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= Ter*r-End Exarxination
|uae, Xlgg
= *IS- 53 : FI{*EUCTI*:\31*3EEA?I*FIS

Ti*t* : 3 tz*z+rs M*xinzunt Msrks : I**

pYeightage: 70%)

Frl*fe : Se$i*x A *es fiz:e qz+*sti**s*rryirzg E* rnrzrkscecL,

Atterxpt a*g tlzreeqa*ti*rzs fr*rx sc*f,i*r{ d. Seefi*x
E is c*nzVzsls*ry*nd r*rries 4{} *s*rds.


{a} Selec- tw* ser:rire and tw* rr:arr:lfaefurk:g :*

organisafions of your own choice. From an
operation perspective, what are the
similarities and differences that exist ?
F} Shivkumar industries at Orai speeializes in 10
the ma::r:fa:tr::e *f s:rrall capacity electric
motors. The cost structure of a motor is as
follows :
Material costs : Rs. 50
Lab*r:: e*sts : Rs. 8$
Fixed e*sts *f tire c*mpaay ar::*::nt t*
Rs. 2,40,000per annum. The sales price of
a =r*t*r is R=. ?3* each.

*:5-=3 F-T;*,
{* *ster=i=* lh* :':::rxber *f r:r*lc:= *:*t
laa:r* t* r*a::xfa*fi.:red and **?* i::
a ::sar ie *r€*r t* break *:ren {r:ait=}
(ii) F{*:ar :-*afiy :r:*l*rs i:a:re i* b*
r*a==f*:*turei-1 and s*ld t+ rrtak* =
p:*fit *5 i{s. 3,**,S€ pe= y*a: ?

{i:* 3f ttr* s*l*s price :ed::*=* by Re= i5

*a*h, ho=-r.:::ar.:3i i?l*l*ts have t* be
s*3d ** s*aci: break*ever: p*i-€ ?

? }Thai wii! b* th* ir:rpact *l &€r€ i:tf*saa€*=r

{u} 1*
teehnalogies cn the operations manager's
' r*le ? Expiairr ariti: sr:itabie examples.

{b} Th* 5*il*:vi=-g iabalati*ris are aetual saies :_*

*f :.:nitc f*: *ix ::i'lr:r:ihs *nd a =tarli-g
fe:*ca=t i= fa=-*:y.

i* Ca?*-lai* the f*r*cast for t3ae

r*:=air:ig?g five sr*nihs ::.*i::g si5::*1=
*HF*a*::€?ai ==:**ti:i*g wit?:
alph= = *=?

(ii) Caieulaie ihe fulAD for the forecasts.

A<i*a1 Fsr*ra=t
Janrearv :** 8*
Feb:*arg =4
1{a:rh 1*S
Aprit **
*teF *S
ia::* g4

3. iu] 1€!at is *h* difS*:*nce bet$e=n ir:deg=-der:t EG
ar,:d d*p*ra*=*i rles:aad ? Gi-= t:ar*
:r:aa::fa*tari::g a:=rl t:*r* sefi.iee *xa=p1es -*
illusfrate you r" anqwer"
A tirra* =t=€y r*ra==*d* *f aa exisiing j+b :* 1*
€*r.e3*F rl*e. iirr:* sta**ar€*- A w*rlcer wa=
*bserv*d fc*r a i==:=i** *f 43:::i*-tes. *:.:ri::g
that pe:i*d, 3* -::ils :*i*:e p:**r:e*€. ?h=
a:'raiys* rai=* t?:* =:r*rk*r a= g=rf*:=:ir:g at a
90 pereent perf*nnance rate. Allowance in
ih* fi:rr: f*: ::*si ai-:ri pers*r:al time are 12
pereent of 1cb"

{* }?hat is t3:* :'r*rrrra! ti:== f*r t}ie task ?

{€} l,Yha: i= t}re srandard tim€ f*c *€ fask ?

4. iu) Si*ppi-g *.a=t= i= *rie *f the most impc:tar:t 1S

pa:t= *f 3TI" ir*_cnaifysonle *f :he s*::r:es *f
wast* a=* i€is=-ss how they may be
elirninated ?

{b} T?:e =peeifieati*ns for a=* eha:aeterisSc *f 1*

a pa:t *aii fr:e ii= e+ridth t* be 3.*** + *.***
ce-li::r*lr==. ??:* pr*cess h*s been :*=
under er:ntruiien conditicns so that no
as=igr:able *aa:_se=*f :rariati*- ha:re b=e-:
intr*€-r*€, a=ri sa:npie= ha:re bee=: iak*:r.
TlLe staa*acd d*:-:ati** *f tI-:e p:*res= *t a=
=siiatai*€ t* ** *.**3 c=ntirnefr*.
1€3:at is ilp f*r thls p==ss ? l'?h*t **e=
*':i= vala* =ay about the proces= tapeb3ity ?
=. {ai Explai:: whal d* g** andersta-€ by t}:e ?*
ter::-:. "?*latr Q::aiii3. Frlarreg=ff:e=t",,'payi-g
gar€e:la: attenti*ra t* i1:* f*€*:eiag -*rr:== :

Quality, suppliei-customer interfaee and


{a} Elki:: Sl:*e*, lne {ESE) curre::tty -ii::g a- ?*

i::=pec!i*= I3:*re*s i:r its ::naieriai receiving
d*partme-i is tlri=g !* i:':*taii a:r *:r*r all
t*sl red=:ti*n p:"*grar:':, Cne possible
reduction is the elirnination cf one of the
ia*pecti*:: p*=iti*3':=. ?*i= pasition iests
rr:alerial thathas a **f*ct:et= *rr ltre av,erage
*f 4 pe:cer:t" *y i*=pe*i::g all items, the
in=p=rt*r is a*ie t* c*:r:*v* al1 defe€=. The
i*sp*ei*r ra- i:':spe*t 5* u:rits per h*ur. The
h*:rrly :'at= i=*l::*i*g fring* *enefits, fcr this
p*siti** is 3s **. lf :1:e ir:sp*cti*:: pasitian
is eliminated, defects, ivili go into procluct
a=serr:biy ar:S :sii1 ?:a:ret* be repleced lates
at * c*st *f lts 1** each r*r1*= il:*y a:e
*et=cied i= fi-a3 p:*d-*t t*=ting"

(i) Shouid this inspection position be

eli::riaat*d ?

{:* 1€ha: i= t1* e*=t t* ir:=gett *a=E :rnit ?

{*} ls *here be*=fit i*r 1*ss) fr*m the

*.r:re:,:i inspeetion Frcle=c= ?. Fi*=r
much ?

€* {*} Dis=::*s t}:e geaeral p:*:ed:rre f*: :*
dete:T:iai=:g :h* *rder q::ar:-ity :arh*r:
qr:a:rtity €iseo=rnts are invalved. 1€*r:1€
t3:*re be arly diffs:enc*s :n *:e g:*cedu:* if
?:*ldi:rg e*sts wete a fix=d pe:e==lage *5
ilem e*st raih=: than a c*:rst**t a:a*::r:i ?
{b} Sigma fr:r is a {:ar:::factr:ri::g 5irrx thai 1G
pr**:.rres a vari.=? of sh*es a*€ b**ts" Th*y
have :ee*ntty sla:ie€ *perati*n *f a fact*ry
aa* *p*:rer1 a faet*ry *u:l=t si*r* a*jaeer:t
tc lhe facl*ry. The pr*durti*r: r*a-ag* ai
lhe faet*:y is *yi*C l* asc*=tain the *p-ir*a3
:,:r::nbe: *f s!':e=pskir: b**ts -* g:*€-c*.:,vi?l:
each production run. After careful analysis
he belie:res that t1-:ef*ll*r*ring *aia a:e
correet :
As::ral**aald **r ihe b**t= | { }l }{ t r-}= 1rq

Days/yearthe outletstoreis open =4*

*ai1y;:*r*:rrli*a eapaeily *f the fart*ry Z** pair=
3=: r:p e*st i:rcsrred ** start b**t p:*d*.:rti*:: Its.8***
A*aael st*=gaee*st per pair *f tr**1* I<8 fal la l

lfhat s:1*r:ld the p:**:::ti*a H:a*ag*r

ref*elr:rerr€ as the *ptirnal p:*du:ti*= l*t
size ?

7, l$rite s!:*rt n*ies *n a*y f*=r *f :he f*1l*aring :

' €=5=?*
{*} 3:*nie L*ss
{b} Qaali:y Ass:"ra-cr
{*} CAF=
(d) Robotics
{=} Y.e::d*r Raiiag
{f} }rc:ease of Enfrapy
.-=-=3 3

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