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TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Rob Schmidt, McLaughlin & Associates

Re: Manatee County Survey Results
Date: February 8, 2021

Our recent survey of 400 Manatee County voters (conducted 2/3-4) finds that a
strong majority wants to see more private sector experience in County
government, including the County Administrator. Furthermore, a sizeable portion
of voters are aware of the County Commission considering a new County
Administrator. Our key findings are below:

✓ By a greater than 20-point margin of 54% to 33%, Manatee County voters prefer more
employees in County government who have experience working in the private sector
rather than working inside of government.

Among Republicans, preference for private sector experience increases to 64% and government
experience drops to 20%. NPA voters also prefer private sector experience by a larger margin of 60%
to 28%. Only Democrats prefer government experience, 56% to 33%. There is no significant gender
gap as men (52% to 34%) and women (55% to 32%) say private sector experience by similar margins.

Generally speaking, which of the following comes closer to your own personal opinion?
To make Manatee County government work better, we need more employees in county government who…? (Choices Rotated)
Party Registration Gender
GOP Dem. NPA Men Women
Work in Private Sector 54% 64% 33% 60% 52% 55%
Work in Gov’t 33% 20% 56% 28% 34% 32%
DK/Refused 14% 16% 11% 11% 14% 13%

✓ Voters were then given some background information on the role of the County
Administrator and among four descriptions were asked to choose which candidate they
most preferred being appointed. A clear plurality (39%) selected a candidate who is a
private businessperson and runs a local business in Manatee County. One in four (27%)
preferred a candidate who already works in Manatee County government, 13% preferred
a candidate from the private sector who currently works for a Fortune 500 company and
12% preferred a candidate who works in another local government outside of Manatee
County. When combined by sector, the majority (52%) prefers someone from the private
sector and 39% prefers someone who works in government.

Among Republicans, greater than six in ten (64%) prefer one of the private sector candidates as do
53% of NPAs. Most Democrats (58%) prefer one of the governmental experienced candidates.

919 Prince Street * Alexandria, Virginia 22314 * Phone: 703-518-4445 * FAX: 703-518-4447
566 South Route 303 * Blauvelt, NY 10913 * Phone: 845-365-2000 * FAX: 845-365-2008
Miami, FL 33131 * Phone: 845-893-5572
As you may know, the Manatee County Administrator is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and is the top appointed
official in county government. The County Administrator is responsible for carrying out the policies passed by the Board, managing the
County budget and supervising all County departments. It is possible that the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners will
appoint a new County Administrator in the near future. From the following list of candidates, who would you MOST prefer be
appointed County Administrator? (Choices Rotated)

A candidate from the private sector who currently works for a Fortune 500 company
A candidate who is a private businessperson and runs a local business in Manatee County
A candidate who already works in Manatee County government
A candidate who works in another local government outside of Manatee County
Party Registration Gender
GOP Dem. NPA Men Women
PRIVATE SECTOR 52% 64% 30% 53% 53% 49%
Local Business 39% 47% 23% 42% 36% 40%
Fortune 500 13% 17% 7% 11% 17% 9%
GOVERNMENT 39% 28% 58% 38% 39% 39%
Manatee County 27% 19% 40% 27% 27% 27%
Other Local Gov’t 12% 9% 18% 11% 12% 12%
DK/Refused 10% 9% 12% 8% 8% 12%

✓ About one-third of all voters (35%) are aware that the Board of County Commissioners is
set to hold a meeting this month to determine if the current County Administrator should
be fired. In our experience this is a high level of awareness on a local issue, demonstrating
that the Manatee County electorate is engaged here.

Democrats (41%) are most likely to be aware of this, compared to 36% of NPAs and only 30% of

Are you aware or unaware that the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners is set to hold a meeting this month to determine
if the current County Administrator should be fired?
Party Registration Gender
GOP Dem. NPA Men Women
Aware 35% 30% 41% 36% 37% 33%
Unaware 64% 69% 56% 64% 61% 66%
DK/Refused 2% 2% 3% 0% 2% 1%

✓ Voters approve of the job that the Manatee County Board of Commissioners is doing by a
48% to 29% plurality, however a significant 23% are unsure. It is important to note that
approval is under 50% and even among those who approve, intensity is very soft as 39%
only “somewhat approve.”

There aren’t large differences in approval by party as Republicans approve by a 49% to 26% margin,
Democrats 48% to 32% and NPAs 46% to 32%.

919 Prince Street * Alexandria, Virginia 22314 * Phone: 703-518-4445 * FAX: 703-518-4447
566 South Route 303 * Blauvelt, NY 10913 * Phone: 845-365-2000 * FAX: 845-365-2008
Miami, FL 33131 * Phone: 845-893-5572
Do you approve or disapprove of the job that the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners is doing?
Party Registration Gender
GOP Dem. NPA Men Women
Approve 48% 49% 48% 46% 52% 45%
Disapprove 29% 26% 32% 32% 28% 29%
DK/Refused 23% 26% 20% 23% 20% 26%

✓ By a two to one margin (60% to 29%), voters disapprove of the Board of Commissioners
recently voting to spend $10 million to build a new pet center when other critical
infrastructure needs have yet to be met, including 40% who “strongly disapprove” of this.

Disapproval increases to 70% among Republicans, with 58% of NPAs disapproving and even a
plurality of Democrats also disapproving (47% to 40%).

Do you approve or disapprove of the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners recently voting to spend 10 million dollars to
build a new center for stray pets and other animals when other critical infrastructure needs like fixing roads and flooding have yet to
be met?
Party Registration Gender
GOP Dem. NPA Men Women
Approve 29% 20% 40% 32% 25% 32%
Disapprove 60% 70% 47% 58% 63% 58%
DK/Refused 12% 11% 14% 10% 13% 11%

Methodology: McLaughlin & Associates conducted a survey of 400 verified November 2020 general election voters in
Manatee County, Florida on February 3rd and 4th, 2021. All interviews were administered via telephone by professional
interviewers with respondents contacted by both landline phone and cell phone. Interview selection was random and
interviews were stratified by precinct, race/ethnicity, age, gender and political party to correlate with actual voter
turnout from the November 3rd, 2020 election. This poll of 400 verified November 2020 general election voters has an
accuracy of +/- 4.9% at a 95% confidence interval. The error margin increases for cross-tabulations. Totals may not add
up to exactly 100% due to rounding and refusals.

919 Prince Street * Alexandria, Virginia 22314 * Phone: 703-518-4445 * FAX: 703-518-4447
566 South Route 303 * Blauvelt, NY 10913 * Phone: 845-365-2000 * FAX: 845-365-2008
Miami, FL 33131 * Phone: 845-893-5572

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