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*exists*; it's a #paraphilia I believe to be strongly correlated

with #internalizedMisogyny in an #Androcentric#RapeCulture that dehumanizes & treats females as
less than males by default.
Acknowledging sex, sexbased sexual orientations, & sexbased oppression isn't denying anyone's
Trying to conflate sexist, misogynistic gender stereotypes with sex- denying the reality of sex & sexual
orientation- smearing those who do not subscribe to your SEXIST belief system with dehumanizing
slurs & aggression- IS dehumanizing & denying females dignity with respect to our sex & sexual
identity- which are part of the human condition, & being the axis of oppression to which we've been
subjected throughout recorded history.
We are a sexed species, & we ARE female in an androcentric, heteronormative, male supremacist rape
culture whether we like it not- regardless of your internalized misogyny or preference for stereotype
based identification.
Your discomfort with internalized misogyny doesn't make you a man- anymore than aligning yourself
with a dehumanizing, anti-woman, faith-based, cultlike patriarchal ideology does.
I say this with the utmost of compassion for the difficulty of your position.
Gendering is dehumanizing violence that harms people, fosters delusional gaslighting and aggression;
strips sexbased safeguards, further marginalizing vulnerable demographics historically abused on the
axis of sex, & denies people human dignity with respect to sex, sexual orientation, acknowledgement
of sex, & sexism is NOT.

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