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Name: Enrico Paolo F.

Morada Date: 25/11/2020

Course/Section/Schedule: ZGE_1107/LM1A/M.W.F Score:

Philippine Wildlife Species Profile

1. Common name: Ethiopian Wolf

2. Scientific name: Canis simensis

3. IUCN Red List conservation status: Endangered

4. Location: Ethiopia/Africa

5. Describe the animal’s habitat

The Ethiopian Wolf is a terrestrial mammal whose habitats are on shrublands,
grasslands, wetlands, and rocky areas (eg. Inland cliffs, mountain peaks)

6. List the animal’s principal sources of food

Grass rats, giant mole rats, antelopes, lambs, and hares

7. List the animal’s principal enemies in the wild

The common enemies of Ethiopian Wolves are the other type of wolves that exists in
Ethiopia such as the African Wolves.

8. What elements in the animal’s habitat are most important for its survival?
Water, grasses, the wideness of their habitats, and proper temperature are needed in
order to prolong their existence. Another is that their habitats must be not in sight of
people that hunt in the wild unethically.

9. What factors are threatening or endangering its survival?

The factors that threatens the Ethiopian wolves are mostly coming from human
intrusions, such as road projects, military exercises, hunting, and livestock farming.
10. What steps are being taken to protect and preserve the animal?
Currently, the Ethiopian wolves are being protected in several mountain areas in
Ethiopia. Another is that they being regularly being supervised for their medical needs
such as vaccines, to keep them away from certain canine diseases.

11. What are its chances of survival?

The chances of their survival is low because their population has been decreasing as
years go by.

12. What other steps could be taken to preserve this species?

The steps that could be taken should be whatever their current habitats are lacking,
such as enough water management and species management. Another is that
researches about how to improve their population should occur to save their species.

13. Why it is important to preserve this species?

According to,the Ethiopian wolf is Africa's most endangered carnivore and
the world's rarest canid. With fascinating social lives, distinctive red coats, and fragile
status, Ethiopian wolves motivate conservationists, scientists, and supporters from
around the world to save them from extinction.

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