Information: Pls Read This On Fullscrean Mode

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Information: pls read this on fullscrean mode

Get information about Dyno or a command. ?help (command)

?info | Get information about the bot. | ?info

?ping Ping the bot and get the response time in milliseconds. ?ping

?premium Get information about Dyno Premium. ?premium

?stats Get some statistics about the bot. ?stats

?uptime Get the bot uptime. ?uptime



(click for more info) Description Usage

?addmod Add a moderator role. ?addmod [role]

?addrole Add a new server role, with optional color and hoist. ?addrole [name] (hex color)

?announce Send an announcement using the bot. ?announce [channel] [message]

?clearwarn Clear warnings from users. ?clearwarn [user]

?command Enable or disable a command. ?command [command]

?delmod Remove a moderator or moderator role. ?delmod [role]

?delrole Delete a server role. ?delrole [role]

?ignorechannel Toggles command usage for a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers)
?ignorechannel [channel]

?ignorerole Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers)
?ignorerole [role]

?ignoreuser Toggles command usage for a user. ?ignoreuser [user] (reason)

?listmods List all moderators and moderator roles. ?listmods

?mentionable Toggles whether a role is mentionable or not. ?mentionable [role]

?module Enable or disable a module. ?module [module]

?modules List all available modules. ?modules

?nick Change the bot nickname. ?nick [new nickname]

?prefix Get the current prefix of your server or set a new one. ?prefix (new prefix)

?purge Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000) ?purge [count]

?role Manage the roles of a user. ?role [user] [role name]

?rolecolor Change the color of a role. ?rolecolor [role] [hex color]

?rolename Change the name of a role. ?rolename [role], [new name]

?setnick Change the nickname of a user. ?setnick [user] [new nickname]



(click for more info) Description Usage

?ban Ban a member. ?ban [user] (limit) (reason)

?case Show a single moderation case. ?case [case number]

?clean Cleanup the bot responses. ?clean (count)

?clearnotes Delete all notes about a member. ?clearnotes [user]

?customs List, show, enable or disable Custom Commands. ?customs

?deafen Deafen a member. ?deafen [user] (reason)

?delnote Delete a single note about a member. ?delnote [user] [note ID]

?delwarn Clear a single warning from a member. ?delwarn [warning ID]

?diagnose Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems.
?diagnose [command or module]

?duration Change the duration of a timed punishment. ?duration [modlog ID] [new limit]

?editnote Edit a note about a member. ?editnote [user] [note ID] [note]

?ignored List ignored channels, roles and users. ?ignored

?kick Kick a member. ?kick [user] (reason)

?lock Lock a channel. ?lock [channel] (limit) (reason)

?lockdown Lock channels defined in moderation settings. ?lockdown (optional message)

?members List members in a role or roles. ?members [role]

?moderations Get a list of active timed moderations and remaining time. ?moderations

?modlogs Get a list of moderation logs for a user. ?modlogs [user]

?modstats Get moderation statistics for a mod/admin (may take up to 30 minutes to update).
?modstats [user]

?mute Mute a member so they cannot type. ?mute [user] (limit) (reason)

?note Add a note about a member. ?note [user] [note]

?notes Get notes for a user. ?notes [user]

?reason Supply a reason for a moderation log case. ?reason [case number] [reason]

?rolepersist Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. ?rolepersist
[user] [role], (reason)

?softban Softban a member (ban and immediately unban to delete their messages).
?softban [user] (reason)

?temprole Assign/unassign a role for a limited time that persists if the user leaves and rejoins.
?temprole [user] [time] [role], (reason)

?unban Unban a member. ?unban [user] (reason)

?undeafen Undeafen a member. ?undeafen [user] (reason)

?unlock Unlock a channel. ?unlock [channel] (reason)

?unmute Unmute a member. ?unmute [user] (reason)

?warn Warn a member. ?warn [user] (reason)

?warnings Get warnings for a user. ?warnings [user]



(click for more info) Description Usage

?afk Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned. ?afk (status)

?avatar Get the avatar of yourself or another user. ?avatar (user)

?botlist Gets the Carbonitex bot list ordered by server counts. ?botlist (page)

?color Show a color using the hex code. ?color [hex code]

?covid Get COVID-19 statistics. ?covid [country or state]

?discrim Gets a list of users matching a discriminator. ?discrim (discriminator)

?distance Get the distance between two sets of coordinates. ?distance [coords] [coords]

?dynoavatar Generate a Dyno-like avatar. ?dynoavatar (user)

?emotes Get a list of server emojis. ?emotes (search)

?inviteinfo Get information about a Discord invite. ?inviteinfo [invite code]

?membercount Get the membercount of the current server. ?membercount

?randomcolor Generates a random hex color with a preview. ?randomcolor

?remindme Set a reminder. ?remindme [time] [reminder]

?roll Roll a dice. ?roll (size) [number of dice]

?rps Play rock, papers, scissors with the bot. ?rps [choice]

?serverinfo Get information about the current server. ?serverinfo

?whois Get information about a user. ?whois (user)



(click for more info) Description Usage

?cat Get some cute cat pictures. ?cat

?country Get information about a country. ?country [country code]

?dadjoke Get a random dad joke. ?dadjoke

?dog Get some cute dog pictures. ?dog

?flip Flip a coin. ?flip

?github Get information about a GitHub repository. ?github (owner/)[repo name]

?itunes Get information about an iTunes song. ?itunes [song name]

?norris Get a random Chuck Norris fact. ?norris

?pokemon Get information about a Pokémon. ?pokemon [name]

?poll Start a poll for people to vote on. ?poll “[message]” “[choice 1]” “[choice 2]”

?pug Get some cute pug pictures. ?pug

?space Get information about the International Space Station. ?space



(click for more info) Description Usage

?addrank Add a new joinable rank. ?addrank [name] (hex color) (hoist)

?delrank Delete an existing joinable rank. ?delrank [name]

?rank Join or leave a joinable rank. ?rank [name]

?ranks Get a list of joinable ranks. ?ranks

?roleinfo Get information about a role. ?roleinfo [role]

?roles Get a list of server roles. ?roles (search)



(click for more info) Description Usage

?tag Get, create, edit or delete a tag. ?tag [tag name]

?tags Get a list of tags.

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