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1. In what ways do you see Niari Keverian as being totally dedicated to the success of ZOOS?

What does dedication mean for the entrepreneur?

Niari Keverian spent her time understanding and researching the needs and wants
of her target market. She was able to exert dedication by working non-stop on things that
the company would need to know for their products to work out in a certain market. As a
result, Niari Keverian was able to succeed in making every Massachusetts outlet of the
Wegmans grocery store chain.
Dedication is trait that is essential in order for a business idea comes to life. It is a
trait of being committed to set the business’ goals, to make things done and implemented.
Apart from that, dedication in the business would thrive an entrepreneur to grow the
business and make it prosperous and eventually successful. Thus, it will require effort, time,
and money to fully enhance and maximize the business’s ability to achieve economic

2. Based on your earlier readings about entrepreneurship, what category/type of

entrepreneur does she belong to? Explain.
I find Niari Kiverian to be a researcher because she spent her time to garner all the
relevant information to make their product boom in the market. She had put a detailed
work on understanding all aspects of their target market. For instance, she looks into
important information about her customers such as if they are health-conscious, what are
their day-to-day activities and more. In addition, she made sure that their business would
be a well-thought-out one with those information gatherings and plannings.
3. To what extent do you agree that entrepreneurship is “a marathon, not a sprint?” Provide
some examples to support your position.
It is true that entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint because before a
business succeeds, it will have to undergo a long process of brainstorming, researching,
analyzing and acquiring of the necessary information related to the business that one
entrepreneur is going to build. It will not just pop out of nowhere. Once the business had
been established, researching, training and operating business activities would not just stop
there. An entrepreneur would have to make a way to increase the revenue, to improve
customer relations, to innovate the products and to maintain the established name and
status of the business entity. For instance, J.K. Rowling, before she became a world-famous
author of Harry Potter, she used to be a single mother fighting for poverty and depression.
Hence, she would diligently write her story she had conceived for seven years. Moreover,
she had been rejected several by publishers but still she did not give up until she became
the popular author we ever known in this modern era. Furthermore, one of the richest
businessman in the PH before, Henry Sy, used to be small store owner with his father. He
used to sell overrun shoes until he established his own “Shoe Mart”. He had faced failures
along the way, but he did not give up. He learned lots of innovative things from his
employees, suppliers and customers. Thus, he was able to expand his business by opening
branches, making them a full-line department stores and eventually shopping malls now
called SM.
4. How does an entrepreneur have control over his or her own future? How is being an
entrepreneur different from working in a “regular” career when it comes to control and
decision making?
Apparently, an entrepreneur had control over his or her own future by not being
told what to do. He or she knows what they want to do and how to do it without being told
because an entrepreneur has his or her own vision and goals set on the business. When the
business economically succeeds, it would be his or her decision how much financial rewards
would he allocate for him/herself.
An entrepreneur is accustomed of being able to control his or her own time and
schedule since it is up to him if he would wake up 9am and go to work at 12 noon. He may
not work overtime if he chooses to while employees will have to follow a specific schedule
because they are not allowed to be late in such setting unless they wanted to be scolded by
their boss. When it comes to decision making, it is the entrepreneur’s call whether to invest
or not on this institution, to make or to buy, to deal with this client or not , to expand the
business , unlike a regular employee who depends on the tasks assigned by their superiors.
Apart from that, an entrepreneur control how much he or she can make as long as that
individual is willing to work hard. Most importantly, being one controls whom you can work
with by choosing your teammates. You would not have to suffer all day long with colleagues
who pesters and bullies you because you are just a newbie in the company and a boss who
will scold you for just a simple mistake. Having said that, it would help a peaceful and
healthy environment to work with.

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