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From: Candice Nolan candicebklein@gmail.

Subject: Formal Complaint: Zolisa Sigabi
Date: 28 October 2020 at 11:06
Cc: nolanc, Zolisa Sigabi, Aubrey Setjie, Nondumiso Mashinini

Good morning,

I would like to lodge a formal complaint against my line manager, Ms Zolisa Sigabi. She is currently employed as the National
Bulletin Editor, and leads the input and output teams on bulletins. I am alleging nepotism (through the continued retention of
Marietjie van den Berg, who is her friend) Pursuant to your instruction last week Thursday, Zolisa was instructed to handle my
serious complaint against Marietjie. She has however failed to do so, as I will demonstrate below. Furthermore, I allege that Ms
Sigabi is incompetent to perform her duties, as shown below.

Firstly, Ms Sigabi delegated her authority to Nondumiso Mashinini and Aubrey Setje. She was instructed by yourself, Ms
Magopeni to attend to my complaint. She has not done so. All she did was place both Ms Mashinini and Mr Setje in a rather
unfortunate position. They handled the situation very well, however. The meeting adjourned with me offering to work one last
sound desk shift for Marietjie (in the interest of the newsroom). Nondumiso and Aubrey promised me that my complaint against
Marietjie will proceed.

Secondary, Zolisa tried to use Nondumiso and Aubrey to bully me into agreeing to work on the Sound Desk indefinitely. Her ploy
did not work. I put her on notice to honour her promise. I have also informed her of my intention to lodge this complaint.

Thirdly, on the complaint of nepotism, Zolisa once told me that Marietjie was her mentor. Marietjie, in yesterday's meeting, denied
this saying she does not have a friendship with Zolisa. Marietjie has been allowed to retain her contract despite serious
allegations of misconduct against her. Ms van den Burg was further abusive towards me in yesterday's meeting (I have in my
possession a recording of that meeting). I found the entire experience most distressing and am battling to sleep as a result. This
meeting will be used to substantiate my complaint of racial discrimination against Mariejtie (see below).

I was forced into the same room as my shift leader, who I had complained about. It was most uncomfortable. If you listen to the
recording, you will note that it's only after I highlight my own anxiety at being made to face my bully, that the meeting starts
shifting in a meaningful way.

Also, I no longer wish to work on the Sound Desk. There is nothing binding me by way of contract. My position at the SABC is:
Senior Constitutional Court Reporter. I was merely seconded to Zolisa's desk, on my own request. I did work the sound desk for
over a year (putting up with Marietjie's systemic abuse). I humbled myself for a year, doing an entry level position. This
demonstrates that Ms Sigabi abused her power as National Bulletin Editor by under-utilising a senior member of staff. I no longer
wish to work on the Sound Desk.

Zolisa is on record asking me to chair. She approached me. Nondumiso was present in that meeting and can bare this out. Late
last month, Zolisa asked me to chair on the approved desk. The arrangement was that I would work the chair on one day of my
two day shift and the next day, I would work sound desk for Marietjie. This is no longer practically possible. I reiterate that
yesterday, as a gesture of good will, and only to assist Mr Setje, I agreed to work the sound desk shift with Marietjie.

I wish to highlight, Ms Magopeni, that I am a very capable shift leader. I would like to place on record that Zolisa, offered me the
position (on a trial basis). She promised to review my performance on the Chair after a month. She has failed to honour her
agreement. This is in clear pursuit of her vendetta against me. And speaks further to her incompetence to lead the newsroom.
This also speaks of a breach of trust in the employment relationship between Ms Zolisa and myself.

When I complained directly to Zolisa about Ms van den Burg, she was dismissive. At the start of yesterday's meeting, instigated
by Ms Sigabi, I was told that sometimes you have to work with people you don't like. My complaint is way more serious than a
newsroom spat between editor and journalist. Yesterday's meeting should never have happened and Zolisa should be censured
for inviting other people into the matter (Mr Setje). This all goes to due process and may leave the SABC on a back foot in terms
of the complaint against Ms van den Berg. She was not represented in that meeting and was clearly emotional. This stands to her

My complaint against Ms Sigabi, extends to systemic bullying in the workplace. The judgment in my disciplinary hearing of 2018
refers. I have attached it for ease of reference. The charge, of which I was found Not Guilty, related to a complaint from Rhodes
University regarding a breaking story I had compiled. Of course, Ms Sigabi tried to lay the blame at my door. But the panel
vindicated me in the end. It is unprecedented for a journalist to be charged in respect of a complaint over a news story. The buck
always stops with the editor. Despite the recommendation by the panel, Rhodes never pursued its complaint against the public
broadcaster (this is further proof of the conspiracy against me). The whole incident demonstrates the vendetta that Ms Sigabi has
been pursuing against me and was a clear abuse of power. I further allege that she conspired with Mr Luzuko Jacobs from
Rhodes University.

I was hospitalised at Poortview, as a direct result of the vendetta pursued by my line manager against me. I have a psychiatrist
and psychologist who can testify to same. Zolisa tried to destroy my career. She abused her power and failed most egregiously to
uplift a young, black woman in her newsroom. I am a journalist of impeccable credentials.

I have worked at the SABC for over 16 years, and believe in its core mandate to inform. It beggars belief that Ms Sigabi would
target one of her top performing journalists. I no longer have any trust in Ms Sigabi to advance my career, despite her many
broken promises. When I humbled myself to work on the Sound Desk it was always on the understanding that Zolisa would give
me the position on the approved desk. I reiterate, I no longer wish to work on the Sound Desk.

I also allege that Ms Sigabi is incompetent to perform her duties as National Bulletin editor. This is borne out by the points above.
I also allege that Ms Sigabi is incompetent to perform her duties as National Bulletin editor. This is borne out by the points above.
But to illustrate her incompetence: under her leadership, critical vacancies remained unfilled even before the moratorium.

In fact, about the only competent appointment Zolisa made in her time in office was the appointment of Ms Melini Moses. Many
input journalists are disgruntled about not being promoted or being passed over for promotion simply because Zolisa didn't like
them. Zolisa is factional in her leadership. I name Angela Bolowana as an example. She has been a Senior Education Reporter
despite her clear demonstration of leadership skills. Zolisa frustrated her numerous attempts to earn a promotion.

But with regards to my point, more pertinently, Zolisa always had the authority to make my move to the Approved Desk chair
permanent. I say this, because I saw a contract on Zolisa's desk for Nazeem from TV (she just leaves confidential information
lying around), who was appointed to fill the vacancy occassioned by the passing of the late great Zola Ntutu.

We have three permanent Approved Desk Chairs. I offered to move over from input in order to assist with this shortage. If you
remember, Ms Magopeni, I chatted to you about that move at the lifts one day :-) All that has happened, however, is that I'm being
made to stand in for the freelancer (Marietjie) whenever she is not available. This is ridiculous.

The complaint demonstrates a clear breach of trust, a systemic pattern of workplace bullying and gross incompetence. Ms Zolisa
failed to honour a promise she made to me over a year ago to move me across to the Approved Desk (on a new contract). The
move to output was sanctioned by yourself and was always on the understanding that I would be given a permanent contract on
the chair. All I'm asking is to be moved vertically across from Input: Senior Constitutional Court Reporter to Output: Approved
Desk Editor/Chair. Failing which, may I be allowed to move to another department within the radio news division?

I also allege that Ms Sigabi and Ms van den Berg have both discriminated against me. I wish to add to my complaint against
Mariejtie a charge of discrimination on the following grounds:

Race. This pertains more directly to the incident underpinning my complaint against Marietjie. Marietjie is a white woman of
Afrikaaner heritage. I am black. As shift leader, Marietjie is divisive. She compared me to a junior staffer (she is of another race)
and told me I need to "be more like said junior staffer" I found these comments deeply hurtful and offensive.

Marietjie has demonstrated clear bias against me, calling me incompetent on several occassions and lately, accusing me of
sabotaging her computer. This is quite a serious allegation. It was actually quite sickening to watch. Marietjie stood there
screaming at me, while I was on all fours under her desk with Mamokete, checking the wires at the back of her computer. I
imagine this must have been what it was like to work at the SABC under apartheid, with all the black people bending over
backwards to assist the angry white woman.

She spent the first hour of her shift shouting at me and going on and on about her computer. She hindered me from performing
my duties on the Sound Desk. I was unable to record the 14h00 bulletin because of her repeated threats and bullying. I felt
embarassed, belittled and degraded. Hence, the filing of my complaint, the handling of which left much to be desired. My
complaint touches on other aspects such as the lack of due process. Instead of suspending Marietjie and subjecting her to a
disciplinary hearing, I was forced to attend a meeting in which she made all kind of libelous accusations which impact on my
reputation and my right to dignity and respect. I have a right to due process.

Further to this, when I was subjected to a disciplinary hearing in 2018, I was placed on suspension. Those too were serious
charges. Melini Moses can bear testimony to this. But this time around, Marietjie is allowed to retain her contract despite a
serious complaint against her. This is patently unfair and demonstrates Ms Sigabi's bias against me.

To wit discrimination complaint against Ms Sigabi:

1. Race. I was consistently passed over for a vacancy on the Approved Desk. This was in favour of a freelancer who happens to
be white and is best friends with my line manager. I believe that Zolisa was motivated by a personal vendetta against me. I
believe that this is based on my race. This is unfortunate, because as a victim of racism herself, one would think that Zolisa would
not allow herself to give in to petty prejudices and stereotypes about black people.

2. Motherhood (in that Zolisa tried to force me to work late, soon after I returned from maternity leave, despite me telling her that I
needed to breastfeed my baby. I stood up to her that time, however. And she backed down, as bullies often do. But I intend
pursuing this allegation, in particular, and in light of repeated calls by the President speaking out against workplace abuse and
gender discrimination. I believe that I was passed over for promotion because I am a woman and a mother.

Pertinently, the last time I received a promotion was around 2009 when Clinton Nagoor was my Assignment Editor. Zolisa's job is
to motivate her team, facilitate progression. Instead, Zolisa uses vacancies as a carrot to manipulate people into getting what she
wanted at the time. The SABC stands to lose critical staff when the freelance contracts expire next year. People like Nandika
Beukes remain on contract despite demonstrating great skill in her duties. Zolisa used a permanent contract as a carrot to keep
Nandika on contract indefinitely.

To wit, she orchestrated an entire disciplinary hearing against me (see attached judgment). This was because I stood up to on
one occassion when she invited me to participate in the PhatChallenge because she deemed me to be overweight. All of this is
on record, including an apology from Ms Sigabi to me personally.

I wish to again highlight the fact that Mr Nazeem was given the Assignment Editor post on Input during the lockdown and despite
the moratorium. He is a man. I am a woman. This is patently unfair. Ms Sigabi failed in her attempt to impugn my reputation
through the disciplinary process. I remain grateful to people like Mr Paradza for finding an equitable solution in that process. I
would also like a formal and public admission and apology from Ms Sigabi in this regard.

3. Age, Racism and Nepotism: Ms Sigabi continued to retain a freelancer, using her permanent staffer (myself) to fill gaps in her
productivity line. Marietjie, who is in her 60's, dominates as the fourth alternate on the Approved Desk chair. I am 40 years old. I
have 16 years experience at the SABC and rose to the ranks of Senior Constitutional Court Reporter. It doesn't make operational
sense to retain a freelancer (Marietjie) for an urgent vacancy. Marietjie treated me as if I just started working at the SABC
yesterday. She was condescending, explaining really simple terms like "how to file a bulletin copy". In fact, after Zolisa asked me
yesterday. She was condescending, explaining really simple terms like "how to file a bulletin copy". In fact, after Zolisa asked me
to act as chair, I was made to alternate with Marietjie on the first day of the shift and then operate the sound desk for her on my
next shift. It all went fine until last week Thursday when Marietjie attacked me in front of everyone in the newsroom. That was the
final straw. I just had to stand up to baas! I am on record saying that I no longer wish to work with Marietjie. Especially in light of
this complaint.

4. Health. Ms Sigabi forced me to work during the lockdown period, despite a recommendation for me to be allowed to work from
home, made by my Psychiatrist. This is also contrary to the SABC's own policy on this matter. Mr Mannie Alho can testify to this.
Her pursuit of a vendetta against me has landed me in a Psychiatric hospital. She caused me deep distress, anxiety and
emotional upheaval. I am able to produce reports from my Psychologist and Psychiatrist in this regard.

Yesterday's meeting was a complete farce. I felt ambushed. I was forced to sit in the same room as the manager I had accused of
serious misconduct. The buck stops with Zolisa on this score. As further testament to her incompetence, Zolisa placed Ms
Mashini and Mr Setje in compromising positions. Her actions also caused a deeply prejudicial meeting to happen. Marietjie is
clearly not coping with the complaint and may need the intervention of Wellness. It was wrong for Zolisa to make her face me in
that meeting. This is not in line with the SABC's policies or procedures on the handling of complaints. I therefore plead for
protection, as I fear reprisals over this and my previous complaint.

In terms of mapping a way forward, I have worked several shifts on the Approved Desk Chair over the past month and feel that I
am fully capable to perform the function. I enjoy the work and find it greatly challenging. I would respectfully request to be moved
across as Approved Desk Chair, on the same scale and with the same pay. This would fill up an urgent vacancy and assist with

However, I leave this matter in your capable hands, Mrs Magopeni. I am happy to be moved to wherever you feel I would be most
beneficial to the radio news team. I am committed to the vision and mandate of the SABC, especially radio news and current
affairs. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out! Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,
Candice Nolan

DC Report - Mrs

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