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JAM Practice Paper

Volume Test-6:Electrodynamics
Date: 02-01-2021 Marks:50
Time: 1.5 Hours


1. A cube of side a has point charges +Q located at each of its vertices except for the origin
where the charge is - Q as shown below. The electric eld at the center is:

Figure 1:

(a) √ −Q
3 3πε0 a2
(x̂ + ŷ + ẑ) (b) 3√3πε
2 (x̂ + ŷ + ẑ)

(c) √−2Q
3 3πε0 a2
(x̂ + ŷ + ẑ) (d) 3√3πε0 a2 (x̂ + ŷ + ẑ)

2. Three innite plane sheets carrying uniform charge densities −σ, 2σ, 3σ are placed parallel
to the xz plane at y = a, 3a, 4a respectively. The electric eld at the point (0, 2a, 0) is
(a) 4σ
ĵ (b) − 3σ

(c) − ε0 ̂

(d) ε0 ̂

3. A particle of mass m carrying charge q is moving in a circle in a magnetic eld B . Ac-

cording to Bohr's model, the energy of the particle in the nth level is
(a) n12 hqB

(b) n hqB
(c) n 2πm

(d) n 4πm

4. A charged particle in a uniform magnetic eld B ~ = B0 êz starts moving from the origin
with velocity ~v = (3êx + 2êz ) m/s. The trajectory of the particle and the time t at which
it reaches 2 meters above the xy - plane are (êx , êy and êz are unit vectors in Cartesian-
coordinate system)
(a) Helical path; t = 1s (b) Helical path; t = 2/3s
(c) Circular path; t = 1s (d) Circular path; t = 2/3s
5. Consider a thin long insulator coated conducting wire carrying current I . It is now wound
once around an insulating thin disc of radius R to bring the wire back on the same side,
as shown in the gure. The magnetic eld at the centre of the disc is equal to:
(a) µ0 I
(b) µ0 I
3 + π2 (c) µ0 I
1 + π2 (d) µ0 I
1 + π1
2R 4R 4R 2R

6. A magnetic eld B ~ = B0 (î + 2ĵ − 4k̂) exists at point. If a test charge moving with a
velocity, ~v = v0 (3î − ĵ + 2k̂) experiences no force at a certain point, the electric eld at
that point in SI units is

Figure 2:

(a) E
~ = −v0 B0 (3î − 2ĵ − 4k̂) (b) E
~ = −v0 B0 (î + ĵ + 7k̂)
(c) E
~ = v0 B0 (14î + 7k̂) (d) E
~ = −v0 B0 (14ĵ + 7k̂)

7. Consider two, single turn, co-planar, concentric coils of radii R1 and R2 with R1  R2 .
The mutual inductance between the two coils is proportional to

Figure 3:

(a) R1 /R2 (b) R2 /R1 (c) R22 /R1 (d) R12 /R2

8. Suppose yz -plane forms the boundary between two linear dielectric media I and II with
dielectric constant εI = 3 and εII = 4, respectively. If the electric eld in region. I at the
interface is given by E
~ 1 = 4x̂ + 3ŷ + 5ẑ, then the electric eld E
~ n at the interface in region
II is:
(a) 4x̂ + 3ŷ + 5ẑ (b) 4x̂ + 0.75ŷ = 1.25ẑ
(c) −3x̂ + 3ŷ + 5ẑ (d) 3x̂ + 3ŷ + 5ẑ
10. The amplitude of electric eld component of sinusoidal plane wave having impedance 377
Ohm in free space is 20 V/m. The power per square meter carried by the wave is:
(a) 0.53 W/m2 (b) 2.53 W/m2
(c) 37.7 W/m2 (d) 3.77 W/m2


11. A unit cube made of a dielectric material has a polarization P~ = 3î + 4ĵ units. The edges
of the cube are parallel to the Cartesian axes. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) The cube carries a volume bound charge of magnitude 5 units
(b) There is a charge of magnitude 3 units on both the surfaces parallel to the y − z plane
(c) There is a charge of magnitude 4 units on both the surfaces parallel to the x − z plane
(d) There is a net non-zero induced charge on the cube

12. Consider the circuit, consisting of an AC function generator V (t) = V0 sin 2πt with V0 = 5V
an inductor L = 8.0mH, resistor R = 5Ω and a capacitor C = 100µF. Which of the fol-
lowing statements are true if we vary the frequency?

(a) The current in the circuit would be maximum at v = 178 Hz

(b) The capacitive reactance increases with frequency

(c) At resonance, the impedance of the circuit is equal to the resistance in the circuit
(d) At resonance, the current in the circuit is out of phase with the source voltage
13. In presence of a magnetic eld B ĵ and an electric eld (−E)k̂, a particle moves undeected.
Which of the following statements is (are) correct?
(a) The particle has positive charge, velocity = − BE î
(b) The particle has positive charge, velocity = BE î
(c) The particle has negative charge, velocity = − BE î
(d) The particle has negative charge, velocity = BE î

14. In a region of space, that does not contain any electric charge, the electrostatic potential
satises Laplace's equation. Suppose that the potential in such a situation is given by the
V (x, y, z) = A bx2 + y 2 − z 2
where A and b are constants. There the value of b
(a) can be arbitrary (b) must be zero (c) must be 1/2 (d) must be 1
15. Two electromagnctic waves superpose to give resultant electric eld E
~ = E0 cos kz sin ωtî.
Which of the following statements is correct
(a) corresponding magnetic eld is B~ = E0 k sin k cos ωtĵ
(b) two waves are propagating in opposite direction along z-axis
(c) average value of energy density is 21 ε0 E02
(d) average value of Poynting vector hS̄i is zero.


16. A small loop of wire of area A = 0.01 m2 , N = 40 turns and resistance R = 20Ω is initially
kept in a uniform magnetic eld B in such a way that the eld is normal to the loop.
When it is pulled out of the magnetic eld, a total charge of Q = 2 × 10−5 C ows through
the coil. The magnitude of magnetic eld B is ×10−3 T.

17. A current I = 10A ows in an innitely long wire along the axis of hemisphere (see g-
ure). The value of (∇ ~ ·→
~ × B) −
ds over the hemispherical surface as shown in the gure

is µ0

18. An innitely long very thin straight wire carries uniform line charge density 8π ×
10−2 C/m. The magnitude of electric displacement vector at a point located 20 mm away
from the axis of the wire is C/m2

19. A conducting wire is in the shape of regular hexagon, which is inscribed inside an imaginary
circle of radius R, as shown. A current I ows through the wire. The magnitude of the
magnetic eld at the centre of the circle is µ0 I/πR

Figure 4:

20. In an experiment on charging of an initially uncharged capacitor, an RC circuit is made

with the resistance R = 10kΩ and the capacitor C = 1000µF along with a voltage source of
6V . The magnitude of the displacement current through the capacitor (in µA ), 5 seconds
after the charging has started, is
21. The magnetic ux density in a region is given by B = (2î + 3ĵ − 4k̂)e−2t Wb/m2 . A square
loop of 2 m side is placed in the region, with its center at the origin and its sider along the
co-ordinate axes. The emf induced in the loop at t = 1 sec is volts.
22. A plane electromagnetic wave with

H = 0.5 cos 4 × 108 t − 2z ŷA/m; E = 80π cos 4 × 103 t − 2z x̂V/m

travelling in an isotropic magnetic dielectric medium. The relative permeability (µr ) of

medium is
23. A parallel plate air-gap capacitor is made up of two plates of area 10 cm2 each kept at a
distance of 0.55 mm. A sine wave of amplitude 20 V and frequency 50 Hz is applied across
the capacitor as shown in the gure. The amplitude of the displacement current density
(in mA/m2 ) between the plates will be closest to
24. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 5 × 1014 Hz and amplitude 103 V/m traveling
in a homogeneous dielectric medium of dielectric constant 1.52 is incident normally at
the interface with a second dielectric medium of dielectric constant 2.25. The ratio of the
amplitude of the reected wave to that of the incident wave is
25. A 1W point source at origin emits light uniformly in all the directions. If the units for
both the axes are measured in centimeter, then the Poynting vector at the point (1,1,0) in
is (magnitude).

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