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Operator´s guide for an acceptance

test with SinuCom NC

Application Safety Integrated October 2012

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Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

2 V1.0, Entry-ID: 63012568
s Introduction 1
General information
about the acceptance test 2
Example of an
acceptance test 3

Operator´s guide for an acceptance test
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Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

V1.0, Entry-ID: 63012568 3
Warranty and Liability

Warranty and Liability

The Application Examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete
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relieve you of the responsibility to use safe practices in application, installation,
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If there are any deviations between the recommendations provided in these
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contents of the other documents have priority.

We do not accept any liability for the information contained in this document.
Any claims against us – based on whatever legal reason – resulting from the use of
the examples, information, programs, engineering and performance data etc.,
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Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

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Table of Contens

Table of Contens
1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 6
1.1 General information ........................................................................... 6
1.2 Authorized persons ............................................................................ 7
1.3 Necessity of an acceptance test......................................................... 7
2 General information about the acceptance test ............................................ 8
2.1 SI acceptance test ............................................................................. 8
2.2 Software prerequisites ....................................................................... 8
3 Example of an acceptance test ..................... Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
3.1 Sample configuration ....................................................................... 10
3.2 Starting SinuCom NC ...................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Starting the NCU connection wizard from NC Connect Wizard ......... 11
3.2.2 Starting the NCU connection wizard from SinuCom NC.................... 12
3.3 NCU connection wizard for SINUMERIK 840D ................................. 13
3.4 NCU connection wizard for SINUMERIK 840D sl ............................. 15
3.5 Trace setup wizard .......................................................................... 18
3.6 Starting the SI acceptance test ........................................................ 25
3.7 Overview ......................................................................................... 26
3.8 Test shutdown paths........................................................................ 29
3.9 Test of the external stops A, C, D, E ................................................ 32
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3.10 Test SPL inputs/outputs ................................................................... 35

3.11 Test emergency stop ....................................................................... 38
3.12 Function inter-relationships .............................................................. 41
3.13 Test safe operating stop .................................................................. 43
3.14 Test safely reduced speed ............................................................... 47
3.15 Test safe software limit switch.......................................................... 51
3.16 Safe brake test ................................................................................ 54
3.17 Saving the test results ..................................................................... 58
3.18 Creating the report........................................................................... 59

Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 General information
The requirements associated with an acceptance test can be derived from the EU
Machinery Directive. IEC 22G WG 10 is currently working on a "Functional safety"
standard that includes a detailed description of the acceptance test requirements.
Accordingly, the machine manufacturer (OEM) is responsible for the following:

Perform an acceptance test for safety-related functions and machine parts,

and Issue an "Acceptance certificate" that includes the results of the test.

When the Safety Integrated function is used, the acceptance test is used to check
the correct configuring of the SI monitoring functions used in the NCK, PLC and
The test objective is to verify the correct implementation of the defined safety
functions, to check the implemented test mechanisms (forced checking procedure
measures) and to examine the response of individual monitoring functions by
explicitly violating tolerance limits. This should be performed for the safety
functions that were implemented using SPL as well as all of the axial monitoring
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functions of the axes that are monitored with Safety Integrated.

The acceptance test has the objective to ensure that the safety functions are
correctly parameterized and documented. The acceptance test serves to identify
any potential configuring errors and document the correct configuring.
The measured values (e.g. distance, time) and the identified system behavior
(e.g. initiation of a specific stop) within the acceptance test are used to check the
plausibility of the configured safety functions. The determined measured values are

typical rather than worst-case values. They represent the behavior of the machine
at the time of measurement. This means the measurements cannot be used to
derive maximum distances for over-travel.

If the machine data for SI functions is changed, a new acceptance test must be
performed for the modified SI function and recorded in the acceptance report. (For
more information, see the "Safety Integrated" function description.)

The test conditions should be documented so that an end user can understand the

Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

6 V1.0, Entry-ID: 63012568
1 Introduction

1.2 Authorized persons

The test of each SI function must be performed by an authorized person and

recorded in the acceptance report. The report must be signed by the person who
performed the acceptance test. The acceptance report must be kept in the logbook
of the relevant machine.
An authorized person in the above sense is a person authorized by the machine
manufacturer who on account of his or her technical qualifications and knowledge
of the safety functions has the necessary skill sets to perform the acceptance test
in the correct manner.

1.3 Necessity of an acceptance test

A complete acceptance test is required for the first commissioning of the Safety
Integrated functionality on a machine. For safety-related function extensions,
transfer of the commissioned software to other series machines, hardware
changes, software upgrades or similar, it may be necessary to perform the
acceptance test with reduced scope.
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2 General information about the acceptance test

2 General information about the acceptance

2.1 SI acceptance test

The "Acceptance test support" function in the SinuCom NC commissioning tool can
be used to simplify and standardize the running of the acceptance test.

The objective of this acceptance support is to control the creation and

administration of an acceptance report as well as prepare and perform the required
test steps using the appropriate operator actions from the user interface. The test
steps required as part of the acceptance test are not completely executed
automatically but are controlled by a skilled operator. This operator must perform
the measures associated with the test step on the system being tested. The
acceptance test support provides the following aids:

Support for documenting the active monitoring functions and monitoring

limit values by exporting the appropriate machine data.
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Support for documenting the checksum values.

Standardization of the procedure when performing the test using a pre-
defined checklist.
Reduction of the test effort thanks to the system-internal preparation of test
procedures, automatic trace and evaluation techniques, and reduced effort
for the acknowledgment of any SI alarms that occur.

2.2 Software prerequisites

The acceptance test report function is based on the interaction between the
NCK/drive and the SinuCom NC user interface. This means the use of this function
requires that these components must have a certain minimum software version.
SinuCom NC software version as of 06.04.05
NCU system software >= version 1.3 (for SINUMERIK 840D sl)
NCU system software >= version 06.04.15 (for SINUMERIK 840D)

The basic functionality of the SinuCom NC software is explained within its own

References: SINUMERIK SinuCom NC (INC) Commissioning/Service Tool

SINUMERIK Safety Integrated Function Manual

The acceptance report is generated in the same language as that selected for
SinuCom NC. The acceptance report is created as a file in the RTF (Rich Text

Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

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2 General information about the acceptance test

format) format. RTF is a standard format that many text editors, including Microsoft
Word®, can process.

The following sections provide a step-by-step description of how to perform an

acceptance test for an axis.
The red arrows embedded in the screenshots indicate buttons or menu items that
must be observed for this test. They are described in more detail in the text for the
individual screenshots.
The fields outlined red in the screenshots indicate important data or marked fields
that must be completed for the corresponding test.
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Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3 Example of an acceptance test

3.1 Sample configuration

The machine used for the sample acceptance test consists of:

axes (X1, Y1, Z1)

1 spindle (SP1)
Safe programmable logic
Safe limit positions for the X1, Y1, Z1 axes
Holding brake for the Y1 axis

Function table
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Operating Protective doors Axis / spindle Monitoring


Production closed and locked X1, Y1, Z1, SP1 SG4 active
released X1, Y1, Z1, SP1 SBH active
Setting up closed and locked X1, Y1, Z1, SP1 SG4 active
released X1, Y1, Z1, SP1 SBH active

released X1, Y1, Z1, SP1 SG1 active

Enabling button active
Operating mode Emergency stop X1, Y1, Z1, SP1 Stop C Stop A
independent Switch off external units

3.2 Starting SinuCom NC

If a connection already exists between the controller and the PG/PC, the SI
acceptance test can now be started (see Section 3.6, "Starting the SI acceptance

Operator´s guide for an acceptance test

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3 Example of an acceptance test

If no connection exists, it must first be configured via "NC Connect Wizard" or via
the NCU connection wizard (see Section 3.3, "NCU connection wizard").

The connection wizard can be started either from "SinuCom NC" and "NCU
connection wizard" or directly from "NC Connect Wizard".
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3.2.1 Starting the NCU connection wizard from NC Connect Wizard


The selection of "NC Connect Wizard" directly starts the NCU connection wizard.
(Continue with Section 3.3 or 3.4)

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.2.2 Starting the NCU connection wizard from SinuCom NC

After selecting "SinuCom NC", the following screen appears:

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The "NCU connection wizard" can now be called from the "Target system" menu.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.3 NCU connection wizard for SINUMERIK 840D

The following screen appears once the NCU connection wizard has started.
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The appropriate controller can be selected in this screen.

The following screen appears when the "Select port" menu item is selected.

"Fast MPI" must always be selected.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears when the "Wiring aid" menu item is selected.
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The connections between the SINUMERIK 840D and the programming device or
the laptop are displayed.

The following screen appears when the "Settings" menu item is selected.

The MPI addresses and the driver are set from the "General" menu item.
The "Advanced" menu item is used to set the slot for the NCK and PLC, the PG/PC
interface, the communications interface and the baud rate.
The MPI address is preassigned and does not usually need to be changed.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

Further parameters can be entered or changed from the "Advanced" menu item.
This, however, is not generally necessary because the appropriate parameters are
set by default.
Once all the connection parameters have been entered, click the "Finish" button to
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store them.

If the "NCU connection wizard" has been started from SinuCom NC and the NCU
connection wizard, only a SinuCom NC restart is required.

3.4 NCU connection wizard for SINUMERIK 840D sl


The following screen appears once SinuCom NC has been started.

The appropriate controller can be selected in this screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears when the "Select port" menu item is selected.
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The following screen appears when the "Wiring aid" menu item is selected.

The connections between the SINUMERIK 840D and the programming device or
the laptop are displayed.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears when the "Settings" menu item is selected.
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The "Advanced" menu item can be used to set the IP address, the slot for the NCK
and PLC, the PG/PC interface and the communications interface.
Once all parameters have been entered, click the "Finish" button to confirm and
save the settings.

The following screen then appears:


If the "NCU connection wizard" has been started from SinuCom NC and the NCU
connection wizard, only a SinuCom NC restart is required.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.5 Trace setup wizard

Click "SinuComNC" to start the "Trace setup wizard".

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The following screen then appears:


Click the "SINUMERIK 840D(1)" folder to open the next screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

Click the "MD" folder to open the next screen.

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Click the "MD block 1" icon to open the next screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

Select the "Trace setup wizard" menu item to open the following screen.
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The red crosses before the "Events" buttons indicate that a configuration is
Click the "Next" button to open the next screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The "Custom Setup (Advanced)" item must be selected in this screen. Click the
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"Next" button to open the next screen.


Click the "Next" button to open the next screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test
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The "Advanced" menu item must be selected in this screen. The following screen
then appears.

The value "500" must be entered in the "Amount of data stored in the NCU
SRAM/DRAM log file" screen.
Then click the "Next" button. The following screen appears.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The value "500" must be entered in the "Ammount of data stored in the NCU
SRAM/DRAM log file" screen.
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The following screen appears when the "Finish" button is clicked.


To complete the configuration, click the “Execute" button in this screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen then appears.

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To transfer the configuration data, an NCK reset must be performed. This must be
confirmed by clicking the "Yes" button.

To check that the configuration is correct, the following screen can be called from
the "Trace setup wizard" menu item.

The green ticks at the right of "SinuCom NC SI ATW" and "SinuCom NC Trace"
indicate that the configuration is correct.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.6 Starting the SI acceptance test

The SI acceptance test can now be started from the "Diagnostics" menu.
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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.7 Overview
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The following information must be entered in the "Overview" screen:

(The entries in this screen are examples.)

Machine designation

Machine type
Serial number
Manufacturer of the PLC version
End user
Name of the test engineer

For series machines on which the configuration for Safety Integrated for the
individual axes is identical, a complete acceptance test must be performed only for
the first machine. A "partial acceptance test" suffices for the other machines (for
further information, refer to the "Safety Integrated" function description).
The following tests must be performed for a "partial acceptance test":
Shutdown paths
External stops
SPL inputs/outputs
Function inter-relationships

If only a "partial acceptance test" is to be performed, this is selected by activating

the "Series machine startup" checkbox.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

If a change is to be made to the Safety functions of an existing machine, which has

undergone a complete acceptance test, the "Modification SI monitoring" box can be
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The following screen then appears:


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3 Example of an acceptance test

Under "Modification data" the following data can now be entered:

Reference document:
For example, a reference to the original acceptance test

Description of change:
Brief description of which Safety function has been changed

Reason for change:

Brief description of why the Safety function has been changed

Verification tests:
Brief description of what has been done to verify the change

Check the box "Manufacturer specific regulations on modification have been

complied with" where applicable

Person responsible:
This documents, for example, the relevant Safety Officer of the OEM and/or end

The following screenshot shows an example of the completed fields.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.8 Test shutdown paths

There are two independent shutdown paths (SINUMERIK and drive) that ensure
that the drive is always brought into a safe condition should a component fail.
This test checks the forced checking procedure of the shutdown paths by initiating
a test stop.

Click the "Begin This Test" button to initiate the check of the shutdown paths.
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The following screen appears after clicking the "Begin This Test" button:

The "Start Data Collection" button (see above) must first be clicked before the test
stop is initiated.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The initiation of the test of the shutdown paths is machine specific. To determine
how the test stop is initiated, consult the manufacturer's information or the available
acceptance report.
Once the test of the shutdown paths has completed, confirm this by clicking the
"Test Completed" button.
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In order to enter additional information concerning the test of the shutdown paths,
click the "Enter Results" button.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen then appears:

In this screen, enter a name for this test in the "Test Name" field and document in
the "Test conditions" field how the test was performed.
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The following alarms must occur for testing the shutdown paths for each axis:

27002 Axis __ Test stop running
300951 Axis __ Drive __ Test stop running
27006 Axis __ Test ext. pulse suppression running


27002 Axis __ Test stop running

Once the test results and the alarms have been checked for completeness, it must
be confirmed in this screen whether the test was successful.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.9 Test of the external stops A, C, D, E

The external stops can be used to bring the drive to a standstill using safety-related
The automatic acceptance test is used to test the following stops:
Stop A; pulse suppression
Stop C; brake with nset = 0
Stop D; brake along the path
Stop E; brake with Stop D after the previous separation of the tool and

The test must be performed for all axes for which the Safety Integrated has been

Select "External stops" from the "List of tests".

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Click the "Begin This Test" button to reach the following screen

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3 Example of an acceptance test

In this screen, first select the axis for which the test is to be performed from a
dropdown menu. Then click the "Start Data Collection" button to confirm. Once the
trace has been initialized, a test stop must be initiated.The external stops are
tested by initiating a test stop. The test stop initiation is machine-specific. To
determine how a test stop is initiated, consult the manufacturer's information or the
available acceptance test.

The following screen appears during the data recording:

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When data recording completes, click the "Done" button


The following screen then appears:

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears after clicking the "Enter results" button:
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A name for this test must be entered in the "Test Name" field.
How the test was performed must be entered in the "Test Trigger Condition" field.

Click the "View Graphs" button to evaluate the trace recording of the external

Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.10 Test SPL inputs/outputs

In this test, the complete signal chain (SPL output >> actuator >> feedback signal)
is tested and the corresponding response documented.

Test sequence:
Disconnect feedback signal
Switch actuator
Document response

The test of SPL inputs/outputs is performed only for safety-related actuators with
feedback signal.
This test is performed for all axes and axis groups.

If the "SPL inputs/outputs" test is selected, the following screen appears:

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Click the "Begin This Test" button to open the screen for data recording.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

Click the "Start Data Collection" button to start the test.

The following screen appears:

The feedback signal input of the actuator must now be disconnected.

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If the data recording has completed, this must be confirmed by clicking the "Done"

You then reach the following screen:


The test result is documented in the "Recorded" menu.

You must now click the "Enter Results" button.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen opens:

A name for this test must be entered in the "Test Name" field.
The test conditions and the result of this test must be documented in the "Test
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Trigger Condition" and the "Results" fields, respectively.

Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.11 Test emergency stop

This test documents the response for an emergency stop.

This test must be performed for all axes for which the Safety Integrated has been
After selecting the "Emergency stop" test, the following screen appears:
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Click the "Begin This Test" button to open the screen for recording the test results.


In this screen, the axis to be tested must be selected from a dropdown menu (1).
The stop mode must also be specified (2). The stop mode (safe standstill or safe
operating stop) depends on the configuration of the safe programmable logic.
Click the "Start Data Collection" button (3) to start the test. Ensure that the trace
has been initialized beforehand.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen then opens:

The "Data collection in progress" screen then opens.

Now click the Emergency Stop button. After the completion of the data recording,
click the "Done" button to confirm.
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You can now click the "Enter results" button.


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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears:

You must now enter the following data in this screen:

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Test designation
Identifier for the protective circuit (e.g. which emergency-stop circuit)
Feedback signal input (e.g. feedback signal input of a safety-related
actuator, input for emergency-stop button)
Status (e.g. change from 0 to 1 or vice versa, which stop is active)

Click the "Display graphic" button to display and evaluate the recorded trace.

Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.12 Function inter-relationships

A configuration should be created in advance for each new machine that is to be
equipped with Safety Integrated. In this configuration, you specify, for example,
which Safety Integrated functions should be active on the machine for specific
states (e.g. operating mode, protective doors, enabling button, ....... ). An example
can be found as table in Section 3.1
This test should now prove that the safety functions on the machine have been
implemented as specified in this table.
This test can also be used to document the tests for safety functions that are not
currently directly covered by the "SI acceptance test", for example, test the safe

After selection of the test, the following screen appears:

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears after clicking the "Begin This Test" button
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A name for this test must be entered in the "Test designation" field.

All states must now be established on the machine according to the function table

and it must be tested whether the corresponding conditions are fulfilled.

If all function inter-relationships have been tested, this must be confirmed by
clicking the appropriate button.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.13 Test safe operating stop

This test documents how the machine responds when the tolerance of the safe
operating stop is violated. This test must be performed for all axes for which the
Safety Integrated has been configured.
All power-on alarms that occur during this test can be acknowledged by clicking
"Reset" during the acceptance test.
Before the test is started, the override must be set to 100%, the machine switched
to the "JOG" operating mode and be placed in a safe operating stop, for example,
by opening the protective door (see function table in Section 3.1).

After selection of the test, the following input screen appears:

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Click the "Begin This Test" button to open the screen for recording the test data.


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3 Example of an acceptance test

The axis for which this test is to be performed must be selected in this screen (1).
This is done with the help of a dropdown menu. The direction in which the axis is to
be moved in JOG mode during the test must then be specified (2).

The screen also indicates whether the selected axis is located in the safe operating
stop, which operating mode is active and the axis position.

To record the data during the test, click the "Start data recording" button (3).
After clicking this button, the selected axis must be traversed, for example, by
pressing the direction key (+) on the machine control panel. The axis begins to
travel but stops again immediately because the tolerance of the safe operating stop
has been exceeded.

The acceptance test records all alarms that occur (see "Recorded" menu item in
the next figure)
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3 Example of an acceptance test

Click the "Enter Results" button to open the following screen:

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The name of the test must be entered in the "Test Name" field.
The following data is also automatically documented in this screen:

Axis/spindle name
Speed violation
Response time

The measures adopted to perform this test must be entered in the "Test Trigger
Conditions" screen.
The "Recorded" menu item lists all alarms that occurred during the test. At this
point, you have the option to hide the alarms that should not appear in the
acceptance report.
To display the recorded traces, click the "Display graphic" button.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following alarms must occur during this test:

27010 Axis __ Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded
27023 Axis __ Stop B initiated
27024 Axis __ Stop A initiated
300900 Axis __ Drive__ Stop A initiated
300901 Axis __ Drive__ Stop B initiated
300907 Axis __ Drive __ Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded


27010 Axis __ Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded
27023 Axis __ Stop B initiated
27024 Axis __ Stop A initiated
201700 SI Motion: Stop A initiated
201701 SI Motion: Stop B initiated
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201707 SI Motion: Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded

Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.14 Test safely reduced speed

This test of the safe speed should document how the individual axis reacts when
the safe speed is exceeded. The test must be performed for each affected axis and
for each configured safe speed that can be active for an open protective door.

After selecting the test for the safely reduced speed, the following screen opens:
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Click the "Begin This Test" button to record the data for this test.

The following screen then appears:



The user must enter the following information in this screen:

Select the axis for which the test is to be performed in the "Select axis" field from
the dropdown menu (1).

Select the SG level to be tested in the "Select a monitoring limit" field from the
dropdown menu (2).

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3 Example of an acceptance test

Click the appropriate button to select the direction of travel (3).

The appropriate SG level must be selected for the axis to be tested. In this
example, this means:

Operator door open

Acknowledgment button pressed

(See function table in Section 3.1)

The "JOG" mode is preselected on the machine; click the "Start Data Collection"
button (4).

The following screen then appears:

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When the "Data recording running" screen opens, a traversal command must be
output in the direction for the selected axis that was clicked for "Select direction".
This is possible, for example, by pressing the direction key (+) on the machine
control panel.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

The axis begins to travel but stops immediately because the safe speed has been
If the data is not recorded correctly, the test must be canceled by clicking the The
"Recorded" screen shows all alarms that occurred (see next screen).
The test has completed when the "Data recording running" screen disappears.
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Click the "Enter Results" button to open the next screen.

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3 Example of an acceptance test
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The test designation must be entered in the "Test Name" field.

The system adds the following information to the "Description" field:


SG level
Axis/spindle name
Size of the speed violation
Response time
Follow-on time

How the test was performed must be entered in the "Test Trigger Condition" field.

Click the "View Graphs" button to view the recorded traces.

Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.15 Test safe software limit switch

This test checks whether the position of the safe software limit switch is correct and
whether overrunning the safe software limit switch is detected. If a safe software
limit switch is overrun, the relevant alarms should be generated and the drive
This test must be performed for each axis for which the Safety Integrated has been
If the "Safe Software Limit switch" test is selected, the following screen appears:
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Click the "Begin This Test" button to open the screen for recording the data.


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3 Example of an acceptance test

Prior to the data recording, the axis (1) and the work area to be tested (2) must be
selected with the help of a dropdown menu. Furthermore, the end position (plus or
minus) to be tested must be selected by clicking the appropriate button (3).
Once this information has been entered, the data recording can be initiated by
clicking the "Start data recording" button (4).
The axis must then be traversed to the safe software limit switch in the JOG mode.
The following screen then appears:
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3 Example of an acceptance test

Click the "Enter results" button to open the following screen:

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A test designation must be entered in this screen.

The system documents the following in the "Description" screen:


The safe software limit switch tested

The axis used for the test
The position of the safe software limit switch
The response time duration
The over-travel length

How the test was performed must be documented in the "Condition for initiating the
test" field. The alarms that should appear in the acceptance report can be selected
in the "Recorded" screen.
Click the "Display graphic" button to display the recorded traces.
Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.16 Safe brake test

This test serves to test the holding torque and the correct operation of a holding
brake or an external brake.
This test must be performed for every axis with a holding brake.
The brake test is available as of version SinuComNC 7.03.15.

The following screen appears when this test is selected:

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To record the data, click the "Begin This Test" button.


The following screen then appears:


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3 Example of an acceptance test

In this screen, select with the help of a dropdown menu the axis (1) for which the
brake is to be tested.
Also select the direction (2) in which the axis should travel during the test. For
vertical axes, it is recommended to decelerate the axis for the test.
To record the test data, click the "Start Data Collection" button (3).
The brake test must then be initiated (in general, the brake test is integrated in test
stop so that an initiation of the test stop is possible).
The following screen appears once the brake test is initiated:
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3 Example of an acceptance test

The following screen appears when the brake test completes:

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To document the test results, click the "Enter Results" button.


The following screen appears:

In this screen, enter the test designation and the conditions for the initiating the

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3 Example of an acceptance test

If the brake provides the required holding torque, the axis moves only minimally for
the brake test. If the required holding torque is no longer applied and the axis
leaves the tolerance window during the test, the brake test will be canceled

Once the test results have been checked, confirm in this screen whether the test
was successful.

Click the "Display graphic" button to view the recorded traces.

The following information is documented in the "Description" field:

The axis that was tested

The direction in which the axis was traversed
The test duration
The reference torque used as basis
The size of the torque at start of the test
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The size of the additional torque


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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.17 Saving the test results

After completion of the tests, the test results can be exported. To do this, select the
"Finish" menu item.
The following screen appears:
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Click the "Export Test Results" button to save the test results.

The file can now be saved in the .atw format.

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3 Example of an acceptance test

3.18 Creating the report

To create the test report, click the "Finish" menu item. The following screen
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Click the "Generate Certificate" button to create and save the test report (see
following screen)..

The certificate can be saved in the .rtf format. However, because this format is
relatively large, the file should be converted into a Word document for further

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