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Commercial Law Review 7055

INSTRUCTIONS: You have ten (10) minutes to answer the question and you
may open your notes for this exercise. You have until 7:00 in the morning, 30
January 2021 to upload your answer.
Introduce your name before giving your answer
QUESTION: What is the importance of Commercial Law Review and what do
you expect to learn in this subject?

SCRIPT for the recording response:

My name is April Sumalinog, and this is Commercial Law Review, Exercise

number 1. This activity begs to answer the Question: What is the importance of
Commercial Law Review and what do you expect to learn in this subject?

As to the importance of Commercial law review:

In a practical sense, I would say it is a requirement to complete my Juris

Doctor degree. It will serve as a preparation for taking the bar in my road to
becoming an attorney at law.

I find the corporate world interesting. Someday, when the time is right, I intend
to become a corporate lawyer. Commercial law is one of the most dominant
legal areas of every business that would require concrete information and
expertise. Thus, studying the Commercial Law Review is crucial if I wish to
become successful in this field.

However, before I become one, after passing the bar, I plan to join the Public
Attorney’s Office. The reason is that the work of a PAO lawyer is challenging
and there would be ton things to learn, unforgettable experiences, lessons in
life and eye-openers like the difference between actual truth and legal truth
that will equip young lawyer, like me. It is a great head start since it will allow
me to be familiar with work ethics concerning public office and experience
firsthand how the court of law works.

As to what I would expect to learn in this subject:

First, business law deals with matters relating to commerce and trade between
businesses and consumers. It also reaches out into areas of employee
contracts, business contracts, financial transactions and more. If a corporation
is having issues about these matters, they will need the best lawyer. That legal
mind can explain the complex legal transactions in the simplest terms. Hence,
learning this area of the law is a must, to acquire a strong foundation and
avoid being overwhelmed. Therefore, I need mastery of these aspects of the law
to be effective with my job.
Second, Commercial law effectively governs trade between businesses and
consumers. It creates a regulated system that is fair for both parties so that
every trade transacted can be reasonable. Without knowledge of these sets of
laws that govern them, it would create a disaster that would end up crazy for
both businesses and consumers. Thus, as a future corporate lawyer, it is my
job to equip myself with the right skills and legal knowledge. So that I can
protect my client and ensure that they follow with the regulations and laws of
the country they are operating.

Finally, the corporate world has a few stages that generally occur with conflicts
and disputes. There are negotiations, mediation, arbitration and then litigation.
I need to learn the best means possible to resolve or approach these issues. A
corporate lawyer is crucial for any successful dispute or conflict resolution
between a business and consumers to avoid if not lessen any disputes going to
court. Hence, the importance of the Commercial Law Review.

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