Exam For Curriculum

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Name: Christian Jay N.

Course/Year-level: BSED Sciences III
Subject/Section: ED 301 SEC K
Schedule: THURS/ 05:30- 08:30 P.M.

Part 2: Major Examination

Instruction: Satisfy each item by providing a substantial discussion in an essay form.

1. Discuss the concept of curriculum as a content or body of knowledge.

Curriculum as a content or body of knowledge is when curriculum is equated as content. The
main focus is that the body of knowledge must be taught, transmitted, or delivered to students using
the most appropriate and effective teaching method or strategies
According to the module, there are four ways of presenting the content in the curriculum and
these are: a.) topical approach, where much content is based on knowledge, and experiences are
included, b.) concept approach, with fewer topics in clusters around major and sub-concepts and their
interaction, with relatedness emphasized, c.) thematic approach, as a combination of concepts that
develop conceptual structures, and d.) modular approach, that leads to complete units of instruction.
In the selection of knowledge or subject matter, it must be: 1.) significant; content becomes the
means of developing cognitive, affective or psychomotor skills of the learner, 2.) valid, contents must
be checked because it is changing from time to time, 3.) useful (utility), because some contents are
useful in the past but not useful now or in the future,
4.) Learnable, the complexity of the content must be in line with the experiences of the learners, 5.)
feasible, content must be time bounded, and 6.) interesting, contents must be meaningful, valuable,
and a way to make students learn better,
Also, in the selection of the content, it must be commonly used in the daily life, appropriate to the
level of maturity and ability of the learners, valuable for the future career of the learners, related and
important to the other subject fields or discipline.
Contents of the curriculum should be balanced where it is fairly distributed and should be covered
within the time allocation. Contents must contain no gaps or overlaps. Contents must be in a logical
or arrangement. Contents must be related and interconnected with the other contents. Contents must
be continuous and perennial. Contents shall consider the cognitive level, affective domain, and
psychomotor skills in identifying the contents.

2. Discuss the concept of curriculum as a process.

Curriculum as a process is when there is interaction among teachers, students, and content. The
process occurs when the teacher asks questions and give learning activities, based on the content, to
the students. Content provides materials on what to teach, the process provides curriculum on how to
teach the content. The intersection of content and process is called the Pedagogical Content
Curriculum as a process, flexibility in learning and teaching strategies should be considered. An
effective process will always result to learning outcomes. In each process, the results must be
described as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
In overall, the curriculum as a process will depend on the desired learning outcomes, the learners,
support materials, and the teacher.
3. Discuss the concept of curriculum as a product.

Curriculum as a product is when the desired learning outcomes is achieved. Students’ desire to
achieve the learning outcomes is based on their pattern of behaviour. The product from the
curriculum can be achieved when the students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to
function effectively and will result to a successful desired learning outcomes. If the process is not
successful there will be no learning outcomes achieved.

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