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*Requirement: Use past tense in the descriptive sentences.

And the tense of the

dialogues depend on the plot.
After your edition, this text must be readable for English readers. The basic
mistakes (typo, punctuation, word choice and grammar) can’t appear. And the
way of expression must be decent.
*Please read the following text and edit it. Use the revision mode to edit,
because I need to know how you edit.

Chapter 4: Deserving his help

The car stopped in the middle of the road, the man tilted his head and

looked forward and asked the driver, "What's the matter?"

The driver replied, "Director, there is a girl sitting in front of me who

can't keep running."

The handsome man sitting in the car saw the girl in front of him refusing

to move, getting out of the way, he thought that a person on the street had

to eat and told the driver, "Get down and give some money". The driver

followed, holding some money in hand and handed it to Naomi Bridget,

"Girl, don't sit here and eat too much, I have to hurry to take the director,

you take some money and move to the side of the road."
She was suddenly insulted by a stranger giving the money, not that she

did not want to get out of the way, but that she had no energy to move.

She angrily shoved the money back into the driver's hand, asking him to

guide her into the curb lane. The man also got out of the car, standing

next to him and saw the scene in front of him, thinking that this must be a

play arranged by his grandfather. Your grandfather was crazy, wanting a

daughter-in-law to go crazy that anything can be done.

Lancelot Victor watched how long this woman could end up pretending.

At that moment, a golden Bentley stopped beside her. She frowned

because the car lights were shining, the person sitting in the car was none

other than the person she hated most at Leo Titus. He lowered the glass

door, caught the pathetic appearance of Naomi Bridget, and in his heart

could not help but be happy, "Naomi Bridget, unexpectedly you are such

a shameful person. Not long after breaking up, she pretended to be a

beggar begging for money. Do you know how the word reproachful is


Lancelot Victor stood outside to see the fun, his grandfather was too bad,

finding someone but immediately hitting a mining girl."

Naomi Bridget constantly scolded herself that it was useless, how

unluckily that he was able to catch her tragic appearance, but she still had

to be resilient, "You can get out of my way now."

Leo Titus is not an easy person to quit a good story like this, he scoffed,

“Because of chanting the seven-hashed love we know each other, you are

also next to the seven-year love given to me so I give her a ride. Is it


Naomi Bridget coldly scolded him, "I told you to get out. You don't

deserve my love.”
Leo Titus did not get angry at that statement, in contrast with her mouth

full of meaning, “Now you are so poor that you have to marry an old man

instead of being my mistress. If you are beside me, I won't let you suffer.”

Naomi Bridget said, "You are really shameless. I don't understand why

then I could love him to death again and again. I would rather marry an

old man, than mind a scum like him. You want to have both Katy Bridget

and me, Naomi Bridget, are you dreaming in the middle of the day? "

Leo Titus said angrily, “I don't want you even if you give it up to me

voluntarily. In this whole life, Naomi Bridget, no one cares about you

except an old man."

 Naomi Bridget was insulted by him and couldn't help but get angry, a

little embarrassed that there were still people on the street. She looked not

far away and  saw a handsome man. She pulled him over and said,

“Nobody wants to know whoever told you. This is my boyfriend. He's

thousand times better than you, in every way."

 After saying that, she showed her eyes for help towards Lancelot Victor.

Actually he didn't want to interfere with other people's problems but the

man sitting in this car was a bit too much, and this troublesome woman

was not arranged by his grandfather. He looked at her somehow a bit of a

mind, not like what he'd been thinking about her. So he let her do

whatever she wanted to do, did not say no but to answer her hope

implicitly with her wish.

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