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Japanese Quail as a Laboratory
Animal Model
Janet Baer, DVMa, Rusty Lansford, PhDb and
Kimberly Cheng, PhDc
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA bChildren’s Hospital Los Angeles, Keck
School of Medicine at USC, Saban Research Institute, Department of Radiology, Los Angeles, CA,
USA cThe University of British Columbia, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Avian Research
Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada


  I. Introduction 1087 IV. Breeding and Rearing Quail 1097

A. Ecology and Taxonomy 1087 A. Reproduction 1097
B. Use in Research 1088 B. Egg Storage and Incubation 1098
C. Hatching 1099
 II. Biology 1089
D. Rearing Chicks 1100
A. Morphology and Physiology 1089
B. Behavior 1091  V. Diseases/Welfare Concerns 1100
C. Genetics 1093 A. Noninfectious 1100
B. Infections 1101
III. Laboratory Management and Husbandry 1094
A. Sources of Quail 1094 References 1104
B. Housing Systems 1094
C. Food and Water 1095
D. Common Procedures 1096

I. INTRODUCTION modest size of breeding adults, ease of breeding in labo-

ratory animal facilities, resilience to research manipula-
Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) are used as a lab- tions, availability of transgenic lines, a fully sequenced
oratory animal model for multiple areas of scientific genome, and tools for molecular manipulations.
inquiry including, but not limited to developmental
biology, endocrinology, aging, immunology, behavior
studies, and a variety of human genetic disorders. The
A.  Ecology and Taxonomy
quail embryo is an amniote with early developmental Japanese quail are terrestrial birds that generally live
patterns remarkably similar to those of humans; as such for 2–3 years in the wild (Ottinger, 2001). Their natu-
they present significant experimental advantages for the ral habitat consists of ever-dwindling grasslands, crop-
study of amniotes, e.g., rapid reproductive maturation, lands, riversides, mountain slopes near water, and grass

Laboratory Animal Medicine, Third Edition

DOI: 1087 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2012
1088 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

steppes in eastern Asia, including northern Mongolia, the chicken, outlining the various developmental events
eastern Russia, northeastern China, Japan, South Korea, that occur during each stage, Japanese quail embryos
and North Korea (del Hoyo et  al., 1994; Bump, 1971). were similarly staged and registered (Padgett and Ivey,
They migrate seasonally; however, the migration pat- 1959, 1960; Zacchei, 1961; Ainsworth et  al., 2010). More
tern is complicated and not well understood. Some recently, developmental stages of the quail have been
populations in Japan are year-round denizens, but most further delineated using modern imaging technologies
Japanese quail migrate south to winter in southern (Ruffins et  al., 2007). The accelerated ontogeny of quail
China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Bhutan, and embryos at mid- to late stages of gestation results in loss
northeastern India (del Hoyo et al., 1994; Pappas, 2002). of precise registration with the chicken.
Once thought to be common in China (del Hoyo et  al., Developmental biologists have long used the differ-
1994), decreased quail populations seem to be occurring ences between chicken and quail embryologic develop-
in Laos (Duckworth, 2009), Japan (Okuyama, 2004), and ment to transplant tissue from one of these into the other
possibly throughout their habitat (del Hoyo et al., 1994; (Le Douarin and Barq, 1969; Le Douarin and Kalcheim,
Duckworth, 2009). Endemic populations of Japanese 1999). Quail interphase nuclei have nucleoli with compact
quail are listed as ‘Near Threatened’ on the IUCN Red heterochromatin that stains intensely with Schiff’s reagent,
List (IUCN, 2013a) because they appear to have under- while chicken nucleoli are not stained (Le Douarin, 1973);
gone an 80% population decline between 1973 and 2002, thus permitting quail cells to be distinguished from
potentially owing to hunting (Okuyama, 2004), shifts in chicken cells in chimeric embryos. The chick–quail chi-
agriculture (Duckworth, 2009; IUCN, 2013b), contamina- mera system has been effectively used for a myriad of
tion of the wild gene pool by escaped or released farm cell lineage analyses (Le Douarin and Kalcheim, 1999).
quail, and climate change. Research is urgently needed Similarly, quail cells and tissues have been reciprocally
to establish population numbers and trends, as well as to transplanted into other avian species, including ducks to
determine the threats to naturally occurring wild popu- generate quail–duck chimeras (i.e., qucks), and for heter-
lations of Japanese quail. Attempts to introduce them ochrony studies (Lwigale and Schneider, 2008).
into the mainland of the United States as a gamebird, in The quail embryo can be imaged for minutes to days
a previous era when such transplants were considered in ovo or in vitro using any number of imaging modalities,
a good idea, consistently failed due to a lack of under- e.g., light microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, magnetic
standing of their migratory tendencies (Standford, 1957). resonance imaging, and computer-assisted tomography.
In contrast, introductions to the Hawaiian Islands were For light and fluorescent microscopy, the quail embryo
successful (Peterson, 1961). is visible through a windowed egg for continuous imag-
Japanese quail belong to the order Galliformes, family ing over several days (Kulesa et  al., 2000; Bower et  al.,
Phasianidae, genus Coturnix, and species japonica. They 2011). The quail embryo itself is also physically acces-
are classified as Old World quail and are closely related sible, which permits cell and tissue transplantations and
to the European common quail, Coturnix coturnix. The genetic manipulations. Differences between the preferred
two species are not thought to interbreed in native loca- amniote model for molecular studies (mice), versus the
tions where they co-exist, so they are considered to be best model for live imaging (avians), motivated the con-
in an intermediate stage of speciation (Johnsgard, 1988; struction of transgenic, fluorescent protein-expressing
Pappas, 2002; Howard and Moore, 1984; Kano, 2006; Japanese quail as an experimental system using lentiviral
Crawford, 1990; Union, 1983). However in captivity, vectors. Transgenic quail lines expressing fluorescently
C. japonica and C. coturnix will interbreed and produce labeled cells in a ubiquitous or tissue-specific manner per-
fertile hybrids (Johnsgard, 1988). mit amniote embryogenesis to be dynamically recorded
with subcellular resolution (Seidl et  al., 2013; Sato et  al.,
B.  Use in Research 2010; Sato and Lansford, 2013; Scott and Lois, 2005).

1.  Quail as a Model for Embryogenesis Studies 2.  Quail as a Model for Health and Disease
The understanding of myogenesis, vasculogenesis, Japanese quail are emerging as an animal model to
angiogenesis, skeletogenesis, virology, immunology, study birth defects and diseases that affect human health
endocrinology, and teratology has progressed signifi- (Cheng and Kimura, 1990; Mizutani, 2002; Tsudzuki,
cantly as a result of studies in avian embryos (Mizutani, 2008), and a number of quail lines currently exist that
2002). In Japanese quail, embryogenesis progresses faster recapitulate human hereditary diseases, malformations,
than in the chicken, yet closely mirrors that of the chicken. and abnormalities. Quail have been used in studies
On average, incubation times for the quail and chicken addressing senescence in immunology, endocrinology,
are 16 days and 21 days, respectively. After Hamburger developmental (Dickman et  al., 2004) and reproductive
and Hamilton (Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951) estab- biology (Ottinger et al., 2004); hypercholesterolemia char-
lished the prototype avian embryo staging system in acterized by the development of vascular lesions and


II. Biology 1089
xanthomatosis (Hoekstra et  al., 1998; Murakami et  al., Rundfeldt et  al. (2013) employed quail to assess the
2010; Yuan et al., 1997); glycogen storage disease (Matsui efficacy of nanoparticulate itraconazole aerosolization
et  al., 1983); and myotonic dystrophy and acid maltase against Aspergillus fumigatus.
deficiency, known as Pompe’s disease (Kikuchi et  al.,
1998; Mizutani, 2002). A neurofilament-deficient mutant
of the Japanese quail, named ‘Quiver,’ exhibits wide- II. BIOLOGY
spread tremors (Hasegawa et  al., 1996); in this strain,
neurofilament protein is lacking from neuronal axons
A.  Morphology and Physiology
and cell bodies. The noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryp-
tamine content in the neostriatum of the Quiver’s brain Japanese quail measure ~17 cm in length, and males
differs from that in the normal quail, although disap- are slightly smaller than females. Whereas wild females
pearance of the three neurofilament proteins is observed weigh ~100 g and males weigh ~90 g, domesticated adult
in all areas of the Quiver’s brain. females weigh ~140 g and males weigh ~130 g. Some
Japanese quail follow a predictable aging process with Japanese quail bred for meat production can weigh
evidence of declining function in reproductive, metabolic, ~600 g. The birds have dark-brown feathers from the
and sensory systems (Holmes and Ottinger, 2003), com- top of the head down to the nape of the neck with a
parable to senescence in mammals. The use of Japanese tan streak over the eyes. Adults are sexually dimorphic,
quail to study aging provides two distinct advantages with females having light tan feathers and black speck-
over mammalian models. First, hypothalamic systems ling on their chest and throat and males characterized
in quail exhibit neuroplasticity; for example, aging by a rusty brown throat and breast feathers (Fig. 22.1).
males respond to testosterone replacement therapy with Various plumage colors have been prized and selec-
full recovery of sexual behavior (Ottinger et  al., 2004). tively bred for over the past five centuries, e.g., rusty
Behavioral recovery is accompanied by the restoration of brown, Manchurian Gold, English Black, Barred, White,
specific hypothalamic neuropeptide systems, which reg- and A&M Giant White (Wetherbee, 1961; Roberts, 1999).
ulate both sexual behavior and gonadotropin-releasing Many plumage color mutants have also been developed
hormone, thereby allowing identification of these neural and maintained for genetic studies (Cheng and Kimura,
systems. The male cloacal (proctodeal) gland, which is 1990) (Fig. 22.2).
similar to the prostate gland in mammals, is androgen The relatively small size and rapid growth rate of
responsive. The second advantage to the quail model Japanese quail simplifies housing and production in lab-
is that they exhibit a dynamic bone physiology. This is oratory animal facilities. Body weight at hatching ranges
particularly true for females because their hollow bones from 6 to 8 g with growth to 160–250 g by 5–6 weeks of
serve as a reservoir for minerals used in egg production. age, depending on the sex and strain (Gerken and Mills,
Thus, aging female quail develop bone fragility and serve 1993) (Fig. 22.3). By 4–6 weeks post-hatch, males and
as a validated model for hormone effects on osteoporosis females are sexually dimorphic and can be differentiated
and the role of vitamin D (Takahashi et al., 1983). Rescue based on plumage coloration. Quail can be sexed within
of these systems via hormone replacement provides a one day of hatching by cloacal examination; however,
tool for studying systems affected by aging and the res- accuracy in performing this technique may take years to
toration of their functions. Japanese quail have also been develop (Homma et  al., 1966). Life expectancy in com-
a model system for studying the genetics and neuro- mercial and laboratory settings ranges from 1.5 to 2.5
endocrine control of reproductive and social behavior years, but individual birds have been reported to live
(Ball and Balthazart, 2010; Nol et al., 1996), including use up to 8 years (Cheng et al., 2010).
as an animal model for testing the effects of endocrine- The cloacal gland of adult male Japanese quail secretes
disrupting chemicals (Tattersfield et al., 1997; Hutchinson a white foamy material (Adkins-Regan, 1999; Cheng
et al., 2000). Genetically unique strains of Japanese quail et  al., 1989a,b); increased gland size correlates with an
have been used to study the visual system; developmen- increased photoperiod (Sachs, 1969). Foam deposited
tal pathology of the retina and optic nerve (Takatsuji during natural copulation can be retained by the female
et al., 1984), spontaneous glaucoma (Takatsuji et al., 1986, for more than 12 h and contributes to prolonged sperm
Weidner et al., 1995), cataracts (Takatsuji et al., 1985), and motility (Biswas et  al., 2010). Cloacal gland size can be
retinal degeneration (Zak et  al., 2010) are some of the used as an external indicator of testicular function in
topics that have been investigated. male birds (Mohan et  al., 2002), while gland regression
Japanese quail are susceptible to pathogenic strains and decreased body weight has been associated with
of bacteria such Salmonella pullorum, Escherichia coli castration. Observation of foam following gentle manual
(Woodard et  al., 1973), and Mycobacterium avium (Tell pressure of the cloacal gland is also useful for differenti-
et  al., 2003), and have served as an animal model for ating males from females in strains that have a plumage
understanding these pathogens in poultry. Recently color other than wildtype. In addition, foam production


1090 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

FIGURE 22.1  Wildtype plumage of a male (A) and female (B) adult Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica).

FIGURE 22.2  Japanese quail plumage color mutants developed for genetic studies: albino (A), yellow (B), white breasted (C), and silver (D).

has been related to the presence of bacteria in the cloacal

150 gland. Treatment with fluoroquinolones has been dem-
onstrated to result in decreased bacterial counts in the
foam, decreased foam production, and decreased fertil-
ity (Mohan et al., 2004).
Japanese quail have color vision, which appears to be
Body weight (g)

100 Female
more crucial than pattern or form for visual discrimi-
Male nation (Fidura, 1969). Similar to other ground-foraging
birds, quail exhibit a lower field myopia that permits
50 them to simultaneously focus on the ground while they
forage and monitor the horizon and sky overhead for
predators (Hodos and Erichsen, 1990). They exhibit
greatest sensitivity in the auditory range between 1 and
4 kHz (Niemiec et  al., 1994). Young chicks (3–5 h post-
hatch) show auditory discrimination learning, respond-
0 2 4 6 8
ing at greater frequency to a familiar sound than a novel
Age (wk)
sound (Evans and Cosens, 1977). Limited information
FIGURE 22.3  Growth curve for male and female domestic Japanese is available regarding the senses of taste and smell in
quail from hatching to 8 weeks of age. Data from Aggrey (2003). Japanese quail (Mills et al., 1997).


II. Biology 1091
TABLE 22.1 Standard Biological Data for Domestic Japanese TABLE 22.2 Hematological1 and Clinical Chemistry Values2
Quail for Adult Domestic Japanese Quail
Adult male females
1 day 6–8
Erythrocytes (106/mm3) 4.14 ± 0.07 3.81 ± 0.14
Adult male 100–130
Packed cell volume (%) 53.1 ± 0.8 46.9 ± 1.3
Adult female 120–160
Haemoglobin (g/100 ml) 15.8 ± 0.2 14.3 ± 0.5
Mean corpuscular volume (µm ) 127.0 ± 2.0 124.0 ± 2.0
Liver 1.95
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (ng) 38.5 ± 0.1 37.7 ± 0.7
Heart 0.91
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin 29.6 ± 0.3 30.4 ± 0.4
Kidney 0.73 concentration (%)

Testes 2.88 Reticulocytes (%) 7.0 ± 0.5 6.1 ± 0.4

3 3
Body temperature ( C) o
40.7–43.2 Thrombocytes (10 /mm ) 117.0 ± 9.0 132.0 ± 17.0

PERFORMANCE AND LONGEVITY Total leucocytes (103/mm3) 19.7 ± 0.7 23.1 ± 1.0
  Heterophils (%) 20.8 ± 1.9 21.8 ± 1.8
Egg weight (g) 9–10
  Eosinophils (%) 2.5 ± 0.04 4.3 ± 1.5
Egg number/100 bird days 80–90
  Basophils (%) 0.4 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1
Age at sexual maturity (d) 38–42
  Lymphocytes (%) 73.6 ± 2.1 71.6 ± 1.
Life span (months) 24–26
  Monocytes (%) 2.7 ± 0.3 2.1 ± 0.3
Glucose (mmol/l)* 17.3 ± 0.6 14.4 ± 0.6
Uric acid (mmol/l)* 324 ± 21.5 320 ± 13.9
Adult male 151.8 ± 4.61 Total cholesterol (mmol/l) 6.7 ± 0.13 7.9 ± 0.26
Adult female 156.1 ± 4.7 1
Triglyceride (mmol/l)* 3.0 ± 0.2 23.5 ± 2.2
Diastolic Bilirubin (µmol/l) 20.4 ± 1.00 8.9 ± 0.7
ASAT (U/l) 422 ± 9.5 402 ± 13
Adult male 158.1 ± 4.71
ALAT (U/l) 9.6 ± 0.6 6.5 ± 1.1
Adult female 146.9 ± 4.21
γ-GT (U/l) 1.7 ± 0.2 1.9 ± 0.1
Cholinesterase (kU/l) 4.8 ± 0.1 2.8 ± 0.1
Adult male 530.7 ± 17.71
Creatinine (µmol/l)* 4.0 ± 0.4 4.5 ± 0.3
Adult female 489.5 ± 17.11
Protein (g/l) 25.0 ± 1.0 33.6 ± 4.6
ADULT FEED CONSUMPTION (G/DAY) 17.5–19.8 Albumin (g/l) 13.3 ± 0.2 15.3 ± 0.2
Modified from Cheng et al. (2010).
Phosphate (mmol/l) 1.2 ± 0.3 1.9 ± 0.4
Mean ± SE.
Calcium (mmol/l) 2.3 ± 0.1 4.0 ± 1.3
Magnesium (mmol/l) 1.0 ± 0.04 1.2 ± 0.1

Standard biological data for Japanese quail are Iron (µmol/l) 12.5 ± 0.4 21.0 ± 2.8
presented in Table 22.1, while hematological and clini- Values given are mean ± SE.
cal chemistry values are given in Table 22.2. Sex related *
Significant daily patterns in concentration (Herichová et al., 2004).
Data from Nirmalan and Robinson, 1971.
differences in serum chemistry reference values in 2
Data from Faqi et al., 1997;Scholtz et al., 2009b.
adult Japanese quail have been reported (Scholtz et  al.,

in a simulated natural environment found all but two

B. Behavior of the courtship displays and behavioral components
Two studies (Nichols et al., 1991,1992) that compared reported in the literature were exhibited by both groups.
the behavior of feral (considered wild because they were The differences in reproductive behavior between feral
feral since the 1920s) and domesticated Japanese quail and domestic Japanese quail are shown in Table 22.3.


1092 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

TABLE 22.3 Behavioral Differences between Feral and with the bill, scratching with the legs, tossing dust into
Domestic Japanese Quail in Outdoor Aviary with Simulated the air with the wings while moving the body under
Natural Environment
the dust shower, accompanied by active feather ruffling
Behavior Feral* Domestic and shaking (Mills et  al., 1997). Dust bathing behavior
occurs more frequently in the late afternoon compared
Male crowing Less frequently; varied their More frequently
crowing frequency during with no temporal
to the early morning or early afternoon (Abdelfattah
the female’s laying cycle variation et  al., 2012). In another report, the impact of four types
of environmental enrichment (foraging opportunities,
Courtship More Less
displays structural complexity, sensory stimulation/novelty, and
social housing) were assessed (Miller and Mench, 2005).
Copulations Less frequent More frequent
Use of foraging opportunities, structural complexity and
Male More; toward both males Less dust bathing was observed in 29, 26, and 16% of activ-
aggression and females ity budget scans, respectively, which supports a posi-
Female Less More; toward males tive response to this type of enrichment. Social housing
aggression decreased the use of environmental enrichment and
Pair bond Paired for the whole Shorter; frequently dust baths. Female Japanese quail co-housed with males
duration breeding season switched mates in floor pens used environmental enrichment, foraged
Female laying 1 clutch of eggs for the Up to three clutches more, and were more active than the males.
season for the season Exposure to mild, unpredictable stressors during
Data from Nichols (1991). routine husbandry may impact the morphological and
Captured from the feral population on Hawaii. Japanese quail were released on Hawaii behavioral development of quail offspring. Chicks
in the late 1920s. produced by laying hens exposed to mild daily stress-
ors showed altered growth and behavioral responses.
Potential stressors include sudden noise, sudden appear-
The studies indicated that domestication was not ance of bright colored objects, or shaking the cages
‘degenerative,’ but rather behavioral components are (Guibert et al., 2011).
not expressed under conditions that lack the appropri- The sexual behavior of captive Japanese quail ranges
ate stimuli. from polygamy to monogamy (Kovach, 1975; McKinney
Because quail housed in a semi-natural environment et  al., 1983; Orcutt and Orcutt 1976). Females housed
spent approximately 8% of their activity budget on for- continuously with the same male had significantly
aging behavior, including pecking and scratching, it is higher egg hatching rates than females paired with a
suggested that creating the opportunity for birds to per- male every third day. When paired with a male every
form this behavior will improve animal welfare (Schmid 3 days, females paired with the same male had fewer
and Wechsler, 1997). A solid floor environment provided hatched eggs than females paired with a different male.
with a suitable substrate, e.g., wood chips, encourages Males were more receptive to females introduced into
foraging, and opportunities to forage can be created the male’s cage than vice versa (Sullivan et  al., 1992). A
through scattering small seeds or grains in the bedding detailed review of social behavior, including courtship
substrate or through providing other food items in the and vocalization types, rates, and patterns, has been
environment. In contrast, the same study found the birds published (Cheng et al., 2010).
spent little time on elevated structures; hence the pro- Japanese quail show dominance through the devel-
vision of perches is likely of little value. Also of inter- opment of a pecking order (Gerken and Mills, 1993);
est is that quail in semi-natural aviaries stayed under increased stocking density, and changes in group com-
cover for a significant percentage of time (Schmid and position lead to more aggression and pecking-related
Wechsler, 1997). Use of nest boxes with a small entrance injuries. In addition, adult females may outweigh males
but no other openings has been reported (Buchwalder and will direct aggressive behavior toward smaller
and Wechsler, 1997). In outdoor aviaries, this type of males. Maintenance of stable social groups over time
nest box should be kept in the shade, especially in hot improves animal welfare through reducing aggression
climates, as elevated nest box temperatures can be lethal associated with mixing social groups. Multi-male groups
to incubating females. are associated with increased injuries due to aggres-
Captive Japanese quail engage in several dust bathing sive pecking between males (Wechsler and Schmid,
sessions daily when provided with a suitable material 1998). Provision of visual barriers, reducing the age at
such as sand or cat litter (Schein and Statkiewicz, 1983). introduction, and changes in the male: female stocking
In the absence of such material, birds may exhibit ‘vac- density did not reduce male to male induced injuries.
uum dust bathing,’ during which behavioral components Importantly, reducing the light intensity decreased but
of dust bathing are expressed, e.g., raking movements did not eliminate pecking-related injuries.


II. Biology 1093

C. Genetics to characterize the resulting phenotype is to observe

the hatchlings for feather color, developmental abnor-
Both C. japonica and Gallus domesticus, the common mality, etc.
chicken, have a diploid number of 78 chromosomes, For genotypic analyses, the mesoderm-derived cho-
most of which are orthological (Guttenbach et  al., rioallantoic membrane (CAM), a highly vascularized
2003); numerous authors have concluded that quail membrane in close contact with the pores of the egg-
and chicken lines diverged 35–46 million years ago shell to facilitate gas exchange, can be used to isolate
(Jiang et  al., 2010; Kan et  al., 2010; Kayang et  al., 2006; and analyze the hatchling’s genomic DNA. For example,
Van Tuinen and Dyke, 2004; Van Tuinen and Hedges, transgenic founder lines that express markers such as
2001). The International Chicken Genome Sequencing fluorescent proteins or lacZ can be initially screened for
Consortium has determined that chickens possess transgene expression in the CAM cells or shell membrane
five pairs of macrochromosomes (>40 Mb), five pairs cells of freshly hatched eggs, assuming the transgene is
of intermediately sized chromosomes (20–40 Mb), and expressed by the cells being CAM cells. For instance,
28 pairs of microchromosomes (<20 Mb) (Hillier et  al., a ubiquitously expressed transgene or vascular-specific
2004; Wallis et  al., 2004); Japanese quail chromosomes transgene (Sato et al., 2010) is readily seen in the CAM
are similar in this regard (Kawahara-Miki et al., 2013). cells when observed using a epifluorescence microscope;
Chicken microchromosomes comprise about one-third however, a transgene whose expression is restricted to
of the total genome size (Wallis et al., 2004), yet encode the glial or adult kidney cells would not be expected to
50–75% of all genes (McQueen et al., 1998; Burt, 2002), be visualized in CAM cells. Feather blood cells can also
replicate earlier in the S phase than macrochromosomes be visualized using a fluorescent microscope to assay
(McQueen et al., 1998), and have higher recombination transgene expression; in addition, genomic DNA can
rates than macrochromosomes (Wong et  al., 2004). It be analyzed by conventional recombinant DNA tech-
has been hypothesized that microchromosomes initi- niques to confirm a desired gene or transgene. Southern
ated as fragments of ancestral macrochromosomes, and blot analysis will determine transgene copy number and
conversely that macrochromosomes formed by aggre- genomic integration site (Sato et al., 2010).
gation of microchromosomes 100–250 million years ago Japanese quail are very susceptible to inbreeding
(Fillon, 1998). In contrast to mammals, avian sex chro- depression (Sittmann et al., 1966), which reduces popu-
mosomes are designated Z and W; males are ZZ and lation fitness via decreased hatchability, viability, and
females are ZW and thus the ovum governs the sex of fertility. Inbreeding increases genome homozygosity
the offspring. There are no mutual genes between the and preserves recessive mutations carried by a popula-
avian ZW and mammal XY chromosomes, nor do the tion (Frankham et al., 2002; Keller and Waller, 2002). The
ZW and XY chromosomes seem to share a common inbred lines of quail that Sittmann et al. (Sittmann et al.,
origin (Stiglec et al., 2007). 1966) initiated by consecutive full-sibling matings only
Recently, the female Japanese quail genome was survived to the third generation. In another study, only
sequenced using Illumina next-generation sequencing five out of 17 full-sibling mating inbred lines survived
platforms and assembled against the chicken reference to the fifth generation (Kulenkamp et  al., 1973). Using
genome (Kawahara-Miki et  al., 2013). The Japanese this standard approach, there is currently no record of
quail genome is ~1.41  Gb in size (Kawahara-Miki any inbred Japanese quail line living past eight genera-
et al., 2013; Nakamura et al., 2004; Tiersch and Wachtel, tions of consecutive full-sibling matings (Okimoto, R.,
1991). There are currently ~150 microsatellite markers University of Arkansas, personal communication to KC;
identified for the Japanese quail based on the genome Wada, M., Tokyo Medical and Dental University, per-
sequences (Kawahara-Miki et  al., 2013; Tadano et  al., sonal communication to KC).
2014). The Japanese quail genome sequence and associ- As in mice, the increase in genome homozygosity
ated resources will offer essential genetic and genomic of inbred quail lines is useful for genome analysis and
reference information, molecular tools for making gene mapping (Hoti and Sillanpaa, 2006). At the Avian
improved primers and nucleic acid probes to use in Research Centre at the University of British Columbia, a
polymerase chain reaction, multiplexed hybridization more relaxed inbreeding scheme was employed to gen-
chain reaction-based RNA in situ, siRNA- and shRNA- erate an inbred Japanese quail line in order to estimate
based RNA inactivation, and CRIPR-Cas9 targeting the inbreeding coefficient of a quail population and com-
approaches. pare it to the inbreeding level that would be attained
Considerable breeding in laboratory and commer- with full-sibling mating. The inbreeding scheme entailed
cial settings is carried out with quail lines that have mating full sibling sisters to full sibling brothers from
been selected or screened for a particular phenotype a different (but related) family (Kim et  al., 2007). This
or genotype, e.g., feather coloration, growth rate, mutant quail line has now been inbred for 24 generations and
lines, transgenic lines. The most common method used still appears vigorous.


1094 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

III.  LABORATORY MANAGEMENT The type of housing system selected should take into
AND HUSBANDRY consideration the anticipated use of the birds, as well as
regulatory and animal welfare requirements. Housing
A.  Sources of Quail design should accommodate ease of sanitation and
Fertilized quail eggs can be ordered from a com- Outdoor aviaries that provide a semi-natural envi-
mercial supplier. However unlike for chickens, there ronment encourage natural behaviors such as exercise,
is no vendor for particular quail strains with a known flight, social interaction, foraging and dust bathing
breeding history. Quail obtained from commercial farms (Schmid and Wechsler, 1997); access to ample vegetative
may be heterogeneous genetically and may differ from
batch to batch; this situation makes comparisons diffi-
cult between different experiments (Cheng and Nichols,
1992). Researchers desiring a specialized quail model
usually obtain the birds from the laboratory that devel-
oped the model; however, two technical problems can be
associated with such an acquisition. First of all, stringent
and expensive quarantine procedures are required if the
shipment has to cross national boundaries. Occasionally,
there is also a tariff imposed. Importation regulations
are country dependent and typically focus on avian-
transmitted diseases such as avian influenza and sal-
monellosis, among others. It is hoped that adopting the
practices used by commercial avian producers, such
as the flock certification program provided by the US
National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), will facili-
tate the international transfer of eggs and birds.
Second, many specialized quail strains were not
maintained beyond the researcher’s tenure (Fulton and
Delany, 2003), as maintaining bird colonies is expensive
and budget  allocation for conserving a population is
not an administrative priority. Although until recently FIGURE 22.4  Commercial battery-cage housing Japanese quail.
there was no practical procedure for the cryopreserva-
tion of avian germplasm, Liu and colleagues (Liu et al.,
2010, 2012a,b, 2013a–d) have pioneered such a proce-
dure for Japanese quail gonadal tissue that shows great
It is critical to use freshly laid eggs that come from
a productive and healthy flock. Egg storage and ship-
ping conditions can also contribute to egg fertility, e.g.,
low egg fertility levels may be observed if the eggs are
exposed to high temperatures during transportation;
transportation in cooled containers can mitigate this con-
cern. Eggs should be stored immediately upon receipt in
a refrigerator that is kept at ~13°C and humidified with
an open tray of water; in contrast a 4°C refrigerator is
too cold and will cause embryonic death.

B.  Housing Systems

Housing systems for adult Japanese quail include
commercially available poultry battery cages (Gerken
and Mills, 1993) (Fig. 22.4), custom-built indoor floor
pens (Gerken and Mills, 1993) (Fig. 22.5) and semi- FIGURE 22.5  Custom-built indoor floor pen housing Japanese
natural outdoor aviaries (Schmid and Wechsler, 1997). quail chicks.


III.  Laboratory Management and Husbandry 1095
cover is critical. In general, key features of a semi-natural Japanese quail may be housed on a number of dif-
environment are shelter from weather extremes, protec- ferent types of bedding substrates including wood
tion from predators, and ease of sanitation, egg collec- shavings, chopped corn cobs, ground bark, and peanut
tion, and capture. Similar to outdoor aviaries, indoor hulls. Use of small, solid-bottom cages coupled with
floor pens can promote the expression of natural behav- the type of food (i.e., wheat-based high gluten content)
iors and animal welfare through the provision of artifi- and bedding provided may result in accumulation of
cial cover and opportunities for exercise, foraging, dust food on the digits (referred to as toe-balls) which may
bathing, and social behavior (RSPCA, 2001). Resource lead to trauma to the digits if left untreated. It should
competition for food and water, as well as cover and be appreciated that bedding substrates can be a source
dust baths, must be considered when housing quail of contamination.
in floor pens; provision of resources must be adjusted
based on stocking density. Battery cages with sloped
C.  Food and Water
floors are widely used in commercial applications; these
facilitate egg collection but result in an impoverished Food and water are typically provided ad libitum to
environment, i.e., decreased opportunities for exercise quail; the delivery method for both is dependent on the
and other species-specific behaviors. The percentage of type of housing and the age of the birds. Food receptacle
foot lesions, bone fractures, and beak deformities, as design should encourage easy access while preventing
well as head and eye injuries resulting from aggressive the birds from soiling uneaten portions; for example,
pecking behavior, were increased in birds housed in bat- birds in cages with food dishes will often nest in the
tery cages compared to birds housed in deep litter floor feeders, resulting in spillage and soiling. Placement of
pens (Abdelfattah et al., 2012). Because the same authors feed troughs outside of the cage reduces spillage, pre-
found that birds housed in deep litter floor pens demon- vents soiling of the food, and facilitates ease of food
strated significantly increased cortisol levels and mortal- provision. Trough feeders and waterers placed outside
ity attributed to increased disease, including parasitism, of the cage are commonly used in battery cages. Birds
consideration should be given to increased health moni- tend to actively investigate water sources, and cage
toring for infectious agents in quail housed in situations floods can occur if the water source is placed inside a
where routine sanitation may be difficult and substrates solid floor cage or pen. Quail readily adapt to use of an
may remain damp for periods of time. The NRC Guide automatic drinking valve with an integral cup basin,
for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (2011) lists whereas gravity-fed bell drinkers are commonly used
minimum space recommendations for quail as 0.25 feet2 for newly hatched chicks and juveniles. Grill screens,
floor area/animal. Increased cage space resulted propor- rubber rings, or pebbles should be used to reduce the
tionally in significant improvement in body weight gain, available water drinking area for very young chicks, as
age at 50% egg production, egg production, food conver- otherwise they may drown (Randall and Bolla, 2008).
sion values, and decreased mortality (Nagarajan et  al., Drinking devices should be inspected daily to ensure
1991). Overall, aviary room temperatures of 22–25°C are that they are working properly and not clogged with
considered ideal for quail. debris. Water consumption varies with age and strain,
It has been reported that the typical vertical escape with 2-week-old chicks ingesting 23.3 ml daily, 4-week
response in quail may lead to serious head injuries if old birds drinking 30.0 ml per day (Farrell et  al. 1982),
cage ceilings are too high; one study concluded that cage and 7-week-old birds ingesting 40.9–62.1 ml/g per day
heights should be less than 25 cm to reduce head injuries (Visser et al., 2000; Cheng et al., 2010).
associated with the escape response, but at least 20 cm Wild quail are omnivorous, eating primarily seeds and
to allow birds from heavy strains to stand up fully in a plant matter but adding terrestrial invertebrates in the
normal postural position (Gerken and Mills, 1993). In summer (del Hoyo et al., 1994). In captivity, the dietary
contrast, other experts (RSPCA, 2001) suggest that cages requirements for Japanese quail vary depending on the
of 30 cm in height reduced or eliminated the problem of age and genetic selection for meat or egg production
head injuries in quail; another proposed solution is cage (Table 22.4). In general, a commercial game bird or tur-
roofs comprised of materials that do not cause head inju- key starter diet with 24.0–26.0% crude protein should be
ries, e.g., a flexible plastic grid. Because upward flight is provided for the first 6–8 weeks after hatching followed
part of the normal behavior repertoire for quail, further by a game bird or turkey finisher diet that contains less
study into the topic of cage height would be useful. protein. The pelleted starter diet must be ground into a
Environmental enrichment and habituation to human powder form for feeding chicks for the first two weeks
presence and environmental change can serve as ame- post hatch. Facility staff should be aware that diets high
lioration strategies for panic reactions in quail (Mench in wheat content may mix with fecal material and stick
and Blatchford, 2014). to the digits of the birds. As expected, food consumption


1096 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

TABLE 22.4 Diet Specifications for Japanese Quail and efficiency varies by age and gender (Table 22.5).
(as Percentage or Unit per Pound of Diet) Specially prepared diets may be purchased from feed
companies, and a synthetic diet has been developed for
grower Finisher Japanese quail used in research (Cheng et al., 2010). For
experimental purposes, high-cholesterol diets have been
>6 weeks to Adult
used to induce atherosclerosis in Japanese quail (Cheng
Nutrient Unit 0–6 weeks market breeder
et al., 1997; Godin et al., 2001, 2003; Hoekstra et al., 2003,
Crude protein % 24.0–26.0 17.0–19.0 18.0–20.0 2004). Game bird or turkey feeds incorporating coccid-
Metabolizable kCal 1315 1315 1315 iostats (i.e., monensin sodium (Coban) and amprolium)
energy and/or antibiotics are commercially available.
Calcium % 1.80 0.70 2.50
Nonphytate % 0.30 0.25 0.35 D.  Common Procedures
Adults and chicks can be individually identified
Sodium % 0.15 0.15 0.15
through the application of commercially available leg
Methionine % 0.50 0.42 0.45 bands or wing tags. Plastic coil legs bands (Size 4)
Methionine + % 0.75 0.68 0.70 obtained in multiple colors (National Band and Tag
cystine Company, Newport, Kentucky, USA; www.national-
Lysine % 1.30 0.90 1.00 can be used to identify chicks the day after
hatching; however, the maximum diameter of these
Threonine % 1.02 0.85 0.74
bands precludes their continued use once the birds
Tryptophan % 0.22 0.20 0.19 reach 2–3 weeks of age. Colored aluminum leg bands
Percentage amount per lb of diet in size 8 can be applied after the birds are 3 weeks of
age. Wing tags are suitable for birds of all ages, but
Vitamins added per lb
of diet 100% 80% 100%
proper application in the propatagium of newly hatched
chicks is difficult due to their small size. The wing tags
Vitamin A IU 3000 must be positioned just behind the tendon along the
Vitamin D ICU1 1000 leading edge of the wing, opposite the humeral–ulnar
Vitamin E IU 18.0 joint. Improper placement can result in traumatic dam-
age to the musculature of the wing as the bird develops.
Vitamin K mg 1.0
Other recommendations are for the use of #5 fingerling
Thiamin mg 1.0 tags (National Band and Tag Company) in hatchlings,
Riboflavin mg 2.8 and aluminum chick wing tags for adult birds. Rodent
ear tags can also work as wing bands in chicks and
Niacin mg 20.0
adult birds.
Choline mg 115 Capture of caged Japanese quail can be achieved with
Pyridoxine mg 1.5 relative ease; it should be performed calmly but quickly
Pantothenic acid mg 7.0 to avoid injuries during escape attempts. Chicks should
be held carefully in the palm of the hand, using the
Folic acid mg 1.0
thumb and forefinger for restraint. Adult birds should
Vitamin B12 μg 5.0 be restrained by pinning the wings against the body
Biotin μg 50.0 while allowing the legs to hang loose. Alternatively, the
bird may be gently cupped around the wings using both
Trace minerals added per lb of diet
hands. Attempts to restrain the bird by the legs can result
Manganese mg 25.0 in traumatic injury to the legs, and failure to restrain the
Iron mg 30.0 wings may result in damage to the wings, including
Copper mg 5.0
bone fractures. Capture of birds housed in large pens or
aviaries usually requires netting of the birds.
Zinc mg 30.0
When the suitability of five different sites (brachial,
Iodine mg 0.2 jugular, caudal tibial vein, external dorsal thoracic vein
Selenium mg 0.136 and the heart) was compared for blood sampling and
intravenous injections in Japanese quail, the jugular vein
From Alabama Cooperative
Extension System ANR-1343. was reported to be most successful (Arora, 1979). Small
ICU = International Chick Unit. volumes of blood from the ulnar vein may be collected
in microcapillary tubes.


IV. Breeding and Rearing Quail 1097
TABLE 22.5 Body Weight, Cumulative Feed Consumption, and Feed
Efficiency of Japanese Quail

Body weight (g)1 Feed consumption (g) Feed efficiency (g:g)2

(weeks) Male Female Male Female Male Female

2  40  40  50  50 1.25 1.25

4  90 100 180 190 2.00 1.90
6 120 130 300 330 2.50 2.53
8 130 160 350 450 2.69 2.81
10 140 170 400 510 2.86 3.00
From Alabama Cooperative Extension System
To convert gram values to pound units, divide by 454.
Feed efficiency is the amount of feed required per unit of body weight.

Similar to other small avian species, Japanese quail 100

can be anesthetized by exposure to an inhaled gas anes-
thetic (e.g., isoflurane) or through the administration of
injectable anesthetics. Oral or intramuscular adminis-
tration of ketoprofen at 2 mg/kg resulted in very low
Egg laying rate (%)
bioavailability and the drug exhibited a very short half-
life in Japanese quail (Graham et  al., 2005). Changes in
complete blood count and serum chemistry were mini- 50
mal but injection site muscle necrosis was observed in
Japanese quail following intramuscular administration 40
of 2 mg/kg meloxicam every 12 h for 14 days (Sinclair
et al., 2010). Japanese quail can be euthanized by expo- 20
sure to inhaled anesthetic gas (e.g., isoflurane) or CO2;
chicks and embryos that are beyond 50% incubation are 0
acclimated to high CO2 concentrations in the egg and 0 5 10 15 20
thus require prolonged exposure to CO2 for euthanasia. Age (month)
A high dose of an injectable anesthetic is also an effec-
tive method of euthanasia. Physical methods, including FIGURE 22.6  Egg production as a function of age in domestic
Japanese quail. Data from Minvielle et al. (2000).
cervical dislocation (between the first and second verte-
brae) or decapitation, are acceptable on the condition that
personnel are properly trained and proficient in humane in photoperiod result in neuroendocrine changes in both
application of these techniques. Prolonged exposure to male and female quail (Ball and Balthazart, 2010), and
CO2, cooling (<4°C for 4 h), or freezing is recommended short day lengths result in gonadal regression and breed-
for eggs at less than 50% incubation (AVMA, 2013). ing cessation (Follet and Pearce-Kelly, 1990).
In general, Japanese quail reach sexual maturity at
6–8 weeks of age, but this is dependent on photoperiod
and strain. Young quail raised under short-day lighting
schemes, which mimic fall and winter days, either do not
A. Reproduction mature sexually or show delayed maturation (Delville
Reproduction in Japanese quail is strongly influ- et al., 1984). Lighting regimes for commercial producers
enced by the photoperiod (Robinson and Follett, 1982; vary but are typically designed with 16 h of light per
Yasuo et al., 2006), such that wild quail breed in spring day (Gerken and Mills, 1993). Hens typically begin to
and summer in response to increasing day length. lay eggs consistently at ~8–10 weeks of age, with egg
When housed under artificial light with a day length fertility rates quickly increasing over time; with time,
of 12 h or more, Japanese quail will breed year round. egg production gradually declines (Fig. 22.6). Japanese
Photoperiod influences sexual behavior, cloacal protru- quail exposed to continuous light gained weight faster
sion and cloacal foam production (Sachs, 1969). Changes and reached sexual maturity earlier than birds housed


1098 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

under 13 h of daylight (De Jager, 2003). Female puberty, early August in Russia, and from late May to August in
characterized by the average age of the first egg laid in Japan. Clutch sizes also vary, with 9–10 eggs per clutch
a flock of Japanese quail maintained on a 16:8 day: night in Russia and 5–8 in Japan. The female incubates the
cycle, occurred at 48.8 days of age, while sexual matu- eggs in the wild (del Hoyo et al., 1994); however, in cap-
rity, characterized by the time at which egg production tivity when males are co-housed with females, persistent
for the flock reached 50%, occurred at 54.2 days. Puberty male copulatory behavior prevents the hens from brood-
in the male, defined by the first appearance of secondary ing (Cain and Cawley, 1972).
sex characteristics like crowing and production of cloa- In the laboratory setting, quail eggs should be col-
cal foam, occurred at 32.6 days of age; in contrast, sexual lected and stored daily. Egg collection is best performed
maturity in the cock, or the appearance of mating behav- early as most eggs are laid in the late afternoon or eve-
ior and pronounced foam gland secretion, occurred by ning. Identification numbers can be recorded on the
42.4 days of age (Abdelfattah et  al., 2012). Maximum eggshell in permanent ink to facilitate tracking of egg
fertility in age-matched male and female group-housed numbers and fertility rates for different transgenic lines.
birds maintained under a 16:8 day: night cycle was As eggs are often soiled during egression, they should
reached during the fourth month of age and then gradu- be washed with lukewarm water to remove debris and
ally declined (Abdelfattah et al., 2012). Fertility in battery then air dried. Bacterial penetration across the eggshell
cage-housed Japanese quail is also influenced by the is dependent on bacterial survival on the eggshell sur-
ratio of males to females. While a male: female ratio of face and egg storage conditions (Gole et al., 2014). Once
1:3 provided optimal fertility, a male: female ratio of 1:5 dry, eggs should be transferred to commercially avail-
resulted in a significant decrease in fertility (Abdelfattah able egg cartons designed to accommodate quail eggs.
et  al., 2012). Fertility was also found to be significantly Fertilized quail eggs are best stored with their large end
increased in birds housed in deep litter floor pens com- up or on their sides; these recommendations improve
pared to birds in battery cages. embryo development and orient the embryo in an exper-
imentally desired position. Ideally, eggs should be stored
in a refrigerator set to 13°C and equipped to provide 65%
B.  Egg Storage and Incubation relative humidity. Turning eggs in their egg flats once
The average Japanese quail egg weighs 10–11 g, which daily improves hatchability. Eggs may be stored at ~11°C
corresponds to about 8% of the hen’s body weight. Egg for up to 15 days, 21°C for up to 10 days, and 27°C for up
size, shape, and color patterns vary considerably based to 5 days without a significant decrease in hatchability
on the parent’s strain; they are typically tan with brown (Garip and Dere, 2011). Prior to incubation, refrigerated
speckles, but can also appear snowy white, mottled eggs should be maintained at room temperature until
brown with a chalky blue covering, or other (Fig. 22.7). condensation on the shell has dried.
Each laying hen produces 10–12 eggs every 2 weeks To optimize egg development, a quality egg incuba-
year round in captivity under controlled light cycles. tor is essential. Many types and sizes of incubators can
Wild populations typically lay eggs from late April to be purchased, and the best choice for a given situation
will depend on the extent of planned experiments along
with cost considerations. A forced-air incubator that uti-
lizes an internal fan to circulate air inside the chamber
is ideal. The egg incubator should include an automatic
egg-turning option that is capable of tilting the egg trays
through a 90° angle once an hour (Fig. 22.8). A sepa-
rate hatching incubator equipped with hatching trays
and matching wire mesh lids will be needed to hatch
the eggs. Digital thermostats allow steady, consistent
temperatures and humidity levels to be maintained in
modern incubators. The incubator’s internal tempera-
ture and relative humidity should be monitored at initial
setup and daily during incubation with a high-quality,
calibrated thermometer. Keeping a stock of numerous
replacement parts is recommended to facilitate timely,
in-house repairs. Incubators should be connected to
electrical circuits with generator backup to ensure that
power spikes or outages do not damage the eggs.
FIGURE 22.7  Japanese quail eggs exhibiting variation in size, An incubation temperature of 38°C and 50–65% rela-
shape, and color patterns. tive humidity results in optimal embryonic development.


IV. Breeding and Rearing Quail 1099

FIGURE 22.8  Commercial poultry incubator. Reproduced with per- FIGURE 22.9  Commercial poultry hatching unit. Reproduced with
mission of GQF Manufacturing Company. permission of GQF Manufacturing Company.

The egg trays should be slowly rotated up to a total of highest possible absolute humidity (which depends on
90° every hour until ~E13 to facilitate normal develop- the current air temperature), can be measured using a
ment. Eggs may be candled to inspect embryo viability wet bulb hygrometer. The trays should be covered with
using a standard commercial egg candler; however, cau- soft, absorbent paper to provide good traction for the
tion is required to avoid overheating. Although staging hatchlings; if the lining material is too smooth or slick,
early quail development by candling is difficult due to hatchlings often develop splay leg. If the wire mesh is
the blotchy colored eggshells (Fig. 22.6), viability can too large, the hatchlings can fall through or get their
be reliably determined after about 7 days of incubation. heads, wings, or legs stuck in the wire mesh. Once the
Typical fertility ranges are from 90 to 95%, and peaks in hatchlings start to pip out the shell, the hatcher should
embryonic mortality may occur during the first 3 and be kept closed so the humidity levels remain high
last 2 days of the 16–18 days of incubation. (~60–70%). Hatchling quail will typically emerge from
Of interest is that quail embryos and chicks commu- their shells over the course of several hours.
nicate with one another prior to hatching. This behavior In some cases, it may be important to keep hatchlings
is coincident with the onset of breathing, when quail separated from one another if they are derived from
embryos begin to acoustically communicate using click- distinct genetic or transgenic lines. If so, inexpensive
ing sounds which helps them synchronize their hatching separators can be made of plastic, cardboard, or other
times (Vince and Salter, 1967; Vince, 1964a,b). The same disposable material, and placed in the hatching trays to
authors also reported that clicking sounds can acceler- create separate cubicles. The design of hatching cubicles
ate or decelerate embryonic development and hatching (each ~10 × 10 cm) can be such that each compartment
times (Vince, 1966, 1968a,b, 1973; Vince et al., 1984). has space for a single egg and its chick. This keeps the
hatchling in the same container as its egg to ease phe-
notypic and genotypic analysis of both. Quail eggs lose
C. Hatching approximately 13% of their 10- to 11-g starting weight
On the 16th day of incubation, quail eggs should be via evaporation prior to hatching. The hatchlings typi-
transferred to an egg hatching incubator (Fig. 22.9), or cally weigh about 6–8 g and are brownish with yellow
hatchers, and placed on their sides in trays or compart- stripes. During the first 24 h in the hatcher, no food or
ments; the hatchers must be maintained at ~38°C and water is necessary because the hatchlings obtain nutri-
~70% relative humidity. Trays of water should be placed tion from their yolk sac that retracted into their coelom
in the incubator to maintain a high humidity, which in the days prior to hatching. Understandably, hatched
will keep the chicks from adhering to their shell mem- chicks are exhausted, but they typically gain strength
branes during the hatching process. Relative humid- and increase activity over 24 h. Within 24 h of hatching,
ity, the ratio of the current absolute humidity to the the chicks should be transferred to a separate brooder


1100 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

that provides an auxiliary heat source during the first 4 flows from clean to dirty areas. Eggs from an external
weeks of life. source should be carefully washed using a quaternary
ammonium (250 ppm) solution and water temperature
of 43–49°C. Washed eggs should be kept apart from
D.  Rearing Chicks soiled eggs, and egg flats should be cleaned and disin-
Poultry brooders suitable for Japanese quail can be fected prior to use. A comprehensive sanitation program
obtained from multiple commercial sources. The brooder should be implemented for incubators and brooders as
floor should be lined with absorbent paper for the first 2 well as for the housing area for adult birds. Bedding
weeks to prevent leg injuries to the newly hatched chicks. substrate, food, and water must also be considered as a
Game bird or turkey starter diet should be ground into possible contamination source and should be evaluated
a powder form and sprinkled around the brooder floor and/or treated to reduce risk of pathogen transmission.
for the hatchings to eat. Unrestricted access to water Personnel with access to the housing facilities should not
may be supplied through use of small bell jars fitted have contact with other birds for 72 h. A health surveil-
with water troughs; size appropriate glass marbles must lance program should also be implemented.
be placed in the water troughs to prevent the hatch- Trauma from conspecific pecking is one of the most
lings from falling into the water well and drowning. The frequently observed health concerns in laboratory colo-
temperature inside the brooder should be maintained nies of Japanese quail. Head injuries from pecking are
at 37°C for the first week post-hatch. The heat source typically located toward the back of the head and neck
should be placed such that temperature gradients are areas (Fig. 22.10), while head injuries from bumping
established and chicks can select their desired tempera- the cage ceiling are located more toward the top of the
ture zone. Chick behavior should be observed daily or head. As these injuries commonly result from aggressive
more frequently, and the temperature adjusted if they pecking in adult male quail, multi-male breeding groups
are huddled under the heat source (suggesting the heat are not generally recommended (Wechsler and Schmid,
source may be inadequate) or along the outer perimeter 1998). However multi-male breeding groups may be
of the brooder (suggesting the heat source is providing effective if (1) the male: female sex ratio is not too low
too much warmth). The brooder temperature should be (e.g., not less than 1 male:3 females), (2) the enclosure
decreased 2–3°C every week for three weeks (Hodgetts, is adequately sized, (i.e., no high-density rearing), and
1999). At 2 weeks post-hatch, the paper liner should be (3) there are structures in the enclosure where birds can
changed to a bedding substrate (paper chip, wood chip, hide. A ratio of 1 male to 3 females is considered optimal
or other suitable material). At 4 weeks post-hatch, the in small, confined spaces. Even so, breeding groups with
birds no longer need an external heat source. The diet more space should be limited to a single male plus two
should be changed to a game bird or poultry finisher/ to five females, as fertility will decrease if the sex ratio
breeder diet when the birds are 5 weeks post-hatch. is higher than 1:5. Regardless, pecking injuries may still
occur in single male breeding groups when females and
males peck one another. In intensive breeding situations

A. Noninfectious
Japanese quail are susceptible to many common
poultry diseases. Detailed reviews of diseases affecting
quail, along with information on control, prevention,
and treatment have been published (Barnes, 1987; Reed
and Jack, 2013). As for other species, the implementa-
tion of biosecurity measures is critical to prevent intro-
duction of infectious agents into a quail colony. Such
measures include sanitation and quarantine practices;
effective insect and rodent control programs; and the
inspection of food, water, and bedding materials for
potential contamination. A risk of disease transmission
is reduced by the use of fumigated eggs rather than
adult birds. The health status of the source flock should
be carefully evaluated prior to transfer of eggs or birds.
Ideally, egg incubation and hatching areas are physically FIGURE 22.10  Head injury caused by aggressive pecking by cage
separated from other areas, and human traffic always mates.


V. Diseases/Welfare Concerns 1101
with limited space and hiding areas, females may exhibit (Fig. 22.11). Once dried, the adhered material is often dif-
feather loss and occasional wounds to the back and head ficult to remove without injuring the bird’s toes and nails.
related to male mounting behavior. Misdirected copula- Pododermatitis in battery-caged quail (Abdelfattah et al.
tion attempts by the male may result in head wounds 2012) may also be associated with trauma due to abra-
and eye trauma of the female. sions caused by the wire bar floor. Provision of a solid
Depending on the anatomical location and severity resting surface can reduce foot lesions in battery-housed
of the trauma, the injured bird should be transferred to quail; nevertheless, scheduled monitoring of quail feet
a separate enclosure and administered an anti-inflam- should be part of a routine health monitoring program
matory drug such as ketoprofen (2–5 mg/kg IM). Birds established for Japanese quail.
with mild injuries can often be returned to the mating Few neoplasms have been reported in Japanese quail.
group once the injuries have healed. For birds raised in Sertoli cell tumors were reported in 9% of 3- to 5-year-
a laboratory setting, trimming the beak and nails with a old males kept in a laboratory colony for aging stud-
conventional nail clipper every 4 weeks can reduce the ies (Gorham and Ottinger, 1986). Leiomyomas were
number of pecking related-injuries. Kwik-Stop styptic reported in the oviduct ligaments of rapidly growing
powder (ARC Laboratories, Atlanta, GA) is effective in Japanese quail (Foster et al., 1989; Tuzcu et al., 2010).
stopping bleeding that occurs coincident with beak and
nail trimming. Alternatively, beak trimming can be per-
formed through the use of a poultry hot-blade beak trim- B. Infections
mer, which has an adjustable guard to keep from cutting
too deep and also seals off blood vessels. However, hot- 1. Viruses
blade beak trimming is controversial due to the possibil- Similar to other gallinaceous birds, Japanese quail are
ity for acute and chronic pain, as well as possible beak susceptible to a number of avian viral pathogens, most
re-growth (Cheng, 2011). Infrared beak trimming per- commonly quail bronchitis virus (QBV), Newcastle virus,
formed on 1-day-old domestic chickens has been shown and Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (Shivaprasad,
to be more effective at reducing beak re-growth and is 2002). Although a brief description of viral pathogens
associated with fewer side effects compared to hot-blade in Japanese quail is provided below, the reader can refer
beak trimming (Dennis and Cheng, 2010). Animal wel- to more comprehensive information elsewhere, e.g.,
fare is enhanced when birds are housed in floor pens on Swayne et al. (2013).
natural substrate, as normal behaviors can negate the QBV, a type I avian adenovirus, has been documented
need for beak and nail trimming. to cause clinical disease in Japanese quail (Reed and
Foot injuries can be observed in battery-housed or Jack, 2013). The route of transmission is uncertain but
deep-litter-housed quail. When housed in solid bottom likely via aerosolization. QBV is highly contagious in
cages or pens and fed a wheat-based (high gluten) diet, susceptible flocks, resulting in rapid morbidity and mor-
secretion from the male foam gland mixes with fecal tality; severe illness is most often observed in chicks of
matter and food and may adhere to the toes of birds less than 6 weeks of age. Clinical signs include decreased
appetite, ruffled feathers, open-mouth breathing, rales,
sneezing, nasal and ocular discharge, and death. Older
birds may remain asymptomatic. Gross necropsy find-
ings include tracheal opacity, thickening of the trachea
causing partial obstruction, and the presence of muco-
sal exudate. Histopathologic lesions are characterized
by large basophilic intranuclear inclusions; necrotizing
proliferative bronchitis; and hepatic, splenic, and cloacal
bursa necrosis.
Newcastle disease, caused by avian paramyxovirus
I, can infect Japanese quail (Usman et al., 2008). Clinical
signs range from subclinical infection to lethargy, ruffled
feathers, dyspnea, torticollis, paralysis, and hemorrhagic
diarrhea. Gross lesions include tracheal hemorrhage,
inflamed and hemorrhagic Peyer’s patches, pulmonary
edema, hemorrhage of the proventriculus, and intestinal
congestion. Transmission is horizontal via the fecal–oral
route or by inhalation of contaminated dust.
FIGURE 22.11  Accumulation of fecal material, food, and male Japanese quail are susceptible to Eastern Equine
cloacal gland foam on digits. Encephalomyelitis, which is caused by an arbovirus


1102 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

(Alphavirus, family Togaviridae); the virus may be vertical transmission. Clinical signs present in young
transmitted by arthropod vectors, primarily the mos- birds, typically 1–2 weeks of age, include ataxia and trem-
quito, Culisetta melanura, or through feather picking and ors, especially of the head and neck. Morbidity among
cannibalism. Infected birds exhibit depression, tremor, chicks is typically 40–60%. Depressed egg production,
paralysis, torticollis and death. A primary gross find- decreased hatchability and increased embryo mortality
ing in a commercial quail flock was duodenal catarrhal can be present in hens exposed as adults. Virus may be
enteritis (Eleazer et al., 1978). shed from 5 days in adult birds and up to 2 weeks in
Duck Adenovirus A, also known as egg drop syn- young birds. Gross necropsy lesions are often limited to
drome, has been reported in Japanese quail; it can be whitish areas in the muscularis layer of the ventriculus,
intermittently shed in feces as well as vertically trans- as a result of infiltrating lymphocytes. Histologic lesions
mitted, with viral particles on the external surface of include a disseminated, nonpurulent encephalomyelitis,
the egg and internally. Clinical signs of decreased egg ganglionitis of the dorsal root ganglia, and hyperplasia
production, decreased eggshell pigment, and the pro- of lymphoid follicles in the proventriculus, ventriculus,
duction of thin or soft-shelled eggs have been described. and myocardium.
To date, this virus has not been reported in the United Reticulendotheliosis virus (REV) is a retrovirus found
States. in a variety of domestic and wild birds; Japanese quail
Hydropericardium syndrome in a commercial flock of comprise a natural host for REV. Viral transmission
Japanese quail has been attributed to infection with fowl occurs through direct contact. REV infection can result
adenovirus serotype 4 (FAV-4). Infection resulted in 4% in immunosuppression, runting syndrome, high mortal-
mortality and was characterized by hydropericardium ity, acute reticulum cell neoplasia, or T-cell and/or B-cell
and mild-to-moderate hepatomegaly accompanied by lymphomas. Histopathological lesions in REV infection
splenic and kidney congestion (Roy et al., 2004). are similar to those found in avian lymphoid leukosis
Natural outbreaks of Marek’s disease, a lymphop- and Marek’s disease. Incidence of disease in commercial
roliferative disease caused by a cell-associated herpes poultry flocks is sporadic.
virus, are relatively common in commercial flocks of
Japanese quail (Nagarajan et  al., 2013). Transmission 2. Bacteria
occurs through direct contact, and mortality in unvac- Ulcerative enteritis or ‘quail disease’ is a fatal
cinated flocks may range from 10–20%. Gross lesions are enteric disease caused by Clostridium colinum, primar-
observed in the proventriculus, spleen, and liver. Cooper ily in captive quail but also in several other avian spe-
et al. (2007) have presented a case report of Marek’s dis- cies; genetic susceptibility in Japanese quail may vary
ease in laboratory-housed Japanese quail. Clinical signs (Collins et al., 1975). Young quail are most susceptible at
of disease included lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, soft 4–12 weeks of age, but disease may also occur in older
feces, and lime-green urates. birds. Transmission is via the fecal–oral route with con-
Japanese quail have been shown to be more suscep- taminated food, water or litter being the most common
tible to infection with avian influenza virus than turkeys source. Morbidity and mortality often depend on fac-
(Bonfante et  al., 2013); quail were readily infected with tors such as concurrent coccidiosis, overcrowding, food
lower challenge doses and transmitted the virus to other and water withdrawal, medication, and management.
birds without showing signs of clinical disease. Major Clinical signs can be acute death with no premonitory
influenza outbreaks in quail are uncommon (Perez et al., signs, diarrhea, and emaciation. In young quail, 100%
2003). mortality can be seen. Gross necropsy findings include
Natural infection with quail poxvirus has been duodenal hemorrhagic enteritis with mucosal ulceration;
reported in a commercial egg-laying flock of Japanese the liver and the spleen may also exhibit pathological
quail (Gulbahar et  al., 2005). Clinical signs of disease changes. Survivors may be carriers.
included weight loss, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, blind- Japanese quail can be infected by two serovars of
ness, crusty papules at the commissures of the beak and Salmonella enterica; these are often referred to as pul-
around the external nares, decreased egg production, lorum disease (Salmonella pullorum) and fowl typhoid
and impaired fertility. Infection was associated with 60% (Salmonella gallinarum). Distribution is worldwide and,
morbidity and 20% mortality. Quail pox is a distinct spe- importantly, there is a potential for zoonotic transmis-
cies of the genus Avipoxviridae, and vaccination with sion. Transmission is both horizontal via the fecal–oral
pigeon or fowl poxviruses does not provide protective route and vertical via transovarian infection. Chicks
immunity to quail. can present with weakness, decreased appetite, white
Japanese quail are susceptible to avian encephalo- chalky material on the vent, respiratory signs, joint
myelitis virus, a member of the Picornaviridae family. swelling, anemia, and death. Adult birds may be sub-
Naturally occurring infection results from fecal–oral and clinical or can exhibit generalized signs of disease,


V. Diseases/Welfare Concerns 1103
e.g., decreased appetite, diarrhea, depression, ruffled Japanese quail are likely susceptible to a number of
feathers, and decreased egg production. Gross lesions other bacterial pathogens, such as Mycobacterium avium,
in quail include splenomegaly and hepatic lesions. Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus, and Listeria. Reports
Recovered birds are resistant to re-infection but may of naturally occurring disease due to these organisms
remain carriers. The bacterium is susceptible to com- in quail are rare.
mon disinfectants.
Campylobacteriosis leads to acute gastroenteritis in 3.  Protozoa Agents
birds, including Japanese quail, and humans (Maruyama Coccidiosis, caused by coccidian protozoa, Eimeria
and Katsube, 1988, 1990). It is caused by the gram-neg- spp., has been diagnosed in Japanese quail (Teixeira
ative, microaerophilic bacteria Campylobacter jejuni and et  al., 2004). In young quail chicks, infection is charac-
C. coli. Horizontal and vertical transmission are pos- terized by weight loss and diarrhea; it can be fatal or
sible. Clinical signs may not be apparent or diarrhea leave the bird with compromised digestion leading to
can be present. Gross lesions are typically minimal, and malnutrition. Sulfonamides are an effective treatment.
confined to the gastrointestinal system. In one study, Cryptosporidiosis, a diarrheal disease caused by
C. jejuni was reported to propagate in the spleen, liver, infection with Cryptosporidium sp. has been reported
and lungs and to persist up to 17 days in orally inocu- in commercial quail colonies. Infected quail may have
lated Japanese quail (Maruyama and Katsube, 1988). respiratory and intestinal involvement similar to chick-
Worldwide, colibacillosis associated with avian ens. The parasite is protected by an outer shell that
pathogenic Escherichia coli infection is the most common allows survival outside the body for long periods and
infectious bacterial disease in poultry; the bacteria is resistance to chlorine and many other disinfectants;
responsible for significant economic losses in the poul- however, it is killed by exposure to temperatures greater
try industry (Nolan et  al., 2013). Clinical signs include than 65°C.
lameness, anorexia, dehydration, omphalitis, lethargy
and mortality; histopathologic lesions can be localized,
4. Fungi
e.g., osteomyelitis, cellulitis, or systemic.
Pasteurella multocida, the causative agent of fowl chol- Infection with fungal agents is rare in quail. In some cases,
era, is a contagious disease affecting a number of avian transmission has been associated with contaminated lit-
species, including quail. Clinical signs of acute disease ter and incubators. Aspergillosis caused by infection with
may include fever, anorexia, oral discharge, diarrhea, Aspergillis fumigatus results predominantly in pulmonary
dyspnea, and cyanosis. Birds with chronic disease may disease, and may cause significant morbidity and mortal-
exhibit swollen joints including footpads, sternal bursae, ity in young birds. Crop mycosis from Candida albicans is
wattles or sinuses, torticollis, and signs of respiratory the most common fungal infection of the digestive tract.
impairment. Mortality due to acute septicemia has been Zygomycosis and ochroconis are uncommon fungal
reported in a quail colony bred for experimental use infections in poultry. Ochroconis gallopava was reported as
(Goto et al., 2001). the causative agent in an outbreak of fungal encephalitis
Infection with Bordetella avium infection has been asso- in Japanese quail chicks. Clinical signs were incoordina-
ciated with a highly contagious upper respiratory tract tion, loss of equilibrium, tremors, torticollis, paralysis,
disease in Japanese quail; the natural host for B. avium is and death; histologically, fungal hyphae were apparent
the turkey. Clinical signs include sneezing, cough, nasal (Dykstra et al., 2013). Histoplasmosis and cryptoccocco-
exudate, and dyspnea, and gross lesions are typically sis result in rare infections in poultry species but are
confined to the upper respiratory tract. notable due to their zoonotic potential. Macrorhabdosis
Naturally occurring infection with Mycoplasma galli- in quail and other avian species is caused by infection
septicum and M. synoviae has been reported in Japanese of the proventriculus and ventriculus with the yeast,
quail. Transmission may be horizontal or vertical. Clinical Macrorhabdus ornithogaster. Clinical signs include emacia-
signs of M. gallisepticum infection include nasal discharge, tion, prostration, anorexia, cachexia, and death; whereas
increased lacrimation and sinusitis. Sinusitis and arthritis histopathologic lesions are marked lymphoplastic and
has been attributed to M. synoviae infection in quail. heterophilic inflammation of the proventriculus and
Chlamydiosis is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia ventriculus.
psittaci; clinical signs and lesions in Japanese quail are
similar to other avian species. Transmission results 5. Parasites
from inhalation or ingestion of contaminated mate- Like other gallinaceous birds, Japanese quail can host a
rial. Infected birds excrete the agent in feces and nasal number of internal and external parasites. Due to the lim-
discharge. Chlamydia psittaci is a zoonotic agent and is ited scope of this chapter, readers are referred to a more
transmitted via infectious aerosols. complete review of these topics (Reed and Jack, 2013).


1104 22.  Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model

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Edited by

James G. Fox (Editor-in-Chief)

Division of Comparative Medicine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

Lynn C. Anderson
Global Animal and Comparative Medicine, Covance Laboratories Inc., Madison, WI, USA

Glen M. Otto
Animal Resources Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA

Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning
Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and
Department of Comparative Medicine, University of Washington, Cambridge, MA, USA

Mark T. Whary
Division of Comparative Medicine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA


Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier

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