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CONFIDENT QUANT Productive, Focused, Energetic With a limited time before your test day, you'll need to energetically power through your weeks of study. You will need to be extremely productive as you work on your practice SAT questions, maximizing your Math skills and focusing on the Verbal foundations that will help you score the biggest points on test day. How to Use Your Study Plan: The study plan below is based on your results, with your areas of opportunity on the left side of ‘each week's plan and your areas of strength toward the right, Each week, the Recommended chapters cover the topics that are worth the most points on the SAT, so be sure to prioritize those items. To make your prep as efficient as possible, choose ‘Optional iterns that best fit your study needs and schedule, If you fall behind or don't have 4 full weeks to study, be sure to prioritize the Recommended items. Happy prepping! 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week iC WEEK 4 Format of the SAT Knowing what to expect on each section of the SAT will give you confidence on test day—you'll have no surprises about what types of questions youll be asked During these weeks, youll © Become comfortable with the structure of the SAT # Learn the Kaplan Methods for eact Week 1 ‘Overall Study Rea Writing and Language | Math Recommended: Recommended: Recommended: Recommended: O Chapter 1: Chapter 17: The SAT Reading G1 Chapter 24: The Chapter 3: The Method for Inside the SAT Method Method for SAT SAT Math Questions Chapter 18: SAT Reading Writing and Chapter 4: Linear Passage Strategies Language Equations and Graphs Online Quiz: Keywords Practice Set (SAT Prep Plus 2021 and later editions only) Optional Optional Optional Optional Q Practice Test3| Q Online Video: The Method for |” Q Online Video: The | Online Video: The Method (online) SAT Reading Questions Method for SAT for SAT Math Questions Q Review Writing and 2 Online Quiz: Linear Practice Test 3 Language Questions Equations Practice Set (SAT Prep Plus 2021 and later 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week editions only) WEEK 2 Highest-Vield Topics Let's cut right to the chase: some topics are tested on the SAT more heavily than others. That means that mastering those topics has the potential to earn you a ton of points on test day. During these weeks, youll © Study the highest point yield topics in Math and Writing and Language Learn strategies for every type of Reading question Week 2 Reading Writing and Language Math Recommended: Recommended: Recommended: Chapter 19: SAT Reading Chapter 25: Spotting and Fixing ‘A Chapter 7: Ratios, Proportions, and Question Types Errors Percents Chapter 20: Answering SAT Sentence Structure 2 Chapter 10: Functions Reading Questions O The Basics Commas, Dashes, and Colons Agreement 1 Verbs 1 Pronouns Q Modifiers 1 Parallelism 1 Idioms ‘Optional: See next page. Optional: See next page. Optional: See next page. 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week Ik Week 2 Reading ‘Writing and Language Math Optional Optional Optional Online Quiz: Reading O Chapter 28: The Method forthe | Choose additional chapter(s) from most Practice Set A (SAT Prep Plus SAT Essay highly tested topics of remaining Math 2021 and later editions only) Q QBank: 10+ Reading questions (Note: If you're unsure about whether to take the essay on test day, check ‘out the section Should | Write the SAT Essay?) 2021 and later editions only) 1 Sentence Structure and Punctuation Practice Set 1 Verbs Practice Set 1 Pronouns Practice Set chapters: Chapter 5: Systems of Equations 2 Chapter 8: Tables, Statistics, and Probability © Chapter 12: Quadratics 2 Online Quizes: Try the practice sets that correspond with the Math chapters you studied in week 2 (SAT Prep Plus 2021 and later editions only) 'U Systems of Linear Equations Practice Set Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Practice Set U Statistics and Probability Practice Set 1 Functions Practice Set Quadratics Practice Set 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week Ik WEEK 3 Areas of Opportunity and Practice Test Nowt's time to dig into some challenging topics, You can do this! Your goal isnot to learn everything about, say, geometry or punctuation, but rather to learn the most commonly-tested SAT concepts and to famillarize yourself with questions in that category. Its also time for some authentic practice. Taking a Practice Test under real testlike conditions is the best way to solidify what you've learned and to practice test-taking strategies. Plus, your results will help you make a plan for your remaining study time until test day. Tips for Taking Practice Tests: Make the Practice Test count! Time yourself, eliminate distractions, and use your test-taking strategies (see Chapter 1), Just as you would for the real test. Practice using the Methods for each test section (Math, Reading, and Writing and Language) on every {question—even if doing so takes more time now, practicing will improve your speed so the Methods are second nature on t real test day. After finishing the Practice Test, itis vital that you review your results, Dig into each question—think net only about why you got a question correct or incorrect but also about whether you approached the question strategically, For each question, ask yourself What can | learn about this type of question? After reviewing, use your test results to help you plan what to study until test day. During these weeks, youll © Take a Practice Test © Review the Practice Test Improve your performance on your areas of opportunity on each section of the test 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week IK Week 3 ‘Overall Study Reading ‘Writing and Language Math Recommended: Recommended: Recommended: Recommended: Practice Test 1 (in-book) | Choose one chapter: Q Chapter 26: Spotting | 0 Chapter 13: Geometry with optional essay Q Chapter 2 and Fixing Issues Review Practice Test 1 Paired Passages Development Chapter 29: Countdown oR Q Word Choice to Test Day Q Chapter 22: Literature Q Relevance 1 Revising Text 1 Introductions and Conclusions Optional: See next page. Optional: See next page. 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week Optional: See next page. Ik Week 3 Overall Study | Reading Writing and Language Math Ootional: None. | Optional: Optional ‘ational: © Online Quiz: Reading Chapter 26: Spotting and | Choose chapter(s) from most highly Practice Set B (SAT Prep Fixing Issues tested topics based on your Practice Plus 2021 and later editions only) Q QBank: 10+ Reading questions Organization ‘2 Conciseness Transitions 2 Sentence Placement Q Graphs 2 Online Quiz: Organization and Development Practice Set (SAT Prep Plus 2021 and later editions only) Test results: Q Chapter 5: Systems of Equations © Chapter &: Tables, Statistics, and Probability Q Chapter 12: Quadratics a ‘Online Quizzes: Try the practice sets that correspond with the Math chapters you studied in week 3 (SAT Prep Plus 2021 and later editions only) D Geometry Practice Set 1 systems of Linear Equations Practice Set Statistics and Probability, Practice Set LU Quadratics Practice Set 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week Ik WEEK 4 Strengths Focus You've worked so haral There's only one week left, but you are well-situated for success. Now things get kind of fun: take those pies youre awesome at, and get mare awesome at them before test day! Celebrate your successes and take this opportunity get even better, You'l also learn section management strategies for each section of the SAT. Finally, do sore light practice leading up to the big day. During these weeks, youll ‘© Focus on your strongest topics to build confidence for test day # Learn section management strategies for each section of the SAT # Dolight practice until test day Week 4 Reading Writing and Language Math ‘Recommended: Recommended: Recommended: Chapter 23: SAT Reading: Chapter 27: SAT Writing and Chapter 16: SAT Math: Timing and Timing and Section Language: Timing and Section Section Management Strategies Management Strategies Management Strategies Review chapter(s) based on Practice |G Review chapter(s) based on Test results Practice Test results Optional: Optional: Optional: QBank: 10+ Reading (2 QBank: 11+ Writing and Language | U QBank: 10+ Math questions questions questions Congratulations! You've put in the productive, energetic effort to complete your focused review of the SAT, following the way of the Confident Quant. Feel confident in your expert preparation! 1 Month Study Plan, More Confident in Math, More than S Hours per Week

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