Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 4

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Math IV

Prepared by: Eleanhnor Ewican Maribao

I. Objective:

Cognitive: The end of the lesson the pupils will be able to solve word problem involving area
of a parallelogram.

Psychomotor: Write the area of parallelogram

Affective: Work cooperatively in a group

II. Subject Matter: Solve word problem involving area of a parallelogram.

Reference: PLEC Grade IV

Materials: Cutouts, Manila paper, flash cards, activity sheets, chalk

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activities Pupil's Activities

A. Preparatory Activities  
Say: Class, everybody stand. The pupils will stand.
Call a pupil to lead the prayer. The class prays.
Say: Good morning class! Good morning teacher Leanhn
Call a pupil to lead a song Class will sing.
Say: Everybody arrange you chairs The pupils arrange their chairs and take
and take your sits. there sits.
1 Drill (Flashcard’s Activity)  
Call a pupil to answer the first flashcard Pupil give answer
Call another pupil to answer Pupil give answer
2 Review  
Ask: Class, do you know how to solve Yes ma'am
a word problem?  
Say: What are the steps in Pupils raise their hands.
answering word problem?  
Call a pupil to answer the first step. Pupil answer the first step in answering
in answering word problem. word problem.
"The first step is to find what is asked"
Pupil answer the second step in
Call another pupil to answer the second
step in answering word problem. word problem.
"The second step is to find what are
Call another pupil for third and forth
"The third step is to know what operation
to be used in the problem. The forth
is what the formula is."
Call another pupil for last step. "The last and fifth step is to solve the
3 Motivation  
Show objects (parallelogram)  
Ask: Do you like these objects class? Yes ma'am
Call a pupil  
Ask: Choose one which you like most. Pupil will choose square
Ask: Why do you like this object. Pupil give reason
B. Developmental Activities  
1 Presentation  
Paste parallelogram object on the  
Call a pupil to describe the object. Pupil describes the object.
Ask: What do you call this object. Parallelogram, teacher.
Present a problem.  
Call a pupil to read the problem. Pupil read the problem.
Arnold planted vegetables in his backyard
to prevent soil erosion. His vegetable
garden is a parallelogram. It has a base of
6 meters and a height of 4 meters. What
is the area of the vegetable garden?
Let the pupils make a cut out sample of Pupils make a sample of a parallelogram
a parallelogram.  
Call a pupil to present his/her cut out. Pupil will present his/her cut out
Let all pupils to fold one side of the Pupils fold there parallelogram creating
parallelogram to create one right one right triangle.
Call a pupil to show his/her folded Pupil show his/her work.
right triangle.  
Let the pupil cut his/her folded right Pupil cut.
Let the pupil paste the larger portion on Pupil paste.
the parallelogram on the board  
Call another pupil to paste the right Pupil paste.
triangle to the other uncut side.  
Ask: Class, what figure is formed now? Rectangle
Say: Very good it is rectangle.  
Emphasize to the pupils that the area of  
a parallelogram is the same as the area  
of a rectangle.  
Say: So, now we can say that rectangle  
and parallelogram has the same formula  
to find the area.  
Ask: Class, anybody can give the Pupils raise their hands.
formula to find the area of a rectangle.  
Call a pupil to answer the question Pupil answers the question.
Say: So, the area of a rectangle is  
length time width (lxw)  
Say: Now, anybody knows what is Pupils raise their hands.
the area of a parallelogram?  
Call a pupil to answer the question. Pupil answers the question.
Say: Very good! The area of a  
parallelogram is "base time height"
Call a pupil.  
Ask: Point out where is the length of this Pupil point out.
Call another pupil.  
Ask: Point out where is the width of Pupil point out.
this rectangle.  
Paste a parallelogram shape on the
Call a pupil.
Ask: Point out where is the base of this Pupil point out.
Call another pupil.
Ask: Point out where is the height of Pupil point out.
Say: So, what have you observe in the Pupils raise their hands.
two shape?  
Call a pupil to answer the question Pupil answers the question.
"In that way, the length of rectangle, is
base of parallelogram and the width of  
rectangle, is the height of
Say: Since, you already know where is
base and the height of a parallelogram  
we can now solve the problem.  
Call a pupil to read again the problem. Pupil read the problem.
Call another pupil.  
What is the area of the vegetable
Ask: What is asked in the problem?
Say: Very good.  
Call another pupil.  
Ask: What are given? It has a base of 6 meters and a height of
4 meters.
Say: Very Good!  
Call a pupil.  
Ask: What operation to be used? Multiplication
Say: Very Good!  
Call another pupil.  
Ask: What is the formula? A=bxh
Say: Very Good!  
Call a pupil to solve. Pupil solves.
Ask: Class is it correct? Yes ma’am
Call a pupil.  
Ask: So, what is the answer? 24 meters squared ma'am.
2 Activity (Group Activity)  
Divide the class into 4 groups.  
Group Activity House rules:  
*Select a leader  
*All pupils must stay in their own groups  
*Everybody should participate and  
contribute ideas and answer  
*Read carefully the direction and  
answer correctly.  
*Finish or unfinished activity must pass
paste there answer on the board after  
10 minutes  
*Each should have a reporter to present  
there answer  
Say: Are we clear about the rules? Yes ma’am
Distribute the activity sheet to the Each group answers the activity
Group 1 Activity Sheet
Mang Juan has a carrot garden with a
shape of parallelogram that has a base of
24 meters and a height of 12 meters.
What is the area of the carrot garden?
Give the following:
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What is the operation to be used?
4. What is the formula
5. What is the answer?
Group 2 Activity Sheet
Lane's pillow is a parallelogram which has
a base of 463 cm and a height of 51 cm
What is the area of the pillow?
Give the following:
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What is the operation to be used?
4. What is the formula
5. What is the answer?
Group 3 Activity Sheet
Cyruss has a parallelogram table whose
base is 75 meters and height is 22 meter.
Find the area of the parallelogram table.
Give the following:
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What is the operation to be used?
4. What is the formula
5. What is the answer?
Group 4 Activity Sheet
The chalk board of grade 4 section F is a
form of parallelogram. It has a base of
23 meters and a height of 7 meters.
What is the area of the chalk board?
Give the following:
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What is the operation to be used?
4. What is the formula
5. What is the answer?
After answering, the reporter of each
group report there answer.
3 Analysis  
Check their work.
Ask the pupils about their group activity.
Call a pupil.
Ask: What are the steps in answering Pupils raise their hands.
word problem?  
Call a pupil and say: Give me the first
Pupil answers the first step.
Say: What is the second step?  
And call a pupil. Pupil answers the second step.
Call another pupil and say: Give me the Pupil answers the third and forth step.
third and forth step in answering word  
problem. Pupil gives the last step.
Call another pupil for last step.  
4 Abstraction  
Call a pupil.  
Ask: What is a parallelogram based on all A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel
our activities? side.
Call another pupil.  
Ask: How to find the area of a To find the area of a parallelogram, you
parallelogram? need to multiply the base to its height.
Call another pupil.  
Ask: What is the formula? A=bxh is the formula.
5 Application  
Present and paste the word problem in
Mang Canoy plans to make a Calamansi
Farm in a shape of parallelogram. If Mang
Canoy's Calamansi farm has base of 35
meters and height of 23 meters, what is
the total area of the farm?
Call a pupil. Pupil read the problem.
Say: Read the problem.  
Call another pupil.  
Ask: What is asked in the problem? What is the total area of the farm?
Call another pupil.  
Ask: What are given? Mang Canoy's Calamansi farm has base of
  35 meters and height of 23 meters
Call another pupil.
Ask: What operation to be used? Multiplication
Call another pupil.
Ask: What is the formula? A=bxh
Call another pupil.
Say: Solve the problem and give the The pupil solves the problem and the
correct answer. answer is 805 meter square.
Check there answers.  
Ask the pupils if the answer of their  
classmate is correct.  
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read the word problem carefully. Analyze then solve.

1. Ana buys a cake in a form of parallelogram. The cake has a base of 36 cm. and a height of 21 cm. What
is the area of the cake?

2. The chair of the teacher is a parallelogram with a base of 30 cm. and a height of 35 cm. What is the
area of the chair?

3. Mr. Jose, the maintenance man, wants to wax a parallelogram-shaped floor. It has a base of 12
meters and a height of 8 meters. How much floor area is he going to wax?

V. Assignment:
Direction: Read the word problem carefully. Analyze then solve.

1. The flower garden of Ms. Chua is a form of parallelogram with a base of 542 cm. and a height of 221
cm. What is the area of the flower garden?
2. The fishpond of Mr. Jerome is a parallelogram shape. It has a base of 983 meters and a height of 542
meters. What is the area of the fish pond?

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