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SYNOPSIS Chapter 1:On the Upper Deck

The story in El Filibusterismo revolves around its main character Simoun who Chapter 2: On the Lower Deck
is an affluent jeweler. Simoun is actually Crisostomo Ibarra of the Noli whom
everyone thought had been killed by the Guardia Civil at Laguna de Bay. He Chapter 3: Legends
had in fact escaped, fled to Cuba, become wealthy, and made connections
Chapter 4: Cabesang Tales
with influential Spanish officials. Upon his return to the Philippines after
many years, he becomes very influential as the governor general, who owes Chapter 5: A Cochero’s Christmas Eve
so much to him, consults him in making decisions.
Chapter 6: Basilio
In reality however, everything Simoun does is just part of his grand plan to
take revenge against the Spanish officials and rescue Maria Clara from the Chapter 7: Simoun
convent. Planning to stage a revolution, he smuggles arms and looks for
followers, mainly from the exploited and abused natives. One of his recruits Chapter 8: Merry Christmas!
is Basilio, the son of Sisa, who with Capitan Tiago’s help was able to study in
Chapter 9: Pilates
Manila. Simoun also makes an alliance with the revolutionary group of
Kabesang Tales, a former ‘cabeza de barangay’ who suffered maltreatments Chapter 10: Wealth and Want
from the hands of the friars. Using his influence, Simoun encourages
corruption, decadence, and more oppressive government policies so that the Chapter 11:Los Baños
citizens may become more infuriated.
Chapter 12: Placido Penitente
However, the planned revolt one night was not carried out because Simoun,
upon hearing that Maria Clara died in the nunnery, decided not to give the Chapter 13: The Class in Physics
signal for the outbreak of the uprising.
Chapter 14: In the House of the Students
Another plan was made some months later. At the venue of the wedding
Chapter 15: Señor Pasta
reception of Juanito Pelaez and Paulita Gomez, Simoun planted many
explosives—enough to kill the invited guests, primarily the friars and Chapter 16: The Tribulations of a Chinese
government officials. According to the plot, the big explosion shall be started
by the gift he would give to the newlyweds at the reception—a kerosene Chapter 17: The Quiapo Fair
lamp with an explosive. When the lamp flickers and someone turns the wick,
it will result into a big explosion that will become a signal to the revolutionary Chapter 18: Legerdemain
troops to simultaneously attack all the government buildings in Manila.
Chapter 19: The Fuse
During the reception, Simoun gives his gift to the newly-weds. Before
hurriedly leaving the venue, he leaves a piece of mysterious paper bearing Chapter 20: The Arbiter
the message “You will die tonight” signed by Juan Crisostomo Ibarra.
Chapter 21: Manila Types
Meanwhile, Isagani, the rejected lover of Paulita, is standing outside the
Chapter 22: The Performance
reception. His friend Basilio tells him to leave the place because the lamp will
soon blow up. Chapter 23: A Corpse

When Father Salvi identifies the handwriting in the note and confirms that it Chapter 24: Dreams
was indeed Ibarra’s, the guests begin to panic. When the lamp flickers, Father
Irene tries to turn the wick up. But Isagani, wanting to save Paulita’s life, Chapter 25: Smiles and Tears
rushes into the house, grabs the lamp, and throws it into the river where it
explodes. Chapter 26: Pasquinades

Simoun’s revolutionary plot was thus known and he is thus hunted by the law Chapter 27: The Friar and the Filipino
enforcers. He managed to escape but was seriously wounded. Carrying his
Chapter 28: Tatakut
jewelry chest, he finds shelter in the home of Padre Florentino by the sea.
Learning of his presence in the house of the priest, the lieutenant of the Chapter 29: Exit Capitan Tiago
Guardia Civil informs Padre Florentino that he will come in the evening to
arrest Simoun. Chapter 30: Juli

Simoun then takes poison that he would not be caught alive. As the poison’s Chapter 31: The High Official
effects start to take toll on his body, he confesses to Florentino his true
identity and his plan of revenge through bloody revolution. After the Chapter 32: Effect of the Pasquinades
emotional and agonizing confession of the dying man, the priest absolves the
Chapter 33: La Ultima Razón
dying man from his sins, saying: “God will forgive you Señor Simoun. He
knows that we are fallible. He has seen that you have suffered … He has Chapter 34: The Wedding
frustrated your plans one by one … first by the death of Maria Clara, then by
a lack of preparation, then in some mysterious way. Let us bow to His will Chapter 35: The Fiesta
and render Him thanks!”
Chapter 36: Ben-Zayb’s Afflictions
The story ends with the priest throwing Simoun’s treasures into the sea so
that they would not be used by the greedy. The priest hopes that when the Chapter 37: The Mystery
right time comes, they would be recovered and used only for the good.
Chapter 38: Fatality
Chapter 39: Conclusion

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