Canada Study Visa - Updated School Application Process

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The Steps Required for Admission Application Into

Canadian School

The Temporary Resident Visa (S-1) will be issued either based on the length of your program or
the validity of your international passport. If the Temporary Residence Visa expires, there is the
option of an extension in Canada.


1) Visit the undergraduate or graduate school website of each school you find suitable for you

2) Compare and contrast schools and courses that align to your previous degree or career so you
can reasonably justify this to the visa officer, check fees and other things. You will definitely
get affordable schools for your chosen program. Some programs are more affordable in some
school compared to others. For research based graduate programs, affordability of the school is
not important, rather focus on a school you can secure a supervisor, since you will be funded

3) Find out the requirements and resources that‘ll be helpful towards application for your
chosen program and school on the schools website.

Or alternatively Contact the international admissions or program offices by email or phone

number which is available on their website, explain what you want and ask questions, they
would be able to give you a better answer. Indicate if you are applying as a matured student, the
requirements could be different.

4) If you pass all requirements, gather your documents together, fill out an admission
application form, submit and pay your application processing fee (ranges from 85 CAD-250
CAD, very few schools already waived it and during the pandemic, few others do waive it for a
particular period so keep an eye out if you really need application-free school) via the schools‘
website. Most research-based programs should secure supervisors first before going ahead to
apply for admission. Readiness of supervisor to supervise your work makes getting admission
will be easy breeze.

5) After submitting your application, be sure to send all required documents (transcripts,
certificates, reference letters, academic CV/professional resume, description of your research
interests, Letter of Motivation/Statement of purpose etc.) to the school as directed and advised.
The decision on your application is dependent on those documents.

6) For graduate studies, look for the profile of the graduate coordinator/advisor of each school
or what‘s known as head of department.

7) Next, write out the names and email addresses of supervisors/ course graduate advisors (also
known as Head of Department) that have similar research interest as yours if you are going for
research based program. If it‘s course-based, you don‘t need to search for supervisor/advisors
most times. The school does that for you in most cases

You can check this link for practical steps to search for a potential supervisor:

8) Then you can get started with writing your Letters of Introduction or inquiries cold mails
should you need a supervisor or advisor. You might have to draft for about three times to ensure
it‘s concise and persuasive

Tweak each letter of introduction or inquiry to include some information available on the
school's (course or department website)
9) Move on to mail/contact as many potential supervisors as possible attaching your well edited
academic CV to fit into your research needs. Check the document on securing supervisor for
practical details

10) If you get admission with funding opportunities or with no funding assistance and ready to
proceed, accept the offer either with tuition fee deposit or pay acceptance fee which will be
deducted from your schools fees in most schools.

11) Apply for study visa thereafter

12) If approved, congratulations, else re-strategize and find out why it was denied before
applying again.



Who Is A Matured student? Mature student status may be granted to applicants who are over
23 years and do not have a high school diploma or degree

It is intended to allow applicants who have not completed high school the opportunity to be
considered for admission, based on the skills and experience they have acquired since leaving

Many Canadian universities and colleges have programs and admission requirements
specifically designed to accommodate mature students.

How to apply? Contact the college(s) you are interested into verify that you are eligible for
mature student status and to learn the specific requirements for the program(s) you are applying
to as it largely varies across facilities, programs and schools.
How does this influence your admission?

1) Mature students are usually evaluated a bit differently from those students entering directly
from high school

2) For instance, most institutions‘ will consider your work experience when reviewing your
application, but you will still be required to provide your transcripts as part of your submission.
Also, if you‘ve already completed any post-secondary courses, but for one reason or another did
not obtain your degree, you‘ll need to include this information as well

3) If during the review process its determined that your grades are not where they need to be to
qualify, or if you do not have the minimum subject to prepare you for the courses you‘re
considering, most academic institutions offer ‗bridging‘ courses instead of refusing your
admission application

4) Most universities and colleges have a department within their admissions office that is
dedicated to working with mature students. Be sure to take advantage of this as it will help you
get everything together that you need to support your application and even your visa


1) Master Program (MA, M.ENg, M.Sc)


Joint Masters (Msc/MBA)

2) Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate

3) PhD programs

1) Masters degrees (also known as 'grad' programs or simply 'grad school') generally come in
the form of a Master of Arts (MA) or a Master of Science (MSc). There are also specialist
Master degrees in a range of subjects, such as the Master of Fine Arts (MFA), the Master of
Engineering (MEng) and the Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Canadian Masters programs usually last between one and two years (there might be additional
internships or placements). Along with traditional lectures and tutorials, your program is likely
to include interactive teaching such as site visits, projects and group work. Most Masters
include a dissertation (sometimes replaced by a consultancy project, depending on your subject
area), which makes up a large proportion of the course‘s credits.

The academic year tends to begin in September each year, but some universities have several
start dates for their Masters programs.


Thesis-based master‘s programs train students to conduct methodical, systematic, theory-based,

and collaborative research with a diversity of outstanding people, in a multitude of leading
facilities and stimulating environments.

And now the advantages of doing a Thesis based Masters, you could easily get sponsorship,
funds, and awards to do a PhD program. You could also get very personal with your supervisor,
which will be very beneficial for you in networking for job market

Disadvantages of thesis based, it's time consuming, and you have to be hardworking,
independent and focused, if not you may not finish on time


Course-based master‘s programs usually include a greater number of courses than a thesis-
based program; provide focused and leading-edge course-based learning with a research and—
often— practicum placement components. These degrees are designed to meet the rapidly-
growing demand for high-level trained professionals and are a significant way of furthering a
working professional education.

Advantages of Course based Masters, it is a bit less stressful, come to class, learn with
colleagues, receive lectures, some maybe online, write test occasionally, exams, internship, do a
dissertation at the end.
Disadvantages are difficulty in getting full funding or external support, quite stressful in getting
a PhD admission

2) Postgraduate Diploma in Canada also known as a Graduate Diploma, are programs offered
to students that have completed their undergraduate studies. While a Master‘s program is of
two-three years‘ duration, on the other hand, A PG Diploma‘s duration is of one or two years
(maximum). It can be further divided into two or four semesters depending on the university or

In Canada, a postgraduate certificate program consists of two to three semesters, which can be
completed in less than one year in some instances. A polytechnic HND, University's degree or a
master's degree is required to be accepted in this type of program. It offers the advantage of not
requiring to write a thesis and to focus on a concise subject. It is recommended for students
wishing to enhance their professional skills as it concentrates on a more practical application in
order to enter the labor market.

PROGRAM: Post Graduate Diploma

Duration: 1-2 years

Funding from university: No

Admission requirement (grades): Above average grade

Does it require supervisor approval? No

Post Study Work Permit: 1 year

Future prospect: Masters/Job

Who do you suggest: Low grades

Can I apply on my own: Yes


Duration: 1-2 years

Funding from university: Few chances with good grades

Admission requirement (grades): Good grade (above 65%)

Does it require supervisor approval? No (except for few universities)

Post Study Work Permit: 1-3 year

Does the program have thesis: Obviously No

Future prospect: Job

Can I apply on my own: Yes


Duration: Around 2 years

Funding from university: Yes

Admission requirement (grades): Good grade (above 65%)

Does it require supervisor approval? Yes

Post Study Work Permit: 3 years

Does the program have thesis: Obviously Yes

Future prospect: Job/PhD

Can I apply on my own: Yes

Co-operative education program:

Co-op enables current students to gain hands-on, paid experience in placements related to their
field of study. These opportunities are available in all disciplines and provide valuable work
experience and contacts. Employers involved in the co-op program get highly qualified and
motivated students to undertake specialized projects. Many of them also use it as a recruitment
tool, allowing them to really get to know potential candidates and their abilities. For Masters
Students these internships are usually between two and four months.
International students who require a study permit have to apply for a co-op work permit and
universities will be able to help with the administration for this.

What would be an example of a co-op term?

If you're taking a co-op program in computer programming, a work term might involve a
software development company. Much like a regular employee, you would be supervised by a
manager. You might test or even write code for the company, or assist a full-time employee. If
you're in business, you might fulfill the role of assistant to a company manager or supervisor.

At the end of the work term, employers are asked to fill out a form evaluating the performance
of the co-op student.

How do students get their co-op jobs?

Schools with co-op programs have departments or services that look for opportunities. It's not
uncommon for students to search out a suitable place of employment on their own as well. If
you've found a place you'd like to work, the placement service or co-op department at your
school may have to determine if the job is suitable for the co-op.

If I do a co-op program, will I be guaranteed a job when I graduate?

You will not be guaranteed a job, but doing a co-op placement will give you the chance to
network in your industry and meet like-minded people who may be able to help. A co-op
program also eliminates what some recent graduates encounter when they're told that they lack
the practical or industry experience to get their first job.

Do co-op programs cost more than regular programs?

In some cases, co-op programs are slightly more expensive than other programs, but this is
usually true of programs with extra services. The benefits are likely to outweigh the costs.
What do employers get out of hiring a co-op student?

There are several benefits to hiring co-op students. Employers get the chance to bring in
someone full of new and fresh ideas and with the latest training. They also get the chance to
have someone take up slack during busy periods and to groom and possibly recruit future

3) PhD program: The Canadian doctorate is normally awarded as a final 'terminal degree' -
the highest level of academic qualification a student can achieve following an undergraduate
Bachelors degree and a postgraduate Masters. A range of doctoral degrees are available
alongside the familiar academic PhD, including professional doctorates such as the Doctor of
Business Administration (DBA) and Doctor of Education (EdD) qualifications.

PhD length
Most courses require at least three years of full-time study and research, but some students
study for longer, with a typical maximum registration of six years.

In most cases you'll need to hold a Masters degree in order to gain admission to a standard
Canadian PhD programme. However, some universities offer doctoral stream Masters routes
that commence with one or two years of MA or MSc study. These are suitable for students
coming straight from an undergraduate degree, but take longer to complete.

Academic year
The Canadian academic year generally runs from September to April, but exact semester dates
vary between individual provinces and their universities.

Supervision and research

You'll complete your PhD under the guidance of at least one academic supervisor. Other
members of your graduate school may also contribute to your supervision and training,
particularly if your program involves additional classes and coursework.
If your qualification is a professional doctorate such as a DBA or EdD, you'll focus on
practical work and case studies as well as / instead of academic research. You'll still be required
to submit a thesis, but this may be shorter and supplemented by other materials.

Canadian PhD funding

Canada welcomes international students and provides a wide range of scholarships and other
funding opportunities for PhD study at its universities.

Here are some of the governments funding options available for international students in

 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships - funding for international students on

selected PhD projects at Canadian universities
 IDRC Doctoral Research Awards - provides up to CAD $20,000 (USD $15,300) over 3-12
months for students from developing countries studying a PhD in Canada
 IDRC Research Awards - offers a salary of at least CAD 40,000 (USD $30,600) for PhD
students from developing countries to complete an internship at the International
Development Research Centre
 Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships - provide PhD funding for international students in a range
of subjects
 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships - provide international students with CAD $50,000
(USD $38,280) per year for three years of PhD study in Health Sciences, Natural Sciences,
Engineering, Social Sciences or Humanities

Funding from Canadian universities

In addition to the general scholarship opportunities listed above, there's a good chance your
prospective university will also have funding available. Most Canadian institutions provide
some form of support for international PhD students.

You can start searching for university funding by browsing the opportunities featured here -- or will already have
funding attached, but even if they don't, you can use the contact details to check for other
scholarships at that institution.
Application process
There are normally two routes to applying for a Canadian PhD:

 Find an advertised project here -- and apply for it. Many projects
will already have a scholarship or stipend attached and will be looking for the ideal
candidate, rather like a conventional job opportunity.
 Apply to a university's doctoral program with your own research project. The first step in
this case is usually to identify a suitable supervisor and / or research group and contact
them to discuss your interest.


Be sure to check the specific requirements at your school/departmental webpage and depending
on the kind of opportunity you apply for, you'll normally need to provide your school with the

 A completed application form, which is often submitted online

 A certified copy of your qualifications and transcripts
 An academic curriculum vitae or professional resume for MBAs’
 References / recommendation letters
 Letter of motivation / personal statement
 Information on your project details and plans. If you're suggesting your own topic you
will normally need to submit a research proposal for it (research based Masters and Ph.D
program). If you're applying for an advertised opportunity you may be asked to provide
a personal statement or statement of purpose (research based Masters or Ph.D
program) explaining your academic interests and ambitions.
 Confirmation of English proficiency letter.
 Interviews. Masters or PhD interview to evaluate your application and potential or get to
know you better. If so, you may be given the opportunity to conduct your interview via
Skype, or a similar video conferencing platform.

QUESTION: I would like to know the difference between PGC and PGD.

ANSWER: They are the same thing. Though most times the duration is always the difference,
which is sometimes caused by the Co-op attached to it

PGC - 1 year (3 semester approx.)

PGD - 2 years (4 Semester)

Although, there are PGC courses that are two years, For instance, a PGC in Business Mgt -
Human Resources at Lambton college ONTARIO is 2 years while a PGC in International
Business Management at Cambrian College, ONTARIO is 1 year

Graduate diplomas offered in Canada are typically taken following a bachelor's degree and a
successful award allows progression to a master's degree. Depending on the institution, a
graduate diploma in Canada may be at graduate level or bachelor's level.

Similar courses at other Canadian institutions may be termed postgraduate diplomas at graduate
level and post-baccalaureate diploma at bachelor's level.

Graduate Certificate is a credential usually offered to students who have completed an

average of 15 credits of graduate course work.

Admission requirements vary tremendously among Canadian universities, but in general both
graduate students, as well as undergraduate students having completed a Bachelor's degree, can
apply to such a program. In some cases, the graduate certificate can represent part of the
coursework required for obtaining a Master's degree

QUESTION: I need guidelines on how to process an admission into a Canadian university.

How do I go about it?

ANSWER: Processing Admission into a Canadian University depends on the School

Admission requirements and Admission Process.

So, visit the website of different schools to check for Programs of your choice, and research on
their admission requirements and Admission guidelines.

Every Canadian University has different Admission Process ...some can be Identical, Similar
or totally different

To check for programs and universities


- Enter the Program of your choice in the KEYWORD field

- Select the Program level you are going for e.g
Masters, Grad. Certificate, PH.D, Diploma etc.
- Language - Select English since you are from an English Speaking Country
Then click on SEARCH... You will see everything you want as regard what you input

From there you can visit the School Website & check for the Programs.

Make sure any institution you decide to choose is a DLI (Designated Learning Institute).Very

QUESTION: Do you know any school that can offer PGD/PGC in Canada. Maybe Ontario
will be preferred.

ANSWER: ONTARIO province houses 75% of Colleges in Canada. So visit the link below
and input the PGC Program you are interested in and it‘s going to bring out the name of the
Colleges offering that PGC program you searched for and their intakes that is opened for
Admission (Fall 2020 intake, January 2021 Winter Intake, May 2021 Spring Intake)
QUESTION: I studied Microbiology and since graduation I have been working in a bank like 9
years‘ experience till I was advised to resign 7 years ago (I have been doing my own thing
basically). I want to go back to my field to study Public Health but the little research I did set
my brain. I graduated with a 2.2 cgpa. 3.31 That means no way for me in the MSc category.
Please what should I do?? Which other courses and degrees of choice should I embark on? Is
test of English compulsory for all the schools because I would prefer one that doesn't though if
possible? I heard it's a long process from start to finish. Thank you

ANSWER: Most University minimum requirements for Masters Admission are 2.1 or 65%
equivalent on a 4.0 scale. The CGPA focus is mostly on the last 2 years of graduation. If you
had a 3.5 GPA in the past 2 years out of possible 5.0, you are qualified to get admission into
M.Sc straight aside few Ivy League and super competitive Canadian schools.

As regards Test of English, it‘s not compulsory; they do waive it for people from English
Speaking Country. But if you can get a LETTER OF CONFIRMATION OF PROFICIENCY
IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE from the school you graduated from, stating that "all your 4-5
years in school, your medium of instruction was in English Language, and your Home Country
is an English Speaking Country‖


It all depends on what you want, either to go for

- a PGD or PGC related to your Banking experience

- and that your own thing you talked about , if it's something that has a related program, go for it
because you‘ll have to explain in your visa SOP what you have been doing for the past 7 years
since you resigned, so as to cover those GAPS)

- you can also check out some PGD or PGC course that relates to MCB , Medical Lab Science,
Biotechnology, Clinical programs, Ultrasound etc..

- you can also make enquiry about a Graduate Diploma in Public Health in Canadian

Check out the following schools

- Graduate Universities Public Health
University of Victoria, British Columbia

- Graduate Diploma in Public Health

University of Guelph, Ontario

- Graduate Certificate in Public Health Leadership

Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta

- Graduate Certificate in Public Health Strategic Communication

Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta

- Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Public Health (Vancouver)

University of British Columbia, British Columbia

- Graduate Certificate in Public Health for Vulnerable Populations

Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta

Find attached list of PGD/PGC programs in Canadian colleges in all province and check if there
courses that relates to your MCB Program or Banking Experience..

QUESTION: I am interested in continuing school in Canada. I graduated last year, Geology

HND, but i don't know how to process the stuff. I tried looking for colleges in Canada admitting
Geology for pgd or pgc but found none. Please help, how do I go about gaining admission in
one of the college in Canada especially Ontario for my pgd in Geology?

ANSWER: Actually, There is no PGD/PGC Geology in ONTARIO... Your best option is to go

for PGD or PGC in GIS

or you go for an Environmental related program that has Mining /Geology/Hydrology/Ground

water Components.

Check out Cambrian College's PGC in Environmental Monitoring & Impact Assessment
(EMPD) @ Sudbury, Ontario. They have Mining / hydrology and GIS courses in that
You can also check out Candore College, Ontario for PGC Environmental management

Sheridan College, Ontario for PGC in Environmental Control

If you are interested in a Post Graduate program in GIS, they have a lot of them in ONTARIO
and other provinces.

QUESTION: I need a post graduate certificate program / colleges outside Ontario for law or
legal studies that I can enroll for in January 2021.

ANSWER: Try check Google on the PGC/PGD Programs below,

- Graduate Diploma in Justice Studies

Royal Roads University, British Columbia

- Graduate Diploma in Legislative Drafting

Athabasca University, Alberta

Justice Institute for British Columbia:

Graduate Certificate in the following Program
-Complex Trauma & Child Sexual Abuse(PGC)
-Dynamics of Conflict(PGC)
-Intelligence Analysis (PGC)
-Tactical Criminal Analysis (PGC)

Note: Try confirm if the schools are all Designated Learning Institutes (DLI) and Offer Post
Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) via this link:
QUESTION: Is there any school in Canada that offer post graduate diploma in chemical
engineering related courses. (The reason is because the person holds 3rd class in chemical


Google the following schools and visit their websites, so as to know if they accept a 3rd

- Postgraduate Diploma PGD in chemical engineering

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan

- Graduate Diploma, Instrumental Chemical Analysis

Trent University, Ontario

Another option is to check out Environmental PGC Programs with Chemistry-related course

Check out Cambrian College's PGC in Environmental Monitoring & Impact Assessment
(EMPD) @ Sudbury, Ontario.

You can also check out Candore College, Ontario

PGC Environmental management

Sheridan College, Ontario

PGC in Environmental Control

QUESTION: I am looking for aircraft Engineering or electronic engineering.

ANSWER: Check out the following schools and Electronics-Engineering related Programs on
Conestoga College
- Embedded Systems Development (Optional Co-op) (2 years PGC-Post Graduate Certificate

Fanshawe College
- PGC, Electronics and Embedded Systems Development

Fleming College
- PGC Mechatronics

QUESTION: I was told by an agent that I am not qualified as the lowest accepted degree is
second class lower. I had 3rd class. I want to study business management

ANSWER: With the situation at hand, try colleges, there are lots of them offering PGC on
Business related Programs. Check out:

Cambrian College , 1 year PGC (Application Fee is waived for International Students)
International Business Management

Others here are 2 years PGC

Lambton College , Ontario

PGC, Business Management - Human Resources

Centennial College, ONTARIO

PGC ( Global Business. Management)

Fleming college, ontario

PGC, Global Business Management

Georgian College, Ontario

PGC, Global Business Management

Loyalist College, Ontario

PGC, Global Business Management

Humber College , ONTARIO

PGC, Global Business Management

QUESTION: Can you please help with schools offering Bridging Program in Canada or Post
graduate Diploma for Social work

ANSWER: You can Google this two programs for more details and information

- Graduate Certificate in Advanced Social Work Practice

University of Calgary, Alberta

- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Social Work Practice

University of Calgary, Alberta

All other Social Work Programs are in colleges

Below is a Social Work related PGC program ,which involves working directly with individuals

Post Graduate Certificate (PGC) on



for details on the PROGRAM OF STUDY of the Grad. Certificates Program (Courses you will
be doing in the program), admission requirements, etc.

QUESTION: I want to apply for P.hD in Canada in chemical engineering. What schools can i
research which don‘t require GRE and have a pretty straight forward admission process

ANSWER: No M.SC/PH.D admission is really that straight forward. You will need to contact
Supervisors of different schools showing interests in their works and getting a Supervisor is
compulsory for most research-based program before you can get Admission for an M.SC/PH.D
program. Consult This Video for More Briefing around Getting Response from a Potential
Supervisor and Eventually Get Scholarship:

Try Google the following schools and Chem. Eng. Doctorate programs

- PhD in Chemical Engineering

Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia

- PhD in Chemical Engineering

University of Waterloo, Ontario

- PhD in Chemical Engineering

McMaster University, Ontario

- PhD in Chemical Engineering

Queen's University, Ontario

- PhD in chemical engineering

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan
- PhD in Chemical Engineering
University of New Brunswick, New Brunswick

- PhD in Chemical Engineering

University of Ottawa, Ontario

- PhD in Chemical Engineering

Ryerson University, Ontario

- PhD in chemical and petroleum engineering

University of Calgary, Alberta

- PhD in Chemical and Materials Engineering

University of Alberta, Alberta

- PhD in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Western University, Ontario

- PhD in Chemical Engineering - Nanotechnology

University of Waterloo, Ontario

- PhD in Chemical Engineering - Water

University of Waterloo, Ontario

- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

University of Toronto, Ontario

- Doctor of Philosophy in chemical and materials engineering

Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario

- PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering (Vancouver)

University of British Columbia, British Columbia
QUESTION: I need sample of justification for GMAT waiver.

ANSWER: Check the link below for a Sample

Successful official letter to waive the GMAT in University of Oxford:

By the way, there are lot of samples and templates of GMAT waiver letters online, make use of
Google and avoid Plagiarism to the barest minimum

QUESTION: Are there schools that waived GMAT for MBA student?

ANSWER: If you are an MBA candidate who‘s not great at taking tests or earned a low GMAT
score, don‘t worry; you‘re not out of luck. There are schools in Canada that will accept your
MBA application without the GMAT, as long as you meet certain specific other requirements.

These are the top Canadian schools that don‘t require a GMAT.

1) Queen’s University Smith School of Business:

At Queen‘s University Smith School of Business, you do not need the GMAT if you apply to
the Accelerated MBA for Business Graduates program. Ranked by The Economist as the third
best business school in Canada, this prestigious program is available in Vancouver, Calgary,
Edmonton, Toronto, Mississauga, Markham, Ottawa, and Montreal.

2) Schulich School of Business – York University:

At York University‘s Schulich School of Business, the GMAT requirement for the full-time
MBA program can be waived if you meet specific criteria. First, the student must have
graduated from the Schulich BBA or iBBA programs within the last five years. Second, their
GPA must have been an average of a B+ or higher. Under these two scenarios, a GMAT score
is not required.

Ranked by The Economist as the second best program in Canada, the Schulich MBA is known
for its flexible study options and extensive selection of specialization options. Students can
choose between both full and part-time enrollment and 18 areas of study. Making this a
uniquely customizable MBA.

3) Thompson Rivers University Business and Economics:

At the Thompson Rivers University Business and Economics school, MBA candidates are not
required to submit a GMAT score. It is a completely optional requirement that is to be used as
supplementary information. Instead, to apply, students must focus on demonstrating their
quantitative and computing skills through education and work experience.

The MBA program at TRU can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Full-time
students graduate in two years, taking courses in managerial statistics, human resource
management, strategic management information systems, and more. Part-time students can
graduate in five years, though there is also an accelerated one-year program.

4) New York Institute of Technology, Vancouver, BC

The New York Institute of Technology in Vancouver, BC offers both a Management MBA and
a Finance MBA that do not require GMAT scores for admission. Instead, the GMAT is used as
supplemental information only helpful if your score is satisfactory.

5) University of Windsor

6) Royal roads university

7) Trent university

QUESTION: I have HND mass communication, PGD international Relations, what can I
study? Must it be related to the certificates I have already

ANSWER: Its better you go for a course related to your former degrees for career progression
so you don't need to start all over since you have a PGD, Master should be the next line of
ACTION for you but if it‘s your HND you want to use to come to CANADA, then a Post
Graduate Diploma / Post Graduate Certificate is your best SHOT which means you won't be
mentioning your PGD for that.

NOTE: When you want to apply for a Study Visa, you would have to show the VISA
OFFICER what you have been doing during the 1-2 years PGD you didn't mention

See links for

- School offering Masters in Mass Comm. related program

- Schools offering Masters in International Relations Related Program

QUESTION: What are the chances of getting into a top university in Canada to study MSc in
Economics or MBA with a first class degree in Mathematics and the chances of full funding
ANSWER: Admission chances- High, but you have to explain why you changing to
economics. Generally most MBA don‘t care about your previous program because the business
field is wide.

Full Funding chances- High for Economics, Little to none for MBA. Based on your First Class
Honor, you stand a good chance of getting a Full-Funding and getting Admission to an M.SC in
those program you mentioned, but you need to work for it before you can get it because its
competitive so to achieve this, you need to reach out to potential supervisors
(Professors/Doctors) by send a convincing e-mail to them so they can know if you will be a
good intake for them in their respective Laboratories

Check the document on how to Get A Supervisor For Research/Thesis Based M.Sc and
Ph.D on full details

Do Check the links below for schools offering Masters in Economics & M.BA

Masters in Economics

Masters in Business Administration

QUESTION: I got an admission and it was stated that I must have a co-op work permit to
complete the program. What does this mean, and will it affect my study visa chance?

ANSWER: This has nothing to do with your Study Visa Chances, and it‘s not a must, except a
co-op is an integral part of the program you got admitted for.

If a Program has a Co-op component, that means when the students get to the Port of
Entry in Canada i.e Airport (after getting an Approval), he/she will be issued two different
work permit

1. Normal Work Permit

2. Co-op work permit

NOTE: there are cases the VISA OFFICER would forget to issue a second work permit (co-op)
and just give only the normal work permit, so kindly inform the officer immediately and ask for
the second work permit.

While you are applying online for a Canada study Visa, in the Questionnaire part of the
application, you will be asked "Is there a Work Component in your program"?

If the program has that, you will answer. "Yes",

You stating yes means that you already have a letter from that school stating that the
program has a Work Component (Co-op), the letter mostly comes together with the Letter of
Acceptance/Admission Letter.

When this happens, you would need to split the Co-op Letter from the Letter of Acceptance the
School Sent to you so you can upload the Evidence of Co-op letter in its appropriate uploading

When you get to the Uploading of documents/form section, you would see a column which

Evidence of Work Requirement in Study

Here is where you upload that Co-op Letter and if the school says you must have a Co-op work
permit, they would be the one to give you a Letter that will be presented at the Point of Entry in
CANADA to get a Co-op Open Work Permit.
QUESTION: I graduated with a 2.2 (4.5 of 7.0) from University of Ibadan. I intend doing
M.Sc in public health in Canada. I read school requires 3.0/4.0 to be considered for admission.
Most PGD diploma too requires 3.0/4.0 to be considered for admission. Kindly recommend a
university in Canada for PGD or M.Sc. that would probably consider my grades?

ANSWER: Do Google and make research on the following schools and their Public Health
Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate programs to see if you will find one that will accept
your grade for admission:

Graduate Diploma in Public Health

- University of Victoria, British Columbia

Graduate Diploma in Public Health

- University of Guelph, Ontario

Graduate Certificate in Public Health for Vulnerable Populations

- Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta

Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Public Health (Vancouver)

- University of British Columbia, British Columbia

Graduate Certificate in Public Health Leadership

- Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta

Graduate Certificate in Public Health Strategic Communication

- Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta

Graduate Diploma in Population Health

- University of Manitoba, Manitoba

Graduate Diploma in medicine (community health)

-Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador

Master of Public Health and Diploma in Dental Public Health

- University of British Columbia, British Columbia
Or you can also search Ontario Colleges and look for Graduate programs and schools as well

QUESTION: I graduated in 2012 with 2.1 in Accounting, CGPA of 4.13; I have 5 yrs. working
experience in the oil and gas industry as an accountant. I am 36 yrs. Old and currently I have
CAD 35,000 (i hope to receive additional CAD24000 upon my resignation + 25% pension
contribution), I can‘t afford to apply for Master‘s program considering my present available
fund. My plan is as follows:

(1) Apply for 2 yrs. diploma program in SAIT: Energy Asset Management (with the hope to
build in career in the industry in Canada) CAD 35,000

(2) Apply for 2 yrs. post baccalaureate program in TRU: Business Admin (CAD 38,430)

(3) Apply for 2 yrs. diploma in accounting program in UBC (CAD14, 000) with the hope to
pursue a CPA designation after the DAP program

ANSWER: You seem to have reasons for choosing to do a DIPLOMA but it is way too low
with the CGPA you graduated with and it shows no Career Progression

Try Consider the following:

- Have you checked out Cheap Universities in Canada offering Masters in the programs you
listed above

- Have you made a research on Partially or fully Funded Scholarship Masters in Accounting

To do a thesis-based master‘s program in most schools, you will need to get a Supervisor
Visit the link below, you will see lots of schools offering MBA & Masters in Accounting in
Canada. Make your research about their tuition fee and also contact as many professors as
possible who could be your potential supervisors

Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

Master's in Accounting

And by the way, there are Master‘s program you can do with the $34,000 CAD or $38,000
CAD available funds you mentioned above

QUESTION: Will l need transcript from my university?

ANSWER: On admission issue to Canada, we have both unofficial and official transcript

When you are applying to Canadian school, you only need the unofficial transcript which is the
e copy you got from your Alma matter. After, you‘ve been offered admission in a Canadian
school, you‘ll be required of the official transcript which your alma matter could send to your
Canadian school or you could do WES evaluation of your transcript (not important) and WES
will courier it to your Canadian school

During this pandemic period, your school can waive the official transcript submission for you
temporarily till normalcy returns back if you ask for it.
QUESTION: Are there schools that waived application fees for applicants?

ANSWER: I am 100% certain of only one school, Cambrian College of Arts & Technology,
Sudbury, Ontario (Application fee is waived for International Student in this school)

Though there are other schools, the likes of

- University of British Columbia

- Royal Roads University, British Columbia

-Mount Allison University, Sackville – New Brunswick (mostly for Undergraduates)

Some schools also waive application fees if an alumnus of such schools refer you when

Some of the schools are:

- Fleming College, Peterborough - Ontario

- Centennial College, Toronto - Ontario
- Conestoga College, Kitchener - Ontario
- Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario

It is advisable to thoroughly read requirements, eligibility and have a check list of all documents
required when applying. That way, you can maximize the opportunity at one go and reduce risk
of not being admitted.

QUESTION: I got an admission into Thompson Rivers University for a Post Baccalaureate
diploma in Finance. There is ―Not Visa Purpose‖ written on the Conditional Acceptance Letter
issued to me and that I will be issued with an Unconditional Acceptance Letter once I pay my
fees (both Tuition and other fees). Can I use such Conditional acceptance letter for study
permit application processing?

ANSWER: In a situation like this, you ought to pay the mandatory tuition deposit (not the full
tuition-ranges between$400-$4500 for different schools and programs which is to secure
your seat as a show of commitment) to the school prior to an unconditional acceptance will be

I wouldn't advise you to apply for a study visa with such conditional offer being that it has to do
with funds and that‘s part of primary requirements for a Canada Study Visa application which is
the ability to show that you have adequate financial resources to cover for your tuition and
living expenses without working to pay for your fees. In consideration of the foregoing, its
better you pay the mandatory fees and apply with an unconditional offer.

QUESTION: I'm a 26year old young lady, a SSCE holder and a caterer/baker by training. I left
secondary school in 2012 and went to a catering school immediately after my waec for 1year
(2012-2013) after which I got admission into my state polytechnic to study hospitality and
tourism which I studied for 2years (2013-2015 OND) but at the end of my OND I discovered I
had a fake admission, I moved on after and went for a BREAD BAKERY MANAGEMENT
and ADVANCED CAKE training in Lagos in 2017 after which I came back and started my
business from home though not registered.

I later got a job to manage a bread bakery in 2 different states between 2018 and 2019.This year
2020 I decided to start my own mini bakery and outdoor catering business fully. I really want to
study in Canada and gain professional training in the BAKING and PASTRY ARTS
MANAGEMENT program, I have my eyes on centennial college and I think I meet all their
requirements into the program. My main concern is with my chances of securing a study permit
with the long break from school and not having a degree yet. What would you advise me in this

ANSWER: From all what you have said, the onus is on you to convince the visa officer that
you're in fact a bonafide student and if given a visa would study and depart from Canada after
studies (even though you‘ll stay back and apply for PR)

There is nothing unachievable when it comes to Canadian immigration. I have seen a matured
applicant at the age of 51 in 2017 without any prior post-secondary education and was approved
of his visa to pursue a diploma program. Hence, getting an approval is also possible in your
case once you can present your situation in a very justifiable manner yet professional way that
would enable the visa officer see reasons about your clear intent to study and consequently
grant you an entry to pursue your intended program in Canada.

Your SOP should do justice to the above points which you have raised that hindered you from
pursuing a post-secondary education in Nigeria since you left High School in 2012. A written
assurance that your study gaps in no way will affect your ability to study and graduate at the top
of class. In order for your application to scale through and have a better prospect, I would
advise that every statements in your SOP should be accompanied with an encyclopedia of
evidence (proof of professional certifications in bakery, proof of previous work experiences and
registered business to show you have acquired a practical experience in your intended program
in the job market etc.).

Your explanation should be straight to the point, give clear answers about your situation and
assemble a solid case by exposing your motives in a Humanitarian and Compassionate package
to be reviewed by the immigration authorities at the Canadian embassy. You shouldn't sound
too desperate to study in Canada, try as much as you can to explain to the visa officer the
lucrativeness and reasonableness of undertaking the program in Canada at a huge cost given
that there are similar available options in Nigeria.

QUESTION: If one gets a fully funded scholarship to study in Canada, will proof of funds still
be required and if yes, is it the same as those without fully funded scholarship?

ANSWER: You should show proof of funds for your flight itinerary, accommodation and
miscellaneous expenses which you might incur during the first year of your studies. I do advice
fully funded applicants to submit a bank statement that takes care of such expenses.

Fully funded applicants have upper edge to other prospective applicants with no funding or
partial funding. With that being said, this doesn't guarantee 100% that the visa will be approved.
The scholarship beneficiary must present his/her application in a very satisfactory manner that
will convince the visa officer that he/she is indeed a genuine applicant with adequate economic,
home and professional ties back home that could motivate their departure after studies.

It‘s also worth of note some grant from supervisors‘ already covers money for flight itinerary,
airport pick up, accommodation and even research assistantship offer so you don‘t need to show
any proof of fund in this kind of situation.

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