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(1) In this quarter, the specific concepts that I learned are about random
variables, probability distributions, and Normal distribution. In random variables, I
learned how to classify what is a discreet and continuous variable. In probability
distribution, I learned how to solve and identify what a probability distribution is
and what is not. And lastly, in the normal distribution, I learned about how to find
the area of the given z-value.
Furthermore, the concepts in this topic are not the only one that I learned
in this quarter, I also develop the skill of thinking critically and logically as I solve,
classify, and identify values that are needed to find out.
Because of this, the concepts and skills propagated by the subject
(statistics) aided me to become and critical and logical thinker. Especially given
that there is a pandemic, I would use my learned skill and concepts to contribute
to the development of the community, society, and most importantly myself, for
me to better grow as a person.
For instance, when I am struggling in managing my time in academics, I
would use the skill of thinking logically and critically by formulating a convenient
solution to further mitigate these tasks in a productive manner. Community-wise,
in my own simple ways, I would contribute to the development of the community
by suggesting ideas to the departments concerned by posting online especially in
this time of the pandemic.
Aside from that, this information I learned connect something else that I
learned from the past. Before studying these lessons in statistics, I already have
a brief background regarding the concepts of this subject. In fact, In the past
years, I learned some concepts of statistics, such concepts like normal curves
and about variables. Because of this, it made my study process understandable
and comprehensible for me as I went through these lessons.
In conclusion, statistics played a significant part for me to generate
practical solutions and ideas whether for myself or to other people. By solving
numerical values, there is no doubt that you are developing your mental skills
and later become a useful mechanism in the future.

(2) Yes, I find some lessons difficult in this quarter. I find that some
information from the lesson is not enough for me to understand further the topic.
However, I searched my queries, read books, and look for videos on the internet
in order for me to better and widen my understanding in that particular lesson so
that I would explain or solve my answers comprehensively and logically.
Moreover, if I cannot understand the lesson, I would practice solving the
given problems and constantly doing it until I can do the properties and the
concept of the lesson independently.
In short, I handle difficulty by finding more resources and applying these
resources where I can further learn or study the lesson. I find it important to
understand the lesson in different perspectives or mediums and not just studying
it from the given learning material, because this proves that you are growing as a
learner where you are independent to learning new concepts and hungry for
more information so that you can broadly understand the topic.

(3) My notes that are old and new became very helpful in studying my
lessons. Without my old notes, I wouldn’t understand further the topic especially
that I am studying solving for numerical values. From the previous example
given, strategies, and solutions in my old notes, it became not complicated and
understandable for me in studying my lessons. As I have these old notes, I take
time to put more details in my notes, together with other references such as
books, videos, and articles from websites aside from writing notes from the
learning kits given by my teacher. 
        As I am writing my notes, I always consider writing information from other
sources. I always read books and educational videos that are related to the
lesson and further writing them so that I would have a comprehensive review of
the topic. For example, if the lesson is all about variables, I would first read the
information in the learning kit, and then searching my questions on the internet.
Such questions like “why is this thing a discreet variable” or “how can we further
classify a discreet or continuous variable?”. These kinds of queries would go on
and on until I fully understand the lesson.
        It is important to embody in studying independently, the information of a
particular topic is not always in the learning materials given. Education is a self-
seeking method. To broadly learn a lesson, you must widen your horizons or
“scope” in studying a lesson. Because I believe independence and seeker for
further education are one of the main elements to become a well-rounded
learner. Being spoon-fed with information will not make you become a better
learner or even a better person. In the end, we are the only ones grasping the
information and applying it in reality and it’s not other people. 

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