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Solved: George Stamper a credit analyst with Micro

Encapsulators Corp MEC needed

George Stamper, a credit analyst with Micro-Encapsulators Corp. (MEC), needed to respond to
an urgent e-mail request from the southeast sales office. The local sales manager reported that
she had an opportunity to clinch an order from Miami Spice (MS) for 50 encapsulators at
$10,000 each. She added that she was particularly keen to secure this order since MS was
likely to have a continuing need for 50 encapsulators a year and could therefore prove a very
valuable customer. However, orders of this size to a new customer generally required head
office agreement, and it was therefore George's responsibility to make a rapid assessment of
MS's creditworthiness and to approve or disapprove the sale.

Mr. Stamper knew that MS was a medium-sized company with a patchy earnings record. After
growing rapidly in the 1980s, MS had encountered strong competition in its principal markets
and earnings had fallen sharply. Mr. Stamper was not sure exactly to what extent this was a bad
omen. New management had been brought in to cut costs, and there were some indications
that the worst was over for the company. Investors appeared to agree with this assessment, for
the stock price had risen to $5.80 from its low of $4.25 the previous year. Mr. Stamper had in
front of him MS's latest financial statements, which are summarized in Table 20.4. He rapidly
calculated a few key financial ratios and the company's Z score.

Mr. Stamper also made a number of other checks on MS. The company had a small issue of
bonds outstanding, which were rated B by Moody's. Inquiries through MEC's bank indicated that
MS had unused lines of credit totaling $5 million but had entered into discussions with its bank
for a renewal of a $15 million bank loan that was due to be repaid at the end of the year.
Telephone calls to MS's other suppliers suggested that the company had recently been 30 days
late in paying its bills.

Mr. Stamper also needed to take into account the profit that the company could make on MS's
order. Encapsulators were sold on standard terms of 2/30, net 60. So if MS paid promptly, MEC
would receive additional revenues of 50 3 $9,800 5 $490,000. However, given MS's cash
position, it was more than likely that it would forgo the cash discount and would not pay until
sometime after the 60 days. Since interest rates were about 8%, any such delays in payment
could reduce the present value to MEC of the revenues. Mr. Stamper also recognized that there
were production and transportation costs in filling MS's order. These worked out at $475,000, or
$9,500 a unit. Corporate profits were taxed at 35%.

1. What can you say about Miami Spice's creditworthiness?

2. What is the break-even probability of default? How is it affected by the delay before MS pays
its bills?

3. How should George Stamper's decision be affected by the possibility of repeat orders?

Reach out to for enquiry.

George Stamper a credit analyst with Micro Encapsulators Corp MEC needed


Reach out to for enquiry.

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