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El Mourouj 1 Mid Term Test N°1 Teacher 

: Mrs Ben Dkhil

Secondary School 4 th Graders 2020/2021

Listening Comprehension : 8 marks

 Listen to the passage and tick the right option  :
1- What natural disaster does Houston have ? (1)
a) Floods and earthquakes
b) Hurricanes and floods
c) Hurricanes and earthquakes
2- When was the first hurricane he remembers ? (1)


3- What was the name of the hurricane ? (1)


4- Where was he during the hurricane ? (1)


5- What could he do after the hurricane ? (1)


6- Fill in the blanks with words from the passage : (1)

« but it was an absolute …………………………. The next day, the soccer field is complitely ……………………….

7- What does the sentence « I couldn’t remember my phone number » express ? (1)
a) Inability in the present
b) Inability in the past
c) Uncertainty
8- Say whether the sounds are Similar (S) or Different (D) : (1)

Hurricane - usually : ……………………………….

Soccer - absolute : ……………………………….

Language : 12 marks

1) Circle the appropriate option : (3.5)

El Mourouj 1 Mid Term Test N°1 Teacher : Mrs Ben Dkhil
Secondary School 4 th Graders 2020/2021
Earthquakes, storms, floods and droughts are hazardous for everybody. Most cities in the world have
large populations crowded with bad housing often far from effective ( surgery - emergency –
necessary) services. Between 1990 and 2010 natural ( catastrophes – phenomenon – developments)
took place. Thousands of people ( killed – were killed – kill) and economic losses rose to 535 billion
dollars. A strong earthquake hit Japan (on – in – at) the 11th of March 2011 ; it triggered a
(empowered – powerful - power) tsunami that spread throughout the country’s northeastern coast,
(knock-knocked-knocking) down building, slamming into homes (engulf – engulfing – to engulf) entire
towns and cities, it ( wreaked – wreaks – has wreaked) absolute havoc. But, amongst the damage
and devastation, there emerged incredible tales of survival and luck.

2) Comlete the paragraph with words from the list below : there are two extra words (4.5)

Deforestation – plants – developing - decades – species – absorbing – oxygen – serious – agriculture –

prevent - tropical

The destruction of large forests in Northern India has been a major factor in the floods that have
invaded India in recent years. Forests help …………………… floods by holding the soil in place and
……………… much of the rain. Forests also provide much of the ………………… which is essential to life on
Earth. …………………. forests contain about two thirds of all plants and animal …………………… At the
present rate of ……………….. , an estimated 15 percent of these creatures living in the woods could
disappear within the next …………………. This problem is particularly ………………….. in developing
countries. Most ………………………….. nations view their forests as a source of income to be used in the
manufacturing sector and never care about preventing them.

3) Put the words in brackets in the right tene or form : (4)

Tunisia has been termed as the kaleidoscope nation of Northern Africa. From Mediterranean beaches
to the Sahara desert and from ancient souks to modern day malls, Tunisia has it all. The capital city of
Tunis reflects its country’s cultural (diverse) ……………………. . one of (obvious) ……………………………..
examples is in its cuisine that is a unique blend of sophisticated French styles with Arab spice. The
city’s architecture (combine) ……………………… a modern , European – style city of tree-lined avenues
with a vibrant , atmospheric medina. With its (colour) …………………… and lively flea or street
markets, another major tourist (attract) ………………….. is the National Bardo Museum which houses
one of the world’s (great) …………………………. collections of Roman mosaics. The museum contains an
(impress) …………………… collection of archaeological artifacts from different eras in Tunisia’s rich
history. One can’t really see but (feeling) ………………….. the many cultural influences from different
periods. A sit to this wonderful place where old and new coexist in perfect harmony is a life enriched

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