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Author: Prajit Mitra

Version 1.4
########## Changelog -> Before using this tool please ensure that this tool has its
Please install this tool in a folders without spaces e.g. D:\md5_checksum_tool or
This tool runs against single file only. I've updated the tool and should work from
any folder except
UNC naming convention e.g. \\machine_name\share_name\file_name. You can double
click on the tool and
then provide the filename and pathname and it should work. Update to run the script
from commandline
pass the target file as a parameter. ##########

This utility uses the Microsoft tool "fciv.exe" to generate and check the checksum
of a single file.
The file can be any type, name etc. There are 2 batch files in this tool called
"md5_create.bat" which
generates the checksum and store it in a xml file. The tool should be packaged with
the generated xml file.
The other batch file is called "md5_check.bat" which will verify the integrity of
the file by matching
the checksum. Both the files expect a command line parameter which is the filename
along with the path.
If it doesn't find the command line parameter, then both the batch files will fail
to run. The tool includes the
following files:
1. fciv.exe
2. md5_check.bat
4. md5_create.bat
5. README.txt

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