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} ris Eikhenbaum TOLSTOI IN THE SIXTIES" ‘Translated by Duffield White Ardis Ann Arbor Tein tb Sin gli Trneltion by Doe White Copy © 1962 by Aes lighter, No prof i pusion troy eny mean toa the writen pein the pee. {ear Hevterny Liar of anges Capa in abession Daa “olan he 6, $Totoy, Leo, graf 1261910- Cec and meetin 2 Ty, es, gl 18110 ies Pome Lean MO Neo COE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Prltor reduction 5 Author Foreword we sw PART ONE: Toto outside of Lest (Chapter I: The end of the 1860. SutyorShcbelin. Eon arti Mosow and Peetu. Announcement by the ors of The Contanpoay ‘Av Gooner arom Too Total® pston, Toko "wd Chapter Is Toto a the Soph, Tots nip wt Chichi (Chica spd the Savptlee. Chichen’ let fo KD aval. . Solver othe Sisvophis. Tots retnaip to Chichen, Ceti ate ‘ute. Chichi on Tl Chr a Anna Rare. oy Chapter: Toto enoances ert. Th eof educating te pel ‘Auebacsnowly A New Life. Egy Bourn and his wk te ol ‘mcbacs gedgope those Toot in Gemany, Frbel cn Toba Renin Res Dooks Ris popula fe Rs ne Chaper IV: V. Baxcbrzon's aces in The Ruon Hol, 1857-1859. Propemsng Rh thors, Save oe Ri, The pablite meaning ‘of Slore’s ace, Poems with he Stopes. Rah "Geman Si Pll.” Khomiskov on Sloe. I. Akskors Ii sbout Ri Toa ‘eeponss to Rh ich ws Ri end German post. 33 Chapter Yow col and Hera, Tol and Tage a 161 Rel on “he prletait of itelecal aor” Wl on wang ws « pofesion, The Joull Yanuye Pobanu Talsaty ass, i leter oS. A, Rahn. Latest A.A Taya, Ler to Chetek. The ar, “Uptrags sd Education.” The Conemporsy' are. Please aoiad Takats ‘hol. Repos to Maks. Tota ra, Poe wach # Ya Tolan. Marg and move away fm the sa. PART TWO: Reta to tsntte Chapter 1, Aenea om Toit’ school Th dition of the ot {Tolls oul Te ate, "Whe Stoad Lem Yo Wee from Whoa” Fedkn and Sema. Wig a sor Totty sxctemet. The skool 2 ‘Moray experiment The tum to tent and Toit aew pen, 765 (Chg To tal pan for “Aa aL” Th ik th Gorman popu ‘Avebach’s book, Soh und Vol. The ska bass of "An ey “Ton nd Maley.” ih on Got. Gote and Auetach, "Plush ” The nk with Gort taco Pol 3 (Chaper Ut: Recon. wok on The Cosacks. The poponed plot. The Goaacks in Tae Rusia Hr. The Olin fie. The 1862 Sa, Ye. ‘olny and Ear on Pho Comes, The ale a The Cotenpon ‘ola ateaon Reena “domastiy™ eo (Chap 1 The orginal pan fr “bw try of s hom." M. A Stak ‘ian. shuts sath The one theme in the 1240s 150. Stathov’s comedy, The Jockey, Inte in boeing. The sea spowth i hovefaming, ores te gray mie oft 1850s. News ‘ape futons. Epi Mere, Pet eit to Tageer, Tene ‘enusnce out Toko V. Sologub rove of "Seder™ 0 Ch Tama of he ling ery, es sovemor of for “hppie" Dy oes, elt fo “yen {eter aout the china Sl NETH: A. Tay day. any a. 5 ATeanys ping dna, The momingo he or,“ To 5) ‘thane th eae management, PART THREE: “Alls Wel That Ends Wel” (taper: atom to 186-1857 he traction to “ToT and the ‘vial pln for The Docembvn, Tolle The Decemdrt std Herz “he introduction. The nk with the ural ye of the sai. Labor Valkoatk. Ta ea Ata. Camacterte f Zain. Zara tn the Desembis,Tlo intrest in Zea tao for The Deseo Waren Poe nS ere eee ane ee pees fg ca et eee Serpe. oor, ena (ape I: The stuaon of bettie N M, Feo and GE Bho sto. Inert in history: books, ates, and etwes. The ce of the owls tse peo Caters fom EA. Behr, Tells ours, Toi “titra.” History Iasi the school. Tling th story af 112. EN. Albmatom' eter snd crn Mat, Popular ite, Ea ti of the aot. The novel oral ere For pee i Tol ‘forkon te novel. The 1863 son, . 37 Caper 1 Wo dng 1864, estas with M.P. Popa. Change of plen. Pince Ande. Ltr to L 1 Volo. Tunig« motte ee ‘ei into an eat of pot. Tota’ ota and mary moods. The en ‘dentounes of Mar and Peace Lacey rar on War and Peace. Tt ‘roves wh Kiso tel. Bren eo Tae 13 Chapter VP. Ansakors rspuee. A.D, Sudo’ pcs. Raropag the provtypes. ld man Hakoosky MF Kanesky. Meters of T. Ki Icy ad Planar cooceming the sharcer potty he not ‘oreneyrpons, Wave ung TESS. Taming tho novel ito a8“ Rextng Goat and Troope. The Menods of Marechal Maont uth tote in he dry. The compton ofthe cond stament nt pac ‘ln of the sorel in a spate eon. Reraws in Phe Book Her. Fes Wet .scesresecsennssees ee 161 PART FOUR: Morand Poe (Oper 1: Wook ding 1857. Toit stile. Prout’ popula ta Ran. E. Tu on Poudho. Dupe ove Provan. M. Pop tr oodhon. Proton among reattonary ces. Tasation of rosdhon's books. N. Kerstin are. Chemhesy's rstontip to Prouihon. N-tikadony on Poadhon spd Toba Mam rl on Pondhon’ ‘oran Pace. Total a Br, eae Chapter Powsben cn Neplen. roan’ manatee fenter t Poudhon's snd Tokay castes of Napoleoa. The ‘siniene of Pondhon's an Toot son ma, The meaning of the Cenarion. M. Dragan on Toit and Provdon's disco war. De Mite snd fe populasty 2 Ramis. Tat torowinge Goro Mais’ itr Th logue sbout wari Sor de StPdontour. The ‘bint fd te and Pronto. peers 1 Chapter Il: The ions btwea the two plan fr the pve. Ration ‘ein the TBD Interest questions of loopy of sory Jounal ini rl. The Budde question. Tals! nd Buckie. Tosa’ “rg § Saver on Bue. Us on Duke and een, Pop's toad “Aptos Toll nd Pogo, Tota’ monte vce. 195 Chaper 1; chsh on. Urs’ book, Togne' eter and te wor, “teUmnse”V.Baanky on Uso. Totton Uasy- Ura lee {© Kieouly. Uruiors ltr fo. Alas concen the Folih oetion. Tobtl decease to Ursy daring the 186d Urs on te Wet fer, Unno' bok, Suey ofthe 1812 181 Camps, The ce ‘pone between Tobia and Uo. The bt etme att ease nd rcnochinty sence, Tota: mathemati eminloy- The Tana Sil, Uno’ ebjectons Tol pomp daunting” of ts pa of Wer and Pasce, Ura ltrs the Franso Pain We. “obo eter o fom of tay Teaser int the TOs 209 (Caper Vals the hia of the wong of ar ond Pace, The ‘soc of fl ial eli of Wr and Peace. Rapport es Aviles ‘by wtras and mary Secs, “Riss” and “Less on Toot 1. Surkiow onthe “expo” canter of th novel. The ace The ‘Runion Ia and Tl ete to eto 8 Sakov on Tolls lovonky. War eu Pei he 1873 dn, Te lier oy of th tex. Wr and” Pee Io the sory of tw Russe now Dexoesy oe faeces es ows : os INTRODUCTION TO TOLSTOLIN THE SUCTIES Talo n te Sines can bt be inode by plans i smene ikhentoun' contusion 0 Rian rma ear theory in he ae 182 and by semmarsing the se of Einbau ett Books 00 “Tolto The Young Tota and Tool nthe fe aslo hse ist two book ee the plat of departure fr the thi. Many of Ekhentstm’ mot important conbutions wo Rasion formate theory rv fom act any fasted ne of toy. Hcsawevlutoary change venvber—intheastonomauy eae Works tf senie dain, nthe retinas tren ital eines, Sin teretare td ter ctrl eda He viewed ees ch ‘Sd, tsioato, and Tol) a payer sn the evolutionary drama of tore fied the way they eved er the presire of he ins he Viewed tic Merry fictions a reste cxpenon of the submision oF Fesans to chang in Hor ‘When Ekhebsur defended he Rosin Formals mveret against is etn 1929 "The Theory ofthe Fema Method, ested the “Soctionary chiar of the development ofthe foal teod” be ‘fetal he Fors were commie othe cent pine of ‘mowing the tories and hod a they worked (In ou ses We {luc theory ont aa working hypotesto lp ws dicover and interpret Taco’) He egintey noi the formats’ eso ying pin them dome to ies, anchangng program of theory apd metnoalgy ‘etning bis fed af ingury hear hey. kena abo recogni another prince of evolution wihin hasan stoi, He ‘Supine! hat the here with whieh tors work are termined nt fn by the autonornos workings ofthe reife method, but bythe “onecmporay petlens® of the srounding etre orwell tory ie tie snc of compen anlogi, sees of doable sion: the at of the pst ne meanings for fh ferns them and pce the, inet, unde te nano contanporeryprobiens.” He sree this inp of hang is 9 atl "Lteraty Exsroent(Leranr Byrn ch cred that be aed ther focal teary stores were Begining o del with "erttes soil mode of beng” he Ror Sais bese iy sv made fg” dl beoome pein problem of ‘Sovie eretue inthe 190 Te maybe patty stated that te rsh Spots ot erate aaa oft bit Metre’ seal nade of Bing ‘The wiers profesional aur hs changed, he eerie relationship ‘a chung, the ctomary codon and forms of erry endzaor base hanged te Tn 99, this statement rfened iety 10 the work Eiken

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