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Code No: C1EC01-C1405 N5-05

I B.Tech.(CCC) Supplimentary Examinations, June 2008

(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) For a small signal JFET iD = f (VGS , VDS ). Obtain expressions for id and
hence define gm , rd and µ.
(b) From the definition of gm obtain expression for gm .
(c) For an n-channel silicon FET with a = 3×10−4 cm and ND = 1015 electrons/cm3 .
Find the pinch off voltage. [20]

2. (a) Discuss the phenomena of thermal runaway .

(b) What is meant by bias stabilization?
(c) Derive the expression for stability factors S.
(d) For the CC amplifier the transistor parameters are hic = 1500 hf e = −80
hoc = 2 × 10−5 mho hrc = 1 Calculate input impedance Zi, ,Voltage gain AV
and output impedance RO . [5+5+5+5]

3. (a) Show that for current series feedback amplifier input and output resistances
are increased by a factor (1+Aβ) with feedback.
(b) For the given circuit (as shown in figure3b), hf e =100, hie =1 K, hre =hoe =0.
Determine with Re =0. [10+10]
Vo Vs
i. Rf = Is
where Is = Rs
ii.Avf = Vs ,
iii. Rif.
iv. Rof

Figure 3b

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Code No: C1EC01-C1405 N5-05
4. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a RC phases shift oscillator using BJT. Derive
the expression for frequency of oscillators.
(b) Classify different type of oscillators based on frequency range.
(c) Why RC oscillators are not suitable for high frequency applications. [10+5+5]
5. (a) The h-parameters of CE- amplifier are hie = 1100Ω, hre = 2.5 x 10−4 , hf e =
50, hoe =24 µA/V and Rs = 1KΩ, RL = 10KΩ. Find out current and voltage
gains with and without source resistance, input and output impedances.
(b) Derive an expression for voltage gain of common drain amplifier circuit. [10+10]
6. (a) Explain about different methods of Inter stage coupling in amplifiers.
(b) Two transistor amplifier circuits are cascaded as shown in figure6b. The h-
parameter values are as given under. Determine the overall voltage gain Av.
hie =2.2k hf e =40 hre =5×10−4 hoe =25µ mho
hie =1.8k hf e =-50 hre =1 hoe =25µA/V

Figure 6b
7. (a) Explain about the power dissipation aspects and use of Heat sinks in power
(b) A BJT is specified to have a maximum power dissipation PDO of 2w at 250 C.
The maximum junction temperature is 1500 C. Find:
i. Thermal Resistance θJA .
ii. Maximum power that can be dissipated at 500 C.
iii. The junction temperature, if the device is operating at 250 C and is dissi-
pating 1 W. [10+10]
8. (a) Explain the principle of stabilizing the double-tuned transformer coupled am-
plifier response against the internal feedback
(b) Tuned amplifier has an internal feedback capacitance of 10 Pf, which has to be
neutralized. It operates at 10MHz and the output transformer is connected
with a tapped primary at Na : Nb =1:4. Its primary inductance is 5 µH. If,
Hazeltine neutralization is to be used, calculate the size of the neutralizing
capacitor needed. Draw the Hazeltine neutralization circuit also. [10+10]

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Code No: C1EC01-C1405 N5-05

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