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Infor EAM

UC-04-01 Models for Fleet Purchase

Document Properties
Author Tarun Sharma
Creation Date 01/24/2019
Last Updated 04/08/2019
Version 1.3

Approvals Position
<Approver 1>
<Approver 2>

Copyright © 2013 Infor. All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or related affiliates
and subsidiaries. All other trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners.

1.1 Change Record


Date Author Version Change Reference

Tarun Sharma 0.1 Initial version
Documented updated per latest design,
Tarun Sharma 1.0 added Business Requirements, added
Technical Requirements

03/26/201 Updated Section#9

Tarun Sharma 1.1
9 Updated Section#10.1
Tarun Sharma 1.2 Defect ID#377 – Updated Section#5.5
Defect ID#405 – Updated Section#6
04/08/201 TR#9 word changed from Requested
Tarun Sharma 1.3 Qty. to Purchased Qty.
Defect ID#434 – Updated Section#5.10

1.2 Reviewers
Name Position
Sahil Mehra PNA Workstream Lead
Varun Haridas Solution Architect
Christopher Dupre Solution Architect
Michael Beard, Renato Chiaria Hertz SME

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1.3 Contents

1 Document Control..................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Change Record........................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Reviewers................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Contents...................................................................................................................... 3

2 Introduction............................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Scope and Purpose..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Business Requirements.............................................................................................. 5

3 Overview.................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Actors.......................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Assumptions................................................................................................................ 6

4 Basic Flow................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Add a record on Models tab........................................................................................ 7

5 Alternate Flow........................................................................................................... 9
5.1 New Vehicle................................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Pre-owned Vehicles.................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Out of Stock (OOS) Vehicles.......................................................................................9
5.4 Construction In-Progress (CIP) Vehicles.....................................................................9
5.5 Incremental Contract Vehicles..................................................................................10
5.6 Fleet Vehicles............................................................................................................ 10
5.7 Services Vehicles...................................................................................................... 10
5.8 Inventory Vehicles..................................................................................................... 10
5.9 Adding Option Line.................................................................................................... 10
5.10 Adding Commodity Line............................................................................................ 11
5.11 Adding Extra Charges / Discount..............................................................................11
5.12 Cancelling a Line....................................................................................................... 11
5.13 Add Documents......................................................................................................... 11
5.14 Add Comments......................................................................................................... 12

6 Technical Requirements......................................................................................... 13

7 Reports & Notifications..........................................................................................17

7.1 Notifications............................................................................................................... 17
7.2 Reports...................................................................................................................... 17

8 User Defined Grids.................................................................................................. 18

9 Global Dataspy........................................................................................................ 19

10 Screen Layout......................................................................................................... 21
10.1 Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order Screen.........................................................21

11 Appendix.................................................................................................................. 25
11.1 Entry Points............................................................................................................... 25

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11.2 Data Migration........................................................................................................... 25
11.3 Integration................................................................................................................. 25
11.4 Reference.................................................................................................................. 25

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2.1 Scope and Purpose

The purpose of the Use Case document is to capture the actions performed on a specific system screen
by a user and record alternate interactions or screen behavior. The standard interactions are captured as
“Basic Flow”. Variations that result different screen behavior are captured as “Alternate Flows”. The use
case provides the base line for Configurations, Integrations, and Technical design specs.
This use case describes how a user will be interacting with the Models for Vehicle Purchase Order screen
in Fleet Application i.e. Infor EAM. The purpose of the document is to highlight extended functionality and
configuration done to Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, to support future state Hertz Fleet
Management solution.

2.2 Business Requirements


BR-040 Ability to indicate at PO Contract Type of purchase

BR-666 Ability to indicate applicable taxes on a purchase of a vehicles and services

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3.1 Actors
An actor defines a role that a user can play when interacting with the system screen. An actor can either
be an individual or another system(s).
Following Actors has been identified who will be interacting with Vehicle Purchase Order screen.

Actors Description User Group

Fleet Procurement Fleet Procurement enters or update Vehicle Purchase Orders Fleet Procurement

Fleet Services Fleet Service view Vehicle Purchase Orders Fleet Services

An interface will exist for inbound and outbound information

Interface exchange between multiple identified systems with Infor EAM System
Fleet application

3.2 Assumptions
 All required User Groups will be established; Menus, User Permissions, and Status Authorization
matrix defined for Vehicle Purchase Order.
 All Users will be set up and assigned to the pre-defined User Group providing them with the access
level and permissions to successfully complete their roles and responsibilities associated with the
Vehicle Purchase Order screen.
 All master data will be available which shall be required to create Vehicle Purchase Orders such as
Supplier, Models, Options, OEM Colors, Location (Stores), etc.
 For US Region, Fleet Application configured and design to support identified 8 OEMs only – Kia,
Toyota, Hyundai, Ford, Mazda, Nissan, GM, Chrysler. This configuration may appear in others region
as well.
 PO Generated via. Generate POs process will have data sourced from Requisitions. Since,
automation already executed on Vehicle Requisitions, those automations won’t run again on
Purchase Orders. Few updates to be done manually.
 Creation of Vehicle PO directly is not recommended, Use Vehicle Requisition screen then Generate

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4.1 Add a record on Models tab

1. User logs into the system
2. User Navigates to Purchasing  Vehicle Purchase Order  Models
3. To create a record, user clicks on ‘Add Part Line’ icon in the toolbar and populates the following fields on
the Models tab:
a. Contract – selects an approved contract from the list
b. Contract – Line – selects a contract line of a selected contract mentioned
c. Model / Option – selects a model/option from the list
d. Model / Option Description – indicates a description of selected model/option
e. Contract Revision No. – indicates last revision number of a selected contract
f. Own Type – indicates own type of a selected contract otherwise user can select a value form the
g. Manufacturer – indicates manufacture information of a selected model/option
h. Manufacturer Part – indicates manufacturer part number of a selected model/option
i. Make – indicates make information of a selected model/option
j. Model Group – indicates a model group of a selected model/option
k. Trim – indicates trim information of a selected model/option
l. Model Year – indicates model year of a selected model/option
m. Purchase Classification – indicates purchase classification of a selected model/option
n. Ship To – selects ship to information from the list
o. Seller – enters seller information in this field
p. Purchase Qty. – enter purchase qty. in the field. Should not be greater than 1
q. Purchase Qty. (UOM) – selects the unit of measure for purchase qty
r. Price (UOP) – indicates the price of a selected model/option. otherwise, user can enter or update
it manually
s. Price (UOM) – selects currency of price
t. MSRP – indicates MSRP value of a selected Model/Option
u. Option Type – selects an Option Type from the list

Code Description

NA Not Applicable



v. X-Ref. PO# - enters or updates cross reference po number or unique po tracking number like
w. Status – selects status from the dropdown per defined Status Workflow

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x. Type – selects type of selected model/options
y. Transmit Control – selects Transmit Control from the list

Code Description

ANT Add No Transmit

AT Add Transmit

CAN Cancel

CNT Change No Transmit

CT Change Transmit

NA Not Applicable

z. Associated Model Line – selects an associated model line from the list for those lines where
purchase classification is other than model.
aa. Associated Model Line - Model – indicates a model number information of a referred associated
Model Line
bb. VIN – enters VIN number of a selected model
cc. Meter Reading – enters meter reading of a selected model
dd. Model Color ID – selects the Model Color ID of select Contract or selected Model.
ee. OEM Exterior Color – indicates an OEM exterior color of selected Model Color ID
ff. OEM Interior Color – indicates an OEM interior color based on selected Model Color ID
gg. OEM Roof Color – indicates an OEM roof color of selected Model Color ID
hh. OEM Stripe Color – indicates an OEM stripe color of selected Model Color ID
ii. Generic Exterior Color – enters or select generic exterior color for a selected model
jj. Generic Interior Color – enters or select generic interior color for a selected model
kk. Generic Roof Color – enters or select generic roof color for a selected model
ll. Generic Stripe Color – enters or select generic stripe color for a selected model
mm. Priority Code – enters Priority Code per OEM format
nn. Delivery Start / Sale Date – enters delivery start / sale date
oo. Delivery End Date – enters delivery end date
pp. Title Holder – indicates Title Holder information
qq. Lien Holder – indicates Lien Holder information
rr. Work Order – Activity – selects a Work Order and Work Order Activity from the list for CIP type of
vehicle purchase order
ss. Project – Budget – indicates the Project and Budget information of a selected Work Order and
tt. Receipt Qty. – indicated an actual received quantity against the same purchase line

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Alternate methods will be available to create Vehicle Purchase Orders. via. Generate Purchase Order
screen. Please refer UC-03 for more details.

5.1 New Vehicle

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 New Vehicle (Direct from Manufacturer)
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Purchase Type = NEW’ shall support above business requirements. Contract information is required in
this case.

5.2 Pre-owned Vehicles

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Pre-owned Vehicles
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Purchase Type = PREOWNED’ shall support above business requirements. Contract information is
optional in this case.

5.3 Out of Stock (OOS) Vehicles

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Out of Stock (OOS) Vehicles
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Purchase Type = OOS’ shall support above business requirements. Contract information is optional in
this case.

5.4 Construction In-Progress (CIP) Vehicles

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Construction In-Progress (OOS) Vehicles
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Purchase Type = CIP’ shall support above business requirements. For CIP type of Vehicle Purchase
Orders, Work Order and Activity information should be provided in Models tab. Contract information is
Optional in this case.

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5.5 Incremental Contract Vehicles
Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Incremental Contract Vehicles
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Purchase Type = INCREMENTAL’ shall support above business requirements.

5.6 Fleet Vehicles

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Fleet Vehicles
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Vehicle Type = FLEET’ shall support above business requirements. User need to select correct Sub
Type accordingly.

5.7 Services Vehicles

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Fleet Services
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Vehicle Type = SERVICE’ shall support above business requirements. User need to select correct Sub
Type accordingly.

5.8 Inventory Vehicles

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Inventory Vehicles
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow, the value entered in the Record View field
‘Vehicle Type = INVENTORY’ shall support above business requirements. User need to select correct
Sub Type accordingly.

5.9 Adding Option Line

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Adding Options
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow. User should select Option in the Model/Option
field and must select the Model Line in field ‘Associate Model Line’ to create a link between Model and

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5.10 Adding Commodity Line

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Adding Commodities
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow. User should select Commodities in the
Model/Option field and can optionally select the Model Line in field ‘Associate Model Line’ to create a link
between Model and commodities.

5.11 Adding Extra Charges / Discount

Based on Hertz business requirements an additional alternate flow will be available to support the
following cases:
 Adding Extra Charges / Discount / Taxes
The steps would remain same as mentioned in Basic Flow. User should select any existing line and
navigate to Actions  Extra Charge / Discount.
1. Sequence Number – enters the line sequence number
2. Type – selects the Type from the dropdown list
3. Amount – enters Amount in this field
4. Percentage – enters Percentage in this field
5. Cumulative – selects this checkbox
6. Include – selects this checkbox

5.12 Cancelling a Line

1. User logs into the system
2. Navigates to Purchasing  Vehicle Purchase Order  Models
3. selects the Line that need to be Cancelled.
4. User changes Status to Cancelled.
5. User saves the record

5.13 Add Documents

1. User logs into the system.
2. User opens Purchasing  Vehicle Purchase Order
3. User selects Vehicle Purchase order and clicks the ‘Documents’ tab
4. User clicks ‘Create/Upload Document’ link
5. User clicks Browse button and uses the Open File dialog to find the file to be attached
6. Optionally, user can provide information in the following fields, otherwise the system will use the file

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a. Document Code
b. Document Description
c. Effective Date
d. Expiration Date
e. Title
7. User clicks Submit button

5.14 Add Comments

1. User logs into the system
8. User opens Purchasing  Vehicle Purchase Order
2. User selects Vehicle Purchase Order and clicks the ‘Comments’ tab.
3. User clicks ‘Add Comment’ icon
4. User enters the text in the dialog
5. User clicks Save button  

UC-04-01 Models for Fleet Purchase Orders Use Case 11226712

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On the Record View tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, If the value of ‘Purchase Type’ field is ‘NEW’
and Purchase Classification = MODEL then on the Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen
‘Contract’ field must be a mandatory field.


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when performing a look up in the ‘Contract’ field, the
List of Values should retrieve the Contracts of same type where Vehicle Purchase Order ‘Purchase Type’
(On the Record View tab) = Purchasing Contract ‘Purchase Type’. All Contracts should be Approved
(System Status = ‘A’) and belongs to same organization of the Vehicle Purchase Order. PO Org. must be
the same as Contract Org. show columns in the lookup: Contract, Description, Organization.


On the Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, If Contract is populated ‘Contract - Line’ field must
be a mandatory field.


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when ‘Contract’ is selected then the ‘Contract Revision
No. should be retrieved.


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when ‘Contract - Line’ is selected the following fields
should be retrieved:
o Own Type
o Model / Option


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when ‘Model / Option’ is selected the following fields
should be retrieved:
o Part Organization
o Description
o Make
o Model Group
o Trim
o Model Year
o Purchase Classification
o Manufacturer Part Number
o Manufacturer
o Price
o Price (UOM)
When Option is selected fetch the Price, Price UOM and MSRP from the Model Options when
Associated Model Line is populated.
When Model is selected fetch the Price, Price UOM and MSRP from the Model.

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On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when a valid value in the ‘Contract’ field is selected,
the Contract - Line Field should only show associated contract line(s) to the selected contract and
Contract line should not be marked as Out of Service. Do not show ‘Is Model Group’ and ‘Is Own Type
Group’ type of lines. Following columns should be visible:
o Contract-Line
o Model
o Description
o Own Type
o Manufacturer
o Manufacturer Part Number
o Make
o Model Group
o Trim
o Model Year


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, any change in the existing value of ‘Contract’ or
‘Contract – Line’ or ‘Model / Option’ will reset/clear all fields on the screen.


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when a value is entered the ‘VIN’ Field -then the
Purchase Qty. should be 1.


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, the ‘Model Color ID’ field should show all records
based on selected ‘Model’ field value and display the following fields in the LOV:
o Model Color ID
o OEM Interior Color
o OEM Exterior Color
o OEM Roof Color
o OEM Stripe Color
And it should not display those lines which has been marked as ‘Out of Service’


On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when ‘Model Color ID’ is selected then populate the
following fields accordingly:
o ‘OEM Exterior Color’ with ‘OEM Exterior Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘OEM Interior Color’ with ‘OEM Interior Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘OEM Roof Color’ with ‘OEM Roof Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘OEM Stripe Color’ with ‘OEM Stripe Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘Generic Exterior Color’ with ‘Generic Exterior Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘Generic Interior Color’ with ‘Generic Interior Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘Generic Roof Color’ with ‘Generic Roof Color’ field from Models Color
o ‘Generic Stripe Color’ with ‘Generic Color’ field from Models Color.

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On Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order screen, when ‘Model Color ID’ is cleared then reset following
o ‘OEM Exterior Color’
o ‘OEM Interior Color’
o ‘OEM Roof Color’
o ‘OEM Stripe Color’
o ‘Generic Exterior Color’
o ‘Generic Interior Color’
o ‘Generic Roof Color’
o ‘Generic Stripe Color’


VIN validation – the VIN# entered on the Models tab should be validated against the VIN validation logic
in place for the fleet application. Check includes 17 digits and valid VIN#.


If ‘Purchase Classification’ field has a value = MODEL, then user should not be able to save a value in
‘Associated Model Line’ field.
If ‘Purchase Classification’ field has a value <> ‘MODEL’, then ‘Associated Model Line’ field is required.


‘Associated Model Line’ lookup should retrieve only those lines where ‘Purchase Classification’ =
MODEL. And submitted for that Purchase Order.
Display following column in the lookup:
o PO Line
o Model
o Description
o Own Type
o OEM Exterior Color
o OEM Interior Color
o OEM Roof Color
o OEM Stripe Color


On selecting ‘Associated Model Line’ populate ‘Associated Model Line - Model’ of selected Model.


Retrieve Commodity of selected Model / Option field and populate in ‘Purchase Classification’.


If ‘Purchase Classification’ is other than ‘MODEL’ then do not allow user to save values in ‘Contract’ and
‘Contract - Line’ fields.


Do not allow user to save if ‘Model/Option’ field value is = ‘NOTIDENTIFIED’.


Model / Option lookup to work just like Requisition.

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On save of record, If Purchase Type <> ‘CIP’ then user should not be allowed to enter Work Order and
Activity information.


On Insert and Update of Models line where VIN is not NULL then
o User should not be able to reuse the existing VIN in Requisition Lines if OBJ_STATUS <>
‘Withdrawn’. Error should be “This VIN is Active.”. Post Insert and Post Update should be
taking care of this scenario in ‘Second Life?’ check.
o Search if the VIN already exist as a Vehicle Asset (OBJ_RTYPE = A and OBJ_CLASS =
VEHICLE and OBJ_STATUS = ‘Withdrawn’) then set ‘Second Life?’ checkbox to ‘+’


If Model line status updated to Cancelled, then all associated lines should get cancelled (where
Associated Model Line is same as Model Line).

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This section describes all reporting and notifications that are initiated from this screen

7.1 Notifications
No Notification identified for this screen.

7.2 Reports
No Reports identified for this screen.

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No User Defined Grids identified for this screen.

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The following Global Dataspy is configured for this Screen:
 Dataspy Name: All Models

 Dataspy Filter:

o N/A

 Dataspy Sort:

o PO Line (ascending)

 Dataspy Layout:

o PO Line
o Model/Option
o Description
o Type
o Purchase Qty. (UOP)
o Requested Qty. (UOM)
o Price (UOP)
o Currency
o Associated Model Line
o Associated Model Line – Model No.
o Delivery Start / Sale Date
o Delivery End Date
o OEM Exterior Color
o OEM Interior Color
o OEM Roof Color
o OEM Stripe Color
o Lien Holder
o Make
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o Manufacturer
o Manufacturer Part Number
o Meter Reading
o Model Color ID
o Model Group
o Model Year
o Option Type
o Own Type
o Priority Code
o Purchase Classification
o Related Work Order
o Req. Line
o Requisition
o Second Life?
o Seller
o Ship To
o Title Holder
o Transmit Control
o OEM Transmit?
o Trim
o Work Order
o Activity
o Project
o Budget
o X-Ref. PO#
o Status

 Advanced (Where Caused):

o None

 Security Filter Checkbox

o Unchecked
 Default Dataspy Checkbox

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o Checked
 Global Dataspy Checkbox
o Checked:

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10.1 Models tab of Vehicle Purchase Order

Dat Field Name Field Attribute Field Type Default
a ID Value

Contract R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR01 Optional

Contract – Line R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR05 Optional

Model / Option R5ORDERLINES.ORL_PART Required

Model / Option R5PARTS.PAR_DESC Protected


Contract Revision No. R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR11 Protected






Model Group R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR14 Protected


Model Year R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR13 Protected

Purchase Classification R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR17 Protected



Purchase Qty. Information not available. Required

Purchase Qty. (UOM) R5ORDERLINES.ORL_PURUOM Required





Option Type R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR27 Optional


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Status R5ORDERLINES.ORL_STATUS Required Unfinished



Transmit Control R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR29 Required NA

Associated Model Line R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR19 Optional

Associated Model Line – R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR26 Protected



Meter Reading R5ORDERLINES.ORLNUM01 Optional

Model Color ID R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR10 Optional

OEM Exterior Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR08 Protected

OEM Interior Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR09 Protected


OEM Stripe Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR22 Protected

Generic Exterior Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR03 Optional

Generic Interior Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR04 Optional

Generic Roof Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR23 Optional

Generic Stripe Color R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR24 Optional

Priority Code R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR28 Optional

Delivery Start / Sale Date R5ORDERLINES.ORLDATE01 Optional

Delivery End Date R5ORDERLINES.ORLDATE02 Optional

Title Holder R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR16 Protected

Lien Holder R5ORDERLINES.ORLCHAR20 Protected


Activity R5ORDERLINES.ORL_ACT Optional







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Part Line Subtotal Information Not Available Protected




Part Line Total Information Not Available Protected

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Illustrative screenshot

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11.1 Entry Points

Type Entry Point

Menu Path Purchasing  Vehicle Purchase Order  Models

Tab Links None

Hyperlinks None

11.2 Data Migration

Data Migration is identified for this Use Case from the applicable systems in the current state by region.

11.3 Integration
 Outbound: INT-402
 Inbound: INT-542

11.4 Reference
Type Reference ID Document Name

- BRE-100 Requirements Traceability Matrix

- ANA-010 Gap Resolutions

Elaboration - TAR-035 Integration Requirements

Documents - DCO-020 Data Migration Requirements
- BRE-050 Business Process Flows
- BRE-130 Detailed Process Model

Business Process L2: BP-19.01 – Purchase Order

Integration Spec

Tech Spec

Use Case

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