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Solved: GE is faced with Jack Welch s impending

retirement and whether

GE is faced with Jack Welch's impending retirement and whether anyone can sustain the
blistering pace of change and growth characteristic of the Welch era. After briefly describing
GE's heritage and Welch's transformation of the company's business portfolio of the 1980s, the
case chronicles Welch's revitalization initiatives through the late 1980s and 1990s. It focuses on
six of Welch's major change programs: The "Software" Initiatives, Globalization, Redefining
Leadership, Stretch Objectives, Service Business Development, and Six Sigma Quality.
Learning Objective:
To expose students to GE's revitalization efforts, including corporate strategy development,
transformational change, management and leadership, and corporate renewal.
Case Study Guidance:
Your task for the assignment is to answer the case study questions. The best assignments will
be those that use the tools and learning from the textbook, and clearly identify the issues. Any
recommendation made should be STRATEGIC recommendations (as opposed to tactical or
minor recommendations).
The case analysis can be submitted as early in the week as you want with the last day to submit
being Sunday midnight. Once all the case analyses are submitted we will endeavor to get you
back a grade and feedback as soon as possible, but no longer than two weeks.
Finally, here are some hints on doing a good analysis. Applying (but not repeating) the concepts
in the book, other assigned readings and webcast, to the analysis of the case. Not rehashing
the case facts but demonstrating a point by using case facts and data. Making
recommendations that build on the analysis made. Making truly strategic recommendations.

Case Study Questions:

1. How difficult a challenge did Welch face in 1981? How effectively did he take charge?
2. What was Welch’s objective in the series of initiatives he launched in the late 1980’s and
early 1990’s? What was he trying to achieve in the round of changes he put in motion in that
period? Is there a logic or rationale supporting the change process?
3. How does such a large, complex diversified conglomerate defy the critics and continue to
grow so profitably? Have Welch’s various initiatives added value? If so, how?
4. What is your evaluation of Welch’s approach to leading change? How important is he to
GE’s success? What are the implications for his replacement?

GE is faced with Jack Welch s impending retirement and whether


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