Inexhustabile - God Never Lacks Resources or Understanding

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God Inexhaustible - He never lacks understanding or resources

A. Isaiah 40:28 The Probing Questions

[God never lacks understanding]

ith two short questions – and not waiting
for our answers – Isaiah gives us a
sequence of attributes about our Creator Isaiah 40:28 (NIV)
that should leave any perceptive reader breathless.
And still, our fragile nature will make us doubt 28
Do you not know?
because the questions expose the frailty of faith Have you not heard?
and also the absurdity of faithlessness (Motyer, J. The Lord is the everlasting God,
A. 1999).1
the Creator of the ends of the
earth. He will not grow tired or
I have to be honest with you, sometimes, when I
feel despondent, I act as if I don't know and speak weary, and his understanding no
as if I have never heard. But then I need to quite one can fathom.
my emotions and remind myself that God is never
fickle nor finite. And to add insult to me faithless
injuries, I can only smile when I read that my
Shepherd does not know boredom and in no way
does Yahweh experience exhaustion. God does not act in the way we necessarily feel, nor
does he react to our immature emotional tantrums. No, my dear friends, God treats us like
a Father because he understands us. Every attribute points to a Dad that is perfect and
holy. At the same time, our Father in Isaiah's context is also faultless in at least two more
ways that I have not mentioned yet:

1) he is the everlasting God; therefore there is no time when he is not; (Motyer, J. A.

2) the ends of the earth are his; therefore, there is no place where he is not. (Motyer, J. A.

Friends and family, there is no way in the world that God does not know you intimately. His
eyes are caring and piercing, loving and guiding, soft but convicting. At the same time, his
eyes are mysterious because no one can fathom his greatness; therefore, soak in these
Truths about our Abba because what is about to follow is even more astounding.

Motyer, J. A. (1999). Isaiah: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 20, p. 282). Downers
Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
B. The Answers To Isaiah's Two Questions

[God never lacks resources]

ur, Father is also one who shares his
strength! God is not a penny-pincher
when it comes to sharing his strength. Isaiah 40:29 - 31 (NIV)
This is astonishing because someone infinite is
willing to share life with a sinful, finite being. "29He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the
He generously shares it because that is who he weak. 30 Even youths grow tired
is. In Hebrew, the word weary in verse 31 is not
and weary, and young men
the same as the one in verse 30. In verse 30,
stumble and fall; 31 but those
Isaiah is referring to youths and young men who
who hope in the LORD will renew
are physically tired because of a loss of strength,
but in verse 31, Isaiah describes humans as their strength. They will soar on
people that grow tired because of the hardness wings like eagles; they will run
of life. To regain our vitality in (verse 30), we can and not grow weary, they will
simply sleep, drink energy boosters and take walk and not be faint.
some time off. But the antidote for spiritual
exhaustion is supernatural, and only God knows
how to administer it. If we are not careful in reading Isaiah's words slowly and attentively,
we might miss the Holy Spirits medicine for our spiritual fatigue. Isaiah describes the
ingredients for our medication in a straightforward recipe, but so many of us overlook his
instructions because we approach our relationship with God far too casually. The criteria to
receive Gods strength is not our youthfulness or young innovativeness, but it is trust in our
generous Father.

Isaiah uses the word hope because we will always hope in the things we trust. And, if we
want to know how faith in God looks like, we have to answer two more questions.

1) Do we wait on Him to renew our strength?

2) Do we rest in Him to acknowledge His presence?

To answer our first question, we must learn to wait on God so that He can have the final
say in the middle of all our petitions, our intercession, our thanksgiving and our prophetic
Abraham understood this when he interceded for Sodom:

Genesis 18:33 (ESV)

And the LORD went his way, when he had finished speaking to Abraham, and
Abraham returned to his place.

We must learn to wait until "he had finished speaking." This type of waiting for…; displays a
keen awareness of Gods presence. It is within this prayer-context that we meet the Mighty
One of Israel, the God who heals and strengthens his people. The second question points
us to the way we dialogue with our King. We can only listen if we actually believe God is
present. Now, to listen attentively, our Dad has given us the Holy Spirit that bears witness
to His presence and His word that is inside of us. Therefore, we should acknowledge what
God is saying and doing. Not for His sake but for our own. In that moment of humble
awareness, God empowers His people. He gives us an extraordinary ability, strength as if
we become eagles soaring above their pain. We run and walk, facing life's day to day
challenges and exceptional demands [Motyer, J. A. (1999)]. From my perspective, this is a
total transformation of body, soul and spirit.

In our times of exhaustion, may we realise that our God is inexhaustible, he never lacks
understanding nor resources. Our waiting, trusting and hoping is never in vain. May our
prayers be filled with eternal promises as we wait on God's impartation of strength and
endurance. We will grow tired, we will grow weary, we will stumble and fall, but God is still
the same since the days of the Exodus:

"'You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles'
wings and brought you to myself." (Exodus 19:4, ESV)

I have so much more to say but let me conclude with one final thought taken from the
conversation between God and Moses in Exodus nineteen verse four. When we do receive
our strength as our faithful Father picks us up again, may we never forget that He is
bringing us to himself.

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