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Temperature Controller Pressure Controll

Config. Description Setting Config.
C.100 Main Controller Configuration 1 10.0.0 C.100
10 = Contol Behaviour :Continuous
0 = Controller Type :Standard Controller
0 = Set Point Function : Set Point
C.101 Main Controller Configuration 2 C.101
0 = Output Action : Inverse
1 = Differentiation : Differentiate X
1 = Controller Behaviour With Main Variable
Sensor Break : Neutral (Controller outputs switched off)
C.180 Signal Allocation Analog Signal C.180
0 = Signal Source for X2 with ratio and three-element
Controller : X2 switched off
0 = Signal Source for Wext with controller with external
set-point : Wext switched off
0 = Signal source for W with controller with set-point
offset : dW switched off
0 = Signal source for auxiliary variable : z switched off
C.190 Allocation of digital signals for set-point processing C.190
0 = Set-point switch-over from internal to external :
only internal set-point
0 = Bumpless switch-over to int. set-point with int./ext.
switch-over : no tracking
0 = Effective set-point offset : no offset
0 = Switch-over to set-point w2 : no W2
C.191 Allocation of digital signals for controller functions C.191
3 = Automatic/Manual (manual switch-over) :
di2 = manual
0 = 3 pointstepping controller : feed back off, ,otherwise
PI/P switch-over : PI fixed
0 = Output of safe correcting value : Y no Y2
0 = switch-off controller : Controller on/off via front
( ' W = ___ ' )
C.200 Signal Input 1 (INP1)/Main Configuration 20.1.1 C.200
20 = Sensor Type : Pt100 -99,9 …. 850.0 C
1 = Unit : C
1 = Number of decimals : 1
C.400 Signal Input 5 (INP5)/Main Configuration 30.0.1 C.201
30 = Sensor Type : 0 … 20 mA C.202
0 = Unit : at Type C.400
1 = Number of decimal :1 digit behind the decimal point
C.401 X0 0.0
C.402 X100 100.0
C.450 Signal Input 6 (INP6)/Main Configuration 30.0.1 C.401
30 = Sensor Type : 0 … 20 mA C.402
0 = Unit : at Type C.450
1 = Number of decimal :1 digit behind the decimal point
C.451 X0 0.0
C.452 X100 100.0
C.500 Signal Output 1 (OUT1) 01.2.1 C.451
01 = Signal Source : Controller output Y1/Yout1 C.452
2 = Output stage : 4 … 20 mA (continuous output) C.500
1 = Motor actuator output action : Direct/Normally Open
C.530 Signal Output 2 (OUT2) 00.0.1
00 = Signal source : Output switched off
0 = Output stage : Relay (switching) C.530
1 = Motor actuator output action : Direct/Normally Open
C.590 Signal Output 4 (OUT4) 00.0.1
00 = Signal source : Output switched off
0 = Output stage : Relay (switching) C.590
1 = Motor actuator output action : Direct/Normally Open
C.591 Signal Out 5 (OUT5) 00.0.1
00 = Signal source : Output switched off
0 = Output stage : Relay (switching) C.591
1 = Motor actuator output action : Direct/Normally Open
C.600 Alarm 1 (limit 1) 00.0.1
00 = Alarm signal source : No source
0 = Alarm Function : No alarm (don't care) C.600
1 = Decimals for alarm limits : 1 digit behind the decimal
C.620 Alarm 2 (limit 2) 00.0.1
00 = Alarm signal source : No source C.620
0 = Alarm Function : No alarm (don't care)
1 = Decimals for alarm limits : 1 digit behind the decimal
C.640 Alarm 3 (limit 3) 00.0.0 C.640
00 = Alarm signal source : No source
0 = Alarm Function : No alarm (don't care)
0 = Decimals for alarm limits : No decimal point
C.660 Alarm 4 (limit 4) 00.0.0 C.660
00 = Alarm signal source : No source
0 = Alarm Function : No alarm (don't care)
0 = Decimals for alarm limits : No decimal point
C.700 Self Tuning C.700
0 = Controller self-tuning : Standard
0 = Process at rest mode : Grad = 0
0 = Controlled self-tuning mode : No function
0 = Decimals for Controlled self-tuning mode :
No decimal point
C.800 User Interface for Operation/L1 Process Operation C.800
0 = Significations of display texts : Y (Correcting
variable display) bargraph (-100% …0%...+100%
2 = User text selection : User text via function status
0 = Front LED Function : Logic output levels Y1, Y2,
1 = Language selection of text display : English
C.801 Unit Display 01.0.0 C.801
01 = Unit selection for text 1 : C
0 = Select process value for Disp. : Process Value = Xeff
0 = Select set-point for disp. : set-point disp. = Standard
C.900 COM (serial Interface) 0 C.900
C.902 Hardware C.902 : Mains Frequency : 50 Hz

Parameter Level (Param)

1. Setpoint Param (setpt)
- w0 (Lower SP limit) : 0.0
- w100 (Upper SP Limit) : 70
- w2 (2nd set-point) : 65
- Grw+ (SP gradient +) : ----
- Grw- (SP gradient -) : ----
- Grw2 (SP Gradient for w2) :----
2. Lim1 (Limit Values)
a. Lim1 (Alarm 1)
- LimL1 (Lower Limit 1) : ----
- LimH1 (Upper Limit 1) : 1
- Lxsd1 (Switch diff 1) : 1
b. Lim2 (Alarm 2)
- LimL2 (Lower Limit 2) : ----
- LimH2 (Upper Limit 2) : 66
- Lxsd2 (Switch diff 2) : 2
c. Lim3 (Alarm 3)
- LimL3 (Lower Limit 3) : ----
- LimH3 (Upper Limit 3) : 1
- Lxsd3 (Switch diff 3) : 1
3. Tune (Self Tuning)
- Yoptm (Stable Value) : 0
- dYoptm (step size indent) : 100
- ORes1 (No message) : 0
- Tu1 (Delay Heating) : 0
- Vmax1 (Vmax heating) : 0.000
4. Contr (Controller Param)
a. Param (Valid Parameters)
- Xp1 (Proportional band) : 70.0
- Tn1 (Integ. Action1) : 15
Pressure Controller
Description Setting
Main Controller Configuration 1 07.0.3
07 = Contol Behaviour :3-point stepping
0 = Controller Type :Standard Controller
3 = Set Point Function : Set-point with ext. offset
Main Controller Configuration 2
0 = Output Action : Inverse
1 = Differentiation : Differentiate X
1 = Controller Behaviour With Main Variable
Sensor Break : Neutral (Controller outputs switched off)
Signal Allocation Analog Signal
0 = Signal Source for X2 with ratio and three-element
Controller : X2 switched off
0 = Signal Source for Wext with controller with external
set-point : Wext switched off
1 = Signal source for W with controller with set-point
offset : dW of INP5
0 = Signal source for auxiliary variable : z switched off
Allocation of digital signals for set-point processing
0 = Set-point switch-over from internal to external :
only internal set-point
0 = Bumpless switch-over to int. set-point with int./ext.
switch-over : no tracking
2 = Effective set-point offset : di1 offset on
0 = Switch-over to set-point w2 : no W2
Allocation of digital signals for controller functions
0 = Automatic/Manual (manual switch-over) :
di2 = auto/manual via front
0 = 3 pointstepping controller : feed back off, ,otherwise
PI/P switch-over : PI fixed
0 = Output of safe correcting value : Y no Y2
0 = switch-off controller : Controller on/off via front
( ' W = ___ ' )
Signal Input 1 (INP1)/Main Configuration 31.0.1
31 = Sensor Type : 4 … 20 mA
0 = at Type
1 = Number of decimals : 1
x0 0.0
x100 100.0
Signal Input 5 (INP5)/Main Configuration 31.0.1
31 = Sensor Type : 4 … 20 mA
0 = Unit : at Type
1 = Number of decimal :1 digit behind the decimal point
x0 -5
x100 5.0
Signal Input 6 (INP6)/Main Configuration 31.0.1
31 = Sensor Type : 4 … 20 mA
0 = Unit : at Type
1 = Number of decimal :1 digit behind the decimal point
x0 0.0
x100 100.0
Signal Output 1 (OUT1) 10.2.1
10 = Signal Source : Processm value Xeff
2 = Output stage : 4 … 20 mA (continuous output)
1 = Motor actuator output action : Direct/Normally Open
Signal Output 2 (OUT2) 01.0.0
01 = Signal source : Controller output Y1/Yout1
0 = Output stage : Relay (switching)
0 = Motor actuator output action : Not selectable
Signal Output 4 (OUT4) 02.0.0
02 = Signal source : Controller output Y2/Yout2f
0 = Output stage : Relay (switching)
0 = Motor actuator output action : Not selectable
Signal Out 5 (OUT5) 26.0.1
26 = Signal source : Alarm2 (limit2)
0 = Output stage : Relay (switching)
1 = Motor actuator output action : Direct/Normally Open
Alarm 1 (limit 1) 03.4.0
03 = Alarm signal source : x1
4 = Alarm Function : Measurement value alarm
0 = Decimals for alarm limits : No Decimal point
Alarm 2 (limit 2) 01.4.0
01 = Alarm signal source : Xeff
4 = Alarm Function : Measurement value alarm
1 = Decimals for alarm limits : No decimal point
Alarm 3 (limit 3) 03.4.0
03 = Alarm signal source : x1
0 = Alarm Function : Measurement value alarm
0 = Decimals for alarm limits : No decimal point
Alarm 4 (limit 4) 00.0.0
00 = Alarm signal source : No source
0 = Alarm Function : No alarm (don't care)
0 = Decimals for alarm limits : No decimal point
Self Tuning
0 = Controller self-tuning : Standard
0 = Process at rest mode : Grad = 0
0 = Controlled self-tuning mode : No function
0 = Decimals for Controlled self-tuning mode :
No decimal point
User Interface for Operation/L1 Process Operation
1 = Significations of display texts : Xw (Control deviation)
bargraph -10% … 0% … +10% span
2 = User text selection : User text via function status
0 = Front LED Function : Logic output levels Y1, Y2,
1 = Language selection of text display : English
Unit Display 05.0.0
05 = Unit selection for text 1 : bar
0 = Select process value for Disp. : Process Value = Xeff
0 = Select set-point for disp. : set-point disp. = Standard
Com (Serial Interface) 0
Hardware : Mains Frequency : 50 Hz

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