K2S-CW230907-BA6008-00005 - A01 - Manual Operated Valve Test Procedure

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The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd

Originator Morpol Engineering Services Limited

Project Installation of Back-up Power and

nd Ancillary
Work for K2S Project.

Document Title Manual Operated Valve Test Procedure

Document Number K2S-CW230907-BA6008-00005

DCAF Control ID NA

Security Classification Restricted

Owning Discipline BA Construction..

Month/Year January/2021

Proprietary Information: This document contains proprietary information and may not be partly or wholly
reproduced without prior written permission from Shell Petroleum Development Company.

Revision Date Description Originator Checker Approver


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Table of Contents

TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................................... 1

ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT / APPROVAL RECORD ............................................2

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................. 4-5

Project background ................................................................................................... 4-5

Purpose .........................................................................................................................5

2. DEFINITIONS / ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................5

Definitions .....................................................................................................................5

Abbreviations ................................................................................................................5

Company supplied documents .....................................................................................5

3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................6

4. GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK ..................................................................................6

5. DETAILED SITE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................6

6. GENERAL WORK METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 7-9

7. WORK FORCE MATRIX ...........................................................................................9

8. HSE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 10

9. SITE SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................................... 10

10. PRE-REQUISITES ..............................................................................................10-11

11. COMMISSIONING TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................11-13

K2S-CW230907-BA6008-00005 Page 3 of 13

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The Backup Power Supply to Kolo Creek Oil & NAG Host Communities Project is being
undertaken to supply safe, reliable back up electric power to the four (4) SPDC’s Kolo Creek
Oil and NAG host communities of Imiringi, Elebele, Otuasega and Oruma in the event of
power outages from the Kolo Creek Power Station (KCPS) turbines. This will help to sustain
SPDC’s Freedom To Operate (FTO), secure K2S 400MMScf/d NAG production to Soku GP,
ensure socio/economic integration and empowerment of the local communities. Currently,
SPDC supplies fuel gas to KCPS to power their gas turbine generators for supply of electric
power to Bayelsa State including the four host communities and Shell’s Oil and Gas facilities at
Kolo Creek via two 33kV transmission feeders (C and D). Feeder C supplies power to SPDC,
Otuasega, Imiringi, Elebele and other non- SPDC Oil & NAG host communities, while Feeder
D supplies power to Oruma and other non- SPDC Oil & NAG host communities. Each of
these communities has functional town distribution network (TDN), 33kV/415V transformer
substations and feeder panels. There are gang isolators at various points of the 33kV
transmission network that enable isolation of selected sections of the power transmission and
distribution networks for maintenance and load shedding purposes. Owing to community load
demand growth and following the enrolment of Oruma community to the list of K2S project
host communities, the originally proposed generator (1.2MVA) meant to serve all the
communities is now grossly inadequate as KCPS confirmed that the four communities current
total peak load stands at 3MW (3.75MVA). Design has allowed for a load growth factor of 10%
over a period of nine years, arriving at an installed capacity of 6.0MW (7.5MVA).

Three nos. of 2.027 eMW 11KV 50 Hz gas generators with combined output of 6.081 eMW
will be installed and voltage stepped up to 33KV via a 8.0MVA 11KV/33KV transformer at the
Kolo Creek Oil & NAG Manifold into a 1.2km 33kV underground power cable feeding an
indoor 33kV, Ring Main Unit (RMU) at KCPS. An outgoing feeder from the RMU will supply
into the existing KCPS overhead transmission line. The proposed backup power is sufficient to
meet both the present combined community load of 3.75MVA (as advised by KCPS) and


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forecasted load growth for nine years. Backup power supply will be tripped at a set point of 5.6
eMW corresponding to 93% generator loading.
As part of execution for the backup power there are other miscellaneous works related to
close-out of outstanding Kolo Creek to Soku (K2S) Project (punch list items) and K2S wells Rig

The purpose of this statement is to ensure that all works required to be performed are
carried out following requisite standards, established and approved fundamental
principles in order to ensure high quality job delivery and from the work procedures
contained therein develop a safe method of carrying out the entire work.
COMPANY - Shell Petroleum Development Company
COMPANY Representative - Means any authority or person appointed in writing
by COMPANY to witness the test to be carried out

CONTRACTOR - Refers to MORPOL Engineering services, the party

which carries out the commissioning test, calibration,
equipment and services.
DWG - Extension name assigned to AutoCAD file format drawings.
MORPOL - MORPOL engineering services.
PSI - Pound force per square inch
BAR - 100 kilopascals
CAL - Calibrate
JHA - Job Hazard Analysis
PPE - Personnel Protective Equipment
PTW - Permit to Work


Data sheet
P & ID

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ISO 4126-5:2013(EN) Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure
00-ES-800-006 Standard specification for Manually operated valves
ATEX ’95 Standard for working on equipment in Explosive atmosphere


The commissioning test activity shall be carried out by qualified and trained personnel.
It shall be performed in compliance with international standards of preference and
design specification where available.
The test shall be carried out on the following Instrument devices:
All Manual ball, check, globe valves etc to be installed by MORPOL


The activities required to be performed for the execution of this job shall include but
not limited to the following:
 Mobilization, HSES and Demobilization.
 Documentations (PTW, JHA, MS etc)
 Test results Record taking
 Manually operated activity

The scope of commissioning testing will be executed as per the following main
i. Work Schedule (See the Ms Project and/or Ms Excel)
ii. Job Hazard Analysis
iii. Work permit
iv. Check sheets & manual operation report forms
v. As-built Drawings/Documents P&ID


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In general, the followings define the work procedure to be adopted for the
commissioning test
6.1 Permit-To-Work (PTW) system
The objective of the PTW system is to ensure that all work activities are carried out in
a safe manner by specifying and putting appropriate controls in place to prevent any
accidents that can potentially jeopardize the lives of people, asset and the
environment at worksites. The Permit to Work (PTW) system ensures that all persons
responsible for worksite safety are aware of the controls and work activities to be
carried out, and have given their written approval for the execution of that work.
Additionally, the PTW also provides instruction to the person(s) carrying out the
work, of the conditions under which work may be started and completed.
The Permit-To-Work system achieves these objectives by:
 Complying with Company approved standards during work.
 Identification of hazards and putting in place adequate precautionary measures
Prior to start of work
 Providing awareness to the person responsible for the work and the competent
person who approves the work.
 Monitoring of work progress and reporting process.
Permit-To-Work is mandatory for all non-routine tasks during the work. The Client
system shall be used for all activities to ensure a consistent approach to work safely
and that proper consideration is given in identifying the hazards and risks exposure
prior to start of work in a systematic and disciplined approach.
The PTW shall reflect the following:
 Description of detailed work to be carried out and identification of the source of
energy and hazards involved.
 Preparation of JHA and identification of appropriate equipment for the work.
 Description of the precautionary controls to be put in place.
 Approval of relevant complementary certificates for test and safety equipment
related to the task.
 Ensuring the involvement of competent persons i.e. permit holders, Supervisor.
 Providing appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) required for the
 Competent person to check and ensure that the PTW is properly authorized by
appropriate persons and fully completed before work can start.

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 Ensuring proper housekeeping and satisfactory conditions at worksite.
 Ensuring a formal closure of the permit on completion of each task.
6.2 Planning
Good and proper work planning for the site activities is a critical process for safe
execution. We shall prepare and submit our work plan in advance (at least a day
earlier) to client before the start of work.
Planning shall be a continuous process whereby works are planned in advance and
submitted to provide adequate time for detailed review and approval by appropriate
MORPOL Discipline CSU Lead is responsible for the daily planning and reporting
of progress of their work activities to client CSU team.

6.3 Daily Toolbox Meeting

Toolbox Talks/meetings shall be performed daily at the commencement of every
activity/task and shall include the requirements to review the Safe Work Procedure,
associated hazards, potential overlap of operations and responsibilities, adherence to
PTW requirements and other necessary measures.
The discipline commissioning engineer (or alternates) shall chair the meetings with
attendance by HSE officer of the client.
6.4 Emergency Response and Preparedness
In general, the Client’s Emergency Response procedure shall be strictly followed in
the event of an emergency at the worksite. The client’s Asset Team Coordinator
shall act as the single point person in managing any emergency situation and will
provide all the necessary assistance to evacuate the victim, if required, for further
medical treatment. He will also act as single-point to communicate with client’s
Emergency Control Centre (ECC) if required.
6.5 Emergency Response (ER) Drill
CONTRACTOR is responsible to ensure that all members of staff are adequately
trained and familiar with the ER procedure during any emergencies. A joint
(MORPOL, client) emergency drill shall be carried out prior to commencement of
site works. From there onwards, emergency drills shall be conducted at contractor’s
work area regularly to ensure that member of staff are familiar with the standard
emergency response procedure. This is also essential to enhance their preparedness
and effectiveness in responding to an emergency situation. Drills shall be carried out
regularly, recorded (Putting into consideration the time duration of the drill) and
weakness which shall be improved upon in future drills.

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6.6 Safety Induction
CLIENT is responsible to ensure that all MORPOL personnel undergo the safety
induction, detailing the control system and actions to be taken in event of an alarm,
muster points, safety equipment, escape or evacuation routes, etc. This is to ensure
that the staff will act in a systematic manner to emergency situations. It is the
responsibility of CLIENT to maintain an updated register of the personnel who
have undergone safety induction.

6.7 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

All personnel on site shall wear appropriate PPE throughout the duration of the
The site HSE officer shall ensure compliance with the above and report any
The following constitutes the minimum PPE requirement for the Installation works:
 Safety shoes
 Coverall
 Personnel floatation device
 Hard gloves
 Ear muffs/protector
 Hard hats
 Eye goggles
6.8 Weather Monitoring
Due to the season and possibly dangerous adverse weather conditions, there shall
be a daily review of the weather forecast (Storm watch, wind and lightning
monitoring) to confirm to the site and for work on site. At any indication of adverse
weather conditions, the site coordinator shall suspend work / or the transit to site
until the weather improves.
Commissioning Lead 1
Commissioning Support Mechanical 2


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 Prior to commencement of the commissioning test, a detailed Job Hazard
Analysis (JHA) shall be conducted detailing all potential hazards, risks and their
control measures. All workers will sign the attendance sheets acknowledging
their participation.
 Ensure that all the correct PTW have been obtained.
 Ensure that test areas are barrier off and with caution signs placed strategically
also to put in place close supervision on the job.
 All workers to wear correct PPE at all times.
 All personnel to be instructed on procedures to be used.
 Ensure that workers are familiar with manually operated valve test activities.
 First Aid facility to be made available on site.


 On site manually operated valve testing shall be carried out concurrently with
other site activities
 Safety activities, which include toolbox talk, unsafe act audit, safety meetings,
hazards Identification and control, will be co-ordinated by the project


Prior to start of site activities, we shall confirm the following:
 All personnel, for the execution of the manually operated valves
commissioning testing works shall be duly certified fit by client prior to
mobilization to site.
 Following the successful pre-mobilization of the above personnel, all journey
management procedures as outlined in the journey management plan will be
 Materials, Tools and Equipment will be transported from MORPOL base camp
to kolo creek station where activities are to take place. Security will be provided
by MORPOL during these journeys.
 MEDEVAC rescue vehicles shall be pre-mobilized and be placed on standby
on-site to evacuate any sick/wounded staff to hospital.
 Familiarization with drawings, Scope of Work and Procedures.

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 Appropriate Permits to Work are obtained.
 Commissioning personnel agreed for the project are available on site.
 All equipment and procedures are agreed and are in place.
 Ensure that test areas are demarcated and barrier off with caution sign in


1. Visually inspect
2. Verify manually operated valve data against data sheet
3. Mount the manually operated valve on the line. Ensure that gaskets are used.
Operational Procedure
1. Operate the valve once to check for smooth operation.
2. If no obvious problems are observed, the test pressure may be applied and
leak tightness and Operability may be checked.
3. Dynamometric wrenches suitable to the expected torque values must be used.
4. First test: Shall be performed for minimum two times in case of
design evaluation / any specific homologation. It is made without
pressure before doing resistance test and the operating torque value
found must be no more than 15% above APV’s published torques
unless higher torque seats like PEEK or metal are used.
5. Second test: it is made when carrying out points 8.7 and 8.8 opening
the valve with the dynamometric wrench and full rating pressure
inside. - Shall be performed for minimum five times on each side in
case of design evaluation / any specific homologation.
6. Third Test: Shall be performed for minimum two times applying
pressure on both sides in case of design evaluation / any specific
7. The torques found with and without pressure will be written on the Route
8. If an actuator is mounted, it will be able to actuate the valve. It will
be tested without pressure. Under client requirement the valve can
be tested to the maximum working pressure. The actual torque of
the valve must be less than the required safety factor calculated

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maximum for the actuator.
9. The maximum opening force over the lever or the hand wheel will
be 300 N. If bigger, a gear operator will be mounted.
The above points has been elaborated as below
(a) BTO and BTC without pressure – 2 times.
(b) BTO – 5 times each side
(c) BTO and BTC by applying line pressure at both sides simultaneously
BTO – Break To Open & BTC – Break To Close.
Verify the valve in Fully Closed position
Verify Inlet pressure must not exceed maximum Inlet body valve.
Slightly Open block valve to the inlet body valve 50 psig (referenced ANSI
• The results of the tests carried out as stated in the applicable
specification are documented on check lists, indicating the tests
carried out, the pressure values used, the result and the
operator’s stamp.
• The valve will also be identified by the operator’s I.D. and customer’s
inspector in case the order requires it.
• It is recommended to remove all foreign particles from the pipe line by
flushing it with a suitable fluid. Corrosion inhibitors shall be added to
the flushing medium to prevent any corrosion due to trapped fluids.
• Gasket contact faces of the valve and pipe flanges shall be inspected
thoroughly for scratches defects. Scratches, if any, shall be corrected by
grinding the surface or by rubbing with emery sheet.
• Insert gasket and tighten the bolts. Flange bolts shall be tightened
evenly, using a torque wrench, in cross rotation to prevent damage to
• Operational life of the valve can be maximized if the valve is used within
the rated range, in accordance with pressure, temperature, and corrosion


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• Any major leakage at the stem region can easily be detected by observing
unexpected pressure drop in the pipe line
• Check for ease of operation of the valve
• Check for any leakage through the seat sealing region


Test document shall list the following:

a) Signature of MORPOL rep
b) Test document number
c) Equipment description (make, type etc)
d) Manufacturers serial number and/or MORPOL unique number
e) Test date
f) Tolerances of accuracy
g) Remarks – Accept/Reject/Comments
h) Reference to the Test Instrument Standard

List of Equipment and Recommended Test Intervals

Accuracy & Tolerance Calibration Frequency

Equipment Description
Limits Max.
Manually operated valve(CV) 12 months

Accuracy and tolerance level to be advised


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