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Pulffln Book!


Tagorl The very name ol the W.rlo.k of Lrelop Mounrain

{rikes teEor Inlo a1l taho hear it. Bani$ed from I\e vro'ld of
Titan by a hmic advmtuer the sorGr is slowly but sdy
'again,ng hr, +rength ir anolher lan4 t,r, fd away. Within
Castle AJgent in the dngdom of Andrillia, Zasor has been
haftfod€d into a Dedonj sn his maEroi powere will know

Two dice, a pocil and m erass are aI you Deed to embark

Fishtins Fantas! Gan ebaoks Steve fackson and Ian Livingstone

Ol CtrAos


26 CR1?I OF THE SORCERER 'J Illrctratedby Martin McKenna
Stevela&sons SORCERYI

IICmING FANTASY - The lntroductorv Rolc Plavin8 Cme

THE RIDDLINC REAWR - Fou Thn ing Adventures
Ihe Iichbnr f'nrxv Novel.
rrr riolllooTH wAPs ch'o, ln\ider AIJni'
DEMONST€ALER Chadda Da mme Retums
SHADOW\,jASTER Chadda Darkmne md D@th
The Adveea Fighting lmtcay S]std
OUT OF THE PIT - Fi3lltu\S Fantasv Monsten
TITAN The FEhhnr F,nt:sv wo d
D. Nr oNLLR A; h rrcd o rR Wdld ol {o'.PL,tra'
BLACKSANDT More Adlancd '.t'o FightingFadtasv PUFFINBOOKS
Publilh€dby r|f Pcisuin crcup
P€isuin 3@k Ltd :7 w4hk lji! r,ndor w3 tq Eistcn
Pssuii Book.usA hc, rTt Hu&o Sh4r,N.w yqL Nq yo r@r,Lrs^
Phsurn B.qis Ausdalji Lrd"Rinswood,v(b6 Audbth
PcnsunB.ok C.ndr Lt4 f AL:m Av.nui Tqonb, or1e. Ced. qv ,E
P.$uh 8..& Na u4 ,3-tF Rdd Alrdtird te New zcirnd
p{suin Eot' j]4 n
s d.d or6.G frnmndlwotdr Mitlxq rJshnd INTRODUCTION

coiept .opFchtE skx dcoi mdhi Llv'ns$.i.,reel
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T h . - o J ' sh ' q ,r tu r F o r h sb e r ,- 1 r ,o

rypld bv Ddq rnbmdjotutLid,Eunsaysurotk
FrmRtn MdndPhord Prdho
Frinr€da bshnd by chF ltd sr 116 Plc

F:ct dE utuh{ s.b oa rln h@r * erd r6id

'' ^nda
rorh.otrdirimrh{ishallnor,bywryolhrd!qodlryie bctar,
elold, hrad our,q orheMn! dE nlkrt wnhourrhep![tra.,?r
prio,.onmr h ey fom or bindinsor.ovs orhs rhanthd i
whrchft n publin\cddd wirhoul : ini|fi coDdi6@hdudins thD
oidit on h€ill8 inpo$l n Lh. pNhs4

Beforeembarkingon your advenLue,you musLfirst

determineyour strengthsand wealnesses. Theseare
parLlydeterminedby dice.You mustiniLiallychoosea
Hero to play in the adventure;6rst you may wish to
read through this Introduction and the Background
which follows and then return here lo make the choice
of whichcharacterto play.Your oplionsare,
Anvar the Barbarian: As a are im-
menselytough and resilient Hardenedby years of
living, hunting and travelling in hills and mor:ntains,
you are as skilful a fighter as any in the land of
Amarilliaand you are proud of yow skill. You know
almost nothing of the ways oI magic, though and, in
all irr-rth,you don't muchcarefor it Magic is lhe affair
of book-readingmilksops!You prefer a good, clean
fight andyou fearnothingandno man
Braxus the Warrior: Your name bespeaksyour
honou! it is Lhenameof a long-deadAmarillianking
and, who knows, noble blood may flow n your
veins,too You areas skrlfula warrioras any Barbarian
and,while you areslightly lessresihent,you arebetter
able Lo use magic PerhapsLhemost versatileof any
type of adventurer,you are skilled with sword and
bow, and ableto usemagicalweaponslo besteffect
Stubble the Dwarf, Grumpy and tetchy you may be
('Stubblehouble: is a commonwamihSamong those rolled. If you are Sallazaradd 4 to the number rolled.
who know you),but a tough warrioryou certainlyare. Enter your total in the sKrLLbox on the Adoenture
You have that native streakof good luck which many Sheet.
Dwarfs fiom Grundia possess,and when exploring
dunSeons andminesyou havesomespecialadvantages Slamina
merehLrmans do notpossess.
You'llusernagicifyouhave Eachcharacterdetermineshis srAMrNAdifferently,If
to, but you preferLoput your faith in your trusLyaxel you are Anvar roll one dice and add rB to the number
Sallazar the Wizard: No bardwill ever sing epic talesof rolled. If you are Braxusor Stubble,roll two dice and
yourprowesswith weapons,but what doesthabmaLter? add 12 to the total rolled.If you are Sallazar,
roll three
Yotr area masteroi magic:you cancommandspellsto diceand add 6 to lhe total. Enterthe completetotal in
avoid,conluse.weakenordefealenemies, the srrvrr,r box on theAdvenlure Sheet.
andyou know
how [o use magicalitems in ways mere warriors could
not-You ar€anadvenLurer ofguileandstealth,andif you Luck
areforcedto ffghL- well, you will not die easilyat the Roll one dice.lf you are Stubble,add 5 to the number
handsof anyenemylBy a quirkof fate,you havethesame rolled.If you are Anvar, add a to the numberrolled.lf
name as the one-time Grand Wizard of Amarillia, and you are Braxusor Salla?rr,add 3 to the numberrolled.
you immodesflyaspircto his rank,if not his tragicfate. Enteryour tolal m the Lucxbox on the AdomhneSheeL

On pages3z-5 there areAdoenture s,sefr which you Megic Poillts

may use to record fhe details of your chosencharacter. Your character starts the advmfure with a certain
On it you wrll ffnd boxes for recordingyour sxrr-r- number of Magic Points. If you are Anvar, you have r
STAMTNA, LUCKand Magic Point scores.You are Magic PoinL If you are Braxus,you have 3 Magic
advisedeilher to recordyour scoreso^ the AdoenLure Points.If you areSlubble,you have.zMagic Points,If
Sfuafin pencil or to make photocopiesof the sheet for you are Sallazar,you have 7 Magic Points.
usein fufure adventures.
For reasonsthat will be explained below, sxrr.r-,
srAMINn"LUCKand Magic Point scoreschangecon-
Skill, Stamina,Luck and Magic stantlyduringan advenLure, You mustkeepan accurate
record of these scores and for this reason you are
skitL advised either to write small in the boxes or to keep
Roll one dice.If you areAivar or Braxus,add 6 to the an eraserhardy. Br.rtneverrub out your lrifi4l scores.
numberrolled.If you areStubble,add 5 to the number Although you may be awarded additional sxrr.r-.

STAMTN , LucK and Magic Points,these totals may The sequenceof combat is then:
never €xceedyow InitiaLscoresexcepton very rare
r. Roll two dice once for the creatureand add its
occasjons,when you will be instructedto this eff€ct
sKrLL score. This total is the creature'sAtback
Your SKILLscore reflectsyour swordsmanshipand
generalfighting expertisejLhehigher Lhebetter.Your 2. Roll two dice once for yourself,Add the number
sTAMINA score reflects your Seneral constitution rolled to your current sKrLLscore,This total is
your will to survive, your determination and overall your Altack Strength.
fitness;the higher your srAMrNA"the longer you 3. If your ALtackSbengthis higherthan that of your
will be able to survive Your LucK score indicates opponent,you havewoundedib proceedto Step4.
how naturally lucky a person you are (and whether If Lhe creature'sAttack Strength is higher than
you are able to avoid ceftain hazardsand perils yours, it has woundedyou; proceedto Step 5. If
during your adventure).Your Magic Points score is a both Attack Strengths are the same, you have
measureof how effectively you are able to use spells avoided each other's blows; start the next Attack
and magical items you may 6nd along the way (and Round from step r" above.
also how adept you are at avoiding magical kaps
and hazards). Luck - and magic are very much 4. You havewounded the treature, so s,ubtract2 points
factsof life in the fanfasykingdomyou are about to from its sraMrNA score.You rnay use your ruc(
exProre, here to do additional darnage(seebelow). Proceed
to step6.

Battles 5. The creaturehaswoundedyou, so subtractz pohts

from your own srAMrNA score.Again, you may
You will often come acrossparagraphsin the book userucK at this sta8e(seebelow),
which instructyou to ffghLa creatureof someso . An
option to fleemay be given,but if il is not or if you 6. Make the appropriate adjusfments to €ither the
chooseto attack the creaLureanyway - you must or your or4.nsr, score(a.ndto your
resolvethe battleasdescribedbelow LUCKscoreif you usedLucK;seebelow).

Firstrecordthe creatures sKrLrand sraMINAscoresin 7. Begin the next Attack Roundby returningto step
the first vacantMonsterEncounterBox on your,4tr4r- 1. This sequenceconlinuesuntil the STAMINAscore
twe Sheet.The scoresfor each creatureare siven each of eitheryou or Lhecreatureyou are fighting has
time you have an encounter, beenreducedto zeroor below (death).
Fighting Mo.e Than One Creature of these are given in the relevant paragraphs),you
may call on your LUCKto male the outcomemore
If you come acrossmore than one creaLurein a
favourableto you But beware!Using r-ucx is a risky
particularencountetlhe instructionson that pagewiJl
businessand,if you are Unlucky,the resullscould be
tell you whetheryou musl fight the crealuesone at a
time or all together
If yor.rare instructedto fight the creaturessingly, the The procedurefor using your rucr is as follows,roll
battle proceedsexactlyas describedabove Howevet Lwo dice.lf the numberrolled is lessthan or equalfo
your currenLLUCKscor€,you have been Lu&y and
if you defeatthe 6rst creaturelisted,you must then
immedialelybegin fighting Lhesecondceatureon the the resultwill go in your favour If the numberrolled
Iist. You fight the creaturesone at a time but you is higherthanyour cunent lucr score,you havebeen
must continuefiShtinguntil all your enemiesare slain Unlucky and you will be penalized.
(or until you are) You may not pausebetweenfighting This procedure is lrnown as Testingyour Luck. Each
differentcreatures for any reason(suchas takingsome trme you Tesl your Luck (regardlessof the outcome)
stepsto restorelost srAMrNApoinls). you musf subtract1 point from your curent LucK
If you are inshucted to ffght all the ceatures together, score.Thus you will soon realize that, the more you
you musl ffght all of them in one baLtle.In st€p 1of rcly on your LUcr; the morerisky thrswill become
the combatsequence above,you must calculateAltack
Strengthsfor all the creatures attackingyou ln stepj, UsingLuckin Battles
if fhe Attack Strengthof any ol yotf opponentsis ln ce ain paragraphs of this book you will be told that
higher than yours, you must proceed to step 5. If you you must Tas, your Luck and you will be told the
have the highestAtlack Strengthof all, proceedto consequences of being Ludc5'or Unlucky.However,in
step4 and you may choosewhich o{ your opponents battles you always have the option of using your
you have siruck Again, combatproceedsuntil erther LucK either to inflict more seriousdamage on a
you or all of your enemiesareslain. creatureyou have lust wounded or to minimizethe
effectsof a wound your opponent hasjust inflicted on
If you have jusLwounded your opponent,you may
At vanous times during your advenLure,either in
Tesfyour Lwk as describedabove.If you are Lucky,
battlesor when you ftrd yourself ln a situatjonin you have inflicted a severe wound and may subbract
which you could be either Lucky or Unlucky (details
an extra 2 points from the creature'ssrAMrNAscore.
However,if you are Unlu&y, the wound was a mere failure mean when you Tesfyour 5ki11howevea you
grazeand you musLrestorer point of Lhecreature's do rof have to subtractany poinls from your sKrLL
STAMINA(so that, insteadof scoring the normal 2 scorefor Tes[ing
yourSlill in this way. This is a sucial
pointsof damage,you havenow scoredonly r) way in which Testingyour Skill is different fuorl Tesfing
If the creaturehas just woundedyou, you may Irsf
yaur Luck to try Lo minimizethe wound If you are Sometimesyou may have to face a difficult task in
Lucky,you havemanagedto avoid the full damageof which your sKrLLis testedto the full - for example,
the blow; restore1 point of srAMrN^(so that instead you may be instructedto Teslyout Skill,'addingz to
of causingz porntsof damage,it hascausedonly r). If the numberrolled'.\r'y'hatthis m€ansis that when you
you are Unlucky,you.havetakena more seriousblow roll two dice,you must add z bo the tota| if you had
Sublract l exka sr^MrNA point from your cunent rolled a 4 and a 3, say, your modifiedtotal would be
tolal 4 + 3 + 2 = 9. You then comparethis final total
with your sKrLLfo discoverthe outcomeof Testirg
Rememberthat you must subkact 1 point fiom your yourSkilL.
own LUCKscoreseachtime you Teslyour Luck,whether
you are successfi:,l
or not.
Testing your Spot Skill
Testing your Skill This is a specialcase of testing your skll which
applieswhen you may or may not discover(spot)
Fromtime to time duringyotr adventureyou will find somethinghiddenor concealed. The procedurehereis
yolrself in a situationin whichyour physicalshengfh exactly the same .Ls for Testin| gaw Sbil but the
reflexesand agilitl' may affectwhethlr you are ableto rel€vantparagraphswill insteadinskuct you to Trit
avord some hazardor perform some action (suchas yourfuot Skill.
climbinga difhcultand treacherous swface).When this
is fhe case,you will often be instructedto TestVour
skill Magic Points

The procedurefor this is as follows:roll two dice If Magic Pointsare usedin h^/oways in lhis advenfure:
the total rolled is less than or equal to your curr€nt they are usedfor caslingspellsand for using magical
sKrLLscor€,you have been successful. the total is ltems.
Breaterthanyour curenL s(rLL score,you havefailed. SomeimportantmagrciLemsyou may find on your
The relewantparagraphswill tell you what successand adventureneed to be primed with magrcin order to
make them function.lf you find such an ilem, you
must subtract 1 from your currenf Magic Points score RestoringSkill, Sramina,Luck and Magic
in order to be able to use it. Thereafler,you can us€ Points
ihe magic rtem as instrucledIf you do not have any
Magic Points and you ffnd such a magic item, you skit!
may chooseto keep the item and makea note of its Your sKrLLscore will nol changevery often during
powers Later in the adventure,you nay be able to your advenlure.Occa\ionallya paragraphmav give an
gain 1 or more Magic Points (notably from Magic instructionto increaseor d€cteaseyour SKILLscore.
Rings)and,i[ you do, you wil] thenbe ableto use the Your srrrr scorecannotexceedits .iairidllevel unless
magicitem. you are specificallyinstructedto the conhary. You
Any advenlurermai use magic items during this may have the chanceduring this adventureLo acquire
advenfure,although some magic items may not be items,suchas a magicalweapon,which will increase
usableby all adventurers;
the descripLionof the magic your Atta& Strength.If you manageto acquiretwo
item will state who can and who cannot use it. All suchweapons,you cannotSarnbonusesto your Attack
adventurers can also cast magic spells from magic Strengthfor bofh of them so that, for example,you
scrollsdiscovereddwing the adventure,although I cannotuseboLha Magic Sword and a Magic Axe at
Magic Point musl be spenl to cast the spellFom the the sametime! Likewise,stronSerarmour will add a
scroll. However, Sallazaralone latows a nurnoeror bonus to your Attack Strengthand, obviously,you
sPellswhich are describedin the Anan ian Grinone, cannotwearmore thanone suit of armourat a timel
below, arrd he alone can use any of lhese spells
(providedhe hasenoughMagrcPoinls,of course)The StaminsanclProoi sions
descriptionof eachof thesespellsexplainswhen and Your srAMrNAscorewill go up and down a lot during
whereit may be used,and ils effectsIf you chooseto your adventureas you fight enemiesand undertake
have Sallazaras your adventuret you may l4/ishto arduoustasks As you near your goal,your sTAMINA
photocopy the spell book for easy rcferencewhen scorc may sink dangerouslylow and battles may
playingthe adventure becomeparticr-rlar)yrisky, so be carefull
Adventuren other than Sallazarmay sometimesbe Your backpa& containsenough Provisionsfor rz
ableto use a spell,usuallyby Endinga magicalscroll meals.You may resLand eat at ary time excePtwhen
on v/hich th€ spell is inscribed.If you 6nd a spell in 6ghting. Eating a meal restores4 sr^MINA Points
this way, you shonld refer to the Attlarillian Ginloire When you eat a meal, add 4 porntsto your curent
for detailsofwhat the spelldoes. slAMrNAscoreand deduct I from the Provlsionson
someopportunitiesfor spending'LUCK.You will be
your AdoentureSheet.A sepa.?te Provisions box is
askedwhetheryou wish to deduct r point from your
provided on your . rlr:enlureSheeLtor recording detalls currentLUc( scorein orderto increase yout chanceof
of Provisions.You havea long way to go, so useyour
a successfuloutcome for example,if yor.rare told to
ProvisionswiselylRemember Lhatyour srAMrNAscore makea dice roll, you canoften modify it by spending
may never exceedits Initial value unless you are
rucx (in thrscase,you must decidewhetherto spend
instructedotherwisein a paragraph.
the r-ucr point beforeyoo roirlthe dicet).Of course
Therewill be timesduring your adventurewhen you LLrcKpoints are preciousand you cannotafford this
will be told that you mrcl eat a meal.When you have luxury very often Making lhe riSht choice dbout
lo do this, deduct 1 point from your Provisionson whetherto spenda LUCKpornLIn this way can be
yoJJ AdDenfurcS/plf but do nol regain any lost importantfor successin thisadventure.
sTAMIN^for doing this If you are told to eai a meal
but you don't have any Provisionsleft, you must
subLract 2 polnh from your crlrent sTAMTNA score
During your adventure,however,you shouldbe able
Lo acquireat least some extra Provisionsto add to
lhoseyou beganwith. This will enableyou lo maintain
STAMINAthroughout the adventure.However, yr-)u
cannotcarrymorethan 12 Provisionsal any one tlmel

Your lucr scorewill alsogo down dunng the adven Mogic Points
fure as you Teslyour Luck.Additions to your LucK
scoremay be awardedwhen you havebeenespecially
fortunate,and similarlyyou may be told to rei&ceyour
t-ucx when you makean rmportantmistake,detajlsof
sucheventsaregiven in the approprrate paragraphs of However,your Magic Porntsscorecannotexceedits
the book. Rememberlhat, as with sKrLLand sraMrNlu lnilial value unlessyou are speciffcallyinstructedto
your LUCKmay nev€r exceediLs -lnilirl value unless the contrarylMagic Points are precious,and you do
you arespecifically
fold this not have very many of them; be sure Lo use what
nagic you havewiselyandwell
Apart from Tesfinsyour lack, you will also be given

fi 19
Equipment Advantages
You sLartyour advenhuewith some simpJe,basic Eachof the adventurers
- Arvar, Braxus,Stubbleand
equipmentthaLyou will needfor the adventureahead; Sallaz:r has somespecialadvant€e which he alone
you alsohavesomeCold Pieces,and you will be able
to purchasesome exlra items when Lhe adventure
begins.All of Lhe adventurershave the following Anvar has a sixth sensewaming him of imminent
items:a suit of thin leatherarmour,a smallshieldand attackslSometimes you will meeta creature(or evena
a Iantem to allow you to see in the dark You also trap) which is able to surpriseyou and inflict damage
have a backpackfor carrying items, with enough beforeyou are ableto altackit yourself Anvar cannot
Provrsionsfor 12 mealsinside it You have a small be surprised,so, if a paragraphinslructsyou to los€
spareknife, which you can use if you should ever srAMrNAporntsor you find yourselftrappedin some
sufferthe misfortuneof losing your mainweapon;buf way because you are surprised, Anvar doesnot suffer
rf you ever have to r.rsethis knife to fighl with, your any damage,becausehe is able lo react and defend
blows will causeyour opponentto lose only r pornt hrmselfin trme.
from his sr,c.vrNain combat If you are Bmxus,you Braxr.:s's
lalent is his versatjlity.He can freely use dl
also have a sword;if you are A.nvaror Stubble you armourand weaponswhich other advenfurerscannot
have a battle axe; if you are Sallazar,you carry a Thereforehe doesrlt sufferany of the disadvantages
strong wooden staff. You carry a s[ringed leather otheradventurers have(seeDisadvantages below).
por.rchwith a numberof Gold Pjecesrn rt; roll three
dice and add 2 to the LoLalrolled: this is how many Stubblehasa specralknowiedgeof certainunderground
Gold Piecesyou havewiLhyou (between5 and 2o).I( monstersand how best to strike at them, knowing
you are Shrbblethe Dwaf, you have 5 extra Gold their weak spots If you confronl a creaturewith th€
Pieces- the dwarffshlove of gold is well knownl word 'Stone'rn its name(like StoneSlatr,re or Stone
You may find treasue, in the form of Gold Precesor Golem),Stubbie can add z to his Attack Shength
valuableobjectsor items,along Lhe way; whenever
you comeacrossany treasure, you shouldmakea note Sallazaris very perceptiveand eagle-eyed. Whenever
of it in the Treasurebox on your AdomtweSheet.\ott he has to Testhis SpofS/<ill,he can subtract z from the
may find yourself in the position of being able to diceroll He is alsoableto readspecialmagicaltomex
trade treasurefor equipment,help or informationin and he understandssome defails of magicalrunes,
this adventwe,so be honest and keep an accuraLe whrcholher charactendo not,
record of how much freasureyou acquirel
Disadvantages Stubblecannotusea two-handedsword it's too big
Eachadventureralsohassomewealness,Limitationor for him - and the longbow is also too large for a
hrsspecialtatent Dwarf to use-He can wear chain mail,but he cannot
use plate mail armourunlessit rs specificallyDwarf-
Anvar is very uncornfortablewearjng any kind of size(if you arenot specifically
told that a particularset
metalanour (chainmail or platemail);it's cumbersome of plate marl armour is Dwarasized,then Stubble
and reslnctive.As AnvdJ you simply cannotwear cannoL usert)
pldtemailand.while you canloleratechainmail(and
wear lt), you will gain no bonus Lo your Attack Braxusis so versatilehe has no suchdisadvanlagesl
Strength for using it. And, while you can use a For the othercharacters,
be sureto note theirdisadvan-
longbowand anowq you are not lrainedin the useof tagewhich is recordedin Lheappropriatebox on their
a crossbow;if you do use one, you must subtract2 AtloentureSheet.
from your Attack Strength.
hasa similarproblem,but it is more severe:he Special Treasures
cannotuse chainmail or piate mail armouraf all (the During your pedlousquestyou may find many freas-
wzard could barely mooern plate mail!) Moreover, ures However,in the dungeonwhereyour adventure
Sallazarcannotusea crossbow,a longbow,or a two- awailsyou, thereare severalk€asureswhich are simi-
handedsword,he must keepat leastone handfiee for lar:the Tower Chests.Eachof theseis a small,locked,
spellcastingl woodencaskeLwith a trap placedupon rt. vvhenever
you find one of theseTower Chesis,if you wish lo
openit (you do not have to do so) you must Tesfyo r
Luck.\f you are Lucky, you open the chesl safely If
you are Unlucky, you will lrigger a scything blade
inside the lid which will slashyour anns, and you
must deduct 3 points from your sr^MrNA. The trap
canbe bypassedby usinga simpleOpen spell (if you
canl) which automaLicallyopens the chest wiLhout
Eachtime you 6nd one of theseTower Chestsand
you open it, roll one dice.If you roll an odd number.
you will 6nd a GoldenTalisman lf you roll an even
number, you will find a Silver Dagger. You may SpecialHazards
increaseyour currentrucr scoreby 1 point eachtime
you take a Talismanor Dagger from a Tower Chesi. Among the hazardsyou may encolrnterin yolf quest
Keep a carefulrecord in the Talismansand Daggers are plaguesaJld poisons.You may conlract one or
boxeson yow AdomtureSheef, of how many of each more forms of plaguefrom the a[tacksof inJectedrats
item you acquireduring your adventureThey will be or hom vampirebatsor worse.You will be jnsLructed
very precrousio you in your desperalelyperilousfinal in the relevantparagraphswhat will happenif you
b a ttl el contract any form or forms oi plague If you are
rvretchedenough to suffer two - or even more -
If you are fortunate,you may also find one or more krnds of plague at the same Lime, fhe effecLsare
Magic RinSs Eachfime you find a Magic Ring, you cumulativelBe sureto [akewhateverprecaulionsyou
regain 1 sp€nt Magic Point (obviousiy,you do not canagainstthesedreadmaLadies; seekhelpand healing
have to spenda Magic Point io use such a Magic withoutdelay,shouldyou contraclplague.
Ring).If your MaSic Pointslotal is at its Initial level,
you can keep the ring and use it once your Magic
Poinlstotal hasbeenredLrced.
You cannotusea Maglc
Ring fo increaseyour Magic Points totai above its

If you are lucky enough to find any other magical

items,makea note of what eachitem can do Lo help
you in your quest Using the right ma8icalitem at the
righl time may makeall th€ differencebetweenfailure Someof your €vil opponentsand enemieswill even
and glodoussuccess stoop to usinSpoisonedweaponsagainstyou Such
i\.eapons will inflict damagedoubly,a wor:ndfrom the
rveaponifself and extra damageFom the venom or
poisonsmearedon the weapon.Keepa note of damage
) ou sustainboth from poisonandfrom weaponaLtacks;
ihey will both reduceyour srAMrNA but lhe effecLs of
poison may be relieved by specificanlidotes and
r€mediesHowever,suchantidoteswill not affectany
rvoundsyou may sufferfrom acLual weaponblows.
Hints on Play You must collect as many Colden Talismansand
Silver Daggers as possible during your adventwe.
Your journeywill be perilousand you may well fail at However,in orderLodo this,you will haveto explore
your first att€mpt Make notesand draw a mapas you
lhe dungeonsthoroughly, thus nsking many more
explore,a map will prove invaluablejn laLerforaysin combatswilh hosLilecreatures and encountering
thtsadventure,and it will enableyou to progressmore haps and hazards You will have to balanceyour
rapidlylo un€xploredr€gions.You will be exploringa desirefor Talismansand Da8gersagainstthe need to
very large area, and sometimesyou may wish to avoid unnec€ssary combatsand hazards.When your
relraccyour stepsin orderto revisitplacesof parlicular resources(Provisions,Magic Points, LUCK,etc.) are
value or to checkareasleft behind you. Without a beginningto weakenand you cannotreplenishthem
map you may not be ableto follow the dght path to easily,you musl try and make for the most direcL
roule io your finalenemy- if you know itl
Not all areascontain treasureor useful information;
Seekfor ways to swap your heasurefor equipment
many coniain traps or creatureswhich you will no
and help during your adventure.Gold Piecesare of
doubt fall foul of You may take wronS turnings Ltile use:you carmoteat them,use them in combats,
dLrringyour questand,while you may indeedprogress or castspellswith them But they will buy you food,
throughto your ultimafedestinatron, it is by no means rveapons,even magic - rf you can find someoneto
certainthat you will find what you are searchingaor- tradewithl
However,the mor€ areasyou explore,the better will
be your chanceof success in the adventureahead You will soonrealizethat paragraphs makeno sensef
fead in numericalorder. It is essentialthat you read
Be wary about Tesfinsyour Lrck unlessa paragraph
only lhe paragraphsyou are instructedlo go Lo.
tells you that you must do thisl Generally,when it Readingother paragraphslessensthe excrtementand
comesto fighfs, you should TesLyour Luck only to surpriseduring play The only Lrueway to success in
keepyourselfaliveif an opponent'sblow would other- ihis adventureinvolvesminimizingrisk;any player,no
wisekillyou The other occasionwhenyou shoulduse matterhow weakhrsor her initial dice rolls,shouldbe
LUCKis to inflict extra damagern Lhe 6nal combat ableto strugglethroughto glory in the end
againslyour direenemyin thisadventure if youve
got enough LUCK left Lo usel Don't Ierf yd'rr
lrrf, in order to try to inflict extra damageupon your
enemyunlessthis is realiy essential!LUcx points are

26 27

TH E AM A R ILLIA N GR IMOIRE kaverseLheobstaclesafely.This spell carmoLbe cast
duringa combat

(Eachspell costs 1 Magic Poinl to cast unlessoiherwise Lighf

noted. If Lhe spell is found by picking up a saoll, the Il you lose your lanLern,or if it no longer works, this
samenumber of Magic Points is requrredto cast it. For spellcreatesa longJashngsmallsphereof light which
spells which can be cast irnmediately before a combat, canbe sloredand usedasa lantemwheneverthe need
you may cas[ only one before each combat You arises Each use of the spell illuminatesonly one
cannot, for example. cast both the Skill Spell and the seclionof passageway, however You canroLcastthis
Fasl Hands spell before a combat; only one spell is al spellduringcombat
CrealeFood This spell increasesyour currenl LucK score by 1
Thrs spell ceates exfra Provisions If you spend r polnt, Your current LUCKscore cannot exceed its
Magic Poinf, you can add r to your Provrsions;rf you InittaLvalue,and you cannotcast this spell durinB a
spend 2 MaSic Points you can add 3 to your Provi combat.
sions, if you spend I Magic Points, you carl add 5 to
your Provisions This spell cannot be cast during OP""
combat. This srmplespellopensone trappedtreasurechestor
lockeddoor safely.If the chestor door hasa trap,it is
l "p renderedharmlessby the spel)(evenit if is a Magic
ThJs spell enablesyou to leap safely a distanceof up Trap).You cannolcastthis spellduringcombat
to six metres If you are faced with an obstacle (a
chasm,a kapped corridor, etc ) which is not stated [o
be longer than six metres, you may use this spell to SkillSPdl
This spell enablesyou Lo react and move faster,
adding1 to your currentsKrLLfor a short time.It can
be castjust beforea combatbegins(not during onel)
to aid you in fightrng,or jusl beforeyou have Lo Trsl
rorr Ski/Jfor somereasonThe spellexpiresas soonas
one combathashnished,or afberyou have Tested lrour
FasfHarils(costsz Magic PoinrsT a glowrng ball of white-hot electricityand loses 7
This spellcan be castilimediatelybeforeany comoar srAMrNA pojntsl
but not durinSone For the 6rst threeAttack Rounds
of the combat,you may rolJdice twice when working Ielepoli(costs4 Magic Poinfs)
out your Atback Strengthand take the higher total This speJlenabiesyou to move long distances through
rolled a dungeonby instantmagicalteleportation,avoidurg
many hazardsand enemies.You can cast this speLl
Firsrall(costs? Magic Points) only at certain specialmagical porlals. lr'y'henyou
This spellcanbe usedin any Aftack Roundinsleadof confronlsucha portal,you wrll be askedwhelheryou
a weapon attack. Cast this spell befarerolling tor wish to castthis spell;if you do, you will be rnstrucled
the Attack Shenglhsof your opponentand yourself If accordingly.
you have the higherAltack Strength,your aoversarys
body is shroudedin llamesand he loses5 srevrra
points.If you havethe IowerAttack Slrength,though,
you spellis ruinedand the creaturehrtsyou.

Magic Screen (costsz Magic Pornts)

You can cast this spetl at any time exceptduring a
combat.Once it is cast,the next spellwhich is castat
you by an enemy will not affect you. The Magic
Screenonly n€utralizes
one spellcastat you, however

Draf, 5/e//(cosfsj Magic Poinrsl

This spell can be cast in any Attack Round If you
have lhe higher Attack Strength,this spell kills in- StealTreasurc(costs5 Magic Points)
slantly any creaturewith a sKrLLscoreof 9 or less. This spell summonseifher a Colden Talismar or a
This spell will not affect any Undead creahrreor SilverDagger(you may choosewhich)from the fudden
Zagor,your nemesisl ireasuresoi the dungeon Add r to your tally of the
approp.iaieSpecialTreasure.You may nol cast Sleal
Ihanderlolf(cosis3 Magic Points) Treasuremore than twice during the adventure,and
This spellworks just lik€ a Fireball€xceptthat,if you Iou do not gain any LUcx points for acquirin8a
cast the spellsuccessfully,your opponenfis struckby Talismanor Daggerrn lhis way




l*l TR E A S U R E

l*1 l*l
l*l l*l




l*l l*l
l*l l*l
lers I need here in Sanctuary.I can scarcely do wibh
anoLherone. Come.'He rises and leavesthe fhrone
BACKGROUND room and marches along a narrow corridor to his
personalchambers.Somewhatstartled by his informal-
ity, you follow him.
It rs five long and weary years since lhe armiesof Lhe took,' he saysas he stridesacrossto a table,picksup
Bone Demon laid waste so much of the beautifuL a black doth embroideredwith golden runes and
perilous land of Amarillia- The Zombies and Orcs genlly polishes a large chunk of blue-white crystal.
which infesled the plains of lhe land were foul irnough, The crystalhumsslighLlyand a ghostly sceneappears
but the Demon's War Dragons slev/ thousandsof h the midst of the room. A white-haired old man is
men, Dwa/s, Elves.andCentaursbefore the Demon sitting in the most cluttered sfudy you have ever seen:
itself was fhally happedinside the Casketof Souls. papers,crystalballs,bundleso{ babs'wings, bottlesof
Victory was had at last, but at what a costl Zombies herbs, and a jumble of other articles are scatteredall
and worsestill stalkLheland,for therearefew warriors over lhe floor andwalls.
left Lo deshoy them. The court of the boy-king, IdaD
is said to be riven by petty squabblesand scheming lnitably, the old man looks up at you 'Eh?What is il?'
advisers. Most folk live behindshulteredwindowsand he snaps.
bolteddoorsthesedays.Hospitalityto a Lravellersuch 'Gereth, the hero I spoke of is here. Relate once more
asyourselfis but a memorynow. whal you told me - and perhapsyou haveleamt evm
Many days of foolwearying kavel have brought more?'
you to Sanctuary, the royal court within Lhe island 'Oh, yes, hmmm. Well, I suppose you ve told him
known as Lhe Cauldron, the furthest island of Icecap aboul the Demon Throne and explainedLheLaws of
range You are usheredswi{tly into an audimce vvi[h FracturedResonanceand -'
the king You are startledby his appearance' mosL
people still call him 'boy-king, but Irian has grown The king intenupls the ghostly apparition. Time
almosLto full staturenow and, while he is still very grcwsso sho*. You canexplainmuchbeLterthanI.'
strong and surely inexpedenced in the arLsof king- The old man's gaze tums upon you. He looks faintly
ship, his voice is commanding and his manner as disapproving 'Hamlmph. Very well, then listen
sured dosely,young whippersnapper. I take it thal at least
'Greelings,'he says as you kneel beiore his throne. you know aboul King Kraal and the defeat of the
'Oh, do pleasestandup. I alreadyhave all lhe grovel- BoneDemonof the Bottornless Pit?'

You shudderslightly Everyoneknowshow the armies Cxket of Souls was taken after the Denon was
of the Bone Demon were finally confionted and the badshed At Crstle Aryent,' The old man pausesfor
BoneDemonwas imprisonedin th€ Casketof Souls,in lreath 'He is named ZaSor and he is a grcat wizard,
the barrenexpanseoI the Plainsof Peril, where the oneof the mosLpowerfulmy world hasever seen,My
BottomlessPit slill smokesand chums to this day. r,;orld is called TiLan,I supposeyou've heard your
This was someyearspast,buf the scarsof that terrible :cholarsmention iL, hmmm?Great Allansia with its
war markAmarilhastill. ;ricked Port Blacksandnrled by the wretched Lord
Vzur and his corruptcronies,the greafcivilizationsof
Jre Old World, the crawling chaosof Khul ... you
have heard of it? Well, anyway, I won't ramble on
about my home, I'll becomesentimenLal and wasLe
lime. Lefs get back to Zagor.
Twice we have believedhlm slaio but twice he has
resunectedhimself All that was left of his original
lorm is a skeletalarnr,but that is enough.I4hen he
rvas drawn into your worl4 his berng becamefused
tvith the trapped Demo& and now a demonic form of
'And you know of lhe Caskel of Souls?'You nod.
'Well, when it was made,magicwas woven inLoiL to Zagorgrows evenasI speak.AlthoughI am powerless
Lo prevenLit happening,from the seclusionof my
enablethe Demon'sbanishmentlo Lheouter planes.
rvorl4 I detected Zagor being drawn into yours, and I
Unfortunately, however, there was a slight flaw in the
was able to smd somemagic after him: some talismans
way the magicwaswoven.Smcethat magicallor,reda
of gold and daggersof silver.They will be scattered
magicalcreaLure to be drawnoal of youl world, it also
aroundthe lair wiLhin which Zagor is now growing.
createda resonance allowingcertainmagicalseatures
Eachof them will weakenhim, so, when you get there,
inlo yolrr world as well. I'm rather alraid,' the old man 'oesureto collecl as many ixi you cirn '
saysin a schoolmastenshtone as he adusts the slightly
ridiculouslensesperchedon his nose,'that a definitely You aren'f sure you like th€ way the old man jusl
magicalcreaturehasdone just thaL.Appeatedin your assumes you're going to marchstraightrnto the deso-
world, lhat is. Out of mine.I can't say we're sorry to iate, evil ruins of Castle Argentl It's hundredsof
seehim leave us, but our gain is going to be your loss 'dlomettes away, across the Frozen WasLesand the
unlessyou can stop him emergingin his full power. dangerougmonster-infested iry seas.But he goes on
Worse still, he is enLeringyour world where Lhe falkinganyway

AE 39
'This time, Zagor simply has to be destroyed.It,s not
The crystalexpJodesinto a thousandfragmentsYou
enoughto krll him. You'll have to makesurehis body ard King Irian look down, sfunned,at the smoking
is bumedLonothingness in the Heartfiresbelow CasLle remainsof the tableit stood upon You do not know
Argent Where the Grand Wrzards of yoLrr world wherethe magic,which banishedthe old man backto
centredthe conjuringof the GreatFireWall from the his world, camefrom, but a feelingof evii and menace
outermostpoints of Amarillia- thoughyou'll know all han8sin the air aroundyou
aboutthat,of course.'
'Braveadventurer,'lhe hng beseeches you. 'l haveno
'l thought this was merely a tale or a deception,, one else to send. My wizards give all ihey can,
murmursthe king sadly,'until Cereth Lold me about prcservingthe Fi.e Wall which 8@rds all Amarilliaj
certainchangesmadeal CastleArgenl. My own spies my loyal knighis and thc few noblesI can trust have
wereableLoverify thosedetarls.' more work than they can perform,simply prevenbing
thjs kingdomfrom Leafln8itselJapart I beg you, go to
CastleArgent A ship is r€adiedfor you Destroy ihe
wizard-fiendwho comesto ravishour 1and.Returnto
me alter carryingout deedsworthy of the knighthood
I shallthengrantyoul'
With the weight oi a world's fate resting on your
shoulders or so it fecls - you cannot refus€the
questTum to paragaphr

ieamt somefhingof the ways of magis and it seeks

revengefor JLsdefeatby allying wiih Zagor to wreak
havoc on all Amarillia. Perhaps,in its madness,it
thinks of him as the Demonrt onceserved.Which,of
course,Zagor is , in part.' The ghostly scenebegins
lo fadc and hemble.Faint white sparkscrackleaL the
edge of the crystal.The old mans voire rrsesin
surpflseand annoyance.'Not ye| i should tell you

A ship has been readiedlo carry you wesLwardslo the
coastlineof Tower Island,where the forbiddrngmaj-
esty of ruinedCastleArgent lies.If you decideto set
off immediately,hrn to zzo. If you wanL to spend
someGold Piecespurchasingequrpment, tum Lo55. If
you want to try acquiring some extra gold for buying
equipment,hlm Lo2o5. If you want to consultone of
the king's sagesfor advice or help before you set sail
fum to 154.

You must eat a meal during your time here. Sfuffed

insde a pillow, you find a Magic Ringl What'smore,
you also 6nd a scroll with an Open spell stuffed under
the mattressGain 1 LUCKpoint for this find. Tum lo

You sland al the end of a long passageway, Iooking
wesL You can see three doorc along the souLhwall,
andon the northemsidethereis a passageway leading
off northwardsbetweenthe fusL and seconddoors.
Thereis alsoa door on the no h sideof the passage,
direclly opposite the Lhird and mosL distant o{ Lhe
soulh-facingdoors- At the far end oi the weslem
passage, a door facesyou as lhe passagetums norLh-
wards.You feel surelhat lhis passagewayleadsdeeper
into the heart of CastleArgent. Choosean areahere
whichvou havenot explored.Will vou makefor,
+-5 6

The 6rst door b the south? Turn to 32o the south wall then a conidor leading south. and
The seconddoor Lo the south? Trjm to r,14 finally, some mekes before the end of the passage,
'I he no+h sidenassa"er Tum to zr8 there is a door in the souLhwall direclly oppositea
The third door to the south? Turn to 378 northwardsleadingpassage. You shouldhead for an
The singledoor to the north? Tum to 196 areayou havm't exploredbefore.WilJyou,
The far end of the west passage? Tum to 557
Headdue south? Turn to j99
Open the greendoor bo the easb? Tum to 26t
As the monsterassembles itself,you can pe orm two Make for the crossroads
to the easl? Tum lo 92
actionsbeforeyou willhave to fight it, suchas casting Open the white door bo the west? Turn to z:4
a spe[ eating a meal (only one of your bwo actions Open the seconddoor to the west? Tum to 275
can be eatrnga meal),drinking a Pofion,and so on. Go west and down the south
You can make a free attack with either action, Lhis PassaSe? Turn to Z2
allows you to subtmcl2 points for eachatLackfrom Co west ard down the norLh
bhesrarurre of the SkeletalDragonasshownbelow. Passage? Tum Lo jE5


lf you win, a searchhererevealsa finehaulof treasure.
You find a Tower Chest and a separaLe smallcaskel
which contains7 Gold Piecesand a slim wand made
of ebony inlaid with silver runes.This ward is useful
to you only if you are Sallazarthe wizardi if you are
Sallazar,tum lo 25. If you arenot, it's time [o exp]ore
elsewhere; tum Lo5r 6
Tesfyour Skill, adding 2 to the nr.rmberrolled, for the
doors are very heary. If you are successfulyou open
You are standingmid-n'ay alonS the Passageof Hal ,lG. the doors with a great shove. If yor-r fail, you shll
Looking south,you can see [he door by which you marage to open the doors, but you sprain some
enLeredthis Ievel of the castle.To the east,thereis a musclesin yor.rrside from shoving so hard Deduct z
greendoor in the south wall, then a crossroads, then poinLsfrom yorr sraMINA Now you must Tesfyort
fhe passagecontinueseastwiLhoutany further doors llr,lc If yor,rare Lucky, tum to aoj If you are Unlucky,
leading fiorn it To the west, there is a white door in turn Lo265-
? unlessyou d be interestedin buying a little something?
You are back in the greaLconidor known as the Infomation, perhaps?Maybe some Orcbane?'You
BronzeStride,and you march to the middle of it to hagglea little with the Elf, and finally agreeboa list of
takeyour bearingsand decidewhere to explorenext pricesfor the help he'spreparedto oifer. Io consider
Turn to 41, the iLemshe has for sale,tum to 65, To considerthe
inJomationhe couldgive yorl, tum to 22.
The crystal doors below the wooden stairway are
sundered;you ffnd that all doors open before you as A hanquil, shallow pool of slighfu mrlky water glearns
the howl of angry, chaoLicmagic swirls and screams goldena few metresin front of you as you enter this
abouLyou. All is pandemonium. You feelas if you are dark cavemand look aroundat the smooth,ages-old
moving in a dream,hardly awareany longerwho you sialagmites and stalactiteswithn it You thinl you can
are or where exacLlyyou are going, just guided now drmly rememberLhelegend of CastleArgent's
onwardsby intuition,willpower and sheergutsl You Pool of Gold: it was createdby a long-deadalchemrst
racethroughthe camageof Thulu'sThroneRoomand who brought this precious metal to Amarillia, which
southwards towards the stone bridge. This has taken originaily had none of its own. Eagerfor treasure,you
you another 1oo seconds. Now you must make a step forward to collect some of the precious gold.
crucialdecisionas you race acrossLhestone bridge. When you wade into the shallow water, however,
The more LUcx poinls you spend,the fasteryou will whatyou took for a largeboulderstirsand risesup on
be ableto move,dodgingobstaclesand the like - but a pair of knobbly,cylindrical'legs'and movesto repel
the more difficult any Tesl your Lutk rcll will becomel youl In order to gel your gold, you musl fight this
You may spend up to 5 LUCKpoints. Decide how strangeenemy. If you prefer to run or flee from
many you want to spend,thenLumto 222 combatat any time, the s[rangestone creature$rill
pursue you to bhe main cavem buh will noL enter it
9 (furnto at6).
'l am Elrarel, Masler Thiel This is one of my old
haunls,CastleArgen[ I've lifted more pleasinglittle STONE GUARDIAN sKrLL
I srAMrNA14
iLemsIrom round here than you could possiblycounl If you wrn, roll one dice and add z to the number
up Nol much left thesedays though,no[ with these rolled;this is fhe mrmberof smallchunksof gold (each
stinkingOrcs around They've looted so much of the the equivalentof 1 cold Piece)which you scavenge
place,and vandalizedthe rest.This is probablymy last fiom the Pool of Gold. You also 6nd a crystal vial
visit. Time to [eleport home I reckon.- - That is, holding a colourlessoil you may use this for one
combat only, if you do nol have a magic weapon well named Lheirhorns are powerful and they will
(some monste$ can be struck only by enchanted try Lo butt you with them, as well as using their
weaponry). If you pour lhe oil over your weapon, it whips.)ou mu(t fi8hl themtoSetheltum to r74 Lo
will make your weapon magical for the duration of a ngnr.
single combat (but you gain no bonus to your Attack
Strength for this). Now, you can explore the side- a2
passageon Lheway out, if you haven't done so before It takes a long time to searchthe many dormltory
(turn to 2o8), or make for the main cavem across the rooms thoroughly, so you must eaL 2 meals here
rope bridg€ (tum to 186). However,in a sealedtin carefLrllyhidden behind a
shield hanginSon one wall you find two flasksof
herballiqueur,eachof whtch will restore4 porntsof
srevrNa when drunk (whichyou can do at any hme
exceptduring a comba!) You also find three thrck
slabsof oatmeal,magicallycraftedsurvivalraiionsfor
soldiers,eachof whjch is enoughfor a whole meal,
theseare so light you can carry them in addition to
your usualfood, so they don't counLtowards your
Provisionslmil Cain 1 LUCKpoint Unfo.tunalely,
your extendedsearchmeansthat you fall foul of a
truly ghastly prowier As you are about to leave,a
aa shambling,rolting corpsem ragslurchestowardsyou
Unfortunalely,the guardsbehindyou areev€r,viSilanf- and a miasmaof flies buzzesabout rts suppuratmg
You are surprisedas a whip blow knocksyou to your flesh.You have no chanceto flee,and you sensethat
knees.Losez srAMrNApoints,and you mustdeductz ihis creatureis extremelydangerousl
points from your Attack Strengthfor the first Attack
Roundwhile you get to your feet.What'sworse,your PLACUEBEARER SKILL 5
assailantshereareformidable- and horlble - enemies. lf lhe Plagr.rer
Bearerstrikesyou evenonce,rum to 45
Standingwell over two metres tall, the Hellhoms, If you win, you can open one of the coloureddoors
which Zagor drew with him from some plane of hereif you haven't done so before:you may choose
nightmareand chaos,carry great whips in their mon lhe blue door (tum to 527)or the yeliow door (tum to
strous, clawed hands Powerful and muscular,these :o5), or leavebhebarracksareaand exploreelsewhere
creaturesare still taintedwith chaosand orseaseiror- hrm to 54)
ting fleshhangsfrom their skeletalfaces,and fhey are
The door here ls plain ani looks qeal-y and slightly
warped,but it is locked.Forcingthe door open,your
arm is slashedby a vicious,serraledsrything blade
which slicesdown out of bhelrame opposite the lock.
Deduct 2 points fiom your srevw,r, Yelping with
pair! you prepare to confront the creahres belund the
trapped door. However, what confionts you are tluee
starving,ragged,and very young men - one of them
hardly grown to manhood.As well as the ramshackle
bedding,Lhewonky tableand the dilapidatedchairsin
this room - which is lit by the blueglow of a magical
torch- you seea woodenchesl.The young men back
away fiom you, heavy lcrivesalreadyin their hands.
They are dearly alraid of you and are nol altacking. If
you want to fiAht theflL tum to 59- If you prefer to
talk to then fum to 1oo.

As you race through the guardroomson your way

to the southem passageway,lhe screamof chaotic
magic in Castle Agent becomesalmost unbearable.
Weird phantasmsand illusions dance before your
eyes; ducking and dodging to avoid them, you need
another 3o secondsto cross the passageway(a Potion
of Flying will not reduce this time buL if you hav€ a
Ring of Truesight, you may reduce the time to 10
seconds).You fling opm the door leading to the
chasmof Lhe Heartfires and race to the edge. If you
have4 or more srAMrN^ points left, tum to 4oo, If
you have J or fewer StlvrN,t points left, tum to
a5-a5 a7-aS

a5 himself)- The genie bottle costs ro Cold Pieces.These

A crmningplan begins to hatch in yolu mind. Much of iterns are indeedexpensive,so the merchantoffen you
the cosmeticpowder that has been left here is very a form of part-exchangehe has somemagic artefacts
pale in colour and, by daubinga great deal of it on of his own that need rechargingso, for eachMagic
your face and hands- mixed with someof the oily Pointyou arepreparedto spendhelpinghlm with lhis,
skin-creams here- you might jusl be ableto passas a he will knock 1 Cold Pieceoff the price of one of his
Zombie.You may be able to fool other Zombiesor goods If you buy any of his items, rememberto
equally mindlessminions. You can take enough cream amendyour AdoentuteSheetaccordingly-If you want
and powder to disguiseyourself, if you wish to do so; to buy anything elsefrom the me.chant,tuln to a58. If
you will be askedlater on whetheryou're using this you want to leaveand searchelsewhere, tum to 218.
disguiseor nof. Now, you can head along Lhenorth
passa8ewayopposrte(tum to 585) or go back east a7
alongthe Passage of Hawks(tum to flr). You frnd a small sliding panel in the easLernwall
which, you suspect,may well be trapped. lf you
a6 decideLoopenit, tum to j4. If you don't want to take
The merchant has four Magic Arrows which cost I the drance, you leave and open a door in the Tlrone
Gold Piece each Each can be used jusl once, and Room which you haven't openedbefore;will it be:
counLs the same as an arrow or bolt fired from a
longbow or crossbow He also has two unique and The door in the west wall? Tum to 39o
very usefulitems.The first is a small,sealedblue white The centraldoor in lhe north wall? Tum to 91
cryslal vial with a pinch of grave dust inside it. If The westemmostdoor in fhe notlh
you use this in combat by shatteringthe vial and wall? Tum to 282
finging the dust over an undead creature. you can
automatically inflict damage equal to hall its Current a8
srAMrN^ (you will be told when you encountera Theviciousbite of the VampireBatsproducescontinu-
monster which js undead).This vial cosls 8 Cold ous bleedingwhich is hard to stop.Roll one dice;bhis
Preces.The merchantalso has a genie bottle, from is Lhenumber of srAMrNApoints you must lose as
which you can summona genie just once during a soon as the combatends,sinceblood keepsgushing
combat The genie will us€ magic to paralyseyour irom the bite-marks(you camoLeat a mealduring this
enemy,allowing you to overcomehim automatically time, but you can drinl< a Potion, a liqr.reur or a
(this will not affect any undeadcreatureqhowever, or restorative to stop this exka damagefrom killing you)
any Dragon, Golem or Animated Armotr, or Tagor Worse, you now have Vampiric Plague Every hme
you entera room or pasraSewiLh an undeadmonster tum lo ja8- If you wanL Lo leave and open the
inside it (Zombie,Skeleton,Speche,and so oni you doubledoors at the lar end of the entrarcehall, tum
will be toLdwhen you meet an rmdeadmonster),you lo j76
musl subtract2 from both your Current and your
Inifial sreurra as the plaguewealensyou over time.
You can only reversethis process,restoringyour full You have faken too long! The taloned nails of the
Initial sr r,Mntt, if you find a Healerwho rs willing to Zagor-Demon's hands drive far into your body and
help you or if you have or can find PlagueAntidote. pierce your vital organs.You fall to your kneesas the
Now you can make for lhe fountain (lum to 47) or monstrosity rises above you, ready to np you apart
back away from this room, fearing furlher hidden . you were so close Lo vicLory, buL your adventure
attackers(tum to j). has endedjusf before you could Lruly tnumphl

Your deceptionworks: the monstershere don't react 'Cood informationdoesn't come cheap,you know,'
to you immedjately,though they will as soon as you Elranelgrins You must pay him z Gold Piecesfor the
begin attackingthem.You have one free action:Lhis chanceto ralk about eachof the following topics(he
can be castinga spell,strikingone opponent(makea rvill tell you about one subjectfree of chargei[ you
note to subtractthe appropriatenumberof sr,rvrr^ bribedhim io talk),
points from fhe first opponentyou must face in the
ThroneRoom),Launching a specialmagicsword if you Magicalweaponsin CasLleArgent Turn to 81
can,or throwing in a Lava Sphere(if you have one). Tower Chestsand whereto find
Decideuponyour freeaction,Lhenlum to j9 to fight. Turn to 1o8
Healing PlagueAntidote) Turn to 176
20 GeneralrnJormation about this caslle
You find yourselfin a barrackscomple>r,wheremany level Turn to J92
of CastleArgent'sbravedefenders wereoncestationed How to get into the GreatTower
before they and King Kraal fell, viclims of the whereZagor lies Turn to 351
t€rrfying BoneDemon and his War Dragons.The aii In eachcase,pay the Elf Lhenturn to lhe paragraph
hereis musty,Lhefloor rs coveredin dust,and the area noled You must subtractpaymentlrom your Treasure
appearslong deserted.If you want Lo make a pro- for eachchoice,of course(Elranelacceptsboih Gold
longed search,tum to 5J If you prefer to leaveand Piecesand any valuableitems of treasureyou have
open the door opposit€,not having done so before, iaken from the casLle- except armour, whrch he
23-25 26

won't buy) Next, if you contemPlatebuying any stairwayto the Greal Tower aboveyorl you gain a
itemsElmnelhas for sale,tum to 66. I{ you've com- bonusof z to your Attack Strength!Lastly,just once
pleled your dealingswith Elranel,tum to 239 If you during your adventure in Caslle Argent you can call
get greedy aJld aLtackhim in the hope of taking his upon the magic of lhis wand to help you by either
tum lo 157
excellentLreasures, resLoringyour CurrenLMagic Points lally to its full
Initiallevel or by resLoringyour CurrentsrAMrNAto
iLsfr:ll In,fial level. You c:rmoL use this one-o{f special
There'sa skangetwist to thesen-mes- whaLthey are power while you are fighting, however, and be sure
is a trap laid againstmagicalentry! You realizethat, not lo callupon this poweruntil you.eally needil, for
had you cast an Open spell,you would have set off it will be grantedonly once.Gain 2 LUCKpoints {or
Lhe trap This tells you that whoever is behind lhe this wonder{ul 6nd! Now hrm to 5r to explore else-
door rs scaredoF wizardsin particularlYou can now where.
open the door normally (tum to 559) or decidelo
leaveand searchelsewhere (hrm to 376). 25
A very deep pit behind you now blo&s your saJe
24 passagesouthwardsas you clamberpainfully out
If you choose Rabellanor Reindrech,there is no Unfortunatelythe enlire length of the passagelo the
response, tum Loi6 to exploreelsewhereIf you Lried south,as far as the Passage of Hawks,has openedup
to communicatewiLh Chanquia tum to 523. If you as a secondpit hap is belatedlyhiggeredlRetuming
triedto communicate rtiLhDonick, Lumlo 5o8. that way won'l be easyunlessyou canfind someway
of resettingthe pit trap, it's too far for even a Jump
spellto get you across.So,you are now Iacedwith a
You havefound the Wand of the Hawk, oncewielded wooden door to your right, another one directly
by the greateslwrzardat the court of the kings herel opposileon your left with a ceramicplaqueshowinga
With Lhis wand, both your Currenl and lnitial Magic sjlver crown on il, and aheadof you an east-west
Poinlstotal is raisedto 9. You can alsoadd r to both passagein Lhe distance.You should exPlore an area
your Current a a Initial sKrLLithe wand grves you you haven't enteredbefore.Will yor::
magicallyenhancedspeedof reaction.You may also
touchthe wand Lothe handweaponyou useso lhat it Open lhe door to your dghL? Tum to 55
now countsas a ma8rcweaPon(somecrcaturescanbe Open the door to your left? Tum to tz
harmedonly by magicweapons,so this is imPortantl) Male for the junclion beh^'eenthe
Whal is more, once you have crossedthe wooden two passages? Tum to 45
Sacksof mouldy flour, rotted cereals,smashedceramic
pots and decayedfood greeLyou everywher€, buLyou
alsofind somewax-sealed iarc of Dres€rved
fruits and
garva a highly nutritiousroot veg;tablefrom {ar Crab 4 to your Provisions, and Bain r LUcx
porntfor thisfortunatefind.

Unfortunately, your pleasure at thrs discove4/ is

marred when you hear a snuffJing and squelching
soundcoming hom the passage.Whatever'scausinS
lhe noiseis betweenyou and Lheexit, so you move to
investigate.What you find appalsand disgustsyou: a
while lizardlike thing, two metreslong, with leprous,
purple-lngedyellow blotchesall over its skin.Worse
still, the horror looks as if it has been stitched
together from the body-parts of various qeahlres
- induding a human or two, judging fiom its
handlike front paws. The gross Lhing hisses and
spits a gobbet of filthy yellow phlegm al you
Tesfyour SkilLif you are successful, you avoid the
missile, but if you fail, you lake a face6..rlof filth
which leaves you droking and sick" and you must
subtract z ftom your Attack Strength during this

If you win, you noticethal the monsterhasleft a slime

trail behind it as it moved. If you want to track the
route the monstertook to get her€,tum to a16.If you
would rather search elsewhere in the castle. tum to

The knight will ffght to the -death,nerthershowing nor
expectmgany quarLer.You will have to battle valiantly
to overcomehiml

lf, the wooden chest containsonly some
FirstGREAT CROWN items.ofondinaryclothingand but a singleGold piece,
ZOMBIE 8 az and the ojt-lahp hasusedalmostall its fuel and is of
5e3t 33-35

5o r.ucK lf Lhefinal lotal is :i or less,you lose -z Gold

Along the wesl wall of this northwards-rurming Pas PiecesIf the total is 4, you breakeven.If the total is 5
sagea coupl€of bricks are clearlyout of placeand, or higher,you win 4 Gold PiecesNow you havelittle
after a swrft check,you find that many are loose. timelefL,so you musLhurry;tun to ry3.
Removing lhem, you drscover a narrow crawlway
leadinga few metrcs Lo the west beyond the portal
you haveexcavated, and at the end of it therers some You leavethe looted guestchamberand tum to make
krnd of wooden objecl in an end-chamberl However, your way back \^rest.Testvaur Spaf Skill.If you arc
scrambljngalong fhis narrow passageis gorng to be hrm to r4r. lf you farl, tum to 575.
very drfficult (exceptfor Stubblel) If you want lo
crawl along rt, tum, Lo 86. If you prefer to conLinue 54
northwards,lum to 27a Testyour Skill If you are successful, you slide the
panelacrosssafely II you fail, a pononed bladeflies
out and slashesdeepinto your wrist; you must deducL
Zagor'sexpressiontums huly livrd and he is clearly 2 points from your STAMINA from the deepgas[ and
aboutto unleashsomevery unpleasant magicalaltack a further-zsrar,'lr\epointsbecauseof lhe poison:you
You really shouldBeLto close quarten with himt If musLalso lose 1 point of CurrenLand Initial sKtLL
you prefer to stay al long distance,you can use a becauseyour weaponhand is injuredlWorse still, lhe
caLapultatLacki[ you haven'tdone so before(turn to compa*menLbehind lhe sliding panelis empty; what
f49); otherwlseyou musLtry to 8et nearerto ZaSor v/as once hidden here has evidently been removed
by using a Polion of Flying if you have one (hlm lo Now you may leave and open a door rn the Throne
585), by racingup lhe stepsto get to him (tum Lo Roomwhichyou haven'lopenedbefore;will it be,
zo), or by using a magicalweaPonto cleavea safe The door in the wesl wall? Tum lo 59o
pathup lhe sLeps(tum to 155). The centraldoor rn the north wall? Tum to 91
The n'esLernmosL door in the north
wall? Turn to 282
You needfo be smartand eagle-eyed, and usedto the
wicked ways of card-sharpsand 6xed dice, rf you are
going to makemoney gamblingin the seaboardtav- If Lhelirsl Orc is invisible,you musl deduct 2 from
ems of SancLuaryl Roll one dice:unlessyou areAnvar, your Attack Strength when fighting him. As you
you may add 1 to Lhenumberrolled You may also confrontlhe first Orc, LhesecondOrc runs iLs sword
add r to the diceroll if you chooseto spenda pornt of through the white-robedman and a pool of blood

spreads across the floor. Fight the two Orcs sepa- retum you [o the Bronze Stride - you can op€n them
rately. at any time). Will you open:
SKI I L STAMINA The east doors? Tum to 7
FirstGREAT ORC I 7 The plain door to the north? Turn to zz4
SecondGREAT ORC I 7 The north door wilh the shieldon it? Turn to 124
The unmarkeddoor to the south? Tum to a85
If you win, the dying healercan help neiLheryou nor
The southdoor wrlh the crown
himsel{,althoughhe managesto whisperto you that
on it? Turn to 152
he was forced to use his healing to help the Orcs,
sincethe denizensof the castlehave no healingskills 37
oI Lheirown. 'There is anotherhealer . chainedup The runes of lhe onyx door befray the presenceof
by Thulu, beyond the ThroneRoom .. ' and then he someform of magic pertainingto Elementalswithin
is dead A swift searchhere tums up only r Cold the chamber.This spellsdangerto you, so you should
Pieceand some stale food (add r to your Provisions). expectto have to use powelul magichere.You also
You leave the templeand headwest along the passage- know that Elementalscannot be harmed without a
n'ay outside (tum to J5z). magical weapon, lf you dont carry such a $/eapon.
you are very unlikely to be able to slay an Elemental
,6 by spells alone. for they are strong. lf you want to
Sbandingin the middleof the long passageway of the open the onyx door, tum lo 78. If you wanf to open
wesLwing, the layout is clearly slrnmekical To the ihe door bearingthe shield,tum to r59.
north thereis an unmarkeddoor nearthe exit ftom the
wesLwing and,muchfurlheralongto thewest,another
door with the design of a plain, black shield and a
glowing sun etchedupon rt To the south,thereis an
unmarkeddoor closeto Lheexit, and a door someway
to the west bearingthe imageof a silver crown upon
it. To the eastof you, doubledoors leadback to the
gr€at passageknown as the Brorue Shide; far to the
west, broken-down doors openedinto the ruins of the
destroyed west tower, so you judge that little is lo be
gained from enterrngthere.You should try a door you
have not opened before (except the east doors which
58 t9

58 39
The great hearthin the north wall, wrth its hobs and Thulu remains seated on his throne, but the other
pols and roastinSspits,tellsyou that this mustbe the monstersswarm to attackyou. You inust 6ght them
kitchenof the lower castle,though the hre has long pairs, in the order shown below, Orcs,
beenextinguishedTo your left therearesomehatches thenGreal Orcs,thenMutant Orcs,then GreatCrown
in the wall, beyond which is a barely lit chambel Zombies.You canneitherresLnor performany actiory
peeringin, you see Lhatit is a huge FeastHall, and such as drinklng a Potion or eating a meal, between
you guessyou could get inlo it thror-rghthe double fighting eachpair of enemies-
doors in the passate outside. You can't make out
muchof what is insidethe FeastHall unlessyou usea
FirstORC 6s
Lrght spell (if you can and wish to do this, tum to
SecondORC 6S
279). You find an empty glassbottle in the kitchen,
but nothing elseof any useto you, You decideLotake FirstGREATORC 7 6
a chanceon opening the door in the west wall of the SecondGREAT ORC 7 o
kiLcherl and you 6nd that beyond it lies a small,
ThirdCREAT ORC 7 6
nilrow which you see a couple of
FourthGREAT ORC 7 6
tiny boxrooms, that the domestic servanlsmust have
occupied,and somelargelardercupboards. It's higlrly FrrstMUTANT ORC 7 I
unlikely that anything edible has been left after all SecondMUTANT ORC 7 a
theseyears,but, if you want to makea searchof them,
turn Lo 27. Otherwise,you reLurnto the doorway of
the entrancehall to this castlelevel andchoosearorner
areato explore;tum LoJ76-
I{hen you are fighting the Great Gown Zombies,you
haveone specialoption:you canatlempLLoknock the
ebony circlet from a Zombie'shea4 rather than striking
nomally. lf you do thi(, you recejvea penaltyof 3 to
low Attack Strength;but if you succeedin shiking
:he Zombie, it loses z points from its sKrLLano o
cornts Fom its sreNrrr.r,c. instaatly. lf you win this
irociously combat,tum to Er.
As you walk inio the triangle,tendrilsof magicalforce
reachinLoyor-llbody,chilhngand numbrngyou. Lose5
srAMrNApoinLs!Thereis a suddenscreamfrom theback
of the cavem,and matelalizingbeforeyour eyesis the
ghostlyform of a wizard,Lormentwritten largeacross
his face and flickering flamesdancing at his fingertips If
you want to attackhim, tum to 114.If you want lo talk
andyou thinkyouknowhisname,converthisnameLoa
numberusingthecodeA = r,R = z, C = j, andso on
Add togetherthe numberscorresponding to the letters
in his name,double the total, then Lumto the paragraph
with that number(if a nameis noL Lhesecondword in
that paragraph,you have guessedwrongly, retum to
thisparagraphand chooseanolheraction).If you want
to try to bnbehrmin someway not to attackyotl, tum
to 57r Ifyou want to flee,tum to Jj5

You are sLandingrn the middle of the great castle
passageway known as the BronzeSlride The walls
hereare coveredin bronzeplaqueson which the faces
of great heroesof Amanllianhistory are etched To
the south is a door which you cannotopen To the
north, there is a door which has a lacqueredblack
surfacewith gold etchingand detailsAdjacentto il is
a door with four shallowdepressions in it. Far to the
east,thereis a set of doubledoorswhich give admit-
tanceto the eastwrng of the castle;likewise,far to the
west of you is a set of doubledoorswhich give entry
to the west wng of the castle.You must open a door
whichyou haven'tpreviouslyopened.Will it be:
4+44 4f4'

The black and gold door? Turn to jj2 and says,,INe head for the River Celd and, hopefully,
The other door to the north? Tum to 216 a greeling from mj' own people - Lhosefew who
The doors to the eastwing? Turn to ]61 remain in the lands upskeam.We will come back for
The doors to lhe west wing? TrIm Lo 248 you when the moon is new, hoping {or your safe
return - and news of a triumph. If you are not
42 waiting,'he pauses,'wewill come once more, when
Roll one dice.If you roll r-g, tum boj88; if you roll the moon is new over the world. All our hopesride
4-6, tum to 2o3. with you'You leave and row for the shore;tum Lo

You aresLanding in the middleofan east-weslpassage 45
way, and the sLinkof Orcsis very strongherelTo the The touch of the honor transformsyou instantlyinto
east, you can see two doort one [o your left and a PlagueBeareryourself,doomedto wanderin ZaBor's
another one, further along, to your right. The left- servicelor evet transfomlngotherpoor wretchesinto
hand door is, unmistakably,the -mkance to an Orc diseased wanderers.Your adventureendsherel
barracks,here the smellis sLrongest.To the west the
passagewayswings round lo the north. Explore an 46
areayou haven'Lenteredbefore.Will you now, The Dark Knight has a magnificent,magical,two-
handedsword,which you cantakeand use.This gives
Open the door to the Orc barracks? Tum to 2o4 a bonusof r to your Atta& Strengthin all combalsi
Open Lhefurtherdoor lo the east? Tum to 67 againstany Dra8on or againsl Zagor himself- it
Headwest and thennorthwards? Tum to j68 gives a bonus of 2 lo your Altack StrengthlGain 2
LucK poinLsfor this find. Leaving this chambet you
44 seLoff north for the crystalline doors. Tum to 135.
After many days at se4 your vesselis within five
kilometresof Tower Islandilself. Even from thaLdis- 47
tanceyou can see the greaLtoweredmassof CasLle As you sLride towards Lhe founlair; the hedge of
Argent rising inLo the leadenskiesjusl beyond the thomy, hard-stemmed plants shainsforward to sLrike
shoreline The galley can go no further in the shallow at youl If you are wearingmetalarmour(chainmail or
bay, so you thank the crew who brought you here and plate mail), you suffer no damagefrom this, but if you
Lakeyour belongingsinio the slout rowing boal being are not wearing such armolrr you must deduct 2
Iowered for you. Carannusshakesyour hand firnrly pointsfrom your srAMrr.rathroughcutsand abrasions.
a6 49-50

If you are stjll aljve,you force a way through to the 49

founbain.The watersof the founLainare clearand Dure. Testyour Skill- If you are successhrlyou manage a
Drinling fiom il restores4 points of sr^MrNA.layou bow shot which snagsyour rope round a draSon'sjaw
have any empty glassbottles, you may fill them here, arch; a swift hrg tells you it will take your weight, so
eachfull bottle will restoreI Dointsof lost STAMINA tum to 6g. If you fail, the rope is not attachedsecurely
when you drink it, which you can do at any time and iL would be folly to climb it; lum to 1to and
exceptduring combat.However the healingmagicoi chooseanolherway of gelting up to the platform.
the water fadesbeyond this chamber;once you have
cossed a stairway,the water will no longer be magical, 50
and drinking it from a botde will not heal you Also, You had better overcome this PlagueZombie swiftly;
as you fum to leave; the formtain's waters run dry, so if if strikes you, you will contract a terrible malady
you cannot retum here for further healing draughts. indeedl
As you leave,there'sa door direclly oppositeyou as
you look north; if you want to open it, havinSnot PLAGUEZOMBIE sKtLL 7 STAM I NA6
done so before, lum to 196. If you want to male your If you win, you can take the silver rin& it is a Ring of
way further weshvardslo the end of the long passage Truesight.allowing you to seethrough ceftain illusions
outside, turn to 557. If you want to searchelsewhere, (rnakea note of this paragraphnumber on your,4/Drr-
rumro3 ture Sheet.HoweveL if th€ Plague Zombie struck you
evenonce,you now have UndeadPlague.This mea.ns
r'8 ihat you may yourselfchangeinto one of the Undead
TheMutanl is down,buLit isn't finished.As iL collapses at any time. Eachtime you enter a room you haven't
backwards, ils huge belly writhes and squirms as explored before you must roll two dice- If you roll a
flailing tentades become detached from its body and total of 1i or ea you will become hamformed, and
thrashwildly aroundon the floor. A deep rumbJing your adventure will end in a fate literally worse than
arises from the monster. What will you do? Will death Only a Healer or the use of PlagueAntidote,
youl wrll cure you of this. Now, you may leavethis room
or open one of the other casketswhich you have as
Run away as fast as you can? T[Jn to J5 yeLleft unexplored so will you:
Peform some action (drinldng a
Potiorr etc.[ Turn to ao1 I-eaveard explore elsewhere? Tum to 599
Carry on hiLtingth€ monslerwith a Open the casketwith lhe silverstaff? Tum to 5o9
weapon? Tum to 156 Open th€ casketwith the woodenbox? Tum to 60

Staks descendinto the danl, unlit depths of the fetid
dungeonsthat comprisethe castle'sjail. This areais

your searchhere head ba& south to the end of the

passagewayto searchelsewhere(turn to 557)-Other- oPen:
wise,descendingthe.stairsyou can seethreedoorsto
fhe right and two more to the left. spacedalong a The door bothe west? Tum to 7
seemingly The left-handdoor in the north wall? Tum to 95
endlesspaqsd8elhat stretches
dheadof you.
Explorean areayou haven'l enteredbefore;will you The right-handdoor in the north
wall? Tum to 545
The door with the waming sign? Tum to 22a
The 6rsl door on your right? Turn to 158 The other southem door? 'ffin to a57
The seconddoor on your right? Tum to 184 The door to the east? Tum to 156
The third door on your right? Tum to 281
Eitherof the left-handdoors? Tum to 118
You must eat a meal during your lengthy search,
openingthe doorsto a waren o( individualdormitory
roomsind livine chambers. You don't fhd anything
of value, but y-ou must Tesf your Skill- Il you are
successiil,fum to aJ2. lf you fail, tum to t27

A howling crescendoof magicalforce is whippedup
inside the Throne Room! You regain 5 STAMINA
52 points from the powerfulvortex of magic within th€
Standingin the middleof the mainpassage of Lheeast ioo-- You can see a treasurechest behind ZaSor's
wing, you can see six doors. TM/o larce doors in the throne. If you want to oPen it. tum to 34o- [f you
north wdll both bear the symbolsof dragon'sheads, don t want to do thir tum to t46.

-{s you areaboutto open thisplain woodendoot you
noticethat it is just ajar and you hear Orcish squeals
and a deep grunt coming from behind it PeekinS
cautiouslyin, you see an Orc poking the poinL of a
sharpwooden spearfhrough the barsof a smallcage
to torment the creature inside it- You ve never seen
anything lke the imprisonedanimal beforerit re-
semblesnothing so huch as an over-sizedpiglet,with
iron platesalong its backand legs.It hasa thid! long
pink snout which the hateful Orc is jabbing at The
poor thing Brunlsand whimpersin fearof the Orc lf
you want to attack the Orc, tum to 6a- If you decide
not [o, fum to 28o.

In the marketsand shopsof the peaceableLown of
Sanctuaryyou can buy many things,but your most
likely purchasesmay well be:
Chainmail armour 7 Gold Pieces
Longbowand arrows 4 Gold Pieces
Crossttowand arrows 4 Gold Pieces
PoLionof Stamina 7 Gold Pieces
MagicRing j GoldPieces
Vial ofPlagueAntrdote 6 Cold Pieces
Emptyglassbottle r Cold Piece
Rope(ro metreslong) 1 Cold Piece
Flaskof herballiqueur j Gold Pieces
Potionof FireResistance 5 Gold Pieces
If you wear chain mail armour lhis does not add to
your Attack Strength during combats,but it does
provide someprotectionagainstcetLainnazarosyou
and two ornateand very unusualplaymScards-Thelr
may encolmterduring your adventures.With either
backsare uppermost,and they beara strangeelliptical
desigr- a snakeswallowingits own tajl - in red on a
blackbackground.If you ti'ant to tum over fhe first of
thesecards,turn to ry5. If you want to tum ov€r the
secondoi thesecards,turn fo 245 If you would rather
not turn over either of them, you can exPlore the
cavemat the end of ihe passage beyond,if you have
nobalreadydoneso (tum to 1o),or returnto fhe main
cavemyou enLered by (turn fo 186)-

al-any lime, exceptduring a combat.Once dnrnk.the

elteclso[ the latter last for the duratronof the ne\t
combat in whi(h you are attackedby fire tsuch as
uragon bre"th or a Frreballspellr:durin8 this time,
you can halvethe srAMrNAlosssuchallaclsdo lo

You 6nd nothing of value in Lhe course o[ your
thoroughsearch(you musteata meal),but you manage
to cuLyorlr hand badly on somebroken glassequiP-
mentilose2 STAMINA Points,Do you now want to
open the south door (turn to 56s) or make for the
mainpassage outsrde(hrm to 28o)?

You move forward to altack. You must fight the
thieveslwo at a tim€;onceyou havekilled the first or

second thief, the third one u'ill step into his place to
ffght you.
7 6
ThirdTHIEF E 6
lf you win, you use fhe keys on one of the bodiesLo
open the chest,which contains: Gold Piecesand a
smallpackageof pepperedcheese,wrappedin pale- Seated round the table are many of King Kraal's
green leaves(add z .to your Provisions).There is a noblesand courtiers- or their remains,to De more
lockpickhere which you can use for openingTower accurate.Silent,skeletalforms wiLh scrapsof ruined
ChestsIf you do usefhis lockpick,yor.rare allowedto robesand doubletsform an eeriephalanxin the silent,
Tesfyour Skill when opening Tower Chestsand trying dark vastnessof the hall. In the north wal some
to avoid the traps in them (this savesLUCKpoints and serving hatches reveal a kitchen beyond which you
so is very usefr:l!).You can also take the magical torch guess,you will be able to enter through the first door
if you wish to do so, though you must spendr Magrc along to the north in the passageoutside the hall- The
Point to be able to use it; the torcfi will cast a constart silverwarehere has long been ransacked,but you 6nd
light for you in fufur€wheneveryou wish it to do so a pair of omatelydecoratedpottery bowls which look
(so it is equivalentto a lantem) Leavingthis room, valuable,so you take Lhem.The hall is large and the
you can eitherheadlor the crawlwaythar goes wesr searchtakesLime,so you musLeat a meal.Thereis an
and then north, if you haven'tbeen therebefore(turn odd, disturbingatmosphere about the deadhere.You
to 355),or retumto the maincaslle(tum to 5). feelas iI somethingof their spiritsmay remainin this
houbled place.lf you wish to spenda Magic Point
6o trying to conLactany spiritshere,tum to 16z. If you
You stumbleand fall, banging your head on sfone; want lo set out for lhe kitchens,not having explored
deduct4 points from your suurre. If you are still there already,tum to jg Obher'l,ise,you leave and
alive,you pick up the body againand staggeron. Roll seardrelsewherqhrm to j76.
two dice and multiply the number rolled by ten; add
tlus many secondsto the time elapsed (a Potion of 62
Flying does not reduce [his time). You are so, so close Ruby, ememld,sapphire,topaz Rest!You place the
now, but will you triuinph?Tum to r-4 gems in fhe depressiomin the given order: ruby first,
63 61-4s

emeraldnext, then sapphire,then topaz.The door to 64

lhe Chamberof Meditationslidesopen silently Inside Leaving bhe barracks behind, you head southwards
is an omate chair, stufu with cushions,which looks along the passageway.To your left is an onyx-inlaid
incrediblyinviting.You canavailyourselfof the magic doo4 if you haven'topenedit beforeand wish to do
of the Chamberof Meditationonly onceduring your so now, Lurnto 78. Ab the end of this passage
lies the
advenfr.rre.Thrs can be noyr, jf you wish, or you can Passage of Hawks,with a door direcLlyoppositethe
come hereat any later time when you are in fhe Bronze conidor you're walking along if you want to open
Stride(whenyou retum to paragraph 4r to makea fresh that door, tum to 2Zj Otherwise, you tum east al the
choiceof an areaLoexplore)Afler spendingan hour or end of this southempassageand make for the mid-
so dozing comfortablyin Lhesafeiyof the chair,you way point of the Passage of Hawks,to choosesome-
mustea[ a meal when you do, your Currentsreurr.rr whereelseto search;tum to 5.
will refum to its 6rll, .h ial level! After you have reste4
you shouldfurn to 41 andexploreelsewhere.

You manageto get haif-way up the rope when there
is a suddengust of wind from the vortex and you are
shakenlike a leaFin an auLumngale TestVon Skill
addrngr to the total rolled if you are wearingchain
nail armouror.z if you arewearingplafemail armour-
If you are successful,you hang on for dear life. If you
fail, you are flung to the ground below and must lose
10 srAMrNApoints! If you ar€ still alive, your rope
has broken fiee and you must 6nd another way of 05
ascending. so will you: There is a faded brassplaque on this door which reads
Use a Potion of Flying (if you have faintly:'PLEASEKNOCK BEFOREENTERING'
one)? Turn to j64 Below this is a brassdoor-knockerfashionedin lhe
Climb one of the rope-ladders? Trrl. to 272 shapeof a Pegasus'head, wiLh a lucky horseshoe
Enterthe swirlingvorte& hoping to nailed undemeath for good measurelYou're not sure
be carried upwards? Tum to 53,4 what to make of a.ll this - what if there are grlards or
Declineto dirnb up, ard challenge monstercinsideusing this paraphemalia as a trap? If
the Dragonfrom whereyou are? Tum to f45 you want to larock on lhe door, tum lo j84. If you
65 67

decideto open it wifhout knocking,turn to 90. If you type of Orc, including their chieftains,and Mubant
preferto searchelsewhere,lurn to 218. Orcstoo!) I( you decideto buy anything,adjustyour
AloentureSheelaccordingly; ElranelacceplseitherGold
Piecesor any valuabletreasures you have takenfrom
CastleArgent (except for armour which is of no use
to him). Next, if you want to buy someinformahon,
ium to 22. If you've compleLedyour dealingswrth
Elranel,tum to 259 lf you get greedyand attackhim,
in Lhehope oi taking his excellenttreasures, tum Lo

Elranelcanofferyou Lhefollowing items: 67
Potionof Stamrna You have enteredthe rooms of the Argent Knights,
8 Gold Pieces
Pohonof Luck the elite defendersof the caslle This network of
5 Gold Pieces roorns,though very extensive,has been thoroughly
Vial of Orcbane 5 Gold Pleces
Scroliof the spellFastHands pillagedby the Orcs.However,most of [he doorsstil]
4 Gold Preces bearbheshielddesignsof the Argent Knights,together
Scrollof the spellFireball 7 Gold Pieces
Magic Ring with their names lf you are Sallazar,lum to 595. If
5 Gold Pieces thereis a specificknight whose nameyou know and
'All an absolutebargain,'he sayssadly.'My wrvesano whoseroom you want to find,tum to 1q. Otherwise,
chrldrenwill surelysLarveto deathif I'm forcedto sell even making a searchof a few rooms will be time
at theseprjces.By all the godsand goddesses, I'm too consuming, if you want to do lhis, tum to 159.If not,
soft-hearted a soul,huly I am' The Potionof Stamina, fum to 43 and exploreelsewhere.
when drunk,restoreslost srAMlNAequallo half your
Inilial s.ore (roundfractionsup) The Potion of Luck,
when dnurl restores1 j LosLLUcKpolnts (roll one
dice and round fractionsup)- Eiiher Potion can be
drunk at any time, except during a combat The
Orcbanecan be applied to any edged weapon (axe,
sword or dagger)beforeyou 6ght Orcs and, for the
firsl six Attack Rounds,any hit you achievewjll cause
2 extrapojntsof srAMrNA(thisdamaget^'orkson any

Behindthe door,alonein a very long,narrowchamber,
an old cronesitsat a spinningwheel,absent'mindedly
toying wibhstrandsof oddly shimmeringsilverlhread
She is clad all in dusty,6lthy black, and there are
cobwebsin her hair Her eyes are opaque,afflicted
wiLhcataracts,but sheseesyou - you have no doubt
of that A blackcat besrdeher hissesas you enter lhe
room is full of junk, bric )'brac, a iotal muddle of
rubbishand dusty things you can hardly makeout in
the gloom.The hag cacklesasyou standuncertainlyn
the doorway.'Well, dearie,what is it you wanl with
old,Grizzell,eh?Speakupl' If you want lo attackthe
hag, tum lo :9o. If you preferto talk to her, turn to
ro9. If you simplywanl to leavehere,go backto the
passage and makefor the iron door, tum to 255.

Thewily bruterubsa ring on hisleft handanddisappears,
only Loreappeara split secondlater,at the top of the
tower,standingon the woodenplatfon,rlStraininghis
muscles andsinews,thehugemonst€ris hying to wheel
the ballista a huge,spearflrngingdevice aroundto
faceyoul One strikefrom sucha weaponwould inflict
enormousdamage on you, perhapseven kill you
outright Ifyouwant to flee,Groolwilllob a rockat you
asyou go; turn to j77 lf you want Locontinuefighhng,
you have the following choices:you can fire a bow or
catapultat Grool,or castspellsat hrm(bumto 95 to do
either),makefor thestonesfepsandtry to climbup on to
the platform(tum to ca), or usea Potionof Flying (if
you haveone)to reachthe platform at once(turn to q2).

7o casilelevel, Lo explore an area you haven'Lentered

You use the yall keys to enter a huge cell-bJock yet, tum to J,99 If you want fo retum eastto the mid-
complex. Along a corridor stre[chingfar into the way pomt of the Passage of Hawks,tum to 5. If you
distancescoresof cells,eachwith ifs own lockeddoor, decide lo press on wesLwards,you can open Lhe
are ranged on either side Checkmgthem all will south-facing door (tum to 225)or strideout alonSthe
clearly take a Iong time. If you want Lo searcha nor[hem passageoppositeit, if you have nol been
therebeiore(tum fo 585)

Openinga door with axe-blowseicheddeepmto the

rvood,you find yourselfin the old Hall of Dwarfs of
else,tum to 51 thc Castle,wherean elte phalanxof dwarfishwarriors
once sefted the kings The Orcs have trashedbhis
room very thoroughly;litteredbonesaroundthe floor
and skeletonssLrspended from the oak ceiling beams
show what happenedto the Dwarfs here TesLyolar
SpotSkill (f you are Stubble,you must add r to the
total rolledryou are so furiousat what you seehere
that it isn'f easyto concentrate)If you are successful,
a complex symbol and it suggeststhat a powerrur turn to 122 If you fail you leavethis room;you can
wizard must have inscribedit. If you want to smash headalong eitherthe westempassage oulside(turn to
down thrs door, tum to 255. If you want to use an or lhe northem pds\age{lum to rf9).
Open spell,turn to a9 If you don't want to risk the
effectsof the trap,ium to 5 and searchelsewhere-
Now you are face to face wth the greatestthreat
Amarilliahasever knownl Therewill be no rrercy,ncr
Looking south along this passageway,
you can seea surrenderiit's you or LheDemon thing.Magrcalforces
whrrlaroundin the GreatTower and dispelany Magic
Screenspells(both yours and ht, ihis is a stmight
68ht to the finish. Each Attack Round, you musL
decidehow you plan to attackthe Zagor-Demon(by
weapon,by spell,with acid if you have it, elc) You
74 t5

cannotdrink any PoLionsor eat Provisions(though,if poinlswithout killing it, tum to 254 If you defealfhe
you havebeentaughthow, you may be ableLocasta Zagor-Demon,Lurnto 54.
certain form of healing spell upon yourself) Then
work out Atlack Slrengthsior yourselfand Zagor for
eachAitack Round.The sraurre scoreshownbelow
for Zagor is his basic srAMlNA score;you should
adjust this for the number of Silver Daggers you
possess, any damageyou may havedone to Zagor by
atiacksfrom a distance(usingacid,etc), and whefher
Zagor gained any extra srAMrNApoints while you
wereascending the steps

You shouldalsoconsultthe tablebelow,which shows

the attacksthe Zagor-Demonwill use,and lhe damage
they will do lf he hrrsyou
1st lose7 You stand on the shorelineof Tower Island.Before
ST A M T N Ap o rn ts
you is a long, straight sfone road leadingup to the
znd Fireballspell;you lose5 suvrNr. gatesof CastleArgent itself,but on eithersideof that
pomts road are many ruined buildings, razed by Orcs and
.lrd LifeDrain spell:drainsr point Zombiesin the war againstthe BoneDemon. In the
from your srrrr andz points shatterednxns,little or nothing of any valu€or useto
6om yoursrnlrrrl you is likely to be left afterthe destructionhere There
4th and jfh Poisoned dagger;you loser point may be some remnanLs of the Demon'sarmieshere,
liom your srrvIw.,g plus-z
scroungingwhat they can.However,if you wanf to
extrasrAMrNA pointsduelo explorethe ruins,you may do so.Will you now:
oth onwards Talonedfisi:youlose.zsrr.vrNr. Exploreruins to the west? Tum to 169
polnts Exploremins to the east? Tum to 33a
Head straightfor CastleArgent? Tum to 192
lf you reducethe Zagor Demon to 2 or fev\er s r AMrNA
76-r7 7A

76 orl to replenishit) If you want to do this, turn to 295

The huge body explodes, splashing you with acid as I[ you wanl to ta]e a run-up and makea hcroic leap
you run lke one possessedthrough the dooiway. aoossLhechasm,which is somesix melreswide at its
Deduci 4 poinh from your srewrNei Jf yorire strll narrowestpoint, tum to 1j6 If you decidenot to
alive, the room you just l€ft when you dare to look crossthe chasm,tum Lo357 to exploreelsewhere.
back is covered in slime and acid, and everything
inside it is drssolving as the room iills with acrid ta
smoke; you will not be able to find anyLhing of use The first thing you noticein thrschamberis the set of
here now You set off for the main passageto search interlockingcJrcles drawnon the floor, next, fhe many
elsewhere;fum to 28o blue and yellow wall-hangrngsand a pair of huge,
gilded copperurns set in the comerso[ its eastwa]l
77 To the north, thereis a doorway;ustround the comer
You force open lhe door and peeralong a lururelthat from you t he ail hereis headywrth a strarlge,musky
is lit by the dlm glow of distant flames Aiter some perfume Within the centralcircleof the magicalset,
fifty mctresyou come to a great chasmwhrch drops somethin8is beSifling Lomaterialize rn theair asa faint
info fiery depths below Theseare fhc Heartfires,a shimmeringIL grows stronger,denser,higher,as you
sourceo[ great magicaLenergresoncc used by thc watch it, forminginto a whirlwindhke vortex several
king's wrzardsin CastleArgent.On lhe far sideof the metrestall tfyou decrdeto fl€e,turnto 97.Ifyoq choose
chasm is a broad, low roofed cavem sirewn with to stay,you canperformtwo actions(suchaseatingsome
boulders;lcadng acrossto Lhatcavemis a frail-looking provisrons, drinkinga Potion,castinga spell,etc.)before
rope bndge with a wooden plaLform.Examiningit, hereis fully formed
whaleverit is that is maferjalizing
you seethat a metalwinch apparatusis usedfo move Decidewhichtwo actionsto iake.If you want to spend
the platform,with ropesusedlo pull the travellerfrom oneactiontrying to openthc door to the north,tum Lo
one side of Lhe chasmio the other Obviously the 45 Otherwise,readyyours€lfio 6ghl and tufn io 19o
rop€ bridgemust be fire-resistanLor it would not still
be here However,the winchis rustedand seemsto be
jammed If you can and wjsh Lo use a lump spell lo
crosshere, tum to 295 Altematively,you could oil
the winch usinglantem oiLso Lhatthe pLatformcould
be use.l to ferry you across(if you do this, but you
have no sparelanLernoil, you will not be ableLo use
your lantem in dark areasunlessyou get somemore

,9-ao EPa2

,9 81
Openingthe door will releasean ingeniousmechanical 'There'sar Orc-slayingswordaroundheresomewhere,
trap which threatensto decapiLateyou with its slicinS used to b€ used by one of the knights I thinl it's
blades!Youcanbypassthe trap if you havea lockpick, pretty closeto here,only a coupleof roomsaway. IL
if you use an Open spell, or if you have a thief canbe usedby anyone,I think.'If you are Anvar, turn
hirelingwith you. If you car useany of thesemeans, to 257 If you are Braxus,tuJn to 511 OLherwise,
tum to jo7. If you carurot,Lhenyou must eitheropen
the door and risk sufferingthe damagethe Lrapmay
do to you (tum to 46) or decideto leavethis door 82
unopenedandexploreelsewhere (turn to 52). The monstrousLy bloatedfigureof Thulu the chreftain
risesursLeadiLy from its throne-It looks down at you
unbelievingly,thenhowlsin fury and screams abuseaL
you Frothing at the mouth, the nonster whirls its
mightyaxearoundin a cirde,its armsardhandsshaking
uncontrollably. Fortunatelyfor yoLr,themonsterLakes a
while to get itselibackurder controlbeforert can attack
you. This givesyou time [o performfwo freeactions,
suchasdrinkinga Poiionor herballiqLreur, caslinga spell,
8o etc.(butnot any freeattacksby weapon or by spell,since
You open the casketgently,whisperng the hope that lhesewill makeThulufight at once).Decidewhat these
the priest rs resfing well rn dealh,and you take the actionswill be,and thenyou mustfight for your life
woodenbox from his 6ngers.A feelingof peacefulness
comesover yoLr,you feelrefreshed. Regain2 sTAMIN^ THULU srrLL9 STAM IN A 1 7

pointsand r LUCKpoini.The box itselffeelsas i[ in It you win, tum to u5.

someway iL mighl heLpyou regainlost slrengthand
vrtalty, and you open iL lo find iour gems inside,a
sapphrre,a topaz,an emeraldand a ruby. Now will
Leaveand exploreelsewhere? Turn to j99
Open lhe casketwrth the silverstaff? Turn to jo9
Open the casketwith the silverring? Tum to 285

Mungus the iarler was condemned to be fed to bhe
War Dragons,yearsago, for incompetence, whaLwas
left of him afterwardswas stilchedtogetherby some
dementedwizard,using the body parts from equally
powerfuland evil creatues.Mungus is the size of a
half-Ogre,more or less,well over lwo mehestall and
nearlyas broad Livid, purple bnrisingruns along the
stitching lines of his forearmsand round his ne& and
the mdead monsterhefts a huge maul in his shovel-
sized hands.Mungus may be slow and lacking in
combatskill,bubhe is very powerfuland strong(if he
hitsyorl you mustdeductj poinLsfrom your sTAMINA
ratherthanthe usualz) andvery hardto destroy.


If you win, you searchthe jailer'sroom; in a wooden

chestyou find 6 Gold Piecesand a suil of magical
chain mail! Wearing Lhis adds r to your Atlack
StrengLh.Gain 1 LUCKpoinL for this valuableffnd
(r:nlessyou areSallazar,who cannotwearthis armour)
If you can find a merchantto sell this chain mail lo, he
will pay you 12 Coid Piecesfor it You also find six
large iron spikeswhich you hope wrll come in useful.
If you wish to leave the jails now, you head south
along the passagewayouLsideto explore elsewhere
(tum to :sz). If you want lo explorethe jails ftulher,
will you:
Open the door to your right? Tum to 28a
Open the door to your left? Tum to r58
Open eitherof the doorsfacingyou? Tum [o aa8
a4-85 a7

here and you musf deduct r further point ftorn your

Altack StrengLh.The spells Fireballor ThunderbolL
You hear Orcish voicesin Lhedistance,ard they are
geiting louder!Franticallyyou look aroundfor some cannolbe usedhere becausethe areais so cramped.
Fightthe lmpstogethe4they aresmall,and a succeisful
way oul of the trap.If you haveat ieast1 MaSrcPoint
hit irom one of them will causeyou to lose only r
left, you mLrstspend it now as you strain all your
point from your sT,aMrNA
sensesand intuitron to searchfor some means of
escape; fum to jo5 lf you do not havea Ma8lc Poinl, s K 'L L STAM IN A
tum to j55 FirstCASTLE IMP
.E 5 If you wiry you marageto reachthe charnberbeyond
Make a note ihat, when you have taken5oo seconds
the crawlway.Within the chamberis a Tower Chest.
or longer on your joumey, you must note down the
Taking iLs contents,you retum to the main north
numberof your paragraphLhenturn at once to 219
secretpassage andcontrnuenorthwards;tum to z7r
Fot now, you carry the body down the steps and
through the archto the beamof lighf, whrchdeposits
you on the Dragon'sstone platform.This tak€s50
Turn to 16a-

As you make your way along th€ passageon hands
and knees,little srdedoors open half-wayalong and E7
from each doorway a liny, implike ceature armed 'll's ElranelBlurcloaklBlimey,'e's the one woLgot into
with a long skeweringpin stabsat you! You can'tback the arboretum and nicked the Chancellor'sgreen
ouLand you are forcedto ffght.If you areAnvat you shootsl'the young thiefbturtsout.
mustdeduct4 from your Attd(k Skengthhererbeing
big. you Findit hard to move aroundin this cramped The Elf grinsmodestly.'Very nicemaSicalplantsthey
passagel). were,too. Tradedlhem for a good few gold, I cantell
If you are Braxus,you must deductJ from
you- That is, if you are planningto talk to me rather
your Attack Streng[h here Ii you are Sallazar,you
must deduct2 from your Attack Strengthhere If you than attemptany violence.'If you want to lalk to this
are Stubble,you can fight normally.Finally,if you are strangeElf, tum to 9 (unlessyou are Str.rbble,in which
wearingplafe mail armour,jts bulk is a disadvanLage casetum to 515) lf you want to fight him - he does
havea sackof treasure,after all - hun to 152.
86-9o 9a-92

88 Plainsof Cabaal,standingbeforea veritablekeasure-

The Orc turns to m€et you as you move rn to altack trove - you can seearmour,Food,weaponsand morel
Its wooden spearis a poor weapon so, if it stnkes you, If you decideto attackhim, turn to 267 If you want
you will lose only r point from your srAMrNA to askwhat he hasfor sale,tum Lo 194,but you must
make a nole lhat, becauseof yotf rudenessin iust
o Rc SKI LL 6
walking straight in, the merchantwill chargeyou r
I[ you wrn, you open the cag€to free the whimp€ring Cold Pieceextra for every item shown as costing4
pdsoner It rubsrts snoutagainstyour ieg happilyand Cold Piecesor more-
makesa soft noise almost like the purring of a cal
Then it grvesout a more distressednoise,whrchmlher
alams yow olher Orcs could hear it, and they may 9a
You enter a short hallway which is bare of any
noL be as easy to kill as lhe one you have just
decorationand which hasa srngledoor at its northem
despatchedTryrng to hush the creaturejusl makesit
end You stride aheadand Lhrow ,t open: you find
noisier-You guessthat it may be hungry,buLrt tums
yourseifstandingin a broadand almostendl€sscorri
ih snout up at an offer of Provisions.If you have
dor and the door behindyou slamsshul! You will
some iron spikes,tum to j74 If you haven'tany of
not be able to open it now, either by magic or by
these,tum Lof58
force Tum it to ,{1.
An Open spellherewill removeonly one of the three 92
parts of fhe magicalsymbol You need two spellsto Standingat the crossroads,you seethat the passage-
removetwo elements,and threespellsto rcmove the way going easthas no doors.To the north, there n
complexglyph enLirely Decidenow which elemenLs one door on either side of the passageway, which
(web,circle,hiangle)you wanl to remove,then tum terminaLes in anothereast-weslpassageTo the south,
to aE2 there are two doors in the east side of Lhepassage,
which Lhentums westwards,back to the areawhere
90 you enteredthis castlelevel. If you want to retum
'lt's exhemelyrudeto comecallng withoul ffrst knock- southand west to whereyou haveenteredthis castle
ing on the doorl'Lheoccupantof the chamberyells at level,tum Lo599. To the west,the Passage of Hawks
you as you stridein You'reastonishedto encounLer a continuesfor somedistance;if you want lo head this
white-hairedold man,in flowrngbrou'n and cinnamon way, Lurnto 5. Otherwise,you must oPena door you
robeswhich surely mark him ouL as being from lhe haven'Lopenedbefore;will thisbe:
93-95 947
Ether of the doors to the north? Tum to jE9 one of the Bone Demon's old War Dragon hatdreries!
The filst door to the south? Tum to 55j It look as if everything here perished and withered
The seconddoor to the south? Tum to Zj years ago, but, if you want to explore this massive
are4 tum Loj25. lf you would rather searchelsewhere
93 in fhe eastwing, tum to 52.
ComputeAttack Strengthsas normal.lf you have the
higherAttack StrengthZagorToses z srAMrNApoinLs.
If he has the higherAtta& Strength,his spelldrainsr 96
You have two Altack Rounds to finish Grool off
point from your Cunent sKrLLand 2 pointsfrom your
beforehe succeeds in getting the ballistafuing at you.
CurrentsraMrNlv and your Arrow misseshim. Turn
Theseare fiee attacks;he is still wheeling the machine
Lo299 [o d€cidea courseof actionfor the next Attack
into place.If you kilJ the Ogre, tum to r5a. If you do
not, he will ffre a five-metrelong spearstraight at you;
TesL Grool'sSkill.lI he is success6J, h€ hits you, lose 10
94 srAMtNA points! If he fails. the huge spearmissesyou
Renstar, I iust want to talL you begfi but the Dark - iust. You ve got to flee (tum to 57), make a run for
EII'S face contorts in utter fury; a mixfure of habeand the stone steps(tum to 1rj), or usea Potion of Fb/in&
fear plays across his features. l(ou are an ally of if you can,to get to Grcol (tum to r7r).
RemstarJ'he scteains.'l keep his sfiade at bay and he
sendsan assassin to slay me!' The Dark Elf completes
his spell-casting and s€ndsa ball of fue llying across Standingin the middleof this passageway,you should
lhe room at you. DeducL4 poinLsfiom your STAMINAI open a door you havent tried before,or altematively
lf you are still alive,you can eitherlight (tum to 25iE) yoLrshouldrehrm souLhand eastto the mid-poinl of
or flee(tun to 198). the Passageof Hawks,if you've searchedthis whole
area.So,will you:

Behindthis door with the Dragonsl.rnbolon it, walJs Open Lheonyx-runed door? Tum !o 78
have been knocked down to create a huge single Open the door with the shield inlay? Tum to 259
chamber. It is filled with desiccatedand shrivelled, Open the door to the soutll opposite
egg-like objects, but they are grotesquely large. The this passage? Tun to 2tji
equally shrivelled shapesof baby Dragons irside the March off south, then east,along the
eggs show what they once were, You have entered Passage ofHawks? Turn to5

Shorllyafterdawn,when you are stretchingyour legs
on the deck,thereis a suddenchumingof the season
the starboardside of lhe vessel-You draw your
weaponbuL,jusl as you are lookrng over Lheside of
the ship, the true danger swoops down from the
foggy skiesabove A greaLwhite reptil€,many metres
long, with ragged-edged, horny claws,a great mouth
and a spiny, barbedtail is headingstraightfor you
You are surpnsed,and the monster'sclawskno& you
down,deductj poinLsfrom your sravrre. Now you
must6ght for your lifel

If you win, the captainard crew helpyou to your feeL

and bring food and healingdraughtsof a herbalbrew
to you (resloreyoui sTAMINAto its lnifial levet)as
othermenbegin the work of getting the hugereptilet
carcassoff the deck.Carannuslooks unhappilyat the
monslerThaLs not a natura-l monster.'he say<. I
know theseWyvems, and that tail's malformed.Look
at that crookedlaw and lhe way the bones of the
spine protrude through its back. There'ssome bad
magicat work here.'The Centaur'seyeshardenand he
turns lo help his men fhrow the carcassinto the sea.
Tum Lo44.

The chamberof the Hellhom guardsis nothing more
fhan a befouled,hideousabatforr'gnay/edbonesand
chunl<sof rotted flesh lie everywhere.Forcingback
your disgusl,you searchfor anythrngthat may be oI
value to you when, lo and behold,you find a small the jail dungeon(they shiverat the mentionof this).
copper um lvhich has a secretcompartmentin the Finally,the youngestof the thi€v€sboldly offers to
botlom - containing2 Magic RingslCain 1 LUCK accompanyyou a little turther into the castle,hoping
point,but thereis nothingelsehereyou might wish to thereby lo gel some extra food or equipmentfor
take.Thereis, however,a door at Lhewesternend o[ himselfand his impovedshedlriends If you want to
the north wall here;ii is unmarkedand quite ordinary considerhiring him, tum lo 160 If you want to leave
in appearance, but who knows what kind of horror and take the crawlway to the west, having nof done
may be a neighbourto the Hellhorns?If you wanLto so before,fum to 355. If you want to retum to the
openit, turn lo 68. If you preferto leaveand go north maincastle,turn to j
tc the grealwrought iron door, fum io r97

The bedraggledthievesare very glad that you don't
rvantto hght them;they havea hard enoughlime just
surviving,stealingenough food to keep them alive
and stayingaway from the Orcs and Zombiesof the
castle The thieveswam you of the CastleImps:they
havea lair to the wesl of the thieves'hideout.On the
main floor above,they tell you that a feasthall and
kitchenslie due west of the doubledoorsat the end oi
the entrancchall, and that north of that area rs a
smithy and an armourer'sWest oF the library, there
are a wizard'schambersand a skangeindoor Sard€n
with a smallmagicalfountain.At the end of Lhenorth
passageway, opposiiethe wizard'schambers,thereis a aoa
crazy merchant,Cohstune,from whom the threves The huge body explodesand splashesyou wilh acid;
sometimesbuy iood in retum for purloinedvaluables deducl 6 points from your srevrn,rl If you're still
North of fhe indoor garden,in turn, thereis a temple alive, the room is covered in slime and acid, and
which is guardedby undeadmonstersTo get to the everythingin it is dissolvlngas fhe room fills with
nexi floor of the leaveLheLbraryand head acridsmoke.You will not be able to find anythingo[
west and then norfh to a guardroomwith a west- use there now. You head for the main passageto
facing door; a north-facingdoor thereleadsdown to searchelsewhere;fum to:8o
102 ao4
TesLyour Luck If you are Lucky, you lose only 1 Testyour Skill,addtng3 to the numberrolled (thelitLle
srAMINa point from the fall, surelyLheheavenshave beastis very, very fast) If you are successful,
tum to
smiled upon your Gain z LUCKpornts If you are 19j. If you fail,hlm to 153
Unlucky, Iose 6 sTAMINApoints - but even that is
betterthan)ou mighthare expecled. \o 8ain I IUcK
point anyway You take another3o secondsto get
lhroughthe Dragon'schamber. To headonwards,tum
to 286

There is a trrpwiretrap behindthe doors,but fortu-
naLelyyou seeiL and step over safely.You now stand
in bhegreat entrancehall of CastleArgent Flanking ao5
the long walls here are pennantsand shieldsof the TeslyourLuckwhlle forcingthis door open.If you are
provincesof Amarillia,but manyhavebeendefacedor Lucky,you open the door safely.If you are Unlucky,
brokenand flung to the stony floor Inegularlyplaced you trigSer a vicious poisoneddari trap and must
wall-torchesbum dimly and provide a low light, deduct4 points{rom your srAMrNA The spartanand
enoughkr seeby, but they alsosuggesttheremustbe barelyfumishedroom beyond is lhat of the castle's
living creaturesherein,and ihis spellsdanger-Therers old masLerarmouret and the trap used to deter cor-
a door to eithersideof this enLrance,and from behind wardly Orcish soldieryhom enLering. You find inlact
one of thcm you canmakeout the gruntsand guttual a suit of chain mail armourr this gjves no Attack
speechoi Orcsl They will surely be simple guards, Strengthbonuses, but theremay be Limeswhen it will
rvith no gold or items of value, so it's pointless be usefll to youl Leavinghere,you can makefor bhe
wastingyour strengthon them.You edgc forward as door furtheralong lhis easfempassage, if you haven't
quietly as you can Beforeyoq thereis a smalldoor to doneso before(tum to :69), or elseretraceyour sleps
your left and one Lo your righL,and a pair of larger southand searchelsewhere (turn to 575).
doorsdircctlyaheadWill you now open-
Thc right-handdoor? Tum to zo You gather r5 Gold Pieces and a faLlot of usebhey
The left-handdoor? fum !o 318 areto you whenyou're aboutto confrontZagor!Turn
The largedoorsahead? Tum to 376 lo 262,


ao7 Polions,however;shecanuseLheseto wet lhe spindle

You push open a nckety door vvilh Oicish SraJfiti sheworks at, and they help her createher darkmagic.
daubedin blood round the door frameand a wretched lf you are preparedLo Sive up any Potions,she will
sceneunfolds before your eyes. In a once-pleasant glve you the followin8 in exchange(one item per
guest-chamber everything has been vandalizedand Poiion);a Magic Ring,a vial of PlagueAntidote,or a
daubed with long dried blood and filth. You see a sooll containinga Magic Screenspell If you rvant
coupleof brokenskeleionsLhesizeof Dwarfs among to trade with the hag, amend yow AdoentureSheet
the wreckage;in a leatherpouchon oneof the dwarven accordinglythen leave and head for the great iron
skeletonsis a shrivelledpieceof parchmentUnfolding door fo the north; tum to r97 II you don'l want to
it carefully,you find that the scriptis in the dwarfish irade,or tf you hav€ no Potionsto frade w'[h, furn
tonSleryou cannotreadthis unlessyou areStubbleor to 2,tt
Sallazar(Sallazar musLspend1 Magrc Point to decode
it by magicalmeans)Ii you cannotread the wrjling, 110
you must searchelsewhere,turn Lo 2a8. If you can Un[orturately,the runes were specificallyset to be
readLhewriting,tum to ,,j. activatedby any spellcasi at Lhedoor. They explode
in a white-hota.c of electricalenergy.Deducf4 points
108 from your srevrre - or o pointsif you are wearing
'Hmm. Well, of course,they've appearedhere just metal armour,sincethis conductsthe electricityinto
recenLly.I've only been able Lo geL at one myself' your bodyl Frombehindthe door you can hearsome-
Elranel flourishesa Silver Dagger; f you want lo one or sorneLhingscrabblingand screamingLhtreaLs
buy this, ii will cost you 6 Gold PieceslWhether You have no time to eat someprovisionsor drink a
you buy or noL Elranelcontinues:There's certainly PoLionhere,so m your weakenedstateyou may well
one in the treasurybehrnd the Throne Room, and chooseto flee,retuminSwesLand south(turn to j76).
Grool, LhemonstrousOgre in the east wing, he has If you decideto throw the door open and confronL
one too. I believe there is one in the wesl wing, whaLliesbehrndrl, tum lo Jj9
guarded by the greatest of Lhe Hellhoms - vile
things, they are. Beware their whips and pojsonl' aaa
Retumto 22. You stand iooking up and down Lhelong east-west
Passageof Hawks, with severaldoors and passages
ao9 leadingfrom it. You decidebo male {or the mrd-way
The hag isn't interestedin any sort of parleyingor point of the passageand take carefulstock of every-
smalltalk. Sheis interestedin whelheryou have any thingyou cansee.Turn to 5
Opening the dooa you 6nd yourself in a ransacked
room with another silvereddoor rn the west wall.
Standingin the middle of room, carryinga sack,is a
leathercladElf.He's tall and slim,and he reactsswftly
to your prcsence,drawing a long dagger dripping
wrth an oily greenliquid He has a strange,crooked
smile,and a livid red scarruns down the right sideof
his face.He wearsa plarngrey cloakwhich shimmers
oddly and,as you look at him, it seemsas if his body
is swimrningrn and out of focus.If you have a thief
hirelingwith you, tum Lo 82. If you haven't,turn to

If you have already opened the east door here, you
know thal lhere is nothing there for you now, so you
marchon fo the systalline doors to the nort\ tum to
r35. If you have not openedthe eastemdoor before,
tum to a65.

The wizard-ghostwill casla spellfrom his fiery hands
in eachof the firsl two Attack Rounds.If he has the
higher Attack Strength,the power of his spell will
makeyou lose 4 points of sr^MINA. If you have the
higherAttack Strength,his spelJis deflectedand you
sufferno damage.fiereafter, he ffghts by touching
you with his numb,chilling handsand yor: will lose z
si^MlN^ pointseachtime he strikesyou.

If you win, you can search the skange cavem. You that something - or someone- intelligmt must have
find a Tower Chest and in a leather pouch you ffnd 5 despatchedthe lizard and closed the door behind it.
Gold Piecesand two omate and very unusualplayrng Opening the secretdoor may well lead you to a srnart
erds. Thar backs are uppermost. and they bear a and probably powerfirl enemy. If you decide to open
sbange elliptical design - a snakeswallowing its own the secret door, tum to r7r- If you prefer to search
tail - in red on a b)ack background. If you want to elsewherqyou headbackwest and south; tum to 376.
tum over the first of thesecards,tum to t47.If you
wanL to fum over the secondcard, tum to 245. If you
prefernot to examineeither,you canleaveandexplore
the cavem at the end of the passagebeyond if you
havenol alreadydone so (tum to ro) or headbacklo
lhe maincavern(tum to 186).

Did you cast a Magic Sseen sPell before entering
Zagcxs -fowefl lf you did not, Zagols spell drains r
point Fom your Current srtll and 2 Points fiom your
Current sr^MlN,rr tum to 299 to decidewhat to do in
the next Attack Round.If you did castthis spellbefore
entering,yor.r spelland Zagor'scancelled eachother's
out; fum to 51
1a5 Convert the name of lhe knight into a number using
The slimy trail oI the Corpse Lizard heads north the codeA = a, B = 2,6 = 3 and so on. Add the
outside hhe doors to the kitchensand leads to bhe numberstogether,multiply the total by si;c then tum
point at which the passagetums eart. There is only to the paragraph with lhat nuhbff (if the lcighfs
one door along this Passageand it is on your left - nameisnL the fust word you read,you are incoEect
but the slime trail go€s in a skaight line to the md of and you must tum to r59).
dre passageand stops at the walll There must be a
secretdoor here, and indeed you 6nd one, flush with 7.a6
the end of the passage.However, since lizards aren'l The two doorsherearevery sfurdrly constructedof iron-
usually able to close doors behind them, this suggests shoddarkwoodand haveheavy locks,You cannotbatter
them down, and an Open spellwill not get you past whereLhere isa doorinscribedwitha hugeletterZbefore
lhem; they havebeenenchanledfo resistsuchmagrc. you. If you have a Ring of Truesighl,you know the
You canonly openthemwrtha sel of jailer'skeys.Ifyou numberof the paragraphwhere you for.rndiq multlply
possess sucha setofkeys,you knowhow manyarein the thaLnumber by seven,then tum to the paragraphwibh
bunch If you want to openthe first door along,tum to thaLnumber.Ifyoudo not haveLhisring,all you cando ls
the paragraphwith lhe sarnenumber as the number of open the door here, but you had better mre every
keys you have.If you want to open the seconddoor possibleprecautionbeforeentering-Male useof every
along,multiplythenumberof keysby three,thentum to thingyou have;thereis but one enemyleft.If you want
lhe paragraphwiLhthat number.Ifyoudo not haveany to useanOpenspelltoopenthedoorhere,tum'to3r1if
jailer'skeys,turn to 5r and searchelsewhere you just want to open the door normally, turn to
If you spend1 Magic Point,you can use this fluid to
createa Potion of FireResistanceYou will be ableto You 6nd a panel in the eastwall which is not quite
dnnk thrsat any time,exceptduringcombat.The effecls flushwith the marn stonework:a secreldoorl II you
of the Potronlasl for one combat You can halve lhe want to openrl, tum to a64 If you decidenoc co,you
damageof any hery attack Dragon breathor magic leave and can follow either the west passage(tum to
such as a Fireball spell during this combat (rounding 399) or the norlh passage(tum to r59).
fraclionsup). Now tum to 5z to exploreelsewherein
the eastwing, or tum to 7 to retum to the BronzeSLride.
Rushingto the stonestepr you will be able to evade
420 the ballista,since the Ogre can't point rl al you
Flowing chevronsbursL from the staff and fly as However,now he will Lry to drop rockson your head
deadly magicalarrowheadstowards the Champion, from a pile on the top of the platform Il will fake
impalinghim on a stnng of magicalbarbs!He loses8 threeAttack Roundsfor you to get to the top of the
srAMrNApointsl ReLumLo 2jJ to continuethe 6ght, stonesteps(fourAttack Roundsif you are Stubble).In
amendingthe Champion'ssrAMrNAscoreaccordingly eachAttack Round yoa must TestGrcol's5/cil4rf he is
he catchesyou wilh a rock and you must
a2a lose z sreurre points If he fails, Lhe rock sails
Thereisonly oneway to reachZagorfromhere:enterthe harmlesslypast your head.You have no time Lo do
white light beam.Steppinginto thebeam,you arehfted anythingexceptraceup the sleps,bul, rf you are still
rlpwards and are able to step out on to a circular ledge alve afterGroofs rock hurlingexploits,tum to r7z.

The black shield looks forbrdding, even with the
symbolof the warrn sun on ib as you push open the
dooa you find a mighly enemy ready and waiting
Cladin blackplatemail with the rdenticalrmageof the
sunon hrs breastplate, the creatureLhatwas once the
Crand Templar of the kings court rajses a huge,
demonicaxe lo fight you. His mind destroyedby
magic and now becomea pawn of the Demon, lhe
Templarhaschangedrnto a ChaosChampion,and you
l'ill nol be able to rrur from him. When the Chaos
Championwins an Altack Romd, you must roll one
dice:if you roll a 6, his demonicaxe has causedyou
specialdamage,in addton to losing the normal z
points from your srAMrNA.Roll again,on the table defermine nhat lhatexrradamage ir.
CHAOS CHAMPION srlrr ro 15

Dict Roll Ertra Danage

You losel extra srAMrNApoinL
3 You loser sral.rrre pojJ:.tfuomInifial

4 You lose1 sKrLLpoint lrom Irilial

5 You loser Magic Pointfrom lnitial

6 Frenzyl(seebelow)
If lhe ChaosChampiongoesinto a frenzy,he losesj
srAMrNApoints hrmself,but you must lose Lwo dice
worth of sr,lvrr-l pointsllf yoLrmanageto overcome
lhis terrrfyingenemy,tum to 572

hio a warm smjleand he replies,You've heardof me,

The body of the hideouschieftainlies aL your feel ihen?Do they still speakof me in far Cabaal?'You
You have triumphed;garn 1 LUCKpoint. A great haveno rdeawhetherthey do or not, but you flatler
reward is surely yours somewherelYou find some him, assuringhim how well thoughtof he is and how
scrapsof edibiefood on the banquetrnglable in this pleasedyou are to meet him. At lhis, the merchant
place,though almosteveryLhinghereis rotLen(addj beginsto take a shine to you and is pleasedto do
to your Provisions)Lookingaroundand rgnoringthe busrness.If you spendat least I Gold Piecesat his
pathetic arrd mindlessmrnronssince Lhey offer no store,he will grveyou a smallgreenolslal pendantin
threatto yorl you obs€rvefour doorsin the chamber. the shapeof a key 'Don't know what it's good for,
threeare along the north wall, and one is in the north but I'm sureit openssomethinground here,'he says
comerof the westwall-Wrll you open: offhandedlyTum to r94 to look over what he hasfor
The door in the west wall? Tum Lo39o
The far left door in the norlh walh Tum to 282
The central door in the north walh Tum to 9r
The far lght door in the north walh Tum to 244

The StoneColossussy/ingsits dub, eachLimeit hits
yol! you musLroll one dice,on a 5 or 6, you lose f a28
poinl5of srAMrNAratherthanthe usual.r. If. at ar1 Insidethe hole, a thick and syrupy hquid oozesover
time when you roll dice to determineihe Alta& the ground;you broke the vial containingit wilh an
you roll a total of rr or rz,
StrengLhfor the Colossus, ill tmed knife thrust. Bad luckl Now, if there is a
tum at onceLoryo. kmght whosenameyou know and whose sword you
8 STAM I N A 1 8 seek,turn to rr7. Otherwise,turn to 43 to exploreelse-
If you win, lum lo 29j.
427 You decideto take a risk and tell lhe man that you
'Ah, you must be thaL excellentmer&art o{ great have come Lo destroy the evil that rs ruling the
repute,Three-Eyes Haa8l'you say,offednga hand in castle.He looks lirst confused,lhen despairing,and
friendly greeting.The strangeold mar's face breaks blwts out that your quesLis hopeless.He is Sr

Davian,one oi the last Argent Knights,and it is all

he can do to keep the Orcs at bay and delay his Standing in one large room and thinking about
own dealh He breaksdown and admitsthat he had where lo go n€xt, you hear voices.They are very
been afflictedwith magicalfear by one of ihe War faint but they're coming from below the stone floor,
Dragonswhich assaulLed the castleduring Lhewars, and you even manage Lo make out a word or Lwo
and that he IiterallyfainLedwrth fear after fleeing- as you kneel down and put one ear to the floor:
and found himselfhere Now he hides,in fear for his Down bhecrawlway .. keasue there,sure of it, a
life. If you are Braxus,tum to i78 If you are any c-hest... trap ... dangerous-'
Searchingarourd for a
othercharacter, tum to 25o, loose flagstone, you can't 6nd one, so there's no
way of discoveringwho the whisperingdenizensof
. 450 the under-castlemay be, though they sounded
Oncethe laboratoryof the alchemists of CastleArgenl, human.Tum to rr7.
thisplacehasbeeniransformed into oneof unspeakable
horror It is htteredwrth the preservedpartsof mutanL
monstersand strangelydesignedequrpment- A palp- You str*e the baseof the steps with your magical
ablesenseof evil lingersin the air, fhoughall is silent, weapon,and a resoundingcrashreverberates around
savefor a rhythmicslurpingnois€comingfrom under the Tfuone Room.A blueline of magicalforce snakes
a door in the south wall Taking a step or tvro closer upwards from where you sland as far as Zagols feet
towardsthat noise,the hairson lhe napeof your neck al the top of the steps.You have lost some of Lhe
sein apprehension. Will you, magic of yor.rrweapon now but only temporarily,
Searchthis laboratorymore subhactr from your Atlack Strengthfor lhe next two
thoroughly? Tum to 5E Attack Rounds As Zagor stands,looking stupefied,
Open the southdoor? Tum to j55 caughLofI balance, you racelo the top of the stepsto
Leaveand retum to the northwards- assaulthiin! Tum to 24.
leadingpassage? Tum to 28o
a3a Abor-rt half-way along lhis north-facing passageway
At the boltom of the stars, the secretpassageway there is a lone single door to the west, Lhen the
runs {or a lon8 way eastwardsthen tums norlh T€sf passage meetsthe long east-wesfPassage of Hawks If
your Spot Skill here,if you have a lanLemor a Lrght you want fo retum to LhesouLhto explore an area
speil (if you have neither.tum to z7r) If you are you haven'f yet entered,tum to j99 I[ you wanr ro
successfrJ,tum to Jo If you fail, tum to z7r. openthe door here,not havingdoneso before,tum to

39. lt you want to male for the pa.sage of Hawks bottoo of fhe chasmfar below. Ii you are successful,
aheadot you, tum to ta1. you land,sprawlingacrossLhefloor,and hit a boulder
Deduct 2 points from your sreulN,r, but at least
Tum fo 29j


open aSain any door lhal youve opened already

In\rde erlher wing. Turn Lo 4r to choose where to

;: -':it


The undead guardians of the temple are Zombies, as
you suspected,but they are wearing stranSe copper
circleLsround their headsand are far rnore dangerous
thanusual.You can attacklhem in the normalway or
you can Lry to rnale a specificstrike at the head.If you
wrsh to do bhelatter,you must subtractf from your
Atta& Shength.However if you do makea successful
headstrike,knockrngoff the circlet,the Crown Zombie
will lose -zpoints from rts SKILLand 4 points from its
STAMTNA instanlly.You canfight the Crown Zombies
one at a time as you rush into the temple.
If you win, you hear a rumpus coming from behind
the doors LheCrown Zombies were guarding Orcish
voices are raised in alarm, you can also hear a man's
tenified voice. The Orcs are dearly preparing lo 6ght.
You have three choices.You can atla& at once,
openingone of the doors;tum to 2Ej AllemaHvely
you can perform one action (such as forcing some
Provisions down or quaffing a PoLion),then open the
door to altackthe Orcs, tum to 362. Lastly,you can
decide fhat another 6ght skaighLaway is just too
dangerousand tum on your heel.Losearchsomewhere
elsq down Lo lhe far eastemend of the passageway
outside(tum to j).

Lookrng northwards along Lhis passage,you see a
t 4a-143

door to yor:r right, a few meLresbefore lhe passage 144

reachesa crossroads. At Lhecrossroads,
the easl-facrng You spot a secretdoor at the end of the passage,flush
passagehas no doors,but you can seeseveralto the with lhe east wall. If you want Lo open it, having not
norLhand the west.You shouldexplorean areayou done so before, tum to azl If you would rather nol,
haven'tenteredbefore,so will you: you will haveto headbackwest and south to explore
elsewhere;tum to g76.
Tum to j53
Open the door beforethe crossroads?
Headon northwardsLo the
ciossroads? Tum lo 9z
You rehieve a very simple, sheerblack orb, no bigger
Go backsouthand wesl, lo where
than a goose egg, from the small compartmmLbehind
you enLeredthis level of lhe
the secret panel. The Orb of the Templar can be
castle? Turn to j99
activatedby a simple effort of will, at any time. \Men
you use it, you can increaseyour Currerit sKrLL(which
may exceedyo!tr lrlitial srrlr, due to the power of Lhis
magic).In total, the Orb has enough magic for you to
gain j extr4 temporary sKrLLpoints in this way (you
en use these all at once or at different Limes).Each
temporary incease in sxrn will last for the duration
of one combat only, and it will also help if you have
to Test your SLill dr-ting a lengthy combat. Gain r
rucr point for maling this find. Now, you can search
elsewherein the wesbwing (fum lo 56) or male lor
the BronzeShide (lurn to 7).

The circle nearest the northem door glows brightly
and, as you bouch lhe wrought-iron door-handle on
140 the north door, a violent shock of electricily jolts
The Elf looks you r.rpand down, and doesn't seemthe tfuough your bodyl Deduct 4 poinLs from your
leastbit afraidof you If you want to talk to him, tum srevlNt" The door will not open either.Now you
to 3r5 If you decideto altack him for the bag of have one action left before you must fighl (turn to
treasurehe is carrying, tum to a5Z r9o), otherwire you must flee (lum to 97).
14-145 t4r14a

144 If you are still alive, you have Iound your way into
This door bears a simple magical rune buL it has no Moranes'sExploratorium.The famed Moranes was an
visible lock. So will you
Castan Open spell(if you can)? Tum to 2oj
Beatthe door down? Tum to42
Searchelsewhere? Ttun to 3
ihat, when he got things right, he must have been a
great help to the defencesof CastleArgent Clearly,
eploring here may be dangerous if th€ trap on the
door is anything to go by. If you want to tinker with
Voranes'smodelsand examinehis notesand desigrs,
tum to 5o7. If you decidethat this is too hazardousa
Focedure, fum to 5r and explore elsewhere.

This is a card from Zagols own magical pad(, lost to
him when he was hansported herel Tuming it over,
you see lhe image of a silver dagger etdred on its
145 hce. This countsas a Silver Dagger,which you can
The little creature rushes from the roonv it is very use to wealen the monster when you encounterhim.
swift, so you won't be ableto follow it. Will you open Gain r rucr point for this find, If you now wanr ro
the door opposite with the ceramicplaque.if jou eramine lhe face of the second card, tum to 245. If
haven'lalreadydone so (tum to ia.2),or rnaltefor the you prefer not to examine it, you can leave and
end of the north passage(tum to 4j! explorethe cavemat the end of the passagebeyond
d you have not dlreadydone so (tum to ro7, or maxe
146 your way back to the main czrvemyou entered by
As you opm the door, a pair of heavy iron blades rtum to aE6).
whirl out from Lheframe towardsyou. One, at knee
hej8hl.stabsforwald; the other is placedto strikeyou lAE
acrossthe back of lhe head. You lme 5 sreurre You are wise not to falry - yow quest was to destroy
points (unlessyou are Stubble,who loses only z the ZagorDemon,not to geLgold for yourselftGain r
srAMrNAporntssincethe head-hightrap misseshim). lucK point Tum to 2j5.

149 ableto useit to dealthe Hellhom Championa mortal

'Zuqumlm,I -'But he hasalreadystoppeddeadin his blow If you know which symbolcan defeatit, and if
tIacKs you havealsofound a heraldicdesignon a chestwith
'My hue name was knowr only to my acolytel'he that symbolon rt, you kaow how many symbolswere
on that chest,and what colourthey wer€-Convert the
says-YoLrexplainhow you saved this acolyle from
the CreatOrcsin the basementof the castleZuqurulm lettersof the colourinto numbersusrngthe codeA =
js overjoyed;he had thought his studentlong dead 1, B = z, C = 5, elc.Add the numberstogetherthen
'Thenyou havesavedboth of us My debt to you is multiply that total by the numberof the syrnbolsyou
found on the chest Clhus,for example,if you think
doubled Friend,now you have slain all the vile ser
vantshere,w€ havesometime-Thereis a specialspellI thal the slar defeatsthe Champion.and you had Found
hve white \iars Inscribedon a chest,you would tum
can teach you which may help you prevail at lasL'
You rest and meditatewith Zuqumlm as he Leaches
toparagraph3z5r WHITE = 23 + I + g + 20 +
r = 65, and you would multiply that by j.) Tum to
you the StaminaSpell This costs 1 Magic Point Lo
the paragraphyou have calculaled; if the nameof the
cast;when you castit, you regainlost srAMrNApoints
equalto half your lrtlidl total (roundfractionsup) You symbolisn't the secondword you read in that para-
cai cast this spell at any fime,exceptdurinS combat 8raph,you are wrong and shouldretum to paragraph
22j to continuefighling You should also do this if
Now, if you are Braxusor Sallazar, tum Lo2j2- If you
you have the staff but do not know which s]'rnbol
areAnvar or Stubble,h.tmto 21a.
defeatsthe Champion.

As you look closelyaL the painting,the face of the
wizard changesswiftly and dramaficallytHis kindly
feafuresseemto swim out of focusard mutaLeinto
lhe livid, red faceof somehorriEcDemon fiom your
worst nightmar€sllt ]s Zagor himself,and his eyes
move as if searchingfor somethingThey meeLyours
and the visage breaks into a crooked grimace of
150 hatred. Words form with your mind, a telepathic
The onyx staff has four symbolson it: Ion, chevron, screamfrom the enragedmonster:You darechallenge
goblet and slar. If you have spent a Magic Point to tnA'Lose I LUCKpojnLrFilledwith fear,you rush out
activatethe staff (or if you do so now), you may be of this room andpresson northwards.Tum Lo92.


You open Lhedoor quietly and gaze rnto a majestic
andbeautifulchamber. A hugecrrculartabledominates
the room, wrLhthronesseatedall round itj theremust
be fifty or so. ln the huge hole rn the middle of the
tableis a crystallinedome from which a faint green
flow emanales-There is a glowing image of some
objector other insidethat dome,but you cannotmake
out what it is from Lhedoorway - not leastbecause
the twenty-metrelongdozingreptilecurledround the
tabletopis betweenyou and the domelThis must be a
yoLrngDragorryou guess,but any Dragonis a formid
ableenemy.On the other hand,it doeshave a pile of
treasureclaspedbeLweenits forepaws,and its scales
look iust a little out of condiLion.lf you want to attack
it, you haveone freeachon(strikingit with a weapo&
attacking with a spell, shooting with a bow, etc.);
subtractthe damageyou do Fom the si^MrNA of the
Dragonwhen you fight it, tum to 176 to fight If you
decideto leavewell alone,turn Lo56 to exploreelse-

The faceof a Demon shinesout from bhecardlYou
are cursed,you must deduct 1 from your Atback
Strengthand also lose r point from your LUCK.IL's
timeto fight, Lumto 299.

Sanctuaryhas its fair share of dubious fortune-[ellers
and charlatans,but the king's quemlousold sageYon-
daleis said to have lhe SighLso you makeyour way
155 aj*a5a

to his chambers.When you enter,lhe ancient-loolong a56

wiz:rd-sageis in animateddiscussion wrth a merchant Sinceyou are slandingcloseLo the monsterwhen it
who is bearinga smallwooden casket He asksyou explodes,you are drenchedin Lhecorrosiveacid and
what you want and, when you ask Ior his help, he filth which burstsout; lose 12 srAMrNApoints!What's
snapsat you, 'This wretchwants 5 Gold Piecesfor a more,the hugecarcass is still churningand writhing.If
meregrumnetof Banabangran shimmerlizard tailslIt's yoLrwant to pick up the woodenchesthere,you must
an outrage!Payhim for me, and I'll tell you somethrng Tesfyour Skill If yoq are successful, tum to 199; if you
of useto you'If you are wrllng to pay the 5 Gold fail, turn to 5a7. If you would rather leave at once,
Pieces,turn to J82. If you won't (or can't)pay, you tum to 28o.
can buy some equipment(lum to 56), try to make
someextra money (tum to 206), or makefor the ship
to takeyou out of Sanctuary(turnto 22o). Elranelrs a very dangerousenemy-UnJessyou havea
Ring of Tmesrght,you must deduct r from your
Attack Skength, since hrs magicalcloak makeshim
hardto hit Also he hasa poisonedweapon;if he strikes
you,you will lose l point fiom your sr^MrNAbecause
of his daggerblow - but you must also lose z extra
points from your srAMrNA through the effects of
poison.His fusLsix attackswill usepoison;after that,
the poisonrunsouLand his hits will causeyou only 1
point of damage.LasLly,if you have a thief hireling
with you, he will not help you fight here,instead,he
12 STAM IN A 1 3

At the point where the conidor tums east, there is a If you reduce his srAMrNA Lo 4 points or belor{
door opposite you in the norfh wall There is also a without killing him outriSht,turn to 2j9. If you kill
small door along lhe eastempassageway,again on the him,tum to r95
north wall. If you want lo open the door at the poini
where the passagetums, tum to ro5 Ii yc'u wanr ro 158
open the door turther along the eastem passage,turn You have enleredthe jailer'srest-roomwherea huge
to 269 stone staLuestands guard. The monster has been
a5f1,5o a5?fi^

craJtedin the shapeof a demon,wiLhstony wings and you must open yourself, and the thief cannot open
homs set above its humanoid body. It has huge, doorswiLhmagicallocksor nrnesof them.Second,the
dubbedhandsand a networkof spikeson iLsheadand little thiel can help you fight, so while he is with you
along its neck and spine,and rt reachesforward to you can add 2 Lo your Attack Strength.However,
graspyou as soon as you enLecyou have no chance once Lhe thief has helped you with Lhreecombats,
to flee here. This is going Lo be a tough combat fhat's as much of a risk as he is prepared lo tale, and
against a powerfld enemy; your only good fortune is he will then leave (keep a note oI the number of
that, unlike many of its kind, this huge Colem is combaLs he helpsyou with, if you hire him). You can
vulnerable to all weapons, so you can fight it nor- choosewhich combatshe will help you with they
mally do not have to be the frst three but the thief will
not 6ght any Dragory nor will he enter the Throne
9 srAMrNA16 Room on the floor aboveor crossany wooden stair-
If you wry you ffnd a set of keys to the jarls;thereare way Decide whelher to hire hirn; if you do, make a
noLeto tum to 916 when the thief leavesyou (after
7o keys altogether.Leavingthe chamberwith lhesein
your hand,will you try to open: Lhreecombats). Now you set off for the main body of
Lhe caslJe,laking the thief's advjce not to risk a
The next door on your righL? Tum to a84 conJrontation with [he vjciouslitlle Imps lo the west.
The last door on your right? Tum to 281 Tum lo 3
Eitherof the left-handdoors? Tum to 118
459 If you have Lakena Potion of Flying, you can now
Searchingthrough the chambersof the Argent Knights, swoop down without taking any Lime;turn to 286.
you must eat a meal lesf your Spot Skill If yor ate OLherwise,you have a choice you can climb down
successful,tum to 257. lt you fail, you find nolhing one of the rope-laddershanging from the platform
unusual,so tum lo 4j and searchelsewhere (hrm to j25) or you can pray to lhe gods and
goddessesof Amarillia to protecl you and jump the
a6o ha/entyfrvemetresto Lheground(tum to roz).
If you wanL to hire the yor-rngthief, you must pay him
4 Gold Pieces.trn rehrm, he can help you in the a62
following ways Firsl he canpick any lo&s you come The magicalenergy makesLhe hall shimmerout oI
aooss and bypassany traps,so you will not have to focls for a split second, then the ghostly form oI a
take damagefrom haps on doors;but Tower Chests young knight standsbeforeyou. He is unce ain, buL

15j a64-155

whenyou assurehim as to the natureof your questhe off you see that the defensiveiron plates on the
seemsmore willing to help you. He tellsyou that you creature's
backand legs havegrown ihicker.DodginS
may find help in the temple,dr.rewest of here,and Lhat your blow, the animalraceslor the door.Tum to r45.
oppositelhe lemplelhereis anothersourceoi healng
to be had from a magrcalformtain though there is a64
one of far greaterpower above He wams you that in A small, cramped,secret charnberhere rs filled with
the GreatHall, on the next floor above,the greatOrc toul and mustyaia but it alsohassomevaluablertems
chieftain,Thulu, holds court over a mutaled and Thereis a suit of Dwarf-sizedplate rnail armour,only
undead€ntourageof 6erceOrcs and monslers,bLrthe Stubblecanwear this,and he gainsa bonusof r to his
addsthal Thulu guardsa powerfulmagicalswordlThe Attack Shengfhin combatwhen wearing it Furthet
GreatHall hasblack wrought-irondoorsand is unmis- thereis a leadcasketwhichcontainsa lumpy,elliptical,
takableHe warnsyou nol to ent€rLhedungeonpflson somewhategg-like object thaL measuresabout 20
of the castlej there is a very strong Golem guard centimetres from end to end.This is one of the fabled
there,thoughthereis alsosomelost magicof consider LavaSpheresof lhe Dwarfsof Grundia,and it canb€ a
ableintereslto any wizardssealedup there He also devastatingweapon If you throw it into an area(a
saysthaf you shouldtry fo find lhe crazyold merchant room or passage)where you have to fight, it will
(knovr.nas Three,EyesHaag becauseof the eyeglass explode in a ball of flameswhich harms al your
he always carries),for he may have equipmentor opponentsin the cornbat;roll one dice for eachoppo-
magic for sale.Incredibly,the old man has boarded nenl separalelyto determinethe numberof srAMrNA
himselfup in the castleand hasmanagedto surviveall points he wlll lose (this will not harm Zagor or any
theseyears 'And bewarethe wings, easLand west,' fire breathingcreature,however).You must spend r
[he young man addsas his ghostly form fadesIiom Vagic Pointto activatethe LavaSphere. Gdin r LUCK
sight, 'bewareGrool, Keeperof the ..' Then he is point for finding it. You find a one-waydoor in the
gon€.It's time to searchelsewhere, for you can hear north wall; iI you want to open it, turn to 56J,
moreratsapproachingj t[rn to 576. otherwiseyou may leave here and take the west
Passage(turn to:99) or the north passage(tum to
a63 aI9)
The litlle animalleapsat you and scrabblesat your
armourwrth its clawsand snout.Greatrentsappearin a65
your armouras the beaslgobblesup the metallYour A suddenintuition tells you that a powerfulmagical
metal armour is ruined (though,forturately,you still rveaponyou seeklies behind this eastemdoorl You
wearyour leatherarmourbeneathit). Trying to fendit nrst haveit! Tum to 34.


You are standingin the circularground-floorchamber
of the easbtower The tower riseshigh aboveyou; a
set of stone stepsleadsup to a wooden platformon
which you can see a huge wooden war machine
pointinSaway from yorr, out through a portal at the
top of the tower Thereis alsowhat is unmistakably a
Tower Cheston the plafform.However,the guardian
of the tower is not jusf goinS to let you takeitl Grool,
the gigantic,one-eyed,mutant Ogre, heftsa club that
must be the size of you, and he growls hatefullyas
you enLer.If you want to takethe treasurehe has,you
will have to kill this huge brute If you don'Lwant to
fight him, prefening to flee, tum to 377 Otheruse,
do your bestlIf you have an onyx wand and wish Lo
useit here,tum to 246 immediafely.

If you reduceGrool's suvrrl to 8 or ress,maxe a

note of his Curren[ srrrr and srlvrre scoresand
lum at onceto 59. lf you manageto kill him outright,
Lumto 252. If you are forcedto flee,you may do so
at any time; tum to tZ.

The Mutant ChaosOgre is a lruly formidableenemy.
EachAttack Rouad,roll one dice If you roll a 6, the
monslerwill spit out a blob of corosive acid at you,
and you must lose j srevrr,l points (this happens
whetheryou have the higher Attack Strengthor not,
and is additionalto any damagethe brute may do by
strikingyou).So you mustkill this monsterswiftlyl

a6A a69-a7o

MUTANT CHAOS OGRE srrn 7 srAMrNA14 a69

It is not easyfo throw a vial of acid so far-You must
If you slaylhe Ogre,tum lo 48.
subtract2 pointsfrom your Altack Strengthlor throw-
ing it (but you could use it normallyin hand-Lo-hand
combat),unlessyou have a catapultto fue it with. If
It you think you lqrow the name of the merchant, you have the higher Attack Strength, you cause
convert his name into a numberusing the followrng damageon Zagor.If he hasthe higherAtta& Strength,
code,A = r, B = 2, f = 3, and so on. Add together
his spellcausesyou to lose r point from your Curent
the numberscofiespondjngto lhe letLersin his name
srllr and z poinfs from your Currentsuurrl Tum
then tum to the paragraphwith the samenumber.If to 299 Lodecidea courseof actionfor the nexl Atback
Lheparagraphdoes 4ot begin 'Ah, you must be . . .',
you haveguessedwrongly and you musf tum to 194
instead.If you don'L larow his name, you ask the
merchanthow he has survivedhere He repliessimply
thal he hascertainmagicaldefences againstmarauding
Orcs and the like; afler he killed two of them who
were toring to loot his shop, they kept away for a
while,and now they evencometo buy food now and
again.'Mind you, itt not easygelting suppliesthese
days. The castlefolk who fled into the old village
bring what they can,but you iust can'tget the service
Lhesedays,' he reflectssadly You think thal he's
probably crazy but he does have some worlhwh €
thingsfor sale;turn to r94

The Colossusalso strikesyou with its whip, which is
madeof enchartedBasilisklealher!You must spendr
\4agicPoint to avoid its magicaleffects.If you haveat
ieast r Magic Point, retum to ar6 to continuethe
ight. If you haven't,fhenyou are tumed to stone,and

A chiselledset of stone sLeps,leading norLh, lies You have spent some hours ln a rough-and-tumble
behindthe secretdoor. There is a sLicky,slimy sub- parl of Low& wherepickpocketsand cutpursesthrong
stanceon th€ floor so you descendcarefullyIt is dark the streetsand tavems.You must Tesl Vout L ck If
here so you needa lantem(or a Light spell)to light you are Lu&y, you have managedto keep all your
your way If you do not use one or other, you will gold.If you are Unlucky,you losehalf of [he gold you
stumbleard lall heavily,losing2 srAMrNApoinLsThe had(roundfractionsup) - a threfhasdippedinto your
stepsend at a landing with a single door opposite pocketslNow, will you:
you The door doesn't look very strong, nor is it
Buy someequipmenl? Turn to 56
locked,but lhereis a glowing paltem of magicalrunes
Consultone of lhe king'ssages? Tum to 154
on it If you are Sallazar,you can read theserunes;
Headfor the ship to takeyou lo
tum to j86 Otherwis€,you can simplyopen the door
Tower Island? Tum Lo2ro
(tum to 539),usean Open spellto bypassthe runesif
you can (tum to aao), or decidenot lo take the risk
and searchelsewhere (tlm to jZ6)

The Hellhornsare {erociousenemiesand you will be
lucky to survive lhe onslaughtof bulting homs and
As you arrive at the top of the platfom, Grool lets a
potion vial fall from his lips; the calty monsterhas
drunk a healingdraught Roll one dice and add r to
SecondHELLHORN 9ao
the numberrolled;the total is the numberof points of
lost sTAMINAhe hasregained.Raisinghis club above If a Hellhom hits you, you must roll one dice and
his head,the OBre preparesto 6ght to the death If consult th€ table below to see the extent of the
you wlr! tum to 252 damageit doesto you:
115 a76-L7J

DiceRoll Elfect a76

1 blowfromwhiP:loser
Glancing 'Thulu, the Orc chieftain in the Throne Room, holds a
srAMlNAPornt Healerprisoner.The jail cell liesbehindthe west wall
Whrpblow,losez srr'uIn,lPotnts Het the only way you could heal plague,if vou've
4 Headbuthlose2 srAMlNAPoints caughtit. Oh, unlessyou Pay the hag, but her price
5 Specialwhipblow,losez suvlre *o"td b" high. She'sone of the king's old lAhite
pointsand 1 sKILLPoint
6 Specialheadbutt,lose:sr,c.vtNa
Points,Plus2 extrasraMrNAPoints
from poisonedhomsl
Room And bewareher cat- rt's exlremelydangerous.'
Any SKILLpoinLsyou may lose becauseof a speciaL R€Lumto 22.
wlup blow are only temporaryand are regamed-when
theiombat ends.If you win, you enterthe Hellhoms'
guard chamberthrough the oPenwest door; tum to

pack,lost lo
This is a card lrom Zagois own magicaL
him when he was hansPortedherel Tuming it over,
you see the image oi a srlver daggeretchedon ik
face This countsas a Silver Dagger,which you can
use to weakenthe monsterwhen you encounterhrm- If the 6rsLOrc rs invisible,you must subbract2 hom
Gain 1 LUcx poinLfor this find Holding the second your Attack Strength when fighting him. As you
card,howe'er, you feel a suddenintuition that this confront the second Orc, he draws his sword to
card may be dangerouslyunpredictable in iLs effects
defendhimqeLlleaving the robed man cowering on
lhe floor.You mustfight the Orcstogether.
Second GREAT oRc
ara ry9

If you win, you can take 1 Gold Pieceand somefood - but you }lce the look of that plate mail he is
hom lhe Orcs (add r Lo you Provisions).The old rvearinglBoldly you say to him, 'SrrKnitht, if you can
healerexplainsthal he was imprisonedand forced to ffght no longer,you can slill help me-I havecometo
usehis curalivearts on the Orcs i[ they ever suffered destroy the evil which condemnsyou to such a
injuriesHe is deeplygralefulto you and declaresthat rvreLched exisLence,
cloisLered here,and I could male
he will use hrs healingenergiesto help; resLoreyour good use of the armou you are wearing.If you will
sraMINA to its Iniiirl level. The healercan also cure not fight at my side,surely you will give me fhat?'
any one form of plagueyou may have(but only one). Ihe manlooksashamedof himselfbut fhenacquiesces
He tells you that his old menfor, the great healer He gives you his fine madcal plate ftail armour!You
Zuqurulm,is imprisonedon the next floor aDoveoy mustspend1 Magic Point Lo be ableto qseit; if you
the Orc chreftain,Thulu Thulu has a great guard of do lhat, thisarmourwill add z to your Attack Slrength
Crown Zombiesand mutant Orcs about him; if you in all futurecombatslCain 1 LUCKpoint. Now, if you
can deshoy that terrible force, however, Zuqunrlm want to askDavianabout the knight with the magrcal
would certainlyhelp you If you are Braxus,lum to sword in the painting you have seen, Lhoughlhis
2ol Otherwise,fhe old man saysthat now he wants could be tactless,fum lo 2o:. Otherwise,you must
to leave Castle Argent and help ihe handful of leaveand exploreelsewhere; you canmarchsor.rth and
wretchedsoulsatiackedby Orcs on Tower Island,so then eastwards(tum to j99) or northwardsto the
you allow him to go. Now rt is time to search Passage of Hawks(tum to 1aa).
elsewhere;you Leavethe templeand headwesl to the
end of the passageway, where iL turns north (tum to 479
The chamberat the top of lhe GreatTower is sealed.
Soon the ZaSor-Demonwill begin to regenerateand
nse up beforeyou You may be able to overcomeit
agai&bul you will neverbe able to destroyit you
are doomed!You have failed at bhe lasL and your

The kright is clearlysurJ<deep in desparr,unableto
rousehimsell no longera Lruewarriorsuchasyourself

What you see in thrs middle chamberof the Great
Tower alrnost defiesbelief; lhe sheerscaleof il is
gigantic breath-taking Hovering some twenty-Iive
metresaboveyou is a giant stone platfom, more or
lesssquarein shapewith a cupolaaboveit and arches
on all sidessculpledin Lheshapeof enomous dragon
jaws. A turbulenl vortex oI air whirls below lhe
platForm,drawing up dust and debrir into a spinning
conewhich sesbo the baseof the platform.Trailing
from the platform down to grorlnd level are four
ricketyJookingrope-bridges. Fromthe top of thecupola
a beamof milky lighLascendsto lhe ceiling,wherea
white archalmosLout of your rangeof visibn stands,
dose lo the top of the tower.

And then there is the War Dragon . . Reclining on

the platform,Lhemonsterappearslo be asleep.It must
measureforty metresfiom snout to lail, and you're
going to haveto kill it.

Think carefully about what you wish to do before you

choosehow to ascendto the platform If you have an
onyx wand,tum lo 260. The Dragonwill be bhemost
powerfulfoe you have facedin CastleArgent, so you
must do all you can to improve your chancesof
victory. Then you must decidehow to get up to the
Dragon.If you have at leastlhi*y mekes of rope to
tie logeLher,you can use a bow (or a Magic Anow) to
fire a line up to the platiorm and then clamberup lhe
rope; if you wish to do this, tum to 49. If not, will
Usea Potionof Flying (if you have
one)? Tum to j64
Climb one of the rope-bridges? T1lJr. to 222
Enterthe swirlinSvortex,hoping to
be caniedupwards? Tum lo jj4
DeclineLocl,mbup, and instead
challengethe Dragon? Turn to f46 aa4
You gather 15 Gold Pieces' worth of gems . . not
that they will be of any uselo you whenyou have to
fight Zagor,of course.Tum to 262-

tum to a5. If you car't open the door, you will either
have to batter it down (tum to 265) or leave and
searchelsewhere in the jail complex(tum to 5il).

There is the unmistakablestench of Hellhom here.
You re certain thal there is a Hellhom behind the door!
a82 Hellhoms are powerful enemiesindeed; consEer care-
If you choseto removethe web only, or the web and tully whetheryou reallywant to enterhere.If you do,
the circle,you cannow open the door,but the symbol tttrn to 22j. If yor.r would rather explore elsewhere,
will explodein a brilliantflashof orangefue and you ttim to j6.
mustdeduct6 pointsfrom your sraMtNA,furn to 229.
I[ you removed the circle only, tum to 253 If you
removedthe LrianSle only, or the triangleand the circle,
you fry to open the door but cannot do so, fhough you
come Lo no ham, Lum to 597. If you removedthe
kiangleand lhe web,or if you erasedall threepartsof
the symbolwith threeOpen spells,tum to :29.
dr-a66 aafrgo

a8, IE9
Which card you manageLosnatchin mid-air cannot be
predicted. Roll one dice to determine which card
you get; if you want Lo spend 1 Magic Point to
add r to the number rolled, you may do so (but
you must decide whether or not to do this before
you roll the dice!). If you roll 1 or 2, tum to gj. If
you roll 3 or 4, hnn to 2jo, If you roll 5 or higher, Shength, since he is trying to fend off the magical
tum to 2.75. lion as well as you! Retum to 514 to continue the
. a86
'Wizard Remstar,I come in peacel'is all you can
think of to say- The ghost wavers, unsuE what it
shoulddo next. 'l am nob here to disturb you or fo
fight. I have come to deal with the evil inside thrs
For a second,the ghost looks infinitely sad, as if
tormenledbeyond despair,then it whjspers,Tree me
from this tormmt- The Demon made me its servanbI
was Lorturedin the tenible dungeonsby the monster,
Mungus,and put to a lenible death I am condemned
to wander here for ever, unless some soul will free
If you want to free Remstarfrom his torment, you
musl Bive up 1 Magic Point, or 1 point of sKrlr" AIR ELEMENTAL sKrlr 12 srAMrNA15
STAMIN^or LUCK(frolnyour CunentandTzitralscore).
By givrrg something of your life-force, the ghost can When you first win an Attack Round,do you have a
be freed and regah peace. tf you are willing to do
thit tum to 57. ll you arc not the ghost will be
angeredby your refusal,and you must fight il (tum to
Iaf1,AA aaf19o

aa7 a8g
Which cardyou manageto snatchin mid-af cannotbe Lions are the bane of the Knight. you raisethe staff
predicted Roll one dice to determrnewhich card and concentrateon the symbol of the lion, and from
you get; rf you want to spend l Ma8ic Point to
add r to the number rolled, you may do so (but
you must decidewhetber or not to do this before
you rolJ fhe dicel)-If you roll 1or 2, tum to r53 lf
you roll j or 4, tum to 23o. If you roll 5 or higher, Shength,sincehe is trying Lo fend off the magical
!)m to 273. lion as well as youl Retum to j14 to continue-lhe
' 188
'Wizard Remstar,I come in peacel'is all you can
ihink of to say. The ghost waven, unsure what iL
shoulddo next 'l am noL here to disturb you or lo
fight. I have come to deal with the evil jnsrdelhis
For a second,the ghost looks infinitely sad, as if
tormenLedbeyond despair,then il whispers,'Freeme
from this torment The Demon mademe its servan! I The Air ElemenlalthaLforms hereis not as srroneas
was torturedin the terribledungeonsby the monster, mary of its fype, but it is sliil a formidabl.enemy.Vou
Mungus,and put to a terribledeath I am condemned must Testyour Lutk.lf you are Unlucky,the whirling
to wander here for ever, unlesssome soul will free Elementallslocks you off your feet, and you musi
subtractr from your AttackStrengthfor the fusl Attack
If you wanL to free Remstarfrom his torment, you Round,aswell aslosing r point from your suvrwa
must give up l Magic Point, or l point of sKrlr- AIR ELEMENTAL sl<ILL 1.2 STAM IN A 1 5
sreulue or Lucr (fromyour Currentand lrilial score)
By giving somethingof your life-force,the ghosi can \44ren you fus! win an Attack Ror-rnd,do you have a
be freed and regan peace.If you are willing to do magicr^r'eapon? Elementalscannotbe harmedby non-
this, turn to 57. If you are not, the ghost will be magrcalweapons.lf you have no magrcweapon,you
angeredby your rcfusal,and you must 6ghi it (Lumto mustfleejtum fo 92 lo searchelsewhereIf you havea
a14)' maSicweapon, you can fight normaily and your blow


has causedthe ElemenLal lo lose sraMINA Pointsas youl ILsgreat,iron-shodgaleslie al the end of the road,
normal.If your weaponis not magical,but you do havea whichthenangledown inlo the earthso that any going
way of makingit maSicalfor thisone combaL you musL into the castlemusbfirst enterby subtenaneanchambers.
takeone ALtackRoundto do this (during which time the Above ground the walls of the castleare far too high
Elemental strikesyou; lose2 srAMINAPoints)Conlinue for you to climb.You seethal the castlehas a central
keep,with eastand wesl wings,and on the sideof the
castlefurthestfrom whereyou arestandsLhenorthern-
most GreatTower, risinSlo a spireamongswooping
seagulls.At iLshighestpornt is a throneroom where
scoresoI kingshaveundergonethe Ritualof the Sword
the followingAttack Round lf you win, tum to zr7 beforerulingAmarilliafrom thismighty fortress.Surely,
you Feel.lhat is wherethemons(er, growing in
evil might. There is no LimeLolose;you stride forward
Lo the seeminglyunguardedotadel.The massiveiron.
gales, lheir brassplaquesnow defacedby crude,Orcish
scawl, are closed.If you can,and wish Lo,use an Open
spellto enLer,tum to ao3. If you cannotusethis spell,
491 your only option is to Lry to lorce Lhedoors, fum to 5.

The little brule tries to leap up and sink its claws into
your armourl You have to 6ght the animal;it's slarving
and won t be fended off.
8 srAMrNA
lo the numberrolled!) If you have al least20 metres If the honhog wins even a singleAtlack Round,tum
of rope, however,you can reducethis addition by 1 to 15j. Olherwrce,turn to 214.
point. lf you are successfuleilher time yo'u Test!o11r
s/rtll tum to 26. If you fail both times,turn to 84

The stone-builtmassof CasdeArgent standsbefore

The merchanthas the following items for sale:
Provisions r Gold Pieceeach
Lantem oil, r flask 1 Gold Piece
Rope,ro metres 1 Gold Piece
Longbow arrdanows 5 Gold Pieces
Platemail armour 12 Gold Preces
Magic Ring 6 Cold Pieces
Potionof Luck 5 Gold Pieces
Vial of PlagueAntrdote 6 Gold Preces
Vial ofAnti-venom 3 Gold Preces
If you buy the longbow, you will be inslructedlater
on when you can use it The plate mail armourwill
add r to your Attack Shength (the merchanthas
human-sized plate mail only). The Potion of Luck can
be dmnk at any time, exceptduring a combat,and it
rcsLores1 j losl LUCKpoints (roll one dice and halve
the numberrolle{ rounding {ractionsup) A vial of
PlagueAntidote will cureone (andonly onel)form of
plague which you may be unfortunateenough to
catch,restorinSall lossesfrom hilial (but not from
Current)sraMrNA The Anti-venom can be dru* at
any time (except during combat) and, for lhe first
three combatsafter you drink it, it will preventyou
being harmed by porson The merchanlalso has a
limited supplyof exlra special,but expensive, magical
rtems;if you want to inspectthese,lum to 16. If you
wanl sell an item here, the merchantwi]l pay you 1
Gold Pieceless than the selling pnce listed above
Make your purchasesor sales and amend your
AdoentureSheet accordingly. Note that, if you
acquire more gold and wish to buy again, you a96
may retum here by tuming to this pamgraph
until you cross a stairway in the castle Now it's
time to leaveand searchelsewhere;
tum to ur8.

beautift-rlsilks, linens and paintings, it is now defaced"

unmoving. though they hold long. cruelly barbed

halberds,and the stenchof deathis in the air. lf you
have a bow, yotr can ffre an arrow at one of them and
inflict 2 points of damage to its sr,A.MrNA with a
surpriseattack, but then you will be forced to fight. If
you wish to 6ght, tum to at8. Otherwise, you camot
The Elf falls dead,but his bag of heasuresvanishesas
he falls;a powerful spell placedon it ensureslhat it
will teleportaway from whoeverslew hrm! Also, his
dagger no longer carries the poison it did before
However, you may take his strange doak. Provided 49,
you are not wearing any kind of m€tal amour, when You know that a truly awesome chalJengeawaits
you wear this cloak you can subkact 1 fiom the you beyond the wrought-iron door. The sheer scale
Ahack Shength of all your enemies,sincethey crnnot
seeyou clearly in order to strike at you (but this does
nol affectZagor or any DraSon).You must spendr
Magic Point to be ableto usethis cloak Now you can
open the westerly door in this room (hrm to 15o), tum to 5oo. If you aren't yet ready to matce an
leave and open the door opposite,if you haven't assaulthere but prefer to backtracksouth and east
alreadydone so (tum to 55),or leaveand go north to to explore an area you haven't entered yet, turn to
the east-westpassageway (turnto 4j).
a98 204
As you run up lhe sLaircbeyond the Dark Elf's 'ln the north wing of Lhecastleis to be found a greaL
chamber,he flings a throwing daggeralto you You magical sword, a mighty weapon in hands such as
m$t Testyour Stl/l adding r to the numberrolled.If yours.You musLseekitl Findthe BronzeStridebeyond
you manageto dodgethe attack.If
you are successful, the ThroneRoom,and takethe norLhemdoor. Now I
you are Ltrsuccessful,you are wounded in lhe back wish to leave, to care for those poor souls who
and must lose 2 STAMINApoints. Tum to 376 lo wander Tower Island refugeesfrom the castlewho
exploreelsewhere. have survivedthesemany years' Cain 1 LUCKpoinL
for this helpful hint! You leave the lemple and head
wesl alongthe passageway ouLside,
to the point where
it turns north (h.rmto 352).

'Sir BeLhelwas my friend He was a mighty wamor,

and he used a magicalflyrng sword. It would fight
independentlyof him, dancingn the air and slicing
through Orcs like a kmfe lhrough buLter Alas, he
perishedin the wars, of course.To frnd his rooms,
when you leave here you should head norLhwards,
Lheneast along LhePassageof Hawks to the coss-
199 roads Once there, you should havel northwards and
You grab the chesLand drag it out of the room. take the easlemroute at the end of that passageway
Unlortunately it conLainsonly a single Gold Pieceand That is where you will 6nd the chambersof the
somebroken and uselessglasswarelCursingyour ill- Argent Knights.'You thankDavianfor his help.Noyr
fortune,you leaveto searehelsewhere, tum [o z8o you must leaveand exploreelsewhere; you can head
southand then eastwards(tum io 399) or northwards
200 (hrrnLoall)
A huge, glowing goblet emerges from the lip of the
wand, qses over Grool's head and pours a cascadeof 203
steaminSacid on to himl The Ogre thriekcIn Pdind< Once again, this is a room that has been looted:
he loses rz srAMrNA porntsl Turn to 156 to conLinue tumiture and paintings have been smashedup, grafGti
fighting, reducing his sTAMINAscoreaccordingly. are scrawledall over the place,and it seemsthat a
couple of Orcs couldn't hold their be€r and brought it Orcs is. f youi€ going to plurge fruther into the
back up over tlp remainsof the desk Little is left to barracks,lhis is where you want to make for, rather
show what this room was once usedfor but to the than wasting lime chopping up dozensof Orcs all
south Lhereis a door oppositethe one you enteredby over lhe place- after all, only the leaderwill have any
and on it a network of magicallines, resemblinga worthwhile treasure. If you want to head for the
spider'sweb set fir$t within a circle then within a leader'sden, hrn to 352. If you preferto leavq now
hiangle- You suspecta magical trap here. If you are that you can see how large the barracksis from the
Sallazar,tum to 7r If you want to smashdown this map, hlm to 4J.
door, fum to 255. lI you want to use an Opm spell,
tum to 89. If you don't want to risk the ef{ectsof the 205
trap,tum to 5 andsearchelsewhere, To your delight, the room beyond the yellow door

The Orc banacksare extensive,a honeycomb of small
rooms and guard po9ts.Near the entrancedoor, how-
ever, is a small guardroom fiom which you cnn hear they will chaseyou out of the barracksas far as the
the sound of guttural voices sluieking and chucHing. passateway outsidq turn to 64. f you wish to ffBht,
Taking a very carefirl peek round the door, you seea you can back into a comer and fight these magical
coupleof Goblinsrolling dice.They are using toenail guardians one at a time.
clippingsto gamblewith, one of them has just won
four dippings on a big bet and is about to chew bhem, SKILL STAM IN A
washing them down wiLh a tankard of foul, Goblin FirstANIMATED ARMOUR 6 ro
beer. You don't hesitate but walk straight in to altack SecondANIMATED
these feeble servants of the Orcs Frght them both ARMOUR 6 ro
lf you win, [he Tower Chest here has a sma]l shield on
its lid, showing eight green starson a yellow back-
FirstGOBLIN 55 ground.When you have openedit, you leave here;
SecondGOBLIN you can open the blue door, if you haven't done so
lf you win, you find a cudely drawn map of the Orc (turn to jrt), seareh the many barracks rooms
barrackson the wall here, and from this you c:m s€e thoroughly, if you havent bothered before (tum to
approximately where the room of the leader of the r:), or leave the barracksand head south (tum b 64.
couple of Orcs couldn t hold their beer and brought it Orcs is. If youre going to plunge furlher into the
back up over the remains of bhedesk. Little is left to banacks, this is where you want to make for, rather
show what this room er'asonce used for, but to lhe than wasting time chopping up dozens oI Orcs all
soulh Lhereis a door opposilethe one you entercdby over the place afterall, only the leaderwill haveany
and on it a network of magical lines, resembling a worthwhrle treasure If you want bo head for the
spider'sweb set fust wilhin a circle then within a leader'sden" tum to 552. lf you prefer to leave, now
triangle. You suspect a magical trap here If you are fhat you can see how large lhe barracksis from the
Sallazar,turn to 7l If you want to smashdown this maP,tum ro 45
doot tum Lo z5g. 1l you v/ant to use an Open spell,
turn to 89. If you don't want to risk the effectsof the 205
trap,tum lo j andsearehelsewhere. To you delight, the room beyond the yellow door
conlainsa Tower Chest and a pair of guards.two
204 suils of lacqueredyellow plale mail carrying heavy
The Orc barra&sare extensive,a honeycombof small pikesin therrgaunlletedhandsThemagicallyanimated
roomsand guardposts.Near the entrancedoor, how- suits of armouratLackat once If you chooseto flee,
ever, is a small guardroom from which you can hear they will chaseyou out of the barra&s as far as the
lhe sound of guLtural voices shrieking and chuckling. passageway outside;tum to 54. If you wish to fighL,
Taking a very careful peek round the door, you see a you can ba& into a comer and 6ght thesemagical
coupleof Goblinsrolhng dice They are usinStomail guardians one at a time.
clippingsto gamblewith; one of them has just won
fourclippingson a big bel and is aboutto chew them, , s(ILL STAM IN A
washing Lhem down with a tankard of foul, Goblin FirstANIMATED ARMOUR 8 ro
beer You dont hesitatebut walk slraighLin lo attack SecondANIMATED
thesefeeble servanLsof lhe Orcs. Fighl them both ARMOUR 8 10
If you win, lhe Tower Chest here has a small shield on
its lid, showing erght green starson a yellow back-
FirstGOBLIN 55 ground. When you have openedit, you leave here;
SecondGOBLIN 55 you can open lhe blue door, if you haven't done so
I[ you win, you {ind a cmdely drawn map of the Orc (tum to 327), search the many barracks rooms
baracks on lhe wall here, and from this you can s€e thoroughiy,if you havent botheredbefore (tum to
approximately where the room of the leader of the 12),or leavethebarracksandheadsoulh(tum to 64)

to6-2o7 zot-ro9

206 2oE
You havea few hoursbeforeyour ship setssailon the The side-passageleadsinLo a cavem which has a very
next trde. You may be able to acquire some gold by faint glow coming from its crystalline walls and ceiling.
puttrngyour handsto use,helpingout with labouring Sharp, angular stalactiteshang like chandeliersin the
work at lhe docks (lum to zs6) or you could try warm air. There is a distinctiveaura of masic about
gamblingin a tavem (tum lo 5z). If neitherprospect this placeand,as you creepcautiouslyForw;d, a blue
appeals,will you now: triangle of glowing energy appearsin mid-air, blocking
the entrance.If you are Sallazar, you canuse 1 Magic
Buy someequipment? Tum to 55 Point to dispelthis trap if you so choose(tum to 40
Consult one of the king's sages? Turn to a54 but ignore the instructionsregardingsrAMrN^ loss).
Wait for the ship to Jakeyou to Otherwise, it needsno specialmagicalability to realize
Tower Island? Tum to 2zo this must be a trap Lhathas been acLivatedby your
approach.If you decide to walk through it and suffer
207 its effects,tum to 4o. If you don't want to take this
You feel yor-uselfbeing magically slowed down as you ris( you can either make for the cavem further along;
try to raceup the steps:Zagor is casting a spell at you if you haven't al.readyentered it (tum to 1o), or refum
while you dirnb- He summons one o( his Demonic to the main cavemwhere you entered(tum to rt6).
Servants,a wretched, gibbering thing that resembles
nothing so much as a dwarf-sizedtoad with tentacles
where its fronLlimbs shouldbe and a ragged,barbed
and forked longuehaagingout of its crookedmouth
The thing lollops in hont of you and attempts to
attack with its tentaclesand forked tongue; if it shikes
you, you lose 1 point from your srr{MrNAbecause of 209
jls buffeting, plus 1 additional point from your Alas! The hag has casl a Magic Screm spell upon
STAMINA from the poisonin its acidicdrool. herself, and your spell simply fails. She gets a free
aLtackagainstyou (a Fireballspellif this is the 6rst or
secondAttack Round, a poisoned dagger attack other-
Keep tnck of how many Attack Rounds it takes you wise) and her cat also bites you, so you lose another I
[o despatchthis creahrei eachAtta& Round, Zagor sr^MtN^ point. If you cast anotherspell at the hag,
gains 1 srAMrNApoint! When you win, you rush lo however,her Magic Screenspell has now dissipated.
lhe Lhroneto attack Zagor, tum to 24. Retum to ,.9o and continu€ the fight.
This cell-block has some forty individual cells along
many meLres of corridot bul at the end of the conidor
is a quite different door, A black, wrought-ron image
of a Dragon has been sealedinto the hard,varnished
wood of the door's surface.It Lakesthe largesLkey
from your keyring to fil the lock, but you can open rr
at last and peer into the large chamberbeyond. What
you seehere strikesfear into your heart!Round Lhe
room scoresand scoresof huge,yellowed bonesare
strewn and, as you stare at the sheerscaleof Lhis
place, the bones be8in to move together, jerkily at
fust, then, as Lhe spine and limbs of the skeletal
monster assemble,a Dragon-likecreahx.€suddenly
riseson all fours.Given ihe sizeof this monsLeryou
may prefer to 0ee;if you do so, you have to leave the
jails behmd yoq so tum to J57 to searchelsewhere If
you want to fighl, you wrll have a little Lime to
perform some actions before the Skeletal Dragon
assembles, which will give yotr a slight advantige.

The healer concenlratesall his powers on his magical
ring - and disappearsin a puff of magical smoke!Now
you musLleave and open one of the doors in the
Throne Room which you haven't openedbefore,all
arealongthe north wall, so will you open:

The left-handdoor? Tum to 28r

The door in the middle? Tum to 91
The right-handdoor? Turn to 244

You didnL want to ki]l the animal,but you couldn't
One of the bookcases seemsto be everso slightly out afford to lose your preciousarmourlNow, sincelhere
of alignment with the south wall Further examination is nolhing else of interestin thrs chamber,will you
shows that it can be pushedso that it rolates,and open the door oppositewith lhe ceramicplaque,if
behindil is a secretpassageway which leadsdown to you havent already done so (lum to ro), or make for
the east It is darkhereso,if you enterandyou do not the end of thenorth passage (tum to 4j)?
havea lantem(or a Lrght spell),you must ternporarily
subtmcl2 polnts from your srrLl for as long as you
are in an unlit area If you decide to explore the secrel
passageway, turn lo a,51If you would ratherexplore
elsewhere,tum to 5, but make a note that you can
retum to explore this secretpassageway later if you
wish by tumrng to thrsparagraph,as long as you are
still on this level of the castle(but not rf you have
crossedany stafways). 245
The angry horde of ravening,diseased
vermin rushes
ar youl
The dust is powerfully magical, taken hom the tomb
of one of Amarillia'smost fabledwizardsof a bygone RAT HORDE sKrLL 7 5 TAM IN A 8
age,Restoreyour Cunent sKrLL,srAMrNAand LUCK If you win, did Lhe Rat Horde win a single Attack
to theirfull,hrilal levels.Tum to 262. Round? If they did, you have contracted a terrible
pestilencer BubonicPlague.Now you must colmt the
nunbersof new rooms,chambers or cavemsyou enter
after leaving the FeastHall. After you have enLered
6ve, lhe plagLrebegins to take hold; you must deduct
2 points from both your IniLialand CurrentsrAMrNA
for eachnew room (cavern,chamber)you enLer When
yo\n Ifiitial sr^MrNA reacheszero, you die from
plaguelThis lerribleprocesscan be endedonly if you
can find a Healer or f you already have or manageLo
acquirePlagueAnlidote (whrch resloresyour lflirdl


but not your Crment, sTAMINA).Now you are in a Behind the door you 6nd a small cubide with a Tower
raceagainsLtime, and not jusLbecausethe squeaking Chestl You also find an omate onyx sLaff,it has four
you can hear from holes in the walls suggeslsthat s1'rnbols
elchedalongrts length,a lion, a goblet,a star
more rats may be on Lheway! If you wsh to search and a chevron.Cain 1 LUCKpoinLfor thesefinds.You
the FeastHall, tum Lo 61. If you wanL lo explore do not know as yet exaclly what Lhestaff does but, if
elsewhere,you shouldleaveLheFeasLHall and retum you useit at somefuture time,you will have Lospend
to the doorwayto the entrancehall,tum to j76. r Magic Poinl to be ableto do so Now Lumto 97 to
A small plaque above the depressionsset into Lhis
door carriesthe legend:'Chamberof Meditation' If
you have a wooden casketwith four gems inside il,
you can place the tems into the depressions in Lhe
door and so gain admiLtanceIf you have the gems,
Lakethe inilial letters of their namesand rearrange
them to form a word. Take the numbersconespo4ding
to thoseinitial letlers (A = 1, B = 2, C = j, elc.)
then add them together Tum to the paragraphwith
Looking along the torchlit northern side-passage,
this number-If you do not have these gems, you
standingat the point where it joins Lhe east-west
cannot open this doori tum to 4r to searchelsewhere
passageway, you canseeth,r:ee doors:one closeLoyou
on the west sideof Lhepassage, anotherfiither along,
and a door aL the end of the passage,on the north
side.If you want to reLum to bheeasLend of the main
east-westpassage, fum lo j. If you wan! to go to the
wesLemend of the main east-west passage,tum to
557. Otherwise, you should open a door along this
north passage which you havenot openedbefore.Will
you oPen:
The omatecrrcleson the floor dim, the light of magic
sparking out of Lhem Since this chamber is nearly The first door on your left? Tum to 598
bare,you try the north door, wonderingwhat may lie The seconddoor on your left? Turn to ro7
behindit, sincethe Elementalwas a powerfulguardian. The door at the end of the passage? Tum Lo65

249 The voyage bearsouLhis oplimism The greal vessel
The Zagor-Demon's eyes jerk open and its taloned skirts the warm Stream of Zephyrs and, after some
hands grab at your body, clutching you tightly and days, tums south-westpasl the coast oI LheFrozm
hampering your every movement From now oo lhe Lands.BuLon the margins of the warm seaflonts, fogs
number of seconds you take to progress wiLh the beginto sp ng up as you headfor Tower Islanditself.
body will be doubled for all movement to the Hearr You jusl keepyour fingerscrossedand hope that no
fires! If your joumey takes Eoo seconds or lonSet predatonof the deepare sensingthe greal ship above
make a note to tum to 21 immediately Now lum back them.If you want to spenda poinl of LucK Lo avoid
to the paragraphyou camefrom even the chanceof such an encountet turn to 44.
Otherwise,tum to 98.

Testyout Spol Skill. If you are successful,twr. to 29. If
you fail, tum to 146
The Gloryof Anarillia is a tully armedwar-galley,and
to your arnazementthe captarnis a BarrabangCentaurl
Centaursare hardlyrenownedfor seamanshrp, but the
magicaliron shoeson the Centaur'sfeet allow him to You take an exLra 12o secondsto get acrossthe
walk on water,asyou discoverwhen he literallywalks bridge, less 15 secondsfor eachpoint of lucr you
aboardafteryou decidedlo spend(if you are usinga Potion of Flying,
Lhe basic rzo secondsis reduced to 60, but Lhe
'ThereIs a fair northerlywind' CaptainCaraurussays absoluteminimumtime you need to cross,no maLter
as he snffs at the bitlerly cold air. 'We shouldget to how many LUCKpoints you spent,is 1() seconds).
the end of the Icecapklands without fog to worry Righl at the bottom of the bridgeyou must Tesfyorr
about. Only icebergsand whaLevermonstersof the lrck II you are Lucky, tum to i4. If you are Unlucky,
deepmay wait in store,eh?' tun to 60.

You have bearded the Hellhom Champion in its lair!
Among apile oflooted treasurebefouledfumishingsand
decorand gnawingon an Orc l€g, the thee-mehe-tall
Championrisesup on iLsmassivelymuscledlegs and
cracksits whip angrily at your intrusion.Op€ningan
enormous mouthfilledwith discoloured, yellowishteeth,
bhemonsterbreathes a fetidcloudoifilth asit orepares
assaultyou r,ritha flurry of hom-buttsandwiip :trikes.
Unlessyou havetakenAnti-venom, thepoisonous brealh
of theChampionnauseates andsickens you, makingyou
wealqyoumuslsubtracl:rfrom yourAttackStrengthfor
thiscombat.llyou haveanonyx slaff,turnat oncero r5o
If the Hellhom Champion hits you, you must roll one
drce and consult the table below to s€e what damaee
it doesto you:
Dice Roll Effe.t
1 Glancing
\44ripblow:losez sr,,tMrNA points
4 Head-butt:lose2 srAMrNApoints
5 Specialwhip blow: lose2 sr,{MrNA
poinLsand 1 sKrrl poinf
6 Specialhead-butLlose2 sr^MrNA
points,plus2 extraSTAMTNA points
from poisonedhoms!
Any sKILLpoints you lose becauseof a specialwhip
blow are only temporary and are regained when this
combat ends.If you wir! tum to 5j5.

firsL doorway, you are surpdsed as a shadowy hand

The white lacquereddoor opensinto a largechamber reachesfrom the gloom and chills you with ih dark
which,to your delight,containsa Tower Chest;how- touch.Deductz poinls from your sr,lwrr,r You have
ever, ftom this distanceyou cannotdiscemin deta been ambushedby a vicious and malign undeadcrea-
lhe heraldicsymbol on it. The room also containsa ture, a Skulking Shade,the ghost of an especially
pair of suits of armourmadeof while lacqueredplate spitefuland wickedservantof Evil. The shadonyform
mail and grasping halberds in their mailed gauntleLs; is vaguely human in shape but any humanity in its
lhey snap stiffly and loudly to attention as you entet featureshas long sincedeparted.Now you must fighl
pointing their weapons directly at you. If you prefer the wretched creature.
to oee,tum Lo5. Olherwise, fight them one at a Lime.
If you win, you open the door and find to yow
FirstANIMATED ARMOUR I 10 disappointmenL lhat the room beyond is completely
SecondANIMATED bare.You walk along as far as the two doors aL the
ARMOUR I 10 end of the passage;will you open the plain wooden
If you win, you 6nd that the heraldicsymbol on fhe door (hlm to 28) or lhe door with the grille setinLoiL
Tower Chest shows Lhreeblue chevronson a while (turn Lo5iI
backgroundWhen you are readyto leave,you should
explore an area you haven't enLeredyeL along Lhe 226
Passage of Hawks,so will you: The Orc leadergasps his hammerfirmly in his power
ful hands and leaps down from his throne-like chair.
Go easlto lhe mid-waypoint of the 'l'll knockyore headoff, yoo runt!' he screams.As he
Passage of Hawks? Turn [o 5 runs at yoLL you have time to perform one action
Go wesl thenalong lhe south (caslinga spell,drinking a Potion,etc, but not eating
passage? Tum to 72 some Provisions- you don't have enough time).
Go wesl thenalong the north Decidewhal this action will be, then 6ght {or your
passaSe? Tum to J85 life The Orc leader hafes Dwarfs in parlicular, so, i{
Open the singledoor lo the west? Tum to 275 you are Stubble,you musL add l lo his AtLack
As you stndepastbarestonewallswith lhe irregularly ORC LEADER SKILL 8

placed, dimly buming torches and sland beside the If you win, you cantakethe leader'streasure,
which is

hiddenin a woodenchestunderhis lhrone You tind 4 find a scrawlednote, perhapsleft for an apprentice
Gold Pieces,a Magic Rmg and a scrollwiLh the Skill now long dead,whrch suggeststhat the wizard here
Spellinscribedupon it somethingthe Orcs couldn't fearedhe was to be takento thejails and noting Lhat
use for their own benefit.The hammeauifortunately, he would lalcehis'preciousebony'with him. Finally,
rs an Orcish weapon,usableonly by thal unpleasant thereis a glowing blue mirror here;it is far Looheavy
racelLeavingthe barracksbehindyou, tum to 4f Lo to carry,bul if you are Sallazaryou realizeLhatLhisis
exploreels€where. a teleportrngporLal.If you wish Lo use it, you must
standbesideit and casta TeleporLspellto conveyyou
into the miror and out through the portal beyond.If
Leavingthe barracksbehind,you may open the door you wish to do Lhis,tr.rmlo :98 I{ you do not want
opposiLeyou, if you haven'tdone so already(tum to to do Lhisnow but think you may wish to do so
Jr8), or elsemakefor the largedoubledoorsat the far later, make a noLeof this paragraph;you can retum
end of the entrancehall (tum to j76). here from any chamberon this floor of the castlein
order Lo teleport later (but not after you have
2,2,4 crossedany stairways!).If you wish io retum to the
If you want to 80 to the Templar'sroomsimmedlately, main westempassageoutsidethe wizard'schambers,
tum to 124 lf you want to searchelsewhere6rst,tum rum ro f.
to j6 ln either case,male a note that, if you slay
the Grand Templar rn his rooms, you should then 250
tum to j46 to searchfor the secretpanel Dorrick The card rs blank - or rs it a loker?Or, most confus-
told you of. ingly, both at the sameLime?WhaLeverit is, iL seems
Lohaveno effecton you or on Zagor.Tum to 299.

The brainlessOrcs and Zombresof the lower castle 2ta

could not breach Lhis room becauseof its magical The DarkLIf isn'tgoingto talkto youjhe is screaming
banier,so the wizard'schamberis in[act You searchiL at you Loget ouLas he edgesround the room in order
thoroughly,so you must eaLa meal here.You find z to get his back against the safety of a solid wall.
Gold Pieces,a scrollof the spellFastHands,a flaskof However,he isn'fmakingany obviousJyhostilemoves.
fine herbalrestorative(you regain4 pointsof sr^MIN,{ If you want to retreatslowly and then exploreelse-
thror-rghdnnking this, which you can do at any time where,you can get away safely;tum to 576.1f you
exceptduring a combat),a Magic Rhg, and a Tower decideto attackthe Dark EIf, who clearlyhas a spell
ChestlGain r lucx point for this ffnebooty. You also readyto launchat you, turn to 258
252-234 235

you, acrossthe room, is a great sprrallingstonestair

Zuqurulm can teach you a specialform of the Stamina way leading acrossa deep,6ery chasmup to a landing
Spell This costsj Magic Pointsto cast,buf it may be far aboveyou. FortunaLely for you, SkelelonWaniors
castduringa combat,at the starLoi any Altack Rourd are lhe only guards herq you can fight them one at a
(if you have enoughMagic Points to do so). If you timehere.
have the higher Attack Strength, you regain lost
sreulre equal to half your Inifral score (rounding
fractionsup). If you do nof have the higher Attack
SecondSKELETON 8 8
Strengthin fhat Attack Round,however,the spell is
ruined and you do not regain any srAMrNApoints
(your enemywill damageyou instead).As usual,you If you win, and you are rcady to ascendthe stone
mustdecidewhetheryou aregoing to castLhisspellin stairway,tum to 298. If you want to visit someareaof
an Atlack Round before you roll dice to determine the castle'slowestlevel beforesettingoff upwards,go
AttackStrengths!Nowtum to 211 insteadto the southemend of lhe passageway outside
this room;tum to j5Z

'Now, don't you go leaving old Grizzell and poor 235

little Wackethere,'the hag saysthreateninglyas you You have defeatedZagor . but you still have to
tum to go. You look around,to see the hag toying destroyhiml You shouldknow how io do this- but, i(
with a discolouredsilverdagger,and her pet lickingiLs you k:now whereto do it, you will know what lhe
lipsin Lhatceftainway catshavewhenLhey'reanlicipaL- bridge which hung over ihe chasmthere is madeof,
int a tasty morsel.You will have to give the hag 4 won't you?Takethe nameof the materialand convert
Cold Piecesor any one Potionas a bnbe to leaveyou it into a number,usingthe codeA = a,R = 2-C = j,
alonc, If you do, you can head for the wrought-iron and so on Add the numberstogether,multiply the total
door in the passage outsidq tum to 192.If you can't, by six,thenLumto the paragraph with thesamenumber.
or won'1,pay the bribe,you'Il have lo tight; tum to If you do not know what thisnumb€ris, tum to y9.
2 90-

You have found the final guardiansof the entranceto
the greatcastlelevelabove.In Lhischamberyou stand
with your backto a door in the eastwall and aheadof

In a crampedchamberbehindthe slidingpanelyou 6nd
a dark-haired,middle-aged man sittingon a dilapidaled
bed wilh his headin his hands.A smalloil-lampbums
on a tablebesrdehrm,and you can seethe cornerof a
wooden chest poking oul from under the bed. The
man is weadng plate mail armourand he reactswith
alam to your enLry,you can see from his demeanour
thal he knowshow to usethe heavybroadswordhe is
gripping firmly in his lefL hand while raising a shield
with the oLher He is also wearinga curiouslyomate
gold ring on his righLinciexfinger He yells at you to
leaveand is clearlygoing Lobe a tough opponentto
6ght. If you want to attackhirn,tum to :9 If you try
lo parley with him, hr:n to rz9. If you back avray and
leave,you must exploreelsewhere; you can set off to
lhe souLhand then eastwards(tum to 599) or north-
wardsto the Passage oI Hawks(tum to rt).

Moving one of the pallet beds,you noLicea ragged

hole in the wall behindfhe bed leg. However,you can
alsohear a scrabblingnoisecominghom the hole, so
there may well be arr elemenfof dangerinvolved.If
you wanl to Lhrustyour handinto the hole in the wall
to seewhaLmay be concealedthere,Lum lo 265 If
you prefer to leave well alone,you retum to the main
Passage Loexploreelsewherqtum to 4J.

TestyourSkillat openinglhe door.lf you aresuccessful,
tum to 529; if you fail,Lumto 251.

239 The on1'xstaff has fow symbolson iLi llon, chevron,
Soblet and star.If you have spent a Magic Point to
actrvatethe sfaff (or rf you do so now), you may be
ableto useib to dealthe Dark Knight a mortalblow. If
you know which symbol can defeathrm, and if you
have alsofound a heraldicdesrgnon a chestwith that
symbol upon it, you know how many syrnbolswere
and head north to the east-west passageway(tum Lo
on that chestand what colourthey were.Convertthe
4i. letters of the colour into numbersusing the code A =

found two white goblets inscribedon a chesL,you

wouldlum to paraSraph tlo: WHI lL = 2j + E +
o + 20 1- 5 = o.. andyou wouldmultiplythattotdl
by z) Turn to lhe paragraphyou have calcuJated; if
lhe nameof the slmbol isn't the fusLword you seeh
that paragraph,you are r4Tongand shouldretum to
paragraphjr4 to contrnu€fighting. You shouldalso
do this if you have the staff but do not know which
symboldefeats[he Knighf
When you cast the Cold Pieceinto the well, the
waters below seelheand boil, then all at once become
placid again.The faceof an old woman shinesup at
you, and the vision puts a thoughf into yo.rr mind,

242 243
You mustreduceyour Altack Strengthherebecause of The arow is cursed,and you lose r point each of
the confinedspace:subtracL4 if you are Anvar, 2 if Ifiifial sKrLL,sr,lvrre and LUCKI
Tum to 262
you are Braxus,and r if you are Sallazar(Stubblecan
6ght normally), and a further 1 point if you are
wearing piate mail armour.Nor can Sallazarcast a
Fireballor Thunderboltspellat the Imps,becausethe
For Lhefirst two Attack Rounds,
spaceis too restricted.
the Imps will continueLo pour boiling oil over you
and you must lose J srAMrNAporntseachround,but
you shouldstill ro11d.icefor ALtackSkenglhsin the
usualway to seewhelher you damagethem There-
after,the Impsfight with long needles,whjchcauseyou
only r point of damageif lhey hit you. Fighl the Imps
If you win, you gel Lhroughto the Imps' little living
You havemadeyour way inlo the Chancellerywhere
chamberand LakewhaL meagretreasurethey have:
lhe kings of Amarillia kept LhelrkeasurelOf course
only r Gold Pieceand somescrapsof nuts arld tubers
(add r to your Provisions)Crawlingbacksouthwards, muchhas beenlooled but, to your dehght,thereis a
Tower Chest herel After opening it, you must Teit
you canopen the door to the east,if you haven'tdone
your Spot Skill If you are successful,tum to ry
so before (turn to 13), or retum to the mam castle
(tum lo j) Otherwise,you leavehere,and now you must open a
door in the Throne Room which you haven't opened
before;will thrsbe,
The door in the wesl wallr Tum to 59o
The centraldoor in lhe north wall? Tum to 91
The westemmostdoor in the north
wall? Tum Lo 282

245 symbolswere on that chest,and what colour they

The horri6c,grinningfaceof a madman,drippingwith were Converi the leLtersof Lhecolour into nu.'nbers
blood,slaresal you from the faceof this maligncard. trsingthe codeA - 1, B = 2, ( = 3, sl6. Add the
As you stareat it, the eyesof Lheimagebegin to glow numberstogeth€r,add 8 lo cometo a 6nal tobal,then
and the facecontortsinto a murderousgnmace,and it multiplythat by the numberof the symbolsyou found
feelsasif the imprisonedhomicidalmaniacis somehow on the chest.(Thus,for example,if you think that the
lrying to slrugSleout of the cardrLselfto gel at youl lion defeatsthe Ogre, and you had iound four white
You drop fhe cardand run in Lenor-Teslyour Lucki1l lionsinscribedon a chest,you would tum to paragraph
you are Lucky,you manageLoclamberacrossLheroPe -z,9::WHITE = 4 + I t g + zo + s = 65t
bridge above the chasmof the Heartfireand make adding8 gives 73, and you would multiply thal total
your way backto the"castle, so turn to j57 to explore by 4.) Turn to the paragraphyou havecalculated;
if lhe
elsewhereIf you are Unlucky,you plunge headlong nameof the symbolisn't Lhefourih word you readin
into the chasmrtself,andyour adventureendshere! that paragraph,you are wrong and shouldretum to
paragraph166 to continuefightrng You shouldalso
do this if you have the staff but do not know whrch

Testyour Luck If you are Sallazar,
you may subhact2
from Lhelolal rolled on the dice;i{ yor.rare Stubble,
you must add 1 to Lhelolal rolled;if you are Anvar,
you must add 2 to the lotal rolled.If you are Lucky,
tum to -!7o.If you areUnlucky,tum to 56o.

The onyx slaff has {our symbolson it, lion, chewon,
goblei and star.If you have spent a Magic Point to
acLivatethe stlf (or if you do so now), you may be
able to use it to deal LhemonstrousOgre a mortal
blow- If you know which symbolcan defeathim, ard
if you have also found a henldic designon a chest
with that syrnbol upon it, you know how many

You push open the doubledoors leadingto Lhewest
wi^g of Lhe castle and find yourself gazing down a
long, long passageway that stretchesbeforeyou - but
a malign,r:ndeadpresenceawartsyou herelThe mad-
denedshadeof a casLleknight,who has beentortured
mosthorribly by servantsof evrl,is now too crazedLo
distingrishyou lrom one of rts old lomentors. You
will not be able to flee; lhe Spectrewill chaseyou
any'where you go. li you do not havea nagic weapon
lo ftght the Spectreand if you have no other means
of deslroying rt by magic, you will perish here,
sincenon-magrcalweaponshave no effect upon this


If you win but the Speclrehit you even once,you

musLroll one dice If you roll any numberother thana
6, you must lose 1 point from both of your Current
and Irlital sKrLLthrough the lfe-drainingtouch of the
monster You walk forward som€ forty meLresto
reachthe mid-way point of this long westempassage'
way in orderto takeyour bearmgs;tum to J6

Unfortunately Zagor canno[ be harmedby non magical
weapons, so your arrow rs uselessagainst him His
spell drarns r point from your Current SKILLand 2
pornts ffom your Currenl srAMrNA Tum to 299 and
choose another course of action for the next Attack

The wretchedknight is sunkin depression and despair, Your rewardfor overcomingCrool is a Tower Chest,
clearlyhe can offer you no help. If you want lo ask plus a tableladendown with looted castlewines and
him aboutthe knighl with the magicalflying sword in preservedfood (add 5 to your Provisrons)on the
lhe painting you have seen, though thrs may oe ballistaplatfornr.There is also a set of Dragonbone
tactless,tum Lo 2o2 Otherwise,you must leaveand keyshere; 116 of thern in all, althoughyou spot one
exploreelsewhere; you can headsouth and lhen east- huge one thaf is clearly the masterkey lf you are
wards (turn to j99) or northwardsfo the Passage of Anvar or Braxus,tum to f9j. Otherrvise,you clamber
Hawks(tum to 1aa). down the stone steps here and head to the main
passageoutsidethe tower to exploreelsewhere; tum
!o 52
Your entry awakensa pair o[ Orc guardswho were
dozingpeacefully, so you areableto slrikeone wjlh a
free blow beforethey can react.They snatchup lheir
weaponslo aLtackyou but, backedinto the doorway,
you can fight them one at a time
If you win, their armourand weaponsare of litllc use The symbol on lhe door deLonatesas the triangle
lo you, but you gathersomefood from Lhisguardroom glows a brilliant orangecolourand showersyou wrth
(addz to your Provisions)and thereis a lantemhere, flames;deduct6 pointsfrom your srevnrl If you are
shouldyou needto takeit. Leavingthis room,you can however,you can lps, your Skill ard, if you
returneastwardsto explore(tum to 199) o. go west' are successh:I,you lose only 2 srAMrNApoints since
wardsto the right-handtLrmrngin the passage (hlm to ) ou manage to avordthe worst effectsof this magical
a34) hazard.But even you cannotopen ihe door. Tum to

You slp the key into fhe lo& and the door swings
open soundlessly.In a long, hallJike chamberleft
untouchedby the castlet evil denizens,a row of
in a row of I1 you are Sallazar,you get no offers of work: wizards
aJe too pun1 lo be dockerst you cdn try gambling it
vou w_r\hrtum to j:): rl nol, lum fo i7l. If you are
any ol lhe olher heroes, you edm 2 Cold pieces h
retr.rmfor some back-breakingwork Tum to
handsare restingon a goldensphereat its end,while
anotherhas a silv€r signetring set with an amethysi
on his riSht hand.A third caniesa smallwoooen Dox

item,will thisbe:

The silveredstaff? 257

Tum to Jo9
The silverring? Tum to 285
The woodenbox? Tum to 80

The chaoficmagrcswirling aroundCastleArgent af-

fectsyou. If you drink any Potion,it will have little
effect: a Potion of Luck restoresI point of LUCK
only, and a Pohon of Slaminawill restore only a
few sr.rvrN,c points (roll one dice:thrsis th€ number
ol srAMrNApoint) you a maximumof You ar'e engaged in mortal combat with the crazed
hal( your Initial scorel It you casf dny spell. you
must TesLya r Luck: if yolu are Unlucky, the spell
wili simply fail (if you are Lucky, your spell,casfing
will work normally).Retum to the paragraphyou
cahe from.

spell.Thereafter, the Dark Elf will frght with his two doors,one with a lacqueredblue coatingand the
dagger.If at anytimeyoudecideto flee,turnto r98. other with a simrlarcoating of yellow lacq-uer.
8 srAMrNA
1 rl
Jf you win, you can searchthe room.This takessome Searchthe banacksthorouehlv? Tum to 12
time,however slnceeverythingis so clukere<r, so you Open the blue door? 'f]um to j27
mu\l eal d medl.trentualy you find r Cold tieces,a Open the yellow door? Turn to 2o5
hne\ilk tapestryworth a Cold Pieces /it you c.jnfind Leaveand searchelsewhere? Tum to 64


whose army decimatedCastleArgent, and that he

lives in mortal fearof a ghostlywizard,Remstar,who
ts said to be teyond the Heart6res'.There is also
some Sruesomenotes concerningthe Dark Elf,s in_
volvement in necromanticmagic, creatmg muLated
monstersand using magic io animatethem, wtth a
referenceto the 'silverroom' wheretheseexperrmenrs
were conducLed.Now i!'s time to leave here and
searchelsewhere; turn to j76.

Behrnd the door with the shield inlay on it is a
complex,a networkof smallparadechambers,
do.mitoriesand the like. At the northem end of this
network of rooms is a broad east-wesfpassag€with
You are half,way down the corridor,and it seemsto
have takenan etemity gelting Lhisfar. As you strarn
your eyesto seewhat lresaheadof you, a shamblng
figure in rotting bandageslurchesalong the corndor
to attack you The most powerful of the castle's
Lrndeadguardians,the Great Mummy's rotting affns
reachforward to stranglethe life out of youl I[ you
can,and wish to, casta Fireballspell at the Mummy,
tum to 356. If you have a lanLemand you decrdeto
throw this at the Mummy, turn to j79. Otherwise,
tum lo 288

You've tnumphedlYou have slain a Dragon single-
handed,a feat of whichno more thana handfulof men
on Amarillia can boast.And, of course,Dragonsare
legendaryfor their treasurehoards - aren't they?
Thereis not a Gold Piece,not a Bem,in sightt You
look aroundfranticallyand,in the north,eastcornerof
the platform floor, you 6nd somelhing very odd
indeed,lhere is a shimmeringwheel paLtemin the
floor,whrchnow is begirmingto turn and almostfade
evenas you stareat il. As you look the wheel spins
iaster;but you can makeoul that rt has six segments
and thai each sectionhas an image wjthin ii The
Dragon must have hidden its treasurern the magical
sectoro[ someextm-planar spaceand,now the Dragon
rs dead,the magicallink is fadrng You have time to
take two of the items you can see before the wheel
iadescompletely;if you spcnda LUCKpoinL,you can
snalchthree.However,you have no time to regain
265-264 265

lost by drinkinga Potion,eatingsomeprovi- 265

sions,etc-,jf you are to Satherthis Lreasurel
Decide You fail to spot a tripwhe hap and fall heavrlyto the
which imaSesyou wrsh to reachout and grab After grotmd.From two doors on either srdeof yoLryou
you havetakenyour lwo (or three)ilems,tum to 121. hearcriesof alarm,and you get to your feet just as a
CreaLOrc comesrushinglhrough eachdoorl What's
Gold Tum Lo 106
worse,in eachroom thereis anothercreature,dragging
Gems Tum to 181
itself off a bunk bed and putting on its amour. You
Woodenchest Tum to 291
havelo overcomefour of theseOrcsl Fight eachpair
Potion boftle Tum lo j28
togethe4 when you have killed the firsl pair, lhe
Glowing anow Tum to 245
secondpair will be readyto iighl
Handfulof dusi Tum lo 215
If you win, you male a hurried searchof the guard
chamberson the other side of the doors. Save for
mouldy and half-rotlen food and befouled Orcish
clothes,your searchtums up only a singleGold Piece.
Beahngdown the door, you trigger a vicious lrapi a
You walk further along the entrancehall. In front of
springloadedspearhurtlesfrom the wall behindyou
you thereis a smalldoor to your left and one lo your
and strikesyou in the back.Deduct4 pointsfrom your
righl, and a pair of larger doors directly ahead Will
srAMrNA,but you manageto force the door open at
last.Tum to 85.
The right handdoor? Tum Lo 20
264 The lefLhanddoor? Turn to j18
The Zagor-Demongoesinto a frenzyl Teslyour Lt& The largedoorsahead? Tum Lo ,76
If you are Lucky,it collapsesas iL tkashes helplessly
abouti turn to 54 If you are Unlucky, rn its wrld
flailingit will strikeyou and you must deduct4 points
from your srr,vrr.r,l. lf you are still alive, tum to s4
266-26z z6V27o

266 2.64
You inseft your fingers inlo the hole and suffer a You have landedon a concealedpit trapl Below you
parnfulrat bite for your pains!Lose 1 srAMrNApoint the Sroundsimplygivesway and opensup to reveala
The hole is too smallfor you to use a weaponof any deeppit filled with spikes You must leap forward to
size,but you can thrusi a knifeinsideto attackthe rat avoid this Testyour Skill (add z to the dice roll if you
(whichwill bile your hand agamwhen you do). You are Stubble),If you are successful ium to 26. If you
must subtncL z from your Attack Strength while fail,Lurnto r9r
trying to skewerthe rodent,sinceyou can'i really see
what you're doing. For both you and the rat, a 269
hit herewill causeonly I point of sr^MINA
sLrccessful The door herers half ajar and you pushit openeasily.
damage. The room beyond musLhave beena guest chamber,
ihe comlortof the bed,fumrtureand rugsheresuggest
ihat It was looted long ago, of course The bed sags
If you win, you musi leif your Skill. lf you are in the middlefrom Orcs jumping up and down on it,
turn to j5o. If you farl,turn to ez8.
successful, andthe fine rosewoodLableandchairshavehad Orcish
narnescarved cmdely into them. If you want to
makea prolongedsearch,tum to 2. Otherwise,tum
to i5.

As you raise your weapon to strike the old man,he
picks up a golden lamp and rubs rt hastiLyA genie
appearsbeforeyour siartledeyes, simply crooksrts 270
index finger at you - and you are roofed to Lhespot, As you seat yourself in the hag's chair and begin
paralysedlNow you know why the Orcs of the castie your work, the spindlemoves fasterand fasteruntil
weren'table to kill the merchanLbeforeyou got here, you becomedizzy, trying to keepyour eyesfocused
but the realizationcomes too iate. Your adventure on it. Then it stops abruptly - it has fashioneda
magrcalgarmentfor youl Roll one dice and consult
the tablebelow to seewhaLyou havemadefor your- passagewinds and twsts furLhernorlhwardsand it
self. becomesa crawlwayafLera few metresIf you want to
open lhe door Lo the easttum to lj. If you want to
Dice Roll ILem
head west and then north, which meansa crawl on
Lucky Neckerchref
handsand lcrees,turn to 555 If you warlt to return to
5 NeckerchiefofInvrsibilty
the libraryand the passageway outsideit, thenexpJore
6 of Wizardry
elsewhere, turn Loj.
A Lucky Neckerchiefadds r lo your Current and
lnitial rucr (your Initial rucr cannolexceedr.z,how
ever) A Neckerchiefof Invisrbilitycan be used twce
during your adventureand its effecl lasts for the
durationof a singlecombat,during lhis tjme you can
subtmct 2 from the A[tack Strengthof any and all
enemies,sincethey cannotsee you easily (thrs does
not work againsL Zagor or any Dragon) If you havea
Neckerchreiof Wizardry, gain 1 point of LUCK,for
this garmentrarsesyour Magic Pointsscoreto its full You must TsslVo r Lucktwice during your ascentIf
Inifial level - you car puL lhis on at any iime, except you are Unluckyeilher hme,the Dragonwill wakeup
during a combat(but its magic will work only once andils hugeheadwill breathefire over you If you are
for you) Now you leave and head for the great Unluckyon the 6rst diceroll, LheDragon breatheson
wrought iron door in the passageway outsideTum !o you twce; you musLlose6 srAMrNApojntsfrom each
497 attack!If you are Lucky the 6.rsltime but Unlucky Lhe
second hme, you suffer only one attack fiom Lhe
Dragon'sbreath;lose6 srAMrNApoints.If you are stilJ
alive,you get to the platformat last;tum to 5r5.

Thc card showsa Giant.As you gaz€at rt for just a

second,somethingof the strengthand mrght of giants
flows into you. You may add 4 to your Cuirent
The passageway ends at a junction To the east, a srAMrNAscore (you may exceedyoJJ Initi^l scorc)
short secLionleads to a door To the west, a nanow andgain 1 LUCKpoint-Tum to 299

A gruesometrophy room lies behindthe door here.

Rows and rows of severedheadsline the walls; ser
vants of ihe Bone Demon decapitatedmany of the
castle'sdefendersin the jails,and one oI Mungus the
Jailer'shobbieswas shrin-king and preservrngihem.In
this ghoulishauditorium,one row of headsseemsto
have been exaltedabove the others,since Lhereare
four headsindividuallymountedon wall piaques,with
lheir nameselched upon them. They are (or were):
Chanquinlhe Court lester, Field Marshal Rabellan,
Count Reindrechof Cabaaland Dorrick the Castellan.
If you want to usea Ma8ic Point to seewhetheryou
can communicatewith these heads in some way,
chooseone fo try lo summon,then LumLo 24 If you
cannot,or don't wish to, do Lhis,tum to j5 to explore
elsewherein the west wjng, or Lum lo Z to retum to

You find yourself in a powder-roomused by the

glitterrnglybeautifulwomen of CastleArgenl before
its fall. Their valuablegilded minors, crystal scenl-
bottles and jewellery boxes have been pillaged,and
make-uplies in small mor.mdson the broken and
vandalized marbledtables.If you areAnvar or Stubble,
you leave herej you can male your way along the
norih passagewayopposite,if you haven't explored
that areabefore(turn lo j85), or go back eastalong
the Passage of Hawks(turn to 111) If you are Braxus
or Sallazattum Loa5-
216-277 277

276 its sheer size and grim appearance.You sLepforward

The Dragon is yor.rngand its fire-breathrng ability is and, as you do, the doors behind you slam shut. A
not yet 6:1lydeveloped,but it is still dangerous. gloating,eerielaughmocksyou as il resonates around
Atlack Round,if the Dragon has the higher Attack thehigh-vaultedchamberof the stairway;Zagorararaits
Slrengih,you must roll one dice If you roll r 4, the you, and you will not retum alive unlessyou have
Dragonclawsand bites,and you mustdeduct2 points slainhim! You stride forward grimly and begin your
from your suvrN,l. If you roll 5 or 6, the Dragon ascentof the stairway.
breathes6re at you andyou lose4 sravlre points! Someminuteslater, you throw open lhe grearooors
SKILL 16 below the Jaw Archway and grit your leeth as you
senselhe heacherousness of n'haLlies beforeyor.r.A
If you wiry thereis an.angurshed roar from somewhere
corridor shetchesoul some twelve metres into the
far, far off in the Creat Tower as the Dragon falls at distance, and its walls are linedwith skullssel inLothe
your feet. It soundslike the noisea very, pery angry
stone The walls look as if the skulls where tfuown
Dragon mrght make. . Shiveringa liLtle,you gather into liquid stonewhich Lhencongealed, trappingthem
up the Dragon's treasurehoard You find 6 Gold on its surfaceThe effectis deeplydislurbingand, as
Preces, a smallpile of tiny moonstones worth 10 Gold you edge forward towards a chamber you can see
Preces, a Magic Ring,and,rn an rvory tube sealedwilh ahead,you have to fight backa rising senseof panic.
wax al both ends,a scrollcontainingthe Skill Spell II Clearly some magic here is affecting yoq making you
you wanl to takea dose look at whateverit is that is
swealand tremblewith fed! If you can (andwish to)
glowing inside the crystaldome,lurn to 538. If you casta lump spellhere,tum to 16r If you carurol,or
would ratherexploreelsewherein the west wing, tum do not wish to, do this,tum to 296
to j6, if you want to return to lhe BronzeStride,tum

You slip the two long Dragonbonemaster-keys inLo

the locks in the crystaldoorsand lhey open In front
of you a great woodm stairway risesin a graceful
curveLoan archwayhigh above.The greatfaw Arch
way is apLlynamed:it appearsto be craftedfrom the
jawboneof somermpossiblyvast,repLilianmonster,a
deathlyleprousyellow-whitein colour,forbiddingin
27E-2Ao 2aa-2az

t78 way ends at an east-we9tjunclion. Explore an area

IF you have lhe higher Attack Strength Lhis Attack you havenot visitedbefore.Will you:
Round, fum to sag. If Zagot has the higher Attack
qrrpnofh h'm t- rrE
Open lhe door to your leit? Turn to a12
Open the door to your nght? Turn to 55l
Headfor the passagejunction? Turn to 4j

The room beyondihe door here is a crossbetweena
torture chamberand a mad wizard'slaboratory It is
slrewn with bonesand huge jars filled with the limbs
and organsof variouscreatures,and you hastilyavert
your eyesfrom the gruesomescene.If you decideto
searchLhisfoul placethoroughly,Lumto jo5. Other-
The glaringlight of your spellrevealsa highly unpleas
wise,turn to 51 Losearchelsewhere.
ant scenewithin the FeastHall, for the tablesand
chairs are crawling with fat, sleek, black rats! You
makea mentalnote not to go in there!You decideto
tale a chanceand open the door in the west wall of
the kitchen,and you find that beyond it lies a small,
narrow passageway, off which you see a couple of
tiny boxroomsthe domesticservantsmust haveoccu- 282
picd. and 'ome large lardercupboards. lt's highly The bedchamber ofthe kings of Amadllia lies before
unlikelytheres anythingedibleleft after all these you; looLedand ransacked, ljttie of valueremainsin it.
years,but, if you want [o makea searchof Lhem,tum You find a single Gold Pieceon the floor here bul
lo z7 Otherwise,turn to 576 and searchelsewherein thaL'sall so you leave,and now you mustopena door
lhe castle in the Throne Room which you haven'LinvestigaLed
before.Will this be:
The door in lhe west wall? Turn to j9o
You are standing in the middle of a north-facing
The centraldoor in the north wall? Turn to 91
passa8eOn your left is a door bearinga .eramic
The eastemmost door in the no h
plaquewith a srlvercrown design.To your right is a
walll Tum to 244
plainwoodendoor.Directlyaheadof you, the Passage-
243-244 245-2aG

283 lhey swiftly despalchyou. You end up as a tasry

You forceopenone of Lhedoorsinsrdethe templeand roast,a chargefrom the Orc's usualdiet of rats.Your
fud two Orcs clad in part-armoLrtwith weapons adventureendshere
readied.One of them turnsto faceyou while the other
standsover lhe coweringbody of a terrified,middle 2E5
agedman.dre*ed in !\hite robesand 11ingproneon As you openthe caskel,a suddengust of foul-smelling
the floor. One of the Orcs lets fall a crystal vial of wind blows ihrough the room. The chaoLicand evil
liquid he was clearlyjust about to dnnk. You haweto magicof Zagorhasbeendrawnto the bodyof thepriest,
fighl, but makea note that if you wrn the combathere and in a maiter of secondsthe body decomposes and
you will be able to take thts vial of liquid It is a beginsto crawlwith maggots Honibly, the comrpted
magicalPotionof InvisibiliLyandcanbe drunl(immedi corpselhen sits bolt upright and its lividly glowing
ately before any one combat Its effectslast for the eyeballsglareat youas itreachesout with skeletalhands
durationof that combat,and during thrs lime you car to strangleyoul If you want to Free, you canTesfyour
subtract: from the Attack Strengthof your enemies, Skil/;ifyou aresuccess{ul, n:n beforeyou cancome
srnceLheycannotseeyou easily(this doesnot work to harm,so turn to J99 to exploreelsewhereIfyou fail
againstZagor or any Dragon) Now, i[ you wanl to or if you chooseto fighl, turn to 50.
atlack the Orc facingyou, hlm lo f5. If you want to
atLackLhesecondOrc, you cando so,but lhe first Orc 2E6
will get rn a free blow againslyou as you force your The dreadedComdor of Fearawaitsyou - can you
way pasthim, so you must lose 2 STAMINA Pornts If sustainyour will andnotbe sloweddownby the terrible
you decideto atLackLhesecondOrc anyvray,tum Lo phantomsof fearand despairLhaLawaiLyou here?Tesf
a7r. youtLuck-If y or ateLucky,you get Lhroughthe conidor
in 5o seconds; ifyou areUnlucky,it takes1ooseconds(a
Potion of Flying will not alter these times).With
mountingdesperation you raceeveronwards;Lumto 8!

Trying Lo flee is hopeless;the yells of the Orc leader
soonsummona hordeof Orcs lrom nearby rooms and
, 4,

The greenJacquered door opensreadily,and the cham-
ber beyond appearsvery strangefor it is filled with
dead vegetalion!You can see a wooden chest,half-
buried under trailing vines in the distance,so you
enter in order to take a closerlook As you do so, a
huge shapearisesfrom the half-rottenplani remains,
roughlyhLrman-shaped, the thing is composedof vines,
and iL reachesou[ for you, its knobbled'limbs'trailing
twitchingvinesalong lhe ground.If you want to flee,
tum to 5. If you decideto fight the Plant Golem,do
your besLto despachit swiftly- Each time the Plant
Golem wins an Attack Round, yolu rrrust Test your
Skill. If you fail, it has wrappedsome of its trailing
vines romd your legs and arms, rnaking it harder for
you to move fieely and ffght il, and you must subtract
r from your Attack Strength.It can do this up to three
times as lhe thing binds you tighter and tighter in its


If you win, to your dismayyou 6nd as you open it

that the chesthere is not a Tower Chesbbut has a
heraldicdeviceparntedrnsiderts lid; this show6sev€n
red lions on a greenbackground.Insidethe chestyou
6nd 4 Gold Piecesand a Polion of Stamina,drinking
thrs restoressrAMrNA equal to half ibs -lritial total
(roundfractionsup) and you can drink it at any time
except during combat.Now, leaving Lhisroom and
entering the Passageof Hawks, will you head west
(tum bo5) or eastLothe crossroads(Lumho9t)?
2AA-290 29L-29t

288 AtLackStrength,you must tum immediatelyto jj6. If

Deduct any poinLsfrom the Mummy's srAMrNA if at any time you cast a spell againslthe hag, turn to
you havealreadystruckit wiLha fiery atta&. 209.
HAC 8 9
If you wiry you presson along fhis accursedcorridor WACKETTHE CAT 8
Lowardsa cavemouschamberbeyond As you ap-
proach,swirlingpatlernsof lighl flashfiom the cham- lfyou wrn,Lurnto 575
ber, and you have to screw up your eyesin a squint Lo
seewhat is inside.Turn Lo18o
This is a Tower ChestlIf you open lhi\ without
triggeringany trap, you may Sain 1 LUCKpoinL.Tum
to 252
You must Testyour tlct while yor.r are pleading that
you do noL yrant to aLtackthe Dark El[ If you are
Lu&y, he won't attack tum Lo23a If you areUnlu&y, A whirl of green stars will fly {rom the on1'x staff
he atLacksimmedialelyydth a brilliant bolt of fue as upon command cirding the Dragon's head and bury-
he completeshis spell; deduct 4 points from your ing themselves in it, causinggreat pain. One slar will
sraMINA becauseof Lheaction of the searingflames, be impaledin LheDragon'shead eachAtlacl Round,
and you must now either fighl (tum lo 25E) or flee up to the eighth (if Lhecombatlaststhal long). Each
(tum to a9a). star will causethe Dragon Lo lose 2 STAMINA points.
after the first slar has struck it, you may sublract2
from its Atlack Skengthdue to iLspain and confusion.
You have to fight the hag and her cat, Wacket, If you have spenta Magic Point Lo activatethe staff,
together The hag will cast a Fireballspellat you rn you can unleashthis effectas soon as you get on to
the 6rct two Attack Rounds(if she has lhe highest lhe Dragon'splat{orm but how will you get there?
Attack Strength,you will have to lose 5 sraMrNA Will you,
points from the 6ery assault).Afterwards,she will
attack you vvith her poisoneddagger (lose 1 poinL Use a Potion of Flying (if you have
from your srluru becauseof the yr'eapor!plus 1 onel Tum to j64
exlra point from the poison) The caLwill try to bite Climb one of the ropeladders? T:uur\to 272
you; if it succeeds,
you rnust lost 1 sraMINA point, Enter Lheswirling vorte>qhoping to
but, rf you rc1711 ot 12 on the dice for the cat's be carried upwards? Tum lo 534
295-294 295-296

The Colossuscollapses at lasUWeary with the effort,
you drag yourself over Lo the wooden ch€st and
examineit carefullyThe smallshielddesignon its lid
showsa pair of yellow goblelson a blue background.
lnsidethe chestyou find 3 Gold Pieces,a MagrcRing
and a scrollwith ihe Skill Spellwrilten on it cain I Searchingthrough the cavern,you must ea{ a xrear;
LUCKpoint! Now it's time to searchelsewhere. If you eventuallyyou find a passagewayhidden behind a
haven'texploredeverythingin the barracksarea,you Iargeboulderthat you pushasidewith much grunfing
can open Lheyellow door (fum to zo5) or searchthe and swealingat the exertion.The passage is dark and,
dormitodesand paraddroomsthoroughly(turn to rz); if you do not havea lantemor d Light spellto seeby,
you can leave Lhebarracksand explore
alLernatively, you will stumbleand fall, losing 2 srAMrNApoints:
elsewhere(turn Lo64). you must alsosubtract2 from your Attack Strengthin
any combaLshere (until you retum acrossthe rope
bridge).Peeringalong the winding and twisting tunnel,
you seea singleside-passage lo your right and,some
mekesfurtheralong,thepassage terminatesin anoLhet
smallercavem where you think you can see a faint
'ii,." gleamof gold. If you want to take the sidepassage,
tum to 2o8 If you want to makefor ihe cavemahead,
Ihrs secretchamberwasusedby the rnightrestdefend-
It is desperatelyhard going, dragging yourselfeven
half-waydown this corridor Your feet feel as if your
bootsarelinedwith lead,andyour calvesacheabomin-
poinl of Current and Initial sfiu or 2 points of ably. TesLyour Luck. lf you are Lucky, you keep
Current and lrifinl STAMTNAYou do not have to trudging on as normal,buL if yor-:arc Unlucky you
transmuteyour LUCKln Lhisway if you do not wish mustJoser from your Cr:rrentsrrll scorefor as long
to do so, however and the transmutafionwill be as you are in lhis corridor.You musLnow Tsslyo?/
tempoEry (affectin8only your combat with ZaAot\ Luck againl l( you are Lucky, tum to z5r. If you are
Choosewhat you wanl to do here, then be sure to Unlucky, fum to gr7
I 299

297 299
You have a certarnamounl of time to get to the The Zagor-Demon screamsits fury {rom its fell
Heartfires;you do noLknow how much time but from throne-'You dare standbefore me?I have not been
now on you mustkeephackof lhe numberof seconds banished{rom my own world to be confrontedby a
it fakesyou to get lhere.If you have pickedup any wretch like youl'He spits contemptand ftgel Now
Cold Zagorc,you have already taken roo seconds. batlle is truly joined. Zagor slards at the head of
You have Laken8o secondsfor eachporLionof provi- the sleps,preparingto cast a deadly spell.His sKrLL
sionsyou haveforceddown. EiLherdrinkrnga Potion score is 16 (lessa reducLionfor any Golden Talis-
or castinga spell will have ta-kenyou zo seconds.If mansyou may have),so use this to work out Attack
you havedmnk a Potion of Flyng, however,you will Strengths and keep hack of the damage you do to
be able to move more swiftly and unlessyou are told him (you may subtractLhisfrom his suurNe score
oLherwrse, you can halve the numberof secondsyou when you finally gel inLo hand-to-handcombal with
take for all movementto LheHeartfires(you will be him) You can either try to geL closer to him or
told how many secondsyou need for varrousmove altackhjm from a distance.lf you want to get near
mentsin laLerparagraphs). You may stop and perform io him, you can use a Potion of Flying, if you have
any of these aclions during your joumey, buL you one (tum Lo j83), run up the steps(tum to 2o7)
must add the appropriaLe numberof secondsto Lhe or you have a third option: if you suspecLthe steps
time elapsed:if you want to performany acuon,you may be trappedand if you have a magicalweapon,
mustmale a note of the paragraphnumberwhereyou you can use some of the magic from that weapon
sLopand perform thal acLio&Lhentum Lo 255.Now fo cleave Ll,uoughLhe steps and create a passage
you pick up Zagor's body; tum to 85 upwards;if you do this, however, you will lose at
least some of the magic your weapon has (if you
294 choose this option, tum to r3.5).If you want to
A great slone stairway rises in {ront oI you, giving standyour groundand attackZagor from a distance-
accessLo the main level of the castle above and at leastto begin with chooseone of the following
bringing you closer to the Great Tower where Zagor oPnons:
lies!As you crossa stonebridge,you feel strong magrcal
energies playing round you; you regain 4 points of Use a catapult? Tum to 349
sr,lurra, r pornt of LUcK and 1 Magic Porntl Feeling Use a spell? Tum to 278
invigorated and refreshed,you open lhe door at the lop Use a bow? Turn Lo 249
of lhe stairway and stlde acrossan empty chamber to Use a Magic Arrow? Tum to 95
another door in the far wall; you open it Tum to 399. Throw acrd? Tum to 169
'Pandemonium' would be a modestdescriptionof the
Throne Room which lies behind the iron clad doors.
The room is filled wjth drooling, mindlesscreatures
slobberingandgrrmacingat one one comer,
somethingthat may once have been an Elf plucks
randomlyat a seven,sLringed instrum€nt,pickingout a
hideousrefrain.A lethargicOgre thumpsperiodically
at a tympanito add fo the drn,while mindlessCoblins
blow into conchesand flutes Howevet not everyone
here is a mrndlesscreatue,many of the monstersare
capableand dangerous- Nearestyou aretwo armoured
Orcs,then four GreatOrcsare standingtogelher,then
come lwo Orc mutants,and behindthem is a pair of
Zombieswearingebony-black circlets roundtheirheads.
Behind theIl! in the far drstance,the figure of Thulu,
GreatChieftainof the Orcs,siLs,semi-comatose, on his

Potionof Invisibihty,lum to 19. Otherwise,tum to 39.

The monsLerinside the foul-smellingroom l€apsout
to attackyoul The giant spiderhereis coveredin foul
smellingslimeand ordure,so you must deduct1 point
f?omyour Attack Strengthwhen ffghting it sincethe
stenchnauseatesand w€akensyou (unlessyou are
Stubble,who suffers no penalty)- Your monstrous
enemyraisesits slmeJripping mandiblesand massive
clackingclawsto strikeyou downl
302 303-504


If you win but the Ciant Spiderstruckyou evenonce, You find z vials containing powerh.rl, lime-green cono-
you now have a foul diseasefrom the 6lth and muck sive acidamongthe equipmentrn this laboratory.You
on rts body - Blood Piague!If fhis is left tmtreated, can use the vials in combat by flingrng them al an
you developsepticboils and painful soresover your enemy rnsteadof using a weapon;tf you have the
body, and you will lose r point from your Cunentand higher Attack Strength,the acid hits and causes4
Irilirl srAMrNAeachfime you entera room with any points of damage.It may alsobe usefuJin other ways
monsterin it. If your Inifiul srAMrNAscorercaches too Now tum to 51 to searchelsewhere.
zero,you die. Yor.rmrls[ talcecarewhereyou explore,
and seekhelp swiitlyr you need a Healer,or Plague
Antidote,lo restoreydur t ifirl srAMrNAand curethe
plague Thereis none to b€ found in the chamberthe
GiantSpideroccupied,for this areais sirnplythe castle
lafrines,befouledby Orcs and utterly disgustinSTum
to 218 to exploreelsewhere.

Belore you confront your nemesis,do two things.
FirsL,mal<esureyou have a recordof all the bonuses
you have to your Altack Strengthin the combat to
come,and what magicyoLlmay be able to use(don't
iorget that a PoLionof Invisibility js uselessagainst
Zagor).Second,counLup how many GoldenTalismans
andSilverDaggersyou havecollectedfrom the Tower
302 Chestsyou have opened.EachGoldenTalismanyou
As you raceaway, a deeprumblingsoundrisesfrom possessreducesZagols sxrr-r (as shown in a laLer
the belly of the Mutant behind you and a wave of paragraph) by 1 pornt,eachSilverDaggeryou possess
conosive acid splashesacross your baclq lose I reduceshis srAMrNAscore(as shown in a laler para-
srAMlNApoinLs.If you are still aliveyou run for dear graph)by 2 pointg so be sureto makethe appropriate
lrfe back to the passage
beyond the laboratones,then reductionswhen the time comes Now you sLandin
down to its end,vowing neverto returnherelTum to the Throne Room of the ZagoFDemon Your ariver-
43- saryawaitsyou; hrm to j9r.
I 3o7-3oE

305 with you If you tradespellsin combatwith the Dark

At the very last momenLyou ffnd a slidingpanel on Elf who lives here, you must subtract2 from your
the west wall of the pitl You struggleto forceil open, Altack Strengthwhen you cast a spell becauseof
then hide in the pitch darknessbeyond Above you, thesedefencesIf you want to attackthe Dark Elf, Lum
Orcish voices growl 'Wrelchedthing's set itselJorf to r58. lf you decideto run, tum boa98
again,'one of the Orcs yelis 'Bettertell Skunkhead to
reseLthe lever'You have Lo wait a long time before
you can be sure that the Orcs have really gone, so
yori must eat a meal.Ratherthan re-enterthe pit, you
decideto dimb up LhesLonestepson the other sideof
the secretdoor, and you follow a winding passageto 307
another secret door. Stepping out of it, you 6nd Test llo t L ck If you are Lucky, you find a hand
yourselfemerSrngfrom a hiddenwall-panelai the far caLapultwith a glowing black stone ln its leather
easternend of the Passageof Hawks Setting off pouchn'hich certainlyprovesinteresting.You canuse
wesLwards, you reacha crossroadsi to the north, the this to attackfrom a distancemuch like usrn8a bor ',
piL traphasclearlybeenreset.If you decideto explore but if you hit your opponenLwith it, he w l lose 6
fhat way agarr turn lo j89. If you would ratherhead srAMrN^points becauseof the powerfulenchantment
on westwardsto the mrd-waypoint of the Passageway on the stone-You can get only one shot from the
of Hawks in order to searchsomewhereyou haven't catapult,however,and you cannoLuse iL in hand-to-
exploredyet, tuJn[o 5. hand combat(if you are Stubbleor Sallazaryou must
subtractr from your srrlr when usingthis unfamiliar
weapon).If you are Unlucky, you do not 6nd this
weapon.Tum to 52 to exploreelsewherein the east
wing of the castle,or tum to t Loretum to LheBronze

Tall and silent,Domck's ghost standssolemnlybefore
you. Donick feil on his own sword in order to avoid
The magicalcirclesar€protective,the occupantof this the rlread6:1lorh:resof lhe Demon;his spidt, though
room is clearlyterrifiedof someform of magicalattack trouble4 is not insane,unlikeso many of the caslle's
by a wizard,and you guesshe isn't going Lo parley ghosts You LellDomck about your quest and what
309 5ao-aa
you have achievedHe is impressed,but he shakes 3ao
his head sadly. 'Unspeakableevil lies in the Creat You fall to your kneesto tip lhe body o[ the Zagor-
Tower Beyond the Crystal Doors lies not only the Demon into the chasmof the Hearthres;as you do so
monster who is taking demonic form even as we however, you lose your balanceand pitch forward
speak,but also a mighty War Dragon.To overcome yourself!You have savedAmarillia,and the bardsof
one would be rhe stuff oI legend.To slay both - it the land will sing their songs, guaranLeeing your
is hard to believe thal even one such as yourself everlastingfamethroughoutall the lands. . but they
could accomplishsuch a thing' He ponders for a will be a posthumoushonourl
moment. 'But, perhaps,the Orb of the Templar .
that might help. Listen:nexl door to thrs place Lhe
Crand Templar of thg Court prowls the shadows
still He is a mindlessthing, hrs heart and will de,
stroyed by fell magic, and he is very powerful If you
searchbehlnd the fireplacein his chambers,you will
find a secret comparLment. Some power may still
reside in the Orb He always used it in baltle lo
slrengLhenhimself.Thal is all I can teli you' The
ghost fades slowly from vrew. If yor.rhave already
been in the Templar'schambers,you set off th€re
aSain noy,.i tum to j48. lf you have nol visited
themyet, fum to 228

As you open the casket,the body of the p est ris€sto
1tsfeet and,its facesuffusedwith fury, pointsthe staff \aa
aLyou and hurlsyou oul of this chamberwith a great 'But there'sanothersword aswell; only you could make
bolt of magrcalforce. If you are Sallazar,deduct: bestuseof that.It's currentlyownedby a knight.I don't
poinLsfrom your srAMrNAandtum to 599. Otherwise, know whelherit's alive,or whaLit is; all I've seenwith
you lose 4 srAMrNA points and are teleportedto my limitedmagrcis a realbruteof a thing, cladheadto
anotherpart of the castle.Roll one drce.If you roll r toe in sprked,blackplate mail. I know it's behindthe
or 2, tum lo 599, if you roll 3 or 4, tum to 268; if you northem doors along the Bronze Stdde, lhe great
roll 5 or 6, tum to 78. passageway north of lhe ThroneRoom'Retum to 22.
Bethel'schambershave been ransackedbul, to your
surprise,a shortswordis lying on the table- and three
dead Orcs are lying on the floorl The bloodstains
round their bodieslook relativelyfresh,too As you
areponderingLhisscene,the swordspeaksro your
'l'm an Orc-slayingsword,' it murmursnonchalanLly
(anda bit needlessly,given the presence
of the corpses
here). you have magicalsirength,I can help you I
just looekilling Orcs But I n€edmagic to help me to
fighl to the b€stof myabilityl'
If you wanL to take and use this sword, you need
Ma8ic Points to useit effecLivelyIf you are fighting
any kind of Orc, you can spend r Magic Point to The huge War Dragon 6ghts with the fury and might
activatethe sword This can be done in addition to that decimatedCastle Argent's defendersCan you
makinga normalattack,buf not in addiiion to casting possrbly ih Furl?If you do nol havea rragic
a spell When you havedoneso,roll one dice,and add 'unive
weapon, you cannoLaffectthe War Dragon,and you
z to lhe number rolled For thrs number of Attack will perishhere!
Rounds,the sword wrll fly throughthe air and attack
any srngleOrc (includingGreat Orcs, Mutant Orcs, WAR DRAGON sK rLL15
etc.,but not Thulu, the Orc chieflain)you can seern When lhe War Dragon wins an Attack Round, roil
the room where combal is Lakingplace You may one dice to determinelhe type of atlack il has used
choosewhich Orc to strike Eachtime it strikes,its and the damageit inflicts
iargetmristlosej srAMrNApoinlsrThe swordatLacks
only Orcsin lhis way, howevet nol any other kind of DiceRa Attack and Dafiage
monsLer Once iLs altacks are expended,you can Claw sLrike:lose z sreMrNA points
alwaysuse anotherMagic Point to activateit again. 3 Bite: lose j srAMrNA points
Now you can make a generalsearchof the rooms 4 Tail sweep (glancingblow): lose r
here,if you haven'tdone so (tum to 159),or retun to srAMrNApornl
the main passagewayoulside and searchelsewhere Fire breath:lose 4 srer'.rINapornts
(turn to 4j). If you win, tum !o :62.

ln a small,barechamberbehindthe door a figureclad
head to toe in lacqueredblack plate mail conhonts
you- 'Prepareto die,'he saysemotionlesslyas he hefts
a greal, two handedsword to strike at you. Terror
gripsyou: you must do batlle with the Dark Knight of
CastleArgenll If you have an onyx slaff wrlh you,
tum to 24a If you do not, fight onl

If you win, and iI you are Braxus,tum immedialelyto

46 Otherwise,tum to j95

Perhapsthe capricrous Eli will talk to yoo but maybe
he prefersnot to Roll two drce.Add -z to the total
rolled if you are Stubble(sjncethe Elf doesn'Liike
Dwarfs much), and subtract 1 if you have a thief
hirelingwith you. If you bribe the Elf with somegold,
he is more Lkely to talk; you musl offer him 4 Gold
Pieces(in which caseyou can subtract3 from the
numberrolled) If the ffnaltotal is I or higher tum to
r59 lf the totalis 7 or less,turn to 9

'Thankyou, you haveservedme well,' you say to the
little scampof a thief He offersto sell you one 6nal
object:he hasa lockpickhe uses,and he offersthis to
you for 2 Gold Pieces.If you buy this,you can usejl
for openingTower Chests;using a Jockprcr<, you are
allowed to Tesfyour Still when opening Tower ChesLs
and tryinS to avoid the traps(lhis savesLUCKpoinLs,
517-5aa 349-324

and thusis very useft l). Decidewhetheror not to buy 349

this,thenreh.rmLothe paragraphyou camefrom. Your spellhasno effecton Zagor,because he had cast
a Magic Screenspellbeforeyou entered.Howevet fus
347 spellwill causeyou to lose r point from your CurenL
You didn't spoLthe concealedpit trap in time.You fall s<In and z points from your Cufient srAMrNA
severalmetreson to hard stone;deduct: points from (unlessyou too have a Magic Screenspell of your
your STAMINA- You daw your way backup and out, onn, in which casethis is now dispelled).However,
but you cannotrestoreyour sraMINA straightaway his Magic Screenis now also dispelledand you can
by eating food, drinking a Potion, or by any other attack him with spellsin later ALtackRounds.Tum
means;you are jusl Loodesperateto get throughthis to 51
corridor.Tum to 261..
5a8 The lock on this door is srnashed, so you gently push
You have entereda huge drill hall, a marchingsquare it open and find yourself in what must once have been
with bannersand replicaweaponslining the walls- or a great library Alas, the beautiful leather-boundbooks
suchas remain after Lherampagingsof the servantsof and illuminaled manuscriptshave been deshoyed in an
the Demon. A half-bumed pile of smashed-upweap- orgy of senseless rampaging;lhe Orcshaveevenbuill
onry and tom pennantsand bannerclies aLthe foot of a bonlne of books and bookcases,though a few of the
the lar wall. Far above yo|, greaL oak-beamscdss- latter still stand,empty and forlom, againstlhe walls.
crossthe cerling.If you wanLto walk over and search There may be some dues lelt in the debrls, if you are
Lhroughit, hrm to 394, but beware,your fooLfallsecho willing to spendsometime in searching. If you decide
loudly rn this high-ceilinged chamber!AltemaLively, to do this, you must eal a meal,then tum lo 57g. If
you can leaveand open the door opposileyou (turn you decidethat this shambles isn't worth investigating,
to zo) or male for the doubledoorsat the fai end of tum to 5 and explore elsewhere.
the enlrancehall (tum to :25)

As you casl your spell the door openssoundlessly,

and a mirthlessvoice saysgloatingly,'How good of
you lo wastea little of your pitifld magic on sucha
simpleliLtle spell Speakingfor myself,I would never
botherwith anythingas trivial as a trap on the door.
Do comeinl' Tum to 5o4.
32t-323 3t4-3zo

The design,thoughcrude,is clearlyihat of a Barbarian You know you must fling lhe body of the Zagor-
Axe Someinluition tells you that the axe is magical, Demon into the Heartfires.What you do not l:now is
perhapsa very powerfulweaponrn your hands.You how swiftiy you musl do this.You mustdecidenow
make a note to try to find this creaLure, Grool, who not knowng how much time you have,as the Great
possesses it and destroyhiml Now you cantry explor- Tower shuddersaround you - if you wish lo do
ing the nexi cell-block(tum to zro) or go elsewhere in anything before yoLr begrn your descenlwith the
ihe jails (turn to 5r); rf you wish Loleavethe jails and body. You caa performas many acLionsas you wisb
retumto the marncastle,fum Lof5Z eaLingsomeProvisions,drinkinga PoLionor castinga
spell are Lhe mogt obvious options Decide whrch
achonsyou wish to take beforeyou set off for the
Heartfues,Lhentum to 297.

Everything here is as it appearsto be, lifelessand

decayed-You havemerelywastedtime,and you must
eata m€alduringyour search-Tum to5: lo searchelse-

You needr5o secondsLodimb down safely,burdened
wilh a body. Tum to 286 Lopressonwardsl
The wretchedghost of the court Jesterstandsbeforc
you- Hrs hair is white,prematurelyagedby the terror
of unspeakabletortures,and he is quite insane He
stretchesforwardto altackyou at once,and you know
that the combinationof his madnessand ghostly
por,verwould be Loo great for you Lo withsLard:one
touch from him could destroy your mind! You flee
back lo the BronzeStrrde,leavingthe moaningghost
prowling lhe wesl wing, to whrch you cannot now
retum.Tum Lo7.

Pushingopen the blue door, you find yourselfin the

Royal Statuary:greal,life-sizedstatuesof the kings of
Amarillia once lined the grand, blue-fleckedmarbled
walls here They are shatberednow - possibly by
magic,you suspect:fiery blast-marks pepperthe walls
behindthe remarnsof the statuesHowevet there is
one slatu€herelhaLremainsintact:rt is severarmerrcs
high, and it comes Lo life with a very threatening
Sestureas you enter, An expressionless w;mior in
shape,the enomous statue has a massive,spike4
stoneclub in one stone6st and a long, sienderwhip in
the other It is clearlya formidableenemy Behindit
you can seea wooden chest,decoratedwith a small
heraldicsymbol of somekind, so it's guardingsome-
thing which may be valuable.If you decidelo fight it,
you must do so immediately,tum to 126. Altema-
Lively,you can flee by closingthe door here;rn that
case,will you:
Open the yellow door, if you haven't
done so already? Tum to 2o5
Searchthe barracksthoroughly,if you
haven'tdone so? Tum to a2
Leavethe barracksand explore
elsewhere? Tum to 64

You have acquireda magicalPotion of your choice:
you may havea Potionof Luck,of Staminaor ofFlying.
You may drinl a Potion at arly time except during
combat,ard the elfecls are as follows, a Potion of
spendhere However,on your way backto the main
road you shmble acrossa smallstonewell, which has
no bucketsbesideit and no mechanism
for drawingup
water.Then you rememberdimly that therewas sau


nrinsif you haven'tdone so (tum to 359) or makelor

the castleifself(tum to r9z).

explore(fum lo j99) or go to the west to the north

tuming of the passage
(tum to 1f.1)-
with keyholescraftedin yellowed bone set into the
530 crystal.If you are Braxlrs,tum Lo 1aj now. If you
wanf to open the easLdoor here,not having done so
before-,lurn lo 1r4. lf you want to try lo open the
crystallrnedoors.fum to 135.

The parchmentstaLesthat the two deadDwarfs were

wariors come to seek the Stonehammer, a mighty
maSicalweaponcraftedby the Graaitesmrths of Grun
dia centuriespast.The Dwarfs clearlybeltevedthat a
monstrousHellhom Champion- whateverthal may
be, you have never heard of such a monster- had
There is neiLhertreasurenor anyfhing elseof use to possessionof this great weaponand that it is hidden
yo! amonSthe razedand lootedbuildingson the east somewherein the west wing of the castle above.
srdeof town. You musteat a mealduringthe time you Sadly,they perishedat the ha;ds of Orcs beforethey
554-335 ii6-fi4

couldretrievetheir sought-afterprize.If you are Stub- 336

ble,gain 1 LUCKpoinLfor leamingaboutthis weaponl The cat'sbite goesdeep,and you are paralysedby its
Now you must s€arch€lsewhere,wrth the hope of 5alivalYour ddventureendshere,deieatedby a cati
obtaining this wondroushammerto urge you on in
your arduousqueslitum Lo218
This door has a small,green,crystallinelod! and the
5J4 only way to open it is to use a greencrystalkey lf
You are lifLedup by the vortex at some speeduntil you have sucha key, you know the nameof Lheman
you reach the undersideof the Dragon's platform, you fook it from.Converthis nameto a number,using
which you hit hard;lose 6 srAMrNApoinls!Now you t h ef o rmu laA = 1 , 8 = z , C = 3 a nd s o o n , t h e n
have to claw your way to the edge of lhe platform add the numberscorrespondinglo lhe lelters in the
and clamberover its side. Test'your Skill.Il you are nameand frnallydouble that total Tum to lhe para-
successful, the Dragonwakesonly as you scrambleon graph wth Lhatnr.rmber. If you don't have this key,
to the platform;gain 1 LUCKpoint and tum to 5r5 lf you musLsearchelsewhere; turn to j99.
you fail, the Dragon is sitting awaiLingyour anival;as
you try to make your way over the side of the
platform,it smacksyou hard with its paws,knocking
you fo the ground where you becomea spreading
stainon the floo4 your adventureendshere 334
The dim image of the Crown of Kings car be seen
inside the dome Long removed lo Sanctuary,this
RacingbackLowardsthe cavernin order to get to the magicalheasureof Amarilliaoncecuredand healedall
rope bridgeand safely,horribedyou seea conidor of who came to view it, and somethingof its curative
fire sprrngup as lhe ghostly wizard lays down a wall power still remain. By restinghere,you may regain5
of flamesrn front of you. Deduct 5 points from your points of lost sr^MINA and have any singleform of
STAMINA. If you are still alive, you run for your ii{e plaguecured (if you are sufferingfiom any form of
and drag yourself acrossthe rope bridge, braving lhe this malady). However, since only one person can
6res below, and you manage somehow to scramble benefit only once fiom the healing magic of the crown
acrosssafely Cain 1 LUCKpornt for this fortunale eachweek,you won't be able to retum here as often
escape,but behindyou the rope bridge collapsesand as you pleasefor repeatedhealing!Tum to 56 to
now you cannoLreturn acrossthe hery cavern,Turn exploreelsewhere in the west wing, or tum to Z if you
to 557 to fhd somewhere elseto search. want Loretum to the BronzeStride.

ln this subtenaneanroom there is a vast jumble of
fumishingsand bac-i-brac,and all the walls are in-
scribedwith magicalsymbolsand signs.You seethe
single occupantof the room, a cowering,emaciated
Dark Elf wth a thin daggerin one hand and a small
trail of fue ashdrifting from the other as he prepares
to casta spellat you. If you are Sallazar,
you canmake
out what the magicalwall-desrgnsmean,so turn to
3o6 Otherwise,you haveseveraloptionshere Ifyou
want to atLackLheDark EU,tum to 25E.lf you would
ratherparley,do you think you know what his na-'ne
is? If you do, convert lhat name to a number using
the codeA = LR = z, C = I and so on. Add
toSether the numbers correspondrngto the letters in
his name,therrturn to the paragraphwrth that number
(unlessthe nameyou guessis the first word in that
paragraph,you are wrong, and you will be forcedto
fight; make a note to turn to 258 if this happens).If
you don't know his name,but you still want to parley
with him, lum to 289 If you decideto makea run for
it, turn to a98

You 6nd a huge pile of gold corns,all with the Z
symbolon one side and a likenessof Zagor'sfaceon
the other side You grab as many as you can - 5;o
Gold Zagors and shove them into your backpack
Shriekinghowls of a magicalgale are beginningto
race around at the top of the Creat Tower! Tum to
344-542 343

344 nextcell block(fum to zro) or moveon elsewhere in the

The guards here are formidable- and hornble iails(tum to Sr); if you wish to leavethe jailsaltoSether
enemiesThe Hellhoms,which Zagor drew with him andretum to the maincastle,tum Loj57_
frorn some plane of nightmareand chaosstandwell
over two tall and hold great whips in their 343
monstrousclawedhandsPowerfuland muscular,these The legcndaryHall of Heroeslies behind this door.
creafuresare nevertheless taintedwith chaosand dis All the greaiestwarriorsand kniShtsin Amarilla had
ease;rotting fleshhangsfrom their skelefalfacesand their portraitsplacedhereand,surprisingly,they have
they are well named- their homs are power6ll and not been defaced.Enterin& you gaze sadly at the
theywill usethemto buLtyou wit[ aswell aswielding pdntings,realizingthat so many oi Amarrllia'stinest
theirwhips Forhmat€ly,one of the two Hellhomshere
was dozrn8when you enleredand is not immedialely
ready to fighl. For the first threeAttack Rounds,you
frght,oneagainstone,with a singleHellhorn;thereafter,
you must tight both Tum to az4 to fighfl

Otcs. Test!4aurSpotSkill; t you are successful,

lo 581 If you fail, you spot noLhing unusual,so
now you must leaveand exploreelsewhere; you can
go south and then eastwards(turn to J99) or north-
wardsto the Passageof Hau'ks(turnio rrr).

Your searchis longindeed,youmusteatiwo mealshere
However, among the graffiti scrawledon cellblock
wallsyou pick up somescrapso{ informalion 'Healing
view crown. . westwing' rspainstakingly etchedon
onewall,while anothershowsthe symbolofa greataxc
with the word 'Grool'scrawledbelow lf you areAnvar,
furn to 122 Otherwise,you cannow ify exploringthe
344-342 543

344 nextcell-block(lumto z10)or moveon elsewhere in the

The guards here are formidable- and horrible jails(turn to 51)jif you wish to leavethe;arlsaltogether
enemiesThe Hellhoms,which Zagor drew wrth hrm andretum to the maincastle,turn Loj57
from some plane of nightmareand chaossland well
over two mekes tall and hold great whips in therr 343
monstrousclawedhands Powerfuland muscular,these The legendaryHall of Heroeslies behind Lhisdoor.
creaturesare neverthelesstainLedwith chaosand dis Al1 the greatesfwaniors and knighls in Amarilliahad
ease;roLtingfleshhangsfrom thet skeleLal facesand therrportraitsplacedhereand,surprisingly,they have
they are well named their horns are powerful and not been defaced Entering,you gaze sadly al lhe
theywill usethemto butt you with, aswell aswielding paintinSs,realizint that so many of Amarillia'sffnest
theirwhips.Fortunat€ly,one of the two Hellhornshere waniorsmust haveperishedin the terible war against
was dozingwhen you enteredand is not immediately the Bone Demon and its armies One painting in
ready to 6ght For the 6rst three Attack Rounds,you particularcatchesyour eye:it depictsa platemail'clad
6ght,oneagainstone,wifh a singleHellhorn;thereafLer, knight with flowing auburnhair and greeneyes;this
you mustfight both.Tum to r74 to 6ght! youlh is hewingdown a groupof Orcssingle-handedly
while an airbornesword flies about him striking at
Orcs as well! Unfortunately lhe plaque under this
painting has been [om away possibly by irate
Orcs TesLyour SpotSkll; it you are successtul, tum
to 38r. If you fail, you spot nothing unusual,so
now you musi leaveand exploreelsewhere; you can
go south and then eastwards(tum to 399) or north-
wardsto the Passage of Hawks(tum to rt).

Your searchis longindeed; yoLrmusteat two mealshere
Howevet among the graffili scrawled on cellblock
walls you pick up some scrapsof informaLion 'Heahng
- view crown west wing'is painstakinglyetchedon
one wall, whrle another shows the symbol of a great axe
with the word 'Grool' scrawledbelow Ifyou are Anvar,
lum to j22 Otherwise, you can now tly exploring the
544-346 547

TestVotltLuck If you areLucky,tum to ao7.If yo:uarc
Unlucky,turn to 5or

A huge chamber,createdby knocking down walls
b€tweenvariouscastlerooms, lhis once houseilthe
Dragon hatcherieso[ the demonic servantsof the
castle,but the eggs rn their regularrows have long
sinceshrivelledand dried up here The atmosphere is
eerie;yoLrare standingrn a giganLicDragon mauso-
leum. If you want to searchit thoroughly, turn to 347
The door here is wedged hght but you managedto
g7o Otherwrse you ]eave and search elsewhere;
forceiL open,and you find yourselfrn a smithy There
rurnto 52 is a greal forge-fuein the south wall, but iLs flames
have long been dimmed Any weaponsor armour
once here have evidently been looled, but you may
takea strong iron rod you End here.If in fuLureyou
are askedLo Testyour Skill Lo force open a lockedor
tightly shui door, you may subtractr from the loLal
rolled for using lhis strongbar to help you open the
door Leavrnglhis room and looking east along the
corridoroppositelhe dooa you can seetwo doors to
your left. The first of lheseis particularlystrong,and
346 containsa heavy lo&. You should now explore an
The amount of noise you make yelling out your areayou haven'tenleredbefore,so willyou:
challengewakesthe Dragon-Wrth a mixed expression
of hatred and cont€mpt,it waves a paw to sealthe Open lhe 6rst door along Loyour
entrancelo its chamberso you cannoLescape It left? Tum to ro5
simplystayswhereit rs and breaLhes
a rapidsuccession Open Lheseconddoor along Loyour
of goutsof llameover you- You cannolhope to defeat left? Turn to 269
it from where you stancl and you are bumL to a Head backsouthand search
cinder. elsewhere? Tum fo jZ5
348-349 55e554

To searchbehind the fireplace,you have to plunge
your handsinto the magical6re, and you must also
Tesfvout Skill. You lose 3 srAMrNA points for the
damagethe fire causes you, and if you fail, you do not
panelDorrick told you of. You can try
find the secreL
again by Testing your Skll. as mary firre' J' you
wish, bul eachtime you will sufferdamagefrom the
magical6rc If you finally succeed, iurn to 142. If you
wart to abanclon your atlemptto find the secrelpanel,
tum to s6 to explore,elsewhere
Thereis a very carefullyconcealedportalwhich opens
into a small chamberhere. You can senseMagical
energiesplayrng aroundinside this chamber,though
you haveno ideawhat they miSht do to you, should
you enter If you decideto enteranyway,tum to 294
Otherwise,yoLrmust open the obherdoor here,either
normally(turn to 5o4) or by usingan Open spell([um
ro 324).
ComputeAttack Strengthsas normal.If you use ihe
one shot magicalstonehere,and you have the higher The Eli flinchesat the mentron of Zagor's name.'I
Aitack Strengih,you damageZagor. If he has the reallywouldnt use the Z-word round here.Wallshave
higher Attack Strengfh,his spell drainsl point from ears,you More importantly,there are Lhings
your Current SKILLand 2 poinis from your Current that can oeep out of walls if they hear thai word
srAMrNA,and your sLonemisseshrm- If you have Well, to ffnd you-know-whoatop the GreaLTower,
alreadycasta spellagainstZagorandhavenof suffered you've got to 8et pastthe DragonDoors,north of the
any ill-effectsfrom one of Zagor'sspells,tum to gr Throne Room, along the BronzeStride And to do
Otherwise,turn to 299 to decidea courseof acfionfor that,you have Lohave the DragonboneKeys There's
thc next Attack Round,you cannotuse this magical one set in both the east and west wtngs Crool has
attackagain one set,for sure.'Retumto 22
148-149 J5c55a

To searchbehind the fireplace,you have to plunge
your handsinto the magicalfue, and you must also
TesLyour SklL Yotr lose 5 srAMrNApoints for the
damageLhefire causesyou, and if you fail, you do not
find LhesecretpanelDorrick told you of You can try
agailr,6y Tesfillgyour skill, as many times as you
wish, but eachtime you will sufferdamagefrom the
magicalfire. If you finally succeed,
tum to 142 If you
want Loabandonyour attemptto find the secretpanel,
lum to 36 to exploreelsewhere
Thereis a very carefullyconcealedporLalwhich opens
inlo a small chamberhere You can senseMagical
energiesplayjng aroundjnside this chambeathough
you have no idea what they mrght do to yoa should
you enter.If you decideto enteranyu/ay,turn to r94.
Otherwise,you must open the other door here,either
normally(lum Lojo4) or by usingan Open spell(tum
to 121)
ComputeAttack Strengthsas normal-lf you use the
one shot magicalstonehere,and you have the hrgher The Elf ninchesat the mention of Zagols name-'l
Attack Strength,you damageZagor. If he has the reallywouldn'tusethe Z-word roundhere Wallshave
higher Attack Strength,his spell drairs 1 point from ears,you know More importantly,there are things
your Current srrrl and z points from your Current that can creepout of walls if they hear Lhatword.
srevrNr, and your stone misseshim- If you have Well, to 6nd you-know-whoatop the Great Tower,
alreadycasta spellagainstZagorandhavenoLsuffered you'vegot to get pastthe DragonDoors,north oI the
any ill-effects from one of Zagor's spells, rum ro 3r Throne Room, along the Bronze Stride, And to do
Otherwise tum to 299 to decrdea courseof actionfor that,you have to have the DragonboneKeys.There's
the next Attack Round;you cannotuse Lhismagical one set in both the eastand west wings. crool has
attackagain oneset,for sure'Return Lo22,

You marchtowardsthe leader'shall,duckinginto side-
passages occaslonally
in orderto avoid Orcishpakols.
Eventuallyyou throw openthe door to the hall where
the leader and his cronies are washing down a pre-
lunch rat ma& with great gulps of black Orcish beer.
The Orc guards stand between you and their leader,
however, and you're going to have to get past them
beforeyou canattackthe leader.Fight the two body-
While you are fighting, the Orc leaderhimself joins in
the fiay. but from a distance.He has a magicalhammer,
he throws it at your head and it then flies ba& to his
hand, to be Lhrown again! In odd-nmbered Attack
Rounds (first, third, fifth, etc.), you must Tut hi Skill,
which is 9. I[ he is successful, it stikes you and you
must deduct2 points from your srAMrNA If you are
Stubble,you may add r to the numberrolled (you are
smalland harderlo hit from a distance). If you roll rr
or rz, the hammeraccidentallyhrts one of fhe Orc
bodyguardsl If you want to flee this cornbat at any
tihe, tum to 284. lt you defeat the bodyguards, tum
to 2,25.

The Hellhom Championhas f Gold Pieces,some

rninor looted items of gold and silver pendantsand
jewellery worth ro Gold Piecesin all, and a Tower
354 555-556
Chesti There is a bunch of Dragonbone keys here
numbering 161 in iotal, though lhere is just one large You are crawling along towards a small chamber Lo
masterkey. There is also a heavy stone hammer beside the norih- whenruddenJy you Feela buming'en.a-
the chest which may be of use to yoq unlessyou are Lion on your back and flames are licking at your
Sallazar II you are Anvar or Braxus. this weapon will dothesl Deduct l point ftom your srAMrNA.Above
nol give you any bonuses to your Attack Shength, yoll a pair of vicious,ImpJike creatureshave opened
but it does count as a magic weapon if you do not little murder holes in the ceilingdnd dre pourinB
have one. li 1ou are Stubbre.thi. Sfonehamnergire. buming oil over youl If you want to aawl back to
a bonus of r to your Atta& Strength in all future where you entercd you can do so: you musl lose 6
combats, and against Zagor or any Dragon rt adds z srAMrNApoints from the oil that is still being poured
to your Attack Strength, so gain r rucr pornt for on Lo you and, if you are still alive, you can try
recovering thisl Now turn to 56 to explore elsewhere makingfor the eastdoor providedyou haven'topened
it before (tum to r5); or you can retum to the main
castle(tum to 5).If you preferto fight, tum to z4z.

Your fiery attackspellwill causeextra damageio bhe
Mummy (deductI points from its srAMrNA)and it
will set the monsteralight,so that is loses2 srAMrNA
points in eachAtlack Roundunlil it expires,buml to
354 asheslTurnto 288 to fight the monster.
You avoid Lheobvioustripwires,buLthey are merely
decoys for the very fine and almost transparenf
bleachedOrc-gtrttripwireslYou must Teslyout Luck(J
you havea Lhiefhirelingwith you, you may subhacL2
from the diceroll) If you are Lucky,you get just over
half-wayalong the happedpassagein saJety.If you
fail, a volley of crossboltsis shot at you Sincelhese
are aimedat headheight, you must lose 6 sraMINA
points unlessyou are Stubble,in which caseall but
one shol flies overhead(you lose 2 sTAMINApoints).
Tum Lo268
351354 359.:360

At the end of the long strelch of passageleading You push open the double doors and ffnd yourself at
westwards,your route Lumsto the north. There rs a the entrance to a very dimly lit but huge chamber.
door in the west wall at the lmction of thesepassages, You raiseyour lanLemto take a closerlook dearly
andyou canfeela distnct sensation of warmthcoming Lhisrs a FeastHall, and around the huge dining table
from behindit Along the northem passageway lhere arg skeletonsseatedin lhe rags and remainsof what
are two doors,to your left, somedrstancealong and, was once 6nery. While you are taking all this in, a
at the far end of the passage,facing yoq a stout, squeakingand turbulent massof huge black rats rushes
lockeddoor wrth a grille and cover set rnto it aLeye down upon youl If you decrdeto fight, tum to 215.If
level This last door looksvery muchlike the entrance you want to fleeand slamthe doorsshutbehindyou,
to a jail block.You aresurethat thr northernpassage- you must Trsf yo r Skll ft you are successful, you
way will leadyou closerto the goal of your quest,so escapeand return to the doorway aL the end of the
you follow rt Choose a door to open which you enlrancehall tum Lo j76 If you fail, you must fighb
haven'topenedbefore;wjll thrsbe: turn to -?15.
The door at the passage junction? Turn to 77
The first door on your left? Tum to z:5
The seconddoor on your left? Turn lo.r8
lhe door rith the grille? Tum to 5i

j 6o
The spindleabsorbssomeof your shmgth inLoitself
It reducesyour Currentand Iniiial Magic Porntsscore
by 1 point, to a minimum of r; if you are Anvar, it
will reduceboih your Currentand IrihTl LUCKscore
354 by r point instead-Ki&ing over the malignLhing,you
If you are wearing metal (charnmail or plate marl) leaveand headfor the wrought iron door to the north
a.mour tum to ao4 If you arenot, turn to r45 of Lhepassageway outside.Tum to 197.
t6a-S6S 364

36a the queensand princ€sses. PalntingsoI ElvenMasLers

Behindthe doors to the east wing is a very lengthy, of the King's Hunt have been contempLuously sliced
wide passagewhjch leadseasfwards. You marchfifty up with swords,and the hall has been thoroughly
metresor so along it until you anive at the middle vandalized.However, a large portrait of an old,
and tale your bearingsfhere Ttrrn to 5u grey-hairedwizard is still intact in its frame at one
end of the gallery; if you wish bo examineib closely,
362 fum Lo 151 Otherwise,you leaveby Lhewest ctoor
You force open a door and find two armouredOrcs and80 norLhto the crossroads, tuln to 9.2
with swordsreadiedOne oi them rs almostrnvisible,
appearingas a faint shimrnerjn the arr Thal Orc is the
one facjngyou, the otheris standingover Lhecowering
body of a lerrified,middle-agedmar, dressedin white
robesand lying on the floor. You will have to fight
here If you want lo attacklhe Orc facingyou, tum lo
i5. If you wanf to attackthe secondOrq you can do
so - but the 6rst Orc wrll get in a freeblow against 364
)ou as yorl force your way past him, so you must You fly up to the Dragon's platform and surprisethe
deductz pointsfrom your srAMrNAlf you decideto Dragon wilh a free athack(by weaponor spell) Make
attackthesecond Orc anyway,tum lo ry; a note of the amount of damageLhis does to the
Dragon'ssrAMrNA,lhen tum to 5rg to fight, subtract-
ing the appropriale anrount from the Dragon's

Predictably,the king's arl galleryhas beendesecrafed
by ihe Orcs of fhe castlerbroken sculpturesand
shatteredcrystal lie everywhere,and the Orcs have
daubedmoustachesand beardson fhe paintingsof

Yor: stand,open mouthed,Sapmgat the monsLrosity
thai rearsup beforeyou. You're not surewhat it is -
or what il zras,more Lkely. Perhaps,ludging by iLs
size,it was an Ogre once But its ieet and hards have
been greatly enlarged,and its fingersand toes have
long, rakrng,hardenednails the size of daggers.Its
belly is hugely distended,and it appearslo be blind,
or maybeits eyesare just sunkba& into the fleshof
its puffy, reddenedface,abovea band of livid purple
stitching round its throat. Various tentacleslink rts
body to pulsatingbellows,flaslcsand jars;and the nse
and fall of a great rubberyvalve, drippingwith thick
slime,is what is makingthe ghastlynorsein here.You
think you can seea wooden chesthalf hiddenin the
pile of debris round the room, though you cannot be
certain If you want to flee this lumberinghorror as iL
squelches towardsyor! lum to 5or. lf you decideto
fiBhl it, whateverit is, tum to 167

"Ere, Gutrot, come and Lakea look at this idiot we
caughtl'sniggersa hatefulOrc, standinglookingdown
into the pit. The Orcs summontheir friends,and they
useyou first for crossbowpracticeLhenfor supper.

The office of the one time castellanof Castle Argent
has been looted, of course,but there are still some
aged,brittle papersand ledgersscatteredamong the
shambles.You find a small scrap of paper headed
'Inventory of Magical Items held by thel then the
354-559 569

paperis tom. There is Just one item listed,an 'Orc ro meLrelengthof ropeandan emptyglassbottle You
slaying dancing sword', with a brief note thaL Lhe also 6nd some gold; roll one dice to dir.over fhe
swordis temperamental and makesawkwarddemands numberof Cold Piecesyou find hidden in a lea[her
'Cunently owned by Sir Be'is lhe Finalnote Clearly, purse that has been sLuffedrnto a hole in a wall
sucha sword would be very valuableto you if only Hor"u"., you alsorun into a Prowlinggroup of Orcs
you knew the knight'sfull nameand whereLhesword as you makeyour way back Lo the main road Three
might be foundlSearchelsewhere by turnmgto i99. of themjump out from behinda crumblingslonewall
and, whlle iheir armour is ragged, their a-xeslook
364 sharpenough.To your dismay,you observethaLthese
fust beyond the point at which the passageturns are GreaLOrcs - and, wolse still, one of fhem is a
north there is a door in the west wall. Somemetres mutant with exceptionallypowerful limbs and shoul-
further along, at lhe end of the passageway,is a ders.You must fight themall Logetheras they encircle
forbiddrngblack door with wrought-iron decoration youl
all over ib a racketof noiseis comingfrom behindthat
door: creaturesare shouting wildly and discordant
FirstGREAT ORC 7 6
musicbrays forth If you want to open the door to
SecondGREAT ORC ? 6
your left, fum to 34r- If you want to move on
northwards,Lumto 11 MUTANT ORC 8 9
If vou win. lhe Orcs haveno treasureand you cannot
th" ruts they have in their food pouches!If you
want fo searchthe ruinson the other sideof town, not
havmg alreadydone so, lum to 351 lf you wanl to
makestraightfor CastleArgenb,tum ho192

You spend some hours sifting tluough the least-
deshoyedhomes,so you must eat a meal You find a
3rF3r2 375-574

3to crowd the walls, and ceremonialrobes and cap€shang

You must eat a meal during your searchhere, bul you on pegs beside them. You really don't want to take
noticethat one egg is slill seepingthick liquid from a anyLhingfrom this placerit may be taintedwith the
crackin its leatheryshell.If you have an empty glass chaoticmagic which deshoyed the Templar'smind.
boftle,you may collectsorneof this liquid.lf you are So, you can now exploresomewhereelsein the wes[
Sallazar,hln to rr9 Otherwise, tum to a8f. wing (tum to 36) or makefor the BronzeShide (tum
to y').

Tat your Spot Still- If you are unsuccessfuIhlm to

574 zrz. If you fail, you find nothing, so leave and turn to
You musl bdbe the ghost with a Magic Ring, a 5 to searchelsewhere
Colden Tahsman,a Silver Dagger,or a Potion Lo let
you leave in peace.If you are preparedto do this, 374
remove the item from your Adomlwe Sheetiyott can With exhaordinary agility, the little brute leaps on to
now exploreLhecavemwhereyou saw the gleamof your back, rummagesin your backpackwith its hard
gold, if you haven'tbeentherebefore(tum to 1o), or liltle claws,snrffsout the iron spikes,grabs two of
you canheadbackto the main cavernyou enteredby themin its pawsand gobblesthem uP!\r'y'hen it jumPs
(turn to 186) If you can't,or won'1,give up suchan down, you canseethat the iron plateson its backand
item,you mustfight (turn to 1t4) or flee(tum to tjs). legs are visibly sturdier, and Lhe animal gives a soft
growl of pleasureThe little beastwitl follow you and
help you in future lf you meeLcreatures Lhataremade
Eerily,the GrandTemplar'schambersare still as they of metal or which vr'earmeLalarmour (GreabOrcs
were in Lhegreat daysof CastleArgent, though all is wear metal armour,as do their leadersand chieftains;
now coveredin dust A magicalfire bums hotly in a ordinary Orcs, Mutant Orcs and Zombies do not),
gate but Bivesforth no smoke.Trophiesof the hunL then this little beast will help you to 6ght them,
571376 3n

destroyingtheirarmour.Whenfightlng, Lhereare two doorwaysfurtheralongon the west side

you can subtract1 from their Altack StrengLhThe of this no+h-boundpassageand a door at Lheend of
Ironhog helpsin all suchcombatshom nc,w or1 you it, and il hlms back eastwardsfar in the distance To
cannotchoosewhich combatsrt will or will not help your lefL,the passagesoontums wesl.Explorean area
you wi{h 'it.rutom.rh\allyallacksany armourwearing you havenot enLered beforeWill you:
or meLalcreature)Roll one dice and add 1 to the
numberrolled;[his is the maximumnumberof combats Head[or the wesLpassage? Turnto 5
in which the Ironhog will takepart beforeiL mns off Open the doubledoorsin fronLof
(it runs away immedratelyif rt seesa Dragonl).Now, you? Turn to 359
wilh this strangecreahrrein tow, will you open the Open the ffrst door along LhenorLh
door opposilewth the3eramicplaque,if you haven't Passage? Tum to 38
done so before(lum lo 112),or makefor the end of Open the seconddoor along the
thepassage (turn to 43I norLhpassage? T.Jdr\ to 34y
Go all Lheway to the end of the
Tum to r55
The hag has some items of treasureconcealedrn a
false comparLment in the chair she was siLtrngon - 577
you find a vial of PlagueAntidole, a scrollof a Magic Grool catchesyou in the backwith a well-aimedrock
Screenspell and a MaSic Ring-You are inlrlguedby as you ru& deduct5 points from your srevlue If
you are still alive, you slam ihe door shut and flee
her sprnningwheel; it is clearly magrcal,and the
ihought crossesyour mind whetheror noi you could straightback to the BronzeSlride,so tum lo 7. Make
somehowuse it for your own benefiLI[ you want Lo a note Lhatyou can.eturn to fight Grool laler; if you
take a chanceby splnningrt yourself,turn to 247 If do so and you manageto wound him, hrs
you don'l want to takethe chance,you leavehereand scorewill have returnedto its full value (zz) because
headfor the wrought-irondoor at the end of the north of magicalhealing the monstercanuser
passage ouLside, tum to 197

You standwith your back to the doors al the end of
the entrancehall, looking wesL Immediatelyin front
of you is anolherpair of doubledoors,while to lhe
north a passagewaystrelchesoul for many metres,


Many are surviving, so the magic must still be here

and,while Orcs have choppeddown heesand shrubs
so thal the going is difficult underfoot,plant Iife sLill
grows abundantlyhere. Gardenchairsand tablesare
dotted around together with rioLs of flowers and
lemon-scented grassbordets.In the centreof the room
is a long, hedgedpath,wiLhwillowJike treesdrooping
their silvery leavesalong it. In the disfance,to the
south,you can seea smallfountainwhich still has a
trickle of waler &ipping from its intricately carved
head.You are making for the fountain when there is a
rusfle of sound fiom the branchesof fhe treesand you
are surprisedas a flock of bats flies to attack you (lose
2 5TAMTNA points).Theseare no ordinarybals,how-
ever:their blood-redglowing eyes,mzor-sharpcanine
teeth and metrc-widewingspansrevealthem Lo be
If you win, and the batshaveinflictedany damageLo
you at all, tun to 18. Obherwise,you can set off
towards the fountain (tum to 47) or back away from
this room, fuaring further hidden atta&ers (tum to 3)-

Yotr must Tesl your Skill as the Mummy approaches,
addinS2 to the lotal rolled.If you are successfi:I,
J8eJ8a 342

lantem shikes the Mumrny and sets it alight! The 182

monsterloses2 sr^MINA points,and it will continue You pay the merchantand he hands the casket to the
to lose .z srevrre points aulomatically in every sub- old man. hrmping it carelesslyin a bronze dish, the
sequentAttack Round. If you fail, your lantem misses sage turns his attention to you. 'Hmmm. Heading for
the Mummy and smashes on the floor behindit You CastleArgent, eh?'Yor.rlook startledat his Prescience,
no longer have a lanLemlTuJn to 288 to fight the knowrng where you are headed;perhapshe has the
monster. Sight indeedl'No, achrallythe king told me But, in
facl,I did haveone of my visionsaboutlhe placeonly
the otherday Now, did I wdte it down?'He scrambles
up a rickely stepladderwith an agility unusualin one
so old, and dragsa thick,leabher-bound tome covered
in dust from one of the topmost shelvesHe fumbles
with the pages then, with a shriek of triumph, he
recitesa verseof riddlesto you:
The Knight mn be dutroyed by the liorc within the
You must eat a mealwhile exploringa dozenor so of The llellhom Championfalb to the cheuons in ttu
the cells,but all you find are somemanacledskeletons,
scrawJed gralfiti on cell-blockwalls,and a greatdealof TheWar Dragonfalls fo theyellow-cloisfered
TheOgreMutanl falls Lothegobletsin the blue.
mould growing on floors and walls.Now you can try
explorngthenextcellblock(hmto 210)orgoelsewhere The Onp Sfalf empouersVou lo use fhue synbols
in the jails (turn to 5r); if you wish to leave the jails
alLogether andretum Lothemaincastle,h-m lo 557 'Well, that'siL,'he says.'l've no ideawhaLit means,of
courseBut it; important.'RatherdisappoinLedly, you
581 leave.Will you now:
Thereis a well-concealedslidingpanelbehindone of
lhe painhngson the west wall- If you want Loopenit, Buy someequlpmenf? Tum Lo55
tum to 215, If you do not wish bo do this,you must Try to acquiresomeexha money,rf
leave and explore elsewhere;you can head south and you haven't already tried? Tum to to6
lhen eastwards(tum to 599) or northwards to the WaiLfor the ship to tale you to
Passage of Hawks(tum to rrl). Tower lslan& Tum to zzo
383-J65 ja6-jA,

343 someodd magicalrur€s.The door at the end of lhe

passagehas a greal shieldinlay on it: the designof
the old king, Kraal,himselflI[ you are Sallazar,tum
to 57. If you want to open the onyx doot hrm to
ground,deductj poinLsfiom your STAMTNA, 78. If you want to open the door bearingthe shield,
and you turn to 259
now find yourself lying on the sLonesteps.Turn Lo
The runesare a magicalwarningto keePouL,and you
ta4 judge thal there is a Dark Elf elementin therrdesign
Thereis an irritableshout from behindthe door: ,yes, You are also slightly puzzledbecausethey don't look
yes,comein!' so you openthe door.You'reastonished
Ike standardwizard'srunesiLhismakesyou uncertain
abor.rLthe kind of spell-usingcreaturethaf miShthave
put themhere.TestyourSpofSkill.lf you aresuccessful,
tum to 25. lf you fail, you can castan OPen sPellon
ihe door (turn lo alo), open it normally(Lumto 539)
or think betterof il and searchelsewhere(tum to 576).

beforea veritabletreasure-trove
insidethe room - you 3aj
can see armour. food, weaponsand morel l[ you
Creed has been your downfall;ensnaredby writhing
decideto attackhim and afterwards take what you lentacles,you cannoLescaPebefore anothermassive
can,turn to 267. If yotwant to ask what he has for gout of acidrcfilth poursover you from the remainsof
sale,tum to 16E. the Mulant and the suckerson Lhetrpsof the tentacles.
Your adventureendshere-
Looking north along this passage,you can see two
doorsoppositeeachother,half,wayalongthe corridor,
and one facing you at the far end. A swift check
showsthal the weslemdoor hereopensrnto some
bedchambers oi the laoiesof the court;the.erooms
have been r.:tlerlylooted and vandalized.The door
opposite them has an onyx, paitemed inlay bearing
3A8-5ag 390

548 to use this spell,tum to ,68. If your only option is

From the westernmostend of th€ passage, Orcs come to stride fotward and hope for the besL tum to
runningto the attack,havng heardyor.rrloud attempts 354.
to force this door. They let fly with a pair of crude
crossbows;TeslVour5ki1L.ff you are successful, you 590
dodge fhe missiles;rf you fail, you must deduct 2 This door is locked,but a swift searchlocatesthe keys
points from your sraMrNAb€causeyou are hit once on Thr.rlu'sbody and you throw open the cell which
If you roll 3 or more aboveyour Cunent sKlL score, Iies behind the door. On a bed of filthy straw, a red,
both shots hit you and you must lose 4 srAMrNA eyed old rnan clad in once-white robes looks up at
pointsl Dropping their bows, the Orcs draw short- you with an expressionthat is at fust hopelessbut
swordsand closeto hand-to-handtighting Backedup then tums to one of delight and ioy as he seesthat
againstthe wall, you canfight themseparately you are not one of Thulu'screaLur€s. 'My friend,how
can I ever repayyou for freeingme?'he says-'I am a
FirstGREATORC healer,and suely you must have sr.rffered much to
76 reach this far into this tenible den of evil ' If you have
SecondGREATORC 76 the Plague, the healer will cure you of any and all
If you win, the Orcs haveno treasure,so you go back forms you may have He can also Iay his healing
to smashingdown the door Tum to zo3. hands upon you and restore up !o I poinls of
STAMINA.He Lhenmshesup to Thulu's throne and
349 oPensa secr€tcompartmentin iis base,reachingfor a
Lookingnorthwards,it is obvrousthat the passageway ring, which he slips on to his finger. 'My friend, I am
here is littered with Lraps.There are vjsrbletripwires no fighter or wizard I can help you no longer wiLh
on fhe floor and wall mountedcrossbowsare perched, your quest;I have beenlocked up for so long that I
ready lo deliver a nasty volley of shots at you. Imow nothing of the terrible changeshere, though I
Clearly, getting past this stretch of corridor [o the have sensedthem.I must be gone,back fo my liege
doorsand passages in the drsLancewill not be simple. lord, the king.' If you think you know the nameof this
If you do nol want to enLe.this trappedareaJusryer, healet converLhis nameto a numberusingthe codeA
bui preferto exFiorean areayou haven'tvisiled yet, = a, B = 2,6 = 5 and so on, add the numbers
go west to lhe mid-way point of lhe Passageof corespondingto the letlers of his nameand tum to
Ha$,ks;turn to 5. BecaLrse the lrappedareaof corridor the paragraphwith that number If his namers not the
is some 10 metresin iength, a Jump spell will take first word you see Lhere,or if you do not lcrow his
you only part of the way along;if you can,and wish, natne, RlJn to 2a1

Suchineffableevil now sits on the great throne,atop
wide,marbledsteps,whereoncethe kingsof Amarrllia
held court to the wise and great. Rotling rags of
purple,blackand white robeshang from his body, bul
the largeZ emblazoned acrosshis chestrs clearenough.
He looks Lke both the most evrl man you have ever
seenand a Demon,at one and ihe sametimel Stitches
down both sidesof his facestandouLproud 6om his
gloating,demonrcskin as if they coveredveinsready
to burst.His body is strong,his skin scalyas that o[ a
Demon,but bonesshow beneaththe skin and on his
lefl a skeletalarm,lacling a hand,is sunkinto the metal
and wood of the throne,and a pulsingpurpleradiance
glows round it Zagor risesto his feet, and you see
that the monsleris huge;he must stand four melres
talll He grips a powerful,rune-etchedstaff and cash
his armsoul wide, grirminga ghastly,crookedleer of
tritrmph but as he doesthis,lacquered blackand red
cards drop from the folds of his robesl For a split
second,the Zagor Demon's face seems to regisler
concem The cardsarefalLngdown all roundhim and,
if you want Lograb one as it fallsand look at its face,
you may do so; turn to 187 If you prefernot to, but
would ratherset aboutthe businessof aLtackrng Zagor
imrnedrately, torll to 299

'Well,rfyou leavehereand Lumnorth,going eastwards
takesyou to Lhe Orc barracks,so watch out Mind
you, rf you go westwards,you'll geL lo the Hellhom
guardsand the ThroneRoom itself.More monsLers in
39t-3 395
therethan you canshakea stickat. Cet tlrough Lhere Goblins slither down ropes from the beamswhere
and you'reinlo the BronzeStridejfrom there,thereaie they havebeenhiding.If you fail, yotr must sublractz
doorsto the eastand wesl wings and the doorsto the from yor.rrAttack Strengthas you fight the Goblins
CreaLTower. Crool rules the eastwing from the old to8ether.
war toweri the west ring is very dangerous,with Lhe
Hellhom Championand all those severedheads S (IL L STAM IN A
gives me the creeps.Bewarethe Specfrebhere!'Retum FhstGOBLIN o o
to 2.2,. SecondCOBLIN o 6
If you wirl you searchthrough the pile of weapons;
you do not carefor the prospectof clamberingup the
ropes to see what miserablescrap of treasurethe
Goblinsmay havehoardedup abovelTestyourLuck If

A great BarbarianAxe lies propped up againsl lhe
chestlIf you are Braxus,you can use this [wo-handed doors at the far end of the enkancehall (tum to l7O)?
weapon;you will not gain any bonusesto Altack
Slrengthfor it. but it doescount as a maSicweapon
(somecr€aturescan be struckonly by suchweapons, 595
You find a concealedmagicalportal in one of the
so this may prove useful).If you are Anvar, however, smallestchambers of the knights'quarters.If you want
this weapon adds r to your Attack Slrengthfor all Lo casl a Teleportspellhere,it will convey you past
combats,againslZagor and any Dragon it adds2 lo someof the greatestdangersof this castlelevel - and
yout Attack gain 1 LUCKpoint for this past some treasures,Loo. If you want to use lhis
findl You clamberdown the stone sbepsand back lo must casta Teleportspelland walk into ib
the mainpassageway beyondthe tower;Lum[o 52. turn lo 4r If you don't wish to use thrs portal now,
you may be able to do so later.Make a note of this
394 paragraphnumber;you can refum here to Leleport
You are surprisedby a werghtednet thaLsailsdown from any charnberon lhis level of the castle (not
from the beamsabove.Unlessyou are Anv;r, you durlng combat,of course,and not once you have
m.uslTestVourStill to avojd being ensnaedby the crossedany staircaseon this castle level). Now, if
thin rhetal mesh as a pajr of squealing,dirly little there rs a specific knighL whose name you know and
595-397 t9&-599
whoseroom you want to find, tum Lo fl7. Making a 394
searchof evena few roomswill be time-consuming; if There is a disgustingstenchcomingfrom behind thrs
you want to do this,tum to a59.Othery/iseyou leave slightly open door and it is pitch bla& inside.If you
the rooms of the Argent Knights; you can open the do not havea sourceof light, you don't want to risk
doors to the Orc barracks if you haven't done so entering here so you decde to explore the next door
before (tum lo 2o4) or mak€your way west lo the to the north h]m to j44. If you have somelighL,you
point where the passagewaybends north (turn to can eitherexplorethe room on the other side of this
368). door by tuming to jol or you can give lhe stinking
room a miss and continuenorth to the next door by
396 tuming to t{+
The onJytreasure hereis theDarkKnight'stwo handed
sword whjch only Anvar can use If you are Anvar,
thrs sword countsas a maSicweapon(somecreatures 399
may be struck only by magic weapons,so it may You are standingal a iunction oi passages: one runs
prove useful).Now you leaveand headnorth for lhe easl end we\l rlo your right and left respectivelyt:
crystallinedoors;tum to t55. another leading northwards, is straight in front of
you. You are Iookingtowardsthe no h wrth the door
397 to the enLranc€ chamberat your back.The corridorin
The trianglehasdisappearcd and Lheweb seemsLo be front of you runs for some fifteen metres,then it
spreadingacrossLhedoor, as if in a defensivereflex. meeLsa very extensiveeast-west passageway,the
You guessthaLthe web is the magicallockingelernent walIsof which bearplaquesshov,ingthe etcied figures
here. Either you must use an Open spell to bypassit ol hunting birds: lhis i5 the Passdgeof Hawks. To
(tum to 229 if you can,and wish,to do this);otherwise your right, there are Lwo doots on the south side of
you cannotopen lhe door. lf you can'topen this door the passage,which then lurns !o the north al lhis
becauseyou don't have enoughMagic Pointsto cast point therers a door facing wesLwards. To your left,
the Open spell required,or if you don't have a scroll therers a singledoor, againon the south side of the
of this spelland needone,you shouldmakea note of coridor, h/hichLhentumsnorthwards.All the passages
this paragraphnumber so that you can retum here here are lit by dim torches; they give oui a faint
later (you will not be able to retum here after you magicallight which grows weakerwith the passing
have crossedany stainray).For now, however,you years but which is sufficienffor you to see by. you
leave, frustratedaL your inability to get into the should explote an area you haven'Lenteredbefore
wizards innersanctum;fum to j. Will you:
Open the tirst door to your right? Tum to j6,
Open the seconddoor to your right? Tum to 337
Open the door at the far right?
Open the door to your lefi? Turn to :jd
Headnorth to the Passage of Hawks?
Headwest along lhe passage to
whereit tums north? Tum to 1j4
Headeastalong Lhepassageto where
ib turnsnorth? Tum to r39

. loo
You drop ihe body of lhe Zagor-DemoninLo the
chasmof the Hearl6res,and a terrible screamrises
from the botlomlessdepthsbelow.The firesbum with
an unb€arableheal and you stagger backwards,going
easLwardsalong Lhe passagewaybeyond the chasm,
and reel ouL tkough the doors of CastleArgmt. You
reallydon't remembertoo muchafterthat.
When you regainawareness, you f€ela cool sea-breeze
playing across your face.You coughand splutteras a
draughtof besi Cmb Islandrum is poureddon'n your
throat,The smillngfaceof a Centaur,with jusLa hrnt
of tearsshiningin his eyes,swims inLofocus above
you. 'We had to deal with a few Orcs who seemed
interesfed in running you through with their swords,'
he sayssoftly, trut, well, that was the leasLwe could
do. Welcomebackl' The sailorson the deck of the
Gloryof Amarilliagive you a rousingcheer,and surely
greaLerglory awaiisyou r{hen you refurn Lo Sanctu'
ary. Amarilliais sfill a troubledlandwilh many evils-
buLnow it hasthe chanceof survival,thanlGto youl
Thevotc€of 166.vil sorcel.rZasor.1,€llens63 ,ou.6rav. Her..
to v6rturethrluth the nroFfill.d duos.on.ot Fi.sf.p ,,
tiir tfthdh/. 3{ Bll E F.'a!y (i..l. wi'lr. coma,rt, v.k.
Ba$d onthe clEracterslromrhb boo( tanLivtrysroBJ
Lefend0t Z.3o.r.m. t .r!r.s a 4* m.mdy.l|h wt i.$'o.crton.Zatorlsvoic.lallr ourcomm.&.co,rrolllnr
cohbatblrwee' playlr. a.d hb IrdBu, moF ersssi,! dirh.t
voic syrtieir wi'|' @' 200dffennr serenccsand
! r€1bfl. somdeffers aid random.v€,rrs.
lrrend 0f Z4a b fn I ro I phr... ard i.dd.s.
3{ 3 l.vsl dl/rtsor.22 mtni.i/resand
ovlr. hurd..dc.rdr ll..'nique
andpl.rht pt.c.s
l..send0t Ze6..r. avathblenowt" rt'e U.K..d +. ortv t
toodrameriroclisrs.Shoutd yooI'av6lt v. drtficltrytocdtns
rh 5a'h plcaa crll

g€wlc.! oeparh.rr

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