High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy For Adult Patients

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Journal of International Medical Research

2016, Vol. 44(6) 1200–1211
High-flow nasal cannula ! The Author(s) 2016
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therapy for adult patients sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav
DOI: 10.1177/0300060516664621

Jian Zhang1, Ling Lin1, Konghan Pan1,

Jiancang Zhou1 and Xiaoyin Huang2

High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy has several physiological advantages over
traditional oxygen therapy devices, including decreased nasopharyngeal resistance, washing out of
the nasopharyngeal dead space, generation of positive pressure in the pharynx, increasing alveolar
recruitment in the lungs, humidification of the airways, increased fraction of inspired oxygen and
improved mucociliary clearance. Recently, the use of HFNC in treating adult critical illness patients
has significantly increased, and it is now being used in many patients with a range of different disease
conditions. However, there are no established guidelines to direct the safe and effective use of
HFNC for these patients. This review article summarizes the available published literature on the
positive physiological effects, mechanisms of action, and the clinical applications of HFNC,
compared with traditional oxygen therapy devices. The available literature suggests that HFNC
oxygen therapy is an effective modality for the early treatment of critically adult patients.

Oxygen therapy, nasal cannula, positive airway pressure, respiratory failure

Date received: 15 June 2016; accepted: 26 July 2016

insufficient for many patients. The high-

Introduction flow nasal cannula (HFNC) is a novel
The nasal cannula has become the device of oxygen supply device capable of delivering
choice in modern medicine for the delivery up to 100% humidified and heated oxygen
of supplemental oxygen to patients with
non-hypercarbic hypoxaemic diseases. 1
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Sir Run Run Shaw
Such patients might require high inspiratory Hospital, Medical School of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
oxygen therapy, typically in the range of 30 Zhejiang Province, China
to 120 l/min.1,2 However, traditional oxygen 2
Department of Emergency Medicine, Sir Run Run Shaw
delivery devices, such as the low-flow nasal Hospital, Medical School of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province, China
cannula, non-reservoir and reservoir-bag
masks, and large volume aerosol systems Corresponding author:
Xiaoyin Huang, Department of Emergency Medicine, Sir
(used at fraction of inspired oxygen Run Run Shaw Hospital, Medical School of Zhejiang
[FiO2] > 0.4), can only deliver an oxygen University, 368 Xia Sha Road, Hangzhou 310000, China.
flow rate of 6 to 15 l/min, which is Email: xiaoyin86@outlook.com

Creative Commons CC-BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
3.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and
distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (https://us.
Zhang et al. 1201

at a maximum flow rate of 60 l/min.3,4 It has the end-inspiratory lung volume, weakens
been shown to confer many potential advan- inspiratory resistance, reduces metabolic
tages compared with traditional oxygen work associated with gas conditioning,
delivery devices, and leads to improved washes out nasopharyngeal dead space,
physiological outcomes.2,5 In recent years, and increases functional residual
HFNC is being used increasingly with adult capacity.8–13 These physiological effects sug-
critical illness patients, where it has been gest that HFNC therapy could be effective in
successfully applied to a variety of patients the treatment of respiratory depression
with a range of different disease conditions.6 resulting from many different causes.
However, other research noted that treat- Moreover, evidence suggests that HFNC is
ment with HFNC made no difference to better tolerated by patients and is reportedly
outcome as compared with standard oxygen more comfortable than other traditional
therapy or noninvasive ventilation.7 This oxygen therapy applications.3
review aims to summarize and discuss the
current understanding with regard to the
physiological effects of HFNC, its mechan- Mechanisms of action
isms of action, and its application in a range of HFNC therapy
of clinical settings. This information will
help clinicians in determining the potential
Pharyngeal dead space washout
benefits and limitations in clinical use affect- One mechanism of action of HFNC therapy
ing the outcomes of HFNC oxygen therapy, might be through its effect in washing the
and will inform clinical strategy decisions pharyngeal cavity dead space, thus reducing
relating to adult patients requiring supple- overall dead space and leading to an
mental oxygen. improvement in alveolar ventilation in the
lungs. However, due to the complexities of
dissecting the pharyngeal airway and the
Potential mechanisms
inability to measure gas flow in vivo, it is
of clinical benefit difficult to study the precise mechanisms of
High-flow nasal cannula therapy has been dead space washout. Although higher flows
shown to produce a range of beneficial may reduce dead space, the relationship has
physiological effects (Table 1), which will still not been determined. So we suggest that
be discussed in detail in the following HFNC therapy should not be used to care
sections of this review. Studies have demon- for patients with elevated CO2 levels.
strated that its use improves oxygenation, In 2004, a prospective study was per-
generates positive airway pressure, improves formed that aimed to compare the effects of
HFNC with those of traditional low-flow
oxygen inhalation devices for patients with
Table 1. The main physiological effects of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
high-flow nasal cannula therapy. (COPD).14 The authors found that patients
using HFNC devices could exercise for a
Pharyngeal dead space washout longer time period than those using low-flow
Reduction of nasopharyngeal resistance oxygen delivery devices (10.0  2.4 min
Generation of positive expiratory pressure versus 8.2  4.3 min, respectively).14 These
Alveolar recruitment patients also experienced less dyspnoea,
Humidification and improved tolerance
better respiratory functioning, and lower
Regulation of the fraction of inspired oxygen and
arterial tension.14 The authors concluded
improved mucociliary clearance
that the use of HFNC therapy improved
1202 Journal of International Medical Research 44(6)

exercise performance in COPD patients, certain amount of pulmonary expanding

partially by enhancing oxygenation.14 pressure and promotes alveolar recruit-
More recently, a study was undertaken to ment.10,20,21 In a recent study in which
confirm the dead space washout effect of pharyngeal pressure was recorded with an
HFNC and its influence on CO2 elimination HFNC oxygen flow rate of 0 to 60 l/min, it
and oxygenation.15 Thirteen neonatal pig- was found that the expiratory pressure with
lets with acute lung injuries were supported the mouth closed was significantly higher
with HFNC with an oxygen flow rate than with the mouth open (P < 0.001).9 This
ranging from 2 to 8 l/min.15 Single and study demonstrated that there is a certain
double pronged cannulas were used to degree of CPAP produced by HFNC ther-
achieve high and low level leaks around apy, which is both flow dependent and
the nasal prongs.15 Haemodynamics, mouth position (open versus closed)
breathing and blood gas analyses were dependent.9 This effect was confirmed by
undertaken in each experimental setting 10 studying the correlation between flow rate
minutes after physiological equilibrium had and pressure within the context of the
been reached.15 The authors concluded that OptiflowTM nasal high-flow oxygen therapy
HFNC promoted gas exchange by regulat- system.22 Measurements were performed
ing oxygen flow, that delivery via the double with nasal high-flow oxygen at flows of 30,
pronged cannula achieved a greater effect on 40, and 50 l/min, with the patient’s mouth
oxygenation, and that delivery via the single both open and closed.22 Pressures were
pronged cannula had a greater impact on recorded over 1 minute of breathing, and
CO2 elimination.15 average flows were calculated via simple
averaging.22 The authors found that, during
nasal high flow oxygen therapy, the mean
Reduction of nasopharyngeal resistance nasopharyngeal pressure increased as
Another important observed effect of oxygen flow rate increased.22
HFNC therapy is the reduction in nasopha-
ryngeal air flow resistance. After analysing
flow volume loops in the nasopharynx,
Alveolar recruitment
research showed that the nasopharynx has The HFNC device may reduce hypoxaemia
an expandability that results in an alterable via a number of mechanisms, thus alleviat-
resistance.16 A study that compared the ing respiratory depression syndromes. By
effect of flow rate on resistance in continu- generating positive airway pressure, HFNC
ous positive airway pressure (CPAP), nasal generates pulmonary expanding pressure,
cannula, and HFNC, found that the order thus promoting alveolar recruitment. This
of resistance of these different oxygen deliv- effect has been demonstrated in healthy
ery methods was as follows: HFNC volunteers9 and in patients recovering from
783 cmH2O/l/s > CPAP 280 cmH2O/l/s.17 cardiac surgery,10 but the effects of HFNC
However, the most probable mechanism by on lung volume are still unknown.23,24 A
which HFNC reduces inspiratory nasophar- study evaluated twenty patients recovering
ynx resistance is likely to be by increasing from cardiac surgery and being adminis-
inspiratory flow.17–19 tered with HFNC oxygen therapy.25 The
authors used electrical impedance tomog-
raphy to assess the impact of HFNC on
Positive expiratory pressure airway pressure, end-expiratory lung
High-flow nasal cannula generates positive volume (EELV) and the relationship
pharyngeal pressure, which produces a between the two.25 The authors concluded
Zhang et al. 1203

that HFNC oxygen therapy reduced the mucociliary transport system is extremely
respiratory rate and improved oxygenation sensitive to humidity. By delivering a humi-
through increasing both EELV and tidal dified flow of oxygen, HFNC may help
volume, and suggested that it would be most patients to maintain the functioning of
beneficial in patients with higher body mass their secondary airway defence system in
indexes.25 clearing excretions efficiently, thus reducing
the risk of respiratory infection.37
Humidification and tolerance
Application of HFNC in various
The need to heat and humidify the HFNC
device during use has been a point of
clinical settings
controversy within the published litera- As discussed previously, HFNC therapy can
ture.2,8,23,26,27 Compared with other oxygen have many positive physiological effects on
therapy devices, several studies have the airway system. Its advantages over more
reported that use of HFNC therapy results traditional oxygen therapy devices have led
in a lower respiratory rate, and that the researchers to study HFNC therapy in a
device is better tolerated by patients as well range of clinical applications.
as being more comfortable.3,17,23,28–32 By
employing a heated humidifier alongside
HFNC therapy, a reduction of dryness
Acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure
symptoms was observed, which was regu- Amongst patients with acute hypoxaemic
lated by increasing the humidity level.31 respiratory failure (AHRF), HFNC therapy
Another study found that patients’ comfort correlates with a lower respiratory rate, and
was higher during HFNC sessions com- is better tolerated and more comfortable
pared with noninvasive ventilation sessions than more traditional alternatives.3,22 A
in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure.33 study was performed to compare how com-
Because cold and dry oxygen generated by fortable oxygen therapy delivered via
the HFNC device increases air flow resist- HFNC was perceived to be compared with
ance, it is necessary to warm and humidify oxygen therapy via a traditional face mask
the air.18,34 This heat and humidification in 20 patients with acute respiratory failure.3
system may also indirectly influence HFNC was reportedly associated with less
oxygenation.3,23 dyspnoea and mouth dryness, and was more
comfortable.3 HFNC was also associated
with a higher partial pressure of arterial
Fraction of inspired oxygen and
oxygen (PaO2) and lower respiratory rate.3
mucociliary clearance More recently, a prospective observational
Other mechanisms by which HFNC therapy study investigated the impact of HFNC in
may bring about positive effects include the comparison with traditional oxygen therapy
ability to precisely regulate a patient’s FiO2 on patients with acute respiratory failure,
and achieve better mucociliary clear- and has confirmed the aforementioned posi-
ance.22,28,30,35,36 Primary airway defence tive benefits of HFNC.23 HFNC therapy
systems include sneezing, gagging, coughing was again associated with a lower respira-
and natural filtration. The secondary tory rate, higher oxygen saturation level,
defence system, the mucociliary transport and higher PaO2 than the other tested modes
system, traps and neutralizes inbreathed of delivery.23 A separate retrospective study
contaminants and then transports them out assessed several clinical parameters during
of the respiratory tract. However, the HFNC therapy and reported success for
1204 Journal of International Medical Research 44(6)

patients with acute respiratory failure.38 The also apparent that its inappropriate use can
authors measured patients’ baseline charac- be potentially detrimental to patient
teristics and continuing changes in respira- health.38,39 Furthermore, the extended use
tory parameters during HFNC therapy at 1 of HFNC therapy before intubation may be
and 24 hours.38 Of the 75 eligible patients, harmful.42 As careful selection criteria by
62.7% avoided intubation.38 During the first clinicians is quite important, PaO2/FiO2
24 hours, HFNC therapy significantly ratios are helpful as well as respiratory rate
improved a number of respiratory param- as important clinical criteria.41 Clinicians
eters including PaO2, saturation of arterial need established protocols to quickly iden-
oxygen, respiratory rate, and heart rate.38 A tify patients who require NIV or intubation
further prospective study assessed the short- and mechanical ventilation when they rec-
term physiological effects of HFNC.39 ognize signs of HFNC therapy failure. As
Several parameters were measured, such as most of the studies mentioned above were
inspiratory muscle effort, gas exchange, based on small patient numbers, larger
dyspnoea score, and perceived level of com- prospective randomized controlled trials of
fort.39 The authors reported that HFNC HFNC therapy in patients with respiratory
therapy significantly improved inspiratory failure are warranted.
effort and oxygenation in comparison with
conventional oxygen therapy.39
However, there is still some debate about
Post-extubation period
the positive effects of HFNC therapy in It is known that re-intubation of patients is
patients with respiratory failure.40 A pro- associated with an increased intensive care
spective study that aimed to compare unit (ICU) and in-hospital length of stay
HFNC therapy with non-invasive ventila- and with increased mortality. Recently, with
tion (NIV) in patients with acute hypoxae- the increased use of HFNC devices and their
mic respiratory failure undergoing flexible proven beneficial effects and better tolerance
bronchoscopy was undertaken.41 After ran- by patients, research has been extended to
domizing 40 patients to receive either NIV investigate their use either to prevent or
or HFNC therapy, oxygen levels in the NIV to treat post-extubation respiratory
group were found to be significantly higher failure.3,8,18,22,23,43 In a randomized cross-
than in the HFNC group.41 The application over physiological study, 17 patients post-
of NIV resulted in better outcomes than extubation were randomized to either group
HFNC concerning oxygenation before, A who used HFNC therapy for 30 minutes
during and after bronchoscopy in patients followed by a non-rebreathing mask for
with moderate-to-severe hypoxaemia.41 In another 30 minutes (n ¼ 9), or group B
another retrospective observational study,42 who used a non-rebreathing mask for 30
the authors found that failure of HFNC to minutes followed by HFNC therapy for
improve patient symptoms might lead to another 30 min (n ¼ 8).44 Respiratory rate,
delayed intubation and potentially worsen heart rate, blood pressure, level of dyspnoea,
clinical outcomes in patients with respira- oxygen saturation, and patient comfort were
tory failure. then recorded.44 The results showed that
Collectively, these findings indicate that HFNC therapy was associated with signifi-
patients with AHRF can be safely managed cantly less dyspnoea (P ¼ 0.04), a lower
with HFNC therapy during the initial respiratory rate (P ¼ 0.009) and a lower
stages.3,24 Though it is clear that HFNC heart rate (P ¼ 0.006) in comparison with
therapy can benefit a relatively small number the non-rebreathing mask.44 This study
of the total number of AHRF patients, it is clearly demonstrated the potential benefits
Zhang et al. 1205

of HFNC therapy in enhancing oxygenation during apnoea.49 This indicated that

in the post-extubation period.44 In another HFNC therapy could be utilized for ICU
study, the authors retrospectively studied 67 patients during tracheal intubation.49 In a
oxygen therapy patients in the ICU.45 prospective clinical study of 101 patients,
Patients were divided into two treatment researchers compared pre- and per-
groups: HFNC (Group 1, 34 patients); and procedure oxygenation with either HFNC
non-rebreathing oxygen face mask (NRB) therapy or a non-rebreathing bag reservoir
(Group 2, 33 patients).45 Respiratory param- face mask during tracheal intubation of ICU
eters were recorded before extubation and patients.50 The results showed that the
6 hours post-extubation and the primary median lowest pulse oxygen saturation
clinical outcomes included ventilation-free during intubation was 100% with HFNC
days, oxygen improvement, re-intubation, versus 94% with the non-rebreathing bag
ICU length of stay, and mortality.45 reservoir facemask (P < 0.0001).50 The
The results showed that there were more authors concluded that HFNC significantly
ventilator-free days (P < 0.05) and fewer improved pre-oxygenation and decreased
patients requiring re-intubation (one versus the morbidity rate of severe hypoxaemia,
six) in Group 1 in comparison with Group and that its use could improve patient safety
2.45 The HFNC group also exhibited a during intubation in the ICU.50
significant improvement in PaO2/FiO2 post-
extubation (P < 0.05).45 Overall, the study
demonstrated greater beneficial effects on
Emergency department
oxygenation in post-extubation patients trea- The most common presenting problems in
ted with HFNC in comparison with NRB, patients who come to the emergency depart-
and concluded that HFNC therapy may be ment (ED) are acute dyspnoea and hypox-
more effective than other traditional devices aemia, and oxygen therapy is an essential
for oxygenation in the post-extubation supportive treatment to address these symp-
period.45 toms. Heated and humidified HFNC
therapy represents a new alternative to
traditional oxygen therapy in the ED set-
Pre-intubation period ting. A prospective observational study
Intubation is often performed for hypoxae- demonstrated the possible application and
mic and unstable patients in the ICU, and is effectiveness of HFNC therapy in patients
associated with severe life-threatening com- with respiratory failure in the ED.51 The
plications. NIV can be applied to enhance study included 17 patients with acute
oxygenation before tracheal intubation respiratory failure requiring oxygen therapy
takes place. Due to the beneficial effects above 9 l/min or with persistent clinical signs
and better tolerance of HFNC therapy, it of dyspnoea despite oxygen therapy.51 The
has been suggested that it could be used to results indicated that use of HFNC therapy
deliver oxygen during the apnoeic period of is feasible in the ED, and that it effectively
tracheal intubation instead of other trad- relieved respiratory distress and ameliorated
itional (mask) oxygen devices.6,18,46–48 In an respiratory symptoms in patients with acute
experimental research study involving eight hypoxaemic respiratory failure.51 In a
anaesthetized piglets with lung injury recently published single-centre study, the
induced by lung lavage, it was found that effect of HFNC therapy in patients with
direct use of HFNC therapy at a flow rate of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
10 l/min through the pharynx during intub- was evaluated.52 HFNC oxygen therapy was
ation markedly alleviated hypoxaemia applied to more than 25% of patients with
1206 Journal of International Medical Research 44(6)

ARDS who required non-invasive ventilator evidence relating to the effectiveness of

support and generated a significant HFNC therapy in patients with bronchio-
improvement in respiratory parameters.52 litis is available for infants, it is limited in
The authors concluded that HFNC should adults. Studies of HFNC therapy use in
be used as a first-line therapy in acute infants with bronchiolitis suggest that it is a
respiratory failure, including in patients safe mode of respiratory support that may
with ARDS.52 A further prospective rando- provide an alternative to nasal CPAP.56–62
mized study investigated the physiological In a retrospective single-centre study,
effects of HFNC therapy compared with researchers reviewed the medical records of
traditional oxygen therapy in 40 patients 45 acute respiratory failure adult patients in
with acute dyspnoea and hypoxaemia in order to recognize possible predictive par-
the ED.53 HFNC therapy significantly ameters for successful treatment.63 The
improved dyspnoea (P ¼ 0.01) and patient nosetiological classification of these patients
comfort (P ¼ 0.01) compared with trad- was as follows: pneumocystis jirovecii pneu-
itional oxygen therapy.53 HFNC was also monia (17.8%), bacterial pneumonia
better tolerated and no serious adverse (57.8%), bronchiolitis obliterans organizing
events occurred.53 The hospitalization rate pneumonia (8.9%), and pulmonary oedema
in the HFNC group was also lower than in (8.9%).63 The authors found that the prob-
the traditional oxygen therapy group.53 The ability of success of HFNC oxygen therapy
authors concluded that HFNC improved was significantly higher in the survivors
dyspnoea and comfort in patients with acute compared with the non-survivors, and the
dyspnoea and hypoxaemia in the ED.53 percentage of bacterial pneumonia was sig-
nificantly higher in the HFNC treatment
failure group compared with the HFNC
Respiratory infection treatment success group (P ¼ 0.004).63 In
There has been limited research on the use of another study, authors randomized 108
HFNC oxygen therapy in the treatment of patients diagnosed with COPD or bronchi-
severe acute respiratory infection (SARI). In ectasis to HFNC therapy or usual care for
a single-centre post-hoc analysis, researchers 12 months, with exacerbations recorded.64
assessed the effectiveness of HFNC oxygen Authors found that patients on HFNC
therapy in ICU patients who were admitted therapy had markedly fewer exacerbation
with SARI due to the 2009 influenza days (P ¼ 0.045), increased time-to-first
A/H1N1 outbreak.54 0f the 25 non- exacerbation (P ¼ 0.0495) and reduced
intubated adult SARI patients in this exacerbation frequency (P ¼ 0.067) com-
study, 20 could not sustain oxygen satur- pared with the usual care group of
ation over 92% with traditional oxygen patients.64 HFNC oxygen therapy also sig-
therapy and needed HFNC therapy, which nificantly improved the quality of life scores
was successful in nine cases (45%).54 With and lung function of the patients.64 These
HFNC oxygen therapy, non-responders pre- results indicate that HFNC offers an alter-
sented lower PaO2/FiO2 6 hours later, and native to invasive ventilation in patients with
required higher oxygen flow rates.54 There respiratory infection.54–64
were no secondary infections reported in the
health care workers.54 There were also no
nosocomial (hospital-acquired) pneumonias
Obstructive airways disease
occurring during HFNC oxygen therapy.54 Persistent airway inflammation with phlegm
Bronchiolitis is the most common cause retention in patients with obstructive airway
of lower respiratory tract infection.55 Whilst disease, such as COPD, might cause
Zhang et al. 1207

frequent exacerbations, lung function and complexity (air/O2 blender, humidifier

reduction and poor quality life. To date, and requirement for a large oxygen
several studies have highlighted that airway supply); (ii) mobility (limited ambulation);
surface dehydration is important in pul- (iii) leak mitigating positive airway pres-
monary damage associated with chronic sure effect and inability to compensate for
airway disorders. The previously men- leaks; (iv) nasopharyngeal airway pressure
tioned prospective study,14 found that and positive end-expiratory pressure war-
patients could exercise for longer on rant more exploration; (v) potential for
HFNC with better breathing pattern, less delayed intubation; and (vi) potential for
dyspnoea, and lower arterial pressure com- (inappropriate) delay of end-of-life
pared with patients on low-flow oxygen decisions.
delivery, in part as a result of enhanced
oxygenation. A recent study has also found
that HFNC therapy significantly improved
quality of life scores and lung function in High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy
patients with COPD compared with more has been proven to be a valuable clinical
traditional therapies.64 Obstructive sleep application alternative to conventional
apnoea (OSA) is also common, and is oxygen therapy for critically ill patients.
attributed to upper airway destruction It would seem to be effective for treating
that is correlated with discontinuous hyp- patients with respiratory failure, respira-
oxaemia, cardiovascular morbidity, and tory infection, and obstructive airways
neurocognitive dysfunction. HFNC ther- disease, either during the post-extubation
apy, with the ability to deliver high-flow, period or pre-intubation. However, the
humidified, pressurized oxygen, may have positive end-expiratory pressure is hard
potential as a treatment for OSA,65–67 but to measure in these settings because of
to date there has not been a clinical trial to the non-invasive nature of HFNC therapy,
investigate the efficacy of HFNC therapy and air leaks have been reported. Despite
in treating OSA patients. these uncertainties, a growing body of
evidence indicates that HFNC oxygen
therapy is an effective treatment modality
Other clinical applications for the early treatment of critically ill
In patients with respiratory failure, coordi- adult patients. Further research is required
nated movement of the rib cage and abdom- to confirm the long-term effects of HFNC
inal wall is often impaired. Patients and identify the adult patient popula-
displaying asynchronous thoraco-abdom- tion(s) to whom it could be most
inal movement have increased risk of venti- beneficial.
lator failure, necessitating mechanical
ventilation and consequently leading to
poorer prognoses. In a recent study where Declaration of conflicting interest
researchers assessed the effects of HFNC The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
therapy on thoraco-abdominal synchrony, it interest.
was found that breathing frequency signifi-
cantly decreased from 25 breaths/min to 21
breaths/min (P < 0.01) with the use of Funding
HFNC therapy.68 This research received no specific grant from any
However, HFNC is not a panacea, it also funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-
has many limitations as follows:69 (i) expense for-profit sectors.
1208 Journal of International Medical Research 44(6)

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