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ERA Research

1. Primary Source Analysis

Pro: Shirley Chisholm Speech, “For the Equal Con: Letter from John McCreary (Attorney)
Rights Amendment to Congressman Cellar
Why does Chisholm think the passage of the ERA What is McCreary’s biggest concern about the
is important? Cite at least 2 reasons: ERA?

A: Chisholm thinks the passage of the ERA is A: McCreary's biggest concern is that if the ERA
important because she believes that this is passes women will lose their special exempt
needed "to clarify countless ambiguities and status to some laws that govern men.
inconsistencies in our legal system"(paragraph 5
lines 1-2). She also believes that the passage is
needed to "assure full equality of opportunity"
for women.
Why do you think he focuses on women needing
to be special or exceptional to men?

A: I think he focuses on women needing to be

exceptional to men because that's the life that
he (like a lot of other men in his time period)
were accustomed to.

Give 2 examples of economic benefits the ERA List 1 main reason as to why the ERA should not
would secure for women: be ratified:

A: Two economic benefits the ERA would secure A: According to McCreary, one main reason why
for women is opportunity for women in better- the ERA should not be ratified is because some
paying jobs in manufacturing. And more laws work to the disadvantage of women. The
opportunities in public vocational and graduate solution is to repeal those laws, not negate all of
schools for women. the other laws which are to the women's benefit
like the ERA insists on doing.
What does Chisholm mean when she says, “Legal Is giving women special protections equality?
discrimination between the sexes is, in almost What does McCreary’s argument have in
every instance, founded on outmoded views of common with some previous opposition points
society and the pre-scientific beliefs about we’ve discussed?
psychology and physiology”:

A: I believe that giving special protections to

women is not equality. What McCreary's
A: Chisholm believes that laws that discriminate
argument has in common with some opposing
between the sexes are based on outdated
points we had discussed in class is that we both
beliefs that there is a difference between men
talked about how the solution to the women
and women both physically or emotionally.
equality issue is not to negate laws that are
already in place, but to repeal or reverse those

2. Political Cartoon Analysis

Political Cartoon 1: Gender Roles Cartoon, 1982
1. What is the husband complaining about in the cartoon?
A: The husband is complaining about not having a decent meal in months, the house
being filthy, and having no clean clothes.

2. What fear about the ERA is this cartoon appealing to? What will women become if an
amendment like this is passed?
A: The fear that this cartoon is appealing to is that women with more rights and
opportunities are going to abandon their "duties" in the household. If an amendment
like that is passed, women will become more independent.

Political Cartoon 2: National Women’s Party, 1923
1. How does this cartoon represent women? What is their primary role during this time?
A: This cartoon represents women as in my opinion, a house slave. Women's role
during this time was to cook, clean, and take care of their children.

2. What criticism of that role is the NWP trying to provide?

A: The criticism that the NWP is trying to provide is that the women are only effective
and efficient at working in the house and nothing else.
Political Cartoon 3: ERA: Trojan Horse of Abominations
1. What does the cartoonist mean when he calls the ERA a Trojan Horse?
A: What this cartoonist means by calling the ERA a "Trojan Horse" is basically saying
that like the story of the Trojan Horse, the ERA is a "large structure" or organization
filled with people who are trying to get into the laws or "city" and destroy it from the
2. What fear tactic is the cartoon utilizing? What will happen if the ERA is passed?
A: The fear tactic that this cartoon is utilizing is called fear-mongering or scare-
mongering. According to the cartoon, if the ERA is passed there would be a lot of
"abominations" like legalization of homophobic marriages, adoptions, abortion, and
state nurseries.
4. Further Research
This document is a pamphlet created by the National Committee to defeat the Un-Equal Rights
Amendment. Released in 1945, they charged that the ERA was “vague and legally unsound,”
“unnecessary,” and “dangerous.”

1. Who published this document?

A: The person who published this document's name is Margaret Austin Stone.

2. Explain why the publisher believes this document is “vague and legally unsound?”
A: The publisher believes that this document is “vague and legally unsound" because she
thinks that whatever the legal status in regard to the civil matters, are different for men and
women in state or federal legislation.She believes that a lot of confusion would happen as to
what standards to acquire, whether those for men or for women.

3. Why is it “unnecessary,” and “dangerous?”

A: The publisher believes that it is “unnecessary" and “dangerous" because she thinks that it
poses a problem, but it would actually destroy progress toward equal rights and would
weaken the foundations of family life.

5. Further Research

This source was written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1971 in support of the Equal Rights

Why does Ginsburg believe this Amendment is necessary?

A: Ginsburg believes this Amendment is necessary because she believes that women deserve
to have the same opportunities and rights as men do.

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