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You must participate actively and willingly in all class activities and discussions.

Thorough preparation of individual and group assignments outside of class.

Thorough reading of assigned scenes, handouts and plays.

Conferences with instructor may be required.


There is no textbook for this course.  You will need to keep an organized notebook for all
handouts, materials, study guides, scripts, class notes, creative writing, and micro-themes.

Special Policies


This is a drama class.  Most of what you learn in Theatre Arts I comes from what you do,
observe and discuss in class. It is impossible to “catch up” by reading your classmate’s
lecture notes.  Prompt and regular attendance is mandatory. The N.E.I.S.D attendance
policies will be strictly enforced. Remember, the student handbook is law.

The grade for missed work during an un-excused absence shall be zero.

Excused absences will be granted only for:

1.)  Medically documented illness with a note from a physician or parent

2.)  Documented school obligations (approved in advance)

3.)  Religious holidays (discussed, acknowledged by N.E.I.S.D. and approved in advance).

4.)  Death of an immediate family member


Two tardies will count the same as an absence from class.

Late Work

Late written work will be docked one full letter grade.  If you do not turn in the late written
work at the next class meeting, you will receive an automatic grade of “F” for that

Failure to attend class on a scheduled exam or performance day will result in an automatic
“F” for the exam or performance missed.  Make-up performances and make-up exams will
not be scheduled unless there are extremely compelling and verifiable circumstances.

Academic Dishonesty

Students may be subject to disciplinary proceedings resulting in an academic or disciplinary

penalty for academic dishonesty.  Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to,
cheating on a test, plagiarism and collusion. 

* This course fulfills the TEKS competencies.


 Written Work

1.       Micro-Themes.  This is a short essay response to an assigned topic.  The theme

must be hand written on a large 5”x8” note card.  The content of the micro-theme should
concentrate on the following: a.) Summary of material and key points b.) Analysis c.)
Personal observations.

2.       Quizzes.  Mostly pre-scheduled quizzes.  Pop-quizzes are rare but possible.

3.       Critique.  One critical essay on a Churchill theatre Length: 2 solid pages minimum
and 4 pages maximum.  The critical essay must be typewritten with a computer (word
processor), double-spaced and written in accordance with the M.L.A. handbook.  Production
dates and due dates T.B.A.  A guideline for the production critique will be distributed in

4.       Tests. A mid-term and final exam.  Tests include written examinations or a

performance-based assessment.

Performance Work

1.       Group Activities-including Choral Odes and Exercises.

2.       Monolgue—Spoon River Anthology

3.       Final Project- either a small group project or duet scene.

Particulars concerning the creative project will be discussed and distributed in class.

Grading Criteria

Grades will be based on the quality of your work, averaged grades, participation and your
willingness to explore theatre as an art form.  The following is a possible grade breakdown:


Micro-Themes (averaged)       200 points        900-1000    =A

Quizzes (averaged)            100 points        800-899     =B

Mid-Term Performance          200 points        750-799     =C

Class participation           100 points        700-749     =D

Production Critique           100 points        Below 699   =F

Test                          100 points

Creative Project              200 points

Important RULES and Reminders

The course content is subject to change in response to the student’s needs.  This includes
possible variations in the sequence of topics (units of study).

Other assignments may be given that are not on this syllabus.   These assignments will be
averaged into the class participation category.

Never walk in or out of the room during a performance—unless it’s an emergency.

You must sit in your assigned seat.

Stay in the room at all times.

One student may use the restroom pass. Only one at a time.

Back packs are to be stored in the corners of the theatre and left alone.  Have your theatre
notebook and a pen under your seat.  Back- packs cause a tripping hazard in the risers.

If for some legitimate reason you have to leave class early, talk to me about it before class
begins.  If you leave early without talking to me about it, I will make note of your exit. 
Leaving early without clearance counts the same as a tardy.

Turn off all cell phones.  Turn off your pagers and all disturbing forms of technology during
class.  Disciplinary action may result if you talk on a phone, your phone rings, you read a
text message, you communicate on a walkie-talkie, read digits on a pager, play games on a
phone, a game device or notebook computer.  The same disciplinary action will result if you:
read magazines, newspapers or any material that does not pertain to Theatre Arts I. 

Do not bring any gum, food or drink into the classroom, the black box or the theatre.  Failure
to comply with this rule could also result in disciplinary action.

Do not touch any set pieces, lighting instruments, computers, sound or light board without

Complete respect will be given to fellow students—especially when they are performing. 
Theatre etiquette is easy to learn:  unless you are on stage or performing in front of the
class, you do not talk.  Give the performer(s) your complete, undivided attention.

You are responsible for getting from fellow students—not me—any assignment missed
because of absence or tardiness.  See me if it involves a handout.

Never hesitate to make an appointment with me if you feel you need extra help outside of

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