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Risk Assessment for Waste Management

SL Risk Rating
Potential Hazard Risk Persons at Risk Control Measures
1 Storage of Waste Contamination- Workers handling waste storage or related To carry out a pre-site visit to ensure that the area is suitable and carry out a suitable Medium
while contact with persons. risk assessment.
other waste
To ensure that a waste room is available onsite for temporarily storage of waste.
The storage area would be specially constructed and bunded, and located close to
Fire Risk- Fires in
the source of waste generation as far as is practicable.
combustible or
flammable waste To ensure that the storage have adequate ventilation.
can spread rapidly
and produce The area to be arranged properly so that incompatible materials are adequately
significant heat separated.
and flames.

2 Sharp Objects Glass, Cut and wound Workers handling waste storage or related Anyone undertaking litter picks must follow correct procedure and instructions. This High
needles, nails etc. while handling or persons. should include a ‘Sharps Procedure’ that should be communicated to Workers; if
picking litter discovered, needles must not be picked up or touched under any circumstances.
around waste bins.
Workers should be informed beforehand of the need to wear strong, safety shoes
with adequate grip – no open-toe footwear should be allowed.
Needle stick injury Workers to be provided with correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including
leading to heavy duty protective Gloves, Litter Pickers, High Visibility Vests.
Hepatitis B
Team leader to give pre-activity briefing session with all Workers to include
procedures/ instructions, including:
 Procedure for hypodermic needles
 Workers instructed not to pick up litter with hands - use Litter Picker at all times
3 Slips Trips and Falls Sprained Ankle Workers handling Wastes To carry out a pre-site visit to ensure that the area is suitable and carry out a suitable High
from tripping over risk assessment.
rough terrain,
Anyone undertaking litter picks must follow correct procedure and be wearing
Minor Injury or correct PPE.
Loss of life
Workers should be informed beforehand of the need to wear strong, sensible
footwear with adequate grip – no open-toe footwear should be allowed.
Where possible, use tape to cordon off any dangerous areas, including slip/trip
hazards on site and ensure Workers are informed that access to this area is

This Risk Assessment is prepared based on the SITE assessment, and it is communicated to all our staffs. AXFM\RA\WM\REV.01_2019
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SL Risk Rating
Potential Hazard Risk Persons at Risk Control Measures
4 Manual Handling Back injury from Workers handling waste storage or related Workers should be informed of the dangers of manual handling and instructed to High
people attempting persons. assess the load before handling.
to move heavy
Wear appropriate PPE including protective gloves, trousers and sturdy footwear to
objects such as
protect hands, legs and feet.
Branches, heavy
waste bags or Minimise repetitive bending wherever possible and ensure Workers take regular
bins. breaks.
Prior to activity make arrangements with Council on collection points of rubbish,
wherever possible minimising manual handling for Workers by suitably locating
collection points.
5 Weather Issues Extremes of Workers handling waste Workers should be informed beforehand of the need to wear sensible outdoor Medium
weather can cause clothing, including trousers and warm clothing where appropriate.
injuries such as
Organiser/team leader to cancel activity if there is extreme weather (e.g. high winds,
windblown debris
rain, snow etc)
Ensure there is an adequate supply of water to prevent dehydration.
Organiser/team leader to give pre-activity briefing session with all Workers to cover,
where applicable, working in the heat (need to keep hydrated and avoiding sunburn)

6 Waste removal Fatality or major Workers collecting waste Litter Picking should not be undertaken on highway or within close, unguarded High
Vehicle Movements injury caused by proximity to roads or areas where there are moving vehicles.
moving vehicle
Workers should be informed beforehand of the need to wear appropriate PPE
including florescent high-visibility vests.
Workers to ensure that the waste collector vehicles are properly parked and the
process of transferring wastes are being carried out safely.

7 Lone Working Anyone lone Worker Workers should always work in teams and should not work alone at any time during Medium
working sustaining the activity.
an injury may not
receive medical
assistance, and Ensure there is a facility for Workers to sign in and out at the entrances to make sure
thus condition no one left alone working in any worksite.
may worsen as
team are unaware,
they have been

This Risk Assessment is prepared based on the SITE assessment, and it is communicated to all our staffs. AXFM\RA\WM\REV.01_2019
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Risk Rating Matrix

Risk rating: (Likelihood) Outcome:

Insignificant injury Significant injury Major injury
Unlikely Trivial risk Low risk Medium risk
Possible Low risk Medium risk High risk
Probable Medium risk High risk Stop

Risk level: Action and timescales:

Trivial No action required and no documentary records are required.
Low Consider if the risk can be reduced further. Monitoring is required to ensure that the controls are maintained.
Medium Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined period.
High Give priority to removing or reducing the risk urgent action should be taken.
Stop ‘Work’ activity should NOT be started or continued until the risk has been removed or at least reduced.

Risk Assessment Date: Reviewed & Approved By:

20/06/2019 Eng. Hasan Alomar

Risk Assessed By: Tariq Radwan Signature:

QA / QC Manager General Manager

Next Review Date:

This Risk Assessment is prepared based on the SITE assessment, and it is communicated to all our staffs. AXFM\RA\WM\REV.01_2019
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