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Market Recovery,
Rule Of 72


Since 1846, casting a beacon of safety into

safe harbours for sailors offshore Bermuda
in treacherous, stormy seas
DALBAR QAIB (Quantitative Analysis
of Investor Behaviour) 2013 & 2018

Step Thirteen - Rule of 72, Market Recovery,
Do-It-Yourself Investing

Your review plan is almost finished - don’t under-performed while others will reach
give up now. higher than the average.
What average returns should you be looking
for in long-term appreciation of your pen-
sion and your personal investing? Fee-adjusted rates of return.
The charts above demonstrate on a sta- Now comes the more difficult section
tistical basis the average return for stocks, because different pensions firm, different
bonds over thirty years through year end portfolio managers may calculate fees in
2018. Source courtesy of Dalbar Inc.’s QAIB different ways.
report (Quantitative Analysis of Investor Be- What does this mean to you? Fees affect
haviour) and the New York Times. We see the growth of your pension portfolio (or any
that the S&P index (made up of the weight- portfolio) over time. You want your pension
ed values of the 500 largest publicly traded portfolio to have competitive fees with the
US companies by market capitalisation) real fee-adjusted rate of return reported on
returned 9.22%, the Barclays Aggregate your statement so that you know where you
Bond Index (representing most US traded stand.
investment grade bonds) returned 5.74%.
Mutual fund fact sheets, generally, disclose
These indexes are not adjusted for fees. all fees as well as reporting the Total rate of
Yes, there is another set of numbers in that return - NET of fees.
chart. We will discuss them later in the I was unable to determine – based upon
article. For now, take a guess what they website information currently available –
represent. what the total fees are charged by the local
Thus, using simple math assumptions for Bermuda pension administrators / manag-
a pension balanced fund of 60% stocks ers by reviewing their websites. Fees may
and 40% bonds, the average return - with- be disclosed to you individually, as a holder
out taking into consideration any fees for of a pension account - so, it is up to you
management, administration, sales com- when meeting with your pension advisor to
missions, custody fees, etc. - would be obtain fee clarity.
somewhere around an estimated 7%. Calculating an illustrative fee-adjusted rate
Using ordinary assumptions, then, a more of return. Let’s assume that the total fees
conservative portfolio (more bonds than are estimated 2.%. Taking our assumed
stocks) would generally have a lower return average rate of return for the illustrative bal-
than the balanced fund, and a more aggres- anced fund of 7. % minus all fees of 2. % =
sive fund weighted toward stocks will be real adjusted rate of return (RoR) of 5%.
closer the stock index. Keep in mind, that
these are average returns - meaning that on
the proverbial bell curve, some securities
How Am I Doing - The Rule of 72
Investment Wise? The Rule of 72 works fairly well for the
A very simple calculator to track how your range from six to 10. Outside that range,
investments are accumulating is The Rule there are additional calculations needed;
of 72. Take an illustrative accumulated it can be more efficient to use an online
pension example: Individual worked for calculator.
ten years and accumulated 70,000 in a
pension. Divide 72 by RoR 5% = 14.4. The
Rate of Divide Approximate
answer means that the accumulation of
Return into Number of
$70,000 MAY double in 14.4 years without
(%) Years to Double
any additional pension contributions at all.
But, this is a big point, remember that 6 72 12 years
investment returns will fluctuate. Your
7 72 10.3 years
pension investments will not compound
on a straight-line basis, because they are 8 72 9 years
invested in capital market assets. However, 9 72 8 years
over the longer term, the average return can 10 72 7.2 years
possibly be around 5%-7% for a balanced

Critics will say this is not

realistic, but the long-term
appreciation bears this out.
Imagine adding in additional
contributions as well. Most
important, this number also
assumes that you do not
move your pension in and out
of various allocations, selling
at the low values, and taking

See complete article. “Thirty years of

stock market crashes – and the signs
they were coming,” by Kyle Caldwell,
The Telegraph, October 17, 2015.
If Time is On Your Side, Should You Be A
Think Long-Term Do-It-Yourself Investor?
Do yourself a favour. Think long-term, al- Can you translate understanding your pen-
ways with the exception of the close-to-re- sion investments to taking tentative steps
tirement individuals. Be willing to be a little as an individual investor? Consider do-it-
more investment aggressive when you yourself investing, or taking the passive
are younger, then, tapering off as you age, investor approach with high quality, low
accumulate other savings and investments, cost mutual funds.
your first home, an individual investment
We, along with millions of individuals the
world over, have been depleted emotionally,
Why? Because time is on your side. Do physically, mentally and financially during
not focus on short term investing results. this tragic, catastrophic COVID-19 pandem-
Further, there have been numerous market ic. Thousands of families have lost loved
volatility episodes as well as capital market ones forever, had their work and home life
crashes. Each and every time, markets have disrupted, and have seen their financial se-
recovered from loss positions, and moved curity well into the future almost destroyed.
forward into positive territory.
The social-distancing quarantine, we are
The following chart records only the major (were) has been exhausting, as we have
disruptions since 1987 demonstrate that coped with the most daunting event of our
truism. Even the great depression of 1929- lifetimes. Most of us would rather not, for a
1933 in the United States saw the US secu- while at least, reflect on our roles or goals
rities market recapture the loss valuations. moving forward.
It is reassuring to understand that even But we have to move forward.
though the entire global economy is in
Life will not stand still. We are all one-step
severe disruption due to COVID-19, even-
closer to retirement, whether that day is
tually, capital markets will again return to
next year, five, ten, or thirty years away.
We have much to achieve in the interim.
We, as people, are intuitive, incredibly smart
survivalist-attitude individuals with highly
developed reasoning processes.
We can, and must vote for survival back to
normalcy, to begin to plan ahead again:
• to continue to take charge of our finances;
• to keep up disciplined savings and main-
tain less exuberant spending:
• to become more financially savvy with
our goal to financial success
Pluses. Should you think about just buying You guessed it! Investors sell out at market
individual stocks or bonds, since you have low values and pile into investments when
more control, and can possibly save fees? markets are at high prices.
The process requires much investment
Even, if after understanding what invest-
educational reading, opening an individual
ing is about, you decide not to participate,
investing account here in Bermuda or on-
you will have enhanced your investment
line, keeping your emotions in check when
knowledge and have a better comfort level
markets are crazy and monitoring of your
relative to your personal finances, along
security positions.
with your future pension investment man-
Minuses. Don’t feel you can be a success- agement.
ful DIY individual investor? There are valid
reasons: Individuals cannot afford to buy
sufficient securities to diversify investment
risk; they react emotionally, making poor But, taking on this task
decisions during market downturns; since
they have barely enough energy to focus on
means that you have
family, working and living, DIY just becomes to commit to under-
another life stressor.
standing investments
and what choices are
Investment Mistakes. right for you!
You will make them.
According various industry sources, the big-
gest errors that investors make are these:
• too aggressive a portfolio for your com- How should you start DIY?
fort level, especially at a close to retire-
ment age • Basically, with one – to a few stocks of
companies that are familiar
• young investors who are far too con-
servative based upon their own career • Invest small amounts of cash
longevity • Use the twelve research principles below
• the worst of all, reactionary pension (and and other research sites when research-
individual) portfolio moves in and out of ing a stock and the underlying company
aggressive to conservative allocations • No investing until you have your emer-
when markets crash, thereby locking in gency cash cushion fully funded
losses, reducing your portfolio capital, • Be comfortable and prepared to possibly
sometimes never to fully recover. lose the money you invest
And, that is what the second set of num- The securities themselves – review the
bers represent on the Dalbar charts. The company balance sheet – you can quickly
average equity (stocks) and fixed income find this information in Yahoo Finance by
(bonds) investor do not come close to index typing the stock name or ticker into Google.
and inflation returns - one of the largest
influencing factors is investor behaviour.
The company balance sheet is an integral Once familiar with basic investment con-
part of the company financial statements. cepts, take your curiosity further to explore
websites that are strictly fact-based and
A. lots of free cash
educational, rather than financial sites that
B. low debt ratio ultimately want sell you something.
C. consistent dividends for at least ten
years Research websites online trading services
also listed below also allow you to practice
D. low dividend pay-out ratio
simulated trading, giving you an almost real
E. decent profits year on year experience of how capital markets work.
F. company revenue increasing along with
market share But be forewarned, of the following:
G. little or no company share buybacks
H. more company insider buys than sells
I. stable-type industry, products or ser-
Again, watch your financial
vices that everyone needs on a consis- behaviour.
tent basis You should also know that overall, individ-
J. monitor the industry for changes ual investors have not always fared well
K. set a profit margin at which to sell the – investing on their own behalf. We individ-
stock uals tend to react emotionally when dealing
L. be very careful of young companies with issues of money. The educational term
operating on venture capital and loans is researched under Behavioural Finance
with no consistent revenue and profits (and see the Dalbar Quantitative Analysis of
Investor Behaviour – the Internet is loaded
Refer to the Stock Criteria Selection Check- with sites addressing this very topic that
list featured in Step 10 for further help. boils down to the following:

Your discovery process needs

to be two-fold: The emotional herd
• learning about securities and mentality.
• understanding how they work.
So, your work is cut out for you, but you will
Buying securities at
find it illuminating and so very interesting. the high valuation
Beginner investment websites for three of and selling at the low,
our large North Atlantic neighbours that are
easy to digest are listed below in Referenc-
thereby setting your-
es and are good places to start. self up for realised
Bermuda is a cosmopolitan finance jurisdic- losses.
tion. Bermuda residents themselves often
invest overseas, while work permit holders
from other countries can utilise this starter
information as well.
I highly recommend that you, as a begin- conditions for the prior several years and
ning DIY investor start the process with below the 2008 global market crashes.
these basic thoughts:
There are more than 15 million websites for
Understand that you may have develop an the do-it-yourself investor – some generic,
emotional attachment to stocks, bonds, some complicated, some cumbersome.
etc., but remember stocks are not people, Moneywise cannot recommend any specific
nor should you love them because they will website, but here are some common sense
not love you back. (and experience culled from many years of
working with clients) does and don’ts to get
Develop your own risk assessment and a
you going. There are also some suggested
trading plan to adhere to, so that you do not
websites to start your DIY in the reference
react emotionally to severe market volatility.
section below.
The COVID-19 market crash is the absolute
emotional test, possibly of this century. Ask You can track small investor trading
yourself, would you be more than tempted, patterns (like yourself) by utilising the
maybe even frantic, to sell everything when TDAmeritrade monthly Investor Movement
seeing a more than 30% drop in value of Index® (IMXSM). The Investor Movement
your investments – on paper. Index, or the IMX, is a proprietary, be-
haviour-based index created by TDAmeri-
trade designed to indicate the sentiment of
Know this as well. individual investors’ portfolios. It measures
what investors are actually doing, and how
Capital markets today are not the markets they are actually positioned in the markets.
of old. Your small investor trade choices will Sign up for the monthly email.
be up against the rapid activity (micro-sec-
onds) of thousands of remote comput- The IMX does this by using data including
er-trade models, short-sellers, high-fre- holdings/positions, trading activity, and
quency traders, robo-advisory service firms, other data from a sample of their 11 million
and extraordinarily nimble massive global funded client accounts. https://imx.tdameri-
financial institutions with immediate access
to investment information that you won’t Use Yahoo Finance or a like-kind website
have, along with the trading power to over- for easy access to current market (and your
whelm the system. stocks condition). Yahoo Finance is fea-
CAVEAT: Bermuda residents may have tured in numerous country-specific web-
difficulty opening trading accounts in other sites, e.g. US, UK, Canada, Japan, Austra-
jurisdictions due to FATCA, AML/KYC and lia, Germany, and more
other international and domestic tax/an-
ti-money laundering compliance.
Know What market conditions are on a cur-
rent basis always understanding that those
conditions can change without notice.
For instance, Capital market security val-
uations during the COVID-19, on average,
fell incrementally well below the euphoric
The process hedge, or any other security. If it rises in
value and it’s time to sell according to
1. You will need to open an investment your formula, say a 25% gain in a year,
account at a brokerage and/or a mutual sell it. If it drops in value, do not hold
fund firm. on, hoping and hoping. Sell it and move
Be careful about this process. on.

You may be handed a lengthy contract 5. Buy small positions, say 1,000 per. If
- read it carefully. A basic brokerage one stock performs really well, and you
account may also include a request do like it, sell off all the profit, back to
to open a margin account where you your original position.
can purchase investments on margin 6. Do enough research on each position
(leverage). to understand how it reacts in volatile
The use of margins or leverage to ac- markets. has
celerate your profits – and your losses a great tool called Map of the Market,
– is never a good idea for a beginning which shows hues from dark green
investor. Essentially, you are contracting to red, with bright red indicating more
for a loan with the brokerage firm; this volatility and price swings in a stock.
loan is secured by the value of your You can also use Yahoo finance and set
underlying stock positions, for instance. up a five-year chart for any stock that
If the stock value heads south, you will will demonstrate quite vividly historical
be subject to a margin call and will be price swings.
expected to remit any difference in cash 7. Buy equities of companies you know
to the firm. If you are unable to equalise and whose products you use consis-
your position, the brokerage firm will tently, Learn to Earn, as Peter Lynch
move to sell your positions, and attach says. Chasing unknown penny-stocks
lien to other assets you own, if you and other short-term plays is not for
cannot replenish your account. the timid, the beginner, or the budget
2. Set a profit, loss and time limit on each minded. Read Bloomberg every day.
position. Some investors decide on a Research commentary you don’t under-
timeline based upon the 200-day S&P stand. You will down the road!
moving average. For instance, if your 8. Do not be tempted by website and me-
security position is net after costs 20% dia ads to trade currency, options, and
above that recent line in three months – other ‘get rich quick’ enticements.
you can sell! After all, that is an annual-
ised return of 80% per year. 9. Do not be tempted by the super slick
salespersons. They will promise any-
3. Do not give in to greed by coveting thing to make a sell. Take your time
huge gains. Just because one stock reviewing and thinking about your buys.
is doing well, this does not mean you Research never hurt anyone.
should buy more of the same – sudden-
ly you may find all your cash tied up in 10. Pay attention – at least once a week
four stocks. Now that’s an emotional or more. Consider joining an alert type
roller coaster. service (or uploading it yourself) that will
notify you if your positions are chang-
4. Do not start loving any stock, mutual, ing.
11. Compute your real rate of return and Finally, A buyer-beware
watch your fees. Broker commissions,
turnover costs, mutual fund fees, back investment anecdote (true).
end loads all take a chunk out of your
An individual met with a broker at an in-
actual profit. Do not delude yourself, do
the maths and get the real net rate of vestment firm - requesting something that
return. If you live in a tax regime country would return a good fifteen percent (15%),
be aware of the tax impact on your rate
then plunking down $25,000 on shares of
of return, e.g. capital gains, dividend
tax, etc. one single company stock.

12. Beware of implementing trades during What a great rate, 15%, but one always
your workday – this type of activity is
has to consider the risk and safety of the
not condoned and is considered a re-
dundancy offence in today’s heavily-re- security as compared to the US risk-free
motely monitored employment arena. rate of return, generally, the United States
13. It is always wise to remember that in- ten-year treasury note. At that time, the
vesting is a Zero-sum game. For every US T-Note was paying around 4% rate of
gainer, someone is a loser. You won’t
win all the time, but you want to land on interest.
the winning side on a consistent basis.
The investor’s stock had almost 4 times
14. Never believe your friends, or anyone the level of risk.
else about how spectacularly success-
ful they have been. No one wants to ad- A few hours later, after a particularly vol-
mit to a loss – and if they do, you know
atile market day, the customer was over-
it was a zinger.
heard - on the phone, yelling at the broker!
“You told me this was a good investment!
Now, after reading this, if you feel exhaust-
Look at what is happening, the value is
ed or that you’d rather garden or plan your
next trip, you know that your homework has dropping like a stone. This is all the sav-
a different tilt. ings that I have.”
Rather than researching good stocks to
The customer was devastated - but there
buy, consider a focus on establishing a rela-
tionship with an objective licensed experi- are two things that did not happen.
enced investment professional.
The customer never told the broker this
See STEP Seventeen: The Alphabet Soup
was his entire savings.
of Financial Advisors
Not all of us can or want to do it ourselves. And the broker never asked.

I urge you to continue to learn about your Who was at fault?

investments. They are so important for your
future financial security. Both of them.
Time after time.
& Resources

Here is a sampling of a few websites Investors Are Usually Wrong. I’m One of
for DIY, but there are hundreds more. Them. By Jeff Sommer July 26, 2019,
Use your own discovery process to find New York Times https://www.nytimes.
investment educational websites that you com/2019/07/26/your-money/stock-bond-
are comfortable with. investing.html
Bermuda Stock Exchange. The Investing Educator: Focused on
Investing Tutorial improving your investment knowledge
Importance of DALBAR QAIB (Quantitative
Analysis of Investor Behaviour)
For Canadian investments and investors
The best financial professionals double as
behavioural finance coaches of their clients. 7 Essential Tips and
When markets are down or even volatile, Tools to Succeed as a Canadian DIY
questions will arise from concerned clients Investor
and perspective will be needed. The QAIB
Simon B. March 25, 2019
report and materials give advisors the tools
to tell a story, put things into perspective,
Investing Sites
and deliver the calming messages that
are needed to mitigate return-destroying Schwab Trading Services
behaviour.  Such messages include:

• The prudence of a long-term, buy and Research

hold approach
• The folly of measuring investment The Globe and Mail
success against statistical benchmarks Yahoo Finance Canada
• Awareness of common behavioural Canadian Securities Institute
• Lessons from past markets US Investments and Investors
• The importance of investing assets as Best Investment Apps of
early as possible 2020.
Financial Samurai. Slicing Through Money’s
SoFI Investing 101 Center: Investment
Education For Beginners
TD Ameritrade. New to Investing
Investopedia. Investment Education and
Stock Trading Simulator
Yahoo Finance US
Seeking Alpha – for the more sophisticated
US Securities & Exchange Commission

United Kingdom Investments and

MoneytotheMasses. Best Investing Apps in
the UK for Smart phones
Nutmeg, Plum

Regular investing websites

Vanguard – funds only
The Share Center

This Is Money UK DIY Investing
Yahoo Finance UK
UK FCA Financial Conduct Authority/

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Market Recovery1

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Do It Yourself

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Rule of 72

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