Drugstudy Potassiumchloride

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Name: Ma. Antonia Elisa R.

Abello Yr & Sec: BN-3A Date:

August 19 , 2009
Name of Patient: Teves, Julie Age: 44 years old
Drug Name Dosage Indications Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Reaction Nursing

Name: potassium KCL drip 15 cycles Treatment / Maintain acid-base Contraindicated in CNS: confusion, - Assess for signs
chloride 10mEq KCl in 90cc prevention of balance, isotonicity, patients with restlessness, and symptoms of
of PNSS prn potassium and hyperkalemia; weakness hypokalemia
Brand Name: Elin
depletion. electrophysiologic severe renal (weakness, fatigue,
Potassium Chloride
balance of the cell. impairment; CV: arrythmias, U wave on ECG,
Source of K and Cl Activator in many untreated Addison’s ECG changes arrythimias,
ions. enzymatic disease; severe polyuria, ploydipsia)
reactions; essential tissue trauma; GI: abdominal pain, and hyperkalemia.
mineral and
to transmission of hyperkalmic familial diarrhea, flatulence,
nerve impulses; periodic paralysis; nausea, vomiting - Monitor pulse,
contraction of some products may blood pressure, and
cardiac, skeletal, contain tartrazine or Local: irritation at ECG periodically
and smooth muscle; alcohol; avoid using IV site during IV therapy.
gastric secretion; in patients with
renal function; known - Lab Test
tissue synthesis; hypersensitivity or Considerations:
and carbohydrate intolerance; Monitor serum
metabolism. Potassium acetate potassium before
injection contains and periodically
Therapeutic Effects: aluminum, which during therapy.
Replacement. may become toxic Monitor renal
Prevention of with prolonged use function, serum
deficiency. to high risk groups bicarbonate, and
(renal impairment) pH. Determine
serum magnesium
Use cautiously in level if patient has
patients with refractory
cardiac disease; hypokalemia;
renal impairment; hypomagnesemia
diabetes mellitus; should be corrected
hypomagnesemia to facilitate
(may make effectiveness of
correction of potassium
hypokalemia more replacement.
Monitor serum
chloride because
difficult); patients hypochloremia may
receiving potassium occur if replacing
sparing drugs. potassium without
concurrent chloride.

- Medication errors
involving too rapid
infusion or bolus IV
administration of
potassium chloride
have resulted in

- Infuse slowly, at a
rate up to 10mEq/hr
in adults. Check
kospital policy for
maximum infusion
rates. Use an
infusion pump.

- Advise patient
regarding sources of
dietary potassium
(eg. banana, apple,
etc). Encourage
compliance with
recommended diet.

- Instruct patient to
report dark, tarry, or
bloody stools;
weakness; unusual
fatigue; or tingling
of extremities.
Notify health care
professional if
nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, or stomach
discomfort persists.
Dosage may require

- Emphasize the
importance of
regular follow-up
exams to monitor
serum levels and

Source: Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses 11th edition 2009

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