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Header/Nav Bar: Clicking on the HirePriv y icon will serve as a home page button.

Employer button will navigate to the page for Employers to fill out their request. In future revisions, this
page will also have more details on how the Hire Privy app benefits employers.

Workers button will navigate to the page to submit worker info. My suggestion is to provide a
downloadable PDF for now rather than the current form setup, or if that form is necessary for now have
it open in a new window. In future revisions, this page will have details on how the app works for

Industries button will navigate to a page detailing the focused industries and Hire Privy’s experience in
these fields.

About us will have staff and company info, as well as stats or testimonials if desired.

Home Page:

4 columns, 15-35-35-15 distribution (continues through all sections (columns not strictly needed,
whatever method used should allow for margins of 15-20%)

Left Column:

Title: 24/7 Recruiting Services

Subhead: Hire Privy is your local employment agency, reimagined.

Paragraphs: Our mission is to disrupt traditional staffing by using the latest technology to improve the
entire process while still offering the individual attention to detail you expect from a staffing agency.

With our focus on the industrial staffing arena, Hire Privy is here to get you the best staff for the job.
Whether staffing for food processing, manufacturing, logistics, retail distribution, or other related fields,
our experienced and dedicated staff are here to help.

Button: Book a Consultation (opens calandy scheduler)

Right Column: Hire Privy logo overlaid with appropriate worker/manager image

Divider/strip: Design should separate the previous section while drawing the reader to the next portion
(represented in this image by the circles and lines)

Right Column:

Subhead: Staffing On Demand

Paragraphs: Building on our years of experience in providing top-notch staffing services, we are always
innovating new ways to help our clients achieve success.

Building on our years of experience in providing top-notch staffing services, we are always innovating
new ways to help our clients achieve success.

Left Column: Six-item grid, each with Icon-style graphic, topic, and blurb

Item 1: Place Job Orders Online – Reduce wait time by placing job orders for potential workers

Item 2: Rapid Onboarding – Applicants are pre-screened to ensure they are qualified to meet your needs

Item 3: Managed Timekeeping – Workers can clock in through their smartphones, providing convenient
(and accurate!) timekeeping

Item 4: Performance Tracking – Rate and review workers you’ve employed, helping you build solid
working relationships with your workforce

Item 5: Financial Tools – Payroll, insurance auditing, funding, and cost per unit services are all provided

Item 6: 24/7 Availability – Never be caught unprepared with our commitment to getting the job done,
Divider: As above

Three columns: 15-70-15

Title: Why Hire Privy?

SubTitles: Safety, Productivity, Quality

Subhead: We know what you want…

Paragraph: Minimum hassle, fast turnaround, minimal costs, and optimized results. Some business
needs are universal.

Button: Start Hiring! (opens Employers page)

Bullet Points: Traditional staffing options, Volume account management, PEO products, Direct hire
placements, Payroll services, Food safety (EHS), GMP training, Train the trainer and SOP programs

Image: Picture of manager/employer giving guidance/direction

Hire Privy Logo

Subhead: …and can give you what you need

Paragraph: A professional workforce that has been pre-screened and approved, ready to do the job

Bullet Points: Social security search, Employment screening, Background checks, Drug tests, Education
verification, Workers comp employment screening, Upper fair credit reporting

Button: Apply Now! (opens Workers page)

Image: Picture of factory/industrial workers

Four quadrants around the Hire Privy logo.

Titles for each quadrant: Food Processing, Logistics, Manufacturing, Retail Distribution

Each section should display logos from related partners/clients of Hire Privy from those sectors. If that
isn’t an option, each section could instead have a short statement about past experience in each

Center: Text box that rotates through testimonials. Text in above example from the current Hire Privy


Hire Privy logo on left, followed by general info/contact info


Button: Book a Consultation (opens calendly schedule)

Four Buttons: Mirror nav buttons from top


Location and phone numbers of branches.

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