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KenyaEMR v17.3.

1 Release Notes
Integration with EID, ADT & Differential Upload

These release notes contain information related to above version of KenyaEMR. This version
introduces integration with EID and ADT systems to.


Ref# Description

Integration with • Printable viral load manifest to be shipped with the specimen
EID systems • Printable viral load specimen labels (QR code)
• Automated push of VL requests in a manifest to preferred lab in Kenya
• Automated pull of VL results from the configured lab where it was

Integration with • Exchange of data with ADT via Interoperability layer

ADT • Client registration: Both systems can exchange registration details
• e-Prescription from EMR to ADT
• e-Dispense from ADT to EMR
• Update of EMR refill date with ADT TCA date.

Differential • Tracking of records creation and update date.

Upload • ETL update to track date_created and last_modified_date for DWAPI to
track new and updated records

• Addition of a regimen line to patient regimen. All regimens need to be

Regimen Line updated.

MER 2.5 will go into effect with FY 2021 reporting with the first reporting on
these indicators taking place in Q1 of FY 2021 for results that occurred from
October 1 – December 31, 2020.
MER 2.4 to MER
2.5 Changes for MER 2.5
• TX_RTT (Only clients on treatment at the end of the reporting period are
counted. Before the logic was just looking at those who had resumed.)
• TX_ML (Change Lost to follow-up to Interruption in Treatment (IIT) in
the DATIM reports)
• KP_PREV (KP_PREV disaggregation were updated to: FSW, MSM, PWID,
TG, and People in prisons and other closed settings.)
• PrEP_NEW & PrEP_CURR (Change the reporting frequency from semi-
annual to quarterly.)
• Dreams options is only available to female clients between the ages
• OVC Preventive option is only available to clients between the ages
• OVC comprehensive option is available to all clients between the
ages 0 – 20

Active on ART Line Added Refill date, stability status, current regimen and first regimen to this line
list list

• A check box and verification date added to the care end form to confirm
if the transfer-out was validated.
Transfer Out • In clients transferred out report, Transfer out verified and Transfer out
Verification verification date columns added


Ref # Description

• Fixed TB Screening report in MOH 731 not to include clients

whose ART drugs were picked by treatment supporters.
• Fixed Nutrition and HIV assessment not populating in the MOH 731
MoH731 report.

Reason for Death Fixed issue of missing reason of death in patient discontinuation form.

Missing regimens Added missing FDC Regimen for Pediatrics - AZT/3TC/DTG & ABC/3TC/DTG

Ref # Description

KenyaEMR-EID integration only allows mapping of the facilities to one lab only.
Multiple VL labs Future release will have ability to have multiple labs available.

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