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1. Acyclovir lip balm (contains 5% or less) schedule?

Answer: unscheduled

2. Doctors bag how often?

Answer: Every one month

3. Which drug need authority to be prescribed on PBS ?

Answer: Methylphenidate

4. Ibuprofen 400 mg per tablet/ capsule with quantity of no more than 50 (however it didn’t
specify whether it was labelled with recommended dose nor didn’t say its for > 12 yrs old )
Answer: S3 ? but could be tricky

5. Who cannot prescribe codeine tablets 30mg?

Answer: Optometrist

6. What is the schedule of MDI Salbutamol containing less than 100mcg or less per dose?
Answer: S3
7. Which of these require an authority for PBS purposes?
a. Ibandronic acid
b. Indomethacin
c. Isotretinoin
d. methylphenidate

8. Which one of the following is correct about authority prescriptions?

- Authority prescriptions are required because of drug availability.

- Authority prescriptions are required because they have a narrow therapeutic range.

- Authority prescriptions require approval from Department of ___ or ___.

- Authority prescriptions are required because they have a serious adverse drug reaction
profile and risk benefit ratio needs to be determined for each patient.

9. Which of the following regarding the poisons schedule is incorrect?

- Poisons are scheduled on the basis of a universal scale of toxicity.

- Purpose of use is a criteria for scheduling.

- Need for the substance is a criteria for scheduling.

- Poisons schedule factors in substances for teaching or research.

10. What schedule describes substances of which “the safe use may require advice form a
pharmacist and which should be available from a pharmacy or, where a pharmacy service is not
available, from a licensed person”?

** Two privacy questions

One was something like a lawyer call for to obtain information (I think it didn’t say whether it was on
court order or anything), and ask what would be appropriate..

Options were something like (1) gives whatever the lawyer wants (sth like that)

(2) gives whatever the lawyer wants with patient consent

(3) gives whatever the lawyer wants as long as his is with a police

** can’t remember the other two options

Another question was like someone (the patient him/herself) came in and asked for their
information on record in pharmacy, and ask what would be appropriate..

Options were something like (1) gives whatever they wants (sth like that)

(2) As a pharmacist, you have options to choose not to give information

that you think maybe harmful to them or sth, can’t remember

** can’t remember the other options

 What information do you need to record from a patient when handing out codeine as a
pharmacist only (restricted substance)? Options included photo id, signature, quantity
supplied, name of pharmacist supplying
 Which of the following medications does a medical practitioner need authority to write a
script? Clonidine, some other S4’s (no S4B/Ds) and isotretinoin
 With regards to deferring a prescription that is still valid, which of the following is true?
Options: only 2 repeats can be deferred, only 2 medications can be deferred, cannot defer a
script that does not have a repeat, any quantity can be supplied whenever the patient wants
 General descriptions of schedules 2-9

- Principle of scheduling? Incorrect option “Poisons are scheduled on the basis of a universal
scale of toxicity” Other correct options were listed in SUSMP pg iii

No triple dilutions/ No FD1% / No Alligation

1. A hospital pharmacy calls for 6mg of adrenaline, you were instructed to dilute to deliver
94mL to the patient, which contains dextrose 5% (available ampoule are 1mg/ml). What
infusion rate should it be to give 1mcg/min

2. You have 50mg (substance) of 12% and ask how much of a cream to be added to make it to

Options were like: 120mg, 80mg, 70mg and sth thing else

3. Ask about dilutions. Similar to the one in training session. How much of (substance) is
needed to added to X ml so that when dilute 2ml of this solution in Y ml, it will give a
concentration of Z%

4. Ask about conversion of moles and grams. How much of (a substance) is needed if you
needed X grams of (an element); 2 molecular mass were given

5. Calculate of dosage based on BSA; given patient’s height and weight

6. Given the formulations:

Zine Paste (APF23 p. 59)

Zinc Oxide 25g

Starch 25g
White Soft Paraffin 50g

Zinc and Salicylic acid paste (APF23 p.60)

Salicylic acid 2g
Liquid paraffin 2g
Zine Paste 96g

Asked to prepare 500g of Zine and Salicylic acid paste, how much of Zinc Oxide and Salicylic
acid are required

Options were like…

(1) 125g Zine Oxide and 10g Salicylic acid

(2) X g Zine Oxide and 10g Salicylic acid
(3) X g Zine Oxide and 2g Salicylic acid
(4) X g Zine Oxide and 2g Salicylic acid

****And I think 2 questions of Paediatric Dosing Questions (antibiotics)

6. What morning dose of vancomycin is required for a child (25 kg) if the normal dose is 15 mg/kg in
two divided doses (2/3 in the morning, 1/3 at night)?

7. What weight of potassium pomegranate is required for a 300 mL solution if 1 mL diluted to 20 mL

gives a 0.01% concentration?

9. 5% of (substance) is contained in 100 g (powder). How much diluent in the form of talc powder is
required to produce a 0.02% powder?

 Current plasma levels of a drug is 35mg/L in a patient, how long will it take for plasma
concentrations to reach 20mg/L? (Half life = 4 hours)
 You need to make a solution:
Sufficient Potassium chloride to provide a daily dose of 30mmols of potassium
Raspberry syrup 100 mL (cant remember exact mLs)
Water to 250 mL
How much potassium chloride do you need to make this solution?

- Child with given height and weight. Cortisteroid dose is 10mg/kg. Apply 2/3 in the morning
and 1/3 at night. How much corticosteroid is needed in the morning?
- Infusion rate
- Know how to calculate half life , rate constant . Gives you a concentration of something at 30
mcg in your body . Half life was 4 hours ? What is the concentration at 5 hours . – Only one
answer was correct  around 25 mcg
- Got calculations to do concentration equivalency – 50 mcg = 0.005mg = 0.000005g. Know
how to do these on the calculator and how they are equal
- Eye drops – 2 drops tds = 6 drops a day . 1 ml is 20 drops or something . What was the
concentration of a the medication that you will have
- Calculate renal clearance – for a lady . remember 0.85
- Calculation for amoxil 250mg for a child that is 15 kg .
- What is the best way to describe the schedules in the poison
- Half life
- Dilutions
- Amount of Na in a solution of NaCO3
- Amount of K in a solution of KCI (given molecular mass of K and Cl)
- Eye drop question
- Antibiotic dose given height and weight. Work out BSA and amount of drug in mg
Pharmacy Practice

1. What is not a risk factor of COPD?

- Genetic (AMH 2015 p.826)

- Pollutants (AMH 2015 p.826)
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin enzyme deficiency (TG)
- Smoking (AMH 2015 p.826)
- Obesity

2. What drugs use with lamotrigine results in increased chance of SJS?

- Sodium Valporate (AMH 2015 p. 687)

3. Which is not a symptom of hyponatremia?

- Headache
- Seizures
- Thirst
- And Sth..

4. Which is not a benefit of wet wound healing?

- Scabbing
- Granulation
- Promote optimal environment for wound to heal
- Only need to change dressing every 5-7 days

5. Which one is the likely adverse effects of IV Zoledronic acid ?

- Flu-like symptoms (AMH 2015 p. 434)

6. MOA of Cyclophosphamide

- Interfere with DNA helix (AMH 2015 p.553)

7. Progestogen Only Pill, the lady hasn’t taken this before; recently give birth; what would be the
most appropriate advices?

- It must be taken on the same time with no more than 3 hours overdue everyday
- Take extra precautions until 7 days of the pills have been taken; if sexual intercourse will
- And sth else…

8. Vaccination schedule for Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis for child

- 2, 4, 6 months and 4 year (AMH 2015 p.846)

9. Storage condition for Typhoid vaccines

- Refrigerate

10. A 2 yrs old is taking an antibiotic but is experiencing severe diarrhoea, what do you do?

- continue giving the antibiotic and give oral fluids

- stop taking the antibiotic and give oral fluids
- change antibiotic
- give Imodium 2mg

11. A lady is suffering from dry cough and she is breastfeeding, which one is appropriate

- Pholcodine
- Codeine
- Sth else

12. What chemical mediators is not associated with asthma

- Prostaglandin
- Leukotriene
- Histamine
- And something else

13. Case study treatment for acute asthma in hospital

- Inhaled SABAs – 1st line (AMH 2015 p.824)

14. Case study Patient is then released from hospital after that, what treatment should be given
(sth like that)

- A short course of corticosteroids for 5 days is given (AMH 2015 p.824)

15. A girl’s face knocked by a tennis ball, her nose is bleeding, what to do?

- Head forward, pinch the upper position of the soft part of nostrils
- Head forward, pinch the lower position of the soft part of nostrils
- Head backward and sth…..

16. A family bought a pack of Mebendazole, what of the following is correct

- Can treat everyone in the family, child > 6months (AMH p.228)
- Can treat all worms….

17. Given few options of drug treatments for neuropathic pain, cannot recall what they were

- Answers can be found on AMH 2015 p.40

18. Ask something about the type of neuropathic pain that do not evoke? (cant remember what it
said); One option was like…

- Allodynia

19. Treatment for giant cell arteritis

- Can’t remember what were given to choose

20. Case study What are the least appropriate counselling points for the patient starting Morphine
controlled release 30mg; profile dose was 1bd

- Take 1 tablet Twice a day

- Tell the doctor if breakthrough pain develops
- Tell the patient to take lactose 15ml bd
- Something else…
21. Case study Patient profile was like a few paracetamol/paracetamol combined products (all with
2 qid prn ) and also Morphine tablets; asked what is the biggest concern here

- Paracetamol overdose
- Opiates overdose
- And something else

22. Which of the following blood concentration is not required ?

- Venlafaxine
- Phenytoin
- Carbamazepine
- Digoxin
- And something else

23. A patient has potassium concentration of 5.5 mmol/L but there are no changes to their ECG.
What does this indicate?

- Hyperkalaemia & requires further investigation

24. Given a list of drugs and asked which one is most sedative
- Quetiapine
- Olanzapine
- And something else

25. What bacteria causes atypical pneumonia?

- Mycoplasma pnuemoniae (AMH 2015 p. 99 and TG)

26. What bacteria causes Otitis media?

(AMH 2015 p. 396)

27. What bacteria has a circular shape when look under microscope?

- E.coli
- Anthracis
- And something else

28. Folic treatment for men

- 5 mg daily

29. Dosage and adverse effects for Alprostadil

(AMH 2015 p. 543)

30. Asked something about sodium exchange

- Vasopressin
- Renin
- And something else

31. Asked something about sodium exchange

- Vasopressin
- Renin
- And something else
32. Asked something about Timolol eyedrop
- Keep in the fridge once its opened
- Careful if get from bed / Chair
- And something else

33. Possible causes of dry eye

- Air conditioner
- On plane
- Rheumatoid arthritis (AMH 2015 p.481)
- And something else

34. Which one is not suitable to be applied on face

- Vitamin E cream
- Lanolin
- Hydrocortisone 1%
- Betamethsone Valerate
- And something else

35. Another questions about which one can be used on the face

- Hydrocortisone 1% (AMH 2015 p.355)

36. Patient CrCl 30mL/min, dose for methotrexate

- Half the dose (AMH 2015 p.570, p. 655) – can’t remember the number

37. Paracetamol overdose – regarding use of Acetylcysteine, which one is not correct

- Flushing is the common S/E of IV Acetylcysteine

- Beginning treatment with Acetylcysteine within 4 hours of overdose is of no benefit
- if Acetylcysteine is started within 8 hours of overdose there is complete protection from
- if IV access is impossible, Acetylcysteine maybe given orally
- giving IV Acetylcysteine rapidly is often of useful….

(AMH 2015 p.65-66)

38. What preclude the use of Influenza vaccine

- Eggs

39. Bited by Red back spider, which one of the following is not correct

- Symptoms (a couple of them)

- ICE pack should be used…

40. Patient was taking drugs that interacts with erythromycin, what should be used instead..
- Only remember roxithromycin..

41. Doxycycline treatment for malaria

- 100mg daily 2 days before entering and 4 weeks after leaving the area
- (AMH 2015 p.140)

42. Griseofulvin counselling

- Men not to father a child during, and for 6 months after

- Sun protection
- Avoid alcohol

43. Treatment for Acne, which one is least appropriate

- Adapalene
- Isotretinon
- An anti-fungle….
- And something else

44. Which should not be used with someone has high BP( I think?sth deal with the heart)

- Psuedoephedrine (AMH 2015 p.403)

45. Asked about thyroxine use in pregnancy..

- Dose is normally increased rather than decrease (AMH 2015 p.429)

- Safe to use in breastfeeding

46. Laxative in opioid treatment

- Docusate with senna (AMH 2015 p.49)

47. Case study asked about depression treatment for someone with a few cardiovascular
48. Nicotine treatment, which one is least appropriate

- Change the gum when it taste bitter (AMH 2015 p.817)

- Gum can last for about 1hour….

49. Salmeterol reaches peak levels in about..

- 3-4 hours (AMH 2015 p.829)

50. Steady state of digoxin, when should it be measured

- 6 hours after the 1st dose…..

- Take the blood sample before the 8th dose
- Take the blood sample after the 8th dose….
- And sth else

(AMH 2015 p.286)

51. Another question about doxycycline use in pregnancy

- Cannot recall details though

11. If a person is allergic to glibenclamide, their risk of allergy is increased for which of the following?

12. Which of the following about alendronate is correct?

- It has a long bioavailability

- It has a short bioavailability

13. How should oral typhoid vaccine be stored?

14. How long is required to return to effective contraception if a patient has missed a progestogen
pill for more than 3 hours?

15. Which of the following about zolendronic acid is correct?

16. What bacteria is a shape that is round under the microscope?

- E. coli

- S. aureus

17. Which one is not an advantage of moist wound healing?

- Promote granulation

- Scab formation

- Dressing can be kept on for at least 5 days

18. Which medication will increase the INR when taking warfarin?

19. Which of the following regarding breastfeeding is incorrect?

- Provides complete nutrition.

- Provides nutrition for infants up to 12 months old.

20. Questions on drug interactions.

21. Which of the following regarding codeine is correct?

- Equipotent to morphine.

- Efficacy depends on amount converted to morphine.

22. Which medication is the most suitable to treat an acute UTI if the patient has had a previous
allergic reaction to penicillins (anaphylaxis)?

23. What dose and frequency of amoxicillin is required to treat a child presenting with otitis media?

24. A child had pain in his ear with discharge last night, but the pain has lessened today. What
management option is the most suitable?

25. An infant has had diarrhoea for >24 hours. Which is the most suitable management option?

1. Probenecid drug interactions…which is most likely to be severe? From list of drugs

2. Most common side effect of Metformin? GI Upset/ Nausea and Vomiting
3. Peroxicam interactions…which is most likely to be severe? From list of drugs
4. UTI in pregnant woman? I chose Amoxycillin+Clavulanic acid as the rest were
5. Benzyl peroxide in isotretinoin oral use? I chose not to use altogether.
6. Child profile with penicillin allergy but needs treatment for otitis media  Cefuroxifem
7. Itraconazole drug interactions…most serious reaction?
8. SSRI + Fentanyl contraindication in a list of SSRI + other drugs. Serotonin toxicity
9. Patient has symptoms of agitation, flush and confusion (you now know it’s serotonin
toxicity). Which is the MOST likely combination causing this? Tramadol + fluvoxamine
10. Metformin has really poor compliance. Why? GI upset/vomiting
11. What should you NOT counsel on a girl using first time isotretinoin? That this medication
covers your acne months after you’ve ceased
12. Patient has allergy to glimepiride. What other drugs are they likely to have allergies to?
Celexocib  Sulfonamide allergy
13. What is not a symptom of hyponaetremia? Something silly like itch I think.
14. Most common side effect of IV zoledroic? Flu like symptoms
15. Storage of typhoid vaccine?
16. Paracetamol antidote practice points…which is INCORRECT? Can be given orally if patient IV
not tolerated
17. Donazel patient. Asking why she needs extra contraceptive measures? Donazel doesn’t
suppress ovulation completely.
18. Caverject injections can be used no more than 3 times in a …. Week.
19. Esomaprazole can be….dispersed in non-carbonic water for 30 minutes prior to swallowing.
20. What shape is circle under a microscope? No idea, I chose Staph aureus #YOLO
21. Patient is not breathing and no pulse what do you do? CPR until help arrives.
22. What is the correct method for CPR? 5 initial breathes than 30 chest pumps then 2 breaths.
23. What is suitable treatment for a runny nose in a pregnant woman suffering the common
cold? Intranasal decongestants
24. What is the most common microbe/pathogen that causes cystic fibrosis?
25. Which bacteria has a round shape when viewed under a microscope?
26. What is the most common pathogen that causes recurrent UTIs?
27. What antibiotic is suitable for an elderly (over 60/70 years old) for recurrent UTIs?
28. What contraceptive is most suitable for a woman that has recently given birth and is
29. What drug is most appropriate to suppress lactation?
30. What to do if a woman misses an active pill of a cocp on day 14 of her cycle?
31. What is not a sign of hyponatremia? Thirst
32. Which antiemetic is suitable for patients with Parkinsons? Domperidone
33. Which medication to give to a patient with EPSE (was on a drug that had EPSE as a side
effect)? Benztropine
34. In which drug is TDM not necessary? Sodium valproate
35. Why are different topical corticosteroids used in treatment of dermatitis? Because less
potent ones are suitable for area such as the face
36. Type B drug reactions are ones that arise unexpectedly from the drugs MOA- Which is a type
b drug reaction? Hypotension when taking antihypertensives, hypoglycaemia when on
insulin, cushingoid symptoms when on corticosteroids, and there was another one… all of
them were expected from the relative medications they were taking so I guessed 
37. Efficacy of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis? Two options said that toxicity was low, one
option said 60% effective with toxicity and the last was 60% effective + 20% chance of cure
with toxicity. Couldn’t find any percentages in the amh but said 60% because RA cannot be
38. There were doses of amitriptyline, gapapentin, Sertraline, citalopram and maybe another
drug? And had to choose which drug was least suitable for neuropathic pain in elderly
39. Warfarin interactions – which medication will not affect INR? St john’s wort, diclofenac,
griseofulvin, something else and a calcium channel blocker (think verapamil)- chose the
calcium channel blocker
40. Which benzodiazepine is the shortest acting? Midazolam
41. Which SSRI antidepressant withdrawal effects would not be seen in a neonate? Options
were not specific to the table in amh (were more similar to the side effects) but one was
hyperreflexia, and decreased feeding. Chose decreased feeding
42. What dose and duration of amoxycillin for Otitis media is suitable for a 5 year old child?
Calculated based on average body weight because actual body weight wasn’t given
43. How is the oral typhoid vaccine stored? Between 2-8C
44. When is dpt vaccine given? 2&4 months, 6 months and 4 years
45. What is incorrect about the mmr vaccine? Should not be given before 12 months of age
because it may not be effective due to mothers immunity still in infant (sorry for the bad
wording). – amh page 857 says it can be given before 12 months but other options were
crappy too
46. A child had discharge from the ear with pain and the pain is a little better in the morning-
what do you do? Said just leave it since they are in less pain but other options included refer
to doctor, and start systemic antibiotics
47. With which medicine can you experience menstrual bleeding? (was worded as
irregular/spotting something like that) – misoprostol
48. What is not an advantage of using insulin – Patients are not scared to self inject

49. Which of these AE drugs when combined with lamotrigine increases the risk of skin toxicity?
Options: Sodium Valproate, carbamazepine
50. Which of these is INCORRECT in regards to glyceryl trinitrate? A: Spray 1-2 sprays of glyceryl
trinitrate, repeat once only
51. Which of these is contraindicated with moclobemide? A: pethidine
52. What is not symptomatic of lactic acidosis?
53. Which of these is most likely to cause orthostatic hypotension? A: TCA, other options:
nifedipine, domperidone…
54. Which of these should be avoid in asthmatic patient? A: betaxolol eye drops
55. Case study: Mr. L is having angina symptoms at night, which of these is the best treatment
option? Options: increase isosorbide mononitrate (but already on max.dose), change
isosorbide mononitrate to bd dosing, A: take isosorbide mononitrate at night instead of
morning dosing
56. Case study: what is the best treatment option for Mr.K’s diabetes? Options: metformin,
gliclazide, acarbose, .. need to calculate CrCl, metformin is contraindicated in patient with
CrCl< 30mL/min, choose gliclazide
57. Which mico-organisms is the cause of atypical pneumonia? A: Mycoplasma pneumoniae
58. Which micro-organisms appear purple under microscope? A: Staph. Aureus, options: E.Coli…

- First aid nose bleeds: lead forward and pinch top of nose
- Bacteria spherical in shape for a specific gene
o Know where to find the shapes of them
- Child with a crusty lip and a rash on their hand: Impetigo
o First line is not amoxil
- Red back spider
- Treatment of a UTI in a child with a penicillin allergy
- Organism responsible for pneumonia?
- First aid for CPR – 30 pulse and 2 pulses BEFORE AND AFTER
- What causes swelling in the leg as a side effects
o Naproxen
o Amlodipine
- What is the most common pathogen for vaginal candididas
o Find in your AMH in the first section under vaginal thrust
- How long can insulin be stored in the fridge
- Common pathogens for whopping cough
- What vaccines should a 6 month have
- What is the routine for DPPT
- If they patient has had the DPPT do they still need the DPPT booster ??
- Counselling for metformin
- What vitamin can’t you take for when you are pregnant ?
o Vitamin A
- Scabies –where do you apply – counseling points –for a 4 yrs
- Parkinson’s disease –
o Extrapyramidal side effects
o What medications can you not take
o What other things do you have to beaware of such as side effects
- Pregnant women- first line for runny nose ICS vs decongestant
- Which SSRI cant be used in pregnancy
- Antihistamine safe to use in pregnancy
- Lady taking COC at 7am but has missed her dose. It’s now 3pm the same day. What should
she do?
• Take immediately and everything is okay
• Skip and take at 7am tmr
• Take immediately and use extra protection for 7 days
- Contraceptive of choice in lady breastfeeding? They gave 2 progestogen only but one of the
doses was wrong.
- Which of the following is not used for neuropathic pain?
- Common pathogen found in someone with whooping cough
- Drug of choice in someone with mastitis
- A lot of questions re the table at the beginning of chapter % (~6)
- Antihypertensive of choice in someone with diabetes
- High strength vs low strength corticosteroid. Why would the doctor prescribe 2 types of
steroids for the same thing?
- Considerations required when prescribing someone insulin after all oral options are
exhausted eg/ weight, age, other medical conditions
- How long can insulin be out of the fridge if you’ve already used it (APF)
- 2 common side effects of metformin
- Vitamin you cant use in pregnancy
- What do you use in someone who has Parkinsons and has developed tremor from taking
- Counselling points of metformin
- Diabetes medication such metformin help CVD by: decreasing BP and lipid levels (incorrect
- Question re timolol. How/when to take it and counselling points.
- Someone taking codeine. Which laxative should you be taking
- Effective of methotrexate in RA and whether it had any side effects
- Which of the following antiepileptic medications is not used in neuropathic pain
- First choice for urogenital symptoms in HRT? A was vaginal oestrogen
- Which of the following is NOT used in urinary incontinence in a women? Oestrogen,
prazosin, tranexamic acid
- Choice of benzo in old lady with transient insomnia
- What age do you give Diphteria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine
- Scabes. Where do you apply permethrin?
- Which of the following drugs would work best if taken at least 30mins before food?
- If someones on a low sodium diet? Which potassium salt do you take as a replacement?
KCL,K iodide, K acetate etc
- Someone who has parkinsons taking levodopa and benztropine? And now has alheziemers?
Which is the first action you take? Commence donepezil, cease benztropine
- CPR procedure: 2 breaths 30 external compressions 2 breaths
- What to do if you miss a dose of alendronate
- Drug that doesn’t require TDM? Phenytoin, digoxin, venlafaxine, valproate
- Ginger. Incorrect option
- 5 month old baby who has loose bowel movements for 2 days. What do you recommended?
Continue breastfeeding, continue breastfeeding and take ORF, stop breastfeeding and take
ORS, continue breastfeeding and see Dr

Q.2) Low sodium diet which salt substitute do they use

a. Kcl

b. KI


d. NH4Cl

Q.3) Which one is the most suitable treatment option for vaginal thrush 1 month pregnant women
a. cotrimazole cream

b. cotrimazole pessary

c. fluconazole tab


Q.4) CPR and breath ratio

Q.5) Ginger

Q.6) Which medication is most likely to change INR of Wafarin?

a. Rifampacin

b. carbamazepine

c. Phenytoin

d. buprofen

e. sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim

Q.7) Which SSRI is least suitable for pregnant women?

a. sertaline

b. escitalopram

c. fluxotine

d. citalopram

e. fluvoxamine

Q.8) Which of the following condition alter urea level of the body

a. Renal failure

b. hypertension

c. protein rich diet

d. diabetes

Q.9) Which organism causes Otitis Media

Q.10) Rx and dose of Otitis media

Q.11) drug causing constipation

Q.12) drug not sued in BPH for urinary incontinence

a. prazocin

b. paraoxeline ,cant remember other choices

Q.13) Drug used to reduce lactation,

Q.14) Antibiotics taken half an hour before food

right option was flucloxacillin

Q.15) Which antibiotics is used in Mastits?

Q.16) What causes vaginal thrush?

Q.17) Lady using rifampicin for long term, What do you recommend for contraception?

Q.18) Missed a dose of COC by 8 hrs, What do you do?

Take a missed dose and use extra method of contraception for a week

Q.19) What causes Whopping cough?

Q.20) Rx option for Whopping Cough?

Q.21) What causes Urethritis/ cystitis?

Q.22) Treatment option for UTI no option of Nitrofurnatoin, trimethoprim but there was option of
cephalexin ,amoxycillin ,doxycycline etc

Q.23) BP target for adult considering

a. renal impairment

b. disbetes

c. smoking

Q.24) peripheral oedema - Felodipine

Q.25) Which medication mostly affect the orthostatic hypertension

a. prozosin

b. frusomide

cant remember other option,!!!

Q.26) counselling on bisoprolol eye drops?

don't get up from the bed or lying position suddenly

Q.27) Counselling on permethrin for scabies of 8 years old child

Q.28) How do you wash the spacer and how often?

Q.29) When do you give DPT

a. 4 months

b.6 months

c. 4 years

Q.30) Lady concern about giving MMR vaccine to her 12 years old child. choose the best suggestions

Q.31) Dosage suggestion of isosorbide spray during angina attack

Q.32) What would you recommend for a lady taking oral retenoids for her acne?

Q.33) Lady prescribed with two strength of corticosteroids why?

Q.34) bacterial conjunctives

35)Question on metformin in relation to alcohol

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