Use a short bond paper for your collage and take a picture of it to be uploaded in your Schoology
1. The places and spots want to visit in the Philippines.
2. The Philippine population ten years from now.
3. The importance of knowing Philippine history in the 21 st century.

Analyze the given situation/article below and discuss how the concept of Geography, Demography,
and History are being reflected. Make a short essay of your discussion.

More than 200 countries/regions have reported confirmed COVID-19 cases, including China, Italy, Iran, S.
Korea, India, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA, Sweden, Singapore, Sri Lanka, France, Australia, Malaysia, Spain, United
Arab Emirates, UK, Nepal, Finland, Netherlands, Japan, Belgium, Russia, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, and
Germany. After hitting China in January 2020, COVID-19 severely out broke in countries like South Korea, Iran, and
Italy in late February and early March, 2020. As far as the number of COVID infected patients is concerned, USA is at
the top of the list followed by Spain. In USA, more than 30,000 people died of this disease. According to the report of
the Chinese government and the WHO, the current outbreak has infected some 84,180 people in China out of which
more than 4642 people have died so far as of April 18. The first case of coronavirus outbreak in India was reported
on 30 January 2020 in Kerala's Thrissur district when a student had returned home from Wuhan University in China.
The Health Ministry of India has confirmed 14,378 cases of coronavirus infection and 480 deaths in the country so far
on 18.04.2020. On the one hand the very high transmissibility of the virus is responsible for its worldwide spread, the
improvement and accessibility of international travel & tourism could be a reason for its further worldwide spread on
the other hand. Every year, different parts of the world organize various religious, socio-cultural, scientific, sport, and
political mass gathering festivals. These types of mass gatherings are likely to exaggerate many of the risk factors of
COVID-19, and have historically been associated with outbreaks of disease both in local and international levels. The
emergence and spread of COVID-19 from Asia to the Americas, Africa and the Europe represent a global pandemic

Due to the unusual outbreak of COVID-19, almost every big and small cities and villages in the affected
countries like China, Taiwan, Italy, USA, France, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Germany, S Korea, U.K, India, Australia and
many more, is under partial of total lockdown for a long period of time ranging from a few weeks up to a few
months. All local and central administrations worldwide have literally put a ban on free movement of their citizens
outside their home in order to avoid community transmission The various religious, cultural, social, scientific, sport,
and political mass gathering events like, Hajj, Olympics etc. are cancelled. Various types of industries are not
functioning; all types of travels are cancelled. Meanwhile, efforts to restrict transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, by
restricting the movement have had an outstanding environmental effect.
Due to non-functioning of industries, industrial waste emission has decreased to a large extent. Vehicles are
hardly found on the roads resulting almost zero emission of green-house gases and toxic tiny suspended particles to
the environment. Due to lesser demand of power in industries, use of fossil fuels or conventional energy sources have
been lowered considerably. Ecosystems are being greatly recovered.

Environment change is one of the biggest and most vital challenges of the 21st century. In spite of all their
efforts to restore the nature during the last few decades, humans could only move a few steps forward. But during the
last few months, consequences of the pandemic have successfully recovered the environment to a large extent that
should definitely set positive impact on global climate change. Whatever be the cause or origin, the occurrence of
COVID-19 has emphasized to improve the mutually-affective connection between humans and nature. At this point of
time, it is indispensable to control the source of disease, cut off the transmission path, and use the existing drugs &
means to control the progress of the disease proactively. Like all the preceding disasters on the earth, let all be
optimistic enough that, human beings will definitely win over the pandemic in due course of time, but they should
know the limits to which they can thrust nature, before it is too late.

Criterion Excellent Good Fair Poor

Content Takes a strong, Clear position Position not clearly No clear position
well defined taken and stated; taken; reasons
position; uses at defined; two development is undeveloped; no
least three reasons and brief; unrelated, supporting facts
appropriate details present, unsupported used
reasons with at but not fully general statements,
least two developed. reasons, and
supporting details Counter details; minimal
for each reason. arguments facts used. Counter
Counter arguments addressed. arguments not
effectively acknowledged.
addressed, w/o
Organization & Structure of paper Structure is Structure of the Organization and
Structure is clear and easy to mostly clear and paper is not easy to structure detract
follow. Paragraph easy to follow. follow. Paragraph from the message
transitions are Paragraph transitions need of the writer.
logical and transitions are improvement. Paragraphs are
maintain the flow present. Conclusion is disjointed and
of thought Conclusion is missing, or if lack transition of
throughout the logical provided, does not thoughts
paper. Conclusion flow from the body
is logical and flows of the paper.
from the body of
the paper.
Purposes The report points The report points The report refers to The report does
out and discusses out and explains a problem in the not state the
different sides of a certain views on community/country problem clearly.
serious problem in a problem in the .
the community
community/countr /country.
 Carlos Peña Tatel Jr. (2016) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Rex Book
Store, Inc.
 Maria Carinnes P. Alejandria – Gonzales, et al (2016) Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Sciences, DIWA Learning Systems Inc.
Contact Number 09152923703
Email Address
Consultation Time MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7:30 – 5:00 PM

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