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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

Name: Date:

Activity by pair
Something to think about

1. What are your views about how children best learn

science? In your opinion.
Science helps children learn important life skills including the ability to communicate,
keep organized and concentrated, and even form their own views, based on our observation.
Science also allows kids to develop their senses and general consciousness. Kids are hands-on
students, and too many natural experiences are created by the world around them. That's
why the influence of learning by playing can never be underestimated. Their intellectual
growth can be improved by engaging with their surroundings.

2. How would you teach them that plants are living things?
Could they discover this for themselves?
We will be reminding our pupils that all living things grow, change and have offspring
(babies or it can also be bearing of fruit and blooming of flowers). Plants appear to grow in
size with time and some plants bears fruits/vegetables and some blooms flowers. Then after
this the children will become curious and they would act on their own. Surely, they will
observe some of their plants at home if it grows and bears fruit/vegetables or blooms
flowers. This will lead them to their newly discovered knowledge and would now share their
experiences in class in the next following day.

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