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Manatad, Louise Marie D.


Reflection Journal for

Research Presentation and Publication

There is an effective research presentation and publication. Majority of us students, we

find and think research a very difficult thing, for us this thing is stressful, we don’t usually find
the value of having research and we have no interest of doing so. Not just us students who have
problems in doing research, teachers too. Faculty members have lack of incentives, motivation;
also having a lack of skill in doing research also faculty members have loaded teaching
assignments. As what I can see in the environment, as the advancement of the technology,
research is not that hard anymore. Although research is still difficult but not as difficult as
having no technology to use. I realize that it is now easier since literatures are easily accessible
with the use of internet, we can get literatures, data are available in the website of sources and
with that we are having a secondary data, standardized research instruments are available
online, also primary data can be collected online.

There are things that make a good research; one of it is having a well-defined question.
There is also what we call Good Scientific Research, which it involves a sound methodology and
a novel idea that can be tested simply and repeatedly to give valid and trustworthy results. In
presenting the research proposal, ideas can be presented in various forms and venues. There
are 3P’s in Effective Research; people, papers, and presentations. There are also ways to
communicate with general public; one is through oral presentation, poster presentation and
through publication. In having oral presentation, you need to have visuals and one of the most
appropriate visual is having a powerpoint presentation. And there are Do’s and Dont’s in
building slides. In oral presentation researchers also need to prepare themselves, on what to
wear. There are guidelines in having an oral presentation in terms on how to deliver a talk, in
presenting the methods, data and results. And having a good finishing or ending can give a nice
presentation to your audience. Oral presentation is the commonly used. There are also
guidelines in having poster presentation. In publication, there are also guidelines to consider,
one of it is writing successful manuscript. We should take research a very useful paper. We
should appreciate research, because for me, without research there is no change especially in
terms of technology and without research we cannot solve problems most especially
environmental problems.

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