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HISTORY ASSIGNMENT 1 (March 16-22, 2020) Lesson 4 - Customs of the

Tagalog 1. List down 5 supernatural beliefs of the early Filipinos. Identify if there are similar urban
legends or stories in your place and discuss if those stories bear a resemblance to those supernatural
beliefs documented by Fr. Plasencia. 2. Which pre-colonial policy or rule of the early Filipino stood out to
you? Why? CRITERIA for Rating per Item: CONTENT (Have you answered the questions?)
ORGANIZATION (Have you structured well your answers?) LANGUAGE (Have you used appropriate
words and grammar?)

GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR ASSIGNMENTS: - Use short bondpaper (1 inch margin all sides, font size
12 Times New Roman, if no laptop handwritten is fine, SHORT HAND only unless you have a decent long
hand writing (Make it READABLE!) - Answers should be AT LEAST 150-250 words per item. - Use 1.5
spacing (if in Word Doc) - THINK and ANALYZE. Don't copy words from the reference, REPHRASE,
REWORD, unless it says you can quote from the reference. I'll be spot checking plagiarized answers.). -
READ & FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Minus points will be given to those who will not follow.

ou will compile everything. No need to rush coz u don't need to pass online every week. Pero manage ur
time well. Do not Self Procastinate. That will result to stress. Compilation of assignments will be submitted
on the FRI of that week classes will resume. Thanks!

Follow this format diay... Name Professor Subject Date Single spaced ra na sa mag encode ha. Over ra
kaau ug nka 1.5 spacing sab. Dakua kaau spacing. Thanks po!

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